Setting the Stage for Revolution

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Š2007 MasteryMaze LLC

Setting the Stage for Revolution Š2007 MasteryMaze LLC

British Mercantile Policy  Mercantilism :  “the colonies exist for the sole benefit of the mother country”

British Mercantile Policy

 The colonies were established to provide raw materials to the mother country and  To be a market for goods produced in the mother country— to buy goods

British Mercantile Policy  To try to gain more control over the colonies, England passed a series of Navigation Acts

The Navigation Acts  No country could trade with the colonies unless goods were shipped in either colonial or English ships  All vessels were manned by crews that were at least ¾ colonial or English

The Navigation Acts  Certain products could be shipped only to England  Goods had to be unloaded in an English port

Results of the Navigation Acts  Tensions emerge- some colonists ignore them

 King Charles II- 1684 punishes Massachusetts by revoking charter— Dominion of New England is formed but later overthrown

 By the end of the French and Indian War in 1763, the colonies were left with a great deal of economic independence due Britain’s “salutary neglect.”


“no taxation without representation!”

Structure of Colonial Government  King  Royal Governor  Council (Court)  Colonial Assembly

Events Influencing the Political Development of the Colonies

 Magna Carta- 1215- limits absolutism

Events Influencing the Political Development of the Colonies

 Enlightenment- 18th century intellectual movement

Events Influencing the Political Development of the Colonies

English Bill of Rights!

Events Influencing the Political Development of the Colonies

 government should protect the rights of the individual!

Events Influencing the Political Development of the Colonies  These ideas, coupled with economic restrictions and taxation by England, will lead to talk of independence!


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Š2007 MasteryMaze LLC

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