Getting Started

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Congratulations on your



Business Let’s Get Started!


Welcome to GeneWize Important Information at a Glance: My GeneWizeTM ID is:_ ____________________________________________ My GeneWize Login is:____________________________________________ My GeneWize Password is:________________________________________ My GeneWize Website is:__________________________________________ Your Support Team: My Sponsor is: Name:___________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________ My Sponsor’s Upline is: Name:___________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________ GeneWize Customer Service:

You are the one and only you and GeneWize is the one and only direct marketing company specializing in genetically customized nutritional and skin care formulas. You and GeneWize… a perfect match! We welcome you and will support you every step of the way as you grow your business. The first step is right here with this short guide. Please take a few minutes and read through it. It’s a quick and certain way to orient you to the high points of this business and the first steps toward success. Congratulations and best wishes for great success! Our Foundation in Science We were born in science. Our parent company, GeneLink, is a publicly traded bioscience company that spent 14 years researching and preparing the solutions provided through GeneWize, it’s wholly owned subsidiary and marketing arm. Our Scientific Advisory Board has over 600 peer reviewed publications and abstracts, numerous awards, dozens of patents and distinguished careers with some of the world’s foremost public and private biosciences corporations and universities. Our Mission Our mission and core values are to help people achieve their best possible health futures. To achieve this mission, GeneWize will always focus on finding new and better ways to help people look better, feel better and live longer, healthier lives. Our Difference Our “DNA” as a company is as unique as our DNA as people. Here are the top reasons we stand out in the crowd: Backed by 15 years research

Nutrients Purchased Separately= $357 on shelves

Individually Blended

21 patents & patent pending technologies

Primarily Natural & Organic ingredients

Only direct marketing company with DNA Customized Skin care

Scientific Advisory Board with 600 peer reviewed articles

3rd Party Clinically Validated

Delivered to your door

DNA test – Double strand for accuracy

We measure 12 Key Aging Genes

Phone: (888) 488-9493 or (407) 772-7160 Email: For Policies and Procedures: Office hours are Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) Business Opportunity Hotline: (877) 263-6949 Website Tutorial: (Back office training tab)


products Our Products

Our Standards Collection Process: u GeneWize

offers the only patented, FDA reviewed, non-invasive, self-administered DNA collection system available u DNA

collection kits are bar coded and scanned for security and tracked throughout the process for quality control reporting. u All

DNA samples are destroyed after genotyping. GeneLink is dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all consumer information. No information is shared. Period. Laboratories: u Our

labs test both strands of DNA to ensure 99% repeatability.

u Labs

are certified by CLIA and CAP.

Ingredients: u All

ingredients are NSF GMP certified.

u All

macronutrients, nutritional compounds, vitamins and mineral are USP/NF grade. Our Breakthrough Manufacturing Our breakthrough manufacturing process is patented, but to keep it simple, you could think of it like this: Even though there are over 500,000 combinations of nutrients possible when you look at our ingredient list and the 12 gene variations we target (12 to the power of 3), we can get to YOUR formula by following the same kind of concept that Home Depot would follow in creating a custom paint color for you. They have a base and then add pigments or shades of other colors that create your custom color. We have a base to which we add the specific ingredients targeting your aging predispositions apparent in your LifeMapTM Healthy Aging Assessment.

LifeMap Healthy Aging Assessment and Skin Aging Assessment Once your test is analyzed, you get back your report – clearly showing you where you need minimal support, added support and maximum support. Your custom formula is then blended accordingly. The GeneWize LifeMap Healthy Aging Assessment evaluates variations in 12 key genes that may influence your health; specifically your genetic propensity for Oxidative stress; Environmental challenges; Cardiovascular health; Breast and lung tissue health; Detoxification; Immune health; Neurological health; Pulminary health; Eye/Vision health and bone health. Your GeneWize LifeMap Skin Health Assessment evaluates variations in key skin aging genes that influence your predispositions for oxidative damage, environmental stresses, irritation, collagen breakdown and photo-aging. Within weeks of your simple 5-minute cheek swab, you’ll receive your color-coded results with a complete explanation of both the genetic variations and the active ingredients that make up your custom blended health and/or skin formula. Your personal me™ formula is completely customized and “made exclusively” just for you.

What do the colors mean? Green means: Optimum genetic function in this health area Yellow means: One disadvantaged SNP (variation) in this health area – Added support in this area is recommended Red means: Two disadvantaged SNPs (variations) in this health area – Maximum support is recommended in this area.

The Essentials of Nutrition and Skin Repair During DNA analysis time, we want you to start your healthy aging plan right away – so to give you a headstart, we have Essentials that contain the basics for healthy aging. The basics in nutrition – the equivalent of 8 servings of fruits an veggies plus Cat’s Claw for DNA repair – and for your skin, the basics in nourishing, renewing and protecting your skin is contained in your basic Essentials interim serum.

Your Difference Now you can join us in making a difference in the health and wealth of people you touch. We celebrate the individual with our product as well as with our business opportunity. You are the voice of GeneWize. You are the difference. With your success comes our success. Here’s to the difference we know you’re going to make! 2



products me

Your Goals

LifeMap DNA Customized Nutritional Supplements After you’ve peeked into your genetic window with the LifeMap Healthy Aging DNA Assessment, you can answer what you find with a personalized custom blend of phytonutrients and rich antioxidants. These 3rd party clinically proven ingredients are targeted to optimize and support: Bone and heart health, lung and breast tissue health, immune health, eye health, joint health, skin health, brain and cognitive health and your defense against pollutants.

Time is one of our most precious commodities. We never seem to have enough of it! It’s rare that we take a moment to stop… and reflect. So give yourself that gift in this moment. Stop and think about what you want in your life right now. More freedom? More fun? More money? More fulfillment? Less stress? Since you’re writing your own story, what do you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have in the next 12 months? For example, during the next 12 months, I want to:

BE… (more respected, less stressed, more confident, more connected to family)


LifeMap DNA Customized Skin Repair Serum

DO… (get rid of credit card debt, go on vacation, start a college fund)

Our custom skin repair product is called “ME” for a reason. It’s “Made Exclusively” for you and it’s really all about YOU – your specific needs in areas like photoaging, collagen breakdown, wrinkling, skin aging, mild irritation, and your ability to tolerate pollutants. Whether you’re a man, woman, young or old – these skin aging issues apply and having a customized solution to them that could make THE difference in helping you outsmart them. Clinically Proven: • 70% saw reduction in visible lines & wrinkles • 70% saw improvement in skin firmness

The LifeMap System


HAVE… (more time, new furniture, new friends, extra “me” money each month) Now personalize your wish list. The more specific you are, the more real you make this, the more passion and strength you’ll have in achieving it. My Goals: During the next 12 months, I want to: BE:________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ DO:________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

2. HAVE:______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

1. DNA Collection Kit 2. Interim Essentials • Health Essentials • Skin Essentials







4. Customized Formulas • LifeMap Nutrition • LifeMap Skin Repair


3. DNA Assessment

90-Day Money Back Guarantee on Custom Formulated Products and LifeMap Essentials You can put your product clients at ease thanks to this 90 Day Money Back Guarantee on our products. The assessment, of course, doesn’t carry a money back guarantee because it is a service that would have been performed – the products, however, are covered.



s teps First Steps

Next Steps

Your first steps will be about getting familiar with your website. Whether you are using the free Affiliate site or the Pro paid site, there is a very easy way to familiarize yourself with its functions.

There are SEVEN important steps to making your story a success story. Let’s examine both “ONLNE” and “OFFLINE” ways to act upon these seven steps. In other words, let’s look at seven ways to have a successful start in your business on the internet, and in your offline world. This will help online and offline Affiliates, and those who like to do a little of both. (1) Introduce… (2) Gauge Interest… (3) Give Information… (4) Introduce Culture… (5) Help Others Open Their Businesses… (6) Train/Teach…(7) Support

Follow these simple steps to get started. A. B. C. D. E. F.

Simply log into your back office by going to the company login page at Enter your Username and Password into the boxes provided and click enter to gain access into your back office. Once there, you will see a tab at the top of the page titled, “TRAINING” Click on that tab to reveal a pull down menu and select “TUTORIAL” from the list. A tutorial will then begin to help you learn all about your company website. Re-visit the tutorial anytime to learn more or refresh your knowledge about the website and how to use it effectively to run your business. Focus on Four

The Strategy for Success in this business is easy. Four is a magic number. It will be the number to get you to “free” products (Have 4 autoship clients), and it will be the number to get you started on building your team. Four means more in our business! 1. 2. 3. 4.


Find 4 Customers Help 4 Affiliates Build 2 Sales Teams Repeat Plan!

I. INTRODUCE Online: Enter Ten Emails in Your “Ten to Win” Auto Email Tool. Note: This is the tool that you saw when you first signed up. You can use this tool to send up to ten emails to people that you wish to receive information about your GeneWize business. It is a good idea to use this tool as often as you can with all of your contacts. They will receive a series of seven emails over a two week period with various information, videos, and recordings to help them understand your new business opportunity and how they can join your team. This tool can be found within the “Tools” tab menu of your back office.

Ask Your Closest Contacts to Visit Your Site Your site is designed to help your visitors understand the GeneWize product and opportunity. If you are using the Pro paid site, your website has a “Capture Page Function” that will allow guests to enter their contact information should they wish to begin receiving more information. From that point, they will be a part of the same seven email series that comes to your “Ten to Win” prospects. You will be notified by email of their visit to your site. Use your Video Prospecting Tool to introduce Genewize to your contacts. There are several great video presentations to share with your list. Note: If you entered them into your “Ten to Win” tool, your site automatically knows they are already receiving the email series and will not duplicate the mailing. Offline: Immediately send your closest contacts to listen to the Opportunity Hotline Recording 1-877-263-6949. This is a great way to gauge interest. Always carry a few LifeMap magazines and Genewize opportunity postcards with you. The magazines and postcards are great sales tools. Remember, all you have to do is be the messenger, not the message. These tools are the perfect way to let the company speak for itself. (Be sure to put your contact information on each.) Note:

You can order more magazines and postcards from your website. Simply go to the “tools” tab in your back office to order all of your supply needs. These are great tools to hand directly to your prospects, or send them in the mail. Never discount the power of speaking to someone in person and inviting them to see your business presentation. You may download a Business Opportunity Powerpoint presentation in the “Tools” section of your back office. Don’t forget the power of a simple phone call. Invite your prospect to a live or recorded telephone presentation call.

II. GAUGE INTEREST Online: Your Auto Email tool will follow-up with your contacts seven times after you enter them into your “ten to win” tool. They will be directed to contact you with questions or interest. Your site will automatically send you an email if your prospect fills in the interest form on your website. Check to see if your prospect viewed the video linked in the email. Offline: Set a Phone Appointment With Your Prospect. Just a simple followup call to ask how they liked the information you gave them, and set the appointment 7

s teps for the next call with your team leader, or live company call. Send an invitation to your meeting, event, or presentation. Send a quick Genewize Postcard, to thank your contact for their interest, and invite them to the next step.

III. GIVE INFORMATION Note: Make sure you are being the messenger, NOT the message. We have all of the tools (online & offline) that you will need to share information with your list. Be careful not to try to get into a “genetic discussion” with anyone. Let the company information do the talking. You direct them where they need to go to get their answers. Online: Your website training, video prospecting tool, science articles, science videos, and online pdf’s can explain everything from the science to the compensation plan. Familiarize yourself with the tools available to you on your website so that you can direct others to the information they desire. Offline: There are recorded information calls available to help your prospect understand more about the company science, compensation plan, product, and more. We recommend listening to all of these calls (listed in your back office) to know which calls will best answer your needs. Ask a team leader to do some 3-way phone calls with you and your prospects. Note: Proper conduct for a 3-way phone call – 1. Set the appointment in advance with both your prospect and your leader. 8

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do a quick introduction at the beginning of the call, making sure to edify (build up) the team leader as the professional. Be quiet. Let the team leader do ALL of the talking. Close the call, thanking the team leader and your prospect. Tell your prospect to hang on, or that you will call them back immediately after the call. Release your team leader from the call and ask your prospect if they are ready to get started.

IV. INTRODUCE CULTURE It is important that you begin to make introductions in your business. If you haven’t already started this process, start now. Begin to put a human face on your business by introducing your prospect to your other team members. You can do this over the phone, at a meeting, company event, or conference call setting. Bottom Line: This has always been, and always will be about people.

so this option should only be used if the person you are signing up knows you well (ie. Family member).

VI. TRAIN/TEACH Online/Online Make sure your new Affiliates are going through this “Getting Started” training. This is both online (training tab), and offline (this booklet). Make sure that you are attending the company LIVE calls. There is always great training and teaching on our live calls. The call times and numbers are listed in your back office. Always try to invite new sign-ups and guests with you to the live calls. Stay current on company news letters, corporate video updates and emails.

VII. SUPPORT Online/Offline Continue to assist your team by supporting them with all of their needs. Be a “good Mechanic” and know how to use the company tools. Example: If you are an “online marketer” you should still learn the “offline techniques” that are available in our business. Someone on your team might want to know how to use those tools, and they will look to you for help. Be a well rounded business teacher/trainer and give the support to those who are building this business with you. Always stay on task. Nothing gives better support to your team like a “good example.” People recognize successful habits. They will be supported best with your ability to consistently be an example of powerful sales, training, and support within your own business.

V. HELP THEM OPEN THEIR BUSINESS There are three ways to get your new partner to submit their application. (1) They can do it themselves, (2) you can guide them through it, or (3) you can do it for them. (1) Do it themselves – Simply have them go to your site, click on “Shop/Join” and follow the instructions. Make sure that your settings are correct so that their placement will be in the proper position. (2) You can guide them – as they sign up, simply walk them through the process on their computer. (3) You can do it for them – This will require that your prospect gives you private information (financial, ss#, Addr) 9

difference The Difference A Day Makes Making the Most of Your First Five Days in GeneWize The following steps are a suggested beginning to a quick start for your GeneWize business. Day 1 u Immediately

send your closest contacts to listen to the Opportunity Hotline: 1-877-263-6949. This is a great way to gauge interest. Using Your Website Tools u Enter

Ten Emails in Your “Ten to Win” Auto Email Tool. Note: This is the tool that you saw when you first signed up. You can use this tool to send up to ten emails to people you wish to receive information about your GeneWize business. It is a good idea to use this tool as often as you can with all of your contacts. They will receive a series of seven emails over a two week period with various information, videos, and recordings to help them understand your new business opportunity and how they can join your team. This tool can be found within the “Tools” tab menu of your back office. u Ask

Your Closest Contacts to Visit Your Site. Your site is designed to help your visitors understand the GeneWize Life Sciences product and opportunity. If you are using the Pro paid site, your website has a “Capture Page Function” that will allow guests to enter their contact information should they wish to begin receiving more information. From that point, they will be a part of the same seven email series that comes to your “Ten to Win” prospects. You will be notified by email of their visit to your site. Note: If you entered them into your “Ten to Win” tool, your site automatically 10

knows they are already receiving the email series and will not duplicate the mailing. Using Your Offline Tools u Always

carry a few LifeMap magazines and Genewize postcards with you. These magazines and postcards are great sales tools. Remember, all you have to do is be the messenger, not the message. These tools are the perfect way to let the company speak for itself. Note: You can order more magazines and postcards from your website. Simply go to the “tools” tab in your back office to order all of your supply needs. Day 2 Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up u Enter

Ten More Emails “Ten to Win” to Follow Up with Your Interested Prospects Note: It is always a good idea to continue to send contacts to your site and recommend them to listen to the Opportunity Hotline: 1-877-263-6949. This is also a great way to gauge interest to see if they have a genuine desire to learn more about your GeneWize business. u Begin

Day 3 Being A “TEAM” Player u Continue

with the same practices of Day 1 and Day 2. u Ask a team leader to do some 3-way phone calls with you and your prospects. Note: Proper conduct for a 3-way phone call – 1. Set the appointment in advance with both your prospect and your leader. 2. Do a quick introduction at the beginning of the call, making sure to edify (build up) the team leader as the professional. 3. Be quiet. Let the team leader do ALL of the talking. 4. Close the call, thanking the team leader and your prospect. 5. Tell your prospect to hang on, or that you will call them back immediately after the call. 6. Release your team leader from the call and ask your prospect if they are ready to get started. 7. Take them directly to your website and show them how to join your business.

and numbers are listed in your back office. Always try to invite new sign-ups and guests with you to the live calls. u Teach you partners how to use the magazines, postcards, and market- ing tools. Don’t assume that they know how. Always be the teacher/ trainer of your team members Day 5 Keeping the Pipeline Full u Continue

the practices of the first four (4) days u Begin to study and participate in the marketing options available to you in your back office under the tools tab. u It’s always a good idea to have extra magazines, postcards, and samples on hand. It will help your new business partners get off to a super quick start. You can order all of your supplies in your back office under the tools tab.

Day 4 Teach Others to Do What You Do u Continue

the practices of days 1, 2, &3 u Make sure your new sign-ups are going through this “Getting Started” training u Make sure that you are attending the company LIVE calls. The call times 11

next What’s Next? Making the Most of Your First Five Days in GeneWize Over the following days, weeks, and months the most important thing that you can do is be consistent.

One, Two, Three, Daily Activity” (the 1-2-3 routine)


1. Make a positive impact on at least One of your team members everyday.

Step 1

Continue to introduce people to your business by asking them to your site, sending them through your “Ten to Win” email tool, handing them a magazine, sending them a postcard, and inviting them to company calls and events.

Step 2 Continue to use your team leaders (and be a team leader) for three-way phone calls. It is always a good idea to work as a team. Step 3 Continue to be active in the marketing tools and education offerings in your back office. Suggested Daily Routine As with anything that you do, it is important to get into a regular set of habits and activities that keep you on the path to success. The following daily routine is a suggestion to help you get started. Make it your own by adding in your own style and creativity. “One, Two, Three, Daily Activity” (the 1-2-3 routine)

Once you have people in your business, it is important to communicate with them and help them succeed. Take a moment each day with a different team member to assist them with a three way call or answer a question. You can do any number of things to impact their business for the good. This is not just encouragement. It is actual hands on assistance to improve their business experience. See if you can come up with some creative ways to help your team … one person at a time.

2. Do Two things that lead to a sale in your business.

Each day you should set a goal to do at least two things that will advance your business. Keep in mind, this is not assisting others with their sales (that’s part of #1 - impact a team member), this applies to your own sales. You should be accomplishing at least two tasks that are leading into a potential personal enrollment each and every day. It is important to note here that this does not mean you have to make two sales a day. It means that you are doing activities that lead to sales. Activities include making a list of possible prospects, handing out a GeneWize Magazine, mailing a GW postcard, sending emails through your “Ten to Win” tool, making a call to invite a friend to a meeting, or asking someone to visit your website. Two activities like this per day will begin to add up very quickly.

3. Do Three things that will organize you for the next days business. Each day you should be involved in organizational practices. Too many people throw in the towel in this industry because they are unorganized and do not know where to begin. Each day you should decide what team member you will make a positive impact on the following day. Each day you should look up some phone numbers and emails of potential new Affiliates or customers to contact for the following day. Each day you should study your marketing tools and training to better assist you for the next day. The idea is simple. When you turn on your computer on any given day, your appointments and activities should be lined up for that day. By doing this in advance you will see a dramatic increase in your productivity. That’s it! This is an example of a daily routine that includes making a positive impact in (1) team members business, doing (2) activities that will lead to personal sales, and accomplishing (3) organizational tasks that will prepare you for business the following work day.


That’s it!




Opening Autoship Accounts and GeneWize Businesses

Making Money

Compensation Overview

Opening A Product Account

Your Personal Efforts Turn into Big Dollars! You have great support in helping you enroll your first ten autoship clients (whether customers or Affiliates). So what do those first ten mean to you in Product Value and Direct Commissions? Annual Value of First 10 Your first four turns into free product for you (either nutritional supplements or skin repair serum), which means 12 months of $129 product value: $1500 in annual product value! The other 6 of your 10 means $25 a month each, so over the year that’s another $1800 in Direct Commission. So what does your first ten mean to you in product value and direct commissions? Over $3000!* And that’s just one income source!

1. Retail Sales: When customers purchase the LifeMap Nutrition™ or Skin Care System, you’ll earn a profit which can be earned month after month on product reorders.

(for customers and/or Affiliates) LifeMap me System (Supplements or Serum): Only $129 ($354 Value: $225 Assessment + $129 Product) Includes: u $225 DNA Assessment FREE with 3-month Autoship Agreement u FREE Healthy Aging or Skin Aging Report u 30-day supply of Health or Skin Essentials u Personalized List Of LifeMap Ingredients u Delivered Fresh To Your Door Monthly For Only $129

Opening A Business Account Choose Your Business Kit: $59 Basic Business Kit u LifeMap Magazine & DNA Collection Kit u 1 Pack of 15 Opportunity Postcards u Free Basic Website u 1 Month Free Pro Website (with marketing tools & GeneWize Academy for Certification) u Getting Started Business Guide u “Enroll 4 and Pay No More” Benefit $99 Executive Business Kit u 4 LifeMap Magazines & DNA Collection Kits u 2 Packs of 15 Opportunity Postcards each u 1 Alert Pack u 2 Packs of 30 Serum Sample Sachets each u Free Basic Website u 1 Month Free Pro Website (with marketing tools & GeneWize Academy for Certification) u Getting Started Business Guide u “Enroll 4 and Pay No More” Benefit

How and Where To Enroll New Autoship Clients and Affiliates 1. You or they can visit your self-replicated website and click “Shop/Join.” This method will automatically place the person in your organization based on your preference. 2. You can log into your back office and enroll them manually. This method will ask you where you want the person to be placed. 14

First 20 = $500/Month in Product Value and Direct Commissions When you take it up to 20 autoship clients (whether customers or Affiliates), you now have over $500 in product value and Direct Commissions each month! Again, this is looking at just one income source and at your efforts alone. What if you add the efforts of others? Adding the efforts of others When you add the efforts of others to your own, you multiply your earning power. Here’s how: Let’s say you spend 10 hours a week building your GeneWize business. You have 10 hours of earning power each week. However, if you add 9 others doing the same 10 hours a week, instead of 10 hours of earning power, you now have 100 hours of earning power each week working on your behalf. Smart thinking! Smart money!

*Your earnings are dependent on your personal efforts.

2. Two-Team Bonus: When you enroll other Affiliates, they are placed into either your left sales team or your right sales team. You can earn 10% - 20% of the total business volume on your pursuit (smaller) team. It doesn’t matter what level the volume comes from, you still receive 10% - 20% of the total pursuit team business volume. 3. Matching Bonus: At the end of each pay period you can receive a matching check bonus as much as 40% of the sales team income of all the Affiliates you have personally enrolled. You can also earn this matching bonus on the Affiliates they personally enrolled up to 4 generations. 4. Incentives and Company Pools: “Enroll 4 and Pay No More” Product Discounting Program: As a special “savings” opportunity for GeneWize Affiliates, this program allows increasing discounts as you increase autoship clients you enroll. One autoship client = 10% discount on your first personal autoship product (supplement or serum), Two autoship clients = 25% discount on your first personal autoship product, Three authoship clients = 50% discount on your first personal autoship product. Four autoship clients = 100% discount on your first personal autoship product. The Enroll Four program rules are posted in your Back Office online. Please note: Your enrollee must have been on Autship at 15


tax benefits worksheet Here is a simple example of how much you can save in taxes by doing an estimate for next year.

some point in the calendar month before your discount applies meaning your “free or discounted” product occurs the month after the enrollee’s autoship is processed. “Four Means More” Autoship Bonus Pool: As an added income source for you, this earnings opportunity highlights and rewards the behavior of consistently enrolling new Affiliates with Autoship accounts. Here’s how it works: An Affiliate who during a calendar month

enrolls Four Affiliates with Autoship Accounts will receive one share in the Autoship Bonus Pool, which will be calculated on a percentage of total autoships for that month. One share for each 4 Autoship Affiliates you enroll, so enroll 8 during a calendar month and receive two shares in the Autoship Bonus Pool for that month.

As You Make More, How Do You Keep More Of It? Congress passed laws giving THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in Tax REFUNDS and Tax DEDUCTIONS to average Americans who operate a legitimate home-based business, even part time, as long as they are trying to make a profit. Congress passed these tax laws to encourage home-based businesses because “Small business is the backbone of the American economy,” according to former President George W. Bush. The average American who runs even a part-time home-based business can now qualify for more tax advantages than any other category of taxpayer,” according to Ronald R. Mueller, author of the best seller It’s How Much You KEEP That Counts! Not How Much you Make. (This is a very good book we would recommend you read, and/ or give to your accountant for the Holidays!)

What Can You Write Off? u u u u u

u u u u u

u u

Business-use of your vehicle Portions of your mortgage, rent, Home maintenance, home office Telephone and utilities Hiring your kids, to help with your business (check your state’s labor laws) Business travel and vacations Marketing tools, supplies, postage Software and subscriptions Licenses or fees for your business. Furniture, computers and other equipment Gifts, entertainment, meals ...and many more!

Our accountant informed us that you meet the following criteria. 1. Have a legitimate business! 2. Work my business on a consistent basis at least an average of an hour a day, 4-5 days a week 3. Prove I intend to make a profit 4. Document my business income and expenses

Disclaimer: We’re not offering accounting or tax advice here. Please discuss your personal tax issues with your accountant or appropriate tax professional.


Fill in the blanks on the page. Although the numbers will vary at the end of the year, you will get the general point. You can save thousands of dollars a year! Big Ticket Office Location or Rent How much do you spend in rent or a mortgage each month? ____________ How much each year? ____________ What room of the house is you office or computer in and approximately what percentage of your house in terms of size is it? 10%, 20%. ____________ Now determine how much of that payment will be a tax deduction ____________ By keeping your office or computer/laptop in your biggest room, you can ensure the biggest deduction. How much for utilities for the year, now take the same % deduction. ____________

Various Services Any expenses on business licenses, incorporates, etc.? ____________ How much do you spend on your tax services, legal or accounting? ____________ How much do you spend on your internet/cable connection? ____________ How much do you spend on your phone bill? ____________ Good idea to have 2 phones if you only have one you can only take a % of the bill, but by having a second line you can designate that as a business line and save a great deal of money. Example, make all outgoing calls on one line and use that as a business line.

advertising How much do you estimate for fees? How much for flyers, printing, business cards? How much for attending local mixers, swap meets, garage sales? How much for newspaper, magazine or newsletter subscriptions? How much do you estimate for seminars or training books like this?

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

travel expenses How many miles do you anticipate driving @ xx¢ per mile*? Any airfares, hotel stays or rental cars to visit clients or events? Total of deductable expenses for the year If you are at a 20% tax bracket look how much you would save…

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

*Check for current recommended rates.




Make This Genetic Breakthrough Your Breakthrough!

Advertising Policies

You hold in your hands an opportunity as unique as you are. GeneWize is leading the way in genetically customized aging solutions giving you the opportunity to turn this front-runner business into a business that not only makes a difference for all those you touch, but for you and your family. This is your time to profit in health from this sea of change underway while you profit financially by building a business around it. The time for growth is right now. Make the most of this time; make the most of this business; make the most of who you are!


Your Check List: 1. Website tutorial completed date______________________________ 2. Used automatic “Ten to Win” email tool


3. Sent my closest contacts to my website


4. Entered ten more emails “Ten To Win”


5. Had follow up calls with people from day 1 activity


6. Sent interested parties to the “Opportunity Hotline”


7. Introduced a team leader on a 3-way phone call


8. Invited a new Affiliate to the “Getting Started” Guide


9. Attended a LIVE company call. Date_ _________________________ 10. Had a guest on a LIVE company call. Date ____________________ 11. Have studied or participated in at least one of the marketing tools on your website.


All Affiliates shall safeguard and promote the good reputation of GeneWize Life Sciences and its products. The marketing and promotion of GeneWize Life Sciences, the GeneWize Life Sciences opportunity, the Marketing and Compensation Plan, and GeneWize Life Sciences products and services shall be consistent with the publicinterest, and must avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct and practices. u


u GeneWize

Life Sciences Affiliates are required to comply with all of the Terms and Conditions set forth in the Policies and Procedures Agreement which GeneWize Life Sciences may amend at its sole discretion from time to time, as well as all federal, state, and local laws governing their GeneWize Life Sciences business and their conduct. Because you may be unfamiliar with many of these standards of practice, it is very important that you read and abide by the Agreement and locate it in your back office or in the Affiliate kit that you will be receiving. u Affiliates

MUST only use the sales aids and support materials produced by GeneWize Life Sciences. The rationale behind this requirement is simple. GeneWize Life Sciences has carefully designed its products, product labels, Marketing and Compensation Plan, and promotional materials to ensure that each aspect of GeneWize Life Sciences is fair, truthful, substantiated, and complies with the vast and complex legal requirements of federal and state laws. If GeneWize Life Sciences Affiliates were allowed to develop their own sales aids and promotional materials, notwithstanding their integrity and

good intentions, the likelihood that they would unintentionally violate any number of statutes or regulations affecting a GeneWize Life Sciences business is almost certain overtime. These violations, although they may be relatively few in number, would significantly jeopardize the GeneWize Life Sciences opportunity for all Affiliates. u Accordingly,

Affiliates must submit all written sales aids, promotional materials, advertisements, and other literature to the Company for approval. Unless the Affiliate receives specific written approval to use such tools, the request shall be deemed denied. u Affiliates

may not use or attempt to register any of GeneWize Life Science’s trade names, trademarks, service names, service marks, product names, the Company’s name, or any derivative thereof, for any Internet domain name. Nor may Affiliates incorporate or attempt to incorporate any of the Company’s trade names, trademarks, service names, service marks, product names, the Company’s name, or any derivative thereof, into any electronic mail address. u The

Company never gives up its right to insist on compliance with the Agreement and with the applicable laws governing the conduct of a business. u Affiliates

must adhere to the terms of the GeneWize Life Sciences Marketing and Compensation Plan as set forth in official GeneWize Life Sciences literature. Affiliates shall not offer the GeneWize Life Sciences opportunity through, or in combination with, any other system, program, or method of marketing other than that specifically set forth in official GeneWize Life Sciences literature. 19

policies Marketing Guidelines and Code of Ethics I understand that if I am in violation of marketing compliance rules and do not make the appropriate corrections I may lose my Affiliate status with GeneWize u

u If

I provide any compensation or financial information I will include this statement:

marketing will be positive and represent GeneWize and its Affiliates positively.

“Any mention of earnings or income should not be construed as representative of fixed or standard earnings from any Affiliate.”

u I

will never make income claims or suggest that a potential Affiliate is guaranteed any earnings with the Genewize Affiliate program. I will NOT use screen shots or screen captures of my Genewize back office, or scans of Genewize checks in any content.

u I

u I

u I

u My

will never make claims that the product is intended to or will treat or cure any disease or medical condition. u If

I provide information about the GeneWize product in my marketing, I will include this statement: “The statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

understand that from time to time changes may be made to this marketing policy and I will be notified of changes. If any of my marketing is in violation of the new policy, I will make the necessary changes to be in compliance in a timely manner. understand that serious offenses to this policy may have substantial legal implications.

This business is all about you! Your health and your wealth. Make the most of every minute and live life on your terms! 20

One of a kind. One at a time. Just like you! The perfect match!

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