1 minute read
by MASuccess
Century® www.CenturyMartialArts.com
1The Century holiday collection has arrived! It features multiple new gift ideas and unique products that are exclusive to the holiday catalog. The new tee collection includes a variety of designs for men, women and youth. You will find a great selection of gifts and products — from new plush animals and socks to new mugs, tumblers, and school and gym decor — that make perfect presents for your favorite martial artists. Keep an eye out for the special catalog in the fall.
2You already know what BOB is for. You probably already have one. (If you don’t, you should pick one up.) Targeted attacks — the kind that can’t be executed on a standard heavy bag — require a BOB. He takes it on the chin, literally. Never has there been a more punchable face. Less obvious are the body blows. BOB has a well-defined rib cage, but not everyone is an expert on human anatomy. What lies beneath? What makes us vulnerable? What can be exploited? The best way to answer these questions is through practice with a shirt that gives BOB some precise locations for your strikes. Land 1,000 liver shots on BOB so that when it counts, you can land the one that ends the fight.

Century® www.CenturyMartialArts.com

For more information on these and other great Century products, call a helpful Century Sales Representative at (800) 626-2789 or visit www.CenturyMartialArts.com.