2 minute read
by MASuccess
Don’t Be an Island
There’s an old saying about coaching from the late, great UCLA basketball coach John Wooden that I think about a lot when it comes to MAIA: “A good coach can change the game; a great coach can change a life.”
That quote strikes a chord with me every time I think about it. A good coach can help you become better within a skill, career or hobby, but a great coach can instill something deeper, something life changing, something that alters the course of your life forever and opens your mind to possibilities never before seen.
We truly believe that here at MAIA. We believe that great coaching and mentoring can be a catalyst for unexpected growth and unprecedented discovery. We understand that no man or woman is an island, and even we did not get to the place we are today by going it alone. We all need some help from time to time.
That’s why I want to remind you of a feature on the MAIA website that allows us to better connect you to coaching. You can book appointments with our coaches to talk about your business: struggles, roadblocks, issues you’re having or anything else you need help with.
We’ve blocked out times throughout the week so we can better serve you. We’re ready to listen to your challenges, to hear your pain points, to learn about your situation and to help guide you to a solution.
Even after 20 years in the industry, we still know there are thousands of schools and school owners we haven’t touched. There are still so many people who don’t know how to grow their schools. There are wonderful instructors who can’t afford to quit their day jobs, who change out of their ties and work shoes and immediately into their gi, who spend four hours in the dojo after an eight-hour day in the office. There are still so many people who do everything themselves. And there are still so many people who dream of making their passion their career.
That’s why we do what we do. That’s why we want to connect with you. There’s no better person to hear from than someone who has been in your shoes and felt how you’ve felt. And now you can hop on the phone with such a person at a moment’s notice and discuss your school.
So if you’re looking for advice or guidance on your business — or you’re just not sure where to start — head over to MAIAHub.com/Connect and schedule a strategy session with one of our coaches today.
That person will help you with any phase of your business, whether it’s digital marketing, business operations, program guidance or anything else. If all goes well, the interaction will spark the beginning of a life-changing transformation for you and your business.
We can’t wait to hear from you. We’ll see you on the next call.
To contact Melissa Torres, send an email to mtorres@masuccess.com.