The Amphibian Ø Combines two of the three mission critical components for survival, Air and Water! Ø Aqua Lung ® Survival Egress Air (SEA) bottle with 27” hose and 2nd stage low pressure regulator Ø Platypus ® 1.8L Hoser ™ with insulated tube, bite valve, and bite valve cover Ø Side zipper pocket – Perfect for the Lightweight Integrated Field Transport (LIFT) System
Ø Available in Coyote and Multicam ® Ø Price: $750.00 (total package) o Pouch and Bladder: $135 o Replacement Bladder: $30 o SEA Bottle and Hose: $629.00 Ø Order now at or scan the QR code below
The Amphibian mounted with hoses routed over the shoulder
Inside view of The Amphibian – showing the Aqua Lung SEA bottle
Water + Air = The Amphibian
MATBOCK, LLC LIGHTER FASTER WARRIORS Our mission is to design lighter and more practical equipment for every environment. Our personal experiences involving continued operations in multiple theaters have led to our basic foundation - ounces equal pounds and lighter warriors are faster warriors. We constantly strive to provide our warriors with the most effective and efficient gear possible.
Virginia Beach, VA