Brand Gramme Revit United all the products into one unified brand. Access to markets with a unified brand creates security and strength to the users which leads to easier sales of products worldwide. In addition to recognition and easier selling this approach facilitates expansion into new and secure its position in existing markets as it does not create unhealthy competition among the same products from different vendors. Likewise product recognition is facilitated because the product of equal appearance and names he was bought in Russia and Slovakia.
Brand Gramme Revit is sending a clear message to its users that message is about benefits that are offered by use of its products. This message is comunicated through multiple media channels: Internet, mobile technology, print media, classic advertising, sports. etc.
1. Presentation 2. Shop 3. Products 4. Multilanguage 5. Multi Web 6. Administration
Website for all countries in one place United website has been designed so that all the pages / states that distribute Gramme Revit products related to. User coming to the site has the choice of language / country in which he wishes to buy the products and the language in which he wants to read news, find product specifications, etc.. Each site / state has its own shop integrated within with the ability to purchase products and all that presented in currency and texts about the products that are adapted to the language of the country chosen by the user.
Advantages: This approach to the presentation of the product and the brand allows for easier visibility on the Internet as users do not need to look any more among many different sites to find appropriate product. It is enough to just type the name of any of the products and place your order, the web store is automatically adjusted according to the location to which the product is to be ordered. Besides the convenience of users like structured site. This way the websites would be much better positioned on the internet and brand appearance stronger and all that creates power toward users.
Facilitated purchase, simple presentation Shopping is much easier with this approach because the user pays a product in the currency of the country for which he/she orders the product (established by address of orders). The possibility of paying with credit cards and cash on delivery with fast delivery to the selected address. Product presentations are done in the language of country for which the order is placed all that significantly improves brand positioning on the internet, especially within each country, thus the position of the entire brand.
WEB SHOP AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SITE Web shop is designed so that all thze websites are centralized and all data is centralized and controlable. Customer side is also centralized, it will also be made with access to the Web sites of other languages ( different international sites) through which the user will be shown localized information depending on the language he/she has chosen. In the same way, depending on the location and selection of shipping address will define the nearest warehouse, from where the goods will be sent to the customer-buyer by the representative for a country where the product was ordered . Administration part of web solution is designed to easily add new items, administration item descriptions and corresponding images. Within the administration module except administrating web shop administrator can controll and manage other contents pages , create new pages , blog articles, manage search engine optimization of the complete system. Also via an administrative panel you can see the sale items through the web -shop in total quantities or individually by language or country.
Simple to purchase
Each individual web shop has a display product prices in the currency of the country where the user is located or whre he placed order for.
This page appears in the selected language and the selection is done automatically or by the user, independently upon arrival at the site.
User besides having paid in the currency of the country for which the ordering customer and have multiple payment options which significantly facilitates the purchase. Cards, ATM transactions, cash on delivery.
PRODUCT PRESENTATION All products that are on sale should be adequately presented on the website. High-quality presentation includes: texts and images of the product, user testimonials, various veriďŹ cation of foreign professional lab. If some famous athletes use this product it should be well presented on the page. With the presentation of product there should be included all the best ways to use these products as well wit outlined timeframe for how long does it take for product to start functioning and for how long before full potential is achieved. All this should be presented as a narrative and picturesque and various charts that will give the user as much useful information about the presented products.
Online Shopping
Online Orders
Each product can be purchased quickly and easily through the online shop no matter where the user is located.
According to the shipping address to which the product is ordered, the default representation by product is made and churency and prices are adjusted.
ALL PRODUCTS IN ONE PLACE The entire range of products Grame Revit is producing are united in one website and available for sale through our web shop in all countries with which is the contract for operations and sales made. All products are equally well presented.
Available in All Languages Each state has its own page translated into the language of the state where the site is located. Localized sites provide better positioned on the internet which leads to increased visits and sales. There is no limit to the expansion of the system as a number of pages that is supported, so in principle it is possible to have as many pages and websites as needed.
More languages - Greater visits
Online Shopping - Custom
Domestic users often search the Internet by using local phrases and adaptation web and online-shop guarantees a highernumber in ďŹ nal attendance.
Online shop for every state is fully adapted to all regulations, currency and taxes of the state.
Simple Translation - IMPLEMENTATION OF LIGHT Using the most advanced technology allows access to the back pages, editing and translation of each article, menus, images, and any part of the website and shop. Editing system is designed so that it can be easily used by both common users and any prior knowledge beyond basic knowledge of using computers isn’t required.
ALL PAGES uniform SYSTEM and rapid implementation All pages of the world that operate as agents of Gramme Revit and its products in their own countries by using the same page with coordinated shop online, information about products and communication with customers. This approach enables rapid implementation of new dealerships worldwide, the new agent should submit only translations for the website, all the data has already been prepared for him in the English language and placed on the domain in just a few days.
Quick Change Data
Multi Shop
Due to the high integration of all system data changes are made rapidly a sufficient change is done in one place and with just one-click this change is reflected throughout the entire network of sites.
All the products presentations are already ready for a new representative there is no need to enter all products each time when new representative is signed in. With just a few clicks it is determined which products will be shown in which shop, which currency will be used and the methods of delivery of the product. And shop is all setup and ready to go
Multiple pages connected in one huge network = EMPOWER PRODUCTS Using the same system for all product pages not only facilitates the use and implementation of new agents. It also reinforces the relevance and presence on the Internet, leading to significantly higher visits and ultimately increased sales.
Administration of Sales
Administration of Visits
Through the Administration interface is enabled to manage all products and data products that are on sale. Dierent types of data can be modiďŹ ed, view and print on your computer or send to an accountant directly from the interface. Complete interface is also available on your mobile phone.
Through the Administration the interface enables viewing and administration of website visitors and online shop. Available are data on visitors, where they come from and the basic data that are stored in the dabase when purchasing the product.
Report on users, products and orders
Data divided by Languages and Countries
The entire interface is intended for presentation in detail of any product data, product sales or user visits. Orders can also be viewed while in the process of execution.
All data are available through the administration interface can be divided by country and by site so that we can get information on the sale of a entire country or a website.
Simple Online Accounting
Newsletter System
Online Accounts - after each successful order system automatically sends generated invoice to buyers email client. All invoices can be browsed, selected and printed on a computer or send to an accountant for further processing.
A simple newsletter system for easy communication with customers. Users can be separated into various groups (distribution by country, by type: sports clubs, doctors, gym) and it is possible to selectively send email messages to individuals or groups.