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Contact Denise Raven Email raven_d@materchristi.edu.au
Scope of study
The study of VCE Chemistry involves investigating and analysing the composition and behaviour of matter, and the chemical processes involved in producing useful materials for society in ways that minimise adverse effects on human health and the environment. Chemistry underpins the generation of energy for use in homes and industry, the maintenance of clean air and water, the production of food, medicines and new materials, and the treatment of wastes.
VCE Chemistry enables students to investigate a range of chemical, biochemical and geophysical phenomena through the exploration of the nature of chemicals and chemical processes. Sustainability principles, concepts and goals are used to consider how useful materials for society may be produced with the least possible adverse effects on human health and the environment. In undertaking this study, students apply chemical principles to explain and quantify the behaviour of matter, as well as undertake practical activities that involve the analysis and synthesis of a variety of materials.
This study enables students to:
• develop knowledge and understanding of matter and its interaction with energy, as well as key factors that affect chemical systems, to explain the properties, structures, reactions and related applications of materials in society.
• understand and use the language and methodologies of chemistry to solve qualitative and quantitative problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. develop knowledge and understanding of how chemical systems can be controlled to develop greener and more sustainable processes for the production of chemicals and energy, while minimising any adverse effects on human health and the environment, with consideration of wastes as underutilised resources and/or feedstock for another process or product.