2 minute read
Physics cont’d
Structure Assessment
UNIT 1: How is energy useful to society?
How are light and heat explained?
How is energy from the nucleus utilised?
How can electricity be used to transfer energy?
UNIT 2: How does physics help us to understand the world?
How is motion understood?
How does physics inform contemporary issues and applications in society?
How do physicists investigate questions?
UNIT 3: How do fields explain motion and electricity?
• How do physicists explain motion in two dimensions?
• How do things move without contact?
• How are fields used in electricity generation?
UNIT 4: How have creative ideas and investigation revolutionised thinking in physics?
• How has understanding about the physical world changed?
How is scientific inquiry used to investigate fields, motion or light?
Assessment may include practical work, topic tests, data analysis modelling tasks, response to an issue and a scientific poster.
A final study score is determined by:
Unit 3 SACs will contribute 21% Unit 4 SACs will contribute 19% End of year exam is worth 60%
Further information on the study design can be found at:
VCE Physics 2024-2027
Contact Denise Raven Email raven_d@materchristi.edu.au
Scope of study
Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that seeks to describe, explain, understand and predict human behaviour and mental processes. It includes many sub-fields of study that explore and seek to better understand how individuals, groups, communities, and societies think, feel and act.
There are many different approaches to the study of psychology. VCE Psychology applies a biopsychosocial approach to the systematic study of mental processes and behaviour. Within this approach, different perspectives, models and theories are considered. Each of these has strengths and weaknesses, yet considered together they allow students to develop their understanding of human behaviour and mental processes and the interrelated nature of biological, psychological and social factors. Biological perspectives focus on how physiology influences individuals through exploring concepts such as hereditary and environmental factors, nervous system functioning, and the role of internal biological mechanisms. Psychological perspectives consider the diverse range of cognitions, emotions, and behaviours that influence individuals. Within the social perspective, factors such as cultural considerations, environmental influences, social support, and socioeconomic status are explored. The biopsychosocial approach can be applied to understand a variety of mental processes and behaviours.
VCE Psychology is designed to enable students to explore the complex interactions between thought, emotions and behaviour. They develop an insight into biological, psychological and social factors and the key science skills that underpin much of psychology. VCE Psychology is designed to promote students’ understanding of how society applies such skills and psychological concepts to resolve problems and make scientific advancements. The study is designed to promote students’ confidence and their disposition to use the information they learn in the study in everyday situations.
This study enables students to:
• develop knowledge and understanding of psychological models, theories, and concepts to describe, explain, analyse and predict human thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
• understand and apply a biopsychosocial approach to human thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
• apply psychological models, theories and/or concepts to everyday situations to enhance understanding of mental wellbeing.