Mater Christi College - 2014 Yearbook

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Magazine Cover Art Concept I used the College 2014 theme ‘Know Who You Are’ as my inspiration for the Magazine cover. My aim was to create a simple profile of a girl to represent all girls. She appears to be lost in thought, yet she knows who she is. Although our mind may wander and our heart may change, we always know who we are, on the inside. I chose fresh and vibrant colours to represent girls and their aspirations. Renee Riotto (Year 9) - Cover Designer





Welcome It is with pride that I acknowledge the many achievements and great

There is clearly no limit to what our girls can achieve. College Assemblies

community spirit experienced at Mater Christi College over this past year.

provided further testimony to both the diversity of activity and the

I welcome all who wish to wander through the images and tales of events

quality of their achievements.

and experiences as portrayed in this year’s College Magazine. The plethora

I wish to acknowledge the contribution of all writers, photographers

of opportunities available to our students never ceases to amaze me.

and creators of this record of our year of 2014. I particularly wish to

For 2014, we took as our College theme “know who you are”, aiming to develop in our students an increasing awareness of their own skills and talents, their capacity for community building and their unique selves as gift from God and gift for others. It becomes clearer as the year unfolds

acknowledge the efforts of Community Liaison Officer, Jacinta Crocker and Development Officer, Casey Eruvelil. Thanks to Year 9 student, Renee Riotto whose delicate yet accomplished water-colour painting was selected as the cover of this year’s edition.

through the following pages that there is so much to be grateful for, to

While so many girls across the world continue to miss out on regular

celebrate, to honour and to learn.

schooling, may we ensure that in giving and receiving the gift of

Across all dimensions, the ‘can-do’ spirit of girls’ education is evident. Our students enjoy learning with one another. Our students support one another in their learning. Our students respond to an environment which provides opportunities for everyone, at whatever level of academic achievement. Our students witness other girls as leaders, as captains of the sports team, SRC leaders, academic high-achievers, musicians in the rock band or as lead roles in the school production.

education, we recognise an equal imperative to sharing its benefits. So, we delight here in the achievements of our students and look forward to their contributions in the world, as followers of Jesus, sharing their gifts so “that the strong have something 1 to strive for, and the weak have


nothing to fear” (Rule of Benedict:64) Mary Fitz-Gerald - Principal






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Board of Governance The Mater Christi College Board has provided conscientious governance of the College, reporting to Good Samaritan Education. The Board meets regularly, receiving reports from the Principal about the operations of the College. Financial reporting is overseen in the first instance by the Finance Committee. The Development Committee investigates strategic directions and major facility

Terry is joined by other Board Directors Fiona Purcell as the Executive Officer of the Outer Eastern Local Learning Network (OELLEN) works in vocational education, establishing links between providers and local student needs. Fiona was appointed a Director in 2005, and

Bernadette Feeney is a parent of a student currently attending the College as well as a practising Speech Pathologist. She was appointed as a Director in 2009 and is a member of the Compliance & Governance Committee.

is the Deputy Chair of the Board as well as the

Philip Thomas, appointed in 2008, is the

Chair of the Development Committee.

Managing Director of his own consultancy organisation and provides a wealth of

developments. The Compliance & Governance

Steven Langford was appointed as a

Committee oversees policy and governance

Director in February of 2014. As parent of

directions. An Executive Board Committee

a student currently at the College, Professor

meets with the Principal before each Board

of Organic Chemistry and Head of the School

meeting, especially to consider the role of the

of Chemistry at Monash University, Steve

Sue Martin, appointed as Board Director

Principal and offer appropriate support.

provides advice and support for the governance

in 2011, is a retired secondary school

of the College, grounded in his scientific and

Business Manager and provides valued

educational expertise. He is a member of the

expertise as a member of the Finance

Development Committee.


association with the College began with the

Peter Bast is a parent of students currently

Philip King was appointed to the Board as

education of his two daughters at Mater Christi.

at the College. A member of Victoria Police,

Director in 2011. He is acting Deacon in his

Terry joined the College Board in 2001 and has

he joined the College Board in 2006 and is

Parish and brings a strong commitment to

played an active role as Director, Chair of the

currently the Chair of the Finance Committee.

Catholic education and expertise in technology

Finance Committee and since 2009, Chair of the

Paula Hall, a former teacher at Mater Christi

Board. Terry is committed to Catholic education

College, was appointed as a Director in 2008

and has rigorously worked to ensure the College

and provides education expertise as a member

maintains quality learning outcomes for its

of the Development Committee.

The Board Chair, Terry Stephens, provides leadership expertise from his experiences as a Leading Manager with Australia Post. His

knowledge from his work in corporate governance. He is the Chair of the Compliance & Governance Committee.

from many years working within information technology. Philip is also a member of the Development Committee.

students and modern facilities.

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College Captains 2014 has been a whirlwind year packed

to enjoy the talents of former student and ‘The

the Class of 2014 would not have had the

with countless events, meetings and a lot

Voice’ contestant Tasha Amoroso for a beautiful

opportunities and treasured memories that we

to celebrate. After being presented with the

performance of “Ho Hey”, her audition song that

have had. We would particularly like to thank

College Captain position, we were straight

landed her a spot on team

Mrs Fitz-Gerald, Ms Feeney and Mrs Feeney for

into action with our first speech at the Class of 2013 Final Assembly and the organisation, planning and designing of our precious and much loved ‘hoodies’.

The day ended on a high with Year 12 students performing a rendition of High School Musical. We really appreciated the support of every leader, teacher and so many students

Term One was mostly devoted to planning for

who all worked hard to make the day such a

our formal held at the ‘Lincoln of Toorak’ in late

great success.

February. The fabulous Formal Committee put in hours of much appreciated hard work to make the Mater Christi ‘Starry Night Formal’ the best yet with both students and their partners looking beautiful.

In Term Three, Year 12 students were able to relive their childhood, and come to school dressed as their favourite Disney™ character for the Disney™ Day. This year, we chose to send all funds raised to the Very Special Kids

We enjoyed the planning for Mater Day which

Foundation, which supports and cares for

was a great success, highlighting community

terminally ill children and their families. The day

spirit while raising much needed funds for

was a lot of fun and all the costumes looked

our sister school ‘Our Lady of Fatima College’

spectacular, with students braving the cold

in Timor Leste. After a whole-school Mass

Belgrave weather to dress in costumes such as

we enjoyed sunshine and stalls organised

Cinderella, Pocahontas and Pooh Bear.

by students. We then gathered for the entertainment.

for being our leadership role models. Thank you also to Ms Mayes and Ms McPhee for their constant support and guidance throughout the year, teaching us to manage the challenges and workload of not only being leaders but also being Year 12 students. We wish the graduating Class of 2014 the very best for the future and thank them for making this year so memorable. We will all miss Mater Christi but will always be thankful for the fond memories. Georgia Hill and Rhiannon Froude College Captains

We have loved our experience as the College Captains and would like to thank our fellow

Prior to the highly competitive ‘House

leaders and mentor teachers for their support.

Performing Arts Competition’, we were thrilled

Without their hard work and dedication,

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supporting all of our endeavours this year and

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College Leaders 2


SRC Report The Student Representative Council (SRC) is the voice of the students

Importantly, the SRC improves connections between Year levels. We hope

with student representatives from each Year level. We have two

that the positive communications of the SRC acts as a model for better

SRCs - the General SRC includes representatives from Year 7 to 12 while

relationships between Year levels, which is then promoted further through

the SRC Executive is comprised of Year 12 student leaders.

Home Groups and the Big Sister Little Sister program.

The SRC is student led and aims to provide feedback to the school,

We thank and congratulate all the student leaders and staff who have

plan events and to drive forward thinking and innovative ideas. The

contributed to the smooth running of events in 2014. Thanks also to the

SRC meets two or three times a term to discuss ideas and listen to each

students for their fantastic participation and enthusiasm which allowed

Year’s planned events. As a team, we have been successful in planning

this year to be so successful and positive.

many events, most notably Mater Day, and also suggested small areas of improvement from a student perspective.

Rhiannon Froude and Georgia Hill - College Captains






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College Leaders 2

SRC Executive 3

SRC General

College Captains: Rhiannon Froude, Georgia Hill

College Captains: Rhiannon Froude, Georgia Hill

Faith & Liturgy Captains: Leilani Alivio, Khyanne D’Sylva

Middle School Captains: Emma White, Kiara Henkul

Social Justice & Stewardship Captains:

Year 11 Representatives: Stephanie Cross, Breanna Harris,

Rochelle Kirkham, Elliana Saltalamacchia

Ruby Rawlings, Emily van Dijk

Arts Captains: Gemma Hartley, Jasmine Stiff

Year 10 Representatives: Angela White, Kirrily Ireland

Sports Captains: Rachelle Lynch, Shannon McDonagh (Semester 1)

Year 9 Representatives: Corrine Carlyon, Simone McPeake

and Milly Thiele, Kimberley Tranfield (Semester 2) International Captains: Tian Chen (Jenny) Yin, Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr



Blue House Captain: Beth Turner

Year 8 Representatives: Iris de Wit, Chloe Vanderschoot Year 7 Representatives: Ponsruthi Ponnarasu, Emily du Vallon

Green House Captain: Jessica Summers Orange House Captain: Sierra Laird Purple House Captain: Maddison Lowe Red House Captain: Gabrielle Moore Silver House Captain: Emelia Backhouse Yellow House Captain: Emma Dove



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Wellbeing As a girl’s school, we are in a wonderful position

Wellbeing Team and representatives from Yarra

Other activities have included the Friends

to provide our students with opportunities that

Ranges Youth Services, Headspace, Project

program for students in Middle School

affirm and empower them as strong women.

Rockit, Next Generation and other community

and Making the Link program for Year 9

Activities and programs have been introduced

based organisations to expand their world

in conjunction with Turning Point and

to further enhance the girls’ ability to develop

views and enhance self-understanding. In 2015,

Monash University.

positive problem solving skills, build strong

pastoral initiatives will be expanded with the

social connections and positive relationships

Home Group structure being adapted to support

and engage more fully in all aspects of school

with weekly time blocks that will allow more

life. By building upon community engagement,

opportunities to explore topics and to get to

supporting student initiatives and further

know each girl in greater depth.

developing school programs, 2014 has been a year in which student wellbeing has taken on some new and exciting directions.

used assemblies and extended Home Group

speaking skills.

with their teachers, members of the College

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Ambassadors (positive self-image), Year 11 and mental health awareness days.

have participated in leadership development means to be a leader and developing public

and subject selection. Students have worked

(wellbeing), Blue Shirt Day (anti bullying), Body Council’s Homelessness Convention, fundraising

approach to student wellbeing. We have

management, digital citizenship, goal setting

have included the Year 10 Council’s Girls Expo

important focus in Years 7 to 11. Students workshops including understanding what it

topics such as belonging, study skills, stress

student life at Mater Christi in 2014. These

Student leadership development has been an

A new pastoral program brought a proactive

periods to develop connectedness and explore

Student led initiatives have further enriched

We recognise that wellbeing is the responsibility of each member of the College community and is intrinsically linked with student engagement and learning outcomes. In 2015,

Our Indigenous students and the whole College

we look forward to embedding the initiatives

community have also benefitted from the

introduced in 2014 and being responsive to new

appointment of an Aboriginal mentor who has

ideas and opportunities.

supported and raised our cultural awareness and respect.

Carmel Feeney - Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

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Learning at Mater Christi As a school we are obviously on about learning

and share ideas. Then it’s good to have some

to stream directly from devices onto surfaces

and so it is essential that we look at how our

time to think about our work so we can make

allow us to vary the way we use classrooms.

community learns. In a time of rapid social

it personal too.”

We are moving to increased opportunities for

change where technology provides us with unfettered access to knowledge at any time and in any place, schools more than ever need to equip students with attitudes and skills to be discerning, knowledgeable, creative and generous in the way they interact with others. So how are we doing this? Learning is CONTEMPORARY. Our community is switched on with interactive whiteboards, laptops, iPads and phones all playing an important role in how we communicate in both the physical and virtual worlds, providing endless opportunities to form new understandings and ideas. Learning is SOCIAL. Our students describe learning as an activity that they enjoy together. They are highly social and relish working together. Some Middle School girls told me that “it’s fun to do things together where we can talk

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Learning is REFLECTIVE. In the Senior School, individual study assumes a different importance as students deepen understanding and pursue

co-teaching in open areas with a continued focus on shifting from teacher-directed to student-centred learning.

their passions. Getting in the zone is imperative

Learning is SHARED. Staff are also learners,

and the Learning Commons, Scholastica and the

with each other in formal and informal ways

Polding Centre are some of the places where

and with experts beyond our immediate

students can immerse themselves in their work.

environment. It is an exciting time to be in

Learning is INDIVIDUAL. Our curriculum provides a mix of theoretical and practical subject offerings and students comment on the importance of this. The opportunity to balance their academic subjects with hands-on classes allows them to define themselves as learners.

a school and we relish the opportunity to work with our students to create an environment where our Mission Statement can be realised in terms of excellence and innovation. Julie Feeney - Deputy Principal, Learning and Mission

Learning is MOBILE. We enjoy using learning spaces in different ways and are refurbishing areas so that classes can enjoy a mix of direct instruction, independent learning and collaboration. Different furniture, walls that we can write on and using programs such as Airplay

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2013 Awards and Scholarships

Art Show Awards

Monash Scholars Program

Year 11 -

Amanda Dickson, Samantha Ireland, Courtney Rowbottom

Lily Alateras, Caitlin Alcock, Laura Backhouse, Olivia Connell, Olivia

Year 10 -

Shenae Broadbent, Maddison Corcoran,

Gyulavary, Nikola Henkul, Kirrily Ireland, Saran Kim (recipient), Molly

Nilu Fernando, Naoise Halliday

McKernan (recipient), Vivienne O’Brien, Liana Rigby (recipient), Jaimie

Year 9 -

Saran Kim, Caitlyn Laidler, Claire Tilley

Year 8 -

Ashleigh Lowe, Gemma Tripp, Caterina Wiltshire

Year 7 -

Hayley Curtis, Rebekah Marshall, Maddison Van Twest

Mater Christi Excellence Award Chair of the Board Award – Year 11

Sheil, Victoria Trichias, Bethany Wallach

VCE Excellence – 90+ ATAR Award Sarah Alley, Bridget Backhouse, Simone Cook, Eleni Kavaliotis, Andrea Levens, Lucy Majstorovic, Erin McKernan, Amy Miles, Abby Milesi, Reema Moubaraki, Katelyn Macnab, Cecilia Pynaker, Alison Rankin, Courtney Sombekke, Rhea Torpy, Sau Chi (Ella) Wong, Zihan (Vicky) Xu

Molly Butler, Samantha Ireland, Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr (recipient)

College Dux

VCE Excellence – 50 Study Score Award Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr

Erin McKernan

Astrid Renehan Chemistry Award

VCE Excellence – Top International Student Zihan (Vicky) Xu

Erin McKernan

The Gallery B & B Award

VCE Season of Excellence – Top Designs Bridget Di Stefano, Ebony Hopmans

Ella Stoeckli (recipient), Emma Spiteri (recipient)

Hannah Kinross Social Justice Award Elliana Saltalamacchia

Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship

VCE Excellence – 40+ Study Score Award Sarah Alley, Bridget Backhouse, Jacqueline Bishop, Molly Butler, Amelia Campbell, Maddison Carter, Ella Clark, Kaitlyn Crocker, Emma de Wit, Justine de Wit, Emily Demedici, Bridget Di Stefano, Amy Donaldson, Meghan Finlayson, Gabrielle Fitzgerald, Rhiannon Froude, Gemma Hartley, Georgia

Yu Wei Cai, Rachel David, Kristen Jerzyna, Cashveen Kaur,

Hill, Ebony Hopmans, Samantha Ireland, Eleni Kavaliotis, Sze Wing (Nicole)

Alana Majstorovic (recipient), Ruby Rawlings, Renata Retegan,

Knorr, Rachelle Lynch, Katelyn Macnab, Lucy Majstorovic, Erin McKernan,

Tian Chen (Jenny) Yin (recipient)

Amy Miles, Abby Milesi, Monique Nicholls, Shelby Paxton, Samantha Petrova, Amanda Pollocks, Holly Pretorius, Lily Ramsden, Lily Rayner,

La Trobe Leadership and Community Service Award Rochelle Kirkham, Annie Pirotta, Jessica Summers (recipient)

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Georgia-Rose Robinson, Elliana Saltalamacchia, Simran Singh, Jessica Smith, Gabrielle Smith, Courtney Sombekke, Rhea Torpy, Jessica Whitworth, Sau Chi (Ella) Wong, Zihan (Vicky) Xu

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2014 Awards and Scholarships

Art Show Awards Year 12 -

Samantha Ireland, Courtney Rowbottom,

Mater Christi Excellence Award Chair of the Board Award – Year 11

Natcha Narapakdeekul

Yu Wei Cai, Isobelle Caterer, Stephanie Cross (recipient), Rachel David,

Year 11 -

Kulani Perera, Georgia Bishop, Shenae Broadbent

Kahli Deichsel, Alana Majstorovic (recipient), Jessica Piazzon,

Year 10 -

Lily Alateras, Claire Gibson, Rachel Curtis,

Alexis Poulopoulos, Amy Quaye, Caitlin Smith, Emilly Van Dijk

Alex Walters, Saran Kim

Year 9 -

Isabella Sard, Chloe Crumpton, Shaylee de Bolster

Year 8 -

Keeley O’Halloran, Elyse Richards-West,

Mater Christi Excellence Award Bendigo Community Bank Award – Year 10

Caitlin Pearce, Hayley Curtis

Lily Alateras, Sarah Camm, Kirrily Ireland (recipient), Sarah Jaeschke,

Year 7 -

Willow Cleary, Mieke Florisson, Alice Huijbregts

Saran Kim, Natasha Mathiasz, Molly McKernan, Samara Miller, Vivienne O’Brien (recipient), Jaimie Sheil, Lauryn Simpkin, Jennifer Smith, Vonny Van Os, Mikayla Van Loon, Bethany Wallach

Home Group Awards Blue House -

Kodie Williams, Megan Dunne-Riseley,

Jasmine Horne, Kasey Nicholas, Crystal Nicholas,

Maddison Williams

Green House - Melissa Hawkins, Georgia Bishop, Chloe Crumpton,

Rochelle Kirkham, Tayla Cross, Jessica Summers

Orange House - Chloe Richardson, Leilani Alivio, Monali Samaranayake,

Kate Anderson, Abbie Gunn, Abbey McDonald

Purple House - Bronte Reich, Annie Pirotta, Brodi Dodd,


Abbie Stiff, Ashlee Church, Jasmine Stiff

Red House -

Riley Haddock, Gabrielle Moore, Madelyn Bills,

Victoria Trichias, Tess Horton-Crundall, Molly McKernan

Silver House - Caitlin MacDonald, Kyla Thomson, Emily Johnson,


Annie Jones, Tearnha Porteous, Anahat Baweja

Mater Christi Excellence Award Parents’ Award – Year 9 Tayla Cross, Samara Dowell, Jemma Eastwood, Rachel Ferguson, Nicole Genato, Caitlin MacDonald, Sarah Nixon, Gemma Sammut, Elissa Tifere (recipient), Emma White, Victoria Young

Mater Christi Excellence Award Good Samaritan Award – Year 8 Tess Bekkers, Emily Clarke, Iris de Wit, Hannah Eastwood, Jessica Horner, Tess Horton-Crundall (recipient), Abby Hutcheon, Jessica McDowell, Haley Turner, Victoria Young


Yellow House - Emily Clarke, Tess Gellie, Jessica Horner,


Isobelle Caterer, Monique Stoyanovich-Kristie, Ruby Davis

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2014 Awards and Scholarships

Mater Christi Excellence Award Past Students’ Award – Year 7

The Gallery B & B Award Shenae Broadbent (recipient), Alexandra Paffenholz (recipient)

Willow Cleary, Fleur de Wit, Emily du Vallon (recipient), Alexandra Mai,

Good Sams Foundation Scholarship

Molly Mardy (recipient), Alannah McPeake

Sarah Camm (recipient)

Mater Christi College General Excellence Scholarship

Grant Thornton Auditors Award

Toni O’Sullivan, Samara Dowell, Corrine Carlyon, Cassandra Goodie,

Georgia Hill, Annie Pirotta (recipient)

Tian Gibson, Rebecca Kuhlmann, Chloe Richardson and Jocelyn Bennett

ADF Long Tan Award, Year 10 Alisha Dixon, Sarah Jaeschke, Saran Kim, Louise Mugridge, Jaimie Sheil,

Hannah Kinross Social Justice Award Leilani Alivio, Jazmyn Barfoot, Rochelle Kirkham, Caitlin MacDonald, Elliana Saltalamacchia (recipient), Lauryn Simpkin

Lauryn Simpkin (recipient), Jennifer Smith, Mae Wellington, Angela White

ADF Long Tan Award, Year 12

Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship Sarah Camm (recipient), Kirrily Ireland, Vivienne O’Brien, Rebecca Sheil,

Annie Jones, Rochelle Kirkham (recipient), Zoe Magill, Annie Pirotta

Jaimie Sheil, Bethany Wallach

Asia Literacy Award

La Trobe Community Award

Ava McGill, Annelise Rankine (recipient), Brodie Richardson,

Vivienne O’Brien (recipient), Lauryn Simpkin, Emilly Van Dijk

Jasmyne Russell




Caltex Best All-Rounder Award Emelia Backhouse (recipient), Rhiannon Froude, Samantha Ireland, Rochelle Kirkham, Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr, Gabrielle Moore, Annie Pirotta, Jasmine Stiff, Elliana Saltalamacchia

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2014 Awards and Scholarships

La Trobe Leadership and Community Service Award

Monash Scholars Program

Teagan Boka, Sarah Camm, Felecity Campbell, Rosaria Cosentino,

Kirrily Ireland, Saran Kim (recipient), Molly McKernan (recipient),

Stephanie Cross (recipient), Kiara Henkul, Rochelle Kirkham, Saran Kim,

Vivienne O’Brien, Liana Rigby (recipient), Jaimie Sheil, Victoria Trichias,

Caitlin MacDonald, Louise Mugridge, Vivienne O’Brien, Annie Pirotta,

Bethany Wallach

Lily Alateras, Caitlin Alcock, Olivia Connell, Olivia Gyulavary, Nikola Henkul,

Lauryn Simpkin, Elissa Tifere , Claire Tilley

Principal’s Art Award Margaret Keane Scholarship, Year 7

Amanda Dickson (recipient)

Emilee Baird, Mieke Florisson, Samantha Goodie (recipient), Stella Hall, Madison Sammut, Amber Wallace

Principal’s Scholarship Sarah Camm (recipient)

Margaret Keane Scholarship, Year 8 Clancy Box, Felecity Campbell, Hannah Eastwood, Tara Fowler, Keeley O’Halloran, Emma Horne, Elyse Richards-West (recipient)

Margaret Keane Scholarship, Year 9 Corinne Carlyon, Rachel Ferguson, Tian Gibson, Caitlin MacDonald (recipient), Sarah Nixon

Margaret Keane Scholarship, Year 10

Rebecca Jago Outdoor Education and Environmental Education Award Emily Dowling (recipient)

Rotary Outstanding Citizen Award Victoria Greenway, Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr, Kasey Nicholas, Neve Pearson, Elliana Saltalamacchia, Elissa Tifere (recipient), Angela White, Kodie Williams

Saran Kim, Molly McKernan (recipient), Vivienne O’Brien, Jaimie Sheil, Bethany Wallach

Margaret Keane Scholarship, Year 11

VCAA VCE Leadership Award Rochelle Kirkham (recipient), Kasey Nicholas, Elliana Saltalamacchia, Maddison Williams

Yu Wei Cai, Kahli Deichsel, Breanna Harris (recipient), Emilly Van Dijk

Maureen Keating Stewardship Award Kate Anderson, Rochelle Kirkham, Caitlin MacDonald (recipient),

VCAL Award Megan Dunne-Riseley, Tegan-Louise Fernando, Courtney James, Molly O’Donnell (recipient), Maggie Werts

Elliana Saltalamacchia

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Senior School Senior School students have been kept busy this year with the vast array

trip, the Presentation Ball and the Homelessness Convention. Year 12

of activities on offer to complement their learning programs at Mater

students managed the difficult task of balancing a large workload of

Christi College. Year 10 students have had their first year in the Senior

study while also participating in various activities and being leaders

School, participating in Seed Days, the Year 10 Council, sporting and

and role models within the College. Throughout the year we have been

arts activities, Work Experience, completing Personal Projects and some

impressed with the dedication to studies, willingness to be involved and

students have also taken on Higher studies.

good nature of all the students in the Senior School.

Year 11 students have been busy keeping up with the demands of the first year in their chosen pathway of VET, VCAL or VCE. Students have

Shae Mayes – Head of Senior School

also actively participated in many activities including the Central Australia

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Year 12 2013 Highlights from Year 12 2013 • 156 students participated in VCE and/or VCAL studies with

Bridget DiStefano and Ebony Hopmans were shortlisted for Top Designs

100% successful completion

and Amy Miles was invited to audition for Top Acts, all as part of the VCE

• 3 students achieved an ATAR over 95 • 17 students achieved an ATAR over 90 • 45 students achieved ATAR over 80

Seasons of Excellence 2014. The following students received an ACU Early Achievers offer – Jessica McNamara (Nursing), Angela Spika and Rhianne Cottam-Starkey (Teaching-Primary), Brohden Kennedy (Law/Global Studies) and Taylah

• 74 students achieved an ATAR over 70

Little (Marketing).

• 94% of VTAC applicants were offered a first round place


for tertiary study • Over 81% of VTAC applicants received their 1st or 2nd course preference • 8 students completed a VCAL Certificate Some notable high achievers include:

Number of Students

Monash University


Deakin University


Aust Catholic University


Swinburne University


Box Hill TAFE


RMIT University


College Dux, Erin McKernan achieved an ATAR score of 97.95. Erin has

Holmesglen TAFE


accepted an offer to study Biomedical Science at Monash University.

Latrobe University


Sarah Alley attained an ATAR score of 97.75, and a place at Commerce /

Victoria University


Law at Monash University.

Chisholm TAFE


Vicky Xu who was delighted to accept an offer to study Commerce

University of Melbourne


at The University of Melbourne.

Other Colleges


International student, Nicole Knorr, achieved a perfect score of 50 in Business Management which she completed as a higher study in Year 11.

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VET and VCAL Vocational Education and Training - Hospitality

VET Awards

Hospitality at Mater Christi College continues to embrace changes in

schools that provide places for students to study a wide range of VET

technology with the addition of an online ordering system “Ordermate”

courses on each other’s campuses. Each year, students are recognised at

now available in our College restaurant, Sunny Siesta. All Hospitality

Excellence Awards and this year the following Mater Christi students

students have been trained in the new system and have had the

were acknowledged:

Mater Christi is part of the Mullum Cluster which is a collection of 43

opportunity to develop their skills through a range of College functions including parent dinners, coffee shop, House lunches and the Good Samaritan lunch.

Mikaela Camilleri


Certificate II in Animal Studies (Units 1&2) Box Hill Institute

Award winner

Isobelle Caterer


Certificate II in Screen Acting (Units 1&2) MBCTA Youth Theatre Boronia

Award winner

Briony Santamaria


Certificate III in Beauty Services (Units 3&4) Headmasters Academy


Rebeccah Clarke


Certificate II in Hospitality (Units 1&2) Mater Christi College


Maggie Werts


Certificate II in Hospitality (Units 1&2) Mater Christi College

Award winner

Farah Abdul-Khalek


Certificate II in Hospitality (Units 3&4) Mater Christi College

Award winner

Victoria Kontra


Certificate II in Hospitality (Units 3&4) Mater Christi College


Courtney Schmidt


Certificate II in Hairdressing Headmasters Academy

Award winner

Throughout the two Certificate Programs students are given the opportunity to visit several areas of the Hospitality Industry. This year the Certificate II students visited the Langham Hotel to learn how the back and front of house is run in a five star hotel. To complete this experience the students were treated to a gourmet International buffet. The Year 12 students visited a local coffee roasting company where they gained further knowledge about the roasting process. They went to Domaine Chandon in the Yarra Valley to learn about sparkling wine and spent a day in Dandenong on a foodie tour learning about and tasting foods from around the world. The VET Hospitality Program is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain practical experience as well as an opportunity to gain an industry recognised Certificate. Sara Mugridge – Hospitality Trainer

VCAL Connecting with others This year, VCAL students participated in many projects. Firstly, they gained coffee espresso ABC, RSA and ‘Food handling’ skills. They then explored the concept of being true to oneself at TEEN EXPO and they obtained the SCOPE Young Ambassadors Bronze Certificate. This certificate is part of a program that promotes respect, understanding and acceptance of others with students having the opportunity to work alongside people with a disability at the Scope Business Enterprise. The VCAL students continued to build connectedness within our school community helping at the Middle School swimming sports; Biggest Morning Tea and hosting cultural lunch for the International students. Senior students planned and delivered an Epilepsy awareness program to Year 7 in partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation. They also participated in a local 3Mountain District Radio initiative where they prepared and interviewed on live radio key players on issues close to teens.

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Courtney Schmidt also won the best VET student in her Registered Training Organisation. She has had a remarkable year working solidly in a structured work placement and next year, Courtney plans to complement these skills with some beauty training. Her ultimate goal is to start an apprenticeship at the end of Year 12. Margherita Magagna – Pathways Co-ordinator

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Year 12 Year 12 Report For many of us, the time has gone fast. Sitting in the silence of

exams included a section on kiddie culture. Our final Mater Day came and

Scholastica and studying for our SACs was hard, but we knew it was the

went with food, laughter, photos and more food. In its second year, HPAC

only way to get through Year 12. Treats along the way made our life all

(House Performing Arts Competition) was a blast with Green House taking

the sweeter. Earlier in the year, our Year 12 formal was a glamorous night

out the title once again with their all-round expertise. Year 12 students

of fun where all the students abandoned their weary looks and heavy

played a large role in the competition with many putting hours into sets,

books in favour of a gorgeous dress and their best smile. After dancing

choreography, music, scripts and people management. Though it’s true

the night away, we left The Lincoln of Toorak feeling like we were the real

we’ve loved every minute of these special days, nothing could compare

stars of our Starry Night. In contrast to our formal, the Disney™ Dress-Up

to the wonderful relationship we’ve all had with our “bae” - the common

Day was an excuse to dress down, with many girls ‘rockin’ the onesie’.

room. With its microwave, sandwich toaster and couches, no frown couldn’t

Yet, we still had a full set of wonderful princesses and daring heroines,

be flipped. Times on the couches and in our classes will never be forgotten

with a few handsome heroes getting about too! Our enthusiasm was

as exams and fads come and go. Long live the Class of 2014!

endless with students reminiscing about childhood memories and movies we “should” be “too old” for. No famous line was left unsaid - if only our

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Annie Pirotta – Year 12

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Year 12


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Year 12

Farah Abdul-Khalek

Anushka Abeysinghe

Rachael Adam

Leilani Alivio

Kate Anderson

Shian Arnolda

Madeline Ash

Megan Avery

Emelia Backhouse

Larissa Badelita

Alexandra Barge

Danielle Begg

Peri Bergles

Sharmaine Blyth

Abbey Bohan

Elizabeth Bottone

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Year 12

Briana Braddock

Tess Bramble

Jessica Brauman

Dejana Bullock

Charlotte Butler

Molly Butler

Sharn Butler

Rebekah Caiafa

Bianca Campli

Bree Capusso

Chen (Elaine) Chen

Holly Cherry

Ella Clark

Tayla Coad

Hayley Cochrane

Ruby Cowling

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Year 12

Khyanne D’Sylva

Emma de Wit

Jasmine Di Valentine

Amanda Dickson

Katelyn Dickson

Madison Distefano

Emma Dove

Jackie Dowell

Megan Dunne-Riseley

Terasa Fabrizio

Sheryn Fahad

Peiying (Penny) Feng

Shantelle Fernandez

Tegan-Louise Fernando

Caitlin Fowler

Evelyn Franes

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Year 12

Rhiannon Froude

Tanveer Garcha

Tess Gellie

Jessica Geraghty

Sarah Gibcus

Ellen Glen

Gabrielle Gottliebsen

Greta Gyulavary

Gemma Hartley

Lixi (Hannah) He

Shehani Hewawasam

Georgia Hill

Maddi Hill

Cassie Hillier

Sinead Holmes

Ka Wing (Emily) Ip

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Year 12

Samantha Ireland

Courtney James

Sam Janky

Annie Jones

Tamara Kassis

Erin Kelleher

Rochelle Kirkham

Rubie Kluckow

Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr

Victoria Kontra

Natalie Kumarakurusingham

Sierra Laird

Amelia Lazarus

Amy Lees-Doherty

Maddison Lowe

Rachelle Lynch

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Year 12

Zoe Magill

Melina Maidment-Norman

Clorinda Maio

Isabella Manson

Jessica Masset

Shannon McDonagh

Abbey McDonald

Sabrina McMahon

Holly Mellis

Kiera Miller

Erin Mitchell

Rachel Mitchell

Melinda Modica

Milena Montenegro

Gabrielle Moore

Erica Moreno

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Year 12

Claudine Mulley

Natcha Narapakdeekul

Kasey Nicholas

Tiffany Noonan

Carly Noy

Stephanie O’Neill

Ebony Oredsson

Stephanie Pal

Samantha Petrova

Jasmine Petrulis

Jing Ping

Annie Pirotta

Annalise Power

Olivia Pryor

Kate Raupach

Abbey Robertson

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Year 12

Georgia-Rose Robinson

Ashika Roshiah

Britney Roussety

Courtney Rowbottom

Lauren Sabatinelli

Elliana Saltalamacchia

Millie Samios

Elena Sgro

Neelam Sharma

Alanna Sheldrake

Laura Simpson

Simran Singh

Tara Solomons

Teaghan Spiers

Jessica Stephenson

Jasmine Stiff

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Year 12

Elena Sullivan

Jessica Summers

Liqin Sun

Milly Thiele

Jenna Thompson

Kimberley Tranfield

Jessica Trichias

Stephanie Tsagazones

Eliza Tucker

Marlee Tunks

Beth Turner

Taylor Van Gramberg

Sarah Vanderschoot

Lo Vanguardia

Nerissa Walles

Jessica Walters

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Year 12

Paige Welsford

Abigail Weston

Harindee Wickramasinghe

Maddi Williams

Emily Winters

Lisa Wood

Rong (Isabella) Xiang

Tian Chen (Jenny) Yin

Man Man (Arwen) Yu

Evelyn Zapantis

Leah Zemancheff

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Year 11 2014 has been a big year for Year 11 girls. To begin the year we met the challenges of a full timetable of VCE/VET/ VCAL subjects. A range of activities were on offer including the Central Trip, the Presentation Ball, the student organised Homeless Convention and the challenges of the process of applying for leadership roles. On the Central Australia Trip we witnessed incredible sights such as rain on Uluru and for some, King’s Canyon from a helicopter ride. We also participated in amazing activities such as riding camels and watching a didgeridoo show. The Central Trip is certainly recommended to girls in the younger Year levels as “it was an incredible experience” that many girls would love to relive.

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Another memorable event was the Presentation Ball. This was a magical and enchanting night for about 50 students who got to feel like a princess for a full day and night. After weeks of intense dance practising every Sunday morning both Balls were beautiful occasions. With the applications for leadership completed and Captains announced, it has certainly been on everyone’s minds that next year will be our final year. We are all extremely excited and a little nervous about beginning our journey through the final year of secondary school but we look forward to the opportunities and challenges it will bring. Breanna Harris - Year 11 Council Member

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Year 11


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Year 10 Year 10 is a turning point for students as we become Senior School

showing their unique ideas and hard work in this 8 month project. One of

students. We no longer had core groups and moved into Senior Home

the biggest opportunities we were introduced to in Year 10 was the Work

Groups. Wearing the dark blue jumper, we have experienced new

Experience Program. As part of this program, students had to complete

challenges and opportunities.

OH&S modules to prepare for safe workplace practices and explored what

We have taken on more responsibility this year learning to manage our time to ensure homework and tasks are completed, while also

interested them in order to apply for Work Experience opportunities. This gave us a chance to experience different industries and work places.

demonstrating a positive attitude in order to be role models for Middle

Year 10 students have made a good transition into the Senior School and

School students. Some students faced the new challenge of higher study

now with only 2 years to go, we look forward to beginning our VCE, VET

subjects enabling them to see what VCE is like, before becoming Year 11

and VCAL pathways.

students. The Personal Project ended in May this year with students Saran Kim - Year 10

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Year 10





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Personal Project Middle Years Program

A Fairy Tale Treasure

The Middle Years Program (MYP) provides a framework of learning

For my Personal Project, I created a book of Fairy Tales with an

that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective

embroidered cover.

thinkers. Throughout 2014, Mater Christi students clearly demonstrated this through their participation in a wide range of projects including community service activities. Community service encourages students to explore how they can make a difference in our global community. This year, students assisted with fund raising for aid organizations, raised awareness of social issues and provided practical support through knitting squares and making products. All Year 10 students developed a personal project independently, producing a piece of work that summarised their learning in the MYP. It provided a unique opportunity for students to further understand

My project took a lot of hard work, time and persistence, but it was something I was passionate about. It allowed me to connect with a love I held as a child and allowed me to explore myself in a creative fashion. I am proud of the result as I believe it is not just a reflection of my work, but also of me. The stories I wrote all had different messages that are of importance to me. The embroidered cover shows the magic of Fairy Tales that also linked to my stories. The book is something I treasure and will pass on as an heirloom.

themselves as a learner. Bethany Wallach – Year 10 MYP has undergone a major review and we are very excited to implement improvements beginning in 2015. These changes will ensure that MYP continues to have an approach that is relevant for today’s global society. Leah Eekelschot - Director of Curriculum

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Personal Project Project for Healthy Lifestyle The purpose of my personal project, Mater’s SENSE, was to promote healthier lifestyles for young students. I chose this topic because the health of youth is on a steady decline and because it’s incredibly important to be healthy during adolescence as it

“It was great to learn new skills” “I have learnt how important time management is” “I am so proud of myself”


influences our health later on in life.

“It was worth all the effort”

I had to coordinate timetables for teachers and my brother’s Nutrition,

“This was a big lesson in organisation”

Sport and Exercise company, SENSE. This involved many meetings, clear communication and organisation. The staff from SENSE led nutrition and exercise sessions with students in Years 7 and 8. During these sessions the students were encouraged to complete moderate to vigorous physical activity and continue with 60 minute sessions at home. Students also learnt how to read nutrition information panels and learnt about the required foods and nutrients for optimal health. Amy Erasmus – Year 10

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Middle School Middle School Report Why go to school? Surprisingly enough,

how to live harmoniously with others; how to

we were surrounded by other amazing school

good educators ask that question all the

protect themselves; how to defend themselves;

leaders and teachers who would help guide

time. They ask that question because on one

how to pick themselves up when things get

us along this journey. We enjoyed sharing

level they need to know how best to develop

tough; how to take calculated risks and still

this fun and enjoyable experience with each

programs and teach what is expected in ways

be adventurous; how to recognize the special

other and throughout the year, have attended

that are engaging and meaningful to students.

needs of others; how to defend the rights of

presentations and forums that have helped us

On another and perhaps a deeper level they

others; how to remain true to themselves;

in public speaking, taking a stand and leading

need to be aware of what students need and

how to turn the other cheek; how to reflect;

a group of people.

want to know. If they don’t get that right then

how to pray; how to work towards a better

why would a student go to school?

We also worked and supported the Year 12

world; how to lead; how to follow with grace;

Executive Leaders acting as a liaison for the

The balance between these two sides of the

how to, how to, how to...

whole of Middle School with any queries or

equation are well managed at Mater Christi

I would like to acknowledge the Teachers,

suggestions they may have had. As well as this,

College because our teachers do a lot of

Home Group Teachers, House Leaders,

we held lunch time meetings with the other

reflecting and planning to strive to develop and

Nurses, Psychologists, Student Leaders,

exceptional Middle School Leaders.

deliver the best educational programs across a

peers and families who continued to support

range of subjects. In the Middle Years Program

At the end of 2013, we made a commitment as

our students helping bring the two sides

Middle School Captains to support the Middle

of the equation together.

School teachers and students throughout

(MYP) we strive to teach subjects that are linked as much as possible to the real world in which students live.

2014. We wanted to create a friendly and Con Sarris – Head of Middle School

A student may not need to know how the

inviting environment for our Middle School students and we have achieved this. We have

This takes us to the other side of the equation.

had an amazing year that has provided us with

ancient Egyptians solved the problem of moving

Captains’ Report

huge blocks of stone to build the pyramids.

On the first day of school, we were ready to

taste of leadership roles. We recommend this

However, they will need to know how to solve

start our adventures as Middle School Captains.

opportunity to any future Year 9 students.

problems that can be just as challenging.

There were nerves, but we then realized

Students are taught how to deal with problems;

there was nothing to be nervous about as

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many opportunities and allowed us to have a

Kiara Henkul and Emma White – Year 9

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Middle School Middle School Leaders and Student Leadership Middle School has been fortunate to have such a

This year, we have focused on developing and

seen in the initiatives the girls have introduced

talented and diverse Student Leadership Team.

promoting the leadership skills of the Middle

such as setting up their own councils and

School leaders and together with a number

engaging in social justice activities.

All the Captains are fantastic role models for their peers and have done a great job in representing the school at a number of assemblies, carnivals, forums and other events. A special thank you to Emma and Kiara who have led the Middle School Student Leadership Team.

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of other students, they have been given the opportunity to participate at the College and off campus in a range of leadership formation workshops, lectures, public speaking discussions and the Yarra Ranges Youth Summit. The benefit of these opportunities has been

I would like to acknowledge the work of Simon Williams and his team from the Shire of Yarra Ranges, who have facilitated many of the leadership formation sessions. Con Sarris - Head of Middle School

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Year 9 Ignite the Passion This year, a number of Year 9 students participated in a program called “Ignite the Passion.” Students visited Grade 5 and 6 students at St Joseph’s Primary School, Boronia one afternoon a week for 3 or 6 weeks depending on the activities. Students helped run different activities like Drama, Sewing, Sport, IT and Cooking. The Drama group participated in the CEO’s Drama and Wellbeing Festival. The play was about anaphylaxis and how to respond in a serious situation. We all learnt an important life lesson through the performance. Tayla Cross – Year 9

SEPEP in Year 9 PE I think what all Year 9 students enjoyed about the Sport Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP) was the freedom we were granted. We chose certain roles like coach, captain and umpire and we were allowed to take control of our classes and run the volleyball competition. In each team, everyone had a role they had to commit to and it taught us how beneficial leadership and discipline skills are. The program was exciting, we all cooperated

Making the Link ‘Making the Link’ was a series of workshops for Year 9. We learnt about mental illness and how to help friends who might be going through tough times. I thought these workshops were really helpful and interesting because they enabled everyone to understand what a serious issue mental illness is and how we can help others who may be suffering. Simone McPeake – Year 9

really well and had a great experience learning about volleyball and our own teamwork skills. Rachel Ferguson – Year 9

Youth Summit In May, the Middle School Leadership Team attended the 2014 Youth Summit in Mt Evelyn.

Community Day with St Joseph’s College

Baking at the Tin Shed

In September, Year 9 students from Mater

for Year 9 students to get involved with the

Christi and St Joseph’s College joined together

local community. One of these is ‘Baking at the

as a community to participate in a number of

Tin Shed’. Students who signed up are allocated

different activities organised by the Middle

into groups and given different days to walk

School leaders from both Colleges. There were

down to the Tin Shed in Belgrave to bake

many highlights of the day beginning with a

homemade treats for the local community.

liturgy that reflected on why both schools had

This program is really enjoyable and informative,

come together. This day was a great opportunity

as we are provided with a chance to learn about

to continue building friendships with students

and help the local community.

During the year, there are many opportunities

from St Joseph’s. Grace Ashford – Year 9

Throughout the day, we heard from different organisations and speakers. The message that we took away from this experience was to go for what we think is right and don’t back down no matter how hard it gets. Speakers were Para Olympian, Kurt Fearnly who spoke about his journey and how he never gave up and an Aboriginal Hip Hop crew, who had a different and more physical way of getting their message across. Overall, we enjoyed the day and took home important messages on how to develop our leadership skills. Jessicah Panozzo – Year 9

Victoria Young – Year 9

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Year 9 Coastal Ambassadors

Orienteering Day

Forensic Frenzy

Coastal Ambassadors was an amazing

Orienteering Day at Cardinia Reservoir was

During Term 3, students participated in a

experience offered to students in Year 9.

filled with fun, excitement and lots of mud!

program called Forensic Frenzy. As part of

Seven students were given the opportunity to

Students started the day by working out how

Forensic Frenzy a CSIRO scientist visited the

connect with the environment on an emotional

to use a map and then the fun began. The aim

College and led us through a number of forensic

level and really understand the impact human

of the day was to build our mapping skills and

tests. These forensic experiments included:

kind has on our natural habitats. The program

how working together can achieve anything.

fingerprinting, examining gunshots, identifying

ran for 4 days and covered a variety of

We had a great day, filled with challenges,

blood on pieces of fabric and investigating tyre

different environmental aspects. As a team,

enthusiasm and laughter.

marks. The Year 9 students thoroughly enjoyed

we established a plan that will help improve one environmental area of our school and

this incursion and gained an insight into the Riley Haddock – Year 9

work of a forensic scientist.

will ultimately improve our local ecosystem. This experience was unlike any other, presenting students with raw facts and

Student Services

data and experiencing everything first hand.

This year, all Year 9 students provided support

This program has impacted many of my

to Student Services. This involved 2 students

choices now.

every day being allocated to help with different

Elissa Tifere – Year 9

Cranbourne Botanical Gardens – Environments In March, as part of the ‘environments’ Seed

jobs around the College providing assistance to teachers, administration staff and other students. Student Services was a fun experience that we all enjoyed. Sharanya Srinivas – Year 9

Day, Year 9 students went to Cranbourne Botanical Gardens. I hadn’t been to these

Sarah Nixon – Year 9

Self Defence + SAPPSS Program (Health) This year in Health, we participated in selfdefence lessons that provided students with the confidence to know how to respond to oncoming threats and how to prevent them from happening. The information we learnt from this program has been vital and learning how to protect ourselves will remain crucial in our lives.

gardens before and they are beautiful. We went

Surfing Day

to the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens because

Earlier in the year, students in Year 9 had

in Science we were learning about plants,

the opportunity to go to Smiths Beach,

sustainability and how we can save our world

Phillip Island to learn the art of surfing. We all

by doing the smallest things. The day involved

had fun, gave it a go and the wonderful weather

a treasure hunt around the gardens and a

helped! The instructors gave us an informative

number of activities including Carbon Futures,

presentation about beach safety that will stay

Wetlands and Water Quality, Shared Country

with all of us forever. The surfing skills that

and Biodiversity. I enjoyed this experience.

were learnt on the day allowed us all to catch

It opened my eyes to the environment and

a wave back into shore. This day was definitely

how important it is to take care of it for the

unforgettable and worthwhile.

We also participated in the Sexual Assault Prevention Program for Secondary Schools (SAPPSS). We learnt about social behaviour and techniques for avoiding undesirable situations and where to get help if we need to talk to someone about our feelings. Corinne Carlyon – Year 9

next generation. Abbie Gunn – Year 9 Tearnha Porteous – Year 9

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Year 8


Caritas Walk With Water

This year, the theme of Social Justice and Stewardship figured prominently

Most of us take fresh, clean water for granted even in times of drought

in the Year 8 program. In parallel with the Clean Up Australia campaign,

in Australia, unless we live on farms. This year, Year 8 students were

Year 8 students undertook a waste audit of refuse around the school.

reminded of how precious and scarce clean water is for some people as

After the grounds were cleaned, the garbage was carefully classified

they walked to Tecoma carrying buckets of water and then trudged back

into various recyclable and non-recyclable pieces and disposed of

to Mater Christi with the buckets still full.

appropriately. The volume of rubbish collected was also tabulated as a lesson on the need to take much greater care and pride in our community and world.

Selfies with Seniors The Youth Services Team from the Shire of Yarra Ranges invited Mater

Reflection Day During Year 8 Reflection Day the students learnt about the Good Samaritan’s Missions in Kiribati, the Philippines and Timor Leste where the Good Samaritan Sisters do amazing work in providing a range of much needed educational programs. The students then had fun making colourful felt puppets for Ms Costello to take to the children in the Good Samaritan’s Kindergarten Mission in the Philippines.

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Christi College to send a group of Year 8 students to share a day with 200 Senior Citizens, engaging in conversation and helping them with their mobile phones and perhaps even taking ‘selfies’. Twenty students met their guests at Puffing Billy and travelled to Emerald Lake for a shared lunch, walks and conversation. The students proved to be wonderful companions and received many compliments for their good manners and assistance throughout the day. Con Sarris - Head of Middle School

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Year 8

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Year 7 Community Day Community Day was a fun experience. The day started with St. Joseph’s

Once in a quiet and reflective state, students spent the afternoon

and Mater Christi students attending Mass at St. John the Baptist Church.

learning the art of calligraphy. Calligraphy is a very precise art that like

This was followed by games and activities and roller-skating at Caribbean

T’ai Ch’i develops and applies self-control to create beautifully balanced

Rollerama. Overall, the day was amazing and everyone enjoyed meeting

Chinese characters.

new people. Alexandra Mai - Year 7

‘Knit-a-Square’ The day began with an inspiring talk from former student Erica Smith

Year 7 Reflection Day

from Knit-A-Square who spoke about the need for knitted squares to be

The Year 7 Reflection Day was the first opportunity for the Year 7

assistance of knitters from the local community our students learnt the

students to work together and reflect on the Good Samaritan values

art of knitting. There was much laughter as the girls learnt how to cast

that underpin the ethos of Mater Christi.

on for the first time. Eventually, the students made some progress in

made into blankets for children orphaned by AIDS in South Africa. With the

knitting a series of brightly coloured squares that will be sewn together

Travelling Chinese Museum

to make blankets. Through this community engagement at the local level the girls

This year, the elegance of T’ai Ch’i and Kung Fu came to Mater Christi.

appreciated that they were making global links as responsible citizens.

Students learnt that both T’ai Ch’i and Kung Fu were originally military exercises designed to prepare the minds and bodies of soldiers in

Con Sarris - Head of Middle School

readiness for battle.

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Year 7 Project Rockit At the end of this day, I was touched and better informed on the process,

Project Rockit was a memorable Seed Day for everyone. It really moved me the way our visitors from Project Rockit explained the long-term effects that bullying can cause and how many Australians are affected by bullying each year. I learnt that within the first 7 seconds of meeting someone new a judgment has been made influenced by the way they look, their culture, the clothes they wear, the way they speak, as well as many other things.

prevention and support with respect to bullying. It opened my eyes to what really goes on around the internet and social media and the detrimental effect that it can have. Bullying can cause people to be scared and afraid for many long years. Project Rockit is a great support and information service. Julia Hoefler - Year 7

Our visitors from Project Rockit then spoke about how we can prevent bullying from happening and actions we can take when we see someone being bullied.











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International Student Program International Captains’ Report This year, has been such a special and joyful

We’ve achieved so much as students throughout

A big hug to all our caring teachers and

year and we’d like to express our appreciation

our time at Mater Christi. We have enjoyed

a thousand thanks to the girls who have

towards the Mater Christi school community.

learning about this big family of different

crossed our paths.

1 has been the International A highlight this year

nationalities and this has enriched our lives.

Student Council (ISC). Thanks to the amazing efforts of those girls involved, we have been able to reach out to each other more and connect culturally and emotionally.


Also, we know how lucky we are to be part of this International Program and the wider school


Nicole Knorr and Jenny Yin – International Captains

community, being able to witness the triumphs and laughter of many others.








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International Student Program Footprints... Life-changing experience.

Two years have passed already!

Thanks for the beautiful memories and fine

Emily Ip

And it is time to say goodbye‌

experience Mater Christi College brings to me.

At MCC, we learnt about Australian culture and

Arwen Yu

The time I spent here is unforgettable. Thank you to everyone who supported me at MCC. Isabella Xiang Being at Mater Christi meant I was not alone. Hannah He

developed lifelong friendships. We will never forget the days we shared our laughter. Thank you Mater Christi for giving us such memorable moments. Nicole Knorr, Elaine Chen and Liqin Sun

Mater Christi is a very positive community for girls where there are always friends and teachers, staff, homestay families willing to help, support you and they really care about what you think such as.... giving you a hot drink

Everything at Mater Christi impresses itself on

and biscuit and maybe even letting you escape

Mater Christi is the door opening to amazing

my memory. The study life, the teachers and

class when you’re feeling down!...(wink wink).

future pathways, and the open door giving us

friends, will all become unforgettable happy

Jing Ping

safe shelter.

memories in my life.

Jenny Yin

Penny Feng

I feel that I mostly connected to everyone in this school. My teachers and friends helped me to have a great quality of life. Natcha Narapakdeekul

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Arts Arts Domain Report The Arts team at Mater Christi College has once again had a wonderful

Other co-curricular opportunities during 2014 were our two Performing

year with many proud achievements.

Arts events Showcase: a Night of Music and Dance and ‘Exit the King’,

Our beautiful College nurtures student creativity in Visual and Performing Arts offering students a choice of both classical and modern art forms in the teaching classroom and also in the co-curricular format.

the Senior School Drama Production. Both events drew large audiences to Burrinja Cultural Centre and were great examples of the passion and talent within our student performers. In the field of Visual Arts we saw the co-curricular events of the Burrinja Artshow (a paired event with

This year I was supported by Arts Captains Jasmine Stiff and Gemma

Exit the King debuting on the same night) and the end of year Arts and

Hartley, as well as an eager Year 11 Arts Committee, Rebecca Johnson,

Technology Festival featuring a whole College collection of art works.

Ruby Rawlings, Louise Roupas, Shenae Broadbent, Isobelle Caterer and Alana Majstorovic as the leaders of Arts at the College. All students were crucial to the success of the Arts program in 2014. Many Arts events occurred over the year ranging from VCE Music, Drama and Dance Performance Evenings, Community Music Performances from our Rock Band, Music Camp and student excursions to many interactive galleries and workshops for our Visual and Performing Arts Classes. In 2014, we also saw ‘Life Drawing’ for senior artists emerge allowing students from both Textiles and Visual Arts classes to engage with complex content and create sophisticated pieces of work.

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The Arts Domain also led two House events in 2014, House Chalk Art in March and House Performing Arts in August. As usual, the school was buzzing with excitement on both of these special days due to the competitive nature of House Events! This year also brought the inaugural Catholic Schools Spectacular at the Forum Theatre, an outstanding professional show that involved Catholic Schools throughout Victoria and featured 8 Mater Christi College students. Sarah Owen – Arts Domain Leader

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Arts Arts Captains’ Report

Just Dance

2014 has been a fantastic year for the arts at Mater Christi College.

Dance at MCC ran at Year 9, 10 and VCE during 2014.

As Arts Captains, we have had the privilege of being involved in many events this year!

Year 9 students studied the skill and talent of the pop icon Michael Jackson and learned the ‘Thriller’ dance which they then performed to

The year started with the always successful House Chalk Art for the Year

a Year 7 audience. They also studied the Musicals ‘Hairspray’, ‘West Side

7 and 12 students. This paired Year level event, saw girls working in their

Story’ and ‘Grease’ and choreographed a dance fitting the style of dance

Houses to create a piece of art based on the theme ‘Back to the Future’ –

from the relevant era.

so we saw lots of incredible robots and technological artwork! Everyone enjoyed the beautiful, sunny day with Blue House emerging victorious.

Year 10 Dance gave the students an opportunity to explore the potential of dance as a medium of expression to tell a story, communicate an idea

We also led the House Performing Arts Competition (HPAC) held on Mater

or feelings through a variety of dance styles including Contemporary,

Day in August. At the beginning of the year, each House drew out of a

Classical Ballet, Jazz and Hip Hop.

hat a famous Beatles song and a famous classical painting to provide inspiration for their contribution. Students from all Year levels participated in the performance that combined dance, music and drama. Green House took the HPAC trophy for the second year in a row, closely followed by Yellow and Blue and Silver sharing third place. However, all student performances demonstrated exceptional skills across all Houses.

At VCE (Units 1-4) the students study the structure and expression of various dance works and continue to ‘wow’ us with their talent and dance ability through the performance of their technique and composition solos, and their works titled ‘Sweet Dreams’, ‘Brave’ and ‘Welcome to the Circus’. Dance students continue to demonstrate that ‘Dancing with the Feet is one thing, but Dancing with the Heart is another.’

Jasmine Stiff and Gemma Hartley – Arts Captains Nardia Trubridge – Dance Teacher

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Arts Media

Drama Show me don’t tell me! This year, our students definitely showed the community what Drama is capable of.

Senior School Drama students studied the

Media at MCC has provided our budding film

depth in performance and explored how drama

makers a chance to express their creativity

can have a significant effect on an audience.

and talent through film.

The VCE students had a busy year presenting

In the Middle School, Year 7 students learnt

two performances at Burrinja Cultural Centre.

about creating character and using facial

Firstly, they presented their ensemble

and voice expressions, body language

performances. The different ensembles

and movement to develop vibrant fantasy

confronted the audience with their range of

characters. While Year 8 students explored

styles and focus on different issues, such as

the history of theatre and re-created some

environment, asylum seekers, grief and loss

of the stock characters. They focused on the

and the effects of fame. The student’s solo

purpose of the theatre and how the stagecraft

performances showed a wide range of creativity

and theatrical conventions affect their target

looking at infamous Australians, Australian

audience. Year 9 students took their creations

landmarks, exploitation of workers, effects

to the Blackbox in Burrinja Cultural Centre.

of war and the rise of women in comedy.

The students developed original pieces or rehearsed scripted pieces. The focus was on the stagecraft as the students learnt to heighten performances via the use of sound effects, musical scores, lighting, projection, costuming and make-up design.

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We have had Year 10 students replicate weather reports in front of our new green screen and they have created genre films based on the theme ‘Keeping Mater Christi Beautiful’. Students in Year 11 have designed advertising campaigns and worked collaboratively, undertaking specialist roles in the film production process. While Year 12 students have spent half the year planning and preparing their folios and the second part of the year in production and post-production phases. The students’ hard work across all Year levels

The Senior School concluded their year of

has paid off and they have produced some

performances with the school production

really wonderful films.

of Exit The King; an amazing performance by all involved.

Shae Mayes – Head of Senior School

Claire Hanley - Senior Drama Teacher

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Arts Visual Communication Design This year, Visual Communication Design

signage, logos and a whole host of buildings.

of depth, proportion and scale; refined their

continued its tradition of excellence, innovation,

We were also delighted to have several past

application of tone, line and contrast; and

curiosity and creativity. Across Year 10 Graphic

students who are currently studying prestigious

developed their creative skills in support of

Design to VCE Vis Comm, students explored a

design courses come to the College and speak

developing work for their Portfolios.

range of Design disciplines and technologies.

with our students about the opportunities

From corporate branding and audience identity,

available to them.

to observational drawing, illustration, graphic design, architecture, costume design, packaging, transport, product design, character design and interactive design, Vis Comm students have pushed the boundaries in discovering new answers to design problems. In conjunction with building our knowledge of

with explorations of SketchUp for Architectural

and realism, to the contemporary creative of

We congratulate and celebrate the perseverance,

fragmented illustration and representations of

dedication and eternal motivation that the

form. Each session built on the one before, and

students have shown over the course of the

the students’ work progressed in a way that was

year. May this spirit continue to encourage

a pleasure to behold. The therapeutic aspects

curiosity and wonder of the world around us.

of the course cannot be underestimated, as we

Angelica Ricci - Senior Design Teacher

fell into a relaxed state of calm and focus. The rhythm of drawing overtook us as we produced drawing after drawing.

industry programs through the Adobe Suite, students have broadened their knowledge base

The drawings ranged from the classic charcoal

Welcome to Life Drawing

Angelica Ricci – Senior Design Teacher

modelling, as we continue to refine our 3D

As part of Senior Visual Arts studies, students

printing processes.

from Studio Arts, Design and Technology

Life drawing was a great experience for me,

(Textiles) and Visual Communication Design

as it improved the motion and technique of

classes took part in a co-curricular Life

how I draw. I’ve learnt how to use drawing

Drawing Program.

materials to their full potential with the style

Highlights of the year, have included visits to a range of design experiences, Top Designs at Melbourne Museum; agIdeas Design Conference; Exhibits at the Design Institute of Australia;

Life Drawing is known to improve not only

John Wardle Architecture Studio; Billy Blue

drawing skills, but creativity, perception and

Design Workshop; Fashion Illustration Courses;

perseverance - and our students certainly

and of course beholding the wonders of the

demonstrated these traits in spades! Students

Melbourne CBD - Federation Square, e.g.etal,

were coached through a number of drawing

Craft Victoria, graffiti covered laneways,

strategies and encouraged to draw the female human figure in a range of ways. Over 8 sessions, the students improved their observational skills; increased their sense

of line or shading. At first it seemed strange drawing the figure as all it was, was a figure with light and dark tones and shapes. By far my favourite material would be the charcoal sticks as they can be positioned multiple ways to create different textures, depth, shapes and line which helped me improve. I’m so glad that I signed up for Life Drawing as it has improved my perspective when drawing and will be handy to have when I’m applying for art based courses. Natasha Di Luzio – Year 11

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Art Gallery Art Show at Burrinja Cultural Centre The Arts Show 2014 exhibited at Burrinja Cultural Centre displayed a

pieces, sculptural totemic forms, garment designs, fashion illustrations,

vast collection of student works across all Year levels in Art, Art and

storyboarding, rendered graphic and industrial technical drawings,

Design, VCE Studio Arts, Product Design Technology, Media and Visual

postcard designs, glass sculpture, photography and mixed media pieces.

Communication Design. Students worked tremendously hard with enthusiasm and creative

Bianca Lentini - Curator

vision. The artworks on display included printmaking to hand stitched

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Exit the King Cast King Ruby Rawlings Caitlin Alcock


Assistant Stage Manager:

Make-Up Design:


Sierra Laird

Kahli Deichsel

Torie Ryan

Colleen Browne

Candice Strange

Keynote operator:


Elissa Tifere

Jessica Shannon

Chorus Georgia Bishop

Event Support:


Ruby Davis

Jacinta Crocker

Isobelle Caterer

Ebony Miller

Lighting Co-ordinators:

Phoebe Barbour

Marie Molly McKernan

Olivia Gyulavary Angela White


Louise Mugridge Director and Producer:

Doctor Jasmine Stiff

Claire Hanley Assistant Director:

Steve Wickenton Sound Technician: Trevor Ploeg Follow Spot Operators: Bridget Walters Shailyn Devine Projection/Keynote

Jessica Van Osselaer Amy Teasdale Costume Designer:

Sarah Owen Bianca Lentini Isabella Xiang Jing Ping

Amy Miles


Set and Prop Design

Thank you Michelle

Claire Hanley

Deichsel for donating

Choreographer: Sarah Owen

Exit the King promotional T-shirts and Ferrari for printing them.

Art Design:

Juliette Briony Edwards

Stage Manager:

Marc Crilly

Program Design:

Molly Cormack

Mia Bergles

Claire Hanley

Ang Ricci

Kaspar Sussman

Bianca Lentini

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Torie Ryan

Jean Fear

Amy Miles


Ang Ricci

Bianca Lentini Claire Hanley - Senior Drama Teacher

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The best memories and friendships have occurred while being in Exit The King. It was an honour to be involved in such a lovely and wonderful production and I wouldn’t have traded it in for the world. I’ll never forget any of the cast and crew, especially my trumpet (chorus) buddies. Georgia Bishop – Year 11 (Chorus)

I will leave Exit The King with a few things; bruises from trying to do a cartwheel, a super rad t-shirt and memories that I will always cherish. Ruby Davis – Year 10 (Chorus)

Exit The King was the most phenomenal show to be involved in. We were all truly part of something special. Molly Cormack – Year 11 (Juliette)

The opportunity to be a part of a production that made you think and feel, was so $XJXVW WK SP $XJXVW WK SP 0DWLQHH DQG SP incredible. I didn’t expect to be so moved &KLOG 6WXGHQW $GXOW by being a part 25L*L1Œ 7KHDWULFDO of ETK, but I EXUULQMD RUJ DX RU was pleasantly surprised as I found myself becoming so attached to the characters and the words. I am so proud to say that I was a part of this world we created, ‘at once infinite and ephemeral’. Isobelle Caterer (Marguerite)

Being surrounded by people who share the same passion and love of performance as I do has been such a privilege. Being able to put on a show, which relies so heavily on working together and actually pulling it off is definitely something to be proud of. “It’s so normal to be abnormal.�

Ionesco’s play was already brimming with countless life lessons and our unique adaption of his work allowed us to creatively explore and express its essence. The world we created on stage shone, as did all of our characters and this had a profound effect on countless audience members. I am so grateful to have been involved in this passionately insightful project. Thank you. Ruby Rawlings - Year 11 (The King)

I’ll honestly never forget this play, nor our ETK family who have stayed together through thick and thin and came out with the best show possible. I love them all so much. “I fear what must end one day has ended now.â€? – King BĂŠrenger

Olivia Gyulavary – Year 10 (Chorus)

It was an incredible feeling to be able to get up on stage and perform a piece of art that makes the audience think. A piece of art that confuses, informs, relates to and intrigues everyone. We left the audience actually ‘thinking’ after the show and that’s the greatest achievement. Molly McKernan – Year 10 (Marie)

Caitlin Alcock – Year 10 (King)

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Showcase Over two nights in early August, audiences enjoyed a series of

The journey of Showcase began in Term 1 auditioning both Middle and

performances at Burrinja Cultural Theatre, from emerging and

Senior School students ensuring a diverse range of performers. Not only

experienced musicians and dancers.

were performers selected but also student choreographers, conductors

Showcase celebrated the fields of music and dance featuring performances from Mater Christi Orchestra, Showcase Chorus and Band, the Showcase Dance Ensemble as well as VCE Dance performers from past and present years.

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and stage crew, allowing students to pursue opportunities to further develop a broad range of skills. Nardia Trubridge - Dance Teacher and Sarah Owen – Arts Domain Leader

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The two performances of Showcase left audiences wanting more! It was a

Showcase was a great experience and an excellent opportunity to move

fantastic MCC event showing off the best dancers in the College and I was

outside of our comfort zone becoming student choreographers. We made

lucky enough to contribute with the choreography of ‘A Little Party Never

many new friends from different Year levels and made memories that will

Killed Nobody’ a high energy jazz routine! Congratulations to all performers

last a lifetime!

and thank you!

Patricia Summers and Amelia Edwards – Year 8

Lisa Herbert – Year 10

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Music It’s all about the groove The Music School has had a very engaging and active program this year,

Ensemble Night 2014 featured all our ensembles. The students charmed

creating an environment of learning through practice and performance.

the audience with their spirited performances and learnt not only how to

The Rock and Jazz Bands have become regular features at local community

play and perform, but also how a show is put together.

fetes and festivals. This year these included St Thomas More, St Jude’s,

Lunchtime concerts were also performed fortnightly throughout the year

St Joseph’s and Mary MacKillop Primary Schools as well as the Winter

to provide our music students with more opportunities to perform.

solstice parade in Belgrave. Music Camp this year, focused on learning and polishing content for the

Elize Brozgul – Music Teacher

Ensemble Night Concert mid-year. Guest performers at the camp included Gerard Mapstone, flamenco guitarist and one of our past students, Sarah Strachan and her band.

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English English Domain Report

The students debated many challenging topics,

see the world in a much more in-depth way.

that made them reflect upon Australian and

Literature has not only motivated me to

As English teachers and students we are

global social, political and economic values.

pursue my love of reading and writing, it has

fortunate to inhabit daily a landscape of ideas,

Some of these topics included: The national

also encouraged me to allow myself to think

built upon language and imagery that invites

curriculum should seek to promote Australian

critically about the world and to be able to

our exploration and discovery. Throughout the

values; We should not grant developing

voice my opinions. I highly recommend

year, we have focused on the environment and

countries the right to host major International

Literature to anyone who is passionate

relationships around us, reading texts as lenses

sporting events and We should abolish the

about words and ideas.

for reading the world.

minimum wage.

Students have experienced the creativity of

Over the past two years, the students have

short story writing, the challenges of presenting

grown in confidence as they have learnt how

and the opportunity to explore alternative

to structure a debate and rebut in a more

views. We have endeavored to bring the outside

competent manner to demonstrate why their

world into the classroom and both teachers and

argument has more validity than that of the

Year 7 English has been filled with

students particularly appreciated the speakers

opposition. Overall, the students performed

creative opportunities.

and actors who inspired our explorations of

very well winning three out of their five

‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘Macbeth’ and sustainable

debates. We look forward to participating

living. Hence in all English classrooms there

in the DAV competition again in 2015.

have been students producing short films, sharing and editing their writing and

Anne-Louise Sheehan - Humanities Tutor

importantly, collaborating in new ways through technologies. Bree Kitt – English Domain Leader

DAV Debating

Niamh Clarke - Year 11

A reflection on film in Year 7

In Term 3 we watched the film Avatar. We looked at how James Cameron, the director, used different film techniques and the Sci-Fi genre to explore an issue. After studying the film, we all had a go at being directors and conveying a message through three minute

The experience of Literature

movies. Topics included a range of issues from

English has always been my favourite subject.

asylum seekers. Everyone managed to come up

As a child, I was constantly reading piles of

with a clear issue and a creative storyline for

books and writing tales of fairies and mermaids.

their movie. As well as making the movies we

road safety, deer culling and homelessness to

When I came into Year 11 Literature, I was

also had to write scripts and create storyboards.

This year we entered a Year 10 team into

delighted to discover how much we were

This was a really fun experience as some of us

the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV)

motivated to construct our own ideas

had never done this before and we had never

Competition in the Berwick Region. Sirjana

and opinions.

realised how much thought goes into the film

Batra, Sarah Camm, Molly McKernan and Jaimie Sheil debated competitively against St Margaret’s School, Gippsland Grammar and Berwick Grammar.

Throughout this year, we have studied a broad range of literary techniques - for example, close analysis, poetry writing, scene analysis and literary theories. This class has really challenged my thinking and allowed me to

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making process. It was also nice to be able to direct our own movies and be able to have a chance to develop a polished film that we were proud of. We felt like real directors! Alex Atkinson and Bronwyn Ireland – Year 7

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English You are what you eat – so eat ethically

Creative Response – To Kill a Mockingbird

In August, Year 8 students received a visit from

Debating Competition 2014. All debates

Why is it that death is always considered dark?

Tammi Jonas (of Jonai Farms and Meatsmiths)

were of a very high calibre and the difference

Macabre? And horrifying?

who spoke to us about her ethical food journey

between a victory and a loss was usually only

from being a vegetarian English teacher, to

a few points. This is testament to the hard

being a farmer and now a butcher. Year 8

work that all teams put in and the generous

students were studying the documentary

teacher support that was given in the lead up

It is moving from one world to another, another

film, ‘FOOD Inc’ and Tammi was able to put

to the competition. The constructive feedback

world of light that is impossible to describe.

many of the issues raised in this film into an

that was given by the adjudicators and fellow

Australian context, as well as provide a personal

competitors re-enforced the positive spirit of

connection. Comments on the presentation from

the competition and gave students something

our Year 8 students included:

to work on for next year.

“I would definitely recommend Tammi Jonas as a guest speaker for the future Year 8 students

Caitlin MacDonald - Year 9

who study Food Inc. because she tells you how it really is…She opens your eyes to what is happening… I would also recommend her

Macbeth “Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk

food choices…”

of human kindness; To catch the nearest way.”

“I am going to change the meats I eat to make

Year 11 students attended the play ‘Macbeth’,

sure I know where they come from and they

performed by three talented actors from the

are free range”

Eagles Nest Theatre Company. The play allowed

ham and bacon”

students to experience the story of Macbeth, as well as different interpretations. The actors helped to highlight different scenes and

“It helped me understand the meaning of

display characters’ attributes. With only three

industrial food”

people performing the entire play, they artfully represented each character across several key

Melissa MacEoin – Year 8 English Teacher

scenes. The crew managed to condense a 2.5 hour long play into just one hour of enjoyment,

Hills Public Speaking and Debating Competition In August, 60 passionate students from

After all, life in a different form.

When one is murdered, the way of dying can be considered macabre and horrifying, but it is ever so paradoxical. It is dark to light. Yet we also see earth and life as light. So are we not but just moving from one light to another, leaving others to bathe in the light of the sun and life, and moving to the light of the soul and a light of

because she encourages you to make good

“I am going to ask my mum to buy free range

Why not as light, freeing, giving, and alive. It is,

bringing the characters alive. There was much laughter and enthusiasm from the audience, along with much discussion. It was great to experience the play, and it was extremely

another world we do not know, until we revisit it through death? Is birth, moving from the light of pure soul back to the light of life and the sun, considered a death from the other light? ‘Until we meet again’, holds such strong and often sad emotions, but is a sentence that rings ever so true. We are merely sharing time with people, moving on, and greeting each other again. Is it a cycle? Is this what Buddhists believe with Enlightenment? Until we’ve learnt everything we can do to reach full enlightenment, we continue traveling in this cycle of light as we reach closer and closer to a divine light, a light like Utopia: pure enlightenment and understanding. These concepts cannot be expressed by human language or understanding.

beneficial in our study of Macbeth.

Why is death dark? Why not light?

Jess McFarlane – Year 11

Bethany Wallach - Year 10 English

Monbulk College, St Joseph’s College and Mater Christi College gathered to debate on a range of issues in the Hills Public Speaking and

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Health PE Health & Physical Education Report The Health & Physical Education (HPE) Domain has had a very successful

There were also fantastic learning opportunities across other

year with students having the opportunity to participate in many and

Year levels including:

varied activities. The year began with Health and PE week which was launched by National 800m runner Kelly Hetherington who encouraged all students to ‘Get Active’ and put students through their paces with some fun physical activities. During that week students and staff participated in inflatable boxing, yoga, staff vs students volleyball, staff healthy morning tea and a fun challenging ‘Mater Mudder’ obstacle course. This year has seen big changes to the Year 9 program, with Year 9 Physical Education being revamped to become a year-long study of Physical and

• Year 7 students attending an excursion to the National Gymnastics Championships and receiving elite coaching. • The Unit 3 Physical Education students attending Exercise Research Australia to see first- hand the latest laboratory testing methods for Energy Systems. • Year 10 Living Safely students participating in driving lessons at Metec Driver Training Centre. • Year 9 students gaining valuable Self Defence skills in Health classes.

Outdoor Education. This was a great success, with students enjoying a broad range of experiences and challenging learning activities that

Amanda McLellan – Health/PE Domain Leader

included designing a personal fitness program, surfing, running a class volleyball competition and orienteering.

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Health PE Fun in the Snow

AFL Sports and Traineeship Update

In August, 31 students took to the slopes of Falls Creek on the Annual

Congratulations to Sophie Young on her graduation from the 2013 AFL

Senior School Snow Trip. For many students, this was the first trip to the

Sportsready Traineeship program, following her work in the Sports

snow, for some the second or third and others were seasoned snow goers.

department and Health/PE domain.

The majority of students opted to ski while a small number of students chose to learn how to snowboard.

Sophie’s role included the organisation and running of sports days, carnivals, coaching teams and attending Outdoor Education trips.

Each day began with a two hour lesson, where we learnt new skills,

She was a fantastic role model and developed an excellent rapport with

brushed up on old ones or perfected our expertise. The rest of the day,

both staff and students. Sophie is now studying a Bachelor of Education

was spent practising our skills before dinner and an early night. All three

(Early Childhood and Primary) at Australian Catholic University.

days on the slopes provided us with sunny blue skies after the morning fog and wind cleared. All the students thoroughly enjoyed the trip and we

Amanda McLellan – Health/PE Domain Leader

were privileged to experience Falls Creek during what is said to be one of Victoria’s best snow seasons in years. Kate Anderson - Year 12

Source: AFL SportsReady Facebook page

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Humanities Humanities Domain Report What is the purpose of education? Is it to teach students what to think? Many in the commentariat would seem to think so and would argue (from both sides of politics) that our education system is a tool being used to instill certain forms of belief in our students. Perhaps this

the individual and society. In addressing subjects as diverse as Medieval History, the settlement of Melbourne, running a business in a globalized economy, management of an environmental and agricultural system, the development of financial literacy, through to the impact of disasters on social and economic development we aim to provide our students with

is true – surely no-one would argue that instilling values of justice,

the opportunity to explore their world and develop the ability to

compassion, equanimity and a desire to live life to its fullest are in

understand it.

any way damaging! Indeed, these are the central values of the education at Mater Christi College.

Each year, we provide a number of innovative and engaging activities for all Year levels. However, it is the day-to-day learning and teaching which

However, is it not, perhaps, more important as educators to not teach

is often the most inspirational and the quality of work our students

our students what to think, but rather, how to think for themselves as

complete with the help of their teachers, as well as the creativity and

‘informed, compassionate and creative’ individuals. It is this belief which

depth of knowledge they display, has been wonderful to see.

guides the practices of teachers in the Humanities Domain. Subjects covered address a number of issues affecting all aspects of

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James Bakker – Humanities Domain Leader

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4 compassionate




Humanities Year 10 – ANZAC Memorial Service The Year 10 Culture, Conflict and Change (History) class attended an

Year 12 Murray-Darling Basin Overnight Camp

ANZAC Memorial Service at the Dandenong Ranges National Park in

In March, the Year 12 Geography class travelled to the Victorian/New

Upper Ferntree Gully. We gathered with other local schools to

South Wales border to study water use along the Murray and Goulburn

commemorate the hardship of war and speeches were given

River catchment. We began with a leisurely cruise in the Barmah-Millewa

in memory of those who fought on the Kokoda Trail.

Forest, where we spotted native wildlife and Indigenous sites. We also

This was a moving experience that brought the community together to commemorate the soldiers who died for our beautiful country.



learnt about the positive and negative impacts of water use on people and the environment. The following day, we visited multiple irrigation sites (farms) along the

Mikayla Van Loon – Year 10

Goulburn River and were able to comprehend the large scale of water management in Victoria. We not only learnt about the importance of water management and how some farms operate, but also the complexity of

Year 11 Legal – Court and Parliament visit

improving irrigation infrastructure as many conflicts between different

In May, Year 11 Legal classes undertook an excursion to the Melbourne

provided us with a real insight into what we were studying.

stakeholders can often arise. Overall, we found the trip very useful as it


Magistrates Court and the State Parliament of Victoria. During the visit to the Magistrates Court the students saw some interesting cases and were given the opportunity to ask questions of presiding Magistrates. The visit

Hayley Cochrane - Year 12

to the State Parliament of Victoria was fascinating and covered the history and role of our Parliament. Students had a great day and really benefited from seeing the material they study being put to use in the real world.. James Bakker – Humanities Domain Leader

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LOTE LOTE Domain 2014 has been a fulfilling and rewarding year for our LOTE students. During March and April, 8 students participated in the inaugural ‘Victoria

The manageable and practical nature of the course has given students confidence to achieve a nationally recognised qualification.

Young Leaders to China Program’ along with 5 other Victorian schools.

Mid-year saw French students host a group of teachers and students from

They had a fantastic learning experience in China. Apart from developing

the South of France for a week. Both students and teachers enjoyed this

their language skills, they have also improved their leadership skills

great immersion experience.

and intercultural competence. At the same time, a number of students participated in the China Trip 2014 which was a great success.

It has also been delightful to see improved participation in the Berthe Mouchette competition and 2015 Language Perfect competition.

Our Year 9 VET Chinese program keeps going from strength to strength. Cathy Wu - LOTE Domain Leader

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LOTE China Trip The China Trip was a memorable experience for the students and

On the second last day, they visited our Sister School, No. 1 Middle School,

teachers who participated this year.

where they received a warm welcome. The students spent time talking

Apart from experiencing the culture, food and unique scenery, students have developed more intercultural understanding and for all of them, it was an opportunity to reinforce their language skills. The group visited three cities, Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai. They climbed the Great Wall, visited the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and wandered around in the exquisite Yu Garden in Shanghai. All were in awe of the ancient Chinese human ingenuity.

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to the local students and had the opportunity to participate in a Chinese calligraphy and painting class. There were so many highlights on this trip. Students experienced joy, friendship, fun, love and wonder. They learned about China, its history and language, and also learned about themselves and others. Cathy Wu – LOTE Domain Leader

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LOTE Chinese VET Certificate Course This year, Mater Christi College has introduced

I think the Chinese VET course is challenging

The event inspired us to continue following our

in Year 9 VET Certificate II in Applied

but not unachievable. It involves doing nightly

interest, showed us the joys of being bilingual

Language (Mandarin).

revision to be able to remember everything that

and provided us with a glimpse into the culture.

The course focuses on the practical use

you have learnt. Sometimes I think that I can’t

Not only are we learning to communicate in

of the language and developing learners’

do the assessment but with revision I can

Chinese but we are also communicating and

intercultural competence. After successfully

do it!

associating with a different culture, to new

completing 4 units, students will be awarded

Casey Seymour - Year 9

life experiences and to a broader world.

a Certificate II in Applied Language, a nationally Cathy Wu – LOTE Domain Leader

recognised qualification. Cathy Wu – LOTE Domain Leader

Opening a Door into Asia

I have a better understanding of the benefits

This year, 22 Chinese LOTE students in Year 9

of being able to speak an Asian language

I have very much enjoyed doing the Chinese

and Year 10 from Mater Christi College attended

Caitlin MacDonald - Year 9

VET course this year. I have found it very

an ‘Opening the Door to Asia’ conference

fulfilling, although it can be challenging

run by the Asia Institute and the University

sometimes. As part of the course, we have

of Melbourne.

participated in many fun activities, one of these was an excursion to Federation Square to watch a Chinese movie. This was a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Chinese culture and language. Caterina Wiltshire - Year 9

The event provided us insight into what we can do with our language and what careers we can

Ambassadors from various careers and

go into with the extra knowledge and leverage

industries spoke about how competency

an Asian language provides.

in an Asian language benefitted them in their careers. The common themes of the

Bethany Wallach - Year 10









ambassadors 1 were that competency in an Asian language - broadens the mind and sets one apart from others; is an invaluable asset which

My experience in completing the Chinese VET course this year has been amazing. I have learnt a lot and would recommend it to anyone who is learning Chinese as one of their studies.

allows access to a range of opportunities in the increasing economic, academic and trade partnerships between Australia and China and; enables communication at a competitive and competent level with China in any chosen career.

Kiara Henkul - Year 9

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French visit

Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition

In August, the Mater Christi College community

Not all the visitors enjoyed our unique foods,

hosted 3 teachers and 9 students from the

however a dish of vegemite and Smiths original

In mid-year, 112 Year 7 - 10 students and 22

Institution Sainte Marie near Marseille in

chips sandwich was enjoyed.

Year 11 to 12 students participated in the

Mae Wellington – Year 10

Berthe Mouchette poetry competition organised

Southern France. The students were billeted to families within the College community.

by the Alliance Francaise. Year 8 students,

The French students attended classes with their host students as well as being available

The students were very eager to learn and

for conversation and cultural sessions with

take on the challenges of their immersion trip.

senior classes.

It was good to learn about their lives and how they are different to ours.

Denis Cunningham – French Teacher

Jazmyn Barfoot and Monali Samaranayoke and Year 10 student Yvonne Van Os were finalists in the competition. Cathy Wu – LOTE Domain Leader

Tabella Bown – Year 10 The poetry competition was a great experience

She gave me foie gras, something that I was not accustomed to eating. Alex Jackson – Year 10

During their week we visited the Healesville

for me. Learning the poem really helped me

Sanctuary. The students said the animals

improve my French accent. After practicing a lot

were very interesting and slightly obscure.

I really got to master how to pronounce all the

Our native birds captivated a number of the

words and I loved the spirit of the poem.

French students.

Molly O’Bryan – Year 8

Vivienne O’Brien – Year 10

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Maths Maths Domain Report Mathematics is a powerful tool enabling students to investigate, interpret,

monitoring share prices, participating in the school waste audit, designing

explain and make sense of the world in which they live.

cereal packages, Barbie bungee jumping and modelling the parabolic path

The need to understand and be able to use mathematics in everyday

of a football.

life is very important. It is also a subject, which allows greater options

With the addition of iPads for Year 7 students they were able to practice

for future studies and career paths. To this end, teachers are continually

skills using various applications. Manga High has also been trialed in

working to engage students and increase their understanding of their mathematical world. Every attempt is made to meet the needs of students and help them to reach their full potential in Mathematics. Students continue to have access to additional help at Maths workshops and during individual coaching sessions with tutors. Inside the classroom concrete materials were used to help those students who have difficulty with abstract concepts. There are greater opportunities for inquiry and students are required to apply their knowledge in real world situations. This year, some of the tasks that

the Year 9 classroom this year. It is a game based learning site where the games increase in difficulty to the students’ level as they play. Mathematica, a computational software program continues to be used by students doing Maths Methods and Enhancement Maths. Over the year we held a number of activities to promote Mathematics including the Year 7 Family Maths Night, ICAS Mathematics Competition and MAV Maths Games Days. Debbie Gould – Maths Domain Leader

students have undertaken have included working out a budget,

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Maths 5


ICAS Mathematics Competition

MAV Maths Games Days

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

The Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) in conjunction with

Mathematics Competition provides students with an opportunity

various schools runs Maths Games Days. This year, teams of four students

to measure their own achievements in an external testing situation.

from Year 7, 8 and 9 participated.

This year, 148 students from Year 7 to 12 elected to participate

We competed at Wesley College, working as a team against 40 other

in the Mathematics Competition. We congratulate our highest

teams from around the state. We raced, solved problems and played

achievers: Zoe Kouris (Yr 7), Aswini Abeysinghe and Emily Goodie

games until our brains hurt.

(Yr 8), Gemma Tripp (Yr 9), Saran Kim (Yr 10) and Jing Ping (Yr 12). Congratulations to Jamie Shiel who received the Principal’s Award in recognition of her achievements in ICAS competitions.

Alannah McPeake, Lucinda Issell, Ponsruthi Ponnarsu and Olivia Koolstra – Year 7



We travelled to Penleigh and Essendon Grammar to compete in the Year 8 Debbie Gould – Maths Domain Leader

Games Day. We participated in many fun filled challenges that were also quite frustrating at times.

Year 7 Family Maths Night

Saasha Burby, Keeley O’Halloran, Hannah Eastwood and Jessica McDowell

When I walked through the doors with my family the room was full of

We participated in the Year 9 Games Day at Williamstown High. We

colour and Year 7 students. After signing in, we had to guess the number

solved many problems and puzzles and played games against students

of lollies in the jar and the weight of the chocolate. My family and I sat

from other schools.

at a table and got busy with Maths problems. Once everyone arrived the games began. One was called the Menu game. We had to figure out what each item on the menu would cost by ordering at least two different

– Year 8

Naomi Smith, Nicole Genato, Jade Appelman and Abbie Gunn – Year 9


items. Teachers took the orders and then returned with the bill. My dad loves things like this. There were many more challenges throughout the night and all the answers were revealed at the end. Emily Preston – Year 7

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Religious Education Faith and Liturgy Captains

Archbishop Denis Hart visit

It’s been a wonderfully eventful and rewarding year for us as Faith and

After celebrating a Parish Mass, Archbishop Denis Hart visited the College

Liturgy Captains.

to meet with students and staff. He enjoyed speaking with groups of Year

The role of Faith and Liturgy Captain is much more than speaking at assemblies, organising reflection days and preparing liturgies. It’s about

7 students and encouraged senior students to see the big picture in life and to look beyond the immediate challenges.

giving rather than doing. It’s about being the voice for your faith and

Archbishop Hart’s message for our community was to follow Jesus,

standing up for what you believe in and what MCC stands for.

to ensure time for prayer, to appreciate and use our unique talents

The beautiful thing about being a Faith and Liturgy Captain is being able

and to be the presence of God for all we meet.

to voice our inner beliefs in God’s love and the hope and freedom Jesus

We appreciated his time with us and his endorsement of the importance

offers. We were able to write all our own reflections and express our

of our Catholic school community.

thoughts in our own personal way, in the hope that our words would be meaningfully acknowledged by others. We wanted to inspire, encourage

Ewa Toomey – Faith Development Leader

and enable others to connect with the written word. We have definitely both learnt more about our faith. We were called to

Year 10 Ecumenism Excursion

deeply reflect and think about certain scriptures and values and found that we were able to express our belief in a way that everyone was able to understand and apply in their own lives.

As part of our unit on Ecumenism, the relationship between Christian churches, Year 10 students visited three churches in Box Hill – St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, The Salvation Army and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox

We hope that the Faith & Liturgy Captains of 2015 will find the strength to support each other, the integrity to find the right words to say and the courage to speak from their heart. Leilani Alivio and Khyanne D’Sylva – Faith & Liturgy Captains

Church. Our presenters at each church gave us a new understanding of the similarities and differences between Catholicism and other Christian traditions. Visiting these different churches was an informative experience. It helped to give me an insight into other people’s beliefs, traditions and how they may view different topics or issues of the day. Rebecca Bowden – Year 10

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Religious Education 4

Year 11 Interfaith Excursion

“Always a light in the darkness”

All Year 11 students visited three places of worship in Keysborough to

Until Steve Angrisano came to Mater Christi College, no one would 5 have

learn about interfaith dialogue. We were made most welcome at the

been able to convince me that one man could inspire Year 10 students to

Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple, the Sikh Temple and Turkish Mosque.

stand up and sing and dance to religious songs. I wouldn’t have believed

The Dhamma Sarana Vihara Buddhist Temple was quite elaborate.

them. However, Steve Angrisano did the seemingly impossible.

The statues both inside and outside were extravagant and made

Steve is a ministry leader. He relates Gospel messages to the experiences

bold statements about the enlightenment Buddhists aim to achieve

in his life and he translates these important messages into a way that

throughout their entire life. The monk we met told us that the Buddhist

sounds real and easy to understand. Steve is also a singer, songwriter

community interacts quite significantly with other religious communities

and 7 storyteller and he inspires anyone and everyone through powerful

as well as the general community, offering meditation services and food

performances and reflections. He uses his skills as a musician to

offerings to those who need them.

express his beliefs in a way that includes everyone in his stories and performances. He embraces each and every person in the audience

Sarah Blair – Year 11

and is completely honest about his spirituality.


Steve told us how in even the hardest of times we can be resilient

The Turkish Mosque was an eye-opening experience. Our guide, a high-school teacher, was happy to answer any questions and address any misinformed or biased opinions we might have had about Islam. The Mosque itself was beautiful; there was hand painted calligraphy

and come out of the experience a better person.


Molly McKernan – Year 10

on the walls and the carpets were so soft! Alana Majstorovic – Year 11

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Social Justice A Year of Social Justice Initiatives

SoJuSt Group

In 2014 the College community has continued to express its faith through

Students passionate about Social Justice and Environmental issues

action and a variety of Social Justice initiatives. These have included:

meet regularly to plan school events and discuss relevant issues. Led by

Supporting the work of Caritas Australia We have supported Caritas Australia through a number of events including selling pancakes for Project Compassion, collecting donations through Home Group boxes and holding a free dress day with a gold coin donation. We also held a Variety Night Extravaganza, a combined performance

Social Justice and Stewardship Captains - Rochelle Kirkham and Elliana Saltalamacchia and Middle School Captains - Caitlin McDonald and Tian Gibson, the group continues to plan and support school initiatives and raise local awareness of various issues. Justine Edwards - Social Justice & Outreach Co-ordinator

night with St. Joseph’s College, which saw the school community raise significant funds to support the excellent work of this aid organisation.

Tinnies for Vinnies and Senior School Sleepout Tinnies for Vinnies saw Home Groups collecting non-perishable items to be donated to local families in need. Our efforts were displayed at ‘Can Land’ where students created ‘scenes’ out of the items they had collected. These ranged from Castles to Mermaids! In the cold of winter,

Good Samaritan Outreach Program - Sydney This year, a number of students from Year 11 participated in the Good Samaritan Outreach Program in Sydney. Over a week, students were placed into ‘Service Groups’ to complete outreach activities.

brave students and staff faced a cold Belgrave evening in order to draw

My service group spent two days at McQuoin Park, and two days at

attention to the issue of homelessness at our Vinnies School Sleepout and

Parramatta Mission.

later in the year, we gathered items for Christmas Hampers to help spread

At McQuoin Park, an Aged Care Facility, I spent the day in the community

a little Christmas cheer.

centre where we played games and read and talked to the clients. Seeing

Support for Timor-Leste

their smiles, made everyone happy and made this visit very enjoyable.

The Mater Christi College community continues to support Sr Rita Hayes SGS in her work at Our Lady of Fatima School, Timor-Leste. Over the year a number of fundraising initiatives are undertaken as well as staff voluntary salary deductions to support the important work of Sr Rita and her staff. One initiative is the annual Mater Day where students enjoyed a day of food, activities and performances.

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Parramatta Mission provides food, housing, clothes, laundry and bathroom facilities to those impacted by homelessness or domestic violence. Here we helped cook with Silvia the chef, who played music and danced with the clients. I loved hearing the stories behind each client and came away knowing I made a difference in the two days I spent there. Gabby Bast - Year 11

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Social Justice FairGo

Student Quotes

After last year’s successful Fair50 Fairtrade market, the SoJuSt team

Please help us continue sponsoring the school of Railaco. This can be

decided to make this event bigger and better this year. FairGo was

done through donating money, or broadening your own horizons by

held in early Spring with students, teachers and the community given

joining the Social Justice and Stewardship group. It truly does make

the opportunity to purchase Fairtrade and ethical products from many

a difference.

stallholders. Some of the products on sale included Fairtrade Chocolate, toys, baskets, jewellery, clothing and home wares. For those feeling peckish, we also had vegetarian burgers, pizza, fruit icy poles and smoothies available. The market was a great success and we’re hoping that 2015 will be another great year for Fairtrade!. Tian Gibson - Middle School Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

Rachel Curtis - Year 10 My experiences with Ministry Outreach was an eye-opener. It gave me a deep insight to our theme “go and do likewise” - and knowing now there are so many ways we can help. I would recommend this program to any future Year 11 who wishes to make a difference. Gabby Bast - Year 11

The sleep out was one thing that really made me understand how people who are having to sleep on the streets and in doorways actually feel FairGo logo designed by Saran Kim, Year 10

while doing it. It’s so cold and uncomfortable it brings your mood down as well.

40 Hour Famine The annual 40 Hour Famine is a fundraising campaign run by World Vision, where young people are encouraged to give up food or something that matters to them for 40 hours and receive sponsorship. The money raised helps impoverished communities overseas, with a focus this year on Rwanda. We had over 80 students sign up with their own online

Lauryn Simpkin - Year 10

I learnt so much and received so much from the people of Timor. I don’t think the amount of tangible things we gave them could have ever matched what they gave me. Alisha Dixon - Year 10

fundraising page. The students gave up a number of things with many giving up food and talking for 40 hours. The students went to amazing efforts to fundraise, with the Mater Christi online fundraising page reaching a total of over $3,800. Elliana Saltalamacchia - Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

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Stewardship Stewardship

Student Quotes

This year has seen a very dedicated and passionate group of students

It is important to care about social justice and stewardship because we

participate in and organise a range of activities.

need to improve our world and create a better future for everyone.

Our aim is to raise awareness in the school community of how we can

Emily Clarke - Year 8

live more sustainably and live with the natural environment while not always taking from it. Our College Social Justice and Stewardship Captains, Rochelle Kirkham and Elliana Saltalamacchia and Middle School Social Justice and Stewardship Captains, Caitlin MacDonald and Tian Gibson have

In getting the school involved in the petition against drilling for coal near the Great Barrier Reef, I feel as though we may have played a part in stopping it from happening.

been enthusiastic leaders who have carried out their roles with gusto this

Lauryn Simpkin - Year 10

year. They have been great organisers and motivators throughout all our

This year we combined the Social Justice Group with the Environment

environmental and social justice events.

Group to form the SoJuSt Group - standing for Social Justice and

The environmental calendar started with Clean Up Australia Day and a

Stewardship. It was great to see girls with different interests working

litter audit. We also reminded ourselves about the cost to the planet of

together on these connected issues.

consuming too much energy by turning off the lights for Earth Hour and

Elliana Saltamalacchia - Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

our debating teams argued about the pros and cons of various questions around global issues.

The Social Justice and Stewardship Group allows girls with a passion and dedication to issues regarding the Environment and Social Justice

Our big event was Social Justice and Stewardship, or SoJuSt, Week.

to become actively involved, share their opinions and make a difference

We raised funds on Environmental Superhero Day to continue our

within our community.

adoption of two orangutans, Dodo and Miko so that they and many other orangutan orphans can be reared and rehabilitated to return to

Rochelle Kirkham - Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

the wild. While other funds will also help the local Belgrave Platypus

I learned that sometimes, doing something sustainable is simply not

Group to buy plants for stabilising stream banks and filtering runoff in

doing. For example, rather than focusing on recycling, focus on avoiding

platypus habitat. The group has also supported Gurambira and Nembila

using unnecessary amounts of stuff!

Schools in Zimbabwe for several years and has enabled them to improve their facilities. The level of excitement and enjoyment of being involved in Social Justice and Stewardship this year has been very inspiring and we hope it continues in years to come. Katrina Trost – Sustainability Co-ordinator

Tian Gibson - Middle School Social Justice & Stewardship Captain I learned about the “consumption conundrum” - some things may be more efficient, but not any better for the planet if we consume more of them. Cassie Goodie – Year 9 I learned that the Internet uses 10% of the world’s electricity, so be careful when you are using the Internet. Emily Clarke - Year 8

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Stewardship SoJuSt Week

Save the Great Barrier Reef

Fun and informative activities were features of Social Justice and

“The United Nations has expressed ‘concern’ and ‘regret’ about Australia’s

Stewardship Week. Jump-starting the week was ‘SoJuSt Superhero Day’,

approval of the dredging and dumping of millions of tonnes of sludge

where the College was transformed at the sight of creative

for new coal ports in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef.” (The Age,

costumes supporting an environmental message. Winner of the dress

June 2014).

up competition, Emily Preston, advocated against the use of plastic bags and how if littered, they can be harmful to our marine life. The ‘Environmental Amazing Race’ had girls running around the school grounds in order to collect clues to answer an environmentally-themed quiz and our guest speaker James Frazer from the Belgrave Platypus Group spoke captivatingly about platypuses in our local waterways. To end the week, a crowd of students watched the film ‘Happy Feet’.

In response, the SoJuSt team created a petition that outlined the impacts that this development would cause to the World Heritage listed site. It urges the Federal Minister for Environment, Mr Greg Hunt, to discontinue this project. We spoke about this petition at assemblies, encouraging students and teachers to sign and in doing so we created further awareness of the impact of dredging which includes the death of coral, increased shipping traffic and the CO2 created by the eventual

SoJuSt Week was a success as student participation, coupled with

burning of this coal. The SoJuSt team also took the petition into the main

entertaining activities promoted crucial environmental messages.

street of Belgrave where we sought signatures from members of the

Rochelle Kirkham – Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

public. A total of 600 signatures were gathered and forwarded to Mr. Hunt. Caitlin MacDonald - Middle School Social Justice & Stewardship Captain

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Science Growing Scientists 2014 has been a year of memorable highlights in Science. The year

Our Science programs are supported by excellent opportunities at

began with a challenge issued to students to participate in the Amazing

school and via excursions. Some of these have included the ever

Spaghetti Machine competition hosted by the University of Melbourne’s

popular Year 9 Forensic Frenzy workshops and the Year 7 Reptile

School of Engineering. Hot on the heels of our emerging engineers,

Show. Dissections continue to intrigue and inspire students, as do

we had students vying for a place on our Australian Brain Bee Challenge

visits to the Old Melbourne Gaol in Senior Psychology, Genetics

Team. There was the RACI Chemistry Titration Stakes competition and

workshops at Melbourne University in Senior Biology and ice-skating

in June a record number of students participated in the annual ICAS

and the Australian Synchrotron in Physics.

Science competition.

The world is indeed an inspiring place for our curious young women

Once again the senior Chemistry students flexed their intellectual

2 many varied 1muscle in the Australian National Chemistry Quiz. With so opportunities open to students across a vast Science landscape, it’s not

to explore and learn. We are ‘growing’ scientists.


Yvonne Sanders – Science Domain Leader

surprising that so many students elect to extend themselves. This year, this has also included attendance at the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Annual Science breakfast as well as participation in the Growing Tall Poppies work experience program.







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Science Growing Tall Poppies

The amazing people we worked with had great stories to tell about

In early August, a team of Year 10 students was lucky enough to

about people researching the psychology behind the communications of

complete work experience at the University of Melbourne’s School

mice, teams working on a cure for Alzheimer’s and groups making small

of Chemistry, as part of the “Growing Tall Poppies” program. The week

breakthroughs in cancer research.

provided an insight into University life and the life of a research scientist. The students explored the theme of “Light and Matter” and how they interact. They worked alongside scientists, using some of the University’s complex equipment including lasers and spectrometers to test the fluorescence of particular molecules, measure the width of a single

their journeys in Science and their experiences in the field. We learnt

It was an eye-opening week of fantastic opportunities that we strongly recommend to students as a work experience option. Nikola Henkul – Year 10 (on behalf of the team, including Sarah Camm, Katie Spencer, Jaimie Sheil, Kirrily Ireland, Kartiya Fernando and Hayley Hall)

hair and also measure the refraction pattern of an ant. Yvonne Sanders – Science Domain Leader

Growing Junior Tall Poppies Congratulations to our crop of Junior Tall Poppies nominees, Saran Kim, Lauryn Simpkin and Jaimie Sheil who achieved honorable mentions in this inaugural award and Sarah Camm whose talent and contributions to Science at MCC have been recognized with the Junior Tall Poppies Award. Sarah’s achievement earned her a Science immersion placement at Melbourne University as well as a scientist mentor who will be affiliated with the College throughout 2015. Yvonne Sanders – Science Domain Leader

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Science Amazing Spaghetti Machine In the early hours of the morning in late May, a group of ten Year 10

There was also an opportunity for the public to view our machine

students departed the school with the secret weapon they had been

and the feedback was pretty positive. There were whispers it would

designing, constructing, testing and tweaking for the best part of the10

be between us and Girton Grammar. Finally, it was time to announce the

year. They were bound for Melbourne University’s School of Engineering

results. Third place was announced, then second. We waited with baited

to present their showpiece – a curious ‘wake-me-up’ machine. This was

breath. We thought it would be Girton Grammar, as their machine was

the theme set by the University for this year’s Amazing Spaghetti

amazing. Girton Grammar did come in at first place. But so did we! Equal

Machine competition.

first! We couldn’t believe it. This was our first time in the competition

We were very apprehensive when the other teams began arriving with all of their very large and extravagant machines. At first we weren’t

and we were up against seasoned participants. But MCC ingenuity, creativity and dedication prevailed.

feeling very optimistic. We set up our machine, attending to the finishing

Overall, the day and the entire process was one that we thoroughly

touches and before we knew it, it was judging time. We were the 3rd

enjoyed. We would definitely recommend it to Year 9 students in 2015.

school to present out of fifteen schools and felt pretty good that we had

It was an experience that we’ll never forget.

run the machine several times without fail. Sarah explained to the judges what was happening as our machine ran. Everything was running really smoothly until one of the energy transfers didn’t go through properly! We were devastated, but luckily we got another run of the machine and by the time the judges came around for the final time, it ran perfectly!

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Sarah Camm & Lauryn Simpkin – Year 10 (on behalf of our fantastic team Saran Kim, Jaimie Sheil, Kaytlin Spencer, Gigi Collins, Alyssa Easton, Candice Strange, Amy Teasdale, Liana Rigby, Sarah Camm, Lauryn Simpkin)

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Science Science Week Science Week was a wonderful program of activities, games, quizzes,

situation. This was an incredibly useful experience which enriched our

competitions and speakers. There was something for everyone,

understanding of the different brain wave patterns we had been studying.

including events for individual Year levels as well as the whole school. A major highlight of the week was the international speaker, Siouxsie

Jessica Summers and Kiera Miller – Year 12

Wiles who spoke about her twin passions of micro-organisms and bioluminescence. Siouxsie is based in New Zealand and shared her Science and research journey, enlightening us about the merits of using bioluminescent bacteria to track the growth of infections and monitor the impact of the newest drugs on these disease-causing microbes. In the middle of Science Week, we held Family Science Night for not only students but also parents and brothers and sisters. This was a

Reptile Show “I liked watching, holding and touching some of the different reptiles and learning about how they do things like look scary or camouflage.” Alexandra Atkinson – Year 7

wonderfully engaging night of fun and exploration. The highlight of the

“I think the Reptile show was fantastic, because we got to experience

night was the Chemistry Show, brought to us by a team of intrepid Year

having snakes around our necks or holding lizards, turtles or even the

12 Chemistry students, their teacher, Lauren Faragher and lab technician,


Jen McKane.

Emma Schmidt – Year 7

Yvonne Sanders – Science Domain Leader

“The reptile show was truly amazing! There were lizards of many kinds, snakes, turtles and frogs. After a quick talk about the animals, we all had an opportunity to hold them! The snakes were HUGE! It was a great

Epworth Sleep School

experience and I want to do it again!” Audrey Kidgell – Year 7

Early in the year, Year 12 Psychology students enjoyed a speaker

“Even though reptiles really scare me, I had fun and faced my fear touching

from Epworth Sleep School, who enhanced our study on brain wave

lizards, but not the snakes.”

patterns during sleep with an interesting and informative presentation. The presenter brought equipment which is used in sleep laboratories

Grace Hiosan – Year 7

and explained how what we learn in Year 12 Psychology is applied in

“I thought it absolutely amazing! My favourite part was being able to hold

a professional setting. One lucky student, was hooked up to a sleep

the animals and really get a feel for their characteristics.”

monitor which projected her brainwave patterns onto a screen which enabled us to see what we have learnt in a practical real life

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Julia Hoefler – Year 7

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Technology Technology Domain Report Technology involves students solving problems using a wide range of

Salt. It had chilli, chickpeas, parsley and mint, crushed tomatoes and most

materials. They learn to investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate

importantly, a beautiful spice mix containing chilli powder, coriander, cumin

their solutions. This has resulted in a diverse range of products, reflecting

and paprika. The dish was so easy to make with many elements that

student creativity and ingenuity. Technology provides girls with an

brought it together and it tasted absolutely amazing. I would recommend

excellent opportunity to demonstrate their practical skills.

it to anyone who wants to try new flavours and experience the wonderful

Students have had many wonderful opportunities throughout the year, visiting textiles suppliers, participating in design workshops and visiting markets and restaurants. The Hybrid Car Team once again participated

tastes of Moroccan cuisine. Kirra McKenzie-Mizis – Year 9

successfully in the Hybrid Car Challenge and a number of Year 9 students represented Mater Christi College at Robogal events.

Jane Lawrence – Technology Domain Leader

My Restaurant In My Restaurant, students learn about planning and running a restaurant with an emphasis on teamwork, planning, preparing and serving food.

Melting Pot

In the My Restaurant classes, we have learnt many skills and cooking

Melting Pot provides students with the opportunity to learn about

skills we were asked to meet a Design Brief of a child’s birthday party.

different cultures through food and customs.

After brainstorming possible ideas, we decided on “Super Heroes” as our

One week, we learnt about Moroccan culture and the essential flavours

main theme and set off to create some spectacular and ambitious dishes.

and foods used in Moroccan dishes such as preserved lemons, cinnamon,

This was a perfect and creative end to our My Restaurant class.

techniques that have developed our understanding of food. Using these

cumin, harissa, orange blossom water, saffron, sweet paprika and cous cous. We created Lamb and Cous Cous Soup, with Flatbread and Cumin

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Claudia Busatta – Year 10

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9 Technology


Rise of the Robots

To Dye For

The successful introduction of the new ‘Rise of the Robots’ unit has

In ‘To Dye For’ students have the opportunity to exercise creative flair,

seen students develop their investigation and problem solving skills

investigating ways to create and or modify textile products.

through the use of Lego Mindstorms EV3 machines. The students have developed basic programming skills and skills in building a working robot which enabled their successful participation in several ‘robotic’ competition events.

The products created by Year 9 students in ‘To Dye For’ were ideas from outside the box. The students were very inventive with their dyeing projects exploring different colour combinations. Projects varied from double dyeing t-shirts, making and jar dyeing bunting, dyeing doona


Leah Eekelschot – Technology Teacher

covers with spiral rainbows, tie dyeing and constructing beanbags and the dyeing and reupholstering of a whole armchair! Students embraced these projects with energy and enthusiasm and a true ‘can do’ spirit. Anna Goodings – Technology Teacher

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Design & Technology

Designer: Amanda Dickson

Designer: Amelia Lazarus

Designer: Annie Jones

Client: Gemma Hartley

Client: Molly Butler

Client: Tayla Coad

Designer: Lisa Wood

Designer: Amy Lees-Doherty

Designer: Maddi Williams

Client: Catriona Warren

Client: Samantha Ireland

Client: Kodie Williams

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Design & Technology

Designer: Molly Butler

Designer: Stephanie Pal

Designer: Stephanie O’Neill

Client: Elena Sullivan

Client: Samantha Greenwood

Client: Jessica Trichias


Designer: Terasa Fabrizio


Client: Amy Lees-Doherty






Client: Maddi Williams


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Designer: Jasmine Petrulis


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Careers Careers and Pathways 5

Most people spend over 40 years working for a living. Imagine how it

In the Middle School, Careers Education occurs both in the classroom

must feel to spend the whole6 time doing something that you dislike

and in special Year level focus days. In the Senior School, students are

or even hate! Good Careers Education can give young people the basic

individually interviewed to develop and refine a Careers Plan for life

knowledge and skills they need to begin navigating their way successfully

after Mater Christi College.

through career choices and changes. The Mater Christi College Careers & Pathways Centre has three main aims: • Self Development – where students think about what they like and

Year 10 VCE/Careers Expo Excursion

what they are good at and understand the influences on them.

In May, Year 10 students attended the VCE/Careers Expo at Caulfield

• Career Exploration - to help young people identify, investigate and explore opportunities for their career journey. • Career Management – to help students find information about careers


Racecourse. The Expo featured stalls from 190 exhibitors and 156 seminars on a range of career topics. In addition to looking at courses and careers opportunities they might not

and discover the education9and training they may need to do certain

have even known about, students had the chance to get a glimpse at the

types of work.

wide variety of options available to them through the various universities, TAFEs and private colleges. Andy Donnelly - Careers Co-ordinator

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Careers Subject and Tertiary Expo • Seeking advice on subject selection?

In addition, representatives from major universities, TAFEs and private

• Want to find out what course options are available?

providers were present to respond to queries specific to their Institution.

• Interested in learning about VTAC requirements?

Also, a special VTAC seminar was conducted for Year 12 students

• Like to speak to representatives from Tertiary institutions?

and their parents to explain the do’s and don’ts of applying for

• Need more information about new subjects available at Mater Christi College?

tertiary placements.

• VCAL or VCE? • Benefits of a VET program?

Careers Education Program

The Mater Christi College Subject and Tertiary Expo was a key event

During the year, Middle School students are given the opportunity to

in the subject and tertiary course selection process for students.

develop and refine their Career Profile Plans.

Throughout the evening all Domains had information booths where

This takes place online during classroom time or on special Careers Days

teachers were keen to explain subject options within their Domains.

and is saved into a student’s own e-portfolio so that they can refer to it

Learning Leaders, VET and VCAL teachers were available to help with

as they progress to Senior School.

planning subjects for 2015 while the Careers Co-ordinator was ready

Career Plans help students identify interests, values, abilities and then

with the “What do I need to do if I want to become a …..?” type questions.

translate their knowledge into career exploration and career focus. Andy Donnelly - Careers Co-ordinator

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Hybrid Car Hybrid Car Team Report RACV Energy Breakthrough 2013 In November 2013, 14 students from Year 9 - 12 participated in the 24 hour RACV Energy Breakthrough race held in Maryborough. Our

Knox Grand Prix Thanks to our teachers, Mrs McKane,

It was our final year participating in the Knox

Miss Rivaloro and Miss Chu for taking care

Grand Prix so our 19 Mater Christi College

of us. We would like to thank past students,

students wanted to make this the best year

Olivia Lucas and Lauren

yet. To do this, we split our students into two

vehicles consisted of “Pink Lightening” a pedal

Briscoe as well as parents Brian Lucas and

and petrol powered car and team “Pink Spark”

Peter Bast for supporting us with the vehicles

a battery and petrol powered car.

throughout the weekend. We are also grateful

The event included a group presentation and race. The race was tiring but so much fun. Pink Spark finished with 585 laps, 8th overall and 4th in their category - Hybrid 2.

for the kind sponsorship throughout the year from Bunnings. Jennifer Smith and Mae Wellington - Year 10

teams which enabled us to compete in the 6 hour endurance race in Pink Spark and Pink Lightening. After 6 hours of twisty corners, battery changes, tyre changes and pit stops, Pink Spark was victorious having completed the most laps in their category. Gabby Bast – Year 11

Pink Lightening finished with 476 laps, 18th overall and 4th also in their category - Hybrid 1 B/C. It was a fantastic event with many laughs and exhausted silence on the bus trip home.

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Student Leaders Leadership Certificate Graduation

Senior School Leaders

Core Group Representative

Year 11 Council: Gulnit Arora, Stephanie Cross,

7A Ponsruthi Ponnarasu

The Year 10 Leadership Certificate has been a

Natasha Di Luzio, Emily Dowling, Breanna

7B Emily Thomas

journey that has helped students to prepare for

Harris, Cashveen Kaur, Jessica McFarlane, Ruby

the years to come. Even though the Leadership

Rawlings, Emilly van Dijk, Ka Lam (Karen) Wong

Certificate has come to an end, the leadership

Year 10 Council: Caitlin Alcock, Laura

journey will continue throughout the duration

Backhouse, Isabella Dabb, Briony Edwards,

of our lives.

Olivia Gyulavary, Kirrily Ireland, Vorandi

To complete the Leadership Certificate there

Kahandage, Saran Kim, Natasha Mathiasz,

7F Emma Jane Wood (semester 2)

were many things students had to do. Most

Molly McKernan, Vivienne O’Brien, Caitlin Philp,

8A Iris de Wit

of them were in our daily lives, for example,

Kiara Pospischil, Lauryn Simpkin, Emma Walker,

wearing the correct uniform, doing our best

Angela White, Paige Whitworth

academically and supporting our College community. However, it also included the completion of the Personal Project and multiple hours donated to community service. Personally, the community service aspect

Middle School Leaders Captains: Emma White, Kiara Henkul

was my favourite part. The experience of the

Faith & Liturgy Captains: Samara Dowell,

Leadership Certificate was brought to a close

Tayla Harry, Caitlin Harry

at our Presentation Evening. We were able to

Social Justice & Stewardship Captains:

bring our families and received a certificate

Caitlin MacDonald, Tian Gibson

to recognise our efforts. We were privileged to have Emily Lodder, a member of the Mater Christi alumnae, come along and speak about

1 life after graduating. Emily works as an engineer and spoke about her experience of going into a male dominated class at University.

Arts Captains: Chloe Richardson,

and it was exciting to witness the emergence

8B Tess Horton-Crundell 8C Gemma Jordan 8D Emily Clarke 8E Melissa Hawkins 8F Chloe Vanderschoot 9A Simone McPeake 9B Sharanya Srinivas 9C Emma Dickeson (semester 1) 9C Victoria Young (semester 2) 9D Corinne Carlyon

3 9F Tearnha Porteous

Green House Captain: Tayla Cross

Red House Captain: Riley Haddock

the students who participated closer together

7F Julia Hoefler (semester 1)

9E Jessica Panozzo

Mater Christi classroom. She was inspirational

Overall, the Leadership Certificate brought

7E Zoe Findlay

2 Blue House Captain: Ciara Flanagan

Orange House Captain: Abbie Gunn

be leaders in whatever path they follow.

7D Emily du Vallon

Danielle Hodgson

This, of course, was very different from her and emphasised that young women can

7C Alexandra Mai

9G Grace Ashford

Purple House Captain: Rachel Ferguson Silver House Captain: Sarah Nixon Yellow House Captain: Elissa Tifere

of future leaders of Mater Christi College.







Molly McKernan – Year 10

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Zenith Program







Did Richard III murder the two Princes in the tower? Do statues move

We learnt about the Cold War and the doctrine of M.A.D. One group

without you knowing it? These were some of the puzzling problems the

proposed that if every country had nuclear weapons this would solve

Zenith team tackled this year.

the world’s social equality problems.

Our first Zenith Day took Richard III to court, charged with the murder of

Our Year 8 Zenith group explored the complex world of the Vikings.

the two Princes. We broke up into two teams: the prosecutors and the

We learnt all about polarized light when studying how Vikings used

defendants. After carefully reading many accounts which were either

Sun stones for navigation. We also read a 12th century Saint’s life

supportive or accusative, we shaped legal arguments and went to court.

about St Edmund, whose head was chopped off by Vikings, but was

We found him guilty!

still able to speak once dead due to supernatural powers. From this

On our second Zenith Day we tried to answer the question “If every country had nuclear weapons, would there still be wars?” We split

7 into two groups, both of which had to convince the United Nations to purchase nuclear weapons. However, one group, the mad scientists, wanted to sell weapons with the intention of destroying the world,

story, we made a modern interpretation into a film: cheerleaders vs. nerds. The cheerleaders were our modern day Vikings, while the nerds were the Christians.



Zenith Team 2014

while the peace loving hippies wanted to sell weapons so that they could save the world.

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Learning Commons “Why do we need a school library when we’ve got Google?’

Where everyone comes to meet.

Who said that?

I love seeing our activities on the big screen.

Visit the Learning Commons and see why this space is so special and busy. Our students relish the newly furbished flexible space that is bright, colourful and above all comfortable. The lunchtime crush sees card games, reading, socialising, laughter and study. There’s not a square inch or floor space to be seen. The collaborative booths with their display screens are the first to fill during lunch and recess times as they are a great place to study with friends. Students still want to meet and learn in physical environments and these spaces are used for teams to work together, formally and informally. It may not be a silent place anymore but that aspect is appreciated by the students allowing them to engage.

Jennifer Cain – Head of Library

The Edge Library Report We read because we are looking “. . . for some kind of truth on the human condition.” In August, 11 excited members of The Edge library group travelled into Federation Square for the Youth Literature days at The Melbourne Writers Festival. The students were captivated as they listened to A.J. Betts share the inspiration for her prize-winning adolescent novel, Zac and Mia. While the novel is fictional, it has been drawn from her experience as an English

E-books are on the rise but paperback fiction is still very popular

teacher on a children’s cancer ward in Perth. It is both a heart-breaking

with our students and inviting girls to select which books to buy is

and a heartwarming story about adolescent friendship.

always rewarding. It’s their Learning Commons after all. What the students say:

Other authors whose sessions we attended were Fiona Scott-Norman whose book entitled Bully for Them is a collection of true stories about how adolescents, some famous and some not, thrived in life despite, in some cases, relentless bullying at school. Finally, we heard Cath Crowley

So much room for activity.

talk about her books Chasing Charlie and Graffiti Moon. Cath Crowley

Homework club is great. I can get all

shared some writing tips for the budding authors in the audience.

my work done.

Her advice was to read widely, take risks, write every day and have fun!

It’s always cosy and warm.

Anne-Louise Sheehan - Humanities Tutor

Cool performances. I love playing cards at lunchtime.

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Journeys Timor-Leste Friday 27 June, marked the start of an incredible journey for

Railaco. The beautiful selflessness, generosity and friendship the people

students and staff who travelled to Timor-Leste. Throughout our

offered was overwhelming and was certainly felt deeply. Strong bonds

travels, we encountered the capital city - Dili, a rural orphanage and

were formed, encouraging and nurturing a deeper understanding of our

the country town of Railaco. We undertook strenuous (physically and

significantly different cultures. Words may be sought to describe our

mentally) yet rewarding activities including picking coffee, assisting in

destinations and physical footsteps, yet cannot be found to describe the

a mobile health clinic, helping deliver meals to needy young children

new emotions and feelings that faced us. It was incredible to see the

and teaching English and music to Secondary School students.

real impact that our fundraising efforts at Mater Christi College have on

Railaco was our main location throughout the trip. It was here, we worked closely with Sister of the Good Samaritan Sr. Rita Hayes and Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School. This presented us with the unique opportunity to have a small insight into what life may be like as a student living in

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the community of Railaco. This includes the provision of water tanks, the construction of a new canteen facility and Scholarships for students at Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School. Rachael Curtis – Year 10

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Journeys Year 11 Central Australia Adventure The annual Central Australia Trip provides Year 11 students with the

the processes of land management and traditional practices which

opportunity to experience many of the unique aspects of our country.

have been used by the local Indigenous people for thousands of years.

This year, due to some heavy rainfall, students were able to view ‘rain

In Alice Springs, students also had the opportunity to visit the Royal

on the rock’ and water in the Todd River in Alice Springs, both rare

Flying Doctor’s Service, the Pioneer Women’s Museum and the Desert Park

experiences usually only reserved for locals. A highlight of the trip

where they learned of the unique flora and fauna of Central Australia.

included sleeping underground at Coober Pedy after visiting a local opal mine. Another rare experience was at Simpson’s Gap in the MacDonnell Ranges.

Outdoor experiences included hiking around Uluru, Kata Tjuta and walking the beautiful ‘Garden of Eden’ at King’s Canyon. The trip also included a stopover in Adelaide visiting the beautiful Glenelg beach.

Here students were treated to some traditional food and bush remedies including Emu sausage and bush tomatoes as a local guide explained

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Maryanne McPhee - Senior School Co-Curricular Leader

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Journeys Borneo In September, a group of 20 students and teachers from Year 9 and

War Memorial Gardens, the Ranau Memorial which marked the end of the

10 travelled to Borneo. During our adventure we stayed in various

Death March route, a Palm Oil Plantation, a Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary,

accommodations that included a traditional Long House,

an Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, a Rain Forest Centre, the Poring Hot

Nature Lodge and Jungle Resort.

Springs and Sandakan Memorial Park.

Our trip was filled with much excitement and many adventures that

While at the Jungle Resort we were amazed when an orangutan decided

we will never forget. These included a mangrove river cruise, many city

to visit us in the restaurant during dinner. We soon learnt that Boogle the

sights including the State Mosque, a local museum, the Mari Mari Cultural

orangutan visits regularly and loves posing for photos! Our final day in

Village, the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park and St Francis Convent, a local school.

Borneo consisted of snorkeling and relaxing at a nearby island as well as

Visiting the local school was a highlight, there were warm greetings

a shopping trip to the night market where many of us tested our bartering

and the local girls tested their English with us. During this visit,

skills. Borneo was a fantastic experience and we come home with new

we tried a local drink which they call ‘A B C’, exchanged gifts and

friends and incredible memories.

watched a performance of local cultural dances which we then had fun learning. The day finished with afternoon tea and then we taught the girls

Sarah Nixon - Year 9

how to play many Australian sports. We were all sad to leave, but we left with many memories, new friends and Facebook and Instagram requests! Other places we visited included: The Kinabalu National Park, a town called Nabalu which had a magnificent view of Mt Kinabalu, Kundasang

The highlight of the trip for me was going to the St. Francis Convent School. All the girls were overwhelmingly friendly and generous. I would love to go back and see the girls again! Casey Seymour – Year 9

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Journeys Global Young Leaders Conference


My experience at the Global Young Leaders’ Conference (GYLC) began on a

to New York. In New York, we visited the United Nations headquarters

July afternoon in Washington, DC. I was one of six students from Australia

and participated in a mock world meeting. On our last night in New York

with 277 other students from around 100 countries.

we went on a lovely dinner cruise on the Hudson River. I stayed for

The conference program was broken up into Leadership Group Meetings (LGM). I was in the USA group, as it was not based on which country you came from. We spent 5 days in Washington DC and 6 days in New York. My time in Washington was filled with meetings, forums, guest speakers, memorial and landmark visits. We focused on global problems and followed a collaborative and consultative process to come up with

the extension program, which involved exploring New York further and getting to spend more time with the friends I had made. Overall, GYLC was an amazing experience. I learnt so many skills and broadened my understandings while making wonderful friendships. Meg Hardwick – Year 11

solutions. Leaving Washington, we drove through Philadelphia to get



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Journeys The Victoria Young Leaders to China Program The students who participated in the Victorian Young Leaders To China

dancing fountains at the Big Goose Pagoda. With smiles on everyone’s

program in March/April this year, were the first of 1,500 young Victorians

faces, and full stomachs from the buffet, we were jetting off to Shanghai.

to spend six weeks living and studying in China over the next five years. This program offers Year 9 students a unique opportunity to be immersed in Chinese learning and culture, enhancing their Chinese language skills, expanding leadership skills, and developing intercultural competence.

The Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Languages Middle School was our home for the remaining four weeks, with the Mater girls now grouped with students from Marcellin and Victoria University Colleges; Chinese High School was now the focus. Mornings consisted of language and culture

For the eight Mater girls (Jocelyn Bennet, Ciara Flanagan, Tian Gibson,

lessons tailored for the visitors, including calligraphy, Kung Fu, knot tying,

Rebecca Langford, Simone McPeake, Eleanor Patten, Brianna Pettenuzzo

Chinese chess and music, with the discovery that the language ability

and Gemma Sammut) and teacher Dr Zara Dennis, our six week

of our girls (and even Dr.Z’s to a minor extent) had come on in leaps and

opportunity of a lifetime began blurry eyed in Beijing. Having travelled

bounds without our realising. In the afternoons the Australian students

overnight, we were warmly welcomed by our hosts at the High School

were split into small groups and were fully immersed in the regular

affiliated with Beijing Normal University, our home for the first two

Gauquan timetable. The long school days (7:50-4:30) and an average class

weeks of the trip. Having been forewarned about the pollution in

size of 40 came as something of a shock, but once again the cross-cultural

China we were amazed by the glorious sunshine during our first week,

bonds that were formed were a direct indication of the value of the

with the Mater girls mixing in with both the local Chinese students,

experience. Some of our students even received breakfast delivered

and our accompanying Australian schools at every available opportunity.

in class by their buddies.

International Basketball games became a common sight at recess and lunch, along with other traditional games; new friendships formed quickly with students from both nationalities keen to practise their language skills.

Shanghai itself offered further wondrous sights and experiences, including Shanghai’s main tourist strip, The Bund, Yuyuan Garden Markets (a real test of our new found language skills bartering with locals), the Oriental Pearl Tower, Feng Jing traditional Village,

Beijing was also host to a number of fascinating cultural excursions,

Oriental Land outdoor activity centre, and as a final night treat,

including The Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City and the

The Shanghai Circus and Acrobats.

Summer Palace to name a few. Far beyond these well known tourist destinations however, our girls, spending a couple of days with their Chinese buddies were also privileged to enjoy many other rich and unique opportunities and insights.

The last day at school in Shanghai saw our girls, along with the other Australian students perform on stage to the entire Gauquan Middle School including the principal and other distinguished guests. A wonderful conclusion to what was truly a once in a lifetime experience, the Victorian

The second weekend of the journey took us to Xi’an, and without a

Young Leaders to China Program has seen each and every one of those

doubt this was a highlight for many. Two nights in hotel accommodation

involved grow. We have experienced and we have overcome, we have

bookended an incredible day, including visiting the famous Terracotta

laughed and we have supported, and most of all we have made

Warriors, the Xian City Walls and a very fun and memorable visit to the

memories that will be with each of us forever! Zara Dennis - Science/Maths Teacher

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Sport The year began with the Middle School Swimming Carnival followed by the College Athletics Carnival. Both events allowed students

Sport Awards SCSA LACROSSE 2013


two fun filled days.

Team A - Best Player - Cassandra Grigoriadis Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall

Overall - Best Player - Jasmine Petrulis Coach Award - Elyse Richards-West

Congratulations to Yellow House who were

Team B - Best Player - Abbie Stiff Coach Award - Hayley Arnott


to demonstrate both skills and House Spirit in

crowned champions of both the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals. The House Spirit trophy was awarded to Red House at both events due to

Team C - Best Player - Emily Hamilton Coach Award - Katherine Bottone

their passion and enthusiasm.


This year, the students have won trophies for

Year Level Champions Year 7 - Chelsea Verrell Year 8 - Samantha Smith Year 9 - Rebbeca Kuhlmann

a number of sports including Tennis, Indoor Cricket, Badminton, Athletics, Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball, which is an amazing achievement. The College has participated in a total of 19 sports throughout the year and at every event our students have shown great commitment, determination and most importantly great sportsmanship, indeed of which we are proud. A huge thank you must go to all the staff who assisted with training and coaching at lunchtimes, before and after school and on the weekends. The sporting year ended on a high at the Annual Sports Awards. The evening celebrated the hard work and success students had achieved in the 2014 sporting year. Awards were given to the

EQUESTRIAN SCSA TRIATHLON Junior - Best Player - Jordan Conroy-Benson Coach Award - Chelsea Verrell Intermediate - Best Player - Paige Whitworth Coach Award - Samara Dowell Senior - Best Player - Jessica McFarlane Coach Award - Cassandra Kay

SCSA TENNIS Junior - Best Player - Iris de Wit Coach Award - Ponsruthi Ponnarasu Intermediate - Best Player - Claudia Campbell Coach Award - Rachel Ferguson Senior - Best Player - Emilly Van Dijk Coach Award - Emma Walker

Best Athlete, the Coach’s Awards from each team and Sportswomen of the Year titles.


Congratulations to the following students for

Junior - Best Player - Jessica Dunning Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall

being awarded the Sportswomen of the Year title in their respective age groups: Junior – Tess Horton-Crundall and Iris de Wit Intermediate – Paige Whitworth Senior – Emilly Van Dijk

Year Level Champions Year 7 - Holly Hodges Year 8 - Olivia Ryan Year 9 - Jemma Eastwood Year 10 - Paige Whitworth Year 11 - Emilly Van Dijk Year 12 - Jackie Dowell

Intermediate - Best Player - Susanne Bourchier Coach Award - Emma Walker Senior- Best Player - Chelsea Van Twest Coach Award - Jackie Dowell

SCSA SWIMMING Junior - Best Player - Rahni Harrison Coach Award - Chelsea Verrell Intermediate - Best Player - Paige Whitworth Coach Award - Erin Walters

Overall - Best Player - Julia Hoefler Coach Award - Lucy Mae McLennan

SCSA INDOOR SOCCER Junior - Best Player - Imogen Ball Coach Award - Talia Lovric Intermediate - Best Player - Clare Di Stefano Coach Award - Gigi Collins Senior - Best Player - Kimberley Tranfield Coach Award - Emilly Van Dijk

SCSA BADMINTON Junior - Best Player - Iris de Wit Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall Intermediate - Best Player - Saran Kim Coach Award - Paige Whitworth Senior - Best Player Hoang Dung (Ellen) Nguyen Coach Award - Emily Dowling

SCSA CROSS COUNTRY Junior - Best Player - Tess McLeod Coach Award - Ruby Grujic Intermediate - Best Player - Shelby Kay Coach Award - Alex Walters Senior - Best Player - Abigail Kenny Coach Award - Cassandra Kay

Senior - Best Player - Cassandra Kay Coach Award - Emma Dove

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Junior - Best Player - Ella Czudar Coach Award - Emily Preston

Junior A - Best Player - Tegan Stephenson Coach Award - Iris de Wit

Stunt - Best Player - Alanna Mills Coach Award - Isabella Smith

Senior - Best Player - Gemma King Coach Award - Emilly Van Dijk

Junior B - Best Player - Fleur de Wit Coach Award - Elyse Richards-West

Pom - Best Player - Hope Gould Coaches Award - Sarah Jaeschke

Junior C - Best Player - Georgia Young Coach Award - Tamika Cairns


NETBALL VICTORIA SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Junior A - Best Player - Tess Horton-Crundall Coach Award - Jemma Pearce Junior B - Best Player - Jessica Horner Coach Award - Olivia Ryan Intermediate A - Best Player - Jemma Goldsack Coach Award - Chelsea Carnell Intermediate B - Best Player - Rebecca Langford Coach Award - Emma Hill

Senior A - Best Player - Skye Gresle Coach Award - Leah Crampton Senior B - Best Player - Gabrielle Moore Coach Award - Abbey Bohan

Senior - Best Player - Elliana Saltalamacchia Coach Award - Gabrielle Moore

SCSA SOFTBALL Junior - Best Player - Tahlia Merrett Coach Award - Alanna Jackson


Overall - Best Player - Elyse Richards-West Coachs Award - Jordan Conroy-Benson

Intermediate - Best Player - Isabella Smith Coach Award - Narisse Privitera

Intermediate B - Best Player - Hayley Hall Coach Award - Tayla Cross


Senior - Best Player - Emma Walker Coach Award - Chelsea Van Twest

Junior A - Best Player - Tamika Cairns Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall


Junior B - Best Player - Jasmin O’Brien Coach Award - Trinity West

Junior A - Best Player - Iris de Wit Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall

Junior C - Best Player - Olivia Young Coach Award - Madisyn Carnell 3

Junior B Best Player - Charlotte Buckingham-Brown Coach Award - Ruby Fransen

Senior - Best Player - Abbey Bohan 2 Coach Award- Gabrielle Moore


Intermediate A - Best Player Cassandra Grigoriadis Coach Award - Paige Whitworth

Junior - Best Player - Jemma Pearce Coach Award - Allison McMahon

Intermediate B - Best Player - Susanne Bourchier Coach Award - Erin Walters

Senior B - Best Player - Sophie MacEoin Coach Award - Angela White

Inters - Best Player - Naomi Smith Coach Award - Anastasia Papakatsikas

Senior A - Best Player - Melissa Thiele Coach Award - Alison Gottliebsen


Senior - Best Player - Tegan Doran Coach Award - Sarah Gibcus

Senior B - Best Player - Megan Avery Coach Award - Stephanie Cross

5 Elite 8 - Best Player - Felicity Schill Coach Award - Georgia Stewart


Senior A - Best Player - Cassandra Grigoriadis Coach Award - Katerina Feoktistov

Tess Horton-Crundall and Iris de Wit



Paige Whitworth

Junior - Best Player - Ruby Grujic Coach Award - Imogen Ball


Intermediate - Best Player - Gigi Collins Coach Award - Kiara Henkul


Intermediate - Best Player - Jemma Goldsack Coaches Award - Angela White


Junior - Best Player - Tegan Stephenson Coach Award - Emily du Vallon


Intermediate B - Best Player - Susanne Bourchier Coach Award - Katerina Feoktistov

Junior - Best Player - Olivia Ryan Coach Award - Tess Horton-Crundall

Senior - Best Player - Chelsea Van Twest Coach Award - Tess Gellie



Intermediate A - Best Player - Abbie Stiff Coach Award - Cassandra Grigoriadis

Senior - Best Player - Kimberley Tranfield Coach Award - Sam Bakker




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Sport Athletics Carnival Date: Friday 28 March

Venue: Knox Athletics Track



Event Coordinators: Amanda McLellan, Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna



House Champions: Yellow House

House Spirit Award: Red House

Schurink, HPE Department, College House Leaders and Sports Captains.





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Sport Middle School Swimming Carnival 4


Date: Friday 14 February Venue: Belgrave Outdoor Pool


Event Coordinators: Amanda McLellan, Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna Schurink

KEY RESULTS: House Champions: Yellow House House Spirit Award: Red House On a warm Friday in February, the Belgrave pool appeared to take on a new personality as it became awash with the vibrant colours and swimmers from Year 7 – 9.



Students dressed in colours and costumes to represent their Houses


and cheered with enthusiasm throughout the day. Caitlin MacDonald – Year 9

SCSA Swimming & Diving Date: Wednesday 2 April Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna Schurink, Vicki Godfrey


KEY RESULTS: Swim Team - 9th

SWIM TEAM: Abbie Stiff

Imogen Ball

Rebecca Kuhlmann

Alex Walters

Jemma Eastwood

Ruby Grujic

Amandeep Hothi

Jessica Dunning

Ruby Hardwick

Cassandra Kay

Jessica Horner

Samantha Smith

Chelsea Verrell

Jessica McFarlane

Samara Dowell

Clancy Box

Jordan Conroy-Benson

Sarah Blair

Dana Kontra

Kiara Pospischil

Sarah Nixon

Ebony Dickinson

Laura Clarke

Shannon McDonagh

Ellena Bast

Mikaela Walles

Shelby Kay

Elyse Richards-West

Olivia Koolstra

Sophie Maceoin

Emily Thomas

Paige Whitworth

Stella Hall

Emma Dove

Rahni Harrison

Tamika Cairns

Emma-Jane Wood

Erin Walters

Tess McLeod

Hayley McFarlane

Josephine Saltalamacchia


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Cale McNess

Eva Kulessa-Spires

Keeley O’Halloran

Ebony Dickinson

Abigail Trzcinski

Olivia Koolstra

Elyse Richards-West

Jasmine Petrulis

Zoe Tomlinson

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Sport SCSA Badminton

SCSA Table Tennis

Date: Tuesday 6 May

Date: Friday 10 October



SCSA Tennis 6

Date: Wednesday 5 March

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Venue: Boroondara Tennis Centre

Coaches: Denis Cunningham, Eliza Fildes,

Coaches: Catherine Michael, Amanda McLellan,

Coaches: Amanda McLellan, Torie Ryan,

Maryanne McPhee.

Kate Hazeldine

Marlo VanderZalm




Junior - 1st

Junior - 3rd

Junior - 5th

Intermediate - 2nd

Intermediate - 2nd

Intermediate - 1st

Senior - 4th

Senior - 4th

Senior - 4th



Elyse Richards-West Fleur de Wit

Alanna Jackson

Annelise Rankine

Singles: Emma Schmidt

Holly Doran

Imogen Ball

Brodie Richardson

Fleur de Wit

Doubles Team A and B: Iris de Wit,

Iris de Wit

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Iris de Wit

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Jaimee Rayner, Ponsruthi Ponnarasu,

Olivia Ryan

Sophie Hill

Olivia Ryan

Tess Horton-Crundall

Tess Horton-Crundall, Josephine Saltalamacchia



Tess Horton-Crundall Willow Cleary

Willow Cleary



Abbie Stiff

1 Cassandra Grigoriadis

Alisha Dixon

Claire Tilley

Emma Hill

Bridget Walters

Emma Walker

Emma Walker

Gigi Collins

Jemma Goldsack

Madelyn Cahill

Kiara Henkul

Paige Whitworth

Natasha Mathiasz

Paige Whitworth

Sahiti Ravi

Saran Kim

Sarah Benson



3 Doubles Team A and B: Abbie Stiff, Sarah Nixon, Jana Jordan, Niamh Keighran, Rachel Ferguson

SENIOR TEAM: Singles: Emilly Van Dijk Doubles Team A and B: Gabrielle Moore,


Cassandra Kay

Rebeccah Clarke

Alexandra Tragear

Jackie Dowell

Sam Bakker 4

Chelsea Van Twest 5 Elliana Saltalamacchia

Jessica McFarlane

Emily Dowling

Gabrielle Moore

Jackie Dowell

Elliana Saltalamacchia

Jessica McFarlane

Kimberley Tranfield

Hoang Dung (Ellen) Nguyen

Maddison Corcoran

Rebeccah Clarke


Singles: Claudia Campbell

Cassandra Kay


Kimberley Tranfield, Rebeccah Clarke, Emma Walker, Bhoomika Kodela




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Sport 8


SCSA Indoor Cricket

SCSA Indoor Soccer

SCSA Triathlon

Date: Tuesday 1 April

Date: Tuesday 29 April

Date: Tuesday 25 February

Venue: Indoor Cricket Centre

Venue: Albert Park Indoor Sports Centre

Venue: Eastern Beach, Geelong

Coaches: Janine Bauman, Peter Kadar,

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose,

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose,

Tim Glover

Anna Schurink




Junior - 1st

Junior - 5th

Overall 3rd

Intermediate - 1st

Intermediate - 4th

Individual place getters:

Senior - 4th

Senior - 5th

Junior: Jordan Conroy-Benson (4th),



Anna Schurink

Chelsea Verrell (5th) Intermediate: Paige Whitworth (4th),

Alanna Jackson

Dana Trott

Chloe Leipold

Emily du Vallon

Iris de Wit

Jessica Dunning

Imogen Ball

Iris de Wit

Kayla Beattie

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Ruby Grujic

Josephine Saltalamacchia


Lauren Hussey

Olivia Ryan

Talia Lovric

Tess Horton-Crundall

Tess McLeod

Olivia Koolstra

Chelsea Verrell

Jordan Conroy-Benson

Rahni Harrison

Olivia Ryan

Samantha Smith

Elyse Richards-West

Tess Horton-Crundall


Shelby Kay (9th).


Amy Erasmus

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Claire Tilley

Anastasia Papakatsikas

Clare Di Stefano

Corinne Carlyon

Emma Walker

Gigi Collins

Emma Walker

Gigi Collins


Kiara Henkul

Laureen Lajtner

Kiara Henkul

Rachel Ferguson

Rebecca Kuhlmann

Shelby Kay

Paige Whitworth

Susanne Bourchier

Paige Whitworth

Samara Dowell

Hannah Crampton

Hayley McFarlane

Sophie MacEoin

Ruby Grujic


SENIOR TEAM: Alexis Kavaliotis

Cassandra Kay

Cassandra Kay

Chelsea Carnell

Chelsea Van Twest

Emilly Van Dijk

Chelsea Van Twest

Jackie Dowell

Gabrielle Moore

Jessica McFarlane

Jessica McFarlane

Kate Anderson

Kimberley Tranfield Rebeccah Clarke

Natasha Di Luzio

Rebeccah Clarke

Victoria Young

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SENIOR TEAM: Jessica McFarlane

Cassandra Kay

Elissa Tifere

Abbie Gunn

Laura Backhouse

Jemma Eastwood

Sophie Clarke

Payton Kay

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SCSA Athletics Date: Friday 9 May

SCSA Cross Country


Venue: Lakeside Stadium

Date: Tuesday 17 June





Venue: Yarra Bend Park

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna Schurink, Vicki Godfrey,

Coaches: Amanda McLellan, Andy Donnelly, Anna Schurink,

Amanda McLellan, Lisa Costello, Eliza Fildes, Denis Cunningham,

Vicki Godfrey, Maryanne McPhee

Kate Hazeldine, Priscilla Chu


KEY RESULTS: Junior - 1st, Intermediate - 2nd, Senior - 1st, Overall - 1st

TEAM LIST: Abbie Stiff

Alyssa Watt

Brodie Richardson

Brooke Eccleston

Cale McNess

Cassandra Kay

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Chelsea Verrell

Colby Rough

Corinne Carlyon

Ella Busatta

Elyse Richards-West

Emilly Van Dijk

Emily du Vallon

Emma-Jane Wood

Junior - 7th, Intermediate - 4th, Senior - 9th Individual Results: Shelby Kay 5th, Jemma Eastwood 10th

JUNIOR TEAM: Amber Wallace

Ari Dousset

Chelsea Verrell

Chloe Leipold

Emily du Vallon

Emma-Jane Wood

Holly Hodges

Emily Hamilton

Keeley O’Halloran

Mieke Florisson

Olivia Ryan

Felicity Schill

Gabrielle Moore

Payton Kay

Ruby Grujic

Stella Hall

Hayley Lowe

Hayley McFarlane

Holly Hodges

Tegan Stephenson Tess McLeod

Hope Gould

Ijeoma Anyadoro

Imogen Ball

Jordan Conroy-Benson

Jackie Dowell

Jazmyn Barfoot

Jemma Eastwood

Jessica McFarlane

Jessica Horner

Keeley O’Halloran

Kiara Pospischil

Kimberley Tranfield

Lucy Mae McLennan

Maddison Lowe

Meg Hardwick

Nicole Baum

Olivia Koolstra

Olivia Ryan

Paige Whitworth

Rachel Ferguson

Rahni Hubery

Stella Hall

Josephine Saltalamacchia Samantha Smith

Shelby Kay

Talisha Iacuone

Tegan Stephenson

Tess Horton-Crundall

Tess McLeod

Shannon McDonagh

Charlotte Buckingham-Brown

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Alexandra Mai

7Brodie Richardson



Zoe Kouris


Bridget Walters

Emily Hamilton

Emma Walker

Hayley Lowe

Hope Gould

10Jemma Eastwood Paige Whitworth

Kirra McKenzie-Mizis Lucy Mae McLennan Ruby Hardwick

Shelby Kay

Abigail Kenny

Cassandra Kay

SENIOR TEAM: Abbie Stiff

Eden Teicher-Sapozhnikov

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4 1

SCSA Soccer

SCSA Hockey

Date: Friday 22 August

Date: Tuesday 24 June

Venue: Darebin International Sports Centre

Venue: Footscray Hockey Club

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna Schurink

Coaches: Jen Palisse, David Cope


KEY RESULTS: Junior - 5th, Intermediate - 1st, Senior - 4th

Junior - 2nd, Senior - 3rd








Ari Dousset

Chloe Leipold

Colby Rough

Chelsea Verrell

Ella Czudar

Emily Preston

Hayley Mettes

Imogen Ball

Iris de Wit

Hayley Mettes

Imogen Ball

Jemma Eastwood

Lauren Hussey

Lucia Rodriguez Baubeta Olivia Ryan

Kiara Henkul

Josephine Saltalamacchia Olivia Ryan

Ruby Grujic

Sophie Hill

Ruby Grujic

Shelby Kay

Tess Horton-Crundall

Tess McLeod

7 Susanne Bourchier


Amy Erasmus

Clare Di Stefano

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Emma Thomson

Emma Walker

Emma White

Gigi Collins

Kiara Henkul

Kodie Williams

Paige Whitworth

Rachel Fergusson

Sophie Clarke

Tess Horton-Crundall 8


SENIOR TEAM (YEAR 10-12): Abbie Stiff Claire Tilley Emma Walker Jessica McFarlane

Susanne Bourchier

Caitlyn Smith

Cassandra Kay

Emilly Van Dijk

Emily Hamilton

Gemma King

Jackie Dowell

Paige Whitworth

Teaghan Spiers


SENIOR TEAM: Alisha Dixon

Cassandra Kay

Chelsea Van Twest

Emma Hill

Gabrielle Moore

Hayley McFarlane

Jemma Goldsack

Jessica McFarlane

Kimberley Tranfield

Mikayla McNamara

Rebeccah Clarke

Sam Bakker

Samantha Janky

Tayla Coad

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Sport SCSA Volleyball

SCSA AFL Football

Date: Wednesday 27 August

Date: Friday 25 July

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Venue: Highett Reserve

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Amanda McLellan, Rebecca Woff, Anna Schurink

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna Schurink




Junior A - 2nd

Abbie Stiff

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Junior - 3rd, Senior - 4th

Junoir B - 3rd

Emily Hamilton

Emma Walker

Junior C - 1st

Jemma Goldsack

Mikayla McNamara

Intermediate A - 1st

Paige Whitworth

Intermediate B - 1st


Senior A - 2nd Senior B - 2nd



Allison McMahon

Hayley Mettes

Iris de Wit

Olivia Ryan

Tegan Stephenson

Tess Horton-Crundall 3

Trinity West

Angela White

Claire Tilley

Katerina Feoktistov

Naomi Smith

Rachel Ferguson

Sarah Benson

Susanne Bourchier


Chelsea Carnell

Chelsea Verrell

Dana Trott

Elyse Richards-West

Emily du Vallon

Hayley Mettes

Iris de Wit

Jessica Dunning

Lily Probst

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Olivia Ryan

Rahni Harrison

Sarah Donald

Sophie Hill

Susanne Bourchier

Tahlia Merrett

Bianca Campli

Emily Dowling

Tegan Stephenson

Tess Horton-Crundall

Katelyn Dickson

Kimberley Tranfield

Tess McLeod

Victoria Young


Leah Crampton

Rebecca Young

Willow Cleary

Ashleigh Waters

Elyse Richards-West Fleur de Wit

Skye Gresle

Emily Thomas

Hayley McFarlane

Trinity West

Sophie Clarke

Imogen Ball

Jessica Dunning

Jessica Horner

Stella Hall


Willow Cleary



Amy Erasmus


Alanna Jackson

Chelsea Wright

Georgia Young

Josephine Saltalamacchia 6

Lauren Hussey

Tamika Cairns

Tess McLeod

Abbey Bohan

Cassandra Kay

Gabrielle Moore

Jackie Dowell

Jessica McFarlane

Tess Gellie

SENIOR TEAM: Abbey Bohan

Abigail Weston

Bianca Campli

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Cassandra Kay

Chelsea Van-Twest

Ebony Oredsson

Emma Walker

Gabrielle Moore

Jenna Thompson

Jessica McFarlane

Kimberley Tranfield

Lucy Mae McLennan Melissa Thiele Natasha Di Luzio

Paige Whitworth

Rebekah Caiafa

Samantha Janky

Tess Gellie


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Sport McDonalds Cup Basketball

Elite 8 Basketball Competition

Junior Competition:

Date: Monday 25 August

Date: Wednesday 13 August

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Coach: Melinda Galt


Coach: Melinda Galt


JUNIOR TEAM: Allison McMahon

Ella Bateman

Emily du Vallon

Imogen Ball

Jemma Pearce

Mikayla Navakas

Bridget Walters

Brooke Eccleston

Anastasia Papakatsikas

Felicity Schill

Georgia Stewart

Laura Backhouse


Naomi Smith

Trinity West

SCSA Basketball

Intermediate Competition:

Date: Tuesday 27 May

Date: Monday 4 August

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Coaches: Emily Stewart, Kate Hedin, Melinda Galt

Coach: Melinda Galt



KEY RESULTS: Intermediate through to Elite 8 Basketball Competition


Junior - 1st, Intermediate - 1st, Senior -81st



Allison McMahon

Ella Bateman

Emily du Vallon

Jemma Pearce

Mikayla Navakas

Bridget Walters

Brooke Eccleston

Anastasia Papakatsikas

Imogen Ball

Felicity Schill

Georgia Stewart

Laura Backhouse

Trinity West

Naomi Smith


Senior Competition: Date: Monday 11 August

Bridget Walters

Brooke Eccleston

Anastasia Papakatsikas

Felicity Schill

Georgia Stewart

Laura Backhouse

Carly Noy

Emily Peele

Emma de Wit

Melissa Thiele

Samantha Mellis

Sarah Gibcus

Stephanie Pal

Tegan Doran

Naomi Smith

Venue: State Basketball Centre


Coach: Melinda Galt

SENIOR TEAM: Emily Peele

Bridget Ardley

Carly Noy

Melissa Thiele

Samantha Mellis

Sarah Gibcus

Stephanie Pal

Tegan Doran

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Interschool Horse Trials Championship

SCSA Netball Date: Wednesday 10 September


Date: Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April

Venue: Waverley Netball Centre

Alisha Dixon

Cassandra Goodie

Venue: Tintern Schools

Coaches: Melinda Galt, Jade Rose, Anna

Chelsea Carnell

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Coaches: Eliza Fildes, Rebecca Woff

Schurink, Amanda McLellan, Collette Bond, Nikki

Emma Walker

Jemma Goldsack

Mikayla McNamara

Paige Whitworth

Phillips, Rebecca Young

TEAM A – 10th KEY RESULTS: Monique Hodgson 3.1 – 7th Julia Hoefler 3.2 – 5th Caterina Wiltshire – 17th Pheobe Wilhelm – 10th

TEAM B – 26th KEY RESULTS: Zoe Kavaliotis 4.2 – 8th Lucy Mae McLennan 4.2 – 17th Laura Peele 4.1 – 16th

TEAM LIST: Laura Peele

Lucy Mae McLennan

Victoria Young

JUNIOR TEAM A: Alyssa Moxham

Hayley Mettes

Iris de Wit

Jemma Pearce

Stella Hall

Maddison Van Twest

Tamika Cairns

Tegan Stephenson

Tess Horton-Crundall

Dana Trott

Hannah Dale

Jasmin O’Brien

Jessica Horner

Molly O’Bryan

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Olivia Ryan

Paige Brown

Trinity West

Emily Peele

Zoe Kavaliotis

Annabel Weiner


Julia Hoefler

Analeigh Birch

Dana Kontra

Jayde Salan

Phoebe Wilhelm

Madeline Kolb

Jessica Dunning

Kirsten Andrich

Madeline Hayes

Caterina Wiltshire

Lauren Hussey

Madisyn Carnell

Olivia Young

Sophie Clarke

Fleur de Wit

Bridget Walters

Bronte Reich

Emma Hill

Erin Walters

Hayley Hall

Kiara Henkul

Kiara Pospischil

Rebecca Langford

Susanne Bourchier Tayla Cross


Monique Hodgson

Emma O’Rourke


SENIOR TEAM A: Abbey Bohan

Alison Gotliebsen

Annalise Power

Chelsea Van Twest

Kristy Hicks

Elliana Saltalamacchia

Melissa Thiele

Rebeccah Clarke

Tess Gellie

SENIOR TEAM B: Bridie Riordan

Danielle Begg

Ebony Oredsson

Emma Banane

Emma Dove

Isabella Manson

Jackie Dowell

Megan Avery

Stephanie Cross

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Victorian Schools Netball Championships Date: Monday 11 August


Victorian Schools Netball Championship Finals

Venue: Waverley Netball Centre

Alisha Dixon

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Date: Monday 15 September

Coaches: Lisa Costello, Collette Bond,

Cassandra Goodie

Chelsea Carnell

Venue: State Netball and Hockey Centre

Jade Rose, Carmel Feeney, Nikki Phillips,

Emma Walker

Jemma Goldsack

Coach: Jade Rose

Mikayla McNamara

Paige Whitworth

Anna Schurink

Victoria Young

KEY RESULTS: Intermediate B through to Finals







Bridget Walters

Bronte Reich

Alyssa Moxham

Hayley Mettes

Emma Hill

Erin Walters

Iris de Wit

Jemma Pearce

Hayley Hall

Kiara Henkul

Stella Hall

Maddison Van Twest

Kiara Pospischill

Rebecca Langford

Tamika Cairns

Tegan Stephenson

Susanne Bourchier

Tayla Cross

Tess Horton-Crundall





Bronte Reich

Emma Hill

Erin Walters

Hayley Hall

Kiara Henkul

Kiara Pospischil

Rebecca Langford

Susanne Bourchier

Tayla Cross









Abbey Bohan

Annalise Power Ebony Oredsson

Dana Trott

Hannah Dale

Chelsea Van Twest

Jasmin O’Brien

Jessica Horner

Elliana Saltalamacchia Emma Dove

Molly O’Bryan

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Kristy Hicks

Melissa Thiele

Olivia Ryan

Paige Brown

Rebeccah Clarke

Tess Gellie


Bridget Walters


Trinity West


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Sport SCSA Softball

SCSA Lacrosse

Date: Thurdsay 16 October

Date: Tuesday 7 October

Venue: Geelong Softball Club

Venue: Altona Lacrosse Club

Coaches: Jade Rose, Melinda Galt, Anna Schurink

Coaches: Jade Rose, Melissa Phillips, Anna Schurink



Junior - 1st, Intermediate - 1st, Senior - 1st

Junior A - 3rd, Junior B - 8th, Senior A - 6th, Senior B - 3rd



Alanna Jackson

Emma Harris

Hayley Mettes

Alanna Jackson

Annelise Rankine

Brodie Richardson

Iris de Wit

Jasmin O’Brien

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Chelsea Verrell

Fleur de Wit

Charlotte Buckingham-Brown

Olivia Ryan

Tahlia Merrett

Maddison Van Twest

Georgia White

Hayley Mettes

Imogen Ball

Tess Horton-Crundall

Iris de Wit

Kirsten Andrich

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Molly O’Bryan

Olivia Ryan

Ruby Fransen

Sophie Clarke

Sophie Hill

Tess Horton-Crundall

Teraize Bonner

Zoe Kavaliotis


Angela White

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Hayley McFarlane

Ijeoma Anyadoro

Isabella Smith

Jemma Goldsack

Katerina Feoktistov Narisse Privitera


Rachel Ferguson

Susanne Bourchier

Abbie Stiff

Angela White

Claire Tilley

Cassandra Kay

Chelsea Van Twest

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Elissa Tifere

Emma Walker

Gabrielle Moore

Hayley McFarlane

Jemma Goldsack

Jessica McFarlane

SENIOR TEAM: Bridget Findlay

Cassandra Kay

Chelsea Van Twest

Emma Walker

Gabrielle Moore

Jessica McFarlane

Paige Whitworth

Rebecca Young

Sarah Benson

Tess McLeod

Katerina Feoktistov Kimberley Tranfield Mikaela Walles Niamh Keighran

Paige Whitworth

Rachel Ferguson

Sarah Benson

Sophie MacEoin

Shelby Kay

Monique Stoyanovich-Kristie

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Sport AASCF State All Star Dance Championship – Cheerleading


Date: Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September

Venue: Believe That You Can Gymnastics Club

Venue: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre

Coach: Vicki Godfrey

Date: Wednesday 10 September

Coach: Vicki Godfrey


KEY RESULTS: Pom Team - 4th, Stunt Team - 2nd


Abigail Trzcinski

Alanna Mills

Charlotte Curtis

Courtney Hyde

Ella Busatta

Elyse Richards-West

Gemma Jordan

Georgia Fraser

Hannah Crampton Jordan Conroy-Benson

Alanna Mills

Amanda Ray

Amy Winters

Hope Gould

Jessica Rigby

Annabelle Davison

Ashlee Church

Aswini Abeysinghe

Keeley O’Halloran

Payton Kay

Emma Harris

Georgia Fraser

Hope Gould

Zoe Kouris

Jessica Rigby

Radha Patterson

Rebecca Johnson

Sarah Jaeschke

Scarlett Mahony

Stephanie Sarritzu

Alanna Mills

Alexandra Lloyd

Ashlee Church

Ashlee Evans

Cale McNess

Chelsea Srinivason

Courtney Li

Elena Twirdy

Gemma Jordan

Georgia Sombekke

Isabella Smith

Jessica Quinn

Layla Balakas

Madison Farragher Shae McWilliams



Rebecca Langford






4 4




7 7



10 10

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House Report 5


2014 has been a successful and exciting

There was an exciting atmosphere for all

school. Each House created amazing plays with

year for all Houses. We were motivated

day and we were proud to be a part of our

many laughs and story lines to end Mater Day on

and eager from the beginning and maintained

Houses. All Year levels interacted and the girls

a high. Green House maintained their winning

a strong competition with one another

encouraged each other to get involved and

streak by coming first for the second year in a

throughout the year.

participate. The track and field events and

row followed by Yellow House and Silver House.

The year kicked off, with the Middle School Swimming Carnival and Yellow House won the

4 provided many laughs and the novelty events

trophy. Their impressive skills dominated the

Mid-year saw Houses participate in ‘Tinnies

pool while Red House’s enthusiasm won them

for Vinnies’. This was an opportunity for

House Spirit.

each House to contribute to the community

The Athletics Carnival was the first event for the year where students could work as a whole House to show their talents. The girls were

Overall, Mater Day was a very successful day with Houses also raising money for Timor Leste

memories for everyone.

by providing food items. Red House’s impressive

through food and novelty stores.


Beth Turner, Jessica Summers, Sierra Laird, Maddison Lowe, Gabrielle Moore, Emelia Backhouse, Emma Dove - House Captains 2014


collection gave them a win, just ahead of Purple House.


amazing, participating in as many events as

In August as part of Mater Day, House

possible. This paid off for Yellow House who

Performing Arts Competition (HPAC) was an

took first place once again while Red House

opportunity for the Houses to show off their

won the House Spirit award.

creative side! The performances took dedicated


time and effort from each House to display the incredible dancers, singers and actresses in our


Blue House

Green House

Orange House

Purple House

Red House

Silver House

Leader: Barb Alexander Captain: Beth Turner

Leader: Vicki Godfrey Captain: Maddison Lowe

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Leader: Lisa Costello Captain: Jessica Summers

Leader: Cathy Michael Captain: Gabrielle Moore


Leader: Kate Jay Captain: Sierra Laird

Leader: Gregoria Rivaloro Captain: Emelia Backhouse

Yellow House Leader: Angelica Ricci Captain: Emma Dove

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House Activities

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House Activities

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Home Group Photos

Kassandra Adams

Jade Appelman

Tash Bartley

Caitlin Box

Kira McIntyre

Chelsea Carnell

Jasmin O’Brien

Orla Cook

Chelsea Oleskowski


Ruby Dempsey

Hayley Perrin

Ciara Flanagan

Jasmyne Russell

Mieke Florisson

Amy Tran

Stephanie Wheeler


Farah Abdul-Khalek

Lily Alateras

Emily Goodie

Teacher: Zara Dennis

Bree Jackson

Kodie Williams

Bryn Mahon

Iris de Wit

Teachers: Genevieve Mallia, Bianca Lentini

Shian Arnolda

Teagan Boka

Laura Byrne-King

Bree Capusso

Rhiannan Dike

Megan Dunne-Riseley

Bridget Findlay

Barbara Gaudencio

Cassie Hillier

Nadeen Ibrahim

Ella Longstaff

Alani Merry

Jamie Miller

Erin Mitchell

Holly Pearce

Amy Quaye

Jessica Richardson

Lauryn Simpkin

Eden Teicher-Sapozhnikov

Kiah Whelan

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Rebekah Marshall Hayley McFarlane

Fionna Keating

Emma King

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Holly Adams


Emma Barbanti

Anoushka Bhatia



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Priscilla Chu

Monique Bast


Katie Board-Kay

Margaret Bottone

Madisyn Carnell

Willow Cleary

Ella Czudar

Brittany Fernandez

Ruby Fransen

Ciara Goldrick

Elizabeth Nicholson

Rebekah Oleskowski

Caitlin Pearce

Brianna Pettenuzzo

Ella Richardson

Priyanka Savanur

Lynn Truong

Fleur de Wit

Leah Crampton

Alexia Davies

Olivia Davis

Hannah De Wet

Navkiran Deol

Eliza Goodie

Jasmine Horne

Palvir Kaur

Jackie Dowell

Peiying (Penny) Feng

Jade Hillier

Teacher: Marjorie Lenette

Phoebe Barbour

Mia Bergles

Danielle Horton

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Katherine Bottone Chen (Elaine) Chen Rosaria Cosentino

Alexandra Jackson

Courtney James

Hanna King

Tze Hei (Cynthia) Leung

Louise Mugridge

Kasey Nicholas

Clementine Robertson

Millie Samios

Neelam Sharma

Beth Turner

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Home Group Photos

Tayleisha Board-Kay

Clancy Box

Claudia Cosentino Hannah Crampton

Saraya Peluso


Olivia Crofts

Georgia Fraser

Tayla Graham

Samiksha Jain

Harmeet Kaur

Ashleigh Kilminster

Cale McNess

Ponsruthi Ponnarasu

Jaimee Rayner

Isabella Sard

Sonam Sharma

Rebecca Sweetten

Gemma Tripp

Chelsea West


Anushka Abeysinghe

Lauren Aquino

Peri Bergles

Stephanie O’Neill

Georgia Bolesworth

Ashika Roshiah

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Rachel Bollen

Louise Samios

Elizabeth Bottone

Rebekah Caiafa

Stephanie Sarritzu Charlotte Spurrell

Millie Dempsey

Yvette Stanford

Amanda Dickson

Isabelle Tasker

Shantelle Fernandez

Jenna Thompson

Lisa Herbert

Paige Welsford

Teacher: Elize Brozgul

Stacey Nesnas

Crystal Nicholas

Neve Pearson

Teacher: Debby Gould

Liana Lloyd-Williams

Maddi Williams

Jessica McFarlane

Natalie Naidu

Emma de Wit

18/12/2014 10:13 am



Lena Al-Wahab


Madeline Ash

Kayla Butler



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Mary Clark

Isabel Bramble


Aurelia Cannata

Sophie Clarke

Madelyn Curtis

Cassandra Goodie

Melissa Hawkins

Aman Hothi

Lauren Hussey

Lucinda Issell

Megan Naranpanawa

Laura Peele

Jasmine Poynter

Jessica Rigby

Emma Schmidt

Patricia Summers

Phoebe Wilhelm

Shaylee de Bolster

Dejana Bullock

Ashvina De Zoysa

Sarah Jaeschke

Jaime Jensen

Hannah Muhle

Meg Novotny

Ebony Oredsson

Corazon Jackson-Dart

Simone McPeake

Tahlia Merrett

Tamsyn Schwind

Veneet Singh

Hayley Spiteri

Teacher: Lisa Costello

Danielle Begg

Georgia Bishop

Taylah Borg

Claire Teo

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Stephanie Tsagazones

Vonny Van Os

Sarah Vanderschoot

Bridget Walters

Huijing (Icey) Wang

Adele Ward

Mae Wellington

Evelyn Zapantis

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Home Group Photos

Emilee Baird

Indy Bakker

Nicole Baum

Teraize Bonner

Miranda Brimacombe

Stephanie Martini

Chloe Crumpton

Rithika Muddagowni


Shiuli De Zoysa

Molly O’Bryan

Molly Dillon

Aurea Palmer

Samantha Goodie

Gloria Tsang

Rhianna Gulati

Chloe Vanderschoot

Talisha Iacuone

Bridget Ardley

Leah Borg

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Sharn Butler

Stephanie Cross

Neisha Dockery

Lucy Mae McLennan

Jessica Sharma

Alannah Frampton Rhiannon Froude

Kimberley Tranfield

Jennifer Wen

Bianca Jaeschke

Tylah Jansen

Renee Mackie

Erin Wilson


Samantha Anastasi

Teacher: Janine Callahan

Georgia Hill

Sinead Holmes

Jiamin Wu

Man Man (Arwen) Yu

Erin Kelleher

Teacher: Laura Parkin

Gemma King

Rochelle Kirkham

Isabella Manson

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Katelyn Baird


Sam Bakker

Ella Bateman



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Cathy Wu

Zoe Barton-Smith


Ashleigh Batson

Tess Bekkers

Analeigh Birch

Alexis Blackburn

Samantha Brouwers

Sidonie Cooper

Tayla Cross

Jasmine Cruikshank

Jamie-Lee Hickey

Sophie Jackson

Jana Jordan

Jessie Kamsteeg

Tahlia Kremer

Emma Morcos

Taylor Smith

Annabel Weiner

Hayley Curtis

Baylee Eason

Ruby Grujic

Emily Peele

Sarah Reynolds

Teacher: Angelko Juresko

Jiaye (Kristine) Bi

Olivia Bouloukis

Tess Bramble

Charlotte Butler

Martha Clark

Niamh Clarke

Ellen Glen

Gemma Hartley

Ting Chi (Daisy) Ho

Shae McWilliams

Claudine Mulley

Haylee Rogers

Jennifer Smith

Chelsea Srinivasan

Georgia Stewart

Jessica Summers

Milly Thiele

Taylor Van Gramberg

Jessica Van Osselaer

Harindee Wickramasinghe

Hanxiao (Bonnie) Xu

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Home Group Photos

Chioma Anyadoro

Alexandra Atkinson

Jazmyn Barfoot

Aira Belisario

Susanne Bourchier

Emily Preston

Hailey Callaway

Chloe Richardson


Belle Davison

Lucia Rodriguez Baubeta

Julia Hoefler

Josephine Saltalamacchia

Bronwyn Ireland

Charlii Taylor

Emma Jones

Isabella Trensky

Chloe Leipold

Kayra Oztunar

Jasmine Palamara

Teacher: Melinda Galt

Tabella Bown

Holly Cherry

Rebeccah Clarke

Tegan Doran

Nilu Fernando

Tayla Field

Greta Gyulavary

Madeleine Hall

Emily Hamilton

Breanna Harris

Samantha Ireland

Rebecca Lenarcic

Scarlett Mahony

Sophie Matthews

Tiana McInnes

Natalie Payne

Kulani Perera

Ashleigh Southern

Ebony Taylor

Brittany Trill

Marlee Tunks

Bethany Wallach

Erin Walters

Angela White

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Radha Patterson

Precia William


Kate Anderson

Teacher: Annie Zou

Hannah Lutgens

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Cara Belvedere-Bain

Sarah Donald

Holly Doran

Jessicah Panozzo


Leilani Alivio



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Mary Lo

Tahlia Davison


Jessica Dunning

Sarah Pavey

Amelia Edwards

Caitlin Phelan

Kayla Edwards

Monali Samaranayake

Tara Fowler

Felicity Schill

Madelyn Hassan

Isabella Stamenkovic

Helani Jayawardhana

Georgia Taylor

Sarah Lenarcic

Abigail Trzcinski

Mikayla Navakas

Rose Nixon

Ella O’Neil

Abby Levin

Madeline Vear

Teacher: Torie Ryan

Alexandra Barge

Sharmaine Blyth

Deona Caiafa

Mikaela Camilleri

Claudia Campbell

Olivia Connell

Olivia Crook

Jessica Geraghty

Rachael Godfrey

Olivia Gyulavary

Erin Hartley

Kirrily Ireland

Rachelle Lynch

Mikayla McNamara

Jasmine Petrulis

Britney Roussety

Elliana Saltalamacchia

Courtney Schmidt

Jessica Shannon

Aprajeeta Singh

Ella Stoeckli

Jorden Uranie

Alex Walters

Leah Zemancheff

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Home Group Photos

Ijeoma Anyadoro

Imogen Ball

Emma Dickeson


Rebecca Dingjan

Ambah Doyle

Rachel Fermaha

Mikaela Field

Olivia Galea

Gladiz Gregory

Abbie Gunn

Natasha Hansell

Ashleigh Lowe

Sophie MacEoin

Tejal Ranade

Hayley Ruddell

Naomi Smith

Tahlia Smithson

Maddison Trill

Emma-Jane Wood


Sirjana Batra

Molly Butler

Samantha Butler

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Teacher: Nadine Fent

Emma Kate Harris

Rahni Hubery

Gemma Jordan

Teacher: Marg Watts

Briony Edwards

Madison Farragher

Caitlin Fowler

Sarah Gibcus

Sharon Giulieri

Glenda Gregory

Ka Wing (Emily) Ip Bhoomika Kodela

Grace Nixon

Tahlyshia Phillipson

Madeleine Redgewell

Renata Retegan

Lauren Sabatinelli

Jaymie Tonisson

Monique Trzcinski

Sierra Laird

Abbey McDonald

Ebony Miller

Ka Lam (Karen) Wong

18/12/2014 10:14 am



Ravneet Arora


Rachel Anderson



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Colleen Browne

Layla Balakas


Tahlia Briggs

Isabella Chicas

Ari Dousset

Hannah Eastwood Ashleigh Goldman

Jordyn Griffiths

Caitlin Harry

Madeline Kolb

Molly Mardy

Stella Mollica

Angelina Rivera

Amy Rode

Jayde Salan

Nadiah Sarkissian

Sutria Stewart

Patricia Taripo

Lucy Taylor

Jennifer Wayman

Caterina Wiltshire

Chelsea Wright

Cassandra Grigoriadis

Jessica Hartin

Maddi Hill

Breanon Jones

Erin Jongebloed

Cashveen Kaur

Saran Kim

Clorinda Maio

Annie Pirotta

Alexis Poulopoulos

Narisse Privitera

Cassandra Scarso

Laura Simpson

Paige Whitworth

Myra O’Hagan

Bronte Reich

Holly Mellis

Alexandra Paffenholz

Teacher: Anthony Clarke

Sarah Camm

Lia Corica

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Alyssa Easton

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Home Group Photos

Ashy Bennys

Sophie Bonnici

Tara Burke

Hannah Dale

Brodi Dodd

Anastasia Papakatsikas

Isabella Fox

Madison Sammut


Kassidy Hawke

Nicola Scarso

Matilda Hibbert

Kaitlyn Steinfort

Holly Hodges

Lauren Taylor

Abbey Hutcheon

Chelsea Verrell

Andrea Kljajic

Madelyn Cahill

Ebonni Cuff

Wanyao (Sammy) Li

Jasmine Di Valentine

Hayley Lowe

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Emily Dowling

Emily Lynch

Caitland Edwards-Brown

Kai Ting (Crystal) Mai

Rachael Figg

Jessica Masset

Lixi (Hannah) He

Samantha Mellis

Chloe Hill

Chelsea Richardson

Emma Hill

Maddy SchĂźtz-Beaton

Grace Koski

Indigo Lowery

Emily Mitchell

Natalie Welch


Gulnit Arora

Teacher: Amanda McLellan

Teacher: Denis Cunningham

Karlee Jinnette

Caitlyn Smith

Jade Johnson

Abbie Stiff

Olivia Jones

Abby Lancaster

Lo Vanguardia

18/12/2014 10:14 am



Kirsten Andrich


Shreicy Bahl

Tamyka Borg



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Deborah Malmo

Melinda Bertuna


Ashlee Church

Lauren Churchward

Georgia Cummings

Cally Ferguson

Rachel Ferguson

Michelle Gulati

Jessica Hare

Tayla Harry

Taniesha Marsh

Jessica McDowell

Alyssa Moxham

Kristy Prakash

Samantha Rivera Mia SchĂźtz-Beaton Abbey Wentworth Courtney Worsnop

Rachel David

Katelyn Dickson

Ashlee Evans

Sophie Hill

Laureen Lajtner

Rebecca Langford

Lili Lin

Maddison Lowe

Rachel Mitchell

Teacher: Katrina Trost

Yu Wei Cai

Phillipa Chisholm

Ruby Cowling

Milena Montenegro

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Bridie Riordan

Briony Santamaria

Teaghan Spiers

Terasa Fabrizio

Stephanie Steele

Victoria Greenway Victoria Hewetson

Jasmine Stiff

Stephanie Taylor

Courtney Li

Mikayla Van Loon

Lauren Wallace

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Home Group Photos

Tiani Abberton

Julia Beare

Alana Davids


Mohita Dhaliwal

Sinead Farrar

Elena Frawley

Bianca Gerard

Riley Haddock

Grace Hardwick

Sian Hoy

Alice Huijbregts

Hashini Ishara Nonis

Emma O’Rourke

Sahiti Ravi

Tharini Sivakumaran

Olivia Thompson

Carly Waller

Samantha Walters

Georgia White


Madeline Assi

Marina Baselyous

Abbey Bohan

Hayley Cochrane

Courtney Siesmaa

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Teacher: Karlene Rainbow

Sheryn Fahad

Isabella Smith

Katerina Feoktistov

Kaytlin Spencer

Shehani Hewawasam

Jessica Stephenson

Cassandra Jackson Alana Majstorovic

Alexandra Tragear

Jessica Trichias

Gabrielle Moore

Natasha Varghese

Carly Noy

Karen Weerasinghe

Courtney Hyde

Tara Janke

Olivia Koolstra

Teacher: Leeanne Brockway

Bonnie O’Donnell

Jessica Piazzon

Kiara Pospischil

Lisa Wood

18/12/2014 10:14 am



Juliana Begue


Larissa Badelita



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Leonardo Zito

Jocelyn Bennett


Madelyn Bills

Paige Brown

Zoe Bull

Saasha Burby

Emily Campbell

Natalie Gerard

Ruby Hardwick

Grace Hiosan

Sian Janke

Amber Johnson

Talia Lovric

Alice Moore

Chloe Nieuwenhuizen

Isabella Sofra

Emily Thomas

Dana Trott

Zoe Vanderputt

Emma White

Ruby Winters

Stacey Young

Tanveer Garcha

Sam Janky

Rubie Kluckow

Natalie Kumarakurusingham

Gemma Liddell

Zoe Magill

Kara Marshall

Alicia McKee

Niamh Keighran

Kyeema Kennedy

Alexandra Minenna

Erica Moreno

Teacher: Justine Edwards

Yun (Daisy) Bai

Gemma Bohan

Sonja Finlayson

Molly O’Donnell

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Annalise Power

Ruby Rawlings

Courtney Rowbottom

Jaimie Sheil

Ashlee Stephenson

Candice Strange

Victoria Trichias

Mikaela Walles

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Home Group Photos

Emily Bencsics

Jessica Clark

Tania Corrie

Ebony Dickinson

Samara Dowell

Eleanor Patten

Jemma Eastwood

Brodie Richardson


Tian Gibson

Gemma Sammut

Amy Hehir

Hannah Spencer

Danielle Hodgson

Alyssa Watt

Tess Horton-Crundall

Amy Winters

Ruby Jones

Emma-Jane Barr

Jing Ping

Tayla Coad

Molly Cormack

Olivia Pryor

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Bridie Donohoe

Charlotte Robertson

Amy Erasmus

Rebecca Sheil

Meg Hardwick

Claire Henry

Alanna Sheldrake Tahlia Stephenson

Tamara Kassis

Emma Walker

Olivia Kluckow

Nerissa Walles

Christine Kassis

Ava McGill

Madeleine Ostoja-Solecki

Ella van Kollenburg


Hayley Arnott

Teacher: Kate Hazeldine

Teacher: Bree Kitt

Amy Lees-Doherty

Jessica Walters

Amanda Lopez

Hannah White

Molly McKernan

Natalie Pike

Emily Winters

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Grace Ashford

Felecity Campbell

Charlotte Curtis

Madison Parker


Abbie Alateras



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Gloria Bower

Kayla Beattie


Nicole Genato

Tiarna Porcaro

Emma Horne

Rose Probst

Shelby Kay

Zoe Quirk

Audrey Kidgell

Sharanya Srinivas

Dana Kontra

Maddison Van Twest

Eva Kulessa-Spires

Thiagi Wasalage

Charli Long

Madison Winkler

Caitlin MacDonald

Alanna Mills

Blaney Murphy

Olivia Young

Teacher: Sarah Owen

Caitlin Alcock

Laura Backhouse

Sarah Blair

Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr

Celeste Lowe

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Shenae Broadbent

Claudia Busatta

Melina Grace McDermott Maidment-Norman

Bianca Campli

Djanda Chynoweth

Ella Clark

Shailyn Devine

Clare Di Stefano

Tiffany Noonan

Emma Porcaro

Tara Solomons

Kyla Thomson

Eliza Tucker

Madison Distefano Monique Hodgson

Rebecca Johnson

Cody Walsh

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Home Group Photos

Brooke Bowler

Amanda Chandrasoma

Cassandra Dunkinson

Patrinia Foo


Emma Louise Harris

Meli Hellier

Makayla Hughes

Emily Johnson

Abigail Kenny

Claire Liebler

Lily Probst

Olivia Ryan

Casey Seymour

Sarah Smedley

Ashleigh Waters

Victoria Young

Sera Long


Megan Avery

Emelia Backhouse Rebecca Bowden

Victoria Kontra

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Jessica Clarke

Lily Moody

Gigi Collins

Emma Murphy

Kahli Deichsel

Vivienne O’Brien

Shannon Distefano

Caitlin Philp

Jordyn Drewett

Jessica Quinn

Evelyn Franes

Liana Rigby

Nikola Henkul

Elena Sullivan

Teacher: Bernd Kirsch

Suliana Ngauamo

Sarah Nixon

Teacher: Denise Simmons

Carly Johnson

Amy Teasdale

Kendra Nichols

Annie Jones

Georgia Walsh

Vorandi Kahandage

Cassandra Kay

Abigail Weston

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Megan Benning


Anahat Baweja



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Lisa McLean

Ella Busatta


Tamika Cairns

Eliza Campbell

Ally Degen

Haylee Deichsel

Emily Devine

Kiara Henkul

Aoife Hubbard

Payton Kay

Rebecca Kuhlmann

Eliza Macleod

Tylah Parnis

Tearnha Porteous

Claire Power

Sarah Power

Elyse Richards-West

Maya Taylor

Gabrielle Turner

Samantha Warren-Hoffman

H’Onorine Willenberg

Georgia Young

Rachel Curtis

Brooke Eccleston

Kristy Hicks

Ainsley Johnson

Molly Jones

Amelia Lazarus

Matilda McGowan-Dennis

Ashleigh Nelson

Megan North

Amanda Ray

Georgia-Rose Robinson

Louise Roupas

Simran Singh

Georgia Sombekke

Chelsea Van Twest

Chelsea Wilson

Rebecca Young

Hayley Mettes

Toni O’Sullivan

Shelby Parker

Samantha Petrova

Teacher: Nardia Trubridge

Jessica Brauman

Grace Crole

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18/12/2014 10:14 am

Home Group Photos

Simran Adeshara

Charlotte Buckingham-Brown

Corinne Carlyon

Emily Clarke

Ebony Doyle

Stella Hall

Annelise Rankine


Sophie Hrubos

Samantha Smith

Zoe Kavaliotis

Sara Sworowski

Alexandra Mai

Zoe Tomlinson

Georgia Hannah Matthews Mathews-Barnes

Emma Banane

Bridget McCaughey

Sarah Parker

Teacher: James Bakker

Gabrielle Bast

Nadia Biondo

Isabella Dabb

Tess Gellie

Jemma Goldsack

Alison Gottliebsen

Chloe Hind

Emma Karacsonyi

Alexandra Lloyd

Shannon McDonagh

Natcha Narapakdeekul

Hoang Dung (Ellen) Nguyen

Shannon O’Hara

Shaye Raatjes

Meg Raupach

Liqin Sun

Claire Tilley

Alexandra Vardy-Willsher

Sophie Westcott

Zihui (Dorothy) Zeng

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Allison McMahon

Trinity West


Briahna Ascenzo

Teacher: Michael Dillon

Mikaela Milesi

Kiera Miller

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Ashna Adeshara

Ellena Bast

Kendra Bygraves

Jemma Pearce


Rachael Adam



Home Group Photos

Teacher: Libby O’Meara

Jasdeep Bal


Laura Djordjevic

Renee Riotto

Olivia Edgley

Krishna Santhosh

Zoe Findlay

Viktorija Strazdauskaite

Rahni Harrison

Elissa Tifere

Ella Haslam

Elena Twirdy

Jessica Horner

Amber Wallace

Renay Hrubos

Jessica Weller

Alanna Jackson

Tess McLeod

Keeley O’Halloran

Hayley Hall

Naoise Halliday

Emily du Vallon

Teacher: Claire Hanley

Madeline Anderson

Seasaidh Jackson

Isobelle Caterer

Kristen Jerzyna

D - 110-144 - MATER Yearbook 2014.indd 133

Laura Clarke

Alexis Kavaliotis

Maddison Corcoran Natasha Di Luzio

Caitlyn Laidler

Lauren McCaughey

Alisha Dixon

Sabrina McMahon

Kartiya Fernando Ashleigh Gadsden

Samara Miller

Melinda Modica

Emily Gadsden

Kate Raupach

Gabrielle Gottliebsen

Zoe Thomas

Skye Gresle

Lorin Waddingham

Rong (Isabella) Xiang

Tian Chen (Jenny) Yin

18/12/2014 10:15 am

Home Group Photos

Aswini Abeysinghe

Bridget Collins

Jordan Conroy-Benson

Brooke Della

Anyier Deng

Monique Stoyanovich-Kristie

Hope Gould

Emma Thomson


Zoe Kouris

Grace Tomlinson

Phoenix Lee

Hayley Turner

Rey Logan

Maddison Twirdy

Bianca Maio

Matilda Van Vloten

Teacher: Rebecca Woff

Kirra McKenzie-Mizis

Khyanne D’Sylva

Ruby Davis

Emma Dove

Vihani Serasinghe

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Molayo Fashogbon

Elena Sgro

Tegan-Louise Fernando

Vanessa Sgro

Claire Gibson

Sarah Slattery

Sarah-Jessica Grande

Georgina Smith

Courtney Jinks

Alissa Tahlambouris

Natasha Mathiasz

Tyler Twirdy

Colby Rough

Tegan Stephenson

Maddison Wickham


Briana Braddock

Teah Petrusic

Teacher: Helen Ferguson

Stephanie Pal

Maggie Werts

Naomi Rankine

Abbey Robertson

Anisha Sarai

Emilly van Dijk

18/12/2014 10:15 am





School Representatives

SRC Executive

Back Row: Jessica Summers, Gemma Hartley, Beth Turner, Emma Dove, Rochelle Kirkham, Rhiannon Froude, Elliana Saltalamacchia Middle Row: Jasmine Stiff, Tian Chen (Jenny) Yin, Rachelle Lynch, Emelia Backhouse, Maddison Lowe, Georgia Hill, Shannon McDonagh, Sze Wing (Nicole) Knorr Front Row: Leilani Alivio, Gabrielle Moore, Julie Feeney, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Carmel Feeney, Sierra Laird, Khyanne D’Sylva

Year 7 Core Group

Back Row: Ponsruthi Ponnarasu, Emma-Jane Wood, Julia Hoefler, Emily du Vallon, Emily Thomas Front Row: Alexandra Mai, Carmel Feeney, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Con Sarris, Zoe Findlay

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School Representatives

Year 8 Core Group

Back Row: Melissa Hawkins, Iris de Wit, Emily Clarke, Chloe Vanderschoot Front Row: Tess Horton-Crundall, Carmel Feeney, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Con Sarris, Gemma Jordan

Year 9 Core Group

Back Row: Jessicah Panozzo, Victoria Young, Grace Ashford, Tearnha Porteous, Simone McPeak, Emma Dickeson Front Row: Corinne Carlyon, Carmel Feeney, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Con Sarris, Sharanya Srinivas

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18/12/2014 10:15 am


Middle School Leadership Team




School Representatives

Back Row: Tian Gibson, Caitlin MacDonald, Ciara Flanagan, Riley Haddock, Samara Dowell, Sarah Nixon Middle Row: Kiara Henkul, Elissa Tifere, Rachel Ferguson, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Tayla Cross, Abbie Gunn, Chloe Richardson Front Row: Julie Feeney, Emma White, Caitlin Harry, Tayla Harry, Danielle Hodgson, Carmel Feeney

Year 10 Council

Back Row: Vivienne O’Brien, Caitlin Philp, Paige Whitworth, Kirrily Ireland, Caitlin Alcock, Olivia Gyulavary, Natasha Mathiasz Middle Row: Molly McKernan, Lauryn Simpkin, Saran Kim, Emma Walker, Laura Backhouse, Angela White Front Row: Kiara Pospischil, Briony Edwards, Shae Mayes, Mary Fitz-Gerald, Carmel Feeney, Vorandi Kahandage, Isabella Dabb

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Year 11 Council

Back Row: Emilly van Dijk, Gulnit Arora, Stephanie Cross, Breanna Harris, Jessica McFarlane, Emily Dowling Front Row: Cashveen Kaur, Ka Lam (Karen) Wong, Shae Mayes, Carmel Feeney, Ruby Rawlings, Natasha Di Luzio

New Students

Year 7: Anri Kim, Alannah McPeake, Emily Spizzo, Kiara Ventieri Year 8: Breanna McArthur, Rithika Muddagowni, Katherine Warner Year 9: Tiarna Cunningham, Madeline Hayes, Georgia Raudino, Ling Ling (Winnie) Sung Year 10: Sarah Benson, Molly Issell, Xinyu (Ciel) Lai, Wenzhen (Carol) Li, Tsz Ching (Lorraine) Ng, Ashleigh Staples, Youshiyi (Emily) Yan, Keling (Kelly) Yu Year 11: Jiaye (Kristine) Bi,

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College Staff Board Directors

2014 Staff

Terry Stephens

Anne Maree Abikhair

Jacinta Crocker

Michelle Flintoff

Fiona Purcell

Barb Alexander

Tim Crowe

Melinda Galt

Peter Bast

James Bakker

Denis Cunningham

James Girling


Deputy Chair

Philip Thomas

Scholastica Supervisor

House Leader - Blue

Domain Leader - Humanities

Community Liaison Officer

Director of Development



Sports Co-ordinator

IT Technician

Graham Balderstone Teacher

Monique Davey

Tim Glover

Paula Hall Bernadette Feeney

Janine Bauman

Lee Davis

Vicki Godfrey

Philip King

Daily Organiser

Teacher (T2 & 3)

Network Manager (T1 - 3)

Operations Co-ordinator

House Leader - Purple

Amanda Bischof-Foster

Learning Leader - Senior School

Rochelle Davy

Anna Goodings

Sue Martin Steven Langford

Collette Bond

Kate Dawes

Jenny Got

Gloria Bower

Zara Dennis

Debby Gould

Leeanne Brockway

Michael Dillon

Melanie Gray

Julie Brown

Deepika Dissanayake

Fiona Griffith

Colleen Browne

Gill Di Stefano

Cherine Kenna

Company Secretary

Company Members Lucy Molony (Chair from May) Peter Nicholson (Chair to May) Veronica Hoey Maria Kirkwood

Learning Leader - Middle School



Learning Assistant


Elize Brozgul Teacher

Finance Officer

Teacher (T2)



Learning Assistant

International Student Co-ordinator (T3)

Andy Donnelly



Domain Leader - Maths


Assistant Business Manager

Claire Hanley


Shona Hardwick

Administration Assistant (T2 - 4)

Careers Counsellor

Peter Cahill Chaplain

Evelyn Dousset

Wayne Harman

Grounds Services Officer

Administration Assistant (T2 - 4)

Jennifer Cain

Committee Members

Head of Learning Commons

Tony Lancaster

Janine Callahan

Development Committee Member


Lingwei Low

Ron Cantarella

Finance Committee Member

Maintenance Services (T1 - 3)

David Christie

Property Manager

College Leaders Mary Fitz-Gerald Principal

Carmel Feeney

Deputy Principal - Wellbeing

Julie Feeney

Deputy Principal Learning and Mission

Priscilla Chu Teacher

Mary Clark Teacher

Anthony Clarke Teacher

Mary Close

Leadership Coach

David Cope

Director of Information Services

Lisa Costello

House Leader - Green

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Justine Edwards

Social Justice & Outreach Program Co-ordinator

Leah Eekelschot

Director of Curriculum

Casey Eruvelil

Development Officer

Lauren Faragher Teacher

Virginia Farrell

Administration Assistant

Leon Fent

Finance Officer

Nadine Fent

Anita Harris

Administration Assistant (T1)

Kate Hazeldine Teacher

Tamara Hume Teacher (T4)

Mark Janke

Business Manager

Kate Jay

House Leader - Orange

Angelko Juresko Teacher

Peter Kadar

Learning Leader Senior School (Acting)

Teacher (T1 & 2)

Helen Ferguson

Veronika Katona Teacher (T1 & 2)


Eliza Fildes

Alexander Kelly IT Technician (T1)

Co-curricular Leader Middle School

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College Staff 2014 Staff Continued Cherine Kenna

Shae Mayes

Malcolm Roberts

Bernd Kirsch

Jennifer McKane

Jade Rose

Executive Assistant


Bree Kitt

Domain Leader - English

Tony Kolb

Transition Leader - Senior School

Connie Koomen Registrar

Head of Senior School

Laboratory Technician

Annette McKernan

Grounds Services Officer (T4)

Sports Co-ordinator

Andrew Rousch

Saskia van Schie

Home Stay Co-ordinator

Marlo VanderZalm

Transition Leader - Middle School

Sandra Waldron


Instrumental Teacher

Head of Music

Lisa McLean

Torie Ryan

Chris Walker

Domain Leader - RE and Liturgy Co-ordinator

Amanda McLellan


Yvonne Sanders

Domain Leader - Science

Instrumental Teacher

Kathleen Ward

Teacher / Tutor (T3)

Domain Leader - Health & PE

Maureen Lambden

Laboratory Technician

Wendy Langford Nurse

Jane Lawrence

Domain Leader - Technology

Judy Lawson

Education Support Co-ordinator

Maryanne McPhee Co-curricular Leader Senior School

Cathy Michael

House Leader - Red

Tatum Mitchell

Assistant Business Manager

Amie Moody

Con Sarris

Head of Middle School

Anna Schurink

Wendy Warren

Food Technology Assistant

Marg Watts

AFL Trainee

Teacher (T1 - 3)

Anne-Louise Sheehan

Ann Williams


Amanda Shepherd

Office Manager (T1)

Rebecca Woff

Finance Officer


Jenny Lee

International Student Co-ordinator

Administration Assistant Curriculum


Denise Simmons

Cathy Wu

Kylie Lee

Sara Mugridge

Registrar / Tutor


Judith Simpson

Leonardo Zito

Marjorie Lenette

Cathy Nicholls

Angelina Singh

Annie Zou


Bianca Lentini Teacher

Mary Lo Teacher

Patricia Louden


Libby O’Meara


Sarah Owen

Domain Leader - Arts

Jennifer Palisse



Phil Skiller

IT Technician

Helen Smith


Sue Lyford

Helen Parker

Office Manager (T2 - 4)

Teacher (T3)

Bei Yang Tang

Melissa MacEoin

Laura Parkin

Margherita Magagna Pathways Co-ordinator

Genevieve Mallia

Trevor Ploeg

A/V Support Technician

Karlene Rainbow



Deborah Malmo

Lia Reyerse


Learning Assistant

Cathy Martin

Angelica Ricci


Heather Martin

Office Manager (T2 - 4)

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House Leader - Yellow

Gregoria Rivaloro

House Leader - Silver

Teacher (T1 & 2)

Gabrielle Skiller

Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator



Library Administrator



Domain Leader - LOTE


Linda Tilson Teacher

Ewa Toomey

Faith Development Leader

Katrina Trost

Sustainability Co-ordinator

Nardia Trubridge Teacher

Andriana Tsikouris


Alisa Turner

Learning Assistant

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College Staff

Anne Maree Abikhair

Barb Alexander

James Bakker

Graham Balderstone

Janine Bauman

Amanda Bischof-Foster

Collette Bond

Gloria Bower

Leeanne Brockway

Julie Brown

Colleen Browne

Elize Brozgul

Peter Cahill

Jennifer Cain

Janine Callahan

David Christie

Priscilla Chu

Mary Clark

Anthony Clarke

Mary Close

David Cope

Lisa Costello

Jacinta Crocker

Tim Crowe

Denis Cunningham

Lee Davis

Rochelle Davy

Zara Dennis

Michael Dillon

Deepika Dissanayake

Andy Donnelly

Justine Edwards

Leah Eekelschot

Casey Eruvelil

Lauren Faragher

Virginia Farrell

Carmel Feeney

Julie Feeney

Leon Fent

Nadine Fent

Helen Ferguson

Eliza Fildes

Mary Fitz-Gerald

Michelle Flintoff

Melinda Galt

James Girling

Tim Glover

Vicki Godfrey

Anna Goodings

Jenny Got

Debby Gould

Melanie Gray

Fiona Griffith

Claire Hanley

Wayne Harman

Anita Harris

Kate Hazeldine

Mark Janke

Kate Jay

Angelko Juresko

Peter Kadar

Alexander Kelly

Cherine Kenna

Bernd Kirsch

Bree Kitt

Tony Kolb

Connie Koomen

Maureen Lambden

Wendy Langford

Jane Lawrence

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College Staff

Judy Lawson

Jenny Lee

Kylie Lee

Marjorie Lenette

Bianca Lentini

Mary Lo

Patricia Louden

Sue Lyford

Melissa MacEoin

Margherita Magagna

Genevieve Mallia

Deborah Malmo

Cathy Martin

Heather Martin

Shae Mayes

Jennifer McKane

Annette McKernan

Lisa McLean

Amanda McLellan

Maryanne McPhee

Cathy Michael

Tatum Mitchell

Amie Moody

Sara Mugridge

Cathy Nicholls

Libby O’Meara

Sarah Owen

Jennifer Palisse

Laura Parkin

Trevor Ploeg

Karlene Rainbow

Lia Reyerse

Angelica Ricci

Gregoria Rivaloro

Jade Rose

Torie Ryan

Yvonne Sanders

Con Sarris

Anna Schurink

Anne-Louise Sheehan

Amanda Shepherd

Denise Simmons

Judith Simpson

Angelina Singh

Gabrielle Skiller

Phil Skiller

Helen Smith

Bei Yang Tang

Linda Tilson

Ewa Toomey

Katrina Trost

Nardia Trubridge

Andriana Tsikouris

Alisa Turner

Saskia van Schie

Marlo VanderZalm

Sandra Waldron

Chris Walker

Kathleen Ward

Wendy Warren

Marg Watts

Ann Williams

Rebecca Woff

Cathy Wu

Leonardo Zito

Annie Zou


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18/12/2014 10:56 am





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