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College Captains
As we reflect on our College theme this year, ‘Let your light shine for others’ we applaud the inspiring and resilient actions of our Year 12 cohort. A challenging year at best, COVID-19 has reshaped our experience as Year 12 students but has encouraged us all to focus on the silver linings within what initially might have been perceived as a setback. The College theme encapsulates a notion that has been crucial this year; spread positivity for others who may need it, thus allowing one to embrace their true talents and letting their light shine.
As Year 12’s we began the year with a celebration of the journey we were soon to embark on. The Formal was a fantastic albeit busy night, with lots of preparation in anticipation of the evening. We were extremely thankful that we were lucky enough to enjoy the night with our friends, partners and teachers before the transition into online learning. This new type of learning has initially been a challenge for many students; however, we feel that it is preparing us for future styles of education and work, ultimately improving our ability to adapt to change. We experienced our last Mater Day this year in a new format; this meant an online liturgy where students were able to join together in prayer through their screens. Some students brought a candle and even a pet or two along to share the experience. This also meant a new way to showcase the House Performing Arts Competition, where students were able to submit videos displaying their talents, such as dancing, singing and even acting! Some amazing Year 12’s won well-deserved podium places. It was enjoyable to watch students embrace their confidence and truly use their talents to shine a light on a very different Mater Day to those we had had before. Year 12 Reflection Day consisted of checking the letterbox many times in anticipation for our care packages to arrive. These included small affirmations from other students in our year level, funny memes that made us laugh and mindfulness activities handpicked for us by our College Chaplin, Mrs Evans. These care packages were a physical representation of the Mater spirit and were a helpful reminder to share compassion, kindness and faith with others who may be struggling during these unprecedented times. Presenter, Gen Bryant was another highlight for many students during Reflection Day. Gen led us through many curated interactive reflections and sang our favourite Mass song, ‘Send Us Out’. It was amusing to picture a whole year level of girls singing and clapping along at home, and it certainly reminded us that while we may be physically separated, we are still connected.
This year has been very different from the one we predicted. But as we reflect on the school theme that has guided us throughout this year, we know that caring and supporting others has been essential in getting through our final year. We are confident this adventure has taught us to become stronger and more capable women, ready to embrace the future and flourish in anything that comes next.
Lillie Park Jenkinson and India Griffiths