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Cr itical Questions for Mater Dei's Str ategic Plan

Why Do We Exist ? Mater Dei High School exists to provide a caring and disciplined learning environment that builds upon the education established by Christ, carried forward by the Catholic Church, and nurtured by families

How Do We Behave? Our behaviors and decisions are guided by our core values of caring, commitment, and community. We aspire to be more Christ-centered and respectful, while fostering a sense of belonging

What Do We Do? Mater Dei High School develops, educates, and prepares the whole person for life?s journey.

How Will We Succeed? Mater Dei differentiates itself by:

- Honoring Mary, our patroness, by imitating her devotion to Christ through our own life of prayer, discovery of vocation, and deepening of faith, hope, and charity

- Creating a disciplined and safe environment supported by a loyal and cohesive staff who demonstrates concern for the health and well-being of our students and families.

- Instilling in our students and families the expected high level of determination, engagement, and excellence witnessed by our staff, alumni, and friends.

- Leveraging the strength of our family tradition and the support of our community to foster a sense of belonging in those we serve

What is Most Im port ant , Right Now ? Mater Dei must focus on hiring, developing, and supporting our faculty and staff

What Do We Need t o Accom plish in t he Next Three Years? Our priorities for success over the next three years will focus on helping our students grow spiritually, academically, and socially by:

- Developing an identity in Christ, understanding a sense of vocational awareness, engaging in the Church, and desiring to be servant leaders.

- Enhancing our Advanced Placement, dual-credit, and elective course offerings, supporting the trades, developing business partnerships, implementing a weighted grade system, and leveraging technology

- Developing team and communication skills, emotional intelligence, and respect for the human dignity of all

We recognize that in order for our students to achieve these growth objectives, Mater Dei must also grow with respect to our enrollment, financial sustainability, and facilities

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