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Fa t her Endr ess Schol a r ship

Fr. Endress Scholarship recipients:

Fr James R Endress died on January 20, 2021. Prior to his death, he had established a Legacy Charitable Fund with the instructions that it be used to fund programs in our regional geographic area to 1) Promote and fund education opportunities to worthy institutions and individual recipients, and 2) Extend financial grants to agencies helping to provide basic resources to those in our region who most need a helping hand The only instructions that were received form Fr Jim regarding future recipients of his Charitable Fund was to remember the simple truths of his faith and to pay it forward as they move through their own journey of life

Most people who knew Fr Jim described him as a remarkable man He was a person of great erudition and was well-read on an amazing variety of topics He had dry wit, a legendary frugality, a self-effacing modesty, and an iron will Despite becoming a quadriplegic in 1981 in a bicycling accident, Fr Jim reveled in extended family relationships and never missed a family celebration that he was able to attend Most of all, Fr Jim was a man of great faith and unimpeachable moral simple truths, and undiluted standards of conduct with which he was raised

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