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Kunkl er Fa mil y a l l ea r n

Top r a nk in boy a nd gir l scout s

In 2015, Michaela Kunkler '17 earned her Girl Scout Gold Award (Troop 102) by creating the CO I N Program for Mater Dei High School The CO I N Program (Classes and Organizations In Need) is a ?wish list?program created to raise awareness of the need for funding for different items on behalf of classes and/or organizations in the Mater Dei High School Community.

In 2018, Jonah Kunkler '19 earned his Eagle Scout Award (Troop 393) by designing, building, and installing custom shelving and storage units for his audiologist, Ms Jayne Fields, in the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center?s Audiology Department. Jonah has been a patient with Ms. Jayne since he was two weeks old

In 2022, Levi Kunkler '23 earned his Eagle Scout Award (Troop 393) by raising funds to purchase and assemble two new instrument shelving units for the Mater Dei Music Program Many of Levi?s fellow scouts, band friends, and family members volunteered to help Levi on his project assembly day He was also able to take the extra $845 00 in funds he earned and donate the money to the Mater Dei Music Program

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