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Volunteers of Mowers

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Judy Knapp

Judy Knapp

GENROUS VOLUNTEER MOWERS Al Weinzapfel ‘55 by Dennis Niemeir

Every spring when the grass begins to grow and weeds sprout, there have been a faithful team of lawnmowers that cover the sprawling grounds of MD. With MD supplying the mowers, they have always been there when the need arises. Al Weinzapfel ’55 and Tom Wilson have been the leadoff pair of mowers for over 25 years. Larry Schuble is another long-time mower that can still be seen zipping around campus on the zero-turn lawn mower. Tom Niemeier ’55 was a long-time part of the mowing crew and is now in “retirement.” After the untimely passing of Facilities Manager Guy Smythe in 2014, the husband and wife team of Dan and Kathy Schenk ‘70 have been a constant in the spring and fall on the mowers. Brothers Mike Tom Wilson and George Folz have also been very gracious with their help.

Mike and George were seen for years helping the late Gerald

Nurrenbern work on assembling the bleachers. Without the help and reliance of these generous volunteers, Mater Dei would be forced to outsource the jobs resulting in thousands of dollars of labor costs each year. We are so grateful for their time and work ethic!

continued from page 1 their complete mode of instruction to become virtual, just days after the announcement of our closure. I am so appreciative of Darin Knight our principal, and all of our administration to continue to keep our staff positive and prayerful, even in all of the constant changes and unknowns. I am thankful for everyone who took on different tasks, saw a need and fulfilled it. For the commitment of our volunteers, our maintenance staff, for the advancement office and our finance office. For our cafeteria workers and spring coaches. For the prayers of the faithful and for everyone who endured this sacrifice with us in some way. We don’t know exactly what the future holds – but we do know as we continue the journey – just like the two early followers of Christ – He will be with us through it all. We will become stronger and unite more as a community of faith, and continue the mission of the Church, which is to love and serve God and to love and serve one another. The staff of Mater Dei has risen to this challenge and will rise above all challenges in the future. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

Andy Morris, MBA President

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