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School K-9 Drug Program
needs. All programs must be completed within six weeks of the date of the offense. Extensions will be granted for longer-term programs. • A student is considered to be in violation of the school’s drug, alcohol, and tobacco policy for extracurricular participation and is subject to the penalties of this policy accordingly (20% of the season). • Removal from leadership or honor organizations • The student will be required to submit to drug tests by the school over the next 365 days at the student's cost.
Second Offense
Students who have violated this policy by consuming, ingesting, or possessing alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs for the second time during their high school career may receive: • Required meeting with the Board of Discipline. If the student is allowed to continue attending the school, a contract with conditions will be drawn up and signed by the parents and students. • Two (2) Saturday Schools • Suspension for 1-5 days • Eight (8) weeks of disciplinary probation • Loss of privilege to attend the next school-wide dance (Homecoming, Christmas Dance, Prom, etc.) • Drug/alcohol/tobacco assessment by the school's Youth First social worker and participation in a recommended educational program. Times and types of programs will vary depending on student needs. The student is considered to be in violation of the school’s drug, alcohol, and tobacco policy for extracurricular participation and is subject to the penalties of this policy accordingly (365 days). • Removal from leadership or honor organizations • The student will be required to submit to drug tests by the school over the next 365 days at the student's cost.
Third Offense
Students who have consumed, ingested, or are in possession of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs may receive: • Immediate expulsion/withdrawal
Notes: • Any student who provides illegal drugs, look-alike drugs, alcohol, tobacco, non-authorized prescription drugs to another student or is in possession of illegal drugs, look-alike drugs, and alcohol on campus or during a Mater Dei function may be subject to immediate expulsion. • Any student who is in possession of illegal drugs, look-alike drugs, and alcohol on campus or during a Mater Dei function will be turned over to law enforcement authorities. • Individual coaches and sponsors may impose additional consequences within the context of that activity.
Definitions: • Use shall be defined as consumption or possession. • Possession shall mean on the person, or on the property owned and/or used by the person. • Property shall include a building, vehicle, or other gathering areas. • Tobacco violation is defined as the use or possession of tobacco, nicotine, or electronic cigarettes in any form at any time. • Extracurricular activities include school-sponsored teams, clubs, and organizations not directly connected to academic grades.
School K-9 Drug Program
In order to provide a safe drug-free environment and to utilize a safe and effective method of determining the presence of illegal drugs on the school campus, Mater Dei High School participates in the K-9 drug program. A K9 team of the Evansville Police Department will make a random search and alert school authorities, who will then