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School Activities (Athletics, Extracurricular Activities, and Student Performances
or having an alcoholic beverage, tobacco products, or illegal drug in a vehicle in which the student is driving or is a passenger, or being convicted in a court of law of illegal possession of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Student-athletes are responsible for the contents of their locker or vehicle in which they are driving. 3. If a student is placed on house arrest, he/she will be suspended during the length of the sentence. 4. The Evansville High School Athletic Council, composed of representatives from member schools, believes that athletes representing their schools have certain obligations pertaining to their conduct both in and out of their particular season. Every student-athlete is expected to behave in a manner that brings credit to his/her school and squad. When an athlete’s conduct in or out of school (1) reflects discredit upon the school or (2) creates a disruptive influence on the discipline, good order, moral or educational environment in the school, the student may be declared ineligible for further athletic participation for the remainder of his/her high school career.
The following penalties will be enforced for a violation of these rules:
First Offense – The student-athlete shall be suspended for a minimum of 20% of the scheduled events for that sport/program for that school year. Scrimmages and jamborees are not considered a contest. Canceled contests will not count toward the suspension. Before reinstatement to the sport/program, the student must complete a school-approved substance abuse program at the student’s expense.
If the suspension falls near enough to the end of a season that the full penalty of 20% of the contests cannot be assessed, the penalty shall carry over to the next sports season/program in which the student participates. If the student is not participating at the time of the violation, the student shall be removed from 20% of the contests of the first sport season/program in which the student would normally participate. Attempts to circumvent this rule by going out for another sport/program in which the student does not normally participate will not be tolerated.
Second Offense – the student-athlete will be suspended from team or teams for 365 consecutive days from the date of suspension.
Third Offense – the student-athlete will be denied participation for the remainder of his/her high school career.
School Activities - Athletic, Extracurricular, and Performances
School and recreational programs are encouraged to foster school and class spirit.
Students who participate in any extracurricular activities are expected to attend all classes. Unexcused absences will prevent a student from participating in a practice or contest on the day of the absence (see Excused Absences). The latest a student may arrive at school and be eligible to participate in an extra-curricular activity that day is 8:00 AM. The Principal must approve exceptions to this rule. Students who are suspended from school may not practice or participate during the time of suspension.
Likewise, students who are too ill to be in school are not allowed to participate in or attend extra-curricular activities including athletics on the day of the absence. The Principal must approve exceptions to this rule.
Most social functions of the school close by 11:00 PM.
It is a policy of Mater Dei High School that a student be a sophomore or older to attend Prom. Any guest at a Mater Dei social function may be requested to provide a photo/picture I.D.
Students who are eighth grade or younger are not permitted at Mater Dei dances. Guests 21 years of age or older may not attend Mater Dei High School social functions/dances.