material + technik möbel Special 02/2014 - Quality Inside

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P R O F E S S I O N A L M A G A Z I N E F O R M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F K I T C H E N S , C A B I N E T, O F F I C E A N D S E AT I N G F U R N I T U R E A N D F O R I N T E R I O R F I T T E R S A N D D E S I G N E R S 路 W W W. M AT E R I A L -T E C H N I K . D E 路 3 0 8 3 5

Quality Inside special 02|14

11.08.14 09:51

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11.08.14 09:52

Quality Inside

Update on the European furniture market

Title: Kesseböhmer offers a new three-level equipping concept for the “Convoy” family. The title picture shows customized shelving, which was realized for and with a well-known kitchen producer. Photo: Kesseböhmer

This special “Quality Inside” issue of the German trade journal material+technik möbel features plenty of up-to-date information on the European furniture market, its trends, and innovative new products from European furniture suppliers and wood-working machinery producers. The magazine is thus an essential vade mecum for foreign companies that are active on the European market or want to successfully sell their products on that market. material+technik möbel has been published for over 30 years now and is one of the oldest trade journals in Europe and one of the few that is published in both German and English. The “Quality Inside” special, which comes out every year in August, is even published completely in English. On the following pages, the more than 20,000 international readers of this issue will find competent information about the economic development in the member states of the EU and about the business situation in the furnishing industry. Material and color trends as well as selected, high quality, innovative products from the most important European furni-

Richard Barth, Editor-in-chief

ture and supplier trade fairs in recent months round out the comprehensive and yet compact report. 30 years of material+technik möbel – that is also 30 years of editorial expertise and knowledge in the furniture and supplier sector.


Content Editorial......................................................................................... 3 Economic recovery picks up ...................................................... 4–7 Search for new sales markets....................................................8–10 More elegant, more individual and more practical..........................11 Furnishing trends in Europe......................................................12–15 Positive signals for the IWF......................................................16–18 Invisible, self-clamping connecting fittings.................................... 21 Slack period in Italy, tail wind for Germany.............................. 22–24 Innovative both in function and design.......................................... 25 Surface highlights from Europe............................................... 26–27 European furniture and supplier-fairs 2014/15................................ 28 Comprehensive experience in damping........................................ 29 Fitting highlights from Europe................................................. 30–31 Xylexpo: Ligna’s smaller counterpart....................................... 32–33 News: Hettich, Süddekor, Schattdecor, Hornschuch Impress, Interprint, Häfele, Homag......................................... 34–35 Imprint.......................................................................................... 28 Partners of the furniture industry............................................... 36 ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 02|14  3 M_mt0214_Anz_Kuris_02_96x137.indd 1 M_sp0214_Editorial_Inhalt.indd 3

27.05.14 13:12 08.08.14 12:42

Quality Inside

Economic recovery picks up The signs point to growth. In some countries in western Europe, the economy has developed positively so far this year and residential construction has also increased. Southern Europe is still a cause for worry; in 2014, only slight signs of recovery can be detected there.

Residential construction is an important indicator for the development of the furnishing industry. More new building activity usually leads to more purchases of new furniture. The latest data shows that residential construction is picking up in Europe, although the development in the individual EU

countries is quite different. According to Euroconstruct, European home building will benefit from demographic effects and more positive economic developments by 2016. Euroconstruct is a European research and consulting network for the building and real estate sector. As the network ex-

perts report further, tax incentives and national promotional activities will also have a positive effect on the demand for residential construction in some countries. More homes built According to the latest analysis by Euroconstruct, the European re-

search and consulting network, a total of 1.32 million homes were erected in new buildings in the 19 most important EU member countries in 2013. That is a decline of 9 % in comparison to 2012. Viewed over a longer period of time, the number of finished homes in 2013 was only half of the

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number in 2007. In that year, 2.56 million homes were built in the EU, a record number. By 2016, the experts expect an increase in residential construction, but that increase will still be nothing like the record number in 2007. Instead, the number of finished homes is expected to rise by 7 % to 1.42

million units. The largest share of ­­ those will be in Germany, Great Britain, Poland, France, Sweden and Ireland. A negative trend is being observed by Euroconstruct in Portugal, Italy, Finland and the Czech Republic. In Germany, 255 thousand new homes are expected in 2016. In comparison to 2012, that would mean an increase of 44.4 %. In 2013, 188 thousand new homes were completed in Germany. Only in France were more new homes built, a total of 320 thousand in 2013. There, no real increase is expected by 2016. A comparison of the years 2012–2016 even shows a decline of almost 11 %. Residential construction is also experiencing negative development in Italy. Euroconstruct sees a decline of 15 % for the period 2012–2016. In 2013, 122 thousand homes were completed; in 2016, only 112 thousand are expected. The situation for residential construction in the Czech Republic is also rather bleak. 25.2 thousand units were built in 2013, but only 20 thousand new units are expected to be finished in 2016. That is a decline of almost 30 % in comparison to 2012. In contrast, Euroconstruct is counting on positive development in Great Britain, where roughly 130 thousand new homes were built in 2013. Thanks to federal promotional measures, the number of completed homes there is expected to rise to 164 thousand units by 2016, which is an increase of 20 % for the period under review. A lot of new building activity is expected in Poland as well. 145 thousand homes were built there in 2013 and the number of completed units is expected to rise to 163 thousand by 2016. Euroconstruct predicts the highest increase rates for Ireland. The number of finished units is expected to rise to 12.5 thousand by 2016, which is an increase of 150 % in comparison to 2012. In Sweden there is also an increase in completed homes of almost 23 % to over 33 thousand units for the period under review. Spain and Portugal still give cause for worry; they experienced declines in new building of 67 and 79 % respectively for the period under review. In 2013, 64 thousand units were completed in Spain and only 38 thousand are ex-

pected for 2016. In 2012, 115 thousand homes were built there. Moderate improvement The European Commission expects the economic recovery to continue in the 28 EU member countries. According to the European Commission’s predictions, the real gross domestic product in the EU should improve by 1.6 % in 2014. In the euro zone, which includes 18 member countries, an increase of 1.2 % is expected. Even higher growth rates are predicted for 2015, an increase of 2 % in the EU and of 1.7 % in the euro zone. As the Commission explained, domestic demand will be the main driving force for growth. Higher real income as a result of lower unemployment would lead to more consumer spending, which in turn stimulates the economy and investment. The fact that consumer prices are expected to rise by only 0.8 % in the euro zone in 2014 should also help. In 2015, prices will probably rise by 1.2 %. And unemployment is expected to decline to 11.8 % in 2014 and to 11.4 % in 2015. The economic data and predictions for development in the most

important EU countries follow: Germany: Germany, as the leading national economy in the euro zone, is currently registering positive economic development. Its real gross domestic product will increase by 1.8 %, according to the Commission’s predictions. The German Ifo Institute is even counting on an increase of 2 %. In 2015, the economic experts are assuming that there will be an increase of as much as 2.2 %. Increasing private consumer spending (+1.3% in 2014) will contribute to the positive development. The sinking unemployment rate and the lower consumer price increases are having a positive effect. In 2014, unemployment should sink to 6.7 % and in 2015 to 6.6 %. Consumer prices will probably rise by 1.7 % next year after an increase of 1.1 % in 2014. France: France is the second largest national economy in the euro zone after Germany. Despite the austerity measures of the French government, it is expected that the country will incur more debts than the EU

Photo: Fotolia/K.F.L.

Photo: Fotolia/fotokalle

Quality Inside

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08.08.14 13:01

Quality Inside

The European economy is regaining its footing in 2014, and moderate recovery is discernible in the entire euro zone. Photos: EU Commission

The European Union in the EU. Nevertheless, the EU Commission is expecting higher private consumer spending and rising real income in the current year. After rising by 1.5 % in 2013, consumer prices should remain almost stable in 2014 with an increase of only 0.1 %.

allows again in 2015 and will therefore carry an even higher burden of debt. At the same time, the austerity measures have slowed down the economy, so growth of only 1 % is expected for 2014. The Ifo Institute expects an increase of only 0.4 %. The country is thus below the average in the euro zone. The predictions of the economic experts for 2015 vary between 0.4 and 1.7 %. The unemployment rate will probably be 10.4 % for 2014 and 10.2 % in the coming year. Consumer prices are expected to rise by 1 to 1.1 %, as in 2014. Greece: In the past years, Greece was the greatest reason for concern in Europe. The country struggled with a huge amount of debt, which made up 172 % of economic performance. Now there are signs of improvement for the first time, ac-

cording to the EU Commission. After six years of decline, the country’s gross domestic product is expected to rise slightly in 2014 for the first time again. The EU experts predict growth of 0.6 % for 2014 and next year the rate is even supposed to be 2.9 %. The prediction of the Ifo Institute is not quite as optimistic. It still expects a decline of 0.8 % for 2014 and after that an increase of 0.3 % in 2015. It is unclear whether consumer spending will increase as expected because the unemployment rate will only decline from 27.3 % to 24 % in 2015. On the other hand, consumer prices sank by 0.9 and 0.8 % in 2013 and 2014. However, a slight increase in prices of 0.3 % is expected in 2015. Spain: Spain is the fourth largest national economy in the euro zone and is one of

the biggest patients in Europe along with Greece. Its burden of debt will still probably be almost 104 % of economic performance in 2015 again, because debt reduction is not progressing. After several years of recession, all signs currently point to growth, however. The economy in the southern European country is supposed to grow by 1.1 % in 2014, according to the predictions of the EU Commission. The country’s central bank even expects growth of 1.3 %. For 2015, economic institutes predict economic growth of between 1.5 and 2.1 % in Spain. The biggest problem for the country is its high unemployment rate; at 25 %, it is more than double the average rate

Italy: Italy’s economy, the third largest in the EU zone, has never really been able to regain its footing after the worldwide economic and financial crisis. Since then, the Italian national economy has shrunk by 9 %. In 2013 alone, the decline was 1.9 %. With a burden of debt that is 134 % of the gross domestic product, only Greece has a higher level of debt than Italy. After two years of recession, a minimal increase in the Italian GDP is expected for the first time again in 2014, which should be between 0.2 and 0.6 %, according to predictions by the EU Commission. The Ifo Institute is less optimistic about the situation. It assumes that there will be a further decline of 0.2 % in 2014. 2015 should be somewhat better. The experts expect growth of between 0.4 and 1.3 % then, which will, however, be below the EU average. The above-average, high unemployment rate remains a stumbling block for the domestic economy; it will be about 12.5 % in 2014 and 2015. Price increases were lower in the past years. The inflation rate was 1.3 % for 2013 and will probably fall to 0.7 % in 2014. Portugal: Stabilization of the economic situation in Poland is also expected for 2014. However, the country is still heavily in debt with a burden of 125 % of economic performance. The southern European country has three weak economic years be-

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hind it and should finally be able to register economic growth in 2014. The EU Commission predicts growth of 1.2 % for the country, the Ifo Institute only 0.8 %. In 2015, the growth rate is expected to be 1.5 to 2 %. Positive signals are also coming from the work front. The unemployment rate is expected to sink from 16.5 % in 2013 to 14.8 % in 2015. Price increases are also extremely moderate at 0.4 % in 2014. Ireland: According to economic experts, Ireland is in a recovery phase in 2014. The economy is expected to achieve an increase of 1.7 % again in the current year, according to the predictions of the EU Commission. The Ifo Institute is estimating growth of 0.7 %. For 2015, 2 to 2.9 % growth is predicted. The low rate of price increases, probably 0.6 % in 2014, is good for consumer spending as well as for exports. Economic recovery is also helped by the reduction in unemployment. In 2014 it has already fallen from 13.1 to 11.4 %. In 2015 a further decline to 10.9 % is expected. Great Britain: Clear signs of an economic upturn are discernible in Great Britain. In 2014, private consumption and residential construction have contributed to the upswing so far. Economic institutes expect an increase in the real gross domestic product of between 2.7 and 3 % and in 2015 of about 2.6 %. An advantage for consumer spending is the continuously sinking unemployment rate in the country. In the year 2013, the rate was 7.5 % and in 2014 it is going to fall to 6.3 %. Due to higher production activity, the rate is then expected to fall to 5.4 % in 2015. The other side of the coin is the rise in prices. After an increase in consumer prices of an estimated 1.8 % in 2014, a 2.2 % rate of price increases is expected for the next year.

Netherlands are seeing light at the end of the tunnel again in 2014. While the EU Commission is estimating economic growth of 1.2 %, the Ifo Institute is expecting stagnation. In 2015, however, an increase of 1.4 % is expected. The unemployment rate could slow down recovery. After rising from 6.7 to 7.4 % in 2014, a similarly high rate is expected next year. But consumer prices will rise only moderately by 0.7 % in 2014. A 0.9 % increase is predicted for 2015. Finland: As the only representative of Scandinavia with the euro as its currency, Finland is not yet showing signs of a real economic recovery. According to the EU Commission, the country will be able to register only minimal economic growth of 0.2 % after two years of recession. The Ifo Institute, on the other hand, is expecting a further decline in GDP of 0.4 %. Little change is expected in the unemployment rate. In 2013, the rate was 8.2 % and it is estimated that it will rise to 8.6 % in 2014 and remain at that level. The weak economy keeps consumer prices from rising much. The rate of price increases was 2.2 % in 2013 and is expected to be 1.3 % next year. Poland: Poland is currently experiencing positive economic development. The eastern member country of the EU should have growth of 3.2 % in 2014, according to predictions by the EU Commission. The Ifo Institute even predicts an increase of 3.5 % in GDP for the country. In 2013, economic growth was only 1.6 %. In 2015, the experts are expecting further growth of 3.5 %. The unemployment rate continues to be high – it was 9.5 % in 2014 and is not expected to sink much in 2015. Consumer prices will probably only rise by 0.8 % in 2014. The rate of price increases is expected to be higher in 2015, up to 1.5 %. Richard Barth

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08.08.14 13:07

Quality Inside

Search for new sales markets European furniture production plays an important role worldwide. A primary position is held by Germany and Italy, which worldwide occupy positions three and four in the major furniture manufacturing countries. Manufacturers in both countries supply their products all over the world, although the domestic market in 2013 was totally slack. According to a study carried out by the Italian market survey institute CSIL, worldwide furniture production in 2013 amounted to USD 437 billion, approx. EUR 325 billion. This represents an increase of 4% over the previous year. Germany and Italy participated in worldwide furniture production with almost 5% each. As also reported by the Italian mar-

ket surveyors, the major importers of furniture were the USA with approx. USD 26 billion, Germany with USD 12 billion, France with USD 7 billion, and UK and Canada with USD 6 billion each. With regard to exports, the listing was quite different. In 2013, China led the ranking with ca. USD 52 billion, followed by Germany and Italy with approx. USD 11 billion each,

Poland with USD 8 billion and the USA with ca. USD 5 billion. The Italian market survey institute estimates that furniture consumption in 2014 worldwide will increase by an average of 3 %, although varying growth rates will be recorded depending upon the region. The growth rate in the western industrial countries will be around 0.5 %, whereas CSIL esti-

mates for North America a modest growth, and an increase of approx. 2%, and in South America a growth rate of almost 3 %. Growth in eastern Europe will be somewhat lower, according to CSIL. On the other hand, growth in the Middle East and in Africa will be above average, while the growth rates in Asia and the Pacific Region is expected to reach an average of 5 %.

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The aircraft carrier “Cavour” doubled for the Italian furniture industry as a showroom for furniture “made in Italy”. Photos: Marina Militare/ FederlegnoArredo Italy fighting slack business climate Like all other domestic segments, the Italian furniture industry is still suffering from the economic crisis in the country. For years now, sales by the industry have been declining. For the year 2013, too, the industrial association FederlegnoArredo was unable to see an improvement. The slack business climate in the domestic market continued even in 2013. According to estimates from within the industry, furniture consumption in Italy has declined by 7.5 % to EUR 9.7 billion. Only thanks to a 2.5 % increase in exports to EUR 10.78 billion were furniture manufacturers able to soften the decline in the domestic market. Nevertheless, sales of the industry fell by a further 2.5 % to EUR 17.7 billion. Other than in Germany, the Italians also include in their figures sales of the lighting industry, which in 2013 achieved sales of EUR 2.15 billion. Furniture sales alone, therefore, would amount to Approx. EUR 15.5 billion. The reduced buying interest is also reflected in

the fact that furniture imports fell by 2.3 % to EUR 2.78 billion. Furthermore, government support measures in the form of the “Furniture Bonus” as well as an “Eco Bonus” helped to ensure that the industry survived the year 2013 fairly well. In the second half of 2013, financial support for the purchase of built-in furniture in house renovations brought the industry additional sales amounting to approx. EUR 340 million. At the same time, according to FederlegnoArredo, the Bonus ensured the survival of 1,000 furniture factories, and the rescue of almost 4,000 jobs. The “Furniture Bonus”, which was extended to the end of 2014, will during the current year, according to market experts, ensure additional furniture sales in excess of EUR 900 million. The bonus covers 50 % of the costs of renewing built-in facilities, i.e. especially kitchens, bathrooms and built-in wardrobes. With the “Eco Bonus”, consumers are able to deduct from tax 65 % of the costs of purchases and of constructional measures, which help to save energy in the home. Both these measures in 2013 are claimed to have contributed to the Italians having invested more than EUR 28 billion in the renovation and modernisation of their houses and apartments.

Kitchens benefit from the Furniture Bonus As a result of the Furniture Bonus, the kitchen furniture industry in Italy was hit less badly by the slack business climate. After sales of kitchen furniture in 2012 had fallen to EUR 1.56 billion, there was a further drop of 1.2 % in 2013, so that production sales fell to EUR 1.54 billion. At home, the manufacturers recorded a sales drop of 5.1% to EUR 941 million. The year´s figures would have been even more negative, if export sales had not helped to balance the situation: With EUR 629 million, a 5.6 % higher export sales figure was achieved. As a result, the export share of the 767 Italian kitchen manufacturers rose to 40.8 %. According to the figures supplied by Cosmit and Federlegno, the value of kitchens imported amounted to EUR 30 million, representing a plus of 2.4 % as against the previous year. The losers also included the office furniture industry, which was obliged to face a 7.7 % decline in production sales to EUR 845 million. Due to the economic crisis, domestic sale had fallen by 21% to EUR 410 million. Imports also were affected. The value of imports dropped by almost 12 % to EUR 59. The fall in sales would have been even worse, if the industry had not been able to in-

Italy: Production and domestic furniture sales 2008–2013 in billion euro

30 26.5




20.9 17.4

20.3 18.2

16.4 14.1







0 2007



■ production ■ domestic furniture sales**

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*preliminary, **production – export + import Source: FederlegnoArredo

08.08.14 13:12

Quality Inside

crease its export sales by 6.7 % to EUR 494. Consequently, the export quota increased from 50 % to almost 59 %. Furniture exhibition on aircraft carrier Besides domestic sales, the Italian furniture industry is also trying to step up the export business and is relying upon unusual measures to do this: In November 2013, 25 Italian furniture manufacturers sent their products on a 6-months’ ocean voyage to Africa and the Middle East, in order to present their furniture to 4,000 potential customers. Within the framework of a humanitarian mission, a modest furniture exhibition had been installed in the hangar of the Italian aircraft carrier “Cavour”. The Italian Navy had freed up a space of 150 m2 on the ship. The Italian furniture industry sees considerable growth potential in the two regions under review. Improvement ahead Now that sales during the first months of 2014 have increased by 4 %, the market survey institute

CSIL expects a 2 % increase in production sales for the entire year. FederlegnoArredo even foresees a growth of up to EUR 1.2 billion as compared with 2013. Besides increased exports, this is also attributable to the tax relief measures described above, which, according to estimates by experts in the furnishings industry, should result in EUR 900 million in additional sales. But the industry does not expect a real „tail wind“ before 2016. Only then does Italy expect economic growth and, as a result, an improvement in the employment situation and of disposable income. Experts then again expect an increase in domestic consumption of furniture amounting to 2 %. For 2015, only a stabilisation of the situation is expected, at best. Slack business climate in Germany also For the German furniture industry, too, the year 2014 has not been a satisfactory one. On the basis of provisional data, the industry must reckon with a drop in production sales of 3,1 % to EUR 16.15 billion

(≥ 50 employees). This negative result was the fault of the domestic market, where sales dropped by 8.6 %. According to initial data, sales of the 528 German furniture manufacturers (≥ 50 employees) in the home market amounted to only EUR 11.35 billion. There were also a slight decrease of 0,6 % in furniture exports. This means that, with sales of EUR 4.8 billion, the export quota of the German furniture industry is almost 30 %. Despite the poor performance of the furniture industry in 2013, the number of businesses producing furniture has remained almost unchanged. Admittedly, the furniture companies have also cut back on jobs, so that in 2013 only 85,700 workers ­(-5,14%) were employed in the furniture industry. In 2013, the performance of the kitchen furniture industry was much better than that of the rest of the industry, but was not able to show any growth. Last year, according to information of the ­VDMA (Association of the German Kitchen Furniture Industry) the almost 60 businesses (> 50 employees) with altogether 15,600 em-

Germany: Production and domestic furniture sales 2008–2013 in billion euro 18 17.2



17.8 16.7 15.3


17.4 16.6




17.0 16.2



0 2007



■ production ■ domestic furniture sales*





*production – export + import Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, HDH/VDM

ployees recorded total sales of EUR 4.194 billion, corresponding to a slight drop of 0.25 %. Export sales increased by 0.4 % to EUR 1.514, while imports, with EUR 100 million (-0.27%) stagnated at the previous year´s level. Encouraging start to the year The beginning of the year 2014 brought the German furniture – and especially the kitchen furniture industry, as a result of the excellent situation in the construction industry – a boost to sales. On the basis of initial projected figures, during the first five months, the industry was able to increase its sales by 2.4 % against the same period in the previous year. Foreign manufacturers also profited from the increasing furniture consumption in Germany: Up to the end of May, imports increased by 8.6 %. The following types of furniture were in demand: living room, dining room and bedroom furniture (+3.7%), upholstered furniture (+2.9 %) and other seat furniture (+17.2 %). Imports of office and shop furniture, however, fell. Other than in 2013, furniture exports did not have a positive effect on total sales. In the period under review, exports fell by 0.8 %. If we consider the development in the individual production segments, kitchen furniture was up to the present the most successful. It remained more or less equal during the first five months of 2014, at home (+3.6 %) and abroad (+4.4 %), amounting to a total growth of 3.9 %. This figure was exceeded only by the mattress manufacturers, who up to the end of May 2014 were able to increase their sales by 10.3 %. All remaining segments were not so successful, although they too recorded growth rates. Domestic furniture (incl. upholstered furniture) recorded an increase of 2.7 %. This was more heavily in demand in foreign markets (+5.2 %) and less at home (+1.6 %). The smallest growth rate was recorded by the office furniture industry, which showed an increase of only 1.3 %. Domestic sales rose by 1.4 %, while export sales increased by 1.8 %

Richard Barth

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08.08.14 13:10

Quality Inside

In the “Basis” version, Stage I, the white trays are surrounded by a railing of shiny chrome with a glass frame and shiny chrome inserts.

In Stage II, the free combination of colours and materials in baseplate, railing and frame profile including inserts offers almost infinite combination possibilities.

In Stage III, not only the appearance of the tray can be designed individually, but also the function. Photos: Kesseböhmer

More elegant, more individual and more practical With a new, 3-stage equipment concept for the “Convoy” range, Kesseböhmer has made a valuable contribution to a visual, functional and qualitative upgrading of the kitchen interior – and to a higher added value. With a variable equipment kit for storage cabinets in kitchens, Kesseböhmer (Bad Essen/Germany) has contributed to the price and value differences of products and brands being clearly demonstrated and recognisable. Thanks to the new concept of the German specialist for cabinet interior equipment, kitchen manufacturers can now meet customers´ different requirements. Individual tray design The basis for this extensive equipment concept are different possibilities for individual tray design in “Centro”, “Lavido” and “Premio”. Various construction elements, e.g. baseplate, railing and inserts of the trays, but also the frame can

be individually designed in terms of colour, surface, material and function. A number of German kitchen manufacturers have already utilised this innovative designer kit, making a unique, unmistakeable cabinet interior an important element of their brand identity and design strategy. Stage I: Modern material mix for modern kitchens In the familiar “Basis” version supplied by Kesseböhmer, the “Convoys” win points with a high-quality, modern material mix. The white trays are surrounded by a railing of shiny chrome with a glass frame and shiny chrome inserts. “Convoy” storage cabinets

adapt harmoniously into every modern kitchen design. Stage II: “Convoy” reveals its true colours Already in the second stage, the “Convoy” design concept offers kitchen manufacturers highly varied, individual design possibilities for the trays, but also for other elements. The free combination of colours and materials in baseplate, railing and frame profile including inserts offers almost unlimited combination possibilities. Stage III: Individualisation unlimited A special, initially functionless “Convoy” basic tray is the start-

ing point for Stage III. Here, not only the appearance of the tray can be designed individually, but also the function. In cooperation with two companies renowned for high-quality original drawer equipment – Cap GmbH (Hüllhorst/Germany) and Holzwerk Rockenhausen (Rockenhausen/ Germany) – ideas for innovative tray concepts have been developed. As a result, the “Convoy” can now be equipped with addional functions and new accessories. And at this years‘ Eurocucina, many kitchen manufacturers impressed visitors with the creativity and wealth of ideas evident in the design of their kitchens.

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07.08.14 08:20

Quality Inside

Furnishing trends in Europe In the first half of 2014, important furniture fairs took place in Europe that presented the furnishing trends for the year 2015. Even though the furnishing tastes of Europeans have been growing more and more similar over the years, there are still regional and countryspecific differences due to differences in incomes, in lifestyles and in cultures.

1| Milan: B & B Italia uses sucupira veneer for its “Backstage” cabinet series . Photo: B & B Italia 2| Milan: Lago calls the fronts used on this furniture series “Wildwood”; they are made of oak wood and show signs of aging and use. Photo: Lago 3| Milan: A new product from Lema – table top with a cement surface. Photo: Lema 4| Milan: The fronts and visible corpus elements of the Giza kitchen range are made from the innovative ceramic material “Lapitec”. Photo: Gizia 5| Milan: Cesar combines wood with front elements in cement look. Photo: Cesar 6| Milan: Thermo-treated eucalyptus veneer outside and cedar wood inside. Photo: Molteni 7| Milan: For this furnitures R1920 uses DuPont “Energain” panels, a heat exchanging material that accumulates significant quantities of thermal energy at a given temperature and then releases it into the environment. Photo: R1920 8| Birmingham: Alstons presented upholstered furniture with covers made of Harris Tweed. Photo: Nünemann

Right at the beginning of every year, the imm Cologne, which takes place in the German city of Cologne, provides the first impressions of the trends for the new year. Because of the high level of internationality at the event, it offers visitors a comprehensive overview of the furniture available from almost every European country. In addition to the German producers, other furniture-producing countries such as Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries present their latest creations to visitors from all over the world. At the end of January at the Interior UK (Birmingham/England), interested visitors could find more British exhibitors and an overview of the assortment available there for furniture buyers. About 400 exhibitors were involved in that last event of its kind – the long-established trade fair took place for the last time in 2014. After more than 30 years, the organizers want to present a relaunch in London in May 2015 under the title “The Furniture Show,” which is meant to give the furniture fair a more international touch. It will be connected with the annual “May Design Series” event. Birmingham will remain a trade fair location because a new “January Furniture Show” is to take place there for those exhibitors whose main focus is not on designer furniture and who therefore do not want to follow the others to London. Light-colored woods dominate in Scandinavia A detailed look at the northern European taste in furniture was pro-

vided by the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair (Stockholm/Sweden), which brought about 700 exhibitors from northern Europe together at the beginning of February. Because it is oriented towards the needs of Scandinavian countries, it is a mecca for the furnishing trade in the region every year and has fewer international visitors in comparison to the imm Cologne. In Stockholm, visitors saw mainly furniture made of light-colored woods and in muted natural shades as well as a large number of updates of furniture classics. Spain waiting for momentum The series of trade fairs in the first half of 2014 continued in Spain

with the Spanish furniture trade fair Valencia, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. It is regarded as a showcase for the Spanish furniture industry and thus also reflects the economic conditions in the country. Because of the economic and financial crisis, which has been going on for years, the trade fair has continuously shrunk in recent years. In 2012 there were still 950 exhibitors, but there were only 225 exhibitors in the trade fair halls in the spring of 2014. About 75 percent of them were from Spain. A large number of exhibitors had decided not to take part this time, choosing instead to exhibit at one or both of the two big furniture fairs, the

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13 imm Cologne in January or the Milan furniture fair in April, because those two fairs offer a more international public. Another reason was that the Habitat fair did not take place in September as usual, but rather for the first time in February in order to benefit from complementary trade fair events. The Cevisama ceramic fair and the Fimma and Maderalia machine and supplier trade fairs took place

at the same time as the Habitat. All together, 120,000 visitors were counted at the trade fairs in the spring. Of that number, though, only 25,000 were interested in the furniture fair. Most of the visitors came from Spain, only 15 percent came from foreign countries. Dark woods for eastern Europe The furniture fair Meble Polska (Posen/Poland) provides a good

look at the taste in furniture in Poland as well as in other eastern European countries every year. For the most part, Polish furniture producers exhibit there, and only a few foreign countries are represented. In May 2014, 207 exhibitors presented their products to domestic and foreign buyers on an area of 35,000 m². There were thus more exhibitors on a bigger area than in the past years. More

14 visitors came to the Meble Polska as well – 17,495 persons were counted, 20 % more than at the same event in the previous year. 27 % of them came from outside Poland. For Polish furniture producers, the export market has been the most important source of income for years now. The factories ship about 90 percent of their furniture production outside the country. Inside Poland itself, par-

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9 +10| Stockholm: Light-colored woods and natural materials play an important role in Scandinavia for the 2014/15 furnishing season. Photos: Stockholmsmässan 11| Posen: Conifer wood decors with a tactile brushed structure were among the new items, here from the Maridex furniture factory. Photo: Barth 12| Posen: In Poland, less expensive furniture series such as this one from the Sajmon furniture factory play a big role. Photo: Barth 13+14| Valencia: The two sides of Spanish furniture production: On the left is a modern series by the producer Point (13), on the right is classical furniture from Guadarte (14). Photos: Point, Guadarte

ticularly lower-priced furniture with melamine-coated or finish foil-clad surfaces dominates. Dark woods and wood colors such as walnut, cherry and wenge dominate. The most important wood decor at the trade fair was oak, which could often be seen with a used wood look. Reproductions of conifer woods with a tactile wooden structure completed the assortment of wood imitations. Milan sets trends The most important event and trend barometer for the worldwide furnishing sector is the annual Salone del Mobile in Milan, which took place in conjunction with the EuroCucina kitchen trade fair last April. Every two years, that combination draws even bigger crowds of visitors, more than at any other furnishing fair in the world. About 360,000 visitors came to the event this time. And the number

of exhibitors is just as gigantic as the number of visitors. There were more than 1,730 exhibitors at the Salone and the EuroCucina this year. Most of them came from Italy. Variety was in for surfaces and materials: glass, wood, aluminium, stainless steel, ceramics, natural stone and cement-like surfaces were used and presented in very different combinations. High gloss surfaces were replaced by super-matt and very soft ones. Many of them were new kinds of soft coatings with improved scratch-resistance and new kinds of laminates with similar characteristics and structured surfaces. A definite color trend could not be detected at either event. Accents in copper, teal, turquoise and olive were set in the dominant beige, brown and gray shades. And “dirty” pastel colors were added: greenish blue, pale pink or yellow-

ish green. The fabric covers for the upholstered furniture came in typical leather colors – from light to dark brown. Only the chairs were different, displaying a wide range of colors. As far as veneer and wood decor surfaces are concerned, a wide palette of very different woods and wood colors could be seen in Milan. Sometimes they had a modern look, sometimes a vintage look with striking signs of use. The new ones included cedar, eucalyptus and unusual types of wood such as afara, sassafras and sucupira. However, the most common types of wood and wood decors were oak, elm and walnut. At the trade fair, dark shades of wood and wood stain, such as thermotreated oak, elm, and eucalyptus, alternated with light and bleached versions and surfaces made of light-colored conifer wood. Richard Barth


THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE 6 technologies – one strong team Handling technology Damping technology Linear technology Process technology Tooling technology Machine tooling technology

The Know-how FacTory

a brand of the

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Positive signals for the IWF The signals point to growth. The IWF in Atlanta has left the years of crisis behind, and aims with this year’s edition, with more exhibitors and visitors, to match the successful event of the years before the industrial and financial crisis. Every two years, the North American city of Atlanta is the venue of the IWF (International Woodworking Fair), the largest specialist fair for supply materials and woodworking machinery. Besides domestic representatives of the industry, numerous foreign companies make use of the event to present their latest products and technologies to the American trade public. The IWF alternates with the specialist fair AWFS (Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers) in Las Vegas, which is held in uneven years, always in July. From 20 to 23 August 2014, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, more than 900 suppliers of woodworking machinery and furnishings materials for the furni-

ture industry will be presenting themselves. In this year´s edition, visitors will meet machinery manufacturers in Building Segment B, while suppliers of fittings, surface materials and upholstery materials are to be found in Building A, and also in two halls of Building B.

event. In August, some 180 companies will be participating for the first time. Among them are numerous renowned companies from Europe, for example Abet Laminati

from Italy as well as German suppliers to the furniture industry, such as MKT, Pöttker, Zimmer or Sandvik Surface Solutions. In spite of the many new partici-

New exhibitors Besides American exhibitors, the IWF is also a platform for a great many foreign exhibitors, who this year will be travelling from 38 different countries in the world and making the fair a truly international Stiles, now fully integrated in the Homag group, will show the latest machinery innovations of the German manufacturer. Photo: Stiles

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Venue of the IWF 2014 is the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Photo: GWCC pants, this years’ edition cannot match the successful event held before the worldwide industrial and financial crisis. In 2006 the IWF hosted almost 1,400 exhibitors, before the number of exhibitors in 2012 then collapsed to a mere 880. But it was not only in the number of exhibitors that the specialist fair began to run downhill. During the crisis years, the interest shown by visitors also fell visibly. Although during its heyday the IWF had recorded more than 40.000 visitors, at the last events the organisers registered only half this number. Thus the IWF reflects the development of the American woodworking machinery industry, which in recent years suffered the loss of more than 50 % of sales. According to official statistics, sales dropped from USD 1.037 billion in 2008 to USD 589 million in 2013. In the year 2013 alone, a fall of more than 10 % as against the previous year was recorded.

Satisfactory framework conditions This years´ edition of the IWF Atlanta aims to completely change this course. The economic conditions seem ideal: For months now, the country has been going through a re-livening process in the development of the economy. For 2014, experts foresee an increase of the Gross Domestic Product amounting to 2.1% and for 2015, a further growth increase of 3.1%. A decisive factor of this upturn is expected to be the increasing private consumption due to the falling unemployment rate. Increase furniture sales The high degree of interest shown by European companies in North America is also due to the fact that North America is worldwide the second largest market for furniture. According to the American trade journal Furniture Today, the US consumption of furniture in 2013 rose by 3.5% to USD 98 billion. At present, it is especially the furnishings industry that profits from the consumer spending, which has been growing during re-

cent months, because, following the crisis in the real estate sector (now overcome), the “catch-up” demand for furniture is high. Already during the first months of 2014, American furniture manufacturers were successful in increasing their sales by 6 %. In April alone, an increase in sales of 12 % and a 13 % increase in orders booked was achieved, as against April of the previous year. In addition, evidence of the increase in furniture consumption is the fact that furniture imports into the US in 2013 rose by 7.7 % to USD 19.7 billion. Almost 60 % of all imports were from China, which was able to increase her sales to USA by 7.4%. In order to be able to face Asian competitors in future, American furniture factories must extend and modernise their production facilities. This requires production lines, with which production processes can be automated as far as possible. German machinery manufacturers therefore expect to find Suppliers exhibiting in buildings A and B. Photo: IWF

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Suppliers of woodworking machinery are to be found only in the Building Segment B. Photo: IWF increasing interest in their production lines and an increase in orders received. Technology from Europe At the fair, products and machinery “made in Europe” traditionally play an important role, as reflected in the attendance of all renowned machinery manufacturers from Europe. Just how important the US

market is for the German manufacturers was demonstrated in February 2014 by the machinery manufacturer Homag (Schopfloch/ Germany), which purchased outright its American marketing partner Stiles Machinery and integrated it into the Homag group. Already in 1992, Homag held a 26.7% share in Stiles. The Stiles company, with a market share in excess of 35%, is seen as a leading marketing and service organisation for machinery and production lines for woodworking in the USA. In 2013, Stiles posted sales

of USD 158 million, exceeding the sales of the previous year by 22 %. Homag expects similar growth rates for the future as well: „With this acquisition, we will benefit directly from the expected re-industrialisation process in USA, which we can now help to form through direct access to the market,“ stated Homag recently, explaining this step. Suppliers on board But it is not only the manufacturers of woodworking machinery and tools who expect a successful

fair and increasing sales in North America: The leading European manufacturers of hardware and surface products will be present at the fair, either directly or through their own branch offices and sales agencies. In this year´s list of exhibitors, in the hardware section, companies such as Blum (Hoechst/Austria) and Grass (Hoechst/ Austria), Hettich (Kirchlengern/Germany), Vauth-Sagel (Brakel-Erkeln/ Germany), Häfele (Nagold/Germany) and Salice (Novedrate/Italy) are to be found. For the decor printers and manufacturers of finish foils also, the size and importance of the North American market are a motive for exhibiting at the fair. Here, among other companies, Schattdecor (Thansau/Germany) and Senoplast (Piesendorf/Austria) are present. Schattdecor will also be presenting its decor surfaces additionally in a hotel suite in the neighbourhood of the fair. The German decor printer Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany), like a number of other suppliers, will present its new developments exclusively within the framework of an exhibition in a hotel, and has selected for the purpose the Aloft Boutique Hotel, not far from the fair. Richard Barth

The decor printer Interprint is presenting its products in the Aloft Boutique Hotel. Photo: Interprint ­­­18  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

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Invisible, self-clamping connecting fittings Lamello’s latest innovation facilitates unprecedented flexibility, speed and simplicity in the whole process of designing, manufacturing, transporting and installing furniture. The company Lamello (Bubendorf/Switzerland) has improved its successful glue aid “Tenso P-14”. Due to improvements in function and appearance, the joining element now fits the requirements for an even larger range of applications, such as joining panels that are 12 mm and larger as well as shelf dividers that are19 mm and larger. By inserting one part of the “Tenso” into a 10mm groove and the other part of the fitting into an 18-mm groove, the fitting can now be used where thinner materials are used (min 12 mm). The same technique of offsetting the fitting is used for shelf joints with 19 mm thick vertical panels and shelves attaching to it from both sides. For this application, the “Tenso” parts without a spring are inserted into a 10-mmi-

Its exceptionally high clamping force makes the “Tenso P-14” unique.

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The two-part, invisible fitting enables uncompromised good looks in furniture production and won the German Design Award 2014 and the interzum Award. Photos: Lamello groove on both sides of the vertical panel and the parts with a spring are inserted into 18-mm grooves in the shelves. The “Tenso P-14” won the German Design Award 2014 in the category “working spaces” and the interzum Award “Intelligent Material & Design” with the distinction “best of the best”. High clamping force Its exceptionally high clamping force makes the “Tenso P-14” unique. This force is created during the assembly process and enables a tight connection between the two parts. Installing the new furniture fitting is exceptionally time efficient since it is based on the innovative “P-System” profile groove. This new formlocking anchorage between work piece and fitting does away with screws or glue completely. The fitting is slid into the groove within seconds without tools. “P-System” provides a very strong joint between the fitting and the work piece and allows for additional lateral adjustment between the work pieces. The two-part, invisible fitting enables uncompromised good looks in furniture production and the implementation of completely new joining processes. Machining the profile groove for the connector is possible either with modern CNC machines or manually in a most simple way with the “Zeta” power tool made by Lamello.

TOMORROW’S PRODUCT AND PROCESS IDEAS for furniture solutions are created at ZOW. Enjoy direct access to industry experts, right in the heart of Europe‘s largest manufacturing location. NEWS 2015: ZOW trend_works curated by Lidewij Edelkoort and focus topic “Individualization of series-produced furniture”. Be part of it, find out more now



07.08.14 08:38

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Slack period in Italy, tail wind for Germany Germany and Italy are the worldwide largest manufacturing countries for woodworking machinery. Germany supplies approx. 22 %, Italy approx. 15 % of all machines produced worldwide. 2013 was a year of contrary development for both countries. Whilst the German woodworking industry has been able to increase its production during the two preceding years, Italian manufacturers of woodworking machinery are still going through a slack period. Sales have been shrinking continually during recent years: In 2012, the drop amounted to 3.7% and in 2013, a further drop of 2.1% occured, according to recent information from the Italian trade association Acimall. Altogether, the 270 Italian manufacturers of woodworking machinery achieved sales of EUR 1.537 billion. However, this

figure includes tools – in contrast to the German statistics. Growth rates in the domestic market In 2013, on the (Italian) domestic market, the Italians sold machinery to the value of EUR 493 million, representing a slight growth rate of 4.8 %. 77.2 % of total production was sold to foreign countries, amounting to sales of EUR 1.187 billion. Admittedly, sales of stationary woodworking machinery worldwide (i.e. excluding tools and handheld machines) fell by

3.5 %, even though Italy was able to achieve satisfactory sales increases in some countries. In 2013, for example, exports to North America and to China showed two-digit increases in each case. Exports to China increased by more than 40 % to EUR 40 million. Thanks to a sales increase of 16.2%, exports to the USA amounted to EUR 85.7 million, so that this figure is only slightly ­below the amount of sales to Germany. Despite a drop in sales of ­13 %, Germany, with sales of EUR 91 million, remains

Whilst Italian manufacturers of woodworking machinery achieved lower sales in 2013, German suppliers increased their sales levels. Photo: Homag the most important customer for Italian manufacturers of woodworking machinery. At the same time, Germany is also the most important supplier for stationary woodworking machinery. In 2013, the value of imports into Italy amounted to EUR 74 million, an increase of 35.5 % com-

Italy: Production, export and import of woodworking machinery* 2007–2013 (in million Euro) 2,200 2,160

Development of production and export levels in Italy. Source: Acimall ■ imports ■ exports ■ production *tools included


2,000 1,800 1,600

1,632 1,532





1,400 1,200






1,000 874

800 600 400 200






122 2008


156 2010


130 2011



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pared with the previous year. Of the total value of machinery imports of EUR 143 million (+ 9.4 %) German manufacturers contributed more than half. Sales by other suppliers in 2013 were far lower: Chinas exports to Italy fell by 21.2 % to EUR 17 million. Exports from Switzerland, Austria, France and Spain, in spite of two-digit increases, amounted to between EUR 4 and 8 million in each case. For 2014, the trade association Acimall predicts a stabilisation of sales development, but without venturing to make a precise forecast. Sales growth in Germany German manufacturers of woodworking machinery had every reason to be satisfied with the year 2013. According to data from­­ the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau - German Engineering Federation), sales increased by 1.9 %, so that the production of stationary woodworking machinery reached a total value of EUR 2.42 billion. If we also include the value of the tools, this amounts to a production value of approx. EUR 3.5 billion, which is comparable with the sales figures of the Italian competitors. The fol-

lowing sales figures take into account only the production of stationary woodworking machinery, without the production of tools. As far as the export side is concerned, in 2013 the German machinery manufacturers were obliged to face sales drops in foreign markets. Whilst domestic sales (production minus export) increased from EUR 581 million to EUR 732 million, amounting to almost 26 % increase, exports of stationary woodworking machinery, according to VDMA figures, dropped by 5 % to approx. EUR 1.69 billion. With a 70 % share of total sales in 2013, export sales continue as before to play a major role in sales. Russia – the most important customer The most serious sales drops were to be seen in exports to Asia and South America. On the other hand, sales to Europe and North America revealed a positive development. In the year under review, Russia proved to be the largest customer of the German woodworking machinery industry, with total sales of EUR 177 million. However, the Russians were less willing to make in-

vestments than in previous years, so that the value of export sales to Russia fell by 11%. China remains the second largest customer, with purchases of EUR 153 million, although there - in view of a fall in sales of 21% – the losses were extremely large. Sales to France were very satisfactory; a 5 % sales increase brought the total value up to EUR 125 million. The fourth place was taken by USA, which purchased 4 % more German machinery, bringing the total value up to EUR 118 million. Exports of woodworking machinery in the year under review once again amounted to almost five times the total of imports. In 2013, imports of woodworking machinery increased by 8 % to EUR 365 million. In terms of figures, the market for stationary woodworking machinery in Germany in 2013 grew from EUR 920 million to approx. EUR 1.1 billion. The most important supplier country was China, which was able to increase her exports to Germany by 2 % to EUR 92 million. According to the VDMA, the greater part of German imports from China, but also from eastern European countries, were to be attributed to sup-

pliers to the German machinery industry and also to German manufacturers with their own production facilities in those countries. To a large extent, this involved machinery for the semi-professional segment. Far more successful in the German market in 2013 were the Italians, who according to German statistics were able to increase their sales there by 17 % to EUR 73 million. However, this development does not correspond with the data provided by the Italian statistics; this is due to different product classification systems in the two countries. Third place went to the Austrian machinery manufacturers; who admittedly had to accept a drop in sales of 3 ­­ % to EUR 49 million. Prospects for 2014 In view of the fact that the German manufacturers of woodworking machinery in 2013 registered orders to a value about 15 % higher, the prospects for 2014 are considered positive. This trend has been reinforced with an increase in orders of 20 % from January to May 2014. For the whole year the VDMA predicts an increase for the industry of up to 5 %. Richard Barth

Germany: Production, export and import of woodworking machinery* 2007–2013 (in million euro) 3,200 3,000

Development of production, export and import levels in Germany. Source: VDMA ■ imports ■ exports ■ production *stationary woodworking machinery (without tools)

3,022 2,898

2,800 2,600



















1,200 1,000 800 600 400

















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In recent years, the German edgebanding manufacturer MKT – Gebr. Eschbach (Ohrdruf/Germany) – was able to profit from the improved quality of its edgebanding and the new role played by edgebanding as a design element in furniture manufacture. Today the company, which was established in 1992, is considered one of the most important edgebanding manufacturers in Europe. The production is based in eastern Germany, where in two factories with more than 24,000 m² of production area, some 270 persons are employed. With a wide product portfolio, which covers 6,000 decors and 3,000 solid colours in 35 different surface structures, MKT is able to fulfill the demands and requirements of customers in the most varied furniture markets worldwide. In 2005, following its takeover of the Printec company (Ernstroda/Germany), MKT assumed independent control of the development and manufacture of inks, in order to achieve a competitive advantage and secure the quality of its products in the long term. At the same time, MKT can react to market trends more quickly and more flexibly. In the future, MKT aims to win points with the clientele with a complete new package, which in addition to innovation, quality and price, also includes service and security of supply. Variety of design and function A further trump card, in the view of the new management team, is the fact that MKT, as a family-managed business, has proved itself since its beginnings as a reliable partner to the furniture industry, and that in 2014, the owners are investing a total of EUR 3.5 million in the company. And finally, the company will continue to win points with innova-

Innovative both in function and design The German edgebanding specialist MKT has set its course for the future. Now that the previous CEO has retired, a young team has taken the helm, and aims to win points with the clientele with a complete new package.

tive products, such as the co-extruded laser edgebanding “Alpha Tape Zero”, which was launched into the market in 2009. This product incorporates a specially developed, hard function-layer, which, compared to conventional, post-coated edgebanding, offers long-lasting protection against dirt penetration. Furthermore, in 2013, under the brand name “Alpha Tape Door Edge”, MKT also introduced an ABS edging, which can be folded in one piece into the door rebate. Compared with edging made from melamine paper, the rebate edging is shock-resistant, and can be imparted a deep woodgrain structure,

which is not possible with wraparound foils. A further innovative product is “Alpha Tape Flex Edge“. Here, with the aid of a special, thermoplastic polymer formulation, the company has succeeded in developing a uniquely elastic edging for coating and soft-forming applications. The innovative edging has already been successfully used in handle-less kitchen fronts and formed furniture parts, and is superior to foils and paper-based edging thanks to a higher degree of strength and scratch resistance. The high material strength also enables the application of impressive structures, so that kitchen manu-

With a workforce in excess of 270 employees, MKT is one of the largest manufacturers of edgebanding in Europe. facturers are able to continue the decor of the front area, in both optical and haptic terms, into, for example, a grip recess. The youngest “stars” in the edging range include a high-gloss edging and a specially matt edging, which has an anti-fingerprint effect. In addition to the design of the edging, speed of reaction in the market plays an increasingly important role. With its investments in digital printing technology, the German edging specialist aims in future to speed up the colour matching process, and provide customers with edging for prototypes within only a few days. Thanks to a hard function-layer the co-extruded edgebanding “Alpha Tape Zero” offers long-lasting protection against dirt penetration and works with laser and hot air technology. Photos: MKT

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Surface highlights from Europe Antibacterial surfaces – With the new “Collection 2017”, Polyrey (Baneuil/France) now presents its new product range of decorative surface materials for furniture, doors, worktops and wall coatings. Altogether, four different materials, eleven trendy structures and 334 colour and decor options are available to customers. The new range includes haptic effects of brushed metal, dressed granite, grained wood or quarried stone, which elegantly emphasise the visual powers of expression of colours or decors. The photo shows the new design “Roche”. As and when required, laminates can be supplied with antibacterial surfaces. The permanent neutralising cleansing effect is produced by means of fully integrated – and hence food-safe – silver ions. Photo: Polyrey

Between lightness and emotion – Among the new decor and surface products for 2014 from Egger (St. Johan/Austria) the feel of the new decors plays an important role. The structure “ST28 Feelwood nature” with its synchronized pores, for example, make the “Gladstone Eiche” decor feel like deeply brushed wood. Photo: Egger

An environmentally safe product – Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany) will launch expanded design capabilities for its “Premeer” product during the IWF trade show in Atlanta. “Premeer” is a printed and coated oriented polypropylene (OPP) decorative overlay that resists moisture and protects the board from wear more effectively than similar, vinylbased products. After a successful 2012 launch, Interprint is building on “Premeer’s” surface and performance strengths to offer textured overlays as well as expanded colors and patterns for applications including shelving, cabinetry, furniture and a variety of other uses. The photo shows Interprint’s “Dragon” decor, an abstract pattern shown against the on-trend solid color. The environmentally safe product can be applied to intricate moldings; it can be profile wrapped, mitre folded or flat laminated without creasing, cracking or distortion. It does not shrink, stretch distort or creep under 180°C (post-lamination), and is compatible with all common water-based laminating, EVA or PUR hot-melt systems. Photo: Interprint

Fiery Highboard – Characteristic of the Highboard “HB1” designed by Sarah Maier is its striking, temperamental veneer. At the veneer warehouse of Schorn & Groh (Karlsruhe/Germany), where more than 140 different kinds of wood are held in stock, the architect, herself a furniture designer and owner of a furniture workshop, decided in favour of Caribean Rosewood. This is also known as Poisonwood, because it can cause skin irritation up to two weeks after being harvested. After processing, however, Poisonwood presents no health hazard and can be used without reservations for furniture of all kinds. Photo: Schorn & Groh ­­­26  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

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Real highlights – Homapal (Herzberg/Germany), the laminate producer, has put to­ gether a selection of ten copper decors as the “On Stage 2014” set of samples. The surfaces of five decors are made of genuine copper with striking embossing and some hand craftsmanship. Five decors have aluminium surfaces in copper tones and embossed structures. With the stylish and high quality laminates, interior ideas can be realized that are not possible with copper sheets. Photo: Homapal

Matt lacquer with soft haptic characteristics – With a gloss rating of almost Zero, the product range ­ ­“Pianovo Lackmatt”, with which Nie­ mann (Preussisch Oldendorf/Germa­ ny) now underscores its competence in surface materials, has registered a hit. The new surface feels cool and extremely soft. The new product, lac­ quered in a patented process, also re­ veals high strength and is astonish­ ingly insensitive. Photo: Niemann

Decors for the whole world – With the “Decor Selection 2014”, Schattdecor (Thansau/Germany) is ­ embarking on a new course, setting completely new trends on a global level. At the IWF in Atlanta, Schattde­ cor will present its “raw essentials“, giving information, as to which “trend drivers” will govern the industry in the future. The decor printing special­ ist is concerned to evaluate trend forecasts and to size down to a small selection of decors. Both in Russia and in Turkey and the USA, the first feedback information has shown that these themes also function on a glob­ al level. The basis of these are current trends, which have an influence upon the industry: naturalness and nature, upcycling, individuality and reduction – the latter being deliberately inten­ ded as a countermovement to overstimulation. Photo: Schattdecor

Colour for every perspective – A new module has been added to the Glunz global decor range “Innovus”. With “Innovus Coloured MDF”, through-dyed medium density fibre-boards are now also available to inte­ rior decorators, designers and processors. Up till now, these were mar­ keted under the name “Topan MDF Colour”. In addition to the new name, this innovative product is directed even more specifically to the needs of the customers in the market. New developments include ­current trend colours, high-gloss lacquer effects and the relief surface “Wave”. Photo: Glunz ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 02|14  27

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Quality Inside

European furniture and supplier-fairs 2014/2015


September 2014 04.09.–07.09. Internationale Holzmesse, Klagenfurt, AT 05.09.–09.09. maison & objet, Paris, FR 09.09.–11.09. MoOD, Brussels, BE 10.09.–14.09. BIFE SIM, Bucharest, RO 10.09.–14.09. Habitare, Helsinki, FI 11.09.–14.09. Kind + Jugend, Cologne, DE 13.09.–18.09. area30 – design. kitchen. technics., Löhne, DE 13.09.–19.09. A 30 Küchenmeile, East Westphalia, DE 14.09.–18.09. M.O.W., Bad Salzuflen, DE 16.09.–19.09. DREMA, Poznan, PL 16.09.–19.09. Furnica, Poznan, PL

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December 2014 03.12.–04.12. Architect@Work, Stuttgart, DE 06.12.–09.12. espritmeuble, Paris, FR January 2015 14.01.–17.01. Heimtextil, Frankfurt a. M., DE 17.01.–20.01. Domotex, Hanover, DE 19.01.–24.01. BAU, Munich, DE 19.01.–25.01. imm cologne/LivingKitchen, Cologne, DE 23.01.–27.01. maison & objet, Paris, FR 23.01.–27.01. Meuble Paris, Paris, FR February 2015 03.02.–07.02. Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, Stockholm, SE 04.02.–07.02. SamuLegno, Pordenone, IT 05.02.–08.02. Bauen & Wohnen, Salzburg, AT 09.02.–12.02. ZOW, Bad Salzuflen, DE 09.02.–13.02. Hábitat, Valencia, ES 10.02.–12.02. LogiMAT, Stuttgart, DE 10.02.–12.02. Surface Design Show, London, UK 17.02.–20.02. Meble Polska, Poznan, PL

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­­­28  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

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07.08.14 08:49

Quality Inside

Comprehensive experience in damping The German-based Zimmer Group is one of the global leaders in both industrial damping technology as well as the sector of “Soft Close” products for the furniture industry. In addition to standardized products, the company also offers sophisticated, customer-specific solutions for special requirements.

The comprehensive expertise of the Zimmer Group (Rheinau/Germany) in shock absorbency and vibration damping has also been put to use in the development of special pneumatic and hydraulic damper products for the furniture industry. These dampers for (sliding) doors, lids, drawers or selfclosing units absorb high levels of energy and take up extremely little space for installation. And because they are so robust, they achieve the highest cycle-times. In the specific design of hinge damping, there are, however, substantial technical differences. For example, special equipment is available for retrofitting that can be installed on already mounted, non-dampened hinges. However, they require a relatively high degree of effort to install and remain easily visible. The trend is clearly in favour of damping systems that are “invisi-

For lower forces, damping by means of a ring gap is used.

ble,” integrated into the hinges and can be easily adjusted by using setscrews. Integrated hinge damping The development of integrated hinge damping involves some considerable challenges, because high forces must be absorbed within a short stroke due to the great degrees of leverage and the small installation space in the hinge. Strokes between 7 and 10 mm, forces of up to 650 N and speeds of 17 mm/s are typical in hinge damping and can only be managed with fluid dampers. With those dampers, energy is absorbed by a special oil that is pressed through a defined opening during impact absorption. Zimmer uses two different technologies for this: For lower forces, damping by means of a ring gap is used. When pressure is placed on the piston rod, the damping oil flows over a ringshaped gap, around the piston and to the non-pressurized side, thus absorbing the movement energy.

For higher forces, however, a throttle bore is used for damping. In this scenario, the piston is sealed off from the housing circularly using an O-ring. Pressure makes the damper oil flow through a groove in the piston front end to the nonpressurized side, absorbing the energy from the impact and turning it into a soft movement. Retrofit dampers The German company mass-produces plastic dampers in high quality. The dampers are small and durable, fulfill the highest requirements for part accuracy, are very durable and are tested for 100,000 cycles. The dampers are available in several versions. For example, the “Volpino” retrofit set is suitable for retroactive damping of vari-

Zimmer dampers are used by a lot of well-known fittings manufacturers. ous concealed hinges. With the “Piano” retrofit set, soft damping is possible even if the damper cannot be placed directly on the hinge. Partner for design and development The company is not only a supplier, but much more – it is a reliable partner for design and development for its customers worldwide. From the first idea to the manufacturing of prototypes that result in smooth mass production: Furniture and fitting manufacturers can find competent contacts as well as technical advice, which combines expertise in industrial damping and extensive experience with Soft Close products in an ideal way. Zimmer dampers are used by a lot of well-known fittings manufacturers. In addition to carrying out production itself, the Zimmer Group also designs and builds its own production plants, such as sophisticated production lines for damping systems. For higher forces, however, a throttle bore is used for damping. Photos: Zimmer Group

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07.08.14 08:51

Quality Inside

Fitting highlights from Europe Convenience needs only a little space – The “Aventos HK-XS” flap fitting from Blum (Hoechst/Austria) can be used to equip upper kitchen cabinets with fronts that do not weigh much and a smaller thinner cabinet depth, such as those found over refrigerators and pantry units or extractor hoods. The fitting is based on a new and smaller type of construction with the lift mechanism on one side. In combination with the “Clip top Blumotion” hinge, it ensures soft and quiet closing. A significant increase in comfort in opening and closing can be achieved with the optional “ServoDrive” system, the electrical movement support system by Blum. An alternative mechanical opening support system called “Tip-On” is also available for the convenient opening of fronts without handles. Photo: Blum

Creative accouterments with cult status – Union Knopf (Bielefeld/Germany) is presenting a fabric-covered handle series that is inspired by colorful guerilla knitting. One example is the plain handle form in high-gloss chrome or stainless steel, which is covered on the cabinet with bright reed green felt. Another handle is covered with an authentic ethnic fabric. All of the fabrics are removable and easy-care. Photo: Union Knopf

Aesthetic material combination – With the “AGOWood” set, consisting of a solid wood cutlery tray and a tried and tested anti-slip drawer liner, Agoform (LöhneWittel/Germany) makes organization of drawers in kitchens more flexible and upgrades them at the same time. The wooden tray is available in beech, maple, oak and walnut and can be variably adjusted in a horizontal direction. The set is individually packaged for delivery. Photo: Agoform ­­­30  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

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07.08.14 08:52

Quality Inside

More order under the sink – The “Öko Liner” from Vauth-Sagel (Brakel-Erkeln/ Germany) can now be expanded with an organization drawer, in which storage basins can be flexibly hung. With this solution, the storage space under the sink and above the waste separation system can be optimally utilized. Reasons the jury of the Interior Innovation Award recently recognized the organization drawer with the renowned Interior Innovation Award 2014. Photo: Vauth-Sagel

Comfort and hygiene – Comfort and hygiene are ensured by the hands-free opening system from Hailo (Haiger/Germany), in which a foot sensor triggers the mechanism that slides out the waste containers. According to a study, about 58 % of Germans know the brand Hailo, which is not only a producer of waste separation systems for the kitchen, but is also Europe’s market leader in ladder systems and probably offers the widest assortment of metal waste bins. The company’s especially variable waste separation systems are suitable for all of the usual cabinet widths. Before they are introduced to the market, extensive laboratory tests are performed to guarantee reliability. Photo: Hailo

Award-winning drawers – The “Vionaro” drawer system by Grass (Hoechst/Austria) is characterized by its minimalist design. The highlight is the thin frame, which is only 13 millimeters thick and is available in aluminium or steel. Design comes together with functionality, since “Vionaro” combines all of the advantages of a doublewalled drawer system with the outer attractiveness and storage space of a concealed undermount slider system. The designer drawers are set on the same “Dynapro” runner system as a wooden drawer. For this variety of characteristics, “Vionaro” recently won the renowned Red Dot Design Award 2014. Photo: Grass

Innovative opening function – With the combination of its standard “ArciTech” drawer elements and the new “Push to open Silent” function, Hettich (Kirchlengern/Germany) makes high ease of use in opening and closing drawers possible – not only for handle-free kitchens – and also enables economical production. Drawers and runners as well as cabinets and facings can be used unchanged. The new opening system is now able to perform mechanically what was previously possible only with electromechanical systems. And on top of that, it can be optimally adapted for different drawer sizes and weights and scores points by requiring only a small gap. Photo: Hettich ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 02|14  31

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07.08.14 08:53

Quality Inside




Xylexpo: Ligna’s smaller counterpart This year the Xylexpo in Milan proved to be the largest showcase for wood-working machines in Europe. It is the smaller Italian counterpart of Ligna, the world’s leading trade fair in Germany, which takes place in the odd years and registers more than twice as many exhibitors. Following the 24th edition of Xylexpo, the organizer Acimall can see light at the end of the tunnel again. The organizers think the Italian trade fair for wood-working machinery, which took place on the

fairgrounds of the Fiera Milano in Rho from the 13th till the 17th of May 2014, has reached the turning point and is on course for recovery again. The reason for that optimism is the encouraging numbers

of visitors. There were 15,250 trade visitors this year, 7.1% more than at the previous Xylexpo. All together – according to Acimall – 44,000 people visited the three trade fair halls on the five days of

the event. 42% of them came from foreign countries. In its best times, however, 92,000 visitors were counted at the trade fair. In the sector, some feared that a large share of the foreign visitors

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07.08.14 08:54

Quality Inside

1| After years of absence, Biesse returned to the Xylexpo with a stand of 1,800 m² in area. Photo: Biesse 2| With an area of 1,300 m², Homag was one of the biggest exhibitors. Photo: Homag 3| Leuco demonstrates live the low-noise operation of its “NN” saw-blade range. Photo: Barth would be missing at Xylexpo this year because of the house fair staged by the Italian machinery giant SCM, which preceded it. Just about three weeks before Xylexpo, the “Home Event” at SCM had attracted more than 4,000 visitors. The machinery giant from Rimini had decided to have a house fair after the Technodomus machinery trade fair, which it helped initiate, was called off on short notice. Few but well-known exhibitors With 440 exhibitors, of whom 123 came from outside the country, the three trade fair halls were not very full. In 2008, there were still 850 exhibiting companies in Milan. A favorable factor for the number of visitors was the return of the two Italian machinery giants Biesse and Cefla; previously, they had presented their products at the Technodomus. The German

machinery producer Homag not only received the “XIA” award in the innovation category, which was presented for the first time, but was also one of the largest exhibitors with an area of 1,300 m². In “Homag City,” the complete range of the group’s machines could be seen, with the main focus on diverse solutions for edgebanding as well as medium-sized system solutions for the needs of the Italian market. The supporters of the event see justification for Xylexpo in the importance of the Italian furniture industry, which continues to be the fourth largest in the world. Many of the machines and systems shown in Milan, however, had already had their debuts at the Ligna in Hannover or at the HolzHandwerk in Nuremberg. One example is the “Lumina” edgebanding machine by HolzHer, which works with NIR (near-infrared) beams and was presented at the Weinig stand. On the other hand, the “Fusion Coating” process presented at the Cefla trade fair stand, which Henkel developed in cooperation with Cefla, had not been shown at a previous trade fair. The machines presented at the Bürkle, Cefla and Giardina stands with the innovative “Inert Curing” process were also presented for the first time. In this

4 technology, following a conventional roller coating machine, a transparent synchronously rotating film smooths the still damp coated surface. Curing by means of UV beams takes place through the film and with direct surface contact. With this “inert” system state without oxygen, more scratch-resistant surfaces can be created and the energy costs are reduced. Another advantage: High order volumes or high grammages of up to 60 g/m² can be coated in only one step with the equipment. Quiet sawing Other technologies presented in Milan included edgebanding with hot air as well as with laser technology, which is well-suited for processing laser edgebanding at

4| Weinig is one of the longstanding exhibitors because the Italian market is important for the solid wood specialist. Photo: Weinig high speeds. The noise level of saw-blades was a main point of focus for the most important producers in this area. Homag presented a CNC machining center that was equipped with a “PowerEdge” edgebanding unit with a swivel component. This solution makes it possible to apply edgebanding at any angle, in any direction, and on all sides. In this way, for example, furniture with handleless fronts or beveled cabinets can be produced without set-up or changeover expenses. Richard Barth


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07.08.14 08:55

Quality Inside

Stagnation in sales at Hettich The Hettich Group (Kirchlengern/Germany) registered a slight decrease in turnover to EUR 855 million (–0.3 %) in the year 2013. The fittings specialist earned most of that turnover (69 %) outside Germany. Worldwide, about EUR 65 million were invested in products, facilities and buildings in the year 2013. All together, Hettich employs a staff of more than 6,000 and half of those employees work in Germany. The completely familyowned company expects moderate growth in 2014.

Süddekor printing must move Surteco SE (Buttenwiesen/Germany) will concentrate its decor printing segment at the Buttenwiesen location in the future. That means that the Süddekor Company’s printing plant and laboratory facilities, which were acquired at the end of 2013, will have to move from the German city of Laichingen to Buttenwiesen. The segment for foil coating, which is located in a second factory, will remain in Laichingen, however. And the Dakor impregnation company, which was also acquired, will remain in Heroldstatt (Germany). With the restructuring, the management of Surteco wants to increase its competitiveness in a lasting way and make the company even more performance-oriented for its customers. The goal is to make Buttenwiesen the most modern and effective decor printing location in Europe.

Hornschuch increases sales The Hornschuch Group (Weißbach/Germany), the specialist for thermoplastic furniture foils and synthetic upholstery cover materials, registered an increase of 7.1% in its group turnover to EUR 345.1 million in 2013. 76.2 % of that was earned outside Germany. Inside Germany turnover rose to EUR 82 million (+8.5 %), and on the European market (without Germany, including Russia) sales increased to EUR 132.3 million (+8.3 %). In the NAFTA countries, a turnover of EUR 87.7

The new “skai Pavinto” upholstery material reminds viewers of vintage leather. Photo: Hornschuch

million (+7.3 %) was generated and in the rest of the world of EUR 42.9 million (+1.2%). The annual net profit was EUR 4.4 million in comparison to EUR 3.5 million in the previous year. Hornschuch want to grow by 6 % in 2014.

Schattdecor wants to industrialize digital printing The Schattdecor Group (Thansau/ Germany) was able to increase its turnover to more than EUR 550 million in 2013. The greatest increase was in the area of impregnation. The printing and foils segments also developed positively, according to company information. All together, the decor printers processed roughly 1.5 billion square meters of paper in 2013. After investing EUR 63 mil-

lion in 2013, the company is continuing to expand its surface competence in 2014. In the past two years, the company has invested more than EUR 25 million in the two locations in Poland in order to further strengthen its finish foil segment. Among other things, the factory in Glucholazy was equipped with a new coating machine with EB technology, which makes it the world’s largest loca-

tion for pre-impregnated finish foils at the present time, according to Schattdecor. In 2013 more than 270 million m2 of finish foil were produced there, which is an increase of just about 50 % in comparison to 2012. At its headquarters in Thansau (Germany), Schattdekor wants to print decor paper digitally on an industrial scale, thus creating an alternative to the rotogravure

printing process. Together with the digital printing specialists Palis (Padaluma Inkjet-Solutions) ­ and Rotodecor, the company is currently developing single pass inkjet printing equipment, which is to be installed in Thansau in the third quarter of 2015. In the future, the “Palis 2250” should be able to digitally print decor paper with a width of up to 225 cm using the same pigments as those for rotogravure printing and achieve printing speeds of 75–150 m/min as well.

At the official opening of the modernized factories, company owner Walter Schatt, his daughter Anja Schatt-Steiner, Chairman of the Board Reiner Schulz and the entire management board cut the ribbon together. Photo: Schattdecor ­­­34  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

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07.08.14 08:56

Quality Inside

Impress pushes finish foil

Interprint now also in Africa

By the end of 2015, the Impress Group (Aschaffenburg) will more than double its production capacities for the finish foil product segment with two new coating lines at the Elk location in Poland. As the company reported further, the investment volume allocated for the lines is up to EUR 30 million. As the first step, the hall capacity in Elk will be expanded from 11,000 m² to 16,200 m² and a combination print/coating line with a net width of 2,600 mm will be installed in 2015. The second step will be another coating line (offline), which will follow in short time. Until now, finish foil has been produced at the company headquarters in Aschaffenburg on a combination printing and coating line (EB) with a net width of 2,200 mm and at a location in Curitiba (Brazil). There, Impress also produces in-line with a net width of 2,200 mm and with acid-curing and UV coating systems. According to the company, about 120 million m² of finish foil were sold in the year 2013. Besides the expansion measures, the existing laboratory facility technology in Aschaffenburg will be adapted to meet future requirements in order to provide innovative product features and creative impulses for finish foils. Under the name “iTec+”, Impress recently introduced a structured coated surface whose feel matches the decor, for example.

The German decor printer Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany) is represented by a sales office in Pretoria (South Africa) with immediate effect. The relevant contract was signed recently. The new subsidiary is managed by Birgit Froneman, who has already had many years of experience in this industry. She is supported by two employees. Interprint Decor South Africa (Pty) Ltd. will sell both finish foils and decor paper for the melamine sector. South African customers and customers

Häfele has sales of over one billion again The Häfele Group (Nagold/Germany) continued on its course of growth in 2013. The specialist for fittings technology and electronic lock systems generated a turnover of EUR 1.072 billion, an increase of 4 %. ­Adjusted for exchange rates, that was an increase of 8 %. With 6,600 employees worldwide, the group generates 76 % of its sales outside Germany. Both the foreign subsidiaries and the German parent company were able to increase turnover by 3 % in 2013, according to information from Häfele. The Häfele manufacturing companies showed even higher increases. However, that was mainly the result of the takeover of Weber

(Velbert/Germany), the sliding door fittings specialist. Sphinx Electronics (Kenzingen/ Germany), developer and producer of electronic lock and security systems, also increased its turnover. In the past year, Häfele invested about EUR 27 million in markets, logistics, and production. Häfele expects an increase in the middle single digits in turnover internationally for 2014 and plans to invest about EUR 35 million.

With a new building, Häfele expanded its warehouse capacities at the company headquarters in Nagold. Photo: Häfele

in various Central African countries will be served by this sales office. Managing Director Holger Dzeia ascertains with a view to the future: “With the opening of the sales office in South Africa, we have laid the foundation stone for the intensive development of existing and new markets on the African continent.” The team of Interprint South Africa: Birgit Froneman (Mi.), Susan Janssen and Kagiso Matlakala. Photo: Interprint

Homag gets new owner Homag, the wood-working machine producer, (Schopfloch/Deutschland) is getting a new owner. As Homag recently announced, the German automotive supplier Dürr AG (Bietigheim-Bissingen/ Germany) plans to take over the machine producer. It was reported that Dürr is to acquire a total of 53.7% of the Homag shares at a price of EUR 219.1 million. Until now, the shares were held ­by the Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (39.5%), jointly ­­by the Schuler family and the Klessmann Stiftung­­ (3 %), and two other shareholders (11%). Due to an additional agreement with the remaining shareholders, who together hold 25.1% of the Homag Group AG, Dürr can count on a total of 75.8 % of the votes in the future shareholders’ meetings of the Homag Group AG. The Homag Group AG is to continue to operate as an independent division within the Dürr group. In the first quarter of 2014, Homag was able to increase its turnover by 16 % to EUR 205 million. One of the reasons for the large increase is the acquisition of the US distribution partner Stiles Machinery, which contributed about EUR 11 million in sales. New orders at Homag rose by 6 % to EUR 229 million during this period and orders in hand rose by about 9 % to EUR 262 million. For the entire year, Homag expects a group turnover of EUR 860 to 880 million. New orders are expected to rise to EUR 760 to 780 million. ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 02|14  35

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07.08.14 08:57

Partners to the furniture industry Casters and glides

Decor papers – printed

casters + glides

High precision tools


P.O. Box 100530, D-63704 Aschaffenburg Dorfstraße 2, D-63741 Aschaffenburg Phone +49 (0) 6021 406-0, Fax +49 (0) 6021 406-402, e-mail:


Contract textiles

P.O. Box 17 70, D-59707 Arnsberg Westring 22, D-59759 Arnsberg Phone +49 (0) 2932 950-0 Fax +49 (0) 2932 950-109, e-mail:

Trevira GmbH D-65795 Hattersheim phone +49-8234-9688-2333 fax +49-8234-9688-5342

International consultant LEUCO_Mini-Logo_m+t_01.indd 1

26.08.10 08:54

Thaddäus Rohrer Unternehmensberatung • International consultancy • Personnel consulting Thaddäus Rohrer Unternehmensberatung • Personal-•und Nachfolgeberatung • in cooperation with

Decor papers – unprinted

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Flame retardant fibres and yarns for contract textiles

Textile upholstery springing systems M_sp0212_KA_Rohrer.indd 1

Damping systems M_sp0212_KA_Trevira_e.indd 1


01.08.12 12:03

Schoeller Technocell TechnocellGmbH GmbH&&Co. Co.KG KG Osnabrück Burg Gretesch, Gretesch, 49086 D-49086 Osnabrück 11:43 Postfach Osnabrück P .O. Box 3667, 3667, 49026 D-49026 Osnabrück Telefon:+49 +49541 5413800-121, 3800-121, Fax: Telefax: 3800-152 Phone: +49+49 541541 3800-152,, Q_mt0609_KA_Rohrer_neu.indd 1

Wood-based panels

High precision tools M_mt0214_KA_Technocell.indd 1 M_mt0213_KA_Technocell.indd 1

Zimmer GmbH Daempfungssysteme Am Glockenloch 2, D-77866 Rheinau Phone: +49 7844 9110-0, Fax: +49 7844 9138-6199,

Leitz GmbH & Co. KG


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Leitzstraße 2, D-73447 Oberkochen Phone: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-662 e-mail:,

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Index of advertisers Special Quality Inside 2014 FSM, TR-Istanbul....................................................... 2

MKT Gebr. Eschbach GmbH, D-Ohrdruf....................................................... 38

Kesseböhmer GmbH, D-Bad Essen-Dahlinghausen......front cover, 11

Topcut Bullmer GmbH, D-Mehrstetten............................................... 33

Kröning GmbH & Co., D-Hüllhorst....................................................... 9

Axel Wirth Maschinen GmbH, D-Oberkochen............................................... 28

Kuris Spezialmaschinen GmbH, D-Deggingen-Reichenbach.............................. 3

Clarion Events ZOW, D-Bad Salzuflen............................................. 21

Lamello GmbH, D-Weil am Rhein.............................................. 7

Zimmer GmbH Dämpfungssysteme, D-Rheinau...................................................... 15

Insert Homag Group AG, D-Schopfloch........................................... 19, 20

Ritthammer Media Group, D-Nürnberg ................................................... 37 ­­­36  material+technik möbel – special 02|14

M_sp0214_Kleinanzeigen.indd 36

06.08.14 16:01

Perfect B2B communication Ritthammer media group P.O. Box 3850 路 D-90019 N眉rnberg Phone +49 (0) 911 95578-80

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11.08.14 09:53

M_sp0214_Anz_MKT_3.indd 1

11.08.14 09:53

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