material + technik möbel Special 02/2012 - Quality Inside

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P R O F E S S I O N A L M A G A Z I N E F O R M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F K I T C H E N S , C A B I N E T, O F F I C E A N D S E AT I N G F U R N I T U R E A N D F O R I N T E R I O R F I T T E R S A N D D E S I G N E R S · W W W. M AT E R I A L -T E C H N I K . D E · 3 0 8 3 5

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30.07.12 11.07.12 13:20 10:57

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The magazine for furniture production and related fields

Special 02|12

Quality Inside 07.08.12 13:56 14:01

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4:36 PM

German quality you can trust

Unlock Opportunities for the Woodworking and Furniture Production Industry in ASEAN






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Top industry players confirm their participation at the inaugural furniPRO Asia 2012. See the latest technologies presented & demonstrated live by international industry stalwarts, such as Biesse, IMA, PAL, Sandvik, Schelling, SCM, Siempelkamp and Wemhoener and more.

Catch the GREEN FORUM on 18 October (Thursday), where industry experts will discuss topics on sustainable business practices, latest regulation and green certification that impact on global furniture export system. Opening Hours: 10.00am – 6.00pm (17-18 Oct) 10.00am – 4.00pm (19 Oct)

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30.07.12 13:18

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07.08.12 02.08.12 14:01 16:37

Quality Inside

Innovations with high quality standards With this “Quality Inside – made in Europe” special, the German trade journal “material+technik möbel” is again providing a special publication this summer that contains the latest information about the furnishing market in Western Europe. Packed with up-to-the-minute market data as well as information about furnishing trends and innovative new products from the supplier and machinery industries, this magazine is an indispensable guide for the furnishing sector outside of Europe. On the following pages, the magazine reports in English about trendy decors, clever fittings and the latest technologies in the woodworking industry in Europe. The common denominator of all of the products “made in Europe” is the high standards of quality that the producers set for themselves in development and production. The worldwide furniture sector has the opportunity to be convinced of that fact at the International Woodworking & Furniture Supply Fair (IWF) in Atlanta/USA. At the end of August, western European producers will once again demonstrate their competence and innovative strength there. Many of them will appear with US subsidiaries of their own or can be found at the stands of their American industrial representatives. Advertisement At the same time, the US event will be the kick-off for the worldwide distribution of this special issue “Quality Inside – made in Europe” in the following weeks and Richard Barth, Editor-in-chief months.

Title: “Clever Storage” is “quality inside” – on the right in the foreground is “Lavido” by Kesseböhmer, an ideal central food storage center. Photo: Kesseböhmer

Contents Editorial...................................... 3 Euro crisis slows economy.... 4–5 Italian furniture industry............... under pressure...................... 6–7 German furniture production....... on the up again.......................... 8 Debut of a new fair...................... in Southeast Asia....................... 9 IWF expects more furniture........ industry visitors................. 10–11 Perfection down to...................... the last detail........................... 12 Fast, customized, reliable........ 13 Successful from the start........ 14 “Clever Storage” for better......... kitchens................................... 15 Europe’s furniture fairs................ and their trends................. 16–17 European highlights:.................... fittings...................................... 18 ....................................................

Quality offensive for.................... finish foils................................ 21 European highlights:.................... surfaces............................. 22–23 Showcases for the European...... machine industry .............. 24–27 Ligna 2013: A world of................ innovations and integrated.......... bioenergy systems.................. 28 Gapless and tear-free.................. cut quality................................ 31 Imprint..................................... 31 Lightweight construction............. could govern the future .... 32–33 Surfaces industry......................... prepares for the future...... 34–35 New spreading machine.............. for the anniversary................... 36 The next generation..................... lightweight panel..................... 36 Company news........................ 38 ­m aterial+technik möbel - special 02|12  3 M_mt0212_Anz_Kuris.indd 1

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05.04.12 11:02 08.08.12 13:35

Quality Inside

Euro crisis slows economy Europe has digested the worldwide economic and financial crisis to a much lower extent than the rest of the world. Especially in the Euro zone, the debt overload of some of the member states is causing headaches for economic experts. In the summer of 2012, therefore, damage control is on the agenda in Europe. Providing forecasts for economic development in Europe is hard for the economic institutes at the present time, because political un­ certainties are higher than ever be­ fore. Greece, Spain, Italy and Ire­ land are the countries that are causing the most headaches for the members of the Euro zone. The high level of debt in those countries is threatening the exist­ ence of the European Union. The national insolvency of several member countries might mean the end of the Euro and would se­ verely burden the finances of the remaining members. If Greece went bankrupt, for example, the fi­ nances of the Federal Republic of Germany would be burdened with up to 82 billion Euros, as calculat­ ed by the Ifo economic research institute in Germany. If Greece were to stay in the Euro zone de­ spite its insolvency, Germany would have to register losses of 89 billion Euros, according to the institute. EU expands At the present time, the Euro is the official currency in 17 Europe­ an countries and for about 330 mil­ lion people. After its start in the year 1999, Estonia and Slovakia are among its latest members. The Euro has been introduced in all western European countries ex­ cept for Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. However, 27 countries with just about 500 million citizens now be­ long to the EU (European Union). It is an economic and political part­ nership of the member countries and is continually being expanded. With Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, the EU has also meanwhile expanded to the east. As of 1 July 2013, Croatia will be­ come the 28th member. Other candidates for membership are Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.

Decline in construction activity A decisive barometer for econo­ mic development is construction activity. According to the latest cal­ culations by Euroconstruct, there will be a decline totalling 2 percent in the 19 surveyed countries in 2012. Euroconstruct is an associa­ tion of economic institutes from 14 western and four eastern Euro­ pean countries, who work togeth­ er to analyze the construction sec­ tor in Europe. The forecasts for the next two years look better. In 2013, Euro­ construct expects construction ac­ tivity to rise by 0.5 percent and in 2014 construction activity should reach the level of 2011 again. Residential building will show the best development in the years 2012 to 2014. Euroconstruct ex­ pects an increase of 3 percent dur­ ing this time. However, the vol­

ume of residential building in 2014 will still be about 10 percent lower than the level of 2008. The build­ ing completion rates in the 19 member countries have declined drastically since 2007. At that time, 2.5 million new dwellings were built, while in 2012 only 1.4 million are expected. In the com­ ing years, the institute expects building approval figures of about 1.5 million units annually. In general, the economic research­ ers expect to see a difference in construction activity between northern and southern Europe un­ til 2014. An annual growth rate of 2 percent is expected in Denmark and Norway. In Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slova­ kia, Sweden, Switzerland and Great Britain, yearly growth should be between 0.1 and 2 percent. In Belgium, the Czech Republic, Fin­

land, Italy and the Netherlands, stagnation or a decline of between 0 and 3 percent is expected. Euro­ construct forecasts a significant decrease in construction activity in Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Euro crisis impedes economic development As far as economic development is concerned, the year 2012 is proving to be less positive than 2011. Real gross domestic product (GDP) will decline by 0.5 percent in the 17 member countries in 2012, according to leading economic in­ stitutes. However, a slight growth rate of 0.2 percent is still expected for private consumption. The fore­ casts for 2013 are only a little bet­ ter. Stagnation is expected for the gross domestic product. The un­ employment rate will rise to 11.3 percent in 2012 and to 12 percent

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08.08.12 11:38

Quality Inside

in the following year, which – in connection with the restrictive financial policy – will lower private consumption. A decline of 0.7 percent is expected in this area. Current economic data and forecasts for the economic development in selected European countries follow: Spain In Spain, the recession is worse than expected. According to the latest forecasts by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the Spanish economy will shrink by 1.7 percent in the current year and by a further 1.2 percent in the coming year. In 2011, Spanish economic performance was still able to grow by 0.7 percent. The country suffers from an unemployment rate that will rise from 21.7 percent to 24.6 percent in 2012 and will probably cause private consumption to shrink by 2.2 percent, according to predictions by the OECD (Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development). Accordingly, consumer prices are not rising very much. After a rise of 3.1 percent in 2011, rises of only 1.7 percent in 2012 and 0.7 percent in 2013 are expected. Portugal Portugal is also battling declining economic performance. After a minus of 1.6 percent, real GDP will shrink by a further 2.8 percent in the current year. The unemployment rate, which has risen from 12.9 percent to 15.5 percent in 2012, is paralyzing private consumption and keeping consumer prices from rising at a faster rate. After 3.6 percent in 2011, a 2.9 percent rate of price increases is expected for 2012. Private consumption will sink further and after a decline of 3.9 percent it will probably decrease by an additional 6.6 percent in 2012. In 2013, a decline of only 1.1 percent is expected. France France is counted among the economically strongest countries in Europe, along with Germany. After economic growth of

1.7 percent in 2011, however, an increase in real GDP of only 0.5 percent is expected for 2012. The rising unemployment rate is having a negative effect on consumption. After 9.7 percent in 2011, unemployment is expected to rise to 10.3 percent in 2012. Private consumption will therefore probably only increase by about 0.7 percent in 2012 and by 1.1 percent in 2013. Consumer prices will most likely rise by 2.1 percent in 2012, and in 2013 by only 1.5 percent. Greece Greece is the problem child in the EU. Since 2008, real GDP has continually declined. After a minus of 6.9 percent in 2011, a further decrease of 4.8 percent is expected for 2012. This development is also reflected on the job market, where the unemployment rate is at just about 22 percent. After a decrease of 7.1 percent, private consumption will shrink further by another 5.7 percent in 2012. In 2013 though, according to the predictions of the OECD, the decrease should be only 1.1 percent. Germany In 2012, Germany continues to be the motor for economic growth in Europe. However, the uncertainties of the market and the debt crisis in some European export countries are affecting the country’s business climate, which has become worse during the summer months. Economic experts are therefore expecting a weakening of the real gross domestic product of 0.7 percent for 2012. In 2013 it is expected to be 1.3 percent. In 2011, real GDP was still able to improve by 3 percent. While domestic demand continues to be strong, there are meanwhile signs of slow-downs in the area of exports. Consumer demand is still profiting at the present time from a good job market situation. The unemployment rate is expected to decline slightly to 6.6 percent by 2013. The Ifo institute is thus expecting an increase in private consumption of 1.3 percent in 2012 and 1.5 percent in 2013. The in-

crease in consumer prices will probably be 2 percent in both years. Italy Italy is meanwhile also one of the European problem children because the country has a very high level of debt. Its economic performance will probably be negative in 2012, after the country was still able to register a plus of 0.4 percent in 2011. In 2012, real GDP will most likely decrease by 1.4 percent. Businesses are suffering above all because of the declining domestic demand and the high rate of unemployment. After 8.4 percent in 2011, an unemployment rate of 10.6 percent is predicted for 2012, and that rate is expected to rise in 2013. Private consumption will probably shrink by 2.3 percent in 2012 and by 0.4 percent in 2013. In 2011, the country still registered slight growth of 0.3 percent in this area. Austria In 2012, Austria has experienced a setback in its economic performance. After a plus of 3 percent, real GDP will probably grow by only 0.6 in 2012, but in 2013 it is expected to increase by 1.5 percent again. The unemployment rate at 4.2 percent is the lowest in the Euro zone. In 2012, consumer prices will increase by 2.2 percent, less than in 2011, when the increase was 3.6 percent. Private consumption is expected to rise by 0.8 percent in 2012 and by 1 percent in 2013. Belgium In 2011, Belgium was still able to register an increase in real GDP of 1.9 percent, but in 2012 it is expected to experience stagnation in its economic performance. This will also affect the unemployment rate, which will rise from 7.2 to 7.7 percent. Private consumption will therefore also stagnate in 2012, but is expected to grow again by 1.2 percent in 2013. Consumer prices are not rising as strongly. After 2.5 percent in 2011, an increase of 1.9 percent is predicted for 2012.

Netherlands The predictions for the Netherlands are also negative. After economic growth of 1.2 percent in 2011, economic experts predict a minus of 0.7 percent for the country in 2012. The number of unemployed will rise in 2012 in comparison to the year before from 4.4 percent to 5.8 percent. Private consumption is expected to shrink by 1.5 percent and then to stagnate in 2013. At the same time, a decrease in consumer prices from 2.5 to 1.9 percent is to be expected. Finland Within the Euro zone, Finland is in good shape, but it has also had to deal with a setback in economic performance in 2012. Real GDP in the Scandinavian country will probably grow by only 1.4 percent in the current year after growing 2.9 percent in 2011. Following a plus of 3.3 percent in 2011, private consumption is expected to increase by 1.7 percent in 2012. An increase of 1 percent is predicted for 2013. The unemployment rate remains at 7.7 percent and consumer prices will decline slightly by 3 percent in 2012. Great Britain Great Britain is a member of the European Union, but has not taken the Euro as its currency. After economic growth of 0.7 percent in 2011, a decline in real GDP of 0.2 percent is expected for 2012. The government’s austerity measures and the weak job market are slowing down domestic demand at the present time. In 2012, it will increase by only 0.3 percent, according to the OECD. In 2013, private consumption is expected to rise again by 1.1 percent. The country’s economic performance is also expected to rise by 1.1 percent in 2013. The unemployment rate will most likely rise to 8.3 percent in 2012 and stay at about 8.2 percent in 2013. The inflation rate will be at 3.1 percent and then fall to 2 percent in 2013 due to the austerity measures. Richard Barth Photo: Fotolia/K.F.L.

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08.08.12 11:38

Quality Inside

Italian furniture industry under pressure Within Europe, Italy is the second most important country in the production of furniture, and is also reckoned among the biggest exporters of furnishing products worldwide. Italy has a 6.6 % share in worldwide markets. Today, every second item of furniture is exported.

Italy´s furniture manufacturers are under pressure to succeed. For decades, Italy has led the league of the most successful furniture manufacturers – but, since the worldwide financial and economic crisis occurred, its course of success has been slowed down. The Italian furniture industry simply will not pick up. Whilst the furniture industry in other European countries is once again developing satisfactorily, in 2011 Italian manufacturers of furnishing products had to face a fall in sales amounting to 4.8 % as against the previous year. Furnishing products only to the value of Euro 20.269 billion were produced. In 2010, sales by the Italian furniture manufacturers had risen by only 1.8 % as compared with the previous year. In addition to home furniture, this figure also includes office and bathroom furniture as well as lighting elements. This means that Italy had a 6.6 % share of world furniture production, which the Italian market survey institute CSIL estimates at USDollar 376 billion (ca. Euro 300 billion) for 2012. For the most part, the fall in sales in the Italian market is to be attrib-

uted to the slowdown in private consumption. In 2011, the industry recorded a fall in sales on the domestic market of 13.6 % to ca. Euro 9,8 billion. In the export markets, however, the furniture industry showed a positive development and was able to increase its exports by 4.3 % to ca. Euro 10.4 billion, resulting in a further increase in the export trade. Whilst in 2010, 47 % of sales were for export, in 2011 this figure rose to 51.5 %. According to the latest estimates, it has meanwhile further increased to 54 %. Housing construction at rock bottom The slowdown in consumption in the domestic market also affected foreign suppliers. Imports in 2011 rose only by 2 % to Euro 3.167 billion. As a result, the balance of trade surplus rose to Euro 7.267 billion (+5.4 %). Last but not least, the fall in demand has also decimated the number of businesses and employees in the country. In 2011, in the Italian furnishings industry, altogether 218,155 (–1.9 %) men and women were employed in 32,277 (–2.6 %) businesses.

1| The Italian furniture industry lives from the export success of Italian designer furniture.

In 2012, there will probably be no change in the poor sales figures of the Italian furniture manufacturers, and this also applies to foreign suppliers to the market. This is partly due to the loss in purchasing power and partly to the slowdown in housing construction. According to figures published by the furniture industry association, consumer spending by Italian families during the first quarter of 2012 fell by a further 2.4 % as against the same period in the previous year. For years now, housing construction has been revealing a negative development: from 2005 to 2010, the number of new housing units has fallen by 53.2 %. Since at the same time, from 2007 to 2010, the number of applications for building permission has plummeted by 30.2 %, there is scarcely hope of improvement. Decline in all segments The fall-off in construction activities has in particular affected the kitchen furniture manufacturers in

Italy. They were able to offset their losses in the domestic market only to a minor extent by means of increased exports, because their export share is smaller than in other segments. In 2011, their sales sank by 5.8 % to Euro 1.8 billion. Whilst domestic sales suffered a fall of 8.5 %, the industry was able to improve its export sales by 1.3%. The number of businesses fell to 804 (–3.4 %) and the number of employees to 12,933 (–3.5 %). The slump in the upholstered furniture was even more drastic: in 2011, this segment recorded a fall in domestic sales of 11.4 %. With an export share of 66.7 %, part of the losses were offset by increased export sales (+6.7 %). As a result, total sales fell by only 5.4 % to Euro 2.1 billion. In 7,500 (–2.6 %) businesses, only 29,200 persons were employed. Nor are the manufacturers of office furniture satisfied with their business development; in 2011, their sales fell to Euro 1.1 billion ­(–3.9 %). This was also the only segment in which sales lost ground in both the domestic market (–5.5 %) and the export market (–2 %). Furthermore, with 42.2 %, their export share is smaller than that of the other segments. And with 23.8 %, the export share in the mattress industry is of even less significance. As a result, sales fell by 8 % to Euro 625 million. Those segments, which generate a large proportion of their sales in export markets recorded a smaller drop in sales. Among manufacturers of living room and dining room furniture, for example, these amount to 70%. Consequently, their total sales fell by only 2.4 % to Euro 813 million. The 1,230 companies in the chair industry generate 75.3 % of their sales in foreign markets. In 2012, their export sales rose by 14 %, whilst domestic sales dropped by 8.4 %. Nevertheless, this segment too

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08.08.12 11:48

Quality Inside

Sales in billion Euro (* Change 2011/2010)

2| In all segments, sales have decreased in 2011. Source: FederlegnArredo

2,1 1,8 – 5,4 % * – 5,8 % * 1,1 0,813 0,625


– 3.9 % *

– 2,4 % *

– 1,5 % *

– 8 % *


Living room/ Mattresses dining room

had to suffer a fall in total sales of 1,5 % to Euro 774 million. Forecasts According to a survey carried out by the Italian furniture industry association FederlegnoArredo, during the first four months of 2012, furnishing companies re-

Office furniture

Upholstered furniture


corded a further drop in sales of 5 %, whilst domestic sales went down by as much as 11 %. Exports increased by 2 %. However, because the survey covered only 200 businesses, and hence a small section of the industry, the association believes that the drop in sales of the whole industry

was almost twice as bad. FederlegnoArredo estimates for the whole year 2012 however a fall in sales of only 3 %, with an increase in export sales of 4 %. Growth in foreign countries Yet FederlegnoArredo sees the longterm outlook for the Italian furnishings industry as highly positive. Europe will continue to be the major export customer for Italy, with an export share of 60 %. During the next few years, however, sales growth will above all be generated in markets outside Europe. The association estimates that the demand for Italian furnishing products will grow very strongly, especially in Eastern Europe and the emerging economies.

In Russia, during the next five years, Italy expects annual growth rates of 6 % on average. In the Arab Emirates, the association estimates that furniture imports from Italy will double by 2016. In China, FederlegnoArredo estimates that Italy will continue to participate in the growing development of the market and increase its market share during the next few years. Already during the last two years Italy was able to increase its market share there by 50 %, and even double its market share in the bedroom furniture segment. In the forecast period, India is expected to improve its position by 12 places and in future take 17th place among the most important export countries. In the USA, FederlegnoArredo estimates a 30 % growth in demand for Italian furniture by the year 2016. Richard Barth




ZIMMER GmbH Daempfungssysteme 77866 Rheinau-Freistett Phone +49 7844 9110-0, Fax -6199 ­m aterial+technik möbel - special 02|12  7

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08.08.12 11:48

Quality Inside

German furniture production on the up again The German furniture industry can well be satisfied with the progress of the year 2012 up to now. After having achieved sales growth already in 2011, the industry is still on its way up. The German furniture producers had a successful start into the year 2012. During the first five months of the current year, the industry was able to record a growth in sales of 2.95 %. Altogether, the furniture manufacturers generated sales of Euro 7.12 billion. Admittedly, however, the figures issued by the German Furniture Makers´ Association (VDM) reveal a considerable weakening of sales later in the year. In May 2012, after getting off to a powerful start, the industry had to face a fall in sales of more than 7 % compared with May the previous year.

most 30 % to Euro 87 million in export sales. Domestic sales of kitchen furniture rose by about 7 %, and by 1.2 % to Euro 619 million in foreign markets. The VDM sees one reason for the poor performance of the upholstered furniture in the low importance of the export market for the upholstered furniture industry. Whereas, for example, the export quota in the kitchen furniture seg-

­ ptimism are the furniture purchaso es by German consumers, which have for years been increasing. In purely arithmetical terms, in 2011 each citizen of the FRG purchased furniture to the value of Euro 373. To that, according to the VDM, must be added around Euro 150 for furnishing the home with textiles, accessories and decorative articles. Furthermore, a recently published market study has had an optimistic

Sales development of the furniture industry Jan–May 2012 broken down by segments Change as against previous year in %

Different developments Not all segments were able to share in the industry’s growth to the same extent, during the period under review. In the case of upholstered furniture, the VDM reported a fall in sales amounting to 3.9 %. Makers of office furniture reported stagnating sales. Among kitchen furniture manufacturers, however, the situation was better: By May, they achieved a sales increase of 4.9 %. The makers of home furniture reported a growth in sales of 3.5 % up to and including May. During the first five months of the year, the German furniture industry profited from the continuing high level of German consumer spending. Domestic sales therefore rose more strongly than export sales. During the period under review, the furniture makers were able to sell around 3.2 % more furniture (Euro 5.13 billion), whilst export sales rose by 2.33 % to Euro 1.98 billion. With regard to export sales, just as with the domestic sales figures, the various segments developed at different rates. The upholstered furniture industry admittedly sold more furniture (+1.48 %) in the domestic market, but recorded a fall of al-

in Poland, 16.2 % in Switzerland, 14.7 % in Italy and 14.2 % in France. In the German domestic market, the growth rate for 2011 was only around 5.7 %. According to data supplied by the VDM, the office furniture industry developed exceptionally well with a growth rate of 18 %. Also well to the fore was the kitchen furniture segment, which grew by 5.9 %. The home furniture

Home furniture

Upholstered furniture



Home Foreign Total

Office furniture

9.1 1.3 3.5 -3.9


2.2 0

5.6 9.2 8.5

Kitchen furniture

1.2 7.0 4.9

Furniture industry total

2.3  3.2  2.9











Source: Verband der deutschen Möbelindustrie (“German Furniture Makers´ Association”) ment amounts to almost 40 %, in the upholstered furniture segment it scarcely amounts to 16 %. Successful 2011 The year 2011 was particularly successful for the German furniture industry. With sales amounting to Euro 16.8 billion, it was able to exceed the previous year`s results by 6.4 %; in 2010, the industry had grown by only 2.2 %. This satisfactory year-end result was to a great extent due to export sales, where the industry recorded a growth rate of 11.1 %. The strongest growth rates were achieved with 19.2 %­­­­­

industry (dining-room and bedroom furniture, as well as upholstered furniture), recorded a growth of 3.7 % in 2011. Thanks to the satisfactory growth development in sales, the number of persons employed rose slightly in 2011 (+1 %). Around 90,000 persons were employed in 524 businesses (from 50 employees). Positive prospects Now that the year 2012 has brought further sales increases for the German furniture industry, the VDM expects growth of 2 – 3 % for the whole year. Grounds for

effect on the German furniture industry. According to this study, the importance of a pleasant home rises with increasing age. The study, commissioned by the German furniture producer Interlübke, comes to the conclusion that 61 % of ­­18–29 years old persons consider a pleasant home to be important. Among the 40–49 years old persons, the figure was 64 %, while among the over-60s the figure was as much as 80 % – both these are target groups whose proportion of the German population will increase in the next few years. Richard Barth

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08.08.12 11:30


Debut of a new fair in Southeast Asia The debut of furniPRO Asia on 17 – 19 October 2012 in Singapore is met with the rousing support of the international woodworking and furniture production industry. Top industry players confirm their attendance at the show.

Spanning an area of 10,000 m2, the biennial furniPRO Asia 2012 will bring together more than 8,000 professionals, connecting key buyers and top management from the leading regional woodworking and furniture production centers in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam. Held in Singapore Expo, Hall 2, the fair will be featuring country pavilions from Germany, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States of America. Buoyed by rising lifestyle and consumer spending in the region, furniture trade among Asean countries has seen a steady increase of at least 13 percent yearly. Total intra-Asean furniture trade reached US-Dollar 516 million in 2008, according to the Asean Furniture Industries Council. The region also recorded furniture exports valued at US-dollar 11.85 billion in the same year. FurniPRO Asia, the regional trade

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fair focused on materials and production and led by the Taiwan Woodworking Association, International industry stalwarts, such as Biesse, Ima, PAL, Sandvik, Schelling, SCM, Siempelkamp and Wemhoener, will also be exhibiting at the inaugural show as well, bringing with them years of expertise and global business opportunities. Showcasing the latest technologies Ima Klessmann will be bringing their top technologies to furniPRO Asia 2012, specifically, the “BIMA CUT/V”. It is a combination of a machining centre and a panel saw, which is used for custom production of fronts or components. Through the integration of panel sizing and panel processing, this system cuts set-up times by making some of the set-up operations obsolete, thus increasing productivity substantially.

“We truly support furniPRO Asia because there is a need for a fair like this in South East Asia. There hasn’t been a woodworking and furniture production trade fair that was able to provide any true benefit in machine technology and international market trends,” says Mr. Burkhard Sydow, Managing Director of Ima AG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Likewise, Wemhoener Surface Technologies GmbH & Co. KG will be showcasing their latest technology – a 3D Eagle Press with automatic PIN System, at the inaugural show. The patented PIN System thoroughly replaces the traditional base plates and non-slip mat, hence improving product quality and production efficiency greatly. “We support having a big woodworking and furniture production event for the South East Asian market; we think this is what the region needs. We will definitely be exhibiting our latest machineries and technologies at the first furniPRO Asia 2012 in Singapore,” said Heiner Wemhoener, Managing Partner of Wemhoener Surface Technologies GmbH & Co. KG. Conference component – Green Forum Apart from the exhibition, furniPRO Asia 2012 will be incorporating a conference component – Green Forum, where industry experts will discuss topics on sustainable business practices, latest regulations and green certification that impact on the global furniture export system. aw Photo: Singex


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08.08.12 11:33

Quality Inside


IWF expects more furniture industry visitors Just now, the IWA in Atlanta has reason to be pleased with the growing interest shown in the fair. On the basis of pre-registrations, the North American leading fair for woodworking machinery and furniture supply materials expects an increase in the number of visitors to this year´s show. Things are looking up once more at the International Woodworking & Furniture Supply Fair (IWF), which is held alternately with the AWFS in Las Vegas. According to the fair management, among the 880 exhibitors registered at the time of going to press were 130 new entries. Famous manufacturers are coming back to the North American leading fair for the furniture manufacturing, which will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center. The fair organizers are hoping to receive further registrations, to be able, at the start of the IWF, to follow on from the results of the previous fair in terms of exhibitor numbers. After the record year 2006, with a good 1,400 exhibitors, participation had been dwindling as a result of the worldwide economic and financial crisis. In

2008, the number of exhibitors fell to 1,200, while in 2010 it dropped again to 972. The recession in the northern region of the American continent also resulted in lower visitor attendance. Whereas in 2006 altogether 24,886 visitors came to the event, in 2008 only 18,306 attended. Two years later, the IWF was able to record 21,000 visitors. Already for this year`s edition, according to the organizers, 40 percent more visitors have registered than for the previous event at the same time of the year. The organizers explained this development with the slight upwind, which can be felt on the American market. More global players attending Besides manufacturers and suppliers of woodworking machinery, the North American event is also a

1| The organizers of IWF expect increase in the number of visitors to this year´s show.

2| The IWF in Atlanta is the North American leading fair for woodworking machinery and furniture supply materials.

2 showcase for supply materials for the furnishings industry. Apart from machinery, fittings and surface products from home and abroad are to be seen. Traditionally, products and machinery “made in Europe” play an im-

portant role in the fair program. This year, according to the organizers, the number of German exhibitors will be about 10 percent higher compared with 2010. A reason for this, they say, is that the major American industrial representa-

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tives are once more frequently taking part in the event together with the firms they represent. Companies from Germany, Austria and Italy are also often present at the fair via their US subsidiaries. This year`s list of exhibitors includes leading manufacturers of machine technologies and supply products, for example: Blum (Höchst/ Austria), Siempelkamp (Krefeld/Germany), Hettich (Kirchlengern/Germany) and Häfele (Nagold/Germany). The size and importance of the North American market makes it extremely attractive for European supply companies. “The IWF offers us the opportunity of presenting our product portfolio, our priorities and our innovations. All our competitors are also represented here,” says Thomas Ginschel, General Manager Hettich America. And for Jake Van Wyk also, Marketing Communications Manager at Häfele, the product show in Atlanta is of major importance: “The International Woodworking Fair (IWF) in Atlanta is one of the world’s largest trade shows for the furniture manufacturing, architectural woodwork, custom and general woodworking industries. Attendees to the show come from a broad range of industries related to the cabinetry, architectural wood, home furnishings and business furnishings categories. These customers are looking for products ranging from CNC machinery and tooling to hardware and accessories.” According to Mr. Van Wyk his company will be placing special emphasis in this year on the “Loox” Lighting solutions, sliding hardware solutions for doors, cabinets and furniture and the “Moovit” drawer system. From Italy, among other exhibitors, the SCM Group (Rimini/Italy), Cefla (Imola/Italy) and

tomers can stop by and check out the latest trends. Being an innovator in the industry, Salice looks forward to IWF to get a good feel for the state of our industry, especially in times where the economic turndown is still felt strongly.” According to Mr. Fregosi at this edition ­Salice is going to present new products specific to the American market with its own face frame construction and a new concept of tool free clip for the undermount drawer slides, both of which make up the majority of the US demand. Salice continues to evolve also in the sliding door market by presenting several new systems aimed at introducing the concept of coplanar doors in the American cabinetry industry. Challenge Award 80 products from 62 companies were submitted for this year`s “Challengers Distinguished Achievement Award” competition. The award, which is presented every two years, aims to encourage companies to develop revolutionary, creative and pioneering technologies, materials, services or safety devices, which will further the success of the industry. A jury examines and analyses each of the 80 submissions; 20 finalists are selected shortly before the start of the IWF. The names of the winners will be announced on the first day of the fair.

We shape the future

Continuous Z3 for a high cut quality Leitz’s new arrangement for the spiral cutting edges on Diamaster PRO3 and Diamaster PLUS3 routers means the three cutting edges cover 100 % of the tools’ working length. This means that depending on the panel material, up to 30 % higher feed speeds with a consistent good machined quality are possible when sizing.

IWF acquisition In spite of signs of improvement, the IWF is just now going through a phase of self-discovery. For several decades, it was organized by the three associations Woodworking Machinery Industry Association (WMIA), Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America 3| Traditionally, products and machinery “made in Europe” play an important role in the fair program. Photos: IWF

Diamaster PLUS3, the high performance pre / finishing router for maximum efficiency in industrial applications, can be resharpened up to 12 times with the perfect cut surface quality for edge banding on machines with laser edge technology. Diamaster PRO3, also a high performance for sizing and grooving router, can be resharpened up to 3 times is ideal nesting and small batches.

Contact us – with our consultants and application engineers together we will find you the best solution. 3 Salice (Novedrate/Italy) will exhibit on the fair. Matteo Fregosi, General Manager America of Salice, explains the group`s participation at the event as follows: “Salice’s presence serves both as a means to present the newest product and as a place where our cus-

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(WMMA) and American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA). In early May 2012, the two machinery manufacturers associations WMIA and WMMA announced that they had taken over the shares of the AHFA. It is expected that the transaction will be concluded at the end of the year at the earliest. Astrid Wolf

Leitz GmbH & Co. KG Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen Germany Tel. +49 (0) 7364/950-0 Fax +49 (0) 7364/950-662

08.08.12 13:43

Quality Inside

Perfection down to the last detail Fast, sure, simple and precise – with “ArciTech”, Hettich (Kirchlengern/Germany), one of the leading fittings specialists worldwide, sets new standards in drawer systems.

The baptism of fire was passed with flying colors. After the German market leader for furniture fittings had introduced its new premium drawer system to the world with an impressive presentation at

convinced of the possibilities of the “ArciTech” system as well. Above all, “ArciTech” is convincing because it is so easy to install and adjust. The drawer is simply placed on the runners and auto-

tem scores points with its perfectly smooth sliding action and high stability. “ArciTech” allows simple and practical handling in the details as well, as the front panels can be easily mounted and adjusted. The installation and removal of the front panels require no tools, are one-dimensional, and can be


1 2


justment mechanism is self-explanatory with symbols that distinctly show the horizontal and height adjustments. But in addition to its very good installation qualities, Hettich has focused above all on quality, stability and flexibility in its new drawer system as well. The platform concept makes it possible to realize drawers and pullouts with different heights and designs on the basis of a single drawer side. The geometry of the runner profiles follows a completely new prism principle and thus provides extraordinary lateral stability even for drawers holding weights of up to 80 kilograms. With this system, Hettich has put one of the largest single investments in its company history into operation, because it built a completely new plant especially for “ArciTech” at the Kirchlengern (Germany) location according to the latest production standards. In doing so, the company concentrated not only on providing

1, 2| “ArciTech” stands for perfectly smooth sliding action, high stability and a wide ranging series. 3, 4| With the “ArciTech” drawer system, the installation and removal of the front panels require no tools, are one-dimensional and can be quickly and easily done. The panel is simply put in place and an acoustic signal confirms that it is firmly connected. Photos: Hettich the interzum 2011 (Cologne/Germany), 20 exhibitors already showed the system, which has meanwhile won several awards, at this year’s Milan furniture fair (Italy). Now the visitors to the IWF (Atlanta/US), where Hettich will also be one of the exhibitors, can be

matically connected with them at the same time. They are snapped together as the drawer is closed. Disassembly is just as easy, because the drawer can be completely pulled out first and then carefully taken out of the runners from above. In addition, the sys-

quickly and easily done. The panel is simply put in place and an acoustic signal confirms that it is firmly connected. To remove the panel, the release levers on both sides are simply pulled in the corresponding direction. The clearly arranged and easily accessible ad-

perfect processes for efficient production, but also on sustainable construction and high environmental standards. On roughly 13,500 square meters of floor space, a staff of about 80 works in three shifts to produce the drawer system. aw/as

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08.08.12 15:19

Quality Inside

1 1| Automated feeds and product separation for products with complex shapes such as hinges are possible at Häfele.

Fast, customized, reliable Hardware manufacturer Häfele offers outstanding expertise. Its packaging engineering department provides well thought-out, innovative and economical solutions.

The right packaging saves time and money. Häfele Engineering, the international sales organization for the furniture industry meets customer demands knowing the big picture. To Häfele, based in Nagold (Germany) packaging design is an engineering service. Customized packaging of furniture accessories supplied in bags and boxes is one of these innovative services. To fulfil these complex services, the company even built a new plant. It is where all the ­elements come together. High productivity and flexibility 20 million bags were shipped from this facility last year. On a plant floor of 3,000 square meters, 14 partially and fully automated state-of-the-art packaging lines run in three shifts per day. They produce all the bag and box packaging that is required and used in the furniture industry reliably, quickly and cost-effectively. ­Specialty packaging like shrinkwrapping and blister packaging are of course also part of the ser­ vice offering. Häfele also set up twelve manual packaging stations. These stations

2 also ensure that one-off orders for products can be processed or modified out of sequence. Due to the combination of manual and automated processes almost any quantity, combination or shape of products can be made available. And thanks to a certified quality management system and integrated triple TQM quality control inspections, incorrect packaging contents, returns and complaints are kept to a minimum.

3 All in one hand Business partners generally ­bene­fit from the know-how and experience of a hardware manufacturer and packaging expert that is active worldwide. In addition, advantages such as access to a broad selection of hardware, central purchasing, cost-effective procurement, just-intime delivery and the described engineering services all contribute to the value provided along the way from idea to production. aw

2| Cost-effective and customized packaging: hardware technology and list of contents combined in a bag. 3| Multiple quality control inspections ensure proper packaging contents. Pictured here is a weight control station. Photos: Häfele

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08.08.12 11:36

Quality Inside

Successful from the start Damping systems manufactured by the Zimmer Group (Rheinau/Germany) were successful from the very start. By now, furniture without them would be inconceivable worldwide.

1| Today Zimmer supplies its damper units and complete damper systems to customers all over the world. 2| The state-of-the-art production and assembly halls in Rheinau-Freistett were put into operation in 2008. Photos: Zimmer

1 The German-based damping systems specialist made its entry into the field of furniture hardware at just the right time. As a member of the worldwide active Zimmer Group, the company has made an important contribution to ensuring that today, modern furniture in living rooms and kitchens can be closed gently and silently – no matter whether cupboard doors, drawers or sliding doors in wardrobes are concerned. Inventive minds But even before the establishment of Zimmer Dämpfungssysteme GmbH in 2004, the German company had been involved in the development of damped furniture fittings. Already in early 2000, the inventors from Rheingau-Freistett were involved in the development of innovative solutions for guide systems for the fittings industry. “We can rightly claim to be pioneers in this product segment,” declares Christoph Boog, managing director of Zimmer Dämpfungssysteme GmbH. In 2002, the company began with series production and supply to leading fittings manufacturers

2 who were thus able to make their products more comfortable in use by means of these small dampers. Customer orientation The gentle closing feature of doors and drawers proved so popular with end-users that the Zimmer Group was soon obliged to build an additional production hall specially for the new subsidiary company and to increase its workforce. At present, the company employs about 100 workers on a permanent basis, supplemented by temporary workers as well as persons in workshops for the disabled. Today, more than 50 million dampers are delivered from the production halls near Kehl (Germany) each year. Depending on customer requirements, these comprise a damping mechanism using either oil (so-called “fluid dampers”) or air (pneumatic). Zimmer is extremely customer-oriented, a byproduct of its many years of experience as a supplier to the mechanical engineering industry. Roughly 10% of the workforce are employed in the R & D Department.

In terms of quality, the managing director refuses to cut corners, in spite of price erosion: “Particularly with hydraulic dampers,” he says, “a maximum degree of precision and regular quality controls are matters of supreme priority.” The starting point: Industrial dampers The origins of the Zimmer Group are in fact to be found in industrial and automation technologies. The steep rise to success of this family-managed business began in 1980 with clamping and braking elements and industrial shock absorbers. In that year, Günther Zimmer founded the Zimmer GmbH Technische Werkstätten. During the ensuing years, the Group expanded to include Sommer Automatic, Zimmer Dämpfungssysteme, Benz Werkzeugsysteme and also Zimmer Kunststofftechnik. Today, the German production locations Haslach, Rheinau-Freistett and Ettlingen employ a total of approx. 850 persons. The production and assembly halls built in 2008 at the company´s headquarters utilise the most modern production and

IT technologies and are certified with both quality and environment management systems to ISO 14001:2004. Wide product range Zimmer offers the fittings industry a wide range of products, comprising damping solutions for the entire furnishings field. The range extends from dampers for furniture to dampers for room-doors, which in many cases can be retro-fitted. Recently the range has been expanded with dampers for sliding doors and drawers. Furthermore, Zimmer products enable gentle door closing systems in household appliances. Depending on customer requirements, Zimmer also manufactures complete systems for gentle, silent closing of sliding doors, for example, the “Smuso” series, which comprises a self-closing unit with damping effect, and is available for different door weights. Zimmer Kunststofftechnik is also engaged in attachment technology for lightweight panels and is therefore equally a systems and applications partner to the furnishings industry. ba/aw

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08.08.12 11:41

Quality Inside

“Clever Storage” for better kitchens “Clever Storage” is “quality inside”. As regards functionality, aesthetics and perceived value of a kitchen today, the cabinet interior means nearly as much as the exterior kitchen arrangement, the appearance and the design. Cabinet interiors by the company Kesseböhmer (Bad Essen/Germany) provide excellent quality in materials, design and function, optimal use of storage space with first-rate organization and accessibility and the highest level of convenience. And in addition to all that, a high degree of flexibility and simple integration of the fittings into any production line, possibilities for individual custo­ mization and a wide range of types for the most various uses. Fulfilling customer wishes The “Clever Storage” concept by Kesseböhmer is based on a survey of end customers, in which 90 % said they would like a central food storage cabinet in the kitchen. Specifically to achieve this task, Kesseböhmer has developed a fundamentally new type of food storage cabinet, the “Convoy Lavido”. It fulfills customer wishes down to the last detail – from the easy accessibility of the stored goods to the good view of all levels to the infinitely variable height adjustment of the trays. Kesseböhmer`s double damper system is also unique worldwide. It not only enables an especially soft and quiet closing of the front

Can also be installed as a multifunctional tandem; with individually designed rails and pull-out shelves, “Convoy Lavido” was successfully presented at Eurocucina and in the Milan showrooms by many kitchen manufacturers. Photo: Kesseböhmer

of the cabinet against the cabinet body, but also, for the first time, absorbs the momentum as the cabinet opens. The entire pull-out automatically glides softly and quietly into the open or closed position. The possibility to individually design the trays provides unique

selling points for the kitchen industry. Interesting examples of these could be seen at the stands of many exhibitors at this year’s Eurocucina and in the showrooms in Milan. New ways of communication With its internet portal (www., Kesseböhmer is exploring new ways of communication with end customers – which are also meant to make the idea of “central food storage” known all over the world. With the participation of kitchen manufacturers, the website presents not only all aspects of living and working in the kitchen, but also trends in the areas of kitchen design and cabinet interiors. Extremely successfully, as the website report shows: The lifestyle portal registers an average of about 700,000 visitors ­every month. ba

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08.08.12 13:38

Quality Inside

Europes furniture fairs and their trends What`s happening in the European furniture market? Answers are provided regularly by the Salone del Mobile in Milan, the imm in Cologne or the Mebel in Moscow. During the first half of 2012, wood and naturalness were the overall theme at the European furnishings fairs.

This year, too, the Salone del Mobile and the kitchen fair Eurocucina in April once again proved themselves to be ideal workshops for trendy furnishings. Altogether 292,000 trade visitors made the journey to Milan (Italy). More than 1,650 exhibitors presented themselves to visitors on a net exhibition area of 209,000 m². At both events, the overall theme was wood. This natural material was frequently to be seen combined with glass and stainless steel. The clear winner among the various woods was oak, which was to be found in dark, thermally treated versions or as smoked oak. Elm, as the second most important trend wood at the fair, was mainly evident as a reproduction. Structured surfaces were highly popular in kitchens and living rooms. Wood reproductions (larch, spruce) were to be seen in brushed look, with appropriate surface structures. The colour scale of solid colours was dominated by beige through to cappuccino and stone grey. For the future, trend researchers expect two streams: natural colourways, because the theme sustainability is becoming more and more important; and, as a countermovement, intense, bright, vivid colours should come more and more into use.


Design focal point Spain

Oak sets the tone Already at the imm cologne in Cologne (Germany) in January 2012, material combinations were an important theme. With 1,037 exhibitors from 54 countries, Cologne is one of the largest furniture fairs worldwide, and presented to the roughly 75,000 specialist visitors its furnishing trends intended mainly for the

German market. In the field of cabinet furniture, oak was dominant both as real wood and as wood reproduction, and was displayed in light to dark colour tones. Walnut, too, was able to maintain its prominent position. The use of split wood provided a new impetus for design ideas. Structured surfaces imparted a natural character to furniture with wood decors. Exciting material contrasts were created by the interplay with numerous high-gloss lacquer surfaces; sophisticated light solutions not only ensured optical highlights but also, thanks to modern LED technology, provided useful functions for cabinets. Where colours were concerned, visitors to the high-end market segment frequently found yellow tones – here the range ran from lemon to saffron yellow. Most often to be seen were crème and brown tones with, in most cases, a hint of grey.

2 1| Material mix of the very best; the rusticality of split wood combined with lacquer in the trend colour taupe. Photo: Gwinner 2| The borderlines between kitchen and living room are becoming blurred. Photo: Snaidero

As far as Spain is concerned, the two fairs interior home Madrid in March and the Feria Habitat Valencia in September are the most important showcases for the country`s taste in furnishings. The last Madrid fair was marked by the economic situation of the country. For the Spanish furniture industry, therefore, the motto is "export or perish". In September, at the next edition of the Feria Habitat Valencia, the design segment is to be moved more into the limelight. At the 2011 edition, on an area of 125,000 m², 950 manufacturers presented furniture, as well as decorative articles, home textiles and lighting systems.

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08.08.12 12:44

Quality Inside

3| LED-lighting has become an important design component of furnishing design in Europe. Photo: Nolte-Delbrück 4| In future, colour is to play a more intensive role in furnishing design. Photo: Kettnacker 5| In Germany, among various other kinds of wood, oak is the most popular, in many cases combined with white. Photo: Arte M

5 East growing stronger In terms of the East European region, are to mention the Meble Polska (Poznan/Poland) in March and the Mebel Moscow (Moscow/ Russia) in November as important central hubs of industry. The trends are admittedly set by Italy and Western Europe, but the East is catching up and is no longer willing to be just the extended workbench of Western Europe. In March 2012, on an area of 28,000 m², a total of 203 exhibitors presented their new products to 13,073 trade visitors. Today, the Russian furniture market is one of the largest and fastest-growing worldwide. The Mebel Moscow sees itself as the biggest event of the furniture industry in Russia and Eastern Europe, and reflects a high degree of internationality. In 2011, a total of 815 exhibitors from 36 countries were to be seen on a gross exhibition area of 84,713 m². A glance at Scandinavia The Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair (Stockholm/Sweden) offers



6 an insight into the furnishing trends of the Scandinavian market. In February 2012, 740 exhibitors from 31 countries were among the participants, with 300 of the exhibiting firms coming from foreign countries. Denmark, Finland and Norway were the most important countries represented. A total of 38,814 visitors attended the 61st edition of the fair; one in four visitors was from a foreign country. aw/ba

6| Rough wooden planks impart a unique character to programs for modern living. Photo: Wöstmann 7| Dark thermally treated wood and comfortable lighting and fittings technology have found their way not only into Italian kitchens. Photo: Maistri

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08.08.12 12:48

Quality Inside

European highlights

Comfortable guide system – With „Movento“, the Blum company (Höchst/Austria) has developed a new, concealed guide system for drawers and pull-outs made of wood, featuring a high degree of movement comfort and a new level of comfort in installation. The guide system includes a 4-dimensional front setting function. In addition to the well-proven height and angle adjustment feature, the gap alignment can now be set precisely and comfortably without tools, via the new side and depth adjustment. Furthermore, “Movento” is designed for a dynamic loading capacity of 40 and 60 kg. Photo: Blum

3-sided accessibility – An important indicator for effective interior fitting of cupboards is the Eurocucina, held every two years in Milan (Italy). At this year’s event, more than 70 “Convoy Lavido” organisation systems by Kesseböhmer (Bad Essen/Germany) were presented by international leading kitchen manufacturers. The pullout fitting earned points with 3-sided accessibility of the completely extendable trays which, even with a cabinet width of 60 cm, provide a complete overview and direct access to all stored items. Smooth running and, as a world premiere, trays moving silently in and out, favorably impressed kitchen manufacturers, who also took advantage of the individual design and differentiation possibilities of the “Lavido” organisation system. Photo: Kesseböhmer

Double function – Early in July, the Italian fittings manufacturer Salice (Novedrate/Italy) completely absorbed the Adar S.p.A. into the Salice Group, changing Adar’s name to Salice Guide S.p.A. The company is specialized in the manufacture of drawer guide rail systems and metal drawers, for example the “Futura Smove” partial and complete drawers with damping. In the drawer system “Unica”, two functions are integrated: the “Push” opening function for drawers without handles and the damping function of “Futura Smove”. All drawer guide systems from the Italian hardware specialist feature rapid assembly without screws. Photo: Salice

Reduced gap and joint values – The “Tiomos” range of hinges manufactured by Grass (Höchst/Austria) is fitted with gradually adjustable “Soft-Close” damping, concealed and integrated in the hinge housing. At the same time, sophisticated kinematic steering permits perfect gap alignment with minimum gap dimensions. The closing procedure takes place uniformly and absolutely without interruption – even from an opening angle of 20°. With one single type of hinge, doors of 14 to 26 mm thickness can be catered for. Photo: Grass

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08.08.12 11:50

Quality Inside

Quality offensive for finish foils At the Homag surfaces symposium, approx. 100 representatives from the furniture and woodbased panels industry came to see for themselves the latest status of technology in the innovative “reacTech” process.

A year after the premiere of the “reacTech” coating process, the German machinery manufacturer Homag presented at its company headquarters in Schopfloch (Germany) the first production line to be sold, which will soon be in operation at a factory of the Swedwood Group in Poland. During the next few years, the Swedish furniture giant plans to increase the share of foil-coated furniture in its product portfolio. The “reacTech” process is tailored to the technology of the “completeLine” production lines made by Homag, which permit coating of the surface and edging in a single work step. The process extends the application range of the line, so enabling a better final

1 1| This Homag „reacTech“ line will soon be installed in a Swedwood facility in Poland. 2| At the Homag surfaces symposium, coating by means of the “reacTech” process was demonstrated for the first time. Photos: Barth

2 product in terms of quality. Already, 40 lines of this type are in operation worldwide. Dispensing with the edge Almost ten years ago, with the “completeLine”, Homag for the first time offered the furniture industry the possibility of economically coating the top surface and narrow surface with the same sheet of foil and in one work step. Starting with a longitudinal side becomes unnecessary, which results in cost savings for the user. Previously, conventional hotmelt

adhesives or waterbased dispersion adhesives were employed. The “reacTech” coating process jointly developed by Homag, Nordson and Henkel opens up fully new application possibilities for finish foils. For example, Henkel (Dusseldorf/Germany) supplies the specially developed adhesive “Dorus 700”. This combines the advantages of the urea-based process (hard joints, heat resistance) with those of the hotmelt adhesive process (user friendliness). Compared with waterbased dispersion adhesives (PVAC), no water is added during

the application, thus avoiding swelling of the woodbased materials, an effect, which, even with thin coating materials – e.g. Japan paper, – results in a high degree of surface stability. Nordson (Erkrath/Germany) has developed a new generation of wide-slit dieheads, which enable an extremely thin layer of adhesive to be applied. And last but not least, the “reacTech” process earns points with its reduced space requirement, because the drying stage previously required when coating with urea-based ad-

hesive or white glue (PVAC) is no longer necessary, and the entire production line is only half as long. According to Homag, compared with previous coating processes, cost savings in the medial 6-digit range can be achieved annually. Visitors to the surfaces symposium were also given a presentation of the newly developed “PUM 310” built by the Friz Company, which now enables profile coating of furniture components up to 300 mm width at a feed rate of 100 m/ min with the help of the “reacTech” process. Today, offline also At the event, Homag also presented a stationary pre-coating unit (FBS 130”), by means of which it is possible to use “reacTech” technology by offline procedure. Here, in a separate process step, the coating material is coated with the adhesive and, in a second process step, by reactivating, applied to the substrate. This means an alternative to the previously existing inline process, which could be of interest above all to subcontractors. Richard Barth

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07.08.12 14:15

Quality Inside

European highlights Nature and haptic effects – In „Sand Rüster“ (Elm), the surfaces specialist BauschDecor/BauschLinnemann (Sassenberg/Germany) has developed a new décor, which proved to be one of the trend woods presented at the Salone del Mobile and the Eurocucina in Milan. The new wood reproduction features an impressive porous structure that imparts an effect of depth to the lines and cathedrals. This natural characteristic gives “Sand Rüster” (see photo) an elegant, modern look. The decor printer and foil manufacturer also has a number of other elm reproductions in its product portfolio, for example, “Arona Elm”, “Olmo Amico” and “Montalcino Elm”. Photo: BauschDekor/BauschLinnemann

Emphasis on “natural” – At the Salone del Mobile and the Eurocucina in Milan, prestigious manufacturers of kitchen and livingroom furniture relied upon decors supplied by Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany). Among the most popular wood decors presented at the fairs were “Swiss Elm” and “Barrique Vintage”. There, the theme “Naturalness” was a focus of attention. During the two fairs, Interprint also presented in its showroom the striking decor “Picard” (see photo), combining elegance and naturalness. This decor comprises a brushed surface, slight cracking, an irregular colour interplay and a white, negative pore effect. Photo: Interprint

Unique colour interplay – The decor „Desira Ash“ from Impress (Aschaffenburg/Germany) was inspired by a thermally modified ash. The decor cleverly harmonises colour, structure and layout of the wood. Together with the living forms of the wood, the unique colour interplay produces an attractive appearance of naturalness and rusticality, completely free from wood defects and knotholes. Along with 40 other decors and colourways, “Desira Ash” was presented in the Impress showroom during the Salone del Mobile and the Eurocucina in the Italian metropolis Milan. For years now, both fairs have acted as motivators and trendsetters for the furnishings industry worldwide, with Impress decors being among the trend surfaces of the living room and kitchen furniture on display. Photo: Impress

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07.08.12 14:41

Quality Inside

Positively brilliant – Decorative edge-banding and foils are specialities of the Kröning company (Hüllhorst/ Germany). With its decor range “brillant reflex”, the surfaces manufacturer provides brilliant optical effects. The new highlight of this range is called “crystal elements” – printed crystalline effects for furniture surfaces. Borders, inlay work and individually mounted stones are processed in a complex procedure. The rhinestone effect with a high-gloss lacquer finish is produced by means of impregnated special papers. For combinations of wood decors and metallic applications, Kröning has developed a hybrid foil in rust patina. A foil of real metal pressed on to special paper is coated with a special matt lacquer. Photo: Kröning

Short drying times – In the field of water-based lacquer systems, the 3HLacke company (Herford/Germany) has developed a new product for endlacquering – the new Hydro-UV-colour lacquer “H2036-2-Farbton”. This new lacquer is environment-friendly, high-solid, low in solvent content and meets the requirements of EN 71-3 (contains no heavy metals). Furthermore, it is ideally suited for spraying by means of all conventional automatic spraying systems. After only a very short forced-dying period, the lacquer film can be cured by the UV beam process. In accordance with EN ISO 3251, the solids content of the materials is higher than 42 %. “H2036-2Farbton” from 3H-Lacke can be coloured to customer requirements and supplied with gloss levels of 15 to 40. It is therefore ideal for producing surfaces with a high colour richness and haptic effect. Photo: 3H-Lacke

Oak trend – In the European furniture markets, oak is at the top of the end-consumer’s popularity list. The decor printing specialist Schattdecor (Thansau/Germany) has latched on to this trend and developed a range of fashionable oak decors. In “Verzasca Oak”, for example, a network of small branches is spread over the rather narrow planks, so that the overall pattern creates a more rustical effect. This impression is reinforced by the vivid cathedrals in combination with the fine-pored oak wood. Photo: Schattdecor ­m aterial+technik möbel - special 02|12  23

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07.08.12 14:41

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Showcases for the European machine industry Technologies for woodworking and wood processing could be seen at two different European trade fairs in the past months. While Ligna in the German city of Hanover is the showcase for European woodworking machinery in the uneven years, Italy plays the role of host in the even years.

1 1| The Xylexpo trade fair counted fewer exhibitors and visitors this year. Photo: Xylexpo 2| The Technodomus fair attracted more than 33,000 trade visitors. Photo: MesseRimini

3, 4| Homag presents a new process for polishing the radius on edges to achieve a seamless high gloss. Photo: Homag


For two years now, technologies for the furnishing industry have been presented in Italy at two different trade fairs at two different times. Immediately following the international furniture fair in Milan, the Technodomus fair took place in Rimini (Italy) from the 20th till the 24th of April. Two weeks later, the Xylexpo fair opened on the fair grounds in Rho near Milan (Italy). About 300 companies were listed as participants in the Technodomus trade fair by MesseRimini, but visitors encountered only 120 trade fair stands. That was be-




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cause there were several trade agencies among the exhibitors with small stands representing more than one company. A diverse mix of machine producers and suppliers for the furniture and wood processing industry awaited the trade fair visitors in Rimini. The exhibitors included SCM, Biesse and Cefla, the three largest producers of woodworking machinery in Italy. The participation from countries outside of Italy was rather sparse. Only slightly more than a dozen non-Italian companies were present at the fair. SCM, Biesse and Cefla together took up more than half of the exhibition area of about 45,000 square meters. With 33,483 visitors, the Technodomus fair was able to surpass the results of the previous event by 8.5 percent. According to the trade fair organizers, 37 percent of the visitors came from outside the country. The exhibitors particularly praised the strong interest from Turkey, Brazil, Russia and China. Xylexpo is more international On the other hand, both the Italian and the German associations for the woodworking industry (Acimall and VDMA) had recommended the participation of their member companies in the long-established Xylexpo trade fair, which took place for the 23rd time last May. All of the leading German machine producers heeded that recommendation, so 60 German participants gathered together in Rho near Milan alone. Altogether, more than 515 exhibitors took part in the fair from the 8th till the 12th of May 2012. That was a significant decrease from two years before, when the machinery show counted 652 exhibitors. The exhibition area also shrank from 42,500 square meters to 32,000. With 43,295 trade visitors, the Xylexpo fair attracted more interested parties than Technodomus did. In comparison to the event in 2009, however, the machinery show registered a decrease of almost 16 percent. According to the trade fair management, 47 percent of the visitors came from outside the country. The organizers reported growth in the numbers of visitors from Turkey, China and Russia.

5| With the “Laser-Edging-Novimat” by Ima, interior fitters can produce components with new effects. Photo: Ima 6| Dieffenbacher presented its “Colorizer” digital printing system in Milan. Photo: Dieffenbacher 7| Weinig showed new possibilities for three dimensional structuring of solid wood surfaces. Photo: Weinig 8| Barberan displayed a new “Hot Coating” plant for producing high-gloss surfaces. Photo: Barberan


Trade fair highlights The fact that the importance of the Xylexpo fair has been diminishing for years has led to more companies presenting their innovative new items at the Ligna fair in Hanover (Germany) or at Holz-Handwerk in Nuremberg (Germany). The three large Italian producers showed some new developments at the Technodomus fair in order to make the event more attractive for visitors. At a 7,000 m² stand, for example, SCM (Villa Verucchio/ Italy) presented its “Professor Pappagallo” support program in addition to 80 machines. The program allows an untrained person to operate a CNC processing center and is thus an important aid when the usual operator is ill or on vacation. In addition to the assistance function, the new interactive operator interface provides visual and voice-activated support for troubleshooting. The SCM Group presented also various ready-touse production solutions for different job specifications, for example in the kitchen, bedroom, chair and office furniture industries.



Digital printing systems Dieffenbacher (Eppingen/Germany) used the Xylexpo fair to inform the public about its “Colorizer” digital printing system. The singlepass system scores points with an output of 1,800 m²/h and a resolution of 600 dpi (optical: 1,200 dpi).

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It is therefore especially suited for small and medium sized batches. Furthermore, it functions with pigmented, water-based ink. A highly abrasion-resistant surface is obtained on THDF/MDF panels with a top layer of melamine. Barberan (Castelldefels/Spain) presented various single-pass digital printing solutions in modular design at the Xylexpo fair. Wood composite panels with a width of up to 1.26 meters can be printed at a speed of up to 40 m/min with UV inks. At the same time, an optical resolution of about 1,400 dpi can be achieved. In Rimini, the surface specialist Cefla (Imola/Italy) presented, among other products, digital printing solutions for the customized design of surfaces and edges. For this purpose, the company had founded a joint venture company called Decodigit with Sacmi (a specialist for machines for the tile industry) in the year 2011. The equipment on exhibit included a large-format multi-pass printer and a single-pass printer. The “Pixart 350” single-pass printer uses UV ink and works at a speed of up to 30 m/min, while the “Pixart 1635

9 9| The new “Oikos” CNC machining center by SCM is equipped with six axes. Photo: SCM 10| The additional pusher in the “Twin Pusher” on the Selco “Sector 4” series makes it possible to carry out several cutting operations at the same time with one cut. Photo: Biesse

10 Plot” multi-pass printer achieves 5 m²/h with a resolution of 360 dpi. “Inert Coating” is what the Sorbini Company, which belongs to the Cefla Group, calls a process to evenly seal the edges of MDF and particle board panels so they can be digitally printed afterwards. In this way, edges of furniture panels


can be finished just in time and in small batches at a low price. The conventional stocking of various edging materials is no longer necessary with this process. Other new products by Cefla included painting machinery with UV-R drying. The low-pressure lamps are supposed to bring about a significant decrease in energy use of about 30 percent. The Italian Biesse Group (Pesaro/ Italy) brought machine solutions for small and medium sized companies to the Technodomus fair. These included the “Rover A” CNC processing center, conceived for small and medium sized businesses, which scores points with its compact size and its 5-axis head and can now also be equipped with an edgebanding unit. The leading German producers of lacquering and coating machinery (Bürkle, Wemhöner and Hymmen) had only information stands at the

11| Thanks to a higher inner chamber, furniture parts with pronounced curves can be coated in the Bürkle thermoplant. Photo: Bürkle


12| During the production of high gloss surfaces, the cleaning systems by Teknek remove even the tiniest dirt particles. Photo: Teknek

Xylexpo fair and did not display any machines. Bürkle (Freudenstadt/Germany), for example, used samples to provide information about its lacquering and digital printing machinery and presented a concept for plants in the segment of 3D foil coating of furniture parts as well as a PUR hot-melt adhesive unit. Hymmen (Bielefeld/ Germany) also used samples to show its product portfolio in Milan, focusing on digitally printed and high-tech coated surfaces for wood based panels. Wemhöner (Herford/Germany) informed stand visitors about the new chamber height of up to 400 mm and the chamber pressure of up to 10 bars in its new thermo-forming plants. Parts with especially pronounced curves can thus be coated – until now their surfaces could only be finished with lacquer. Cost-efficient all-over high gloss High gloss continues to be popular and has also kept the machine developers busy. At the Xylexpo fair, visitors could see how consistent high gloss components can be made without paint technology. Both Homag and Ima presented cost-efficient processes for making high gloss components with no visible glue line. With the help of “Laser Edging”, for example, Ima (Lübbecke/Germany) connects the edging without any apparent seam. In order to enable the production of high

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13 , 14| “Inert Coating” is what Cefla calls a process for evenly sealing the edges of MDF and particle board panels so that they can be digitally printed afterwards. On the left, the edges can be seen before sealing and, on the right, after sealing. Photo: Cefla 15 ,16| Presentation of the new digital printers by Cefla. Photo: Technodomus

13 gloss on the profile-milled curves of the edgebanding as well, the company has developed a duosystem flat scraper unit. Afterwards, buffer units go into action. They automatically take up the supplied paste-like polish and then buff the synthetic edgebanding to a high gloss. With PMMA laser edgebanding dyed in the same color, the impression of a seamless, high gloss painted surface is created. In Milan, the Spanish company Barberan and the German company Kleiberit (Weingarten) jointly presented a new way to create high gloss surfaces with the aid of the “Hot Coating” process by Kleiberit. In combination with a special clean room unit for the top coat, a mirror finish can be created using the corresponding “Hot Coating” machine by Barberan. Laser edgebanding as trade fair topic New technologies for applying edgebanding to furniture were another main focus at both technology trade fairs. In this connection, Homag, Ima and Biesse concentrated above all on laser technology. By its own account, Homag alone has already sold about 100 laser units worldwide. With its “Laser-Edging-Novimat”, Ima wants to make it possible for interior decorating businesses to provide components in better quality and with special effects. Homag presented its “laserTec” process on a processing center from the “BMG 500” series.

14 Three-dimensional structuring With its 1,200 m² trade fair stand, the Weinig Group (Tauberbischofsheim/Germany) was one of the largest exhibitors at the Xylexpo fair. As a specialist in technologies for working with solid wood, the company displayed the “Powermat 600”, “1200”, and “2400” molders. Use of the “Powermat 2400” is especially versatile when it is equipped with the “3D structuring” technology. Ornamentation is then no longer limited to cyclic repetition; the three dimensional forms can now be freely programmed as part of the production operation.

tems also help to reduce the rate of faults and to lower costs. Especially in the production of high gloss surfaces and roll-toroll digital printing, the so-called contact cleaning that was presented by the Teknek company (Renfrewshire/UK) at the Xylexpo fair is increasingly being implemented. Richard Barth

Avoiding faults Automatic inspection systems contribute to organizing more efficient production and minimizing costs for labor. In Milan, Baumer (Constance/Germany) presented systems that can help to lower the rates of faults and save material. For example, the company has developed inspection systems for high gloss surfaces as well as systems that recognize nozzle drop-outs during digital printing. At the present time, the company reports a great demand for control systems for batch size one plants. They are increasingly being used in the office furniture industry, where compliance with standards plays an important role. In the future, the producers of office furniture want to include format and drilled hole measuring using such inspection equipment as part of the production operation. Cleverly devised cleaning sys-


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Ligna 2013: A world of innovations and integrated bioenergy systems

In 2013, the gates will once again be opening on Ligna, the leading trade fair for the forestry and wood industries. Photo: Deutsche Messe

“Energy efficiency” will be the big buzzword at next year’s Ligna fair. In 2013, Ligna, the leading tradeshow for the forestry and wood industries, will once again be the number one meeting place for industry professionals from around the globe. Keynote themes at the upcoming fair include lightweight construction, windows and bioenergy from wood. The official event motto will be “Making more out of wood: Innovations, Solutions, Efficiency”. Next year’s show will also deal with the issue of demographic change, which is posing new challenges to all companies in the sector. For the first time, the fair will feature its own careers platform, “”, where career starters and potential employers can take part in a comprehensive program of events centered on career opportunities in the forestry and wood industries. Hall 17 will be home to exhibits on lightweight construction and design. The displays in this part of the fair will showcase the myriad possibilities opened up by lightweight design in the furniture industry. They will also show that lightweight design is not just about conserving wood resourc-

es; it also has strong functional and emotional dimensions. The special presentation on lightweight design and construction in Hall 17 will feature a group of companies from all parts of the furniture industry process chain that have joined forces to provide a complete overview of the latest lightweight solutions on the market. Focus on bioenergy from wood The buoyant demand for bioenergy plants in the wood industry has prompted a raft of innovations from renewables technology suppliers that will be on show at Ligna 2013. Next year’s fair will have a particularly strong focus on solutions for integrating bioenergy plants into the existing production lines of manufacturing operations from all parts of the value chain. For instance, more and more firms in the wood-based materials industry are generating process energy from their wood waste. In

2013, one of the new showcases in this theme area will be a group pavilion themed “Energy meets Wood”. In addition to wood bioenergy, the pavilion will focus on solid wood working, research and conveyor, measurement and control technology. Windows take center stage “Handwerk, Holz & mehr” is Ligna’s dedicated showcase of machinery, equipment, services, materials and solutions for joiners, cabinetmakers, carpenters and the timber-based construction sector. And in 2013, windows will be at center stage. Exhibits by leading window manufacturers will showcase all the latest window design trends and span a range of themes, including energy efficiency, special-purpose windows and transport, assembly, dismantling, modernization and safety solutions. And thanks to Deutsche Messe’s new hall layout plan, woodwork-

ing trades and furniture industry exhibits will be located even closer together. On track to success With Ligna 2013 still nearly one year away, the show’s organizer, Deutsche Messe, has already received registrations from around 800 exhibitors – 17 percent more than at the same time in the leadup to Ligna 2011. All display areas at Ligna are dedicated to the latest solutions to the big global challenges and trends of our times, such as sustainable, smart production, resource efficiency and individualization. Ligna 2011 featured 1,723 exhibitors, including 867 international companies from 48 countries, and occupied 130,000 square meters (1,399,000 sq. ft.) of net display space. It attracted 88,000 visitors, more than one third of whom came from outside Germany, with the total turnout spanning more than 90 nations. aw

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07.08.12 14:29

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Gapless and tearfree cut quality The Leitz Group in Oberkochen (Germany), manufacturer of cutting tools, is extending its range of PKD router cutters. The Leitz diamond router cutter program has extended with new innovations, the “Diamaster PRO3” and “Diamaster PLUS³” router cutters. The “raised 3“ stands for three cutting edges over the entire working length of the tools, permitting “optimum” cut quality. Until now the staggered arrangement of cutting edges restricts increased productivity and quality when sizing and grooving. Costly rework and rejects being frequent consequences. Leitz’s new arrangement of the spiral cutting edges on “Diamaster PRO3” and “Diamaster PLUS3” routers means the three cutting edges cover 100 % of the working length. “This first real-Z3 Diamaster router cutter offers up to 50 % higher feed speeds when sizing. Maxi-

Router cutter “Diamaster PRO3 Z3+3” for continuous cutting quality of Nesting applications. Photo: Leitz

mum performance times and tear free cut quality are possible on all standard panel material thicknesses”, says Ansgar Uhl, the Leitz Product Manager. The new sizing and grooving router cutter “Diamaster PRO3”, recommended tool diameters of 12– 16 mm, can be sharpened up to three times. Compared to its predecessor, this new generation router has up to 30 % longer performance time and can run at 30 % higher feed speeds. “Diamaster PLUS3” router cutter, resharpenable up to twelve times, is unique in the sector of diameters ranging up to 20 mm. Performance time is increased up to 50 % higher compared to current designs.

The new router cutter is ideal for sizing on machining centers with laser edge technology as it produces a perfect cut surface. The

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07.08.12 14:27

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Lightweight construction could govern the future

Members of the lightweight construction industry have joined forces to form the “igeL”-network. Photo: Schwarze

For several years now, the theme of lightweight construction has been causing a stir throughout the European furniture industry. The lightweight construction furniture symposium of the “Leichtbauoffensive OWL” at the University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany) informed visitors about the status of research.

In the furniture industry, lightweight construction generally means that instead of normal particle board, a sandwich of two thin woodbased panels is used, with a hollow core stabilised by means of a paper honeycomb interior. Since 2010, the University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe has been conducting research in this field as part of a promotion project headed by Professor Martin Stosch, with the aim of further maturing the

technology employed, finding new areas of application and increasing market acceptance – because the scarcity of the resource “wood” in Europe is rising, and the growing mobility of society and the trend to greater sustainability make it necessary to find alternatives to conventional technology. The main focus was upon extensive basic research activities; these included quality and standardisation work, material flow anal-

yses, material tests and a Delphi Study, as well as initial and further training. Climatic change has influence upon furniture Professor Udo Mantau from the Institute für Ökonomie der Holzund Forstwirtschaft (“Institute for Timber and Forestry Economics”) made it clear to delegates that the situation in the raw materials market will continue to grow worse.

By the year 2020, Germany will obtain approx. 20 % of its energy from regenerative sources, i.e. from wood also. This will cause the demand for wood to rise to such an extent that, by 2030, the demand for wood for this purpose alone will exceed the supply in Germany and Europe. In addition, there will be other, new applications such as plastic wood, textile fibres, chemical products and many more.

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Professor Martin Stosch, known in the industry under the nickname “the Light Construction Pope” is at the head of the project Leichtbauoffensive OWL. Photo: Schwarze

Construction has its darker side The widely held belief that lightweight construction materials provide clear ecological advantages due to material savings was categorically denied by the Institut für Technologiefolgeabschätzung und Systemanalyse (“Institute for technology impact assessment and systems analysis”) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany). The ecological advantages obtained in the production of lightweight construction panels are cancelled out by disadvantages in the subsequent furniture manufacture process. The reason for this is that, after being cut to size, a honeycomb panel still has open edges, which must be stabilised and closed at considerable cost, which requires not only material but also energy. Furthermore, in terms of graduated procedure, it can be shown that sawing and milling of lightweight

construction materials are unproblematic, whereas cladding of the narrow edges is more difficult, and especially the reliably controlled mounting of fittings still causes problems. The Department of Plastics Technology at the University of Kassel (Germany) was able to report upon some examples of success. There, a hinge made from thermoplastic material has been developed which, in addition to low

weight and production costs as well as good recyclability, is particularly impressive because of its excellent resilience. With Popcorn and the proportion of polymer It has also become clear that lightweight construction is not synonymous with honeycomb panels, but can also include special types of particle board or other boards using alternative materials. For ex-

ample, Dr Thomas Joscak from the start-up company Dascanova explained how material and weight can be saved by targeted modification of the density of certain areas of the panel during production. About the Pfleiderer product ”Balance Board”, it was explained how it came about that “popcorn” was used in a woodbased material – and how the results were successful. Finally, Dr Stephan Weinkötz of BASF (Ludwigshafen/ Germany) discussed the woodbased material ”Kaurit Light”; in particular, he was able to resolve the question of how a polymer foam contained in a woodbased material can be recycled in an ecologically sound and unproblematic way. If we consider that the glue, which holds the wood particles together, is also a polymer, it becomes clear that here only the proportion of polymer in the panel is increased. In this way, with 7 kg of polymer, 200 kg of wood can be saved. It seems therefore that lightweight construction furniture has a very promising future, which admittedly will still take some time to appear. Completely new construction principles will be needed and hybrid furniture shall be seen. Arnd Schwarze

The start-up company Dascanova reduces the weight of particle board by partially changing the material density during press operation, while the mechanical strength remains completely unaffected. Photo: Schwarze ­m aterial+technik möbel - special 02|12  33

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07.08.12 15:02

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Surfaces industry prepares for the future The surfaces market is changing and providers must reposition themselves. Classic decor printers are becoming surface specialists who have added finish foils to their product palettes. In doing so, the companies are betting on the predicted strong growth in that market segment. By its own account, the internationally active Swedish furniture giant Ikea will be greatly expanding the share of foil-coated furniture in its assortment in the coming years. At the same time, the company is expecting an increase in the worldwide demand for finish foils from 1.4 billion square meters at the present time to about 2 billion square meters by 2016. The decor printers don’t want to miss out on this sales potential. One reason for it could be the fact that direct printing and digital printing have turned into serious competition in recent years. Finish foil, which began its triumphal course around the world at the end of the 1970s, is among the products that market experts see as having the greatest potential for the future. Finish foils have not only been able to make a quantum leap as far as appearance is concerned in recent years, but also to score strong points with their functional features. New areas for use have thus been opened up and other established surface products have lost some of their

1 1| Schattdecor has recently installed a new printing machine in Poland. Photo: Schattdecor


share of the market. Today, finish foils can even be found on the floor. Since 1999, Schattdecor (Thansau/Germany) has been producing finish foils based on pre-impregnated paper and has worked up to being the leading producer of finish foils in the past years. In 2011, 210 million m2 were produced. Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany) moved into the circle of finish foil producers in 2007 and produces 60 million m2 of finish foil at its Polish location annually. As global players, both companies have equipped their factories with

2| Impress Surfaces is closing down its Berlin facility and will in future be concentrating its production activities in Aschaffenburg. Photo: Impress

state-of-the-art plants and production widths of up to 2.73 meters. The finish foil specialist Likora (Horn-Bad Meinberg/Germany) has also invested in its company headquarters and expanded the production and warehouse capacity by building a new hall. More machinery has also been acquired. Beginning in late summer, the provider will also be able to produce finish foils with a width of up to 2.6 meters. More providers, more competition For the established finish foil producers, the market entry of additional providers has led to higher competition and pricing pressure, which not every company will be able to withstand. The finish foil pioneers therefore see a way out of the dilemma in specializing in

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high quality products and in giving up high volume business. The latest decision made by Impress (Aschaffenburg/Germany) to close its production facility in Berlin (Germany) at the end of 2012 has to be seen against this background. With a production capacity of 160 million m2 of finish foil, this location was once one of the largest in Europe. In addition, in the 1970s Impress – at that time called Masa Dekor – was one of the pioneers in the production of finish foils and probably has the greatest knowhow in this product segment. As Frank M. Bruns, spokesman for the Impress management board, explained to material+technik, the plants no longer meet today’s standards of technology in regard to working width and speed of production, which has led to losses at the Berlin location.

surfaces. The Aschaffenburg location will continue its work in the product area of finish foils. In the past years, Impress has invested above all in its foreign locations. For example, the group equipped its Russian location with a third impregnation line in 2010. In 2012, a fourth line will be added. In Brazil, an impregnation line will be put into operation for the first time in 2012. Investing abroad The other surface specialists also invested heavily in the expansion of their production capacities abroad and in new sales offices in 2010 and 2011. This strategy has continued in the current year. Schattdecor recently put a PMD 42 into operation in

ties in Poland. In addition, the second expansion stage of the Egorievsk location (near Moscow/Russia) has been finished and the third line for impregnation of decor paper at the Samara (Russia) location has been put into operation. Digital printing technology has become another main focus of investment for the surface specialists. In 2011, for example, Interprint installed digital decor sample production at its locations in Germany, Italy, Malaysia and the USA. In the second half of the year 2012, it is also supposed to start at the locations in Poland and China. On the other hand, Coveright Surfaces Holding (Mühlheim an der Ruhr/Germany), manufacturer of surface materials for furniture,

percent of shares that were not yet held of the DecoColor GmbH, which has its headquarters in Halle an der Saale (Germany). Until now, only 60 percent of DecoColor belonged to Süddekor GmbH. The company, with a staff of five at the present time, has thus become a 100 % subsidiary of Süddekor GmbH. After belonging to the Renolit Group (Worms/Germany) for six years, Alkor Folien GmbH (Thansau/Germany) and Alkor GmbH Kunststoffe (Munich/Germany) have been reorganized under the name ­Renolit SE and are now also part of the Renolit Group under company law. In June 2012, the thermoplastic foil producer Klöckner Pentaplast

floors and the building industry, has parted from its American subsidiary with facilities in Cobourg/ Ontario and Blythewood/South Carolina. Coveright Surfaces Holding sold its North American activities to Arclin, a Canadian provider of adhesive and coating technology, in July of 2012.

(Montabaur/Germany) was fortunate enough to receive a cash injection of 190 million Euros from a group of new investors under the leadership of Strategic Value Partners LLC (“SVP Investor Group”). New credit lines are also being guaranteed and financed by Jefferies & Company, Inc. and subsidiaries (“Jefferies”). Klöckner Pentaplast has completely paid back loans of 800 million Euros, the nominal value plus the accrued interest, to its primary secured creditors. aw/ba

Location closings According to Bruns, the company wants to concentrate exclusively on the Aschaffenburg location under the new name Impress Surfaces GmbH in the future and produce high quality finish foils with surfaces cured by electron beams (ESH) there. Impress is also one of the pioneers in ESH technology. The company headquarters as well as the design and development center of the Impress Group are already in Aschaffenburg. At the present time, negotiations are still in progress with employees concerning the social compensation plan and reconciliation of interests, so the CEO of Impress did not want to reveal any detailed information about the future production capacity or the product portfolio. 120 employees will be affected by the closing of the Berlin location. In the year 2010, Impress had already stopped decor printing in ­Aschaffenburg and sent some of the printing machines to Poland and Brazil. As part of the fusion of the two companies Letron and Masa, the Dreieich (Germany) location had also been closed the year before that and the production of impregnated papers had been ended. In Bruns’s opinion, the core business of the Impress Group in the future will be the production and sale of decor papers as well as of selected high quality

3 3| During the Milan furniture fair, Interprint presented its new products in the “Temporary Gallery”. Photo: Interprint

Tarnowo Podgórne/Poland, for example. The company thus has another width-variable decor printing machine at its disposal. In the autumn of 2011, Interprint had already opened a new sales office in Brazil and optimized and expanded its – finish foil – capaci-

Expansion and name change As of 1 July 2012, Süddekor, which belongs to the 2D Group of consolidated companies (Heroldstatt/ Germany), acquired the 40

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07.08.12 14:09

Quality Inside

New spreading machine for the anniversary The company Kuris Spezialma­ schinen (Deggingen-Reichenbach/ Germany), a specialist for spread­ ing and cutting technology, is cele­ brating its centennial. A good rea­ son to crown the spreading-ma­ chine range with a technical highlight: the new “A23”. The first machines are already installed. ­At the home fair in early September an anniversary model in the ­second product range – the cut­ ters – will be presented. And the new “A23” by Kuris has been improved in the following ways: The base of the spreading unit is mill-cut from solid alumini­ um, which provides greater stabili­ ty and makes laying faster. The motor-driven bar has so-called spreading-bars, which in combina­

tion with an improved surface and deionization makes tension-free spreading possible. In addition to the normal cutting box with a straight knife the new Zack-cutting box can be installed. It is equipped with a band knife, which provides high precision and needs little maintenance. The most obvious change for the user is the new control panel. The touch-screen immediately catches the viewer’s eye; it replaces the smaller box with little buttons that was previously used. The great ad­ vantage: The control unit can be adjusted very fast for different lan­ guages and measurements. The basic adjustments are depicted in a way that makes the input of data intuitive. Behind all that is much

more than just a new screen. All electronic components have been reengineered with state-of-the-art material and the software has been revised. aw

Well-known textiles producer Trigema is a long-time Kuris customer and received the first new “A23” spreading machine. Photo: Kuris

The next generation lightweight panel At the beginning of the year, BASF – one of the largest chemical corporations in the world with its headquarters in Ludwigshafen (Germany) – presented a new

panel with the name “SuperPan Star” that is up to 30 percent lighter in weight. The panel was developed in collaboration with the engineered wood producer

Finsa (Santiago de Compostela/ Spain). This new material is a combination of the “Superpan” and “Kaurit Light” technologies. What is special about the “Super-

Pan technology”, which has been patented by Finsa, is the combination of a medium density fiberboard (MDF) and a particle board. The top layers are made of fibers similar to a MDF panel, the middle layer is like a conventional particle board. It has better bending strength than a particle board, according to the Finsa company. Thanks to the “Kaurit Light” technology by BASF, the panel is about 30 percent lighter and offers great mechanical properties. The numerous applications for the new light panel include classic furniture production, work counters and interior decorating, among others. aw

BASF and Finsa have created “SuperPan Star”, a panel that is 30 percent lighter. Photo: BASF 36 ­­­36  material+technik möbel - special 02|12

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07.08.12 14:19 14:24

Partners to the furniture industry Casters and glides

Melamine films for furniture and flooring

High precision tools Leitz GmbH & Co. KG

casters + glides


Leitzstraße 2, D-73447 Oberkochen Phone: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-662 e-mail:,

Bröckinger Möbel Komponenten Aalener Str. 60 74405 Gaildorf-Bröckingen, Germany phone: +49 (0)7971 9565-0, fax: +49 (0) 7971 9565-99 e-mail:,

Textile upholstery springing systems

Contract textiles Trevira GmbH D-65795 Hattersheim phone +49-8234-9688-2333 fax +49-8234-9688-5342

International consultant LEUCO_Mini-Logo_m+t_01.indd 1

Flame retardant fibres and yarns for contract textiles

26.08.10 08:54

Thaddäus Rohrer Unternehmensberatung • International consultancy • Personnel consulting Thaddäus Rohrer Unternehmensberatung • Personal-•und Nachfolgeberatung •

Wood-based panels

in cooperation with

Damping systems M_sp0212_KA_Trevira_e.indd 1

01.08.12 11:43

M. Kaindl Holzindustrie

AmAm Rykenberg 5 ·5D-59457 +49 292297 97300 Rykenberg · 59457 Werl Werl ·· phone Telefon: 02922 30 0

Locks and locking systems M_sp0212_KA_Rohrer.indd 1

01.08.12 12:03

Decor papers – printed

Thermopal GmbH Wurzacher Straße 32 D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu Phone: +49 (0) 7561 89-0 · Fax +49 (0) 7561 89-232 · e-mail:

InnovatIve Dämpfer für DIe möbelInDustrIe Zimmer GmbH fon: +49 7844 9110-0 Q_mt0609_KA_Rohrer_neu.indd 1 Daempfungssysteme fax: +49 7844 9110-6199 Am Glockenloch 2 77866 rheinau-Freistett

Kaindlstraße 2 A-5071 Wals/Salzburg Phone: +43 (0) 662 8588-0 Fax: +43 (0) 662 851331 · e-mail:

30.09.09 09:37

Your advert could appear here! For bookings please call us at +49 (0) 911 95578-86

IMPRESS DECOR GMBH P.O. Box 100530, D-63704 Aschaffenburg Dorfstraße 2, D-63741 Aschaffenburg Phone +49 (0) 6021 406-0, Fax +49 (0) 6021 406-402, e-mail:

INTERPRINT GmbH P.O. Box 17 70, D-59707 Arnsberg Westring 22, D-59759 Arnsberg Phone +49 (0) 2932 950-0 Fax +49 (0) 2932 950-109, e-mail:

Decor papers – unprinted

Index of advertiseres Special Quality Inside 2012 Axel Wirth Maschinen GmbH, D-Oberkochen ........................................... 38

Leitz GmbH & Co. KG, D-Oberkochen ........................................... 11

BASF SE, D-Ludwigshafen......................................... 40

Ruwi GmbH, D-Fluorn Winzel.......................................... 38

BMK GmbH Bröckinger-MöbelKomponenten, D-Gaildorf-Bröckingen................................... 9

ZIMMER GmbH Daempfungssysteme, D-Rheinau .................................................... 7

FurniPro Asia/Koelnmesse GmbH, D-Köln......................................................... 39

Supplements and inserts

Technocell Dekor GmbH & Co. KG

Burg Gretesch, D-49086 Osnabrück P.O. Box 3667, D-49026 Osnabrück Phone +49 (0) 541 3800-121, Fax +49 (0) 541 3800-126, e-mail:


Hettich Management Service GmbH, D-Kirchlengern.............................................. 2

erform Möbelsysteme und Post­ formingteile GmbH, D-Simbach/Inn

Kesseböhmer GmbH, D-Bad Essen-Dahlinghausen......front cover, 15

Homag Holzbearbeitungssysteme AG, D-Schopfloch

Kuris Spezialmaschinen GmbH, D-Deggingen-Reichenbach........................... 3 ­m aterial+technik möbel - special 02|12  37

M_sp0212_Kleinanzeigen.indd 37

06.08.12 13:36

Quality Inside

Innovative administration building The edgebanding specialist Rehau (Rehau/Germany) has invested Euroo 5.5 million in completely redesigning its administration building and external facilities and increasing their energy efficiency. As a result of the rebuilding, annual energy costs were reduced by Euro 280,000 and CO² emissions by 2.5 tons per year.

Brandt totally owned by Homag

Häfele increases sales

Bürkle wins major order

Blum investing in export markets

Effective 30 July 2012, the Homag Group AG (Schopfloch/Germany) has increased its shareholding in the Brandt Kantentechnik GmbH, based in Lemgo (Germany), from 70 % to 100 %. The shares were previously owned by Marianne and Heinrich Brandt, who are withdrawing from the business for age reasons. Brandt manufactures edgebanding machines for the craft trade. In 1976, Homag acquired a majority holding in the business. With 5,100 employees, Homag sees itself as the worldwide leading manufacturer of machinery and plant for the woodworking and woodbased materials processing industry and for the craft trade.

In 2011, the Häfele Group (Nagold/ Germany) increased its sales by 7 % to Euro 945 million. The German parent company was able to improve its sales by 5 %, while the 37 subsidiary companies in foreign countries contributed to the total business results with a growth figure of 9 %. Altogether, the Häfele Group generated 75 % of its sales in foreign markets. Worldwide, the specialist for hardware and locking systems invested a total of Euro 25 million, increasing its workforce by 450 to a new level of 5,700 persons. 1,400 of them are employed in several production sites and offices in Germany.

The Robert Bürkle GmbH (Freudenstadt/Germany) has reported positive business results for the first half of 2012. For the entire business year, the specialist for surface technologies, which employs a workforce of 720, expects sales of Euro 94 million (previous year: Euro 96 million). Roughly ­65 % are accounted for by the business unit Surfaces. 19 % of sales are accounted for by the PCB and Plastic Cards division and almost 14 % by the Photovoltaic Products division. Around 3 % are contributed by the subsidiary company Fiber Engineering (Karlsruhe/Germany). During the first half-year, Bürkle obtained the largest single order in the company´s history from the German furniture manufacturer Maja. The Ikea supplier ordered machinery to the value ca. Euro 50 million for the production and finishing of lightweight construction panels, to be installed in early 2013. Maja will then print and lacquer up to 50,000 m² of surface materials, and coat up to 40,000 m² with finish foils per day on the Bürkle lines. The total daily output will amount to around 200,000 single furniture components per day.

During the course of the business year 2011/2012 (30 June), the Blum Group (Höchst/Austria) increased its sales compared with the previous year by 8.2 % to Euro 1.26 billion. The hardware specialist recorded increases above all in Eastern Europe, Asia and the USA. The total value of investments amounted to Euro 83.3 million. For example, a new production facility was put into operation in the Ukraine, and new warehouse and office buildings opened in New Zealand and Portugal. In June 2012, Blum Canada moved into new office accommodations. In May, new premises with offices and showroom were opened in Tunisia – as a basis for the North African markets. The extension of the technical centre in Factory No. 3 in Höchst (Austria) is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. At the same time, work will start at Factory No. 7 in Dornbirn (Austria) with the extension of the warehouse and production areas. During the past business year, the Group employed a total of 5,459 persons worldwide.


BONDEXPO 2012, 08.–11. October 2012, hall 7, stand 7333

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27.07.11 M_sp0212_Anz_Wirth_Bondexpo.indd 13:21 1

03.08.12 10:02 09.08.12 14:48

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30.07.12 13:18

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07.08.12 02.08.12 14:01 16:37

P R O F E S S I O N A L M A G A Z I N E F O R M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F K I T C H E N S , C A B I N E T, O F F I C E A N D S E AT I N G F U R N I T U R E A N D F O R I N T E R I O R F I T T E R S A N D D E S I G N E R S · W W W. M AT E R I A L -T E C H N I K . D E · 3 0 8 3 5

New wood-based panels with Kaurit® Light 30 % less weight

For more information please contact:

With Kaurit Light to new, light woodbased panels. A wood-based panel manufactured with Kaurit® Light technology is ideal for industrial furniture production. It consists of wood chips, a foamed polymer (Kaurit® Light) and a binder (Kaurit® Glue). As a result, the new wood-based panel weighs 30 % less than a conventional particle board and can be manufactured using existing particle board machinery. ®

And you can also use the standard, proven materials and machines for further processing as usual. Your advantages: • Minimum investment • Low risk • Excellent price / performance ratio

BASF SE Business Unit Glues and Impregnated Resins 67056 Ludwigshafen Germany Contact: Daniela Kolodziej E-CAL / BN E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)621 60-40901

® = registered trademark of BASF SE

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30.07.12 11.07.12 13:20 10:57

M_sp0212Titel_Kesseboehmer.indd 1

The magazine for furniture production and related fields

Special 02|12

Quality Inside 07.08.12 13:56 14:01

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