The Jonathan Demme and Ford Wheeler Collections

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HEART OF THE COLLECTION American Self-Taught, Haitian, Jamaican and African Art From the Collections of Jonathan Demme and Ford Wheeler Auction: Sunday, March 19, 2017, 11AM EST Exhibition: March 4-18 11AM-5PM

Lot 220. Hector Hyppolite (Haitian/St. Marc, 1894-1948) “Bosou Toi Conne”, Oil Painting On Board

material culture 4700 Wissahickon Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19144 | 215-438-4700 |

Lot 207. Jon Serl (American/California, 1894-1993) Face, Oil Painting On Masonite


HEART OF THE COLLECTION American Self-Taught, Haitian, Jamaican and African Art From the Collections of Jonathan Demme and Ford Wheeler Auction: Sunday, March 19, 2017, 11AM EST

Lot 99. Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix-Des-Boquets, 1899-1992) “The Marassa Twins”, Forged Metal Sculpture

Exhibition: March 4-18 11AM-5PM

material culture

4700 Wissahickon Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19144 | 215-438-4700 | www.materialculture.com3

I was in pre-production in New York on the movie Something Wild in the summer of 1986…

Photo, Jacob Burns Film Center/Russell Peborde

…the late Norma Moriceau, an old friend from days gone by and the costume designer of the Mad Max films, was making her maiden voyage as production designer. At a certain point, Norma started returning to the production office with amazing visual items from this store she had discovered in then-pre-cool soho, called Craft Caravan. Melanie Griffith’s character, Lulu, was an extremely afro-centric young woman in terms of her musical choices, so Norma decided to go allout on visualizing Lulu’s preoccupation with things African. AND… Norma kept telling me that I HAD TO go to Craft Caravan myself, check out all of the amazing things for sale there from around the world, and I REALLY HAD TO MEET the eye behind Craft Caravan, this guy named Ford Wheeler. I was so turned on by the stuff that Norma was finding at CC that I made a bee-line to Soho the following weekend. Just walking through the door of this place was like entering the grooviest museum on the planet. Not only were the items — African business signs, paintings, sculptures, religious elements, clothing, ornamentation of all sorts and more — of an extraordinarily high quality, but the way all this visual richness was displayed —dispersed around the room — was truly something else. All these separate things of great beauty and cool were arrayed in the most stimulating and agreeable visual ecology imaginable! And… there was Ford Wheeler, towering at his near 7-feet height, in the middle of this feast of things that he had personally shopped and brought back from Africa and beyond. Ford greeted me with an ironic smile on his gorgeous face, refusing to take a compliment on his exceptional great taste. We became friends, and even better, Ford became a true member of my little family, and to this day is one of the very closest friends of each of my offspring, as well as with Joanne and with me. And the better one got to know Ford, the more you discovered that this brilliant ability of his to both acquire great items and then design a living space or work space or country space with them in such a way that the presentation became a work of art unto itself.


It used to amaze me, how Ford would be in the store one day taking care of that business, then racing off to various countries on Africa’s West and Northern coasts for a week or two of exploration and acquisition, then back in the store. As time went by and our friendship deepened, I became increasingly high on a self-serving idea: what if Ford were to dump his retail side and bring his uniquely keen and cultured eye to Movies? Like, my movies? As fate would have it, Ford was starting to tire of the constant trips abroad. After many years of growing the business (and providing a model for the multitude of CC-imitators that have popped up over the years), co-running Craft Caravan was starting to become a drag. Ford was acquainted with various people in the film-making community who he had met through Craft Caravan and suddenly, Ford had stepped away from the comfort zone of his hugely successful enterprise and entered the world of making films look great, starting out as a set-dresser and moving steadily up to Production Designer, where he has helped create the look for a wildly impressive list of titles. Google him! He’s as fine a Production Designer as can be found today. Over the many years of closeness that I have enjoyed to the max with Ford, our individual collector-ness has led us on jaunts together to an endless array of flea markets, antique malls, country barns, etc clear across America, as well as Jamaica, Mexico and France. Usually, I just follow Ford around and claim the rejects that he finds, considers but doesn’t grab. So it is such a grand hoot then, to be teaming up now at Material Culture with Ford in this melding of our “collections”. For me it’s called “credibility by association” — it being such a great honor to have my precious “stuff” gathered with his!

—Jonathan Demme

I started collecting things as a child… …I was always interested in the many options within a genre. The variations and similarities often intrigued me. Of course as a child there was no real value to what I collected but, as collections, the insects, shells, rocks etc. that I assembled, took on added value for me. Later in my life the juxtaposition of various objects became a comment on American values and a celebration of the differences and similarities that define the world’s population. I found significance in many objects that seemed beautiful, worthwhile and honest to me. I was inspired by an elderly artist who collected bits of metallic paper and tinfoil that she found in the NYC streets. She displayed them in the stairwell to her rundown second floor loft on Broome St. I understood that the sum of the whole was more than the parts. I understood that collecting could be more that just acquiring. It could be more than a honing down to the most valuable or “best” examples but could also be a fully creative visual or intellectual experience.

As the years passed I lived with and within my collections. My circumstances improved and I was able to surround myself with objects that inspired my imagination and gratified my sense of esthetics. I found a place in my environment for objects of all values. Many had financial value but most importantly they had the value of pleasing, entertaining, enlightening and in many cases even defining me. It is now time for me to make room for new ideas and new collections. In the process of collecting, many intriguing and valuable objects have come into my possession. I hope that in offering some of my favorites in this auction that these objects will find their way into other collections and bring pleasure to an expanding audience. It is hard to let go of things that have been such a part of one’s life. On the other hand change is exciting and keeps life growing and moving forward with greater understanding and appreciation. I am happy to still be open to change and look forward to sharing the objects that have been part of my life for so many years.

— Ford Wheeler

Photo, Bob Vergara


Lot 220. Hector Hyppolite (Haitian/St. Marc, 1894-1948) “Bosou Toi Conne”, Oil Painting On Board

Hector Hyppolite “I retain a vivid memory of the first painting by Hector Hyppolite that I ever saw… It was hanging near the foot of the stairway leading up to the exhibition rooms of the Art Centre in Haiti. The time was December 1945… The picture which brought me to a halt as I was walking past pervaded me as though it were the first exhilarating breath of spring… it was only after this thrill of recognition had passed that the work came into focus…” — André Breton Source: Master Painters of Haiti: In the Collection of Siri Von Reis (published by Meadow Brook Art Gallery, 1984)

Lot 99. Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix-Des-Boquets, 1899-1992) “The Marassa Twins”, Forged Metal Sculpture

Georges Liautaud (b. Croix-des-Bouquets, 1899) Because he was originally a blacksmith, iron was a most familiar medium to Georges Liautaud. The artist came to DeWitt Peters’ attention in 1953 through his forged graveyard crosses so obviously resembling vèvè. His artistic career began when he delivered the first nonfunctional sculpture Peters asked him to do. Liautaud was the first artist connected with the Centre d’Art to work with metal and, through example, developed what became today a traditional art form in Haiti. For about 10 years, Liautaud preferred to forge his sculptures. Then he began to chisel forms out of flattened metal sheets. The result was not only a change of style but also a change of statement. Typical for his earlier pieces is a concentration on motion and direction in space; omnipresent shape, achieved by contour and mass, is the primary concern of his later work. Liautaud was a religious man, and most of his sculptures are devoted to the voodoo gods and spirits. La Sirene was his favorite. His relationship with the loas is so personal and intimate that they appear as friends rather than as mysterious and distant spirits. He loved, for example, to adorn La Sirene with earrings or nose rings or to render, with carefully incised lines, the eyelashes of his supernatural beings, giving them a touch of earthy vanity. Source: Adapted from Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 221. Denis Vergin (Haitian, 20th c.) “Ascension”, 1948, Oil Painting On Cardboard

Denis Vergin Over and over in Haitian paintings can be found the syncretic mixing of Catholic and Haitian iconography. On a winding Haitian mountain road black disciples watch a mulatto Christ and Angel. Some authorities think that Vergin may have been assisted in this painting by Castera Bazile, another early master. Denis Vergin, now deceased, was associated with the Centre d’Art in the 1940s. He is said to have been one of the key figures who left the Centre in 1950 with the breakaway group that formed the Foyer de Artes Plastiques. Sources: Mon Reve: A Visual Record of Haiti Since the Departure of the Duvaliers (published by Alternative Museum, 1989) and Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 193. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Profile At Sunset, 1946, Colored Pencil, Ink, Graphite On Paper

Minnie Evans In the tradition of visionary artists, Minnie Evans (1892-1987) has made a unique contribution which transcends the categorizations of folk, outsider or self educated artist; because of the power and imagination of her art, she merits serious recognition. The uniqueness of Evans’ work evolved from her ability to manifest from her imagination and dreams, visions that are transformed to paper and canvas. Source: Minnie Evans - Artist Wellington B. Gray Gallery East Carolina University


Lot 256. Micius Stéphane (Haitian/Bainet, 1912-1996) “Scaring Off Birds”, c. 1963, Oil Painting On Masonite Micius Stéphane was born in 1912 in Bainet where he lived and worked as a cobbler, and then as a painter. He joined the Centre d’Art in 1948 at the encouragement of DeWitt Peters, subsequently moving to Port-au-Prince in 1956. He is credited with having brought Edger Jean-Baptiste to the Centre d’Art. His son, Peters Stéphane, and his daughter, Edith Stéphane, are also painters, each working in distinctive styles clearly influenced by their highly successful father. Stéphane died in 1996. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitian du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince and the Milwaukee Museum of Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)



Lot 244. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) “Ceremonia Sisbi-Deux Aus”, Painting On Masonite

Préfète Duffaut Préfète Duffaut, born in 1923 in Jacmel, inherited his father’s trade of shipbuilding. He is the half brother of painter Pauleus Vital, with whom he was raised by their shared mother. Fond of drawing since childhood , it is said that Duffaut, while working on the Island of La Gonàve, had a vision of the Virgin Mary, who asked him to decorate the walls of the local Catholic Church, Notre Dame de Lourdes, with her image, which he did. Upon his return to Jacmel, William Krauss, an American journalist living there, saw some of his drawings and encouraged him to make some paintings on Masonite and send them to DeWitt Peters. Duffaut was invited to join the Centre d’Art in 1948. “The Streets of Jacmel” and “The Temptation of Christ” are his contribution to the Episcopal Cathedral of Sainte Trinité in Port-au-Prince. Winner of the First Prize at the 1966 Festival des Artes Negres in Dakar, Senegal, Duffaut’s work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, the Davenport Museum of Art in Iowa, the Milwaukee Museum of Art, the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the New Orleans Museum of Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 276. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-Au-Prince, 1916-2005) Papa Zaca, Diety Of Agriculture, Painting On Masonite

André Pierre André Pierre, born around 1916 in Port-au-Prince, was a farmer and an active Vodou practitioner before being introduced to the Centre d’Art in the late 1940s by filmmaker Maya Deren, who had admired his temple wall paintings. Pierre eventually became a Vodou priest internationally noted (via filmed documentary appearances and frequent discourse with the many foreign visitors to his studio) for his eloquent spoken insights into the Vodou religion as well as his highly respected visualizations of the Vodun pantheon of deities in his paintings. In 1996, Pierre was the Gold Medal Winner of the 5th Venezuelan Bienniele. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Davenport Museum in Iowa, the Milwaukee Museum of Art, the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, and Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey.

Source: Adapted from Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 185. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “Jesus Saves” #773

Lot 187. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “Castle” #2240


Lot 186. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “God Is Love” #767,

Lot 184. Slingshot Hamm (American, 1896-1976) Snake & Prey, Carved Wood Folk Art Sculpture

Louis Emil “Slingshot� Hamm (1896 -1976) Hamm came from Santa Clara, California, and died in Vallejo. His father was Paiute and his mother Spanish. He was a sharpshooter, accordion player, and carver. After he served in World War I, he and his wife were circus performers. He was in show business for 35 years, was a rider and a roper, and then went to work in a shipyard. Hamm retired at age 70 and spent his time carving. He carved wood panels, snakes, and totems. Source: Self-Taught, Outsider and Folk Art, a Guide to American Artists, Locations and Resources, by Betty-Carol Sellen (published by McFarland & Company, Inc., 2016)


Lot 191. Laura Pope Forester (American/Georgia, 1873-1953) Four Planes In A Golden Sky, Oil Painting On Masonite

Laura Pope Forester (1873 - 1953) Laura Pope Forester, from Pelham, Georgia, started off building concrete sculptures in her garden. Mrs. Pope Forester takes her place as the first feminist outsider artist of the 20th century. She was a woman who had children and a family, and on top of everything, decided to make art. Over time, she made hundreds of fixed tableaux concrete sculptures — homage to men and women from the past, such as the people who made sacrifices in WWI, the founders of the Red Cross, the maker of the first flag and the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. Her paintings have never been shown in exhibits, but she also painted large sky and mountain scapes in the style of the Hudson River School and then decorated the homemade frames with plaster. These haunting, darkened scenes suggest a passing from this life into another. After her death, the family held onto the property without making significant changes, and for some time it remained a local tourist attraction. However, in 1974, her only surviving son sold it to a mill owner, saying that the sculptures “had done passed their days of bein’ useful,” so they dismantled and destroyed most of the freestanding works. Source: Adapted from “Unsigned, Unsung… Whereabouts Unknown”, Guest Curator Jim Roche, Professor of Art, Florida State University, Exhibition: February 5th - March 7th, 1993.


Lot 205. Ed Volk (American, 20th c.) “The Living Room Violin Recital”, Oil Painting On Canvas


Lot 190. Daniel Pressley (American/South Carolina, 1918-1971) Cockfight, c. 1960, Oil Painting On Canvas

Daniel Pressley Daniel Pressley was born in 1918, on a farm in Wasamasaw, SC. He began drawing at the age of six; he wanted to make something that would last forever. In 1943, he went to New York where he spent the remainder of his life. Working for many years pressing clothes in a Laundromat, and building iron radiators and plumbing fixtures. Diagnosed in 1962 with stomach cancer, he spent time in and out of the hospital, was no longer able to work, and took up painting and carving as a full time vocation. By the mid-1960’s, he began to show his work at the Greenwich Village Art Fair. And what he found in Greenwich Village: “the nearest thing to being in a free world that I have ever experienced as an American Negro.” There, he exhibited his paintings and woodcarvings for which he is celebrated. There, he also produced two remarkable journals: an illustrated autobiography and a sketchbook of ghetto life he called Sweet and Bitter Sweet. By late 1970 stomach cancer debilitated him such that he needed to enter St. Rose’s Home nursing home in Brooklyn, and in 1971 he died leaving all his remaining work to his daughters and sisters. Source: Adapted from By Hand By Dan: the Art of Daniel Pressley, by Jay Tobler, Jonathan Demme and Pebo Voss (published by Kaliko Press, 1999)


Lot 255. Robert St. Brice (Haitian/PĂŠtionville, 1893-1973) Woman With Raised Arms, 1957, Painting On Board

Robert St. Brice Born in PĂŠtion-Ville in 1898. Started to paint late in life. One-man exhibition in New York 1960.


Lot 64. Large Painted Metal Advertising Sign, Bamako, Mali

Lot 47. 4 Strong Women, African Hair Salon Advertisement


Lot 70. Diane Boubacar (African, 20th c.) “Drogue”, 1987


Lot 1. Ivory Coast Toy Boat


Lot 54. Mali Watch Repair Advertising Sign

Lot 496. Pair Of Popsicle Stick Lamps

Lot 507. African Bamana Painted Mudcloth


Lot 491. Brazilian Ex Voto Depicting The Cathedral Of Caninde



Lot 223. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) “Three Fishes”, C. 1950-55, Oil Painting On Masonite

Peterson Laurent Active 1940 – 1958 All we know about Peterson Laurent is that he was apparently a railroad blacksmith and that he lived and died in St. Marc. His themes included scenes of Haitian country life, American battleships, still life, roosters and hens, fish, and vases filled with flowers. Some of Laurent’s themes appear to come from the realm of voodoo: the peculiar vases filled with flowers usually found on voodoo altars; the fish, which could be connected with Agoué, loa of the sea; and the roosters and hens, which could have something to do with the ritual of sacrifice. It is conspicuous that these three subjects are always depicted against a neutral background, as are their counterparts in temples. Possibly Laurent came to painting via the decoration of houmfor walls. Typical of Laurent’s style is a looseness of drawing and a quick, spontaneous brushstroke underlining directions and creating textures. His palette, composed primarily of warm, earthy tones, is proof of a line sense of color that enriches his paintings with many subtleties. Source: Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 248. Alexandre Gregoire (Haitian/Jacmel, 1922-2001) Composition With Flowers, An Airplane, A Bird And An Indigenous Haitian, Painting On Masonite

Alexandre Gregoire Alexandre Gregoire, born in 1922 in Jacmel, enlisted with the military as a saxophone player in the Presidential Palace band before joining the Centre d’Art in the late 1950s at the recommendation of Gerard Valcin and Préfète Duffaut. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, and the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 354. Gerard Paul (Haitian, 20th c.) Dog Of The Sea, Painting On Cardboard

Gerard Paul Gerard Paul, born October 7, 1943, in Port-au-Prince, was orphaned at the age of six and raised by his grandmother. He was apprenticed as a cabinetmaker, and is said to have worked at various trades including carpenter, mason and house painter. Encouraged to paint in 1965 by Mrs. Malsy Minsk, the wife of the German ambassador with the Centre d’Art. His work is included in the permanent collections of Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey, the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa, and the New Orleans Museum of Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 298. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) Village At Moonrise, Painting On Masonite

Bourmond Byron Bourmond Byron was born June 23, 1920, in Jacmel, the son of a General in the Haitian Army and a mother from Cotes de Fer. He is one of five children, with two brothers and two sisters. Byron himself raised twelve children. Originally employed in Jacmel, in the craft of fé blantye (the creation of funeral floral arrangements fashioned from tin), Byron first came to the Centre d’Art in the mid 1950s at the suggestion of Préfète Duffaut, where one of his paintings was immediately sold to Bishop Voegeli of the Episcopal Cathedral. He also practiced occasionally as a doktè fè, or leaf doctor (herbalist). His daughter Benita and his son Guy are also painters, working in the distinctive Byron style. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, the Milwaukee Museum of Art, and the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa. Source: Adapted from Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 247. Jacques-Enguerrand Gourgue (Haitian/Port-Au-Prince, 1930-1996) The Lonely Bull, Storm Coming, Painting On Masonite

Jacques-Enguerrand Gourgue Jacques-Enguerrand Gourgue, born in 1930 in Port-au-Prince, was the son of a French-born psychiatrist and a Haitian mother. Encouraged by Hector Hyppolite, he joined the Centre d’Art in 1947 at the age of 17, and swiftly achieved international prominence. He eventually moved to Spain where he lived and painted for many years before returning to Haiti, where he died June 16, 1996. His work is included in the permanent collections of Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, the Davenport Gallery in Iowa, the Milwaukee Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey, and the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 231. Toussaint Auguste (Haitian/Leogâne, b. 1925) Six Nesting Birds, Five Eggs, 1949, Oil Painting On Board

Toussaint Auguste Toussaint Auguste, born in 1925 in Leogane, is said to have been active in the Episcopal Diocese as a lay reader and a teacher before becoming a painter in the late 1940s. Following his execution of the “Flight from Egypt” mural at the Episcopal Cathedral of Sainte Trinité in Port-au-Prince, he moved to the United States , where he presently resides. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, and the Milwaukee Museum of Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 349. Andre Saturne (Haitian/Pétionville, 1927-1983) Towering Still Life - Flowers, Painting On Masonite

Andre Saturne Andre Saturne was born May 20, 1927, in Pétionville. After completing his education at the Lycee Alexandre Pétion, he joined the Centre d’Art in 1956 where he was inspired by the work of Gourgue, Normil, and Jasmin Joseph. He travelled to the United States in 1962, where he studied at the Arts Students League and had his work exhibited in New York by Leon Chalom. He returned to Port-auPrince in 1972, where he lived with his wife and five children until his death on February 8, 1983. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 201. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) Ship On Stormy Sea, Oil Painting On Canvas

Victor Joseph Gatto (1893–1965) was born in New York City, and he had served in the US Navy and boxed as a featherweight long before he turned his mind or hand to painting. In 1938, out of work due to an injury, he came across a sidewalk art show in Greenwich Village, and, seeing the prices that even amateur paintings commanded, decided to take it up. This decision luckily coincided with a swell of interest in the “naïve” style of art, and his work received interest from galleries, museums, and celebrities. Painters Elaine and Willem De Kooning, who lived in the apartment next door to Gatto and his widowed stepmother, were among the many artists who encouraged him to continue. Gatto painted using finely-haired brushes, continually layering pigment to achieve endless and exacting detail. Whether depicting a Biblical story, tropical beasts, or fantastical scenes, Gatto’s work is frequently full of incident, passion and the push and pull of life’s opposing forces. His paintings are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of American Folk Art, all in New York, and the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC, amongst many others.


200. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) “The Pearl Divers” (Under The Sea), Oil Painting On Canvas

Lot 398. 6 Works By Various Artists (American, 20th c.) Acquired in 1973 At Brooklyn Senior Art Center


Fred Campbell (American, 20th c.) Untitled (Soldier Carrying Wounded Comrade), c. 1944, Oil Painting On Canvas

Fred Campbell Folk painter Fred Campbell lived in the Fishtown area of Philadelphia during the 1940s. His work is included in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, DC. Source: Smithsonian American Art Museum Website


Lot 492. 3 Brazilian Carved Wood Ex-voto Figures


Lot 128. Etienne Chavannes (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1939) Les Protestants Pries Pour Une Soeur Malade (Protestants Pray, A Sick Sister), c. 1974, Oil Painting On Masonite

Etienne Chavannes Etienne Chavannes was born July 15, 1939 in Cap-Haitien. A student at L’Ecole Oswald Durand, his father was a merchant, his mother a seamstress. After completing a job distributing anti-malaria medication throughout rural areas in Haiti, he was drawn to the idea of painting. Philomé Obin is credited with first instructing Chavannes in 1967. Later, he approached Nehemy Jean who supervised his continuing development as an artist. In 1971, he joined the Centre d’Art. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa and the New Orleans Museum of Art. Source: Adapted from Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 424. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Trains”, Crayon Drawing On Paper

David Olson David is a developmentally disabled artist with cerebral palsy who lives in his own imaginary world. He takes everyday things or scenes from his life and makes them monumental. He also often does detailed drawings of interiors or transportation. Many of his drawings are two sided. Source: Sherry Pardee / The Pardee Collection / Olson’s Gallery


Lot 263. PaulĂŠus Vital (Haitian/Jacmel, 1918-1984) Village Scene, Painting On Masonite

Lot 253. Salnave Philippe-Auguste (Haitian, 1908-1989) Ra Ra Carnival Parade, 1963, Painting On Masonite


Pauléus Vital (b. Jacmel, 1918) Pauléus Vital was trained as a shipwright in Jacmel. He moved to Port-au-Prince in search of work in 1939, where he lived until 1959. After he realized the possibilities of a career as a painter, he moved back to Jacmel, where he quietly devoted all of his time to his art. Vital’s career as a painter began in 1956. His half-brother, Préfete Duffault, introduced him to the Centre d’Art. Source: Adapted from Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)

Salnave Philippe-Auguste (b. St. Marc, 1908) Salnave Philippe-Auguste, a lawyer, he started to paint full-time at age fifty-one and joined the Centre d’Art in 1960. He was an articulate, disciplined, and wise man, a poet at heart. His paintings reflect his personality. He produced pictures of infinite variety. Among his favorite topics were still life, carnivals, and scenes from nature. Before starting a painting, Philippe-Auguste finished a precisae pencil drawing on transparent paper. He later transferred the drawing onto prepared Masonite. The artist was proud of this special technique, which let him reuse successful designs in new combinations and served as a record of all his work. Source: Adapted from Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 525A. Four African Watches


Lot 525. Moroccan Fetish Necklace

Lot 538. 6 Vintage Bar Mats


Lot 265. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Nixon Family, 1973, Oil Painting On Masonite

Edger Jean-Baptiste Edger Jean-Baptiste was born January 31, 1917, in Bainet. Originally a cobbler and a tailor, Jean-Baptiste and his wife raised five daughters and two sons. Before joining the Centre d’Art in 1954 with the help of Micius Stephane, he occasionally painted village scenes and characters on the surface of sun-bleached rocks chosen from the extraordinary Bay of Bainet shoreline, the rocks themselves worn to an incredible smoothness by the endless tidal movement of the surf. Known by his devotees as the “Master of Twilight” for his frequent exploration of the effects of the shifting sun on the color of sky, clouds, and landscape, Jean-Baptiste was forced to stop painting in the late 1980s due to the onset of glaucoma and his subsequent loss of vision. Edger Jean-Baptiste’s work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, and Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut. Source: Adapted from Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 117. Sénéque Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1893-1977) “La Reine Et Le Roi D’haiti”, Oil Painting On Board

Sénèque Obin (Cap-Haitien, 1893 – 1977) Sénèque Obin was the younger brother of Philomé Obin, who interested and guided him in the art of painting. Since he was taught by his brother, Sénèque’s style is similar to Philomé’s. A Mason like his brother, the portrayal of Masonic ceremonies is an important part of his varied repertory. With the exception of a few historical scenes, he emphasized everyday life, concentrating on active scenes. In contrast to all the other members of the Obin family, Sénèque liked to use black. His palette consisted in general of warm, sensuous colors. Before he was able to earn a living from his art alone, Sénèque worked mainly as a coffee merchant. He joined the Centre d’Art in 1948. Source: Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 366. Penius Leriche (Haitian/Jacmel, b. 1940) Man Cutting Vegetation, Painting On Masonite

Penius Leriche (b. Jacmel, 1940) After high school, Penius Leriche went to Port-au-Prince, and became connected with the Centre d’Art. Leriche’s oeuvre is small. The themes of his paintings are derived mainly from Haitian proverbs. Leriche is a friend of Guy Desir, and his early works show the influence of his friend’s delicate lines and subtle tonalities. Leriche’s palette has since become richer and more intense, emphasizing color rather than line. Source: Adapted from Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 102. Louis Gédéus (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Combite At River Side, Painting On Masonite

Louis Gédéus Louis Gédéus, born December 13, 1953, in Cap-Haïtien, attended Marius N. Levy Primary School and pursued his education at the Pedagogie Center of Cap-Haïtien. He was introduced to the Centre d’Art in 1974 by Charlemagne Francois, his teacher, and Harrison Obin, grandson of Philomé Obin. Gédéus later founded the art association, known as Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow) Gallery in his native city. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 158. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Street Scene (Une Rue), Oil Painting On Cardboard

Eugéne Jean Born in Cap-Haïtien, in 1950, Eugène Jean joined the Centre d’Art in 1971 after studying with Philomé Obin for a year. He owes his preference for line over color and the accuracy of his technique to his teacher. But his choice of subject differs from Obin’s in spirit and statement. Jean usually depicts genre scenes with a touch of humor. His people are mostly average people in their normal surroundings, coming home from work, displaying hospitality, and so on. But Jean is a true man of the north, and the life he portrays is highly ordered. He is at his best when he uses a soft, delicate palette that expresses the cool charm of his scenes. Source: Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 281. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-Au-Prince, 1933-1988) Urban Scene With Buildings And People, Oil Painting On Canvas Odilon Pierre Odilon Pierre was born in 1933 in Port-auPrince. Pierre, who began carving wood sculpture at eighteen and eventually turned to painting, never married and had no children. He maintained a stall at the downtown Iron Market in Port-au-Prince from which he sold his own work as well as the work of other artists. The Iron Market population referred to Odilon Pierre as crazy, “not so much for not manning his stall, as for demanding higher than Iron Market standard prices for his work. Jonathan Demme, when he finally met the artist, recalls that Pierre explained that he could not sell his paintings for less than he thought they were worth, when each one was a part of him, the product of his own flesh and blood, a chunk of his soul.” Pierre created small canvases and his subjects included the countryside, landscapes and peasant women. Danticat points out that Pierre’s style of painting was different from other Haitian painters. “I was not looking for a style,” he commented. “I didn’t have a vision or a handle on any subject in particular.” Sources: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997) and Odilon Pierre: Atis d’Ayiti, by Jonathan Demme and Edwidge Danticat (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)

Odilon Pierre at the Olofsson Hotel in Port-au Prince; photographed by Lucas Platt, 1995


Lot 332. Sisson Blanchard (Haitian/Trouin, 1929-1981) On Route To Market, Painting On Board

Sisson Blanchard Sisson Blanchard, born in 1929 in Trouin, worked as the yardman at the Centre d’Art before becoming a painter there in 1948 with the encouragement of American sculptor Jason Seley. The father, and early instructor, of respected contemporary painter Smith Blanchard, Sisson died in 1981. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Davenport Museum of Art in Iowa, and the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 327. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian, 20th c.) Rural Scene With Cattle And Crops, 1953, Painting On Board

Alberoi Bazile Alberoi Bazile, born December 12, 1925, in Léogâne, began painting in 1951 and joined the Centre d’Art in 1953. He currently lives in Port-au-Prince and is actively involved in the Episcopal Church. His work is represented in the permanent collection of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 249. Pierre-Joseph Valcin (Haitian/Port-Au-Prince, 1925-2000) Outdoor Dance Party, Painting On Masonite

Pierre Joseph-Valcin (b. Port-au-Prince, 1925) Pierre Joseph-Valcin, born in May, 1925 in Port-au-Prince, is said to have worked as a mechanic, a stone mason (for 25 years) and as a plumber before joining the Centre d’Art in the early 1960s, at the recommendation of his half-brother Gerard Valcin, who tutored Pierre for his first year as a resident artist at the Centre. He is the father of painters Favrance Valcin and “Valcin II”. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince, and the Davenport Museum of Art is Iowa, and the New Orleans Museum of Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 118. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) Do Not Take What Is Not Yours, Oil Painting On Masonite

Charles Anatole Charles Anatole was born April 11, 1922 in Cap-Haïtien. He is said to have become an engraver after leaving elementary school, and that he began to paint under the guidance of respected artist Marcel St. Vil in the 1940s. Throughout the prolific career that followed, he produced a significant body of work until his death in Cap-Haïtien in 1980. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 131. Henri Calixte (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Grage’ Manioc, Painting On Masonite

Henri Calixte Henri Calixte painted in Cap-Haïtien the late 1950s and is believed to have been briefly associated with the Centre d’Art. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 300. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-Des-Bouquets, 1893-1976) Country Home With Flowering Trees, Painting On Masonite

Joseph-Jean Laurent (Croix-des-Bouquets, 1893-1976) Joseph-Jean Laurent’s father was a comparatively wealthy farmer in Croix-des-Bouquets who was able to provide his son with a good basic education. After his education, the young man went to Port-au-Prince, where he established himself as a tailor. In his free time, he learned to play the accordion, the flute, and the clarinet. He was married three times. In 1961, Laurent moved back to his native village, where, inspired by his cousin Gabirel Leveque, he began to paint. Although the artist was active as a Seventh Day Adventist, certain of his paintings seem obviously connected with voodoo. Some of his scenes come from biblical sources, others are depictions of village life. These are usually framed by flowers and trees, thus creating poetic, lyrical images. Laurent did not prepare his pictures with underdrawings, but used brush and color as the only means of composition. His style is rather crude and childlike. Not many of his paintings are successful, but exceptions delight with their direct, naïve charm. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 251. Wesner LaForest (Haitian, 1927-1965) House, Painting On Masonite

Wesner LaForest Wesner LaForest, born in 1927, is said to have been a mask-maker before he came to the Centre d’Art in the early 1960s. He produced a small body of paintings before his reported sudden death during an epileptic seizure a year or so after his arrival. Some also say that the mysterious LaForest simply vanished one day, never to be heard from again. Whatever his fate, his paintings apparently languished in the Centre d’Art basement until they were discovered there by Kurt Bachamann in 1965 and brought to light. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Wardsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, and Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey. Source: Island on Fire, by Edwidge Danticat and Jonathan Demme (published by Kaliko Press, 1997)


Lot 316. Serge Jolimeau (Haitian/Croix-Des-Bouquets, b. 1952) Bossu, 1990, Ink Drawing On Paper

Serge Jolimeau (b. Croix-des-Bouquets, 1952) Serge Jolimeau has lived all his life in Croix-des-Bouquets, where he completed secondary school. He began his artistic career in 1972, working with Cerisier Louisjuste, another metal sculptor; he joined the Centre d’Art the same year. A shy, quiet young man, Jolimeau finds a way through his art to cope with haunting fantasy and his personal conflicts. Coming from a family of farmers, voodoo and folklore are part of his everyday experience. Much of his work is devoted to the deities, demons, and devils existing in his imagination and nourished by his background. Source: Haitian Art, by Ute Stebich (published by Harry N. Abrams, 1978)


Lot 210. Jim Work (American, b. 1944) Yellow House, Graphite And Crayon On Paper

Jim Work, b. 1944 Jim is an autistic and developmentally disabled artist from the midwest who works in crayon and draws highways and vernacular architecture of the midwest. Source: SHERRY PARDEE / THE PARDEE COLLECTION / WORK’S GALLERY


Lot 22. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Boxer”, Painting On Plywood

Lot 23. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “I Am A Dog...”, Painting On Plywood

Lot 24. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Doctor Hayes Is Very Gentle When Applying Pressure To The Superficial Temporal Artery”, Painting On Plywood

Lot 29. Javier Mayoral (American, 20ch c.) “When God Created “Funky Music” He Picked Me Up To Be His Messenger”, Painting On Plywood

Javier Mayoral Based in Miami, Florida, Javier Mayoral is a self-taught artist. A chef by day, he paints on his time off. Producing more than some artists do in their lifetime, he has so far created about 4,600 pieces, painting approximately five a day. His work juxtaposes bright, surreal images with explanatory captions. Source: Adapted from and


Lot 67. Alphadio (African, b. 1952) Paris To Dakar Motorcycle Race



1. Ivory Coast Toy Boat. African, painted mixed media with with removable top. Size: 14’’ x 35’’ x 7’’ (36 x 89 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

2. 4 African Tin Toys, including a helicopter, plane and tank from Burkina Faso and a helicopter from Ivory Coast. Ranging in size from 4’’ x 8’’ x 6’’ (10 x 20 x 15 cm) to 6’’ x 4’’ x 18’’ (15 x 10 x 46 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150





3. 6 African Scrap Metal and Wood Toy Vehicles, Burkina Faso. Ranging in size from 4’’ x 6’’ x 3’’ (10 x 15 x 8 cm) to 7’’ x 22’’ x 7’’ (18 x 56 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

4. 3 African Scrap Metal Toy Cars, Burkina Faso. Ranging Size: 4’’ x 7’’ x 3’’ (10 x 18 x 8 cm) to 5’’ x 10.5’’ x 4.5’’ (13 x 27 x 11 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

5. African Scrap Metal Trunk, with Tomato Tin Can veneer. Purchased in Dakar, Senegal 1988. Size: Size: 14’’ x 32’’ x 19’’ (36 x 81 x 48 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700 5 6. Vintage Sea Horse Playground Spring Rider. Mfg by Mexico Forge, Mexico, PA. Cast aluminum and steel. Size: 33’’ x 14’’ x 30’’ (84 x 36 x 76 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600


7. Tom Nussbaum (American, 20th c.) Statue of Liberty Light, 1986, wood and metal. Acme Robots NY NY. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery, NY. Size: 13.5’’ x 7’’ x 3.5’’ (34 x 18 x 9 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150 8

8. 9 Scrap Metal Buckets, constructed from tin cans. Acquired in Dakar, Senegal in 1988. Largest Size: 10’’ x 13’’ x 13’’ (25 x 33 x 33 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250 62


9. Ocumichu Mexican Ceramic Folk Art Truck. Size: 8’’ x 17’’ x 7’’ (20 x 43 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

10. Aldobrando Piacenza (American, 20th c.) Man, carved and painted wood sculpture. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery. Size: 36’’ x 13’’ x 2’’ (91 x 33 x 5 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

9 10

11. 2 Ducks and 1 Rooster, American Folk Art Painted wood silhouettes. Ranging in size from 8’’ x 7’’ x 1’’ (20 x 18 x 3 cm) to 9’’ x 16’’ x 1’’ (23 x 41 x 3 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

11 12

12. Vintage Dachshund Sign for Lt. W.L. Wheeler U.S. Navy Reserve, carved and painted wood. Size: 10’’ x 23’’ x 1’’ (25 x 58 x 3 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

13. 2 American Folk Art “Clown” Towel Racks, carved and painted wood. Size: 9’’ x 13’’ x 1.5’’ (23 x 33 x 4 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

13 14

14. American Folk Art Folding Clown Towel Rack, carved and painted wood. Size: 11’’ x 20’’, 28 x 51 (overall). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

15. Mexican Dolls and Loteria. Size: 21’’ x 17’’, 53 x 43 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100



16. Vintage Mid Century Kitchen Salesman Sample, illuminated (in working condition). Diorama showcasing the modern steel cabinet offerings of a Pittsburgh manufacturer. Size: 9’’ x 22’’ x 13’’ (23 x 56 x 33 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200 63

17. J.F. Colombo (American, 20th c.) Two Works: 1) Patriotic Clown with Giant Bow Tie (J.S. Buttons), oil on canvas, signed. Framed; 2) Sad Clown eating cabbage (Emmet Kelly), oil on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 20” x 16”, 51 x 41 cm (stretcher); 25.5” x 21.5”, 65 x 55 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600 17


18. 4 Clown Paintings and 1 Petit Point. Largest Size: 24’’ x 15’’, 61 x 38 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

19. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “The Heart”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 9.25’’ x 7.5’’, 23 x 19 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125


20. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “The Spleen”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 8.25’’ x 9.75’’, 21 x 25 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125


21. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “The Squid”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 9.75’’ x 8.25’’, 25 x 21 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

22. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Boxer”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 8’’ x 7.5’’, 20 x 19 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125





23. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “I am a Dog...”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 8’’ x 7.5’’, 20 x 19 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

24. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Doctor Hayes Is Very Gentle When Applying Pressure To The Superficial Temporal Artery”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 7.75’’ x 7’’, 20 x 18 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 64

25. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) Portrait of a Tangier Shriner (Omaha, Nebraska), painting on plywood, signed. Size: 7.5’’ x 5.5’’, 19 x 14 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

26. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) Untitled (Horror Film), painting on plywood. Size: 8’’ x 7’’, 20 x 18 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125



27. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Fig. 2”, painting on plywood. Unframed. Size: 8’’ x 7’’, 20 x 18 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

28. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Toughest, Longest-Wearing Tire”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 8’’ x 7.5’’, 20 x 19 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125



29. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “When God Created “Funky Music” He Picked Me Up to Be His Messenger”, painting on plywood, signed. Size: 9.5’’ x 8’’, 24 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

30. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Over My Shoulder Evergreen, based on the stage play by Ben W. Levy and the gorgeous music by Charles B. Cia, Production Evergreen at the Adelphe”, watercolor painting on paper, signed “Roussel” and inscribed “1998 NYC” on verso. Size: 11’’ x 8.25’’, 28 x 21 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125





31. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Ambassador James W. Gerard’s My Four Years in Germany / The “Poly” Cinema, Regent St., W.”, watercolor painting on paper, signed “Roussel” and inscribed “1988 NYC” on verso. Size: 11.25’’ x 8’’, 29 x 20 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

32. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) Seal from the alchemical book Aureum Saeculum Redivivum of Henricus Madatanus aka Adrian von Mynsicht (1603-1638). Around the inner circle there is the inscription: “CENTRUM IN TRIGONO CENTRI” (The center is in the triangle of the center) and in the outer “TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS” (There are three marvels: God and man, mother and virgin, triune and one), painting on plywood, signed. Size: 8.25’’ x 6.75’’, 21 x 17 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 65

33. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) Car, mixed media on paper, unsigned, inscribed 1990 NYC on verso. Size: 10.5’’ x 8.5’’, 27 x 22 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

34. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Pheonix”, screenprint on paper, signed “Roussel” and inscribed “88 NYC” on verso. Size: 11.75’’ x 8’’, 30 x 20 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 33








35. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) Abstract Composition, mixed-media painting on paper, signed. Size: 9’’ x 4.25’’, 23 x 11 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

36. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Coiffeur Style Rapido” (in the style of African signs), painting on plywood, signed. Size: 9.25’’ x 8’’, 23 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

37. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Coifure La Joie Du Ciel” (in the style of African signs), painting on plywood, signed. Size: 10.25’’ x 8’’, 26 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

38. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Tresse & Coiffure / Petit A Petit” (in the style of African signs), painting on plywood, signed. Size: 10.25’’ x 8’’, 26 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

39. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “One Love Hair Cut” (in the style of African signs), painting on plywood. Unframed. Size: 8’’ x 6.75’’, 20 x 17 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125

40. Javier Mayoral (American, 20th c.) “Simplex Coiffure” (in the style of African signs), painting on plywood. Unframed. Size: 7.75’’ x 6.75’’, 20 x 17 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 66

41. Hand-painted African Unisex Hair Sign, paint on wood panel. Size: 19” x 38”, 48 x 97 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

42. Hand-painted African Coiffeur Sign: “Oh When” Hair Cuts, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 35” x 20”, 89 x 51 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700 41




43. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign, 4 Boy Hair Style, painting on wood panel. Acquired in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in 1985-90. Size: 14” x 34”, 36 x 86 cm (sign). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600

44. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: 3 Men With Red Faces, painting on wood panel. Acquired in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in 1985-90. Size: 14” x 34”, 36 x 86 cm (sign). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600

45. Hand-painted African Hair Braiding Sign, paint on sheet metal, Lome, Togo c. 1985-1990. Framed. Size: 24” x 12”, 61 x 30 cm (metal sheet); 31.5” x 20”, 80 x 51 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600

46. African Hair Dyeing Sign, paint on metal sheet, Burkina Faso c. 1985-90. Unframed. Size: 27” x 21.5”, 69 x 55 cm (metal sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-800 45


47. 4 Strong Women, African Hair Salon Advertisement, painting on wood panel, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 1985-90. Unframed. Size: 13” x 35”, 33 x 89 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600



48. African Women’s Hair Braiding Sign, paint on wood panel, Lome, Togo c. 1985-1990. Unframed. Size: 20.5” x 14”, 52 x 36 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600 67

49. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: Igo Die Haircut, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 24’’ x 27’’, 61 x 69 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250

50. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: Shata, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 24’’ x 27’’, 61 x 69 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400





51. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: Kiss Cut, signed Goro, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 27’’ x 24’’, 69 x 61 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400

52. West-African “Bell-Coiffure” Advertising Sign, painting on wood. Unframed. Size: 21” x 14” (53 x 36 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

53. “Jaaza Hair Cut” Coiffure Advertising Sign, Ghana,painting on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 34” x 22” (86 x 56 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

54. Mali Watch Repair Advertising Sign, painting on wood. Africa, Mali-Bamako. Size: 20” x 29.5” (51 x 75 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1000-1500

54 53

55. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: Bak-Bow Cut/Concord Cut, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 23.5’’ x 34.5’’, 60 x 88 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250 55

56. African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign: Super Home Cut, paint on wood panel. Unframed. Size: 22.25’’ x 23.5’’, 57 x 60 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250 68


57. Togo Hand-painted Hair Braiding Sign, Lome, paint on wood. Unframed. Size: 27” x 13” (69 x 33 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

58. Hand-painted African Hair Braiding Sign, painting on wood, Lome, Togo. Size: 14” x 12” (36 x 30 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600 57


59. Hand-painted African Hair Salon Coiffeur Sign, paint on sheet metal, with Burkina Faso flags. Unframed. Size: 18.5” x 20.5” (47 x 52 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

60. Double-Sided African Metal Advertising Sign: “Defrissage Noircir” (de-frizz and darken) Coiffeur Sign and “Spark Votre Soda” Beverage Sign, Burkina Faso. Size: 26” x 20” (66 x 51 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

59 60

61. “Onayme Naaye” African Hand-painted Coiffeur Sign, Accra, Ghana, paint on wood panel with handle. Size: 24.5” x 48” (62 x 122 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

61 62

62. African Hand-painted Hair Style Sign, paint on wood panel, Burkina Faso. Framed. Size: 12” x 21”, 30 x 53 cm (board); 21” x 31”, 53 x 79 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

63. African Painted Wood Advertising Sign “Charge Batterie”, Mali. Size: 38.5” x 39.5”, 98 x 100 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-900



64. Large Painted Metal Advertising Sign: Chez Bakery Traore ; African butcher and BBQ, with goat, cow and butcher at work. Acquired from Mr. Traore in Bamako, Mali in 1985. Size: 36’’ x 76’’, 91 x 193 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $2000-2500 69

65. Bass Odyssey Hand Made Jamaican Concert Sign. Size: 19.5” x 15.5”, 50 x 39 cm (board); 29” x 25”, 74 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-800

66. Hand-painted Jamaican Sign: M-Unit, paint on masonite. Framed. Size: 20.75’’ x 20’’, 53 x 51 cm (board); 22.25’’ x 21.5’’, 57 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700 65


67. Alphadio (African, b. 1952) Paris to Dakar Motorcycle Race, featuring Thierry Sabine and Nathalie Odent, 1986, painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Thierry Sabine, the founder of the Paris to Dakar Motorcycle Race is seen observing riders (T.S. dressed in white jumpsuit). T.S. died in helicopter crash in Mali in 1986 with Nathalie Odent (in blue, beside T.S.) Purchased from artist in 1987. Size: 19” x 34”, 48 x 86 cm (sight); 26.5” x 41”, 67 x 104 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1000-1500 67

68. Afro-Disco Singer, painting on wood, Burkina Faso. Size: 16” x 15.5”, 41 x 39 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600


69. Burkina Faso Afro-Disco Musicians: Man and Woman Singer and Balafon player, painting on wood panel. Size: 16” x 16”, 41 x 41 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

70. Diane Boubacar (African, 20th c.) “Drogue”, 1987. The Danger of Drug Addiction ; Painting on wood, signed. Framed. Acquired in Dakar, Senegal. Size: 11.5’’ x 16.5’’, 29 x 42 cm (sight); 12.5’’ x 17.5’’, 32 x 44 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

70 69

71. Portrait of Haile Selassie by an unknown Ethiopia Priest, mixed-media on paper. Framed. Size: 19” x 14”, 48 x 36 cm (sight); 23” x 27”, 58 x 69 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

72. K.O. Hardy (African/Acra, Ghana, 20th c.) “Give Me Your Heart”, painting on wood panel, signed. Framed. Acquired directly from the artist in 1987. Size: 24’’ x 16’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 17.25’’, 64 x 44 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600 70



73. Nketia-Boateng (African, 20th c.) Portrait of a Woman, 1983, oil painting on canvas, signed. Acquired in Kumasi, Ghana in 1983. Size: 32’’ x 22.75’’, 81 x 58 cm (stretcher); 35’’ x 26’’, 89 x 66 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-900

74. Indian Artist (20th c.) Mixed-media Painting on Paper, depicting a figure with double-headed snake and script. Size: 11.75’’ x 8.25’’, 30 x 21 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200 73

74 75. 2 Old Haitian Moose Lodge Vestments, Port-au-Prince lodge. C.E. Ward Co. Regalia, Costumes and Supplies New London, Ohio. Each Size: 21’’ x 12’’ (53 x 30 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100

76. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: Bird with Star, mixed media, sequins and fabric. Provenance: ex. Virgil Young Collection. Size: 34’’ x 27.5’’, 86 x 70 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000 75

76 77. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: depicting Azaka, Danmbala and Lecba, mixed media, sequins, cloth, fabric and red lace. Extremely early, used in ceremonies. Provenance: ex. Virgil Young Collection. Size: 28.5’’ x 25.5’’, 72 x 65 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-3000

77 78

78. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag, mixed media, sequins, cloth and fabric. 2 panels woven together. Very early, used in ceremonies prior to purchase. Provenance: ex. Virgil Young Collection. Size: 38’’ x 27’’, 97 x 69 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000

79. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Sequined Flag, with Diety, mixed media, sequins and fabric. Size: 30’’ x 30’’, 76 x 76 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500



80. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag (Mid 20th c.) Damballa Portrayal as St. Patrick with Snakes. Size: 32.5’’ x 27.5’’, 83 x 70 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000 71

81. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: 8-Sided Star with Foliage, mixed-media, sequins and fabric. Size: 31’’ x 30.5’’, 79 x 77 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-4000

82. Drapeau Rara Vest (Haiti, 20th c.) Mixed media, fabric with blue and green sequined cape and yellow fringe. Size: 40’’ x 17’’, 102 x 43 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-5000









83. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: Snakes with Star, mixed-media, sequins and fabric. Size: 21’’ x 36’’, 53 x 91 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000

84. Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: Agoue Royo, Diety, mixed-media, sequins and fabric, signed “CB”. Size: 38’’ x 27.5’’, 97 x 70 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-2500

85. Old Vodou Flag, mixed media, sequins and fabric. Framed. Provenance: ex. Virgil Young Collection. Size: 39’’ x 32.5’’, 99 x 83 cm (flag); 44.5’’ x 37.5’’, 113 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-4000

86. Haitian “Damballa” Flag (20th c.), mixed-media, sequins, applique and frabric. Note: with snakes representing Damballa, supreme Vodun diety. Size: 26’’ x 18’’, 66 x 46 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1500

87. Vintage Haitian Vodou Drapeau Flag: Grand Bois, mixed-media, sequins and cloth. Size: 35.5’’ x 29.5’’, 90 x 75 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

88. Attributed to Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) Forged Metal Sculpture, signed, probably executed by a Liautaud protege. Purchased in the 1990’s at an antique store in Pétionville, Haiti. Size: 17.25’’ x 8’’ x 5.5’’ (44 x 20 x 14 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350 72

89. Attributed to Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) Vodou Spirit, forged metal sculpture, signed, probably executed by a Liautaud protege. Purchased in the 1990’s at an antique store in Pétionville, Haiti. Size: 17’’ x 5’’ x 3.75’’ (43 x 13 x 10 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350



90. Attributed to Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) Vodou Spirit, forged metal sculpture, signed, probably executed by a Liautaud protege. Purchased in the 1990’s at an antique store in Pétionville, Haiti. Size: 13.5’’ x 6.75’’ x 4.75’’ (34 x 17 x 12 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350

92. Attributed to Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) Vodou Spirit, forged metal sculpture, signed, probably executed by a Liautaud protege. Purchased in the 1990’s at an antique store in Pétionville, Haiti. Size: 11’’ x 5.5’’ x 3.25’’ (28 x 14 x 8 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350



93. Attributed to Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) Vodou Spirits, forged metal sculpture, signed, probably executed by a Liautaud protege. Purchased in the 1990’s at an antique store in Pétionville, Haiti. Size: 9.75’’ x 6.5’’ x 6’’ (25 x 17 x 15 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350

94. Murat Brierre (Haitian, 1938-1988) Loas, cut metal sculpture, signed. Size: 22’’ x 18’’, 56 x 46 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500


95 95. Geral B. (Haitian, 20th c.) 3 Spirit Figures, hammered steel oil drum cut work sculpture, signed. Size: 23’’ x 23’’, 58 x 58 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100


96. Antoine (Haitian, 20th c.) Abstract Metal Horse, steel cut work sculpture, signed. Size: 14’’ x 22’’, 36 x 56 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 73

97. Seresier Louis-Juste (Haitian, 20th c.) Steel cut work sculpture, signed. Size: 15.75’’ x 14.75’’, 40 x 37 cm (overall). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 98. Duma Pascal (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 20th c.) 3 Works, each steel oil drum cutout sculptures, signed. Largest Size: 18’’ x 7’’ (46 x 18 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300 99. Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix-des-Boquets, 1899-1992) “The Marassa Twins”, forged metal sculpture, to be used in fireplace, signed. Size: 27.75’’ x 31.5’’ x 22.5’’ (70 x 80 x 57 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-6000

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100. Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix-des-Boquets, 1899-1992) Mermaid, forged metal sculpture, signed. Size: 11’’ x 23’’, 28 x 58 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7500 101. Georges Liautaud (Haitian/Croix-des-Boquets, 1899-1992) Merman, forged metal sculpture, signed. Size: 20’’ x 17’’, 51 x 43 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7500


102. Louis Gédéus (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Combite at River Side, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Nicole, Art d’Haiti, acquired 8/96. Note: Louis Gédéus is a huge favorite. Though largely identifiable as a Cap-Haïtien artist (trained under Philomé Obin at the Cap-Haïtien branch of the Centre d’Art), Gédéus work is often nuanced dimensionally to a greater degree than others of the Cap- Haïtien School. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600


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103. Louis Gédéus (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Arriving at Pharmacy, Specializing in Pregnancy, on Horseback with Babies, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Acquired from Centre d’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 6/98. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 104. Louis Gédéus (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Pont du Haut-du-Cap, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 31; Plate 26. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (stretcher); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 74



105. A. Armand (Haitian, 20th c.) Wedding, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Note: An early Cap-Haïtien work. Provenance: Cavin Morris Gallery, 1994. Size: 24’’ x 36’’, 61 x 91 cm (board); 24.75’’ x 36.75’’, 63 x 93 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-700



106. M. Blot (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Village Abandonne, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Illustrated: “Sense of Place” (North American scene, transferred to Haiti). Provenance: Brictson Gallery, Jacmel, Haiti, 1988. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 57; Plate 55. Size: 19.75’’ x 27.25’’, 50 x 69 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 29’’, 55 x 74 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500 -750 107. Ch. Francois (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Hotel de Ville, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Claude Auguste Douyon Catalogue, The Gallery St. Etienne. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 54; Plate 52. Size: 19.75’’ x 23.75’’, 50 x 60 cm (board); 21’’ x 25’’, 53 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-700



108. Alfred Gabriel (Haitian 20th c.) “Ecole Professionnelle”, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Leon and Evelyn Chalom. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: CapHaïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 40; Plate 36. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.5’’ x 24.5’’, 52 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300 -750 109. Ernik Ema (20th c.) The Burning of Cap-Haïtien by Haitian Revolutionary Forces, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 27’’ x 33.75’’, 69 x 86 cm (stretcher); 28.75’’ x 35.5’’, 73 x 90 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-800



110.Ludovic Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) “Incendie du Cap 1802”, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Provenance: Dan Malloy Gallery, Washington DC. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 59; Plate 57. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 25.75’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4500-7500 111. Rene Routhier (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Des laveuses au bord d’une Riviére, 1949, very early example of Cap-Haïtien style, oil painting on cardboard, signed, titled and dated. Framed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, NY (label on verso). Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 56; Plate 54. Size: 18.5’’ x 22.25’’, 47 x 57 cm (board); 19.25’’ x 23’’, 49 x 58 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-4000



112. Marcel St. Vil (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) La Reverie (Woman beside river with cow at sunset), 1948, oil painting on cardboard, signed, titled and dated. Framed. Note: Very early, pre Centre D’Art by master Marcel St. Vil. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21.5’’ x 25.5’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2500-5000 75

113.Marcel St. Vil (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Market Arrival, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Purchased at Eye Care, 3/94. Exhibited: “Lives in Paint”, Jan 31 - Feb 28, 1999, RCA. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 63; Plate 61. Size: 15.75’’ x 24’’, 40 x 61 cm (board); 16.25’’ x 24.75’’, 41 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-800

114. Sénéque Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1893-1977) Still Life with fruit, 1959, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, Haiti. Size: 20.25’’ x 23.75’’, 51 x 60 cm (board); 22.25’’ x 25.75’’, 57 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2500-5000

115. Sénéque Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1893-1977) “Senateur De 1901”, oil painting on cardboard, signed and titled. Framed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, NY; Maurice C. and Patricia L. Thompson, CT. Size: 23.25’’ x 35.75’’, 59 x 91 cm (board); 25.5’’ x 38’’, 65 x 97 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $7500-10000

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116. Sénéque Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1893-1977) Les Bûcherons (The Woodcutters), c. late 1940’s, oil painting on cardboard, signed and titled. Framed. Size: 19.5’’ x 27.5’’, 50 x 70 cm (board); 21’’ x 29’’, 53 x 74 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000

117. Sénéque Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1893-1977) “La Reine Et Le Roi D’Haiti”, oil painting on board, titled and signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 35; Plate 30. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 31.75’’, 65 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000



118. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) Do not take what is not yours, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, NY (label on verso). Size: 23.75’’ x 36’’, 60 x 91 cm (board); 25’’ x 37’’, 64 x 94 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7500

119. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) “Habitation Bethanie”, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: CapHaïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 28; Plate 22. Size: 33’’ x 30’’, 84 x 76 cm (board); 35’’ x 32’’, 89 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000 76


121. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) Document Signing, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 31.75’’, 61 x 81 cm (board); 24.75’’ x 32.75’’, 63 x 83 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2500 122. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) “Mal de Deproprete”, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000 121


124. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) Procession, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 13’’ x 16.25’’, 33 x 41 cm (board); 14.5’’ x 18’’, 37 x 46 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1500 125. Charles Anatole (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 1922-1979) Cap-Haïtien Street Scene, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 11’’ x 16’’, 28 x 41 cm (board); 12.75’’ x 17.75’’, 32 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1500

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125A. Maryse Altiéri (Haitian, 20th c.) “Bel-Air”, painting on masonite. Framed. Note: This painting was painted after a composition by Charles Anatole (1922-1979) with figures by Maryse Altiéri. Size: 16.25’’ x24.25’’, 41 x 62 cm (board); 18’’ x 26’’, 46 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800 125B. Maryse Altiéri (Haitian, 20th c.) “La Chasse”, painting on masonite. Framed. Note: This painting was painted after a composition by Charles Anatole (1922-1979). Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 29; Plate 23. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 16.5’’ x 24.5’’, 42 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1500






126. Maryse Altiéri (Haitian, 20th c.) Three Femme d’Egypt, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Provenance: Collection of Evelyn and Leon Chalom, 6/96. Note: In Haitian Art, scene of three women in the context of water often indicates a visualization of the Vodun Diety known as “Twa famn d’Egypte”, or the “Three Women of Egypt.” Size: 24’’ x 24’’, 61 x 61 cm (board); 24.75’’ x 24.75’’, 63 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-1500 127. Maryse Altiéri (Haitian, 20th c.) “Marché du Haut du Cap”, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 68; Plate 66. Provenance: Acquired from Red Carpet Gallery, Pétionville, Haiti, 1997; ex. Collection of Leon and Evelyn Chalom. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 128. Etienne Chavannes (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1939) Les Protestants Pries Pour Une Soeur Malade (Protestants Pray for a Sick Sister), c, 1974, oil painting on masonite, signed. Unframed. Exhibited / Illustrated: Haiti: Three Visions - Etienne Chavannes, Edger Jean Baptiste, Ernst Prophete; Ramapo College, NJ: Oct. 19 - Dec. 7, 1994. Page 24; Plate 8. Purchased at Centre d’Art, Port-auPrince, Haiti - 1996. Size: 18’’ x 24’’, 46 x 61 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000 77

129. Etienne Chavannes (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1939) Priere Au Grotte Sur la Montagne (Prayer in a Mountain Cave), c. 1970’s, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: Haiti: Three Visions - Etienne Chavannes, Edger Jean Baptiste, Ernst Prophete; Ramapo College, NJ: Oct. 19 - Dec. 7, 1994. Page 26; Plate 10. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000 130. Etienne Chavannes (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1939) Garage Macanique, c. 1970’s, oil painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Reference: Haitian Art - Ute Stebich. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: CapHaïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 51; Plate 49. Exhibited / Illustrated: Haiti: Three Visions - Etienne Chavannes, Edger Jean Baptiste, Ernst Prophete; Ramapo College, NJ: Oct. 19 - Dec. 7, 1994. Page 28; Plate 14. Illustrated: “Konbit: Burning Rhythms of Haiti”, A&M Record Album. Size: 24’’ x 36’’, 61 x 91 cm (board); 24.5’’ x 36.5’’, 62 x 93 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000 131. Henri Calixte (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Gragé Manioc, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 62; Plate 60. Provenance: Centre d’Art Attic, Port-Au- Prince, Haiti, 1988. Size: 16’’ x 18.5’’, 41 x 47 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 19.25’’, 43 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-1500





132. Fred Charles (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Processing Sugar Cane, 1981, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Purchased from street vendor, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 1987. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 16.5’’ x 20.5’’, 42 x 52 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-600 133. Evelyne Cenoud (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Bed Chamber, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 45; Plate 43. Exhibition: “Lives in Paint”, Jan 31 - Feb 28, 1999, RCA. Provenance: Centre d’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 8/96; ex. David Cutrell Collection. Size: 20’’ x 24.25’’, 51 x 62 cm (board); 22’’ x 26.25’’, 56 x 67 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700





134. Evelyne Cenoud (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) String Game in Street, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher); 18’’ x 22’’, 46 x 56 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 135. Josias Bellavoix (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Horse Race, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 53; Plate 51. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 25.75’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-500 136. J. Belizaire (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) “Possession Celebrassion La Fete Dieu”, 1985, painting on masonite, signed, titled and dated. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 25.75’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-500 78

137. E.P. Augustin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Wedding Procession Entering Church, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 23.75’’ x 27.75’’, 60 x 70 cm (board); 27.25’’ x 31’’, 69 x 79 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-450



138. Faidherbe Altidort (Haitian/ Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) La Plaine Limonade, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (board); 14’’ x 18’’, 36 x 46 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250 139. F. Cherizard (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Tethering Animals, Pounding Grain, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 37; Plate 32. Purchased at Galerie Issa, Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 2/96. Size: 19.75’’ x 23.75’’, 50 x 60 cm (board); 20.5’’ x 24.5’’, 52 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-800



140. F. Cherizard (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Arrest at Village Market, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 36; Plate 31. Purchased at Galerie Issa, Portau- Prince, Haiti - 2/96. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.5’’ x 24.5’’, 52 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-800 141. Jacques-Richard Chery (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1928) One Day for the Hunter, One Day for the Prey, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 20’’, 30 x 51 cm (board); 13.25’’ x 21.25’’, 34 x 54 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600

141 142

142. Juan Dinais (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien) On Way to Market, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, Haiti. Size: 15.75’’ x 19.75’’, 40 x 50 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 20.5’’, 43 x 52 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 143. Wilb. Paul (Haitian, 20th c.) “Bal de Bossus”, 1979, painting on canvas, signed, titled and dated. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (stretcher); 25’’ x 29’’, 64 x 74 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600 144 143

144. Dieudonne Pluviose (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1928) Historic Cap-Haïtien with Elite in Fancy Wardrobe, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 23.75’’ x 35.75’’, 60 x 91 cm (board); 25.5’’ x 37.5’’, 65 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3500 79

145. Alexis Patrick (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) The Catholic Church confronts Duvalier and Ton Ton, leading to Macoute Duvalier overthrow, 1986, oil painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. Provenance: acquired in 1990, Artist Center, Cap-Haïtien. Size: 20’’ x 32’’, 51 x 81 cm (stretcher); 20.75’’ x 32.75’’, 53 x 83 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $700-1500

146. Henri-Claude Obin (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 19492000) Kids in Trouble with Chickens and Turkeys, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 21.25’’, 44 x 54 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-450



147. School of Obin (20th c.) Bourgeoisie du Cap, painting on masonite, unsigned. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 28’’, 61 x 71 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 25.75’’, 65 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

148. Nemours Vincent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Country Life, depicting villagers cutting down coconuts, cutting hair, sweeping leaves, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20.25’’ x 24.5’’, 51 x 62 cm (board); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350



149. M. Merisier (Haitian, 20th c.) School Yard, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 15.75’’ x 31.25’’, 40 x 79 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 32.75’’, 44 x 83 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600 149 150

150. S.R. Laybonne (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Rural Life with Music, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, Haiti. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-400

151. Yves Joseph (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Animals in a Field, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

152. Jn G. Joseph (Haitian, 20th c.) Sugar Cane Slavery, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Purchased from street vendor in Pétionville, Haiti, 1987. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 80



153. Henry Jehova (Haitian, 20th c.) Cap-Haïtien Interior Scene, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 10’’ x 12.25’’, 25 x 31 cm (board); 11.5’’ x 13.5’’, 29 x 34 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

155. Jn. B. Jean (Haitian, 20th c.) Literacy Celebration, Cap-Haïtien, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 26’’ x 32’’, 66 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-1200


156. Jean-Baptiste Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 19532002) Students Play Outside School (L’ecole Rurale Situee A Limonade), painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Size: 21.25’’ x 24.25’’, 54 x 62 cm (board); 23.25’’ x 26’’, 59 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400 155


157. Paul Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Country Scene (Raising Fowl), painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery (label on verso); Cavin-Morris, NY (label on verso). Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 20.75’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-750



158. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Street Scene (Une Rue), oil painting on cardboard, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: “The World of Haitian Paintings from the Collection of Claude Auguste Douyon”, Met Museum and Art Center, Miami, FL, 1997. Provenance: Claude Auguste Douyon, Gallerie St. Etienne, 4/94. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21’’ x 25’’, 53 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-1500


159. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Country Scene, painting on masonite, signed “E. Jean”. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 81

161. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Bend at Banana Grove, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, Haiti. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap- Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 66; Plate 64. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-1200 162. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Trou du Nord, b. 1950) Calling Children in the Yard to Supper, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 23.75’’, 51 x 60 cm (board); 21.25’’ x 25.25’’, 54 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600



163. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Carnival, Cap-Haïtien, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 Nov. 21, 2014. Page 47; Plate 45. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 19.75’’ x 20.75’’, 50 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 164. Eugène Jean (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Bathing Twins with Cat, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 19.75’’ x 16’’, 50 x 41 cm (board); 22’’ x 18’’, 56 x 46 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600

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165. J. Fontil (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Haitian Revolutionary Army Battle in 1804, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 24’’, 46 x 61 cm (board); 19.75’’ x 25.75’’, 50 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-900 166. T. Evariste (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien show) Tourists en route to Citadel, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 23.5’’ x 17’’, 60 x 43 cm (board); 25’’ x 18.5’’, 64 x 47 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

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167. Roland Etienne (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Playing Dominoes, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 20.75’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600 168. Bertin Estimond (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) “Entreneur de coq”, painting on masonite, titled and signed. Framed. Provenance: ex. Bob Guterma Collection. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap- Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 43; Plate 40. Size: 12.75’’ x 17’’, 32 x 43 cm (board); 13.5’’ x 17.75’’, 34 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 82



169. Abner Dubic (Haitian/Leogane, b. 1944) Couple on Road to Ceremony Honoring Papa Zaca, Diety of Agriculture, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 30.25’’ x 23.75’’, 77 x 60 cm (stretcher); 32.5’’ x 25’’, 83 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-1000

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170. Jean-Nelson Dubic (Haitian, 20th c.) Animals Gather for Noah’s Ark, awaiting the Rains, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. The painting depicts a landscape with giraffes, camels, lions, zebras, swans, rabbits. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 25.75’’, 45 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400

171. J. Dubic (Haitian, 20th c.) Vodun Ceremony, Cap-Haïtien, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 12’’, 41 x 30 cm (board); 18’’ x 14’’, 46 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

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172. Jean-Nelson Dubic (Haitian, 20th c.) Still Life with Lizard and Butterfly, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20.5’’, 41 x 52 cm (stretcher); 17’’ x 21.5’’, 43 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400

173. Unknown Haitian Artist (20th c.) “Prefecture Du Cap, Biblioteque Henri Christophe”, painting on canvas, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 24.25’’ x 35.75’’, 62 x 91 cm (stretcher); 25.5’’ x 37.25’’, 65 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600



174. Luders Dormus (Haitian/Dessalines, b. 1942) Hospital Scene, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 25.5’’ x 31.5’’, 65 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300 -500

175. F. Dominique (Haitian, 20th c.) Working Couple Heading Home, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Note: Early work by Dominique while student at Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, C.H., Haiti. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 25.5’’ x 31.5’’, 65 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-400



176. F. Dominique (Haitian, 20th c.) Men Watch Working Women on Way to Market, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Branch Capois, Haiti. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 26’’ x 32’’, 66 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-500 83

177. Dominique (Haitian, 20th c.) Animals Make Ceremonial Offerings to Cats for Blessing, 1991, painting on canvas, signed. This painting appears in the film ‘Ricki and the Flash’ on wall of guest room. Size: 8’’ x 10’’, 20 x 25 cm (stretcher); 8.75’’ x 10.5’’, 22 x 27 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200 -500

178. E. Teuchler (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Ox Cart, painting on canvas, signed. Unframed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-200





179. Emm Valcin (Haitian, 20th c.) Vodun Ceremony, Cap-Haïtien, oil painting on canvas, signed. Unframed. Size: 16.25’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-150

180. Anonymous (20th c.) Road to the Citadel, painting on canvas, unsigned. Framed. Note: Small tear. Provenance: Gift from Juan Suarez Botas, 1991. Purchased from artist in Central Park, NY. Size: 22’’ x 28.25’’, 56 x 72 cm (stretcher); 23’’ x 29’’, 58 x 74 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-150

181. Jacques Wesley (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Surreal Cap-Haïtien Scene, 1983, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 21.25’’, 44 x 54 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-500

182. Haitian School (20th c.) Stubborn Donkey, painting on masonite, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 9.75’’ x 8’’, 25 x 20 cm (board); 11.75’’ x 9.75’’, 30 x 25 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100

183. Charles Butler (American/Alabama, 1902-1978) Sailboat, 1962, carved wood relief sculpture, signed and dated. Size: 6’’ x 15.25’’ x 1.75’’ (15 x 39 x 4 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-1000

184. Slingshot Hamm (American, 1896-1976) Snake & Prey, carved wood folk art sculpture, signed. Size: 50’’ x 10’’ x 7’’ (127 x 25 x 18 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-4000 84

181 182



185. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “Jesus Saves” #773, paint on wood, signed and numbered. Gift to Ford Wheeler from artist. Wheeler helped hang 1st Finster show in NYC at Phyllis Kind Gallery. Size: 15.75’’ x 10’’ x 4’’ (40 x 25 x 10 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200

186. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “God is Love” #767, paint on wood, signed and numbered. Size: 15.5’’ x 10.25’’ x 4’’ (39 x 26 x 10 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200 185


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187. Howard Finster (American, 1916-2001) “Castle” #2240, mixed media sculpture, paint on wood and mirrors, signed and numbered. 4 Parts. Size: 80’’ x 9.5’’ x 8’’ (203 x 24 x 20 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $20000-30000

188. Daniel Pressley (American/South Carolina, 1918-1971)Blood and Sand (Bullfight), c. 1960’s, oil painting on canvas panel, titled and signed. Framed. Provenance: Daniel Pressley Estate. Illustrated: By Hand By Dan, plate 23, page 63. Size: 22’’ x 28’’, 56 x 71 cm (board); 22.5’’ x 28.5’’, 57 x 72 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3500-7500

189. Daniel Pressley (American/South Carolina, 1918-1971)Untitled (Horses), c. 1960, watercolor painting on board, signed. Framed. Provenance: Daniel Pressley Estate. Size: 14.75’’ x 19.75’’, 37 x 50 cm (sight); 15.75’’ x 20.75’’, 40 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3500-7500

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190. Daniel Pressley (American/South Carolina, 1918-1971) Cockfight, c. 1960, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Literature: By Hand By Dan, plate 19, page 49. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, NY (label on verso). Jonathan Demme Collection. $6000-8000

191. Laura Pope Forester (American/Georgia, 1873-1953) Four Planes in a Golden Sky, oil painting on masonite. Framed by the Artist. Size: 46.5’’ x 46.5’’, 118 x 118 cm (sight); 56.5’’ x 52.5’’, 144 x 133 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $25000-35000



192. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Sunrise Sacrifice, c. 1946-48, colored pencil, ink, graphite on paper. Framed. Size: 11.75’’ x 8.75’’, 30 x 22 cm (sheet); 14.75’’ x 11.75’’, 37 x 30 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $9000-12000 85

193. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Profile at Sunset, 1946, colored pencil, ink, graphite on paper, signed and dated. Size: 11.75’’ x 9’’, 30 x 23 cm (sheet); 15.5’’ x 12.25’’, 39 x 31 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $9000-12000

194. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Untitled (Caterpillars), c. 1940’s, graphite and colored pencil on paper. Framed. Size: 7.25’’ x 4.5’’, 18 x 11 cm (sheet); 11’’ x 8.5’’, 28 x 22 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000



195. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Floral Pattern (Vines), graphite and colored pencil on paper. In a Tramp Art frame. Size: 7.25’’ x 5’’, 18 x 13 cm (sheet); 12.25’’ x 10.25’’, 31 x 26 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000

196. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Untitled (Butterfly, Faces), graphite and colored pencil on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 5’’ x 7.75’’, 13 x 20 cm (sheet); 7.75’’ x 9.5’’, 20 x 24 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000

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197. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Smiling Figure, graphite and colored pencil on paper. Framed. Size: 7.5’’ x 5’’, 19 x 13 cm (sheet); 9.5’’ x 7’’, 24 x 18 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000

198. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Four Faces, c. 1945, graphite and colored pencil on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 7.25’’ x 4.75’’, 18 x 12 cm (sheet); 9.5’’ x 7.25’’, 24 x 18 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000



199. Minnie Evans (American/North Carolina, 1892-1987) Faces, mixed media drawing on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 7.5’’ x 5.25’’, 19 x 13 cm (sheet); 9.5’’ x 7.25’’, 24 x 18 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7000

200. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) “The Pearl Divers” (Under the Sea), oil painting on canvas. Provenance: Epstein/Powell American Primitives (label on verso). Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 19.75’’, 39 x 50 cm (sight); 19.5’’ x 23.75’’, 50 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $8000-12000 86

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201. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) Ship on Stormy Sea, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 18’’, 39 x 46 cm (stretcher); 18’’ x 20.75’’, 46 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7500



202. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) “After the Flood”, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 11.5’’ x 15.5’’, 29 x 39 cm (sight); 15.5’’ x 19.5’’, 39 x 50 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-7500

203. Victor Joseph Gatto (American, 1893-1965) Survivors of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, Pacific Ocean WWII, oil painting on board. Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 11.5’’, 39 x 29 cm (sight); 17.25’’ x 13.25’’, 44 x 34 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-3000

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204. Rev. Johnnie Swearingen (American/Texas, 1908-1993) Country House with Chickens, painting on canvas board. Framed. Provenance: Inherited from David Heaton (1975), who purchased the painting from artist. Size: 19” x 23”, 48 x 58 cm (image); 21” x 25”, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $5000-7000

205. Ed Volk (American, 20th c.) “The Living Room Violin Recital”, oil painting on canvas, signed. Size: 19.5’’ x 23.5’’, 50 x 60 cm (sight); 28.25’’ x 32’’, 72 x 81 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200

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206. Jon Serl (American/California, 1894-1993) High Lake, Gray Sky, c. 1990, oil painting on wood panel. Framed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, NY. Size: 37’’ x 31.25’’, 94 x 79 cm (board); 39’’ x 32.75’’, 99 x 83 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000

207. Jon Serl (American/California, 1894-1993) Face, oil painting on masonite, with a label on verso inscribed “Presented to Lory & Wilma Watts for Services Rendered, Jon Serl 11-10-72”. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board); 27.5’’ x 23.5’’, 70 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2500 208 207

208. Jon Serl (American/California, 1894-1993) “Hippy Symbols”, 1969, oil painting on wood panel. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 25.5’’ x 32’’, 65 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-6000 87

209. Jim Work (American, b. 1944) Barn, graphite and crayon on paper, signed. Framed. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 13’’, 29 x 33 cm (sheet); 13.5’’ x 15’’, 34 x 38 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $700-1200

210. Jim Work (American, b. 1944) Yellow House, graphite and crayon on paper, signed. Framed. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 12.5’’ x 13.25’’, 32 x 34 cm (sheet); 14.75’’ x 15’’, 37 x 38 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $700-1200



211. Fred Campbell (American, 20th c.) Untitled (Soldier Carrying Wounded Comrade), c. 1944, oil painting on canvas. Framed. Campbell is known to have produced very few works. Provenance: Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-1500

212. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) Two Polar Bears, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 11.25’’ x 24.75’’, 29 x 63 cm (board); 12.75’’ x 26.5’’, 32 x 67 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

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213. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) Man with Sheep, mixed media painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 18’’, 46 x 46 cm (board); 19’’ x 19’’, 48 x 48 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

214. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) “Mauch Chunk, PA with Switch Back Rail Road”, mixed media on paper, titled and signed. Framed. Size: 11.05’’ x 13’’, 28 x 33 cm (sheet); 13.75’’ x 15.25’’, 35 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200



215. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) “Lake Atitlan, Guatemala”, watercolor and ink on paper, signed, titled on verso. Framed. Size: 9.75’’ x 13.5’’, 25 x 34 cm (sheet); 12.5’’ x 16.25’’, 32 x 41 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

216. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) International Flower Show, 1963, mixedmedia painting on canvas board. Framed. Size: 19.75’’ x 15.25’’, 50 x 39 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 17.25’’, 55 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700 88

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217. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 18911977) Bear Hunter, mixed media drawing on paper. Framed. Size: 14’’ x 11’’, 36 x 28 cm (board); 16’’ x 13’’, 41 x 33 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-800 218. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) Lady with Fan, mixed media painting on canvas board. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 12’’, 41 x 30 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 14’’, 45 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-800 217


219. Justin McCarthy (American/Pennsylvania, 1891-1977) Animal Parade Characters, mixed media on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 11.5’’, 46 x 29 cm (irregular sheet); 20.25’’ x 14’’, 51 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700 220. Hector Hyppolite (Haitian/St. Marc, 1894-1948) “Bosou Toi Conne”, oil painting on board, titled. Framed. Provenance: Mrs. Malcolm I. McBride, Cleveland, OH (label on verso). Size: 19.75’’ x 27.25’’, 50 x 69 cm (board); 27’’ x 35’’, 69 x 89 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $30000-50000

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221. Denis Vergin (Haitian, 20th c.) “Ascension”, 1948, oil painting on cardboard, signed. Framed. A very early masterpiece by Denis Vergin, who later broke from Centre D’Art to form Galerie D’Artes plastique. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Simone Ashe Morris. Literature: Mon Reve - A Visual Record of Haiti Since the Departure of the Duvaliers. Size: 20.25’’ x 23.75’’, 51 x 60 cm (board); 21.25’’ x 25’’, 54 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $10000-15000 222. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) Three Vases (Trois Vases), oil painting on cardboard, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre d’ Arte, ex. Jason Seley Collection. Exhibitions: Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany (label on verso); Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University, NY (label on verso). Size: 15.25’’ x 27.5’’, 39 x 70 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 29.5’’, 44 x 75 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $15000-20000 223. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) “Three Fishes”, c. 1950-55, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Port-auPrince, Haiti; Ute Stebich. Exhibitions: The Brooklyn Museum 1978; Milwaukee Art Center 1979; New Orleans Museum of Art 1979. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 22.75’’ x 26.75’’, 58 x 68 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $15000-20000



224. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) Boardwalk Houses, oil painting on cardboard, signed. Framed. Provenance: ex. George Nader Collection. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.5’’, 53 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $15000-20000 89

225. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) Yoce deux Matelotts, painting on cardboard. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 19.75’’ x 23.75’’, 50 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $10000-15000 226. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) Rural Scene, harvesting sugarcane, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 11.75’’ x 23.75’’, 30 x 60 cm (board); 13.75’’ x 25.5’’, 35 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000

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227. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) Gathering Bananas, Machete in Hand, painting on panel, signed. Framed. Size: 19.5’’ x 23.5’’, 50 x 60 cm (sight); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000 228. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 1888-1958) On the Road, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: ex. Nader Collection. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 24.75’’, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000 227


229. Peterson Laurent (Haitian/St. Marc, 18881958) On Road to Market, c. 1950’s, oil painting on cardboard, signed. Provenance: ex. Samuel Stopak Collection. Size: 12.5’’ x 19.5’’, 32 x 50 cm (sight); 14’’ x 21’’, 36 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000 230. Toussaint Auguste (Haitian/Leogâne, b. 1925) Serpents and Goats, 1955, oil painting on wood, signed and dated. Exhibited/Illustrated: Island on Fire, plate 29, page 57; Allegories of Haitian Life - Bass Museum, page 43. Provenance: ex. Daniel Malloy Collection, Washington DC. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17’’ x 21’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-8000

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231. Toussaint Auguste (Haitian/Leogâne, b. 1925) Six Nesting Birds, Five Eggs, 1949, oil painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Provence: Helen Chase Collection, Nyack, NY; Cleveland Chase, cofounder Centre D’Art, Port-au-Prince. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 20.75’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000 232. Castera Bazile (Haitian, 1923-1965) Self Portrait as Henri Christophe, c. 1958, oil painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Exhibitions: The Brooklyn Museum 1978; Milwaukee Art Center 1979, 1992. Provenance: ex. Ute Stebich Collection; ex. Patricia and Maurice Thompson Collection. Size: 23.75’’ x 20’’, 60 x 51 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 21.75’’, 65 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $10000-18000 90

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233. Wilson Bigaud (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19312010) Trinite Vivant / Worshippers Gather at ‘Living Trinity’, c. mid-1960’s, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art. Size: 24’’ x 16’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 17.25’’, 64 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5500

234. Wilson Bigaud (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19312010) Self Portrait with Shoe-Shine Man, mid 1960’s, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 23.5’’ x 16.5’’, 60 x 42 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 18’’, 64 x 46 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000 233


235. Wilson Bigaud (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19312010) Rara Carnival Parade, mid 1960’s, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. This painting was damaged in an earthquake and later restored in the US, with some missing fragments. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Size: 33.5’’ x 15’’, 85 x 38 cm (board); 39.25’’ x 20.25’’, 100 x 51 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000



236. Murat Brierre (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 1938-1988) Seaside Fun, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 23.5’’ x 29.75’’, 60 x 76 cm (stretcher); 25.25’’ x 31.5’’, 64 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-4500

237. Murat Brierre (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 1938-1988) Sill Life in Shoe, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 30.5’’ x 14.5’’, 77 x 37 cm (board); 34’’ x 17.75’’, 86 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-750



238. Murat Brierre (Haitian/Croix des Bouquets, 1938-1988) Ceremony with Asitor Drum, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 20’’, 61 x 51 cm (stretcher); 24.75’’ x 20.75’’, 63 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1800

239. Wilmino Domond (Haitian/Jacmel, b. 1925) Wood Cutters (Bainet, Haiti), 1964, oil painting on masonite. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 25’’, 44 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000



240. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) Harbor (Posse Hayte), 1949, painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $7500-10000 91

241. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) Erzulie, 1963, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated. Provenance: ex. Nicola Lubitsch Collection; Centre d’Art, Port-au-Prince. Size: 20.25’’ x 16.25’’, 51 x 41 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-6000 242. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) Jacmel Harbor, 1960, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated “September 7, 1960”. Framed. Provenance: Eye Care, 1990. Size: 12.75’’ x 23’’, 32 x 58 cm (board); 13.5’’ x 23.5’’, 34 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-1600



243. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) Ceremonial Manifestations, early 1960’s, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: ex. Evelyn and Leon Chalom Collection. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board); 18’’ x 22’’, 46 x 56 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2500-5000 244. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) “Ceremonia Sisbi-Deux Aus”, painting on masonite, signed, inscribed: Jacmel, Haiti 1952. Ex. Collection of George Nader. Inscribed on verso: “5-2-90 Sotheby’s”. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24.25’’, 51 x 62 cm (board); 20.75’’ x 25’’, 53 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $10000-15000

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245. Préfète Duffaut (Haitian/Jacmel, 1923-2012) Voici ma maison... (Here is my house...), 1947, oil painting on canvas, signed and titled. Framed. Provenance: ex. Dr. Robert Brictson Collection. Note: a very early work by master Prefette Duffaut. Size: 14’’ x 18’’, 36 x 46 cm (stretcher); 15.25’’ x 19.25’’, 39 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $10000-15000 246. Rene Exume (Haitian/Pétionville, b. 1929) “D’apres les Coutumes Haitiennes”, painting on cardboard, signed and dated “17/7/49”. Framed. Size: 15’’ x 19’’, 38 x 48 cm (board); 17.5’’ x 21.75’’, 44 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $5000-7000



247. Jacques-Enguerrand Gourgue (Haitian/ Port-au-Prince, 1930-1996) The Lonely Bull, Storm Coming, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 24.75’’, 43 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000 248. Alexandre Gregoire (Haitian/Jacmel, 19222001) Composition with Flowers, an Airplane, a Bird and an Indigenous Haitian, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. An early work by the Artist. Size: 23’’ x 24’’, 58 x 61 cm (board); 23.75’’ x 24.75’’, 60 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2500 92

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249. Pierre-Joseph Valcin (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 1925-2000) Outdoor Dance Party, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 31’’, 64 x 79 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000 250. Pierre-Joseph Valcin (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 1925-2000) At the Well, painting on masonite, signed “Pierre Joseph”, which was Valcin’s early signature. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 10’’, 61 x 25 cm (board); 24.5’’ x 10.75’’, 62 x 27 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-800 249 250

251. Wesner LaForest (Haitian, 1927-1965) House, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12.25’’ x 13.5’’, 31 x 34 cm (board); 14.25’’ x 15.5’’, 36 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000 252. Haitian (20th c.) Le Peche Original: Garden of Eden, with Satan in the tree, painting on cardboard. A very early, rare work from Anse Rouge. Framed. Size: 20.25’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-6000



253. Salnave Philippe-Auguste (Haitian, 1908-1989) Ra Ra Carnival Parade, 1963, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 29.75’’, 51 x 76 cm (board); 21.25’’ x 31’’, 54 x 79 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-3500 254. Ernst Prophete (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, b. 1950) Fishermen at Sunset, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. All proceeds to this lot will go to artist. Size: 12’’ x 24’’, 30 x 61 cm (board); 12.5’’ x 24.75’’, 32 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2500

254 253

256 255

255. Robert St. Brice (Haitian/Pétionville, 1893-1973) Woman with Raised Arms, 1957, painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Restored after sustaining damage in an earthquake. Size: 21’’ x 15’’, 53 x 38 cm (board); 22.25’’ x 16.25’’, 57 x 41 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3000 256. Micius Stéphane (Haitian/Bainet, 19121996) “Scaring Off Birds”, c. 1963, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Literature: Popular Paintings from Haiti - Arts Council of Great Britain 1969; no. 84 illus. p. 22; Michael Shepard, Review: “Popular Paintings from Haiti”, Arts Review, London, England, September, 27, 1969, p. 619. Exhibitions: Cambridge, Billingham, Sheffield, Manchester, Folkestone, Cardiff, Doncaster, London (Hayward Gallery); Dortmund, Germany, Museum am Ostwall; Erlangen, Germany, Kunst aus Haiti (Art from Haiti), 1969-1970, no.107; Zagreb, Yugoslavia, International Exhibition of Naive Art, Naivini ‘70,1970, no. 50; Munich, Germany, Haus der Kunst; Zurich, Switzerland, Kunsthaus, Die Kunst der Naiven, (The Art of the Naives), 1974-1975, no. 448, illus. p. 518. Jonathan Demme Collection. $6000-8000 93

257. Micius Stéphane (Haitian/Bainet, 1912-1996) Hunting Birds, painting on masonite, signed. An early work by the artist. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board); 21.25’’ x 17’’, 54 x 43 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-3000

258. Micius Stéphane (Haitian/Bainet, 1912-1996) Market Woman, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21’’ x 25’’, 53 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-1200

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259. Micius Stéphane (Haitian/Bainet, 1912-1996) Five Chairs, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 11.75’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (board); 13.5’’ x 17.75’’, 34 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-800

260. Pauléus Vital (Haitian/Jacmel, 1918-1984) Aduletre Roi Herode (King Herod the Adulterer), 1982, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated “6-2-82”. Framed. Provenance: Galerie Lakaye, CA. Exhibited/Illustrated: Island on Fire, plate 137, page 169. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 18’’ x 26’’, 46 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3000



261. Pauléus Vital (Haitian/Jacmel, 1918-1984) Jacmel Market, with view of houses by the bay, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. A very early work by the Artist. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 31.25’’, 64 x 79 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3000

262. Pauléus Vital (Haitian/Jacmel, 1918-1984) Fishermen’s Big Catch, 1968, painting on masonite, signed and dated “22-6-68”. Framed. Size: 23.75’’ x 32’’, 60 x 81 cm (board); 25’’ x 33.25’’, 64 x 84 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3000



263. Pauléus Vital (Haitian/Jacmel, 1918-1984) Village Scene, painting on masonite, signed. Size: 7.5’’ x 24’’, 19 x 61 cm (board); 9.5’’ x 25.75’’, 24 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-1000 263

264. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Seated Man and Woman Giving Children Bread, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 28’’ x 34’’, 71 x 86 cm (stretcher); 30’’ x 36’’, 76 x 91 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2500-4000 94


265. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Nixon Family, 1973, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 23.25’’ x 31’’, 59 x 79 cm (board); 24’’ x 31.75’’, 61 x 81 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3000-5000

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266. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Les Forces Personnifiees De La Lune: Selene, Diane, Lilith and Hecate, 1976, oil painting on masonite, signed, dated and titled. Framed. Size: 30.75’’ x 32.75’’, 78 x 83 cm (board); 33’’ x 35’’, 84 x 89 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-5000

267. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Bello En Tumu Defeu, oil painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. The Artist made many “Bello” paintings before fall of Duvalier, when Bello was a neighbor worth honoring. Size: 11’’ x 13.25’’, 28 x 34 cm (board); 12.75’’ x 15’’, 32 x 38 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500



268. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Art de Vivre Diploma, 1975, oil painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 22’’, 46 x 56 cm (canvas); 19.75’’ x 23.75’’, 50 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3000

269. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Breezy Day, c. 1980, oil painting on board. Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 17.5’’, 39 x 44 cm (board); 16.25’’ x 18.25’’, 41 x 46 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000



270. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 19171992) Encounter by the Bay, c. 1980, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: Haiti: Three Visions - Etienne Chavannes, Edger Jean Baptiste, Ernst Prophete; Ramapo College, NJ: Oct. 19 - Dec. 7, 1994. Page 86; Plate 62. Size: 20.5’’ x 26’’, 52 x 66 cm (stretcher); 21.25’’ x 26.5’’, 54 x 67 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2200

271. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Les Grands Preneur Diplome, 1975, painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 15.25’’ x 21’’, 39 x 53 cm (stretcher); 16’’ x 21.75’’, 41 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2200



272. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 19171992) Payson D’ Haiti au Travail (Haitian Peasants at Work),1973, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 14’’ x 18.25’’, 36 x 46 cm (board); 14.75’’ x 19’’, 37 x 48 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2200 95

273. Edger Jean-Baptiste (Haitian/Bainet, 1917-1992) Toussaint L’Overture and Napoleon Bonaparte, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (stretcher); 23.75’’ x 28’’, 60 x 71 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200-2200 274. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19162005) Kouzen Zaka Ceremony, inscribe Salutations des Espirits Couzin, oil painting on masonite, signed. Size: 24’’ x 36’’, 61 x 91 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 38’’, 65 x 97 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $3500-5000



275. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19162005) Simbi enn deux eaux, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York City, NY. Size: 24.75’’ x 30’’, 63 x 76 cm (sight); 32.25’’ x 37.5’’, 82 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $6000-8000 276. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19162005) Papa Zaca, Diety of Agriculture, painting on masonite, signed. Unframed. Size: 10’’ x 8’’, 25 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

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277. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19162005) Two Barons Lighting Cigars, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 10’’ x 8’’, 25 x 20 cm (board); 11.75’’ x 9.75’’, 30 x 25 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800 278. André Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19162005) Loco Diety, painting on masonite, signed. Unframed. Size: 10’’ x 8’’, 25 x 20 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800 279. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) “Two Couples in the Countryside”, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Provenance: Acquired from artist at Iron Market, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 1988. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 43, Plate 27. Size: 15.25’’ x 11.25’’, 39 x 29 cm (stretcher); 16.75’’ x 12.75’’, 43 x 32 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $700-1000 280. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) People and Animals, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 48, Plate 32. Size: 36’’ x 24’’, 91 x 61 cm (stretcher); 36.75’’ x 24.75’’, 93 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2500 96





281. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) Figures and Architecture #1, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 38, Plate 21. Size: 24’’ x 18’’, 61 x 46 cm (stretcher); 26’’ x 20’’, 66 x 51 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2500



282. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 1933-1988) Figures on Road, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 12’’, 46 x 30 cm (stretcher); 20.25’’ x 14’’, 51 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-750 283. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) Mother and Child, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 59, Plate 43. Size: 24’’ x 18’’, 61 x 46 cm (stretcher); 24.5’’ x 18.5’’, 62 x 47 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600





284. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) “La Ou Nos Armes...”, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 57, Plate 41. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (stretcher); 20.75’’ x 16.75’’, 53 x 43 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 285. Odilon Pierre (Haitian/Port-au-Prince, 19331988) Sleeping Boy, carved Wood Relief, signed. Acquired from artist at Iron Market, Port-au-Prince, 1988. Framed. Reference / Illustrated : Odilon Pierre - Atis d’ Ayiti - 1998, Kaliko Press. Edited by Jonathan Demme, interview by Edwidge Danticat, design by Kirsten Coyne and Pebo Voss, produced by Pebo Voss. Page 30, Plate 12. Size: 13.25’’ x 18’’, 34 x 46 cm (wood panel); 20’’ x 20’’, 51 x 51 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 286. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Three Birds, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 20.75’’ x 35.5’’, 53 x 90 cm (stretcher); 23’’ x 37.25’’, 58 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800 287. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Bird in Leaves, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 12.25’’, 30 x 31 cm (board); 13.75’’ x 14’’, 35 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200 -300

288 287

288. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Baron Samdi with Birds, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 20.25’’ x 24.25’’, 51 x 62 cm (stretcher); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-1000 97

289. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Country Landscape, painting on masonite, signed. A very early work by the artist. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 21.75’’, 45 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

290. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Multi-Colored Leaf Study, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 24’’, 46 x 61 cm (board); 19.75’’ x 25.75’’, 50 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800



291. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) House and Birds, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (stretcher); 25.25’’ x 17.25’’, 64 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600 -800

292. Toussaint St. Pierre (Haitian, 1923-1985) Green Headed Yellow Bird with Red, Green and Blue Foliage, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 19.75’’ x 20.75’’, 50 x 53 cm (sight); 20.5’’ x 21.5’’, 52 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250

291 292

293. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) The Bird Hunters Catch, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24.5’’ x 35.5’’, 62 x 90 cm (board); 26.25’’ x 37.5’’, 67 x 95 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000 294

294. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) Still Life with Fish, Squash and Gourds, 1961, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 23.75’’, 30 x 60 cm (board); 14.25’’ x 25.75’’, 36 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000


295. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 19202004) Seaside market near Jacmel, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 30’’ x 41.5’’, 76 x 105 cm (board); 35’’ x 46.5’’, 89 x 118 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000 295

296. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) Village Moment, End of Day, c. 1949, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 17.5’’ x 24’’, 44 x 61 cm (board); 18’’ x 24’’, 46 x 61 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3500 98


297. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) Father and Child, 1955, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 25.5’’ x 18.75’’, 65 x 48 cm (board); 26.5’’ x 19.5’’, 67 x 50 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3500


298. Bourmond Byron (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2004) Village at Moonrise, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 22’’ x 26’’, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-3500


299. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Music in the Country, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20.25’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.5’’ x 21.75’’, 44 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3000



300. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Country Home with Flowering Trees, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16.25’’ x 22’’, 41 x 56 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 22.75’’, 43 x 58 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-2000

301. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Countryside with Man and Bird (Scarlett Tanager), painting on masonite, unsigned. Framed. Provenance: Red Carpet Gallery, Port-au- Prince. Size: 10’’ x 22.75’’, 25 x 58 cm (board); 10.75’’ x 23.5’’, 27 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200



302. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Double-sided Watercolor Painting on paper, signed front and back. Framed. Size: 21.5’’ x 14.5’’, 55 x 37 cm (sight); 22.5’’ x 15.5’’, 57 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

303. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Clarinet Serenade of Stylish Women, mixed-media painting on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 13’’ x 17’’, 33 x 43 cm (sheet); 15.5’’ x 19.25’’, 39 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200



304. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Konbit / Cultivating the Soil, watercolor painting on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 11.25’’ x 14.25’’, 29 x 36 cm (sheet); 13.5’’ x 16.5’’, 34 x 42 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200 99

305. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Man with Guitar, mixed media painting on paper, signed. Framed under glass. Size: 13’’ x 16.75’’, 33 x 43 cm (sheet); 15.5’’ x 19.25’’, 39 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

306. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Double-sided Mixed-Media Painting on Paper, depicting Contrasting Rural Lives (front) and a Landscape with Palm Trees (back), signed. Framed. Size: 11’’ x 14.25’’, 28 x 36 cm (sheet); 13.5’’ x 16.5’’, 34 x 42 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200



307. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Prosperous Rural Bourgeois Couple, painting on paper, signed. Framed under glass. Size: 13.25’’ x 20.5’’, 34 x 52 cm (sight); 14.25’’ x 21.75’’, 36 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

308. Joseph Jean-Laurent (Haitian/Croix-desBouquets, 1893-1976) Still Life, mixed media painting on paper, signed. Framed under glass. Size: 13’’ x 16’’, 33 x 41 cm (sheet); 15.25’’ x 18.5’’, 39 x 47 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200



309. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) “Bosou”, 1978, mixed-media on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 23.5’’, 46 x 60 cm (sheet); 20’’ x 25.5’’, 51 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300

310. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Baron Samdi, 1962, mixed-media painting on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 9.5’’ x 8’’, 24 x 20 cm (sheet); 11.5’’ x 10’’, 29 x 25 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300

309 310

311. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Mazaka, 1962, mixed-media painting on paper, signed and dated, framed. Size: 11’’ x 8’’, 28 x 20 cm (sheet); 12.75’’ x 10’’, 32 x 25 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300

312. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Dambalah (Port-au-Prince)‚ 1962, mixed-media painting on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 10.5’’ x 7.25’’, 27 x 18 cm (sheet); 12.5’’ x 9.25’’, 32 x 23 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300 100



313. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Portrait of a Man in a Dress and Red Jacket, 1974, color pencil drawing on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 11’’ x 8.5’’, 28 x 22 cm (sheet); 13’’ x 10.5’’, 33 x 27 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300

314. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Man in Red Dress with Devil, 1974, color pencil on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 11’’ x 8.5’’, 28 x 22 cm (sheet); 13’’ x 10.25’’, 33 x 26 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300 313


315. Andre Laurent (Haitian/Cap-Haïtien, 20th c.) Dambala seen as St. Patrick, Port-Au-Prince, 1974, color pencil on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 11’’ x 8.5’’, 28 x 22 cm (sheet); 13’’ x 10.25’’, 33 x 26 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300



316. Serge Jolimeau (Haitian/Croix-des-Bouquets, b. 1952) Bossu, 1990, ink drawing on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 27’’ x 21.25’’, 69 x 54 cm (sight); 28.25’’ x 22.5’’, 72 x 57 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-600

317. Gervais Emmanuel Ducasse (Haitian/Port-auPrince, 1903-1988) Market Intrigue, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 24’’, 61 x 61 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 25.25’’, 64 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

318. Gervais Emmanuel Ducasse (Haitian/Port-auPrince, 1903-1988) Church, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 16’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 17.75’’, 65 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-800 317


319. Gervais Emmanuel Ducasse (Haitian/Port-auPrince, 1903-1988) Men with Roosters, 1951, ink and watercolor painting on paper, signed and dated. A very early work by the artist. Framed. Size: 9’’ x 11’’, 23 x 28 cm (sight); 14.75’’ x 16.75’’, 37 x 43 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-600



320. Luismond Merelus (Haitian, 20th c.) Country Market, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 18.25’’ x 23’’, 46 x 58 cm (board); 19.5’’ x 24’’, 50 x 61 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1200 -1500 101

321. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2005) Cockfight, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 11.75’’ x 10’’, 30 x 25 cm (board); 13’’ x 11.25’’, 33 x 29 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300

322. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2005) Still Life on Tree, 1969, painting on masonite, signed and dated “Le 6/2/69”. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 20’’, 61 x 51 cm (board); 25.25’’ x 21.25’’, 64 x 54 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-750 321


323. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2005) Chickens Eating Bugs and Lizard, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board); 21.25’’ x 17.25’’, 54 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350

324. Montas Antoine (Haitian/Leogâne, b. 19261988) Still Life with Woman, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. A very early work on masonite by the artist. Size: 8.75’’ x 12’’, 22 x 30 cm (board); 9.5’’ x 12.5’’, 24 x 32 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

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325. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian, 20th c.) On Road to Market, 1953, painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Belizaire was early member of Centre D’Art. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17.25’’ x 21.25’’, 44 x 54 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600 -800

326. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2005) Animals Boarding Noah’s Ark, 1953, oil painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 18’’ x 22’’, 46 x 56 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800



327. Alberoi Bazile (Haitian/Jacmel, 1920-2005) Rural Scene with Cattle and Crops, 1953, painting on board, signed and dated “24/7/53”. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17’’ x 21’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

328. Bernier (Haitian, 20th c.) Lovers, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Centre D’Art. Size: 20’’ x 11.75’’, 51 x 30 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 13.75’’, 55 x 35 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250 102

327 328

329. Roland Bigaud (Haitian, 20th c.) La Venta En El Mercado (Market Undercurrents), c. 1958, oil painting on board, signed. Framed. Exhibitions: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes Museo Nacional De Artes, Primera Bienal de Americana Mexico (label on verso). Size: 19.5’’ x 23.5’’, 50 x 60 cm (sight); 23.5’’ x 27.5’’, 60 x 70 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-700



330. Gabriel Blanc (Haitian, 20th c.) Man, Woman and Goat, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 15.25’’, 30 x 39 cm (board); 12.5’’ x 15.75’’, 32 x 40 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200 -400

331. Sisson Blanchard (Haitian/Trouin, 1929-1981) Workers in a Seaside Town, painting on panel, signed. Framed. A very early work by 1st wave Centre D’Art painter Sisson Blanchard. Size: 24’’ x 21’’, 61 x 53 cm (panel); 25.75’’ x 22’’, 65 x 56 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

332 331

332. Sisson Blanchard (Haitian/Trouin, 1929-1981) On Route to Market, painting on board, signed. Framed. This is a very early work by 1st wave Centre D’Art painter Sisson Blanchard. Size: 12.5’’ x 14’’, 32 x 36 cm (board); 14.25’’ x 15.5’’, 36 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-300

333. Sisson Blanchard (Haitian/Trouin, 1929-1981) Cockfight, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Very early work by 1st wave Centre D’Art painter Sisson Blanchard. Size: 8’’ x 10.25’’, 20 x 26 cm (board); 9.25’’ x 11.5’’, 23 x 29 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300



334. Haitian Artist (20th c.) Rural Cockfight, painting on board, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 8’’ x 9’’, 20 x 23 cm (board); 9.25’’ x 11.5’’, 23 x 29 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200

335. Michel D. Francois (Haitian, 20th c.) Country Scene, Work in fields, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 28’’, 39 x 71 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 29.25’’, 43 x 74 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 335


336. Michel D. Francois (Haitian, 20th c.) Rural Machete Fight Competition, painting on masonite, signed. Vintage Centre D’Art. Framed. Size: 15’’ x 24.25’’, 38 x 62 cm (board); 16.25’’ x 25.25’’, 41 x 64 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 103

337. Georges Jean (Haitian, 20th c.) Spirit Tree Festooned in Flowers, 1973, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Jean was mentored by master painter Rigaud Benoit. Provenance: Centre D’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Size: 24’’ x 16’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 17.75’’, 65 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-700

338. W. Voltaire (Haitian, 20th c.) Fishing Scene, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 15.5’’ x 17.5’’, 39 x 44 cm (board); 17.5’’ x 19.75’’, 44 x 50 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

338 337

339. Adam Léontus (Haitian/Anse-à-Galet, la Gonàve, 1923-1986) The Lesson, c. 1950’s, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (board); 12.5’’ x 16.5’’, 32 x 42 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-400

340. Edith Stephane (Haitian, 20th c.) To Market, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 7.5’’ x 10’’, 19 x 25 cm (board); 9’’ x 11.5’’, 23 x 29 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300



341. Peters Stephane (Haitian/Bainet, 20th c.) Ra Ra Carnival, Bainet, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 16.75’’ x 24.5’’, 43 x 62 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-800

342. Peters Stephane (Haitian/Bainet, 20th c.) Still Life with Flowers and People, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 8’’ x 10’’, 20 x 25 cm (board); 9.5’’ x 11.5’’, 24 x 29 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300



343. L. Joassaint (Haitian, 20th c.) Vodou Ceremony, mixed-media painting on board, signed. Framed. Acquired auction in 1986. Size: Size: 12.25’’ x 15.75’’, 31 x 40 cm (sight); 19’’ x 22.5’’, 48 x 57 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200

344. G. Georges (Haitian, 20th c.) House Ablaze, 1974, painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. Purchased at Foyer des Arts Plastiques, Port-auPrince, Haiti, PO Box 2249, 1986. Size: 24.25’’ x 20.25’’, 62 x 51 cm (stretcher); 25’’ x 21’’, 64 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3500 104

343 344

345. K. Mompoint (Haitian, 20th c.) Grinding Manioc, Making Cassava, c. 1962, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Literature: Island on Fire, pg. 95, plate 65. Provenenace: Acquired from Throckmorton Gallery, NYC, 1994. Size: 16.75’’ x 18.75’’, 43 x 48 cm (board); 17.5’’ x 19.5’’, 44 x 50 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1500-3500



346. Andre Saturne (Haitian, 1923-1983) Farmyard Scene with Chickens and Goat, painting on masonite, signed. Size: 20’’ x 24’’, 51 x 61 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 25.75’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-700

347. Andre Saturne (Haitian, 1923-1983) Flower Still Life, painting, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 12’’, 41 x 30 cm (board); 17.75’’ x 13.75’’, 45 x 35 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800



348. Andre Saturne (Haitian, 1923-1983) Abstract House, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16.25’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board); 17’’ x 20.75’’, 43 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

349. Andre Saturne (Haitian/Pétionville, 1927-1983) Towering Still Life - Flowers, painting on masonite, signed. Provenance: Acquired via Leon Chalom, 4/97. Size: 48’’ x 15.75’’, 122 x 40 cm (board); 49.75’’ x 17.5’’, 126 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000



350. Andre Saturne (Haitian, 1923-1983) Chair with Mystic Apple, painting on masonite, signed. Provenance: ex. Leon and Evelyn Chalom Collection. Framed. Size: 27.25’’ x 12.5’’, 69 x 32 cm (board); 29’’ x 14.25’’, 74 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2000

351. Gerard Fortune (Haitian/Pétionville, b. 1933) Figure with Apples, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 23.75’’ x 23.75’’, 60 x 60 cm (sight); 31.75’’ x 31.75’’, 81 x 81 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700



352. Gerard Fortune (Haitian/Pétionville, b. 1933) Still Life, painting on canvas, signed. Unframed. Size: 13.5’’ x 15’’, 34 x 38 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250 105

353. Gerard Fortune (Haitian/Pétionville, b. 1933) Erzulie in Purple, painting on canvas laid over board, signed. Framed. Size: 34.5’’ x 22.25’’, 88 x 57 cm (board); 36.25’’ x 24’’, 92 x 61 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $1000-2500

354. Gerard Paul (Haitian, 20th c.) Dog of the Sea, painting on cardboard, signed. Framed. Size: 19.25’’ x22’’, 49 x 56 cm (board); 20’’ x 22.5’’, 51 x 57 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700 354 353

355. Henriot Gelin (Haitian, 20th c.) Crucifixion, painting on canvas laid on board, signed. Framed. Size: 30.5’’ x 23’’, 77 x 58 cm (board); 32.25’’ x 24.75’’, 82 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $600-800

356. Gelin Buteau (Haitian, 1954-2000) Man Feeding Dog, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 36’’ x 24’’, 91 x 61 cm (board); 37.75’’ x 25.75’’, 96 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500 -700





357. Henriot Gelin (Haitian, 20th c.) Ceremonial Goat Sacrifice, with Snake Observing, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 35.75’’ x 24’’, 91 x 61 cm (board); 37.75’’ x 25.75’’, 96 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

358. Saint Soleil (20th c.) Painting on masonite, signed S.A.S. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 24’’, 61 x 61 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 25.75’’, 65 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-750

359. Salnave Philippe-Auguste (Haitian, 1908-1989) “The New Garage”, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 15.75’’, 30 x 40 cm (board); 13.5’’ x 17.5’’, 34 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $2000-3000

360. Lucson Chery (Haitian, 20th c.) Front Yard Music Party, painting on canvas. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 20’’, 46 x 51 cm (stretcher); 19.75’’ x 21.75’’, 50 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 106

359 360

361. A. Moron (Haitian, 20th c.) Surreal Cockfight, oil painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 13.75’’ x 17.5’’, 35 x 44 cm (board); 15.5’’ x 19.25’’, 39 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

362. Abel Michel (Haitian/Jacmel, 20th c.) Mystical / Piritual Grotto, 1997, painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. Provenance: Brictson Gallery, Jacmel. Size: 22’’ x 18’’, 56 x 46 cm (stretcher); 22.5’’ x 18.5’’, 57 x 47 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

361 362

363. Louines Mentor (Haitian, 20th c.) Sunset, 1969, oil painting on masonite, signed and dated “9/69”, framed. Very early work by a favorite, who later developed his distinctive personal style. Provenance: Centre D’Art, 1996. Size: 14.75’’ x 18.75’’, 37 x 48 cm (board); 19.25’’ x 15.5’’, 49 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-450

363 364

364. Louines Mentor (Haitian, 20th c.) House on Fire (Verreter, Haiti), painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 16’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25’’ x 17.75’’, 64 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

365. Stevenson Magloire (Haitian/Pétionville, 1963-1994) Loa with Veves, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 12’’, 41 x 30 cm (stretcher); 17’’ x 13’’, 43 x 33 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

366. Penius Leriche (Haitian/Jacmel, b. 1940) Man Cutting Vegetation, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 23’’ x 22.25’’, 58 x 57 cm (sheet); 24.5’’ x 23.75’’, 62 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-750 365

366 367. Franklin LaTortue (Haitian, b. 1942) Still Life Outdoors, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board); 21.75’’ x 17.75’’, 55 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400 -600

368 367

368. Pastor Dimet (20th c.) Scaring Away with Skeleton, two story images: scare the man away with skeleton, then run off, painting on canvas. Framed. Purchased in “Little Haiti”, Miami, Fl., 1990. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (stretcher); 20.75’’ x 36.75’’, 53 x 93 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 107

369. Unknown Haitian Artist (20th c.) “Imaginary Capture of Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier”, oil painting on canvas, signed “Camay”. Duvalier was the President of Haiti from 1971 until his overthrow in 1986. This painting suggests the influence of the Catholic Church on the downfall of the Duvalier regime. Provenance: Les Cousins, Little Haiti, Miami, 1989. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher); 16.5’’ x 20.75’’, 42 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-500 370. Gregore (Haitian, 20th c.) “Operation Dechoucage”, depicts anti-Duvalier/Tonton Macoute uprising in streets of Jacmel, Haiti, reverse glass painting, signed. Provenance: Axelle Liautaud, Gingerbread Gallery, Port-au-Prince, Haiti 2/87. Note: Broken in transit home and restored in 2/95 by L. Sevilla and framed by Bark Framers. Size: 12’’ x 12’’, 30 x 30 cm (painting); 13’’ x 13’’, 33 x 33 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $80-125 371. J.C. Clervois (Haitian, 20th c.) The Spirit of Revolution, 2000, oil painting on canvas, signed and dated. Framed. The painting depicts bombs bursting, oppression falling, a lambi (conch shell) the symbol of Haitian Liberation, blessed by the Trinity, machete at the ready! Purchased at “The Iron Market”, Little Haiti, Miami, FL, 2008. Size: 23.5’’ x 17.5’’, 60 x 44 cm (stretcher); 25.25’’ x 19.25’’, 64 x 49 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-350

369 370





372. Ch. St. Hilaire (Haitian, 20th c.) Chain Gang Escape, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Exhibited / Illustrated: A Sense of Place: Cap-Haïtien Paintings from the Collection of Jonathan Demme; Ramapo College, NJ: Sept. 17 - Nov. 21, 2014. Page 65; Plate 63. Size: 30’’ x 22’’, 76 x 56 cm (board); 30.5’’ x 22.5’’, 77 x 57 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-1200 373. Emmanuel Previl (Haitian, 20th c.) The Beggar, 1977, oil painting on canvas, signed and dated. Unframed. Size: 24’’ x 30’’, 61 x 76 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400 374. J. Auguste (Haitian, 20th c.) Dreams of Life, painting on canvas. Size: 35’’ x 48’’, 89 x 122 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-350 375. Sacha Tebo aka Thebaud (Haitian/Port-auPrince, 1934-2004) Face with Birds, 1963, oil painting on canvas flour sack, signed and dated. Unframed. Size: 20’’ x 30’’, 51 x 76 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-500 376. Roland Palanquet (Haitian, 20th c.) Still Life on Red Table with Pink Curtains, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 16.25’’, 61 x 41 cm (board); 25.75’’ x 17.5’’, 65 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500 108

375 376

377. D Maxito (Haitian, 20th c.) Jacmel Rural Family Scene, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher); 16.5’’ x 20.5’’, 42 x 52 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-300



378. Louis Luma (Haitian/Port au Prince, b. 1950) Vodun Ceremony, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (stretcher); 13.25’’ x 17.25’’, 34 x 44 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300

379. Esnold Jean (Haitian/Jacmel, 20th c.) Papa Zaca Ceremony, Jacmel, 1993, oil painting on canvas. Unframed. Size: 24’’ x 20’’, 61 x 51 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-400

380 379

380. Mehu Jean-Claude (Haitian, 20th c.) Animal Fantasy in Haiti, 1987, painting on canvas, signed and dated. Unframed. Size: 16.25’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100

381. J. Gaspard (Haitian, 20th c.) Cemetery, painting on masonite, signed. Unframed. Size: 20.25’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300

382 381

382. R. Franklin (Haitian, 20th c.) La Vie Drole, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 19.75’’, 30 x 50 cm (board); 15.75’’ x 23.5’’, 40 x 60 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-350

383. Rene Toussaint (Haitian, 20th c.) Dog and House, painting on canvas, signed. Unframed. Very early Haitian painting on canvas. Size: 19’’ x 29.5’’, 48 x 75 cm (stretcher). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400 -600 383


384. Chavannes (Haitian, 20th c.) Cap-Haïtien Iron Market, the Marche au Fer, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 23.5’’ x 31.5’’, 60 x 80 cm (sight); 24.25’’ x 32.25’’, 62 x 82 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200-500 109

385. Louis (Haitian, 20th c.) “L’un des coins du Marche’ de Jacmel”, painting on masonite, titled and signed. In a hand-carved wood frame. Size: 24’’ x 32’’, 61 x 81 cm (board); 30’’ x 38’’, 76 x 97 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-350

386. Anonymous (Haitian, 20th c.) Soccer Players, painting on masonite, unsigned. Framed. Provenance: Gift from the artist “Isaac”, founder of Port-au-Prince Healing Center, 1995. Size: 15.25’’ x 24’’, 39 x 61 cm (board); 16’’ x 24.75’’, 41 x 63 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250



387. P. Jean (Haitian, 20th c.) Dancing Figures, painting on board, signed. Unframed. Size: 9.75’’ x 26.75’’, 25 x 68 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300

388. J. Auguste (Haitian, 20th c.) Slaves at the Harbor, oil painting on canvas, signed. Size: 48’’ x 30’’, 122 x 76 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-1000



389. J. Auguste (Haitian, 20th c.) Harbor, oil painting on canvas, signed. Size: 30’’ x 36’’, 76 x 91 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-1000

390. Saint Soleil School (Haitian, 20th c.) Lover’s Kiss, painting on canvas, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 29.5’’ x 29.5’’, 75 x 75 cm (board); 31.5’’ x 31.5’’, 80 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150 -300

389 390

391. Saint Soleil School (Haitian, 20th c.) Lovers Kiss, painting on canvas, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 29.5’’ x 29.5’’, 75 x 75 cm (stretcher); 31.5’’ x 31.5’’, 80 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150 -300


392. E Altema (Haitian, 20th c.) Agricultural Couple, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 15.75’’ x 20’’, 40 x 51 cm (stretcher); 17.5’’ x 21.75’’, 44 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250 110


393. Danice Bordes (Haitian, 20th c.) Erzulie, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 24’’ x 20’’, 61 x 51 cm (stretcher); 25’’ x 20.75’’, 64 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-400

394. Donix (Haitian, 20th c.) Who Will Be Punished?, oil painting on canvas, signed. Unframed. Size: 20’’ x 23.5’’, 51 x 60 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 394 393

395. F. Dorga (Haitian, 20th c.) Fountain, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 24’’, 41 x 61 cm (board); 18’’ x 26’’, 46 x 66 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300




396. Haitian School (20th c.) To Market (Marche), 1966, oil painting on canvas, signed illegibly and dated. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 24’’, 46 x 61 cm (stretcher); 19.5’’ x 25.5’’, 50 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-300

397. Unknown Artist (20th c.) “House in the Desert”, painting on unstretched canvas. Framed. Acquired in 1973 at Brooklyn Senior Art Center. Size: 16’’ x 19.75’’, 41 x 50 cm (board); 24’’ x 27.75’’, 61 x 70 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300


398. 6 Works by Various Artists (American, 20th c.) Each mixed-media on paper. Unframed. Acquired in 1973 at Brooklyn Senior Art Center. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (each). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300 -500



399. M. Kindelson (American, 20th c.) Pink Interior, painting on canvas board, signed. Unframed. Acquired in 1973 at Brooklyn Senior Art Center. Size: 20’’ x 16’’, 51 x 41 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

400. Miss Joyce (American/New York, 20th c.) Three Works: Each Primitive Landscapes, crayon on paper, unsigned. Provenance: Brooklyn Senior Center. Each size: 12” x 18”, 30 x 46 cm (sheet); 19.5” x 25.5”, 50 x 65 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500 111

401. Miss Joyce (American, 20th c.) Animal Theme Mosaic. Acquired at Brooklyn Senior Art Center. Unframed. Size: 15” x 23”, 38 x 58 cm (mosaic). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

402. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Autumn Landscape, 1974, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Size: 12’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400



403. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Autumn Landscape with Road, oil painting on canvas board, signed. Size: 16’’ x 12’’, 41 x 30 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

404. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Landscape with Clouds, mixed media on board, signed. Framed. Size: 17.5” x 23.5”, 44 x 60 cm (board); 25” x 31”, 63 x 79 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

404 403

405. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Woodland Scene, painting on wood panel, unsigned. Framed. Size: 12” x 16”, 30 x 41 cm (board); 16” x 20”, 41 x 51 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

406. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Winter Landscape, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 20” x 16”, 51 x 41 cm (board); 21” x 17”, 53 x 43 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

405 406

407. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) “Autumn Scene”, oil painting on board, signed on verso. Framed. Note: the painting received an Oregon County Fair Honorable Mention in 1977. Size: 16” x 20” (41 x 51 cm) (board); 19.5” x 23.5”, 50 x 60 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

408. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Church in Autumn, oil painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16” x 20”, 41 x 51 cm (board); 19.5” x 23.5”, 50 x 60 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500 112



409. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Landscape with Country House, oil painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 16” x 20”, 41 x 51 cm (board); 19” x 23”, 48 x 59 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600



410. M. Zoeller (American, 20th c.) Landscape with Red House and Garden, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 12” x 16”, 30 x 41 cm (sight); 21” x 25”, 53 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400 -600

411. Unknown Artist (20th c.) Harbor Scene, handcolored engraving. Framed. Size: 8” x 11”, 20 x 28 cm (sight); 14” x 17”, 36 x 43 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100



412. W.L. Elliot (American, 20th c.) “Saved”, 1965, oil painting on stretched canvas. Provenance: Gift from Phyllis Kind. Size: 14’’ x 18’’, 36 x 46 cm (stretcher). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

413. Unknown Artist (American, 20th c.) “Jesus”, oil painting on canvas board, signed illegibly. Size: 18’’ x 14’’, 46 x 36 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

414 413

414. American Artist (20th c.) Family in Church, painting on canvas board, signed illegibly. Framed. Size: 23” x 35”, 58 x 89 cm (board); 26” x 37.5”, 66 x 95 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

415. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “NFL Super Bowl Birthday Cake”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.75’’ x 17.5’’, 30 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

415 416

416. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Kenny branch”, double-sided mixed-media drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 17.5’’ x 13.25’’, 44 x 34 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 113

417. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Slipperwood Hotwater Placeroom”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

418. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Radio Superman”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 17.5’’ x 11.5’’, 44 x 29 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300

417 418

419. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Christmas Dinner Oven”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 8.5’’, 29 x 22 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300

420. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Match painted fire car toys”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 8.75’’ x 11.75’’, 22 x 30 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

420 419

421. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Walking while Pipe Smoking”, double-sided mixed-media drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

422. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Yip Picnic Lunch Train”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300



423. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Man with Jagged Background”, crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 17.5’’ x 11.5’’, 44 x 29 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300


424. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Trains”, crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 114


425. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Boo Boo Boo”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300



426. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Radio Super Man”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300

427. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Chocolate Milk Bed”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300



428. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Hot Dog Picnic Airplane Like a Toy”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300

429. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Jacks Chair”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 11.5’’ x 17.5’’, 29 x 44 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 429 430

430. David Olson (American, 20th c.) “Rons Airplane String Toy”, double-sided crayon drawing on paper. Provenance: Pardee Collection. Size: 17.5’’ x 11.5’’, 44 x 29 cm (sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -300

431. Welmon Sharlhorne (American, b. 1952) Pelican Man, mixed-media on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 14.25’’ x 20.75’’, 36 x 53 cm (sheet); 16.75’’ x 23’’, 43 x 58 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $200 -400 431


432. Anonymous (20th c.) Landscape with Red Barn, oil painting on canvas board. Unframed. Size: 12” x 16”, 30 x 41 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150 115

433. E.J.M. (American, 20th c.) Night Landscape with Church, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 16” x 27”, 41 x 69 cm (board); 18” x 29”, 46 x 74 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

434. S.E. England (20th c.) “Fishing Bridge”, oil painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 14” x 28”, 36 x 71 cm (board); 16.5” x 30.5”, 42 x 78 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100



435. John Quist (American, 20th c.) Landscape, oil painting on canvasboard, signed. Framed. Size: 22” x 28”, 58 x 71 cm (board); 26” x 32”, 66 x 81 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

436. Folk Art Cross “Yesterday Has Gone Tomorrow Hasn’t Come Today is Here Make the Most of it”, incised and painted wood. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery. Size: 17.5’’ x 16.25’’ x 2.5’’ (44 x 41 x 6 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

437. 2 Folk Art Model Churches: 1) Wood Model Church, with faux stained glass. Size: 13’’ x 7’’ x 9’’ (33 x 18 x 23 cm); 2) Match Stick Church Box ; Americana Folk Art. Size: 13’’ x 5’’ x 7’’ (33 x 13 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250

435 436

437 438

438. Tramp Art Living Room Scene Lamp, with pull-out drawer. Size: 18’’ x 10’’ x 11’’ (46 x 25 x 28 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

439. Tramp Art Tower of Babel Americana Sculpture, carved from one piece of wood. Size: 14’’ x 3’’ x 3’’ (36 x 8 x 8 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

440 439

440. 4 American (20th c.) Folk Art Match Stick Crosses. Largest Size: 18’’ x 13’’ (46 x 33 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200 116

441. Masonic Medallion, carved and painted wood, signed “M. Weissert”. Size: 16” x 16” (41 x 41 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

442. Hanging Wood Folk Art Shelf with Drawer. Size: 34’’ x 38’’ x 8’’ (86 x 97 x 20 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-500



443. American Folk Art Carved Mermaid Desktop Accessories. Consisting of a Mermaid at her Pebble Podium and a pair of bookends. Size: 6’’ x 10’’ x 6’’ (15 x 25 x 15 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

443 444

444. 3 Miniature Folk Art Chairs, carved and painted wood. Largest Size: 16.5’’ x 7.25’’ x 7.5’’ (42 x 18 x 19 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-150

445. NYC Street Artist (20th c.) “5 Round Cats”, 1984, painting on wood panel, signed illegibly. Acquired at East Village Street Fair. Size: Size: 8.5” x 39.5”, 22 x 100 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300 445


446. Folk Art Painted Jug. Size: Size: 11’’ x 7’’ x 7’’ (28 x 18 x 18 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50 -150

447. Folk Art Tiger Head Trophy, carved and painted wood sculpture mounted to wood plaque. Size: Size: 15’’ x 8.25’’ x 8’’ (38 x 21 x 20 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-250

448 447

448. Pair of His and Hers Plates: “I’m a wolf” and “I’m the cold type”, painted ceramic. Each Diameter: 7.25” (18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100 117

449. 3 pc Found Object Art Collection: 1) American Folk Art Found Object Assemblage, in the form of a face with tongue. Size: 18’’ x 13’’ x 2’’ (46 x 33 x 5 cm); 2) Thumb Piano, Burkina Faso, constructed from wood and metal; Size: 2’’ x 8’’ x 8’’ (5 x 20 x 20 cm); 3) 2 Vintage Equestrian Horse Harness Line Spreaders, each leather with celluloid rings. Size: 3’’ x 18’’ x 1’’ (8 x 46 x 3 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

450. “Pig Farmer with Pumpkin” American Folk Art Painting on metal. Size: 31.5” x 23”, 80 x 58 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

449 450

451. Hand Painted CFM Butcher Advertising Sign, paint on board. Framed. Size: 22” x 13”, 56 x 33 cm (board); 25” x 16”, 63 x 41 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

452. 7 Vintage Theater Costume Drawings, featuring various masks and costumes, mixed media on paper. Largest Size: 10.5’’ x 7.25’’, 27 x 18 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

452 451

453. “Please Bite Me”, Mixed-media Drawing on cardboard. Size: 16’’ x 13’’, 41 x 33 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

454. Portrait of President Richard M. Nixon, oil painting on canvas, unsigned. Unframed. Size: 24’’ x 20’’, 61 x 51 cm (stretcher). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100 453


455. Unknown Artist (American, 20th c.) “La Belles”, mixed-media collage, titled. Framed. Size: 26.5’’ x 21.5’’, 67 x 55 cm (sight); 36.25’’ x 31.25’’, 92 x 79 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400

456. 2 Hand Drawn Fashion Designs, c. 1968, graphite and collage on paper. Framed. Sizes: 1) 11.5” x 8.5”, 29 x 22 cm (sheet); 19” x 15”, 48 x 38 cm (frame); 2) 12” x 9”, 30 x 23 cm (sheet); 17” x 12”, 43 x 30 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200 118

456 455

457. H.R.S. (20th c.) Mixed-media Portrait Collage. 8 cutout graphite drawings of notable figures including Hubert Humphrey, Liza Minelli, L.B.J., Ho Chi Min, Eisenhower, Earl Warren, Emmit Kelly and O. J. Simpson, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

458 457

458. F.W. (American, 20th c.) Two Portraits of Miss Francezette Transexual Performer (San Francisco), 1969-70, graphite drawings on paper, signed and dated. Unframed. Sizes: 1) 16’’ x 14’’, 41 x 36 cm (sheet); 2) 14’’ x 17’’, 36 x 43 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

459. Primitive Airplane Drawing, mixed-media on paper. Framed. Size: 8” x 10”, 20 x 25 cm (sheet); 9.5” x 11”, 24 x 28 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

459 460

460. Anonymous Artist (American, 20th c.) Two Women, crayon drawing on paper. Framed. Size: 17’’ x 13.75’’, 43 x 35 cm (sight); 24’’ x 20.75’’, 61 x 53 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

461. Bohill Wong (1936-2004) Anthropomorphic Shoes, ink drawing on paper, signed. Framed. Size: 12’’ x 18’’, 30 x 46 cm (sheet); 18.75’’ x 24.75’’, 48 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400 461


462. A.D. (20th c.) “Tell EM Daddy”, 2006, ink drawing on paper, signed and dated. Framed. Gift from David Byrne. Size: 8.5’’ x 11’’, 22 x 28 cm (sheet); 13.75’’ x 16.25’’, 35 x 41 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

463. B.F. (American, 20th c.) Two Works, each Portaits of Women in Profile, painting on unstretched canvas, each signed. Framed. Each size: 18.75’’ x 15.25’’, 48 x 39 cm (sight); 25.75’’ x 21.75’’, 65 x 55 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-400

463 464

464. E. Howard Behrens (American, 20th c.) El Toro, Commercial fishing boats scene, oil painting on board, signed. Unframed. Size: 24” x 18” (61 x 46 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150 119

465. J.M. (American, 20th c.) Cabin with Paintings on Wall, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: Size: 12” x 16”, 30 x 41 cm (stretcher); 16” x 20”, 41 x 51 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

466. Penny Neri (American, 20th c.) Sailboat at Sunset, painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 19.5” x 15.5”, 50 x 39 cm (board); 29” x 25”, 74 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

465 466

467. M.W. Sias (American, 20th c.) Two Works, Portraits of a young Boy and Girl, each oil on canvas board, each signed. Framed. Each size: 20” x 16”, 51 x 41 cm (board); 25” x 21”, 63 x 53 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

468. Anonymous (20th c.) “Day Dreaming”, oil painting on academy board, depicting a shepherd with his flock, unsigned. Framed. Size: 15” x 20”, 38 x 51 cm (board); 22” x 27”, 56 x 69 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-800

467 468

469. M.B. Eielus (American, 20th c.) Mother and Child, 1926, oil painting on canvas, signed and dated. Size: 16” x 12”, 41 x 30 cm (stretcher); 19.5” x 15.5”, 50 x 39 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100 -150

470. Folk Art Portrait, mixed-media painting on paper, by an Unknown Artist. Framed. Size: 19.75’’ x 12’’, 50 x 30 cm (sight); 21’’ x 13.25’’, 53 x 34 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $20-50





471. Anonymous Artist (20th c.) Dog Portrait, painting on board. Unframed. Size: 16” x 11”, 41 x 28 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

472. Religious Word Collage (American, 20th c.) on paper. In a carved wood Tramp Art Frame. Size: 13.5” x 8”, 34 x 20 cm (sight); 20” x 14”, 51 x 36 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300 120

473. Tragic Parachute Jump Photographs, set of 4 matted color prints. Framed. Size: 4.5” x 6.5”, 11 x 17 cm (each sight); 25.5” x 9.5”, 65 x 24 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250



474. 10 Vintage Black and White Pin-up Photographs, including Marilyn Monroe. In a unique wood frame. Size: 11.5” x 74”, 29 x 188 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $2000-2500

475. C. Lear (20th c.) Deer in Winter Snowscape, painting on canvasboard, signed. Framed. Size: 18” x 14”, 46 x 36 cm (sight); 27” x 21.5”, 69 x 55 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

476. Fairgrieve (Irish, 20th c.) Realist Coastal View of Mullaghmore County Sligo in Ireland, oil painting on board, signed. Framed. Size: 15” x 25”, 38 x 63 cm (board); 19” x 29”, 48 x 74 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150 476 475

477. Two Works by American (20th c.) Self-Taught Artists, each mixed-media drawings on paper, unsigned. Framed. Size: 12” x 18”, 30 x 46 cm (sight); 19” x 25”, 48 x 63 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

478. Byron Johnson (Jamaican, 20th c.) Singer, 2000, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 18’’ x 15’’, 46 x 38 cm (board); 19.75’’ x 16.5’’, 50 x 42 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100 -200



479. Byron Johnson (Jamaican, 20th c.) Dream of Animals, 1999, painting on masonite, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 11.25’’ x 12.5’’, 29 x 32 cm (board); 12’’ x 13’’, 30 x 33 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700

480 479

480. Evadney Cruickshank (Jamaican, 20th c.) Heroes of Jamaica’s Fight for Independence: including Paul Bogle, Marcus Garvey, Alexander Bustamante, Norman Manley, Nanny of the Maroons, George William Gordon, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Size: 17’’ x 24’’, 43 x 61 cm (board); 18.75’’ x 25.75’’, 48 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $400-600 121

481. Evadney Cruickshank (Jamaican, 20th c.) Scribe with Town Scene, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Purchased directly from Mrs. Cruickshank at her home above Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Size: 8’’ x 19.75’’, 20 x 50 cm (board); 9.25’’ x 21’’, 23 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-700

482. Ras Dizzy (Jamaican, 1932-2008) Figure on Horseback, painting on panel, signed. Framed. Size: 18.5’’ x 21.5’’, 47 x 55 cm (board); 20’’ x 23’’, 51 x 58 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $250-500

481 482

483. Ras Dizzy (Jamaican, 1932-2008) “The Rasta an the Bear Gang - Edy Is the Spaker”, painting on board, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 21.25’’ x 16’’, 54 x 41 cm (board); 22.75’’ x 17.75’’, 58 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $800-1200

484. Jah Calo (Jamaican, 20th c.) 2 Faces, painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 19.75’’ x 10.5’’, 50 x 27 cm (stretcher); 21.5’’ x 12.25’’, 55 x 31 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $30-50 483






485. Michael Parchment (Jamaican, 1957-2013) 9-11-01 World Trade Center Attack as Foretold in the Bible, painting on masonite, signed. Framed. Provenance: Harmony Hall, Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Size: 27.75’’ x 18’’, 70 x 46 cm (board); 28.75’’ x 18.75’’, 73 x 48 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

486. Michael Parchment (Jamaican, 1957-2013) The Original Wailing Wailers - Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, mixed media painted sculpture on masonite, signed and dated 2003, framed. Acquired at Harmony Hall, Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Size: 28.5’’ x 19.5’’, 72 x 50 cm (board); 29.25’’ x 20.25’’, 74 x 51 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500

487. Coffey (20th c.) Caribbean Holy Night, painting on canvas board, signed. Framed. Size: 16’’ x 20’’, 41 x 51 cm (board). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100

488. Brother Everald Brown (Jamaican, 1917-2003) “The Book of Revelation (Jah Rastafari), 1996, painting on masonite, signed and titled. Framed. Provenance: ex. Wayne Cox Collection, Jamaica. Size: 20’’ x 23.5’’, 51 x 60 cm (board); 21.5’’ x 25.5’’, 55 x 65 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-5000 122

489. Mallica “Kapo” Reynolds (Jamaican, 1911-1989) Seaside, oil painting on canvas board, signed. Framed. Size: 11.75’’ x 16’’, 30 x 41 cm (board); 13.75’’ x 17.75’’, 35 x 45 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $500-1200





490. Mallica “Kapo” Reynolds (1911-1989) “Rio Cobre”, 1988, painting on board, titled, signed and dated. Framed. Size: 14.75’’ x 18.25’’, 37 x 46 cm (board); 16.5’’ x 20’’, 42 x 51 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $4000-8000

491. Brazilian Ex Voto depicting the Cathedral of Caninde, mixed media painting with photos of children. Acquired in Caninde, Brazil, 1985. Size: 14.75’’ x 30.5’’, 37 x 77 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1000-1500

492. 3 Brazilian Carved Wood Ex-voto Figures. Acquired in Caninde, Ceara, Brazil, 1980. Largest size: 22’’ x 9’’ x 5’’ (56 x 23 x 13 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600



493. Brazilian Ex-voto Figure, carved wood, with articulated legs, missing thumb. Acquired in Caninde, Ceara, Brazil, 1980. Size: 19’’ x 7’’ x 5’’ (48 x 18 x 13 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

494. 17 Brazilian Ex-votos, carved wood. Acquired in Caninde, Ceara, Brazil, 1980. Largest Size: 9’’ x 6’’ x 7’’ (23 x 15 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1500-2500

495. Brazilian Ex-voto Nude Female Figure, carved by Master Osedies. Acquired in Uruburetama, Ceara, Brazil, 1980. Size: 10’’ x 4’’ x 4’’ (25 x 10 x 10 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400 495


496. Pair of Popsicle Stick Lamps. Americana Folk Art. Size: 16’’ x 8’’ x 8’’, 41 x 20 x 20 cm (each). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1000-1500 123

497. L.W. Crawford (American/Alabama, 20th c.) Folk Art Matchstick Cross, 1987, with heart and clubs imagery, mixed media sculpture, signed. Provenance: Cavin-Morris, Inc. (label on verso). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200

498. L.W. Crawford (American/Alabama, 20th c.) Folk Art Matchstick Cross, 1987, with hearts and diamonds imagery, mixed media sculpture. Provenance: Cavin-Morris, Inc. (label on verso). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200



499. African Wood Trunk with Christian Cross and a Heart design. Size: 11’’ x 26’’ x 17’’ (28 x 66 x 43 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

499 500. Le President Houphouet and Le Pape Jean Paul, Ivory Coast (1985), Commemorative Tray. Size: 12.25’’ x 16.25’’ x 1’’ (31 x 41 x 3 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150


501. Vintage Guatemalan Child’s Chair, wood with nice patina. Size: 14’’ x 12’’ x 9.5’’ (36 x 30 x 24 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

502. Vintage Ladder, constructed from bamboo, wood and fiber, Philippines. Size: 82’’ x 17’’ x 2’’ (208 x 43 x 5 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500





503. Fine African Dogon Granary Ladder, with stand. Size: 75’’ x 12’’ x 6’’ (191 x 30 x 15 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $1200-1600

504. French Ceramic Folk Art Memory Jug. Size: 13’’ x 9’’ x 9’’ (33 x 23 x 23 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250 124

505. 6 Vintage Television Antennas. Various Sizes. Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400



506. 6 Tuareg Leather Pillows. Acquired in Mopti, Mali, 1980’s. Ranging in size from 13’’ x 13’’ x 2.5’’ (33 x 33 x 6 cm) to 13’’ x 27’’ x 6’’ (33 x 69 x 15 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

507. African Bamana Painted Mudcloth (Mali), depicting a group of Musicians. Size: 73’’ x 93’’, 185 x 236 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-900



508. African Bamana Painted Mudcloth (Mali), depicting an Elephant alongside a Guitar Player. Size: 61’’ x 39’’, 155 x 99 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

509. Vintage Moroccan Rug: 5’4’’ x 17’2’’ (163 x 523 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200

510. Pair of Vintage Kuna Mola Cloths, San Blas Archipelago, cotton, depicting pairs of women and animals. Size: 13.5’’ x 17’’ (34 x 43 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400




510A. Kuna Mola Cloth, San Blas Archipelago, cotton, depicting a blouse on hanger. Size: 15’’ x 18’’ (38 x46 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300

511. Antique Chinese Silk Embroidered Robe, Qing Dynasty. Size: 51’’ x 37’’, 130 x 94 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600



512. 2 Sind Embroidered Blouses with Mirror Work, India, early/mid 20th c., intricately and finely detailed cotton embroidery. Size: 21’’ x 18’’ (53 x 46 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $150-200 125

513. Antique Japanese Silk Brocade Priest’s Robe, possibly pre circa 1800; professionally mounted to canvas backing and stretcher frame; losses, including a missing section in one corner. Size: 48’’ x 83.5’’ (122 x 212 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1200 513


514. Central Asian Felt and Cotton Applique Tapestry, early/mid 20th c. Size: 67’’ x 35’’, 170 x 89 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

515. African Fon Asen Royal Staff. Forged metal. Acquired in Benin in 1986. Size: 39’’ x 11’’ x 11’’ (99 x 28 x 28 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-900

516 516. African Shrine Fragment Featuring 8 Masks Carved in High Relief. Carved and painted wood. Acquired in West Africa in 1988. Size: 11’’ x 31’’ x 21’’ (28 x 79 x 53 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800 -1200


517. African Bambara Chiwara Crested Mask. Carved and painted wood. With stand. Acquired in Segou, Mali in 1987. Size: 32’’ x 5’’ x 11’’ (81 x 13 x 28 cm); 35”, 89 cm (height with stand). Ford Wheeler Collection. $400-600

518. Haitian Vodou Drum, carved and painted wood, animal hide and rope. Size: 35’’ x 12’’ x 12’’ (89 x 30 x 30 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700





519. Haitian (20th c.) Rubber Loa Sculpture, fashioned from automobile inner tube. Size: 20.5’’ x 6.25’’ x 3’’ (52 x 16 x 8 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100

520. Didier Civil (Haitian/Jacmel, b. 1973) Zombie Carnaval Mask, painted papier-mache. Civil is a highly regarded painter, working in Jacmel, Haiti. Size: 15’’ x 12.5’’ x 6’’ (38 x 32 x 15 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-125 126

521. Didier Civil (Haitian/Jacmel, b. 1973) Zombie Carnaval Mask, painted papier-mache, signed. Civil is a highly regarded painter, working in Jacmel, Haiti. Size: 12’’ x 11.5’’ x 5.5’’ (30 x 29 x 14 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-125



522. Yves Baptiste (Haitian, 20th c.) Painted Papier Mache Sculpture, depicting a snake climbing a tree. Provenance: Acquired in Jacmel, 1987. Size: 26’’ x 21’’ x 5’’ (66 x 53 x 13 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $30-50

523. Desir (Haitian, 20th c.) Portrait of a Woman with Emerging Dancer, carved wood panel and frame, signed. Size: 21’’ x 16.5’’, 53 x 42 cm (panel); 30.5’’ x 26.5’’, 77 x 67 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250



524. Desir (Haitian, 20th c.) Three Faces, carved wood panel and frame, signed. Framed. Size: 18.5’’ x 18’’, 47 x 46 cm (panel); 28’’ x 27’’, 71 x 69 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-250

525. Moroccan Fetish Necklace, with vintage beads, amulets, horn and bone. Size: 31”, 79 cm (length). Ford Wheeler Collection. $600-800



525A. Four African Watches. Largest Size: 8”, 20 cm (length); 1.5”, 4 cm (diameter). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

526. Anonymous Artist (American, 20th c.) Seated Nude Figure, with open robe, oil painting on canvas, unsigned. Framed. Size: 26.25’’ x 20’’, 67 x 51 cm (stretcher); 28.75’’ x 21.75’’, 73 x 55 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100



527. A.E. Kaplan (American, 20th c.) Mardi Gras Figures in Costume, 1988, oil painting on canvas board. Framed. Size: 19” x 15”, 48 x 38 cm (board); 23” x 19” , 8 x 48 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100 -200

528. Jerry Cogburn (20th c.) Two Works: 1) Self-portrait, ink on paper, signed. Size: 17’’ x 14’’, 43 x 36 cm (sheet); 2) Self-portrait, 1968, graphite on paper, signed and dated. Size: 19’’ x 12.25’’, 48 x 31 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-300



529. Ken Tisa (American, 20th c.) Self-Portrait as a Woman, 1960’s, graphite and ink drawing on paper, signed. Unframed. Size: 16.75’’ x 14’’, 43 x 36 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $800-1000

530. Manuel Lanz (American, 20th c.) Head, 1975, charcoal drawing on paper, signed. Unsigned. Size: 10’’ x 8’’, 25 x 20 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

531. Jos Demme (American/Chicago, 20th c.) “You and Me Baby!! I have dedicated time to thinking about scientific logic to explain why or how this is happening, you are my kind of love a win win win win win win win win...”, 2014, painting on lightweight inner door, signed and dated. Unframed. Size: Size: 80’’ x 32’’ x 1.5’’ (203 x 81 x 4 cm). Jonathan Demme Collection. $350-1000

532. Unknown Artist (20th c.) Home in Nature, with Honey Pot, mixed media painting on board. Framed. Size: 22’’ x 28’’, 56 x 71 cm (board); 24.5’’ x 30.5’’, 62 x 77 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $300-500



532 531

533. Gescamilla (20th c.) Water Spirit with Lizard, painting on unstretched canvas. Size: Size: 31’’ x 23’’, 79 x 58 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200

534. C. Lear (American, 20th c.) “The Hunters”, 1982, oil painting on canvas, signed. Framed. Size: 16” x 20”, 41 x 51 cm (stretcher); 22” x 26”, 56 x 66 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200 534 533

535. Tito-Livio de Madrazo (Spanish, 1899-1979) “Fandango”, 1969, oil painting on canvas, signed, and dated. Framed. The painting depicts a winged hand feeding dog on red pillow, surrounded by surreal animal objects. Size: 15’’ x 21.5’’, 38 x 55 cm (stretcher); 16.25’’ x 23’’, 41 x 58 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $500-700

536. French Artist (20th c.) Swimming Pools Seen from Above, mixed media drawing on paper. Matted. Purchased in Paris Flea Market, 2000. Size: 9’’ x 12’’, 23 x 30 cm (sight); 14.75’’ x 17.75’’, 37 x 45 cm (mat). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500 128



537. Pair of White Horse Scotch Plastic Advertising Statues. Largest Size: 18’’ x 16’’ x 7’’ (46 x 41 x 18 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200


538. 6 Vintage Bar Mats. Featuring: Winston, Kool, Camel Cigarettes, Chiclets, and Schaefer Beer (“when you’re having more than one”). Largest Size: 12’’ x 18’’ (30 x 46 cm). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400


539. Vintage Rock Music Memorabilia, a vintage Beatles Halloween costume and a Rolling Stones concert give away, NYC. Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250



540. Vintage Republique D’Haiti Map: Carte Geologique de la Region de Terre-Neuve Republique D’Haiti, 1923. Framed. Size: 15.25’’ x 21.5’’, 39 x 55 cm (sight); 16.5’’ x 22.75’’, 42 x 58 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-500

541. Haiti Map, 1923: Esquisse Geologique de la Republique D’Haiti. Framed. Size: 23.5’’ x 28.5’’, 60 x 72 cm (sheet); 26.25’’ x 31.5’’, 67 x 80 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $150-500



542. “Pays De Vannes”, Hand-colored Map, Petit Jean Grav. Framed. Size: 9.75’’ x 12.75’’, 25 x 32 cm (sight); 11.75’’ x 14.75’’, 30 x 37 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200

543. “Verdunois”, Hand-colored Map, Petit Jean Grav. Framed. Size: 9.5’’ x 13.5’’, 24 x 34 cm (sight); 11.75’’ x 15.5’’, 30 x 39 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-200

543 544

544. The World of Haitian Painting: From the Collection of Claude Auguste Douyon; Circulated by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1978, offset lithograph poster. Unframed. Featuring “Femme Diable” by Salnave PhillipeAuguste. Size: 36’’ x 24’’, 91 x 61 cm. Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-100 129

545. Movie Poster: Haiti, Killing the Dream, depicting the overthrown Haitian president JeanBertrand Aristide. Framed. Size: 26” x 20”, 66 x 51 cm (poster); 2” x 26”, 81 x 66 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $20-50

546. Vintage Movie Poster: ‘’The Day the Earth Stood Still’’, lithographic poster, Belgium. Framed. Size: 18.25’’ x 14’’, 46 x 36 cm (sight); 19.5’’ x 15’’, 50 x 38 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-150 545


547. Vintage Movie Poster: ‘’Knock on Any Door’’ with Humphrey Bogart, 1949, lithographic poster, Belgium. Framed. Size: 18.5’’ x 13.5’’, 47 x 34 cm (sight); 19.25’’ x 14.25’’, 49 x 36 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-150

548. Belgian Movie Poster: A Bout de Souffle (Breathless), 1960. Starring: Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg. Directed by: Jean-Luc Godard. Framed. Size: 14.25’’ x 20.25’’, 36 x 51 cm (sheet); 14.75’’ x 20.75’’, 37 x 53 cm (frame). Jonathan Demme Collection. $50-150

548 547

549. Vintage Turkish Movie Poster: “Kilink Ucan Adama Karsi” (Killing versus flying man ‘Superman’), color lithograph. “The Killing” was an old movie and tv series character from the 60’s and 70’s. Purchased from theater in Turkey in 1973. Framed. Size: 38.5’’ x 26.25’’, 98 x 67 cm (sight); 42.5’’ x 30.25’’, 108 x 77 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $200-250

550. Luaka Bop Record Label Poster, color lithograph. Note: Luaka Bop is the record label created by David Byrne. Framed. Size: 25.5” x 37.5”, 65 x 95 cm. Ford Wheeler Collection. $20-50



551. Utagawa Yoshiiku (Japanese, 1933-1904) 2 Color Woodblock Prints, each depicting an actor seen through silhouette through a shogi screen. Each Framed. Size: 13.5’’ x 8.5’’, 34 x 22 cm (sight). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-500

552. High School Hall of Fame Track Athlete Photographs. Each Size: 13.5’’ x 10.5’’, 34 x 27 cm (sight); 15.25’’ x 12.25’’, 39 x 31 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $300-400 130

551 552

553. Anonymous Artist (20th c.) Still Life, color photograph. Framed. Size: 10’’ x 13’’, 25 x 33 cm (sight); 21.5’’ x 24.5’’, 55 x 62 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-200



554. US Navy Pilot Photograph, Pre-Flight School, St. Marys College, California, 1945, silver gelatin photograph. Size: 5’’ x 7’’, 13 x 18 cm (photo); 6.5’’ x 8.5’’, 17 x 22 cm (board). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

555. Laura Levi (American, 20th c.) Birds: Bluebird, Red Wing Blackbird, Cardinal, Robin, Goldfinch, Woodpecker, Scarlet Tanager, Titmouse, 2008, color print from an edition of 100, numbered, signed and dated. Size: 8” x 8”, 20 x 20 cm (sight); 16” x 13”, 41 x 33 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $100-150

555 556

556. 2 Works by an Unknown American Illustrator (New York, 20th c.) Mixed-media on paper, unsigned. Size: 9.75’’ x 12.75’’, 25 x 32 cm (sheet) and 9.5’’ x 13.25’’, 24 x 34 cm (sheet). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

557. New York Naval Shipyard Retirement Testimonial for Charles Walter Pederson, 1960. Framed. Size: Size: 17” x 22”, 43 x 56 cm (sight); 22.5” x 27.5”, 57 x 70 cm (frame). Ford Wheeler Collection. $50-100

557 558

558. Walter Mosley (American, b.1952) Portfolio, consisting of 2 series: 1) A group of 25 digital prints (abstract compositions), each signed, numbered and dated; 2) Discarded Texts Series, a group of 59 digital color photographic prints, plus cover page, each unsigned. Size: 13’’ x 10.5’’, 33 x 27 cm (folio); 11’’ x 8.5’’, 28 x 22 cm (each sheet). Jonathan Demme Collection. $100-300 131

Artist Index ARTIST


Alphadio 67 Altema, E. 392 Altidort, Faidherbe 138 Altiéri, Maryse 125A, 125B, 126, 127 Anatole, Charles 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125 Anonymous Artist 180, 386, 432, 460, 468, 471, 526, 553 Antoine, Montas 324 Antoine 96 Armand, A. 105 Auguste, J. 374, 388, 389 Auguste, Toussaint 230, 231 Augustin, E.P. 137 B., Geral 95 Baptiste, Yves 522 Bazile, Alberoi 321, 322, 323 Bazile, Castera 232 Behrens, E. Howard 464 Belizaire, Antony 325, 326, 327 Belizaire, J. 136 Bellavoix, Josias 135 Bernier 328 Bertin, Estimond 168 Bigaud, Roland 329 Bigaud, Wilson 233, 234, 235 Blanc, Gabriel 330 Blanchard, Sisson 331, 332, 333 Blot, M. 106 Bordes, Danice 393 Boubacar, Diane 70 Brierre, Murat 94, 236, 237, 238 Brown, Brother Everald 488 Buteau, Gelin 356 Butler, Charles 183 Byron, Bourmond 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 Calixte, Henri 131 Calo, Jah 484 Campbell, Fred 211 Cenoud, Evelyne 133, 134 Charles, Fred 132 Chavannes, Etienne 128, 129, 130 Chavannes 384 Cherizard, F. 139, 140 Chery, Jacques-Richard 141 Chery, Lucson 360 Civil, Didier 520, 521 Clervois, J.C. 371 Coffey 487 Cogburn, Jerry 528 Colombo, J.F. 17 Crawford, L.W. 497, 498 Cruickshank, Evadney 480, 481 D., A. 462 de Madrazo, Tito-Livio 535 Demme, Jos 531 Desir 523, 524 Dimet, Pastor 368 Dinais, Juan 142 Dizzy, Ras 482, 483 Dominique, F 175, 176 Dominique 177 Domond, Wilmino 239 Donix 394




Dorga, F. 395 Dormus, Luders 174 Dubic, Abner 169 Dubic, J. 171 Dubic, Jean-Nelson 170, 172 Ducasse, Gervais Emmanuel 317, 318, 319 Duffaut, Préfète 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245 Eielus, M.B. 469 Elliot, W.L. 412 England, S.E. 434 Ernikema 109 Etienne, Roland 167 Evans, Minnie 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199 Evariste, T. 166 Exume, Rene 246 F., B. 463 Fairgrieve 476 Finster, Howard 185, 186, 187 Fontil, J. 165 Forester, Laura Pope 191 Fortune, Gerard 351, 352, 353 Francois, Ch. 107 Francois, Michel D. 335, 336 Franklin, R. 382 Gabriel, Alfred 108 Gaspard, J. 381 Gatto, Victor Joseph 200, 201, 202, 203 Gédéus, Louis 102, 103, 104 Gelin, Henriot 355, 357 Georges, G. 344 Gescamilla 533 Gourgue, Jacques-Enguerrand 247 Gregoire, Alexandre 248 Gregore 370 H.R.S. 457 Haitian Artist 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 173, 252, 334, 358, 369, 396, 519 Haitian School 182 Hamm, Slingshot 184 Hardy, K.O. 72 Hyppolite, Hector 220 Indian Artist 74 Jamaican Artist 66 Jean, Esmold 379 Jean, Eugène 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164 Jean, Georges 337 Jean, Jean-Baptise 156 Jean, Jn. B. 155 Jean, P. 387 Jean, Paul 157 Jean-Baptiste, Edger 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273 Jean-Claude, Mehu 380 Jean-Laurent, Joseph 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 Jehova, Henry 153 Joassaint, L. 343 Johnson, Byron 478, 479 Jolimeau, Serge 316 Joseph, Jn G 152 Joseph, Yves 151 Joyce, Miss 400, 401

Artist Index ARTIST


Kaplan, A.E. 527 Kindelson, M. 399 LaForest, Wesner 251 Lanz, Manuel 530 LaTortue, Franklin 367 Laurent, Andre 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315 Laurent, Peterson 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229 Laybonne, S.R. 150 Lear, C. 475, 534 Léontus, Adam 339 Leriche, Penius 366 Levi, Laura 555 Liautaud, Attributed to 88, 89, 90, 92, 93 Liautaud, Georges 99, 100, 101 Louis 385 Louis-Juste, Seresier 97 Ludovic, Jean 110 Luma, Louis 378 M., E.J. 433 M., J. 465 Magloire, Stevenson 365 Maxito, D. 377 Mayoral, Javier 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 McCarthy, Justin 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219 Mentor, Louines 363, 364 Merelus, Luismond 320 Merisier, M. 149 Michel, Abel 362 Mompoint, K. 345 Moron, A. 361 Mosley, Walter 558 Neri, Penny 466 Nketia-Boateng 73 Nussbaum, Tom 7 Obin, Henri-Claude 146 Obin, School of 147 Obin, Sénéque 114, 115, 116, 117 Olson, David 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430 Osedies, Master 495 Palanquet, Roland 376 Parchment, Michael 485, 486 Pascal, Duma 98 Patrick, Alexis 145 Paul, Gerard 354 Paul, Wilb. 143 Philippe-Auguste, Salnave 253, 359 Piacenza, Aldobrando 10 Pierre, André 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 Pierre, Odilon 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285 Pluviose, Dieudonne 144 Pressley, Daniel 188, 189, 190 Previl, Emmanuel 373 Prophete, Ernst 254 Quist, John 435 Reynolds, Mallica “Kapo” 489, 490 Routhier, Rene 111 Saint Soleil School 390, 391 Saturne, Andre 346, 347, 348, 349, 350



Serl, Jon Sharlhorne, Welmon Sias, M.W. St. , Robert St. Hilaire, Ch. St. Pierre, Toussaint St. Vil, Marcel Stephane, Edith Stephane, Peters Stéphane, Micius Swearingen, Rev. Johnnie Tebo, Sacha Teuchler, E. Tisa, Ken Toussaint, Rene Unknown Artist Unknown French Artist Utagawa, Yoshiiku Valcin, Emm Valcin, Pierre-Joseph Various Artists Vergin, Denis Vincent, Nemours Vital, Pauléus Volk, Ed Voltaire, W. W., F. Weissert, M. Wesley, Jacques Wong, Bohill Work, Jim Young, Virgil Zoeller, M.

206, 207, 208 431 467 255 372 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292 112, 113 340 341, 342 256, 257, 258, 259 204 375 178 529 383 71, 87, 397, 411, 413, 414, 445, 448, 450, 451, 454, 455, 459, 470, 472, 473, 477, 532, 556 536 551 179 249, 250 18, 398 221 148 260, 261, 262, 263 205 338 458 441 181 461 209, 210 85 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410


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Lot 191. Laura Pope Forester (American/Georgia, 1873-1953) Four Planes In A Golden Sky, Oil Painting On Masonite

material culture 4700 Wissahickon Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19144 | 215-438-4700 |

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