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Lastek: Photonics Technology Solutions
Source: Sally Wood
Lastek is the Australian and New Zealand distributor for over 70 leading laser, imaging, and photonics technology companies. Their high quality product portfolio includes such leading companies as Toptica, Ocean Insight, Thorlabs, Gentec-EO, Raptor Photonics, Ekspla, Abberior Instruments, Light Conversion, Laser Quantum and many more. Their principal areas of operation are: Lasers: Lastek is the leading supplier of lasers and photonic sources to the scientific industry in Australia and New Zealand, representing some of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers, including solid state, ultrafast, industrial fibre, tunable, gas, microwave, micromachining, drive electronics and light sources. Safety: Lastek offers an extensive range of equipment and services designed to cover all aspects of laser and LED safety, including protective eyewear, laser enclosures, beam dumps, interlock systems, warning signs and curtains. Optics: Lastek offer a huge range of optics and optical components from the world's leading precision optics companies, including lenses, windows, mirrors, fibre optics, prisms, and photonics components.
Detection: Lastek offers a very wide range of detectors and instruments for measuring light from some of the world's leading suppliers and manufacturers. From simple photodiodes to the most complex cameras, Lastek can help. Motion: Lastek offers the most advanced motion and positioning systems from leading suppliers including ALIO Industries, LG Motion, Mad City Labs, New Scale Technologies, piezosystyems jena and more. Spectroscopy: Lastek offer the world's most advanced and versatile spectroscopic instruments backed by the most experienced support in the industry, including raman, optical, fluorescence and mass spectrometres. Microscopy: Lastek offers the most advanced microscopy and imaging systems to Australian and New Zealand customers, including two photon and light sheet microscopy, OCT, nanoscale cultureware and illumination systems. Metrology: Lastek offer a wide range of advanced instrumentation for precision metrology, including: holographic microscopy, interferometry, autocollimators, fibre photometry, laser speckle imaging, magnetic induction, eddy current, magnetic method, beta backscattering, Coulometric method, electrical conductivity, and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Established in 1988, Lastek operates from a large, fully restored factory located in the former University of Adelaide’s Commerce and Research Precinct at Thebarton.
Further Information www.lastek.com.au/ T: +61 8 8443 8668 or (within Australia) 1800 882 215 E: sales@lastek.com.au

Helmut Fischer – World Leader in Precision Instruments for Coating Thickness Measurement, Material Analysis and Testing
Lastek proudly introduced precision measurement instruments from the Helmut Fischer Group. Helmut Fischer is an innovative leader in supplying high-value products in industrial, process and laboratory measurement technology. Our products include instruments for measuring coating thickness, microhardness as well as material analysis and testing.
Handheld Instruments: Portable instruments for onsite measurements with interchangeable probes. Measure coating thickness on metals, electrical conductivity of metals, ferrite content in welded products, sealants on anodic coatings on aluminium, finding pores and defects on enamel, paint, rubber, bitumen and plastics.