Mater Maria 2016 Prospectus

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Welcome At Mater Maria Catholic College, our co-educational community is focused on learning, positive support networks and an infinite array of opportunities grounded in our shared College values of Community, Hospitality, Justice, Spirituality and Stewardship. Christ and community are foundational at Mater Maria. Our young men and women are called to be active in prayer, service and ministry as they develop their consciousness for being Catholic in the twenty-first century. In the tradition of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, the founding religious order of the College, our students are called to be neighbour to all, to listen in a deeper way and discover new ways of realising the parable of the Good Samaritan in all that they do. The task of educating at Mater Maria is preparing our young men and women for an unknown future. This College provides an engaging, technology-complemented learning environment where teachers are challenged to increase the learning gain for each student. Quality transformational learning is our focus and through flexible learning structures and informed by the latest professional practice our teachers guide our students to nurture curiosity, develop quality relationships and achieve their personal best. At Mater Maria, we encourage personal responsibility and commitment. Graduates of Mater Maria Catholic College not only do well, they do good, making an impact in the world and beyond in ways that matter. I hope that these pages provide a glimpse of the special opportunities provided to your sons and daughters at our College. Welcome to Mater Maria. Marc Reicher PRINCIPAL

Our History The story of Mater Maria Catholic College began in January 1962, when the Sisters of the Good Samaritan founded a secondary school for thirty-eight girls at Narrabeen. In 1964 the College moved to Forest Road at Warriewood. From 1962 until 1990, twenty-five Good Samaritan Sisters stewarded the College with faithful dedication. In 1979 the College became co-educational and in 1980 the Sisters donated the land of the College in perpetuity. Responsibility for the College was later handed to the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay and in 1990 the first lay principal was appointed. The Commonwealth and generous contributions from the five feeder parishes of the College financed five new buildings that were opened in the period from 1974 to 1990. In addition, in 2002, the Bush ‘log' Chapel was closed and decommissioned for substantial building works. Many people have been involved in the College's development, most especially a strong and dynamic parent community, a nurturing and quality staff, supportive Priests from the surrounding parishes and of course the Sisters who lived and ministered on this site and who helped shape, form and influence the lives of so many during those early years. As the College enters into its next half century, the peaceful, steep hillside on which the College is positioned provides an outstanding setting to continue to hand on the Benedictine values and Good Samaritan spirituality to staff, students and parents as students are inspired and challenged through quality learning, collaboration and positive wellbeing.

At Mater Maria, the Catholic tradition in which our students are educated provides them with gifts that enable them to make contributions to others in unique ways.

Catholic Ministry Proclaiming the word and life of Jesus Christ, Mater Maria aims to support each student in their journey of spiritual growth and development. The Catholic life of our College permeates all aspects of our being and exists in our curriculum, relationships, prayer and celebrations and the values inherent at the core of our Mater Maria community. It is an essential partnership with our local parishes and revealed in all that we do. Using St Benedict’s ancient ideals, the basis of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan charism, students are invited to give expression to their religious journey through the context of prayer, liturgy and service. Mater Maria places special reverence on the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke’s Gospel and calls each student to live out their call to be neighbour. The Catholic tradition in which we educate at Mater Maria provides each student with gifts that will enable them to make a contribution to others in unique ways. With Blessed Mary as our College’s patron and guide each student is encouraged to share the gift of faith, to be active in social justice campaigns and initiatives, be involved in youth ministries, be stewards for the world and make a difference in the ways that matter.

Quality Wellbeing Our pastoral care and student wellbeing program draws its expression and strength from the life of Jesus Christ. We encourage our young people to value and respect themselves, build positive relationships and develop belonging through being an active member of the community. In the Benedictine tradition of the Good Samaritan Sisters, our pastoral care is structured so that each student is known, is challenged to reach his or her potential and is nurtured by and connected to our College community. At Mater Maria, the inclusive nature of our coeducational setting provides a wide range of natural opportunities for building positive and healthy relationships between girls and boys. Peer leadership along with mental health, anti-bullying and cyber safety programs offer each student experiences of healthy and collaborative behaviours which mirror broader societal and workplace contexts. This also enables students to be agile in their use of technology by providing a sound basis to collaborate, innovate and learn in these times. Our approach to behaviour management is grounded in restorative justice and a proactive, positive stance to resolving issues before they become problematic. Each student is entitled to justice, dignity and self-worth and offered a compassionate response and a spirit of reconciliation when mistakes are made. This allows students to discern appropriate behaviours, restore personal relationships with dignity and grow into socially responsible adults.

We encourage our students to value and respect themselves, build positive relationships and contribute to the community in which they live.

New learning opportunities remain underpinned by the central importance of the student-teacher relationship in the learning and education offered at the College.

Quality Learning At Mater Maria each student is offered a program of quality learning, collaboration and rich opportunities for positive relationships. The Catholic worldview is the central context within which we live, learn and teach and is celebrated in our belief that all children can reach their potential and proclaim success. Learning is the primary focus at the College and as a coeducational community our teachers confidently embrace the uniqueness of each student and actively seek to develop the special gifts that each student has by tailoring learning to their individual needs. We accept the professional challenge of raising our students’ academic standards of achievement, guiding their progress and instilling a love of life long learning. Our programs are informed by contemporary pedagogies and educational underpinnings and a focused analysis of each student’s data. The College offers a 1:1 iPad program which enables opportunities for students to enhance their learning, organisation and creativity beyond the constraints of traditional resources. Mater Maria is a vibrant, nurturing community which affords creative, academic and sport loving students with a diverse program of knowledge and skills so to maximise their individual achievement and therefore their opportunity to flourish.

Co-Curricular Activities Our curriculum is enriched by a diverse range of opportunities which allows a student to follow their individual interests and talents in a more challenging and fulfilling way. Creative, academic and sport loving students are presented with the opportunity to join ensembles, teams, productions and competitions and take part in activities that extend their abilities and achievement within a group of equally interested students. The individual talents and skills of our boys and girls are extended and developed in activities such as public speaking, debating, mock trial and chemistry titration. There are rich opportunities in the Performing Arts for musicians and dramatists to foster their technical proficiency and perform throughout the year. Competitions enable academically gifted students the challenge to excel and achieve certificates of High Distinction. Students may also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme or can promote respect, compassion and sense of social justice through inter-faith dialogue seminars, outreach in local primary schools/aged care facilities or by leading environmental stewardship. Overseas educational experiences are offered to challenge preconceived notions and provide exposure to opportunities that can’t be experienced in Australia. Students may also choose to immerse themselves in the charitable ministry of building houses for the poor in Cambodia. On all the tours, students are encouraged to raise funds together and work independently to pay for their place and passage. All students are therefore eligible. Students overall are encouraged to become involved from the beginning, support the activities offered and be enriched by the experience.

Our Facilities The College site is organised around a central axis celebrating the link between hilltop and ocean. The primary expression of this axis is a grand staircase ascending to the heart of the College, with the beautiful Mater Maria Chapel at its peak and continuing into the bushland. The central axis is intercepted by meandering paths and walkways, which weave through the landscape to our learning and recreation spaces. At Mater Maria, the facilities are modern and technologically equipped to offer each teacher engaging and creative ways for collaborating, communicating and delivering the curriculum. The site is wirelessly networked. Each classroom has a ceiling mounted projector, audio system and the technology to stream content, present ideas on the big screen and engage with those in their classroom and beyond. Specialised learning spaces exist for electronics, digital learning, drama, fitness, hospitality, languages, music, science, timber, textiles and visual arts. The Information Centre (library) and the Fitzmaurice e-learning centre are central in broadening the learning outcomes for each student. In addition, students have the benefit of our performance and presentation auditorium, the Byrne Theatre and the Marana Complex which is an impressive gymnasium and gathering space for College events. In the open air, the Slattery field, covered outdoor court and cricket nets provide training grounds and pitches for a number of our sporting teams.

Parental Engagement Parents, as the primary educators of their sons and daughters, are valued contributors to the life of the College. Mums, dads and grandparents are encouraged to be engaged in their child’s learning at home and active participators in College activities and events so that the staff and parents can jointly enhance the learning partnership and enrich each child’s wellbeing. Each new family to Mater Maria is warmly welcomed and invited to attend and contribute to the ‘Mater’ sense of community, friendliness and joy by becoming involved and contributing to the life of the College. Many opportunities are available for both parents and carers to connect to our community. Regular parent information evenings, meetings, celebrations such as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day and family masses in the Mater Maria Chapel provide unique opportunities to participate in the fuller life of the College. It is also evident in a range of activities from membership of the College Board and the Parents and Friends’ Association, to assisting staff in the organisation of events, coaching of College sports teams, providing careers advice for students at the Careers Market day, to regular voluntary work at working bees or other initiatives. The Mater Maria Festival is an annual opportunity for our parents to assist in College fundraising for the further development of our learning environment. It is our hope that parents initiate support of College activities and commit to the ongoing development of our community.

Enrolment Mater Maria Catholic College contributes to the educational mission of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay. As a school it strives for excellence in education and is a way for the Catholic community to provide for its young people and an opportunity to experience Christian discipleship. The Enrolment Committee welcomes enrolment applications from Catholic families who, during enrolment, can commit themselves to the religious goals of Mater Maria and its place in the wider life of the parishes associated with the College. The Committee firstly acknowledges in the enrolment process those families who are known members of the parish community. As well it invites applications from Catholic families who may not be known members of a parish community but who, nevertheless, continue to belong to the wider Catholic family. The Enrolment Committee also welcomes applications from families of other Christian and religious traditions. Where there are places, the students and families who are known members of their worshipping communities or who genuinely seek a Catholic education may be offered enrolment at Mater Maria. Written references from a minister of religion or a similar community representative who attests to this should be provided at the time of enrolment. Visitors are always welcome at Mater Maria Catholic College. We look forward to meeting you at our annual Open Day, at one of our regular events, our College tours or at any other time by appointment.

MATER MARIA CATHOLIC COLLEGE 5 Forest Road, WARRIEWOOD NSW 2102 33°41’02.40” S 151°17’04.69” E T 02 9997 7044 F 02 9997 6042 E For enrolment enquires please contact the Enrolment Registrar

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