2013 2014 MCC
WELCOME to our 2013/14 Maternity Care Coalition (MCC) Early Head Start (EHS) Annual Report Recognizing that health care is one key to growing up healthy, we made sure that in 2013 100% of the children served had health insurance, 99% had an ongoing source of continuous, accessible health care, and 96% of our children were up to date on all immunizations appropriate for their age.
Amanda Woodson
Dear Friends, As the Chair of the MCC EHS Policy Council, I write to you both as a parent and a governing member of EHS. This year we have faced various challenges, and met success in the face of adversity. In early 2013 we received the news that due to federal budget cuts also known as sequestration, EHS would face significant cuts to our grant. As a result we were forced to reduce our program enrollment by 24 and our staff by four members. Despite this setback, however, we continue to strive to empower the families that we work with.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Our children have also been supported in the area of school readiness. Last year 96.55% demonstrated improved a n d p o s i t i ve a p p ro a c h e s towa rd learning, increased attention skills and 93.1% had improved physical health and development.
I’m just one of the many parents who have benefitted from this amazing program. Throughout the rest of the annual report you will read stories from people who have gained an education for their children, empowerment for t h e m s e l ve s , a cce ss to vo l u n te e r opportunities and community support. This annual report is a chance for our community to celebrate what we have built together, paving the way for the next generation. Yours Sincerely, Amanda Woodson Chair, EHS Policy Council
As an EHS parent who has moved through prenatal, home-based and center-based services with my two sons, I’ve seen firsthand the difference that this program can make. My sons h ave been able to s ocialize with others, gain confidence and learn from older children. I have been provided with the support of a community of educators, helping me in my choices as a parent. 2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
WHAT HAVE WE DONE? We were selected by the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey to participate in “Success by 6”, an initiative with the goal of increasing the number of quality childcare centers in the area. With their help we will achieve the Keystone Stars level 3 accreditation at our South Philadelphia site, being recognized by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning, for excellence in our classrooms. Our Pottstown EHS site was invited to become a managing partner in Pottstown Early Access to Kindergarten (PEAK), and as a result MCC is represented on PEAK’s committee. Staff and parents have also been given the opportunity to attend PEAK and Pottstown School District workshops, where they’re invited to discuss their children’s needs for support in school. In 2013, in order to gain feedback and suggestions from parents about school readiness, we assembled a School Readiness Task Force. The committee, which includes Early Head Start Staff, parents, and community partners, meets quarterly to focus on how to ensure our children are ready for school. In March 2013 our sites participated in Read Across America, to bring focus to the importance of reading to children, and to encourage staff and parents to read out loud in our classrooms.
HOW HAVE WE DONE? Between February 2013 and January 2014:
Pictured: Mom and daughter color in a picture of a virus during a flu prevention workshop in Pottstown.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
• 87.93% of enrolled children demonstrated improved communication, language and emergent literacy skills. • 89.66% of enrolled children demonstrated improved general cognitive skills • 96.55% of enrolled children demonstrated improved positive approaches toward learning, including improved attention skills. • 96.6% of enrolled children demonstrated improved social behavior, emotion regulation, and emotional well-being • 93.1% of enrolled children demonstrated improved physical health and development.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
All three sites have provided a wealth of parent engagement activities, including monthly workshops covering subjects such as budgeting, family re l a t i o n s h i p s , p e d e st r i a n safety, child safety, outdoor playground safety and bedbug prevention. In December, each site held an annual Holiday Stress Reliever program, which included a stress management workshop and activities for children, followed by parent pampering – including beauty treatments and dinner for moms and dads.
Our success has been measured in awards this year! During MCC’s 2013 Driving Fatherhood Awards Dinner we recognized six outstanding men, Stephen Kearney, Anthony McCall, Antonio Prouty, Juan Yanez, Syarif Syaifulloh and Hermawan Tanzil, who have shown a deep commitment to EHS by volunteering and serving as role models to their children and o the r parents in the community. MCC Pottstown EHS Mom Angela Kearney was awarded the Pennsylvania Head Start Association Francine Bunch Memorial Award, in recognition of her services as Policy Council chair as well as her position as a role model in her community. Angela, along with other Policy Council members Marcus Tuggles and LaTonja Simmons, had their stories selected fo r t h e PA P ro m i s e Fo r C h i l d re n Month website in November 2013, celebrating the positive impact of early childhood education.
Some EHS parents were also treated to gifts for their children over the holidays through MCC’s Family Gift Connection and Toys for Tots. In March 2013, EHS Parents were invited to the Please Touch Museum for fun and educational activities. Parents and children gained free entry to the museum, where they were given the opportunity to learn and play. Our Male Involvement Taskforce members attended workshops conducted by Dr. Harold Frye. Workshop subjects included Parenting Relationships and Male Involvement where parents learned about healthy parenting and providing emotional support for their child/children.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Pictured: Our Norristown site encouraged male involvement through activities such as “Dads bring your child to school day.” 2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Three EHS staff members were selected to participate i n a ye a r - l o n g Tra i n t h e Trainer program sponsored by UCLA Health Care Institute, where they developed health training sessions tailored to our families’ needs. Parents were then able to receive basic health care and first aid training. Parents also received hands-on instruction in key skills, such as taking temperatures and measuring medicine. Other health trainings at sites have included subjects such as nutrition, pedestrian safety and stress management.
We have continued to focus on the positive impact of exercise on growing minds and bodies. Gym time and gross motor skills are a focus of our in-center curriculum as well as socialization sessions for home-based families. 93.1% of children enrolled in EHS in 2013 /14 had demonstrated improved physical health and development. In 2013 / 14 97% of children received medical examinations, and 47% received dental examinations.
In April 2013 our Pottstown site hosted a health fair. The fair included a yoga tent, healthy snack station, BMI te st i n g fo r p a re n t s , a n d representatives from our local fire department.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Pictured: A mom studies the textbook during a Spanish language health class in Norristown.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WHAT HAVE WE DONE? In order to know who we are working with, we’ve gathered demographic information about who uses our services. This year we learned that 47.6% of our clients in Norristown and 16.5% o f o u r c l i e n t s i n P o t t s t ow n speak Spanish as a first language, while many of our South Philadelphia families are fluent i n I n d o n e s i a n o r E a st A s i a n languages. Collaborating with organizations in our communities is one of the best ways to ensure that the families we work with can access the information and resources that they need.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Our community partners include: • Accion Comunal Latinoamericana de Montgomery County (ACLAMO) • Congreso de Latinos Unidos, • The Consulate of Mexico • Intercultural Family Services • Juntos Mexicanos • Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition (SEAMAAC) On March 12th 2013 our Pottstown EHS participated in the 2013 Family Fest at Pottstown High School. The event, sponsored by the Pottstown Family Center, Pottstown Parks and Recreation and Pottstown School District, gave parents an opportunity to gain information about the services available to them locally. In March 2013, two parents from our EHS sites visited legislators in Harrisburg in order to voice concerns about funding cuts and their effect on Early Childhood Education.
HOW HAVE WE DONE? In total between 2013 and 2014 we served 361 children and 138 pregnant women, with an average enrollment of 90%. The percentage of eligible children we served was 7.4%. In December 2012 a follow up to our tri–annual monitoring review was conducted, with no corrective actions required as a result.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
WHAT HAVE WE DONE? 2013 saw the development and launch of our latest parent engagement tool – the Parent Portal section of MCC’s website. Following a year-long development which saw staff, parents and partners contributing their views on what was needed, we launched the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal has information about EHS, as well as a password protected site especially developed for parents. This site features staff, volunteer and general information about all three sites, as well as resources, at -home activities for parents and children, information on our male involvement program and Policy Council, and stories and videos from EHS parents. With generous support from the PNC Bank Foundation we have been able to ensure that the Parent Portal’s pages have been translated into Spanish and Indonesian, and are accessible by mobile phone.
HOW HAVE WE DONE? The Parent Portal is still in its infancy. We look forward with anticipation to find out how many of our parents have been able to access the site and utilize its resources. We have been getting the word out, including a launch event, social media shout outs, newsletter mentions and flyers in three languages. To find out more you can go and have a look for yourself at: http://maternitycarecoalition.org/professionals/services-for-families/early-head-start-3/ Password: mccparent
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
We asked EHS mom Rebecca what her son learned from EHS:
We asked Jackie Tarr, Parent Involvement Coordinator to
“He learned that it’s fun to be a kid. He was able to strengthen
highlight one of our EHS Dads – Gary Strimple. Jackie says:
up his muscle tone, learn how to talk. Learn through play with
“Gary joined MCC’s EHS program nine months ago. As a new
other kids. EHS allows your child to be more independent.
dad to a little girl he asked for help with everything from
My Advocate helped me be able to be a mom and know what
styling his daughter’s hair to joining the Male Involvement
I’m doing right and I’m doing wrong and I see it in my children.
Initiative. He has transformed from a reserved man to an
My children are growing up to be healthy, and they love it!”
active member of the EHS community. Now he sits on the School Readiness Task Force, working towards securing educational goals for
HEALTH AND DISABILITY We asked MCC EHS Mom LaTonja to tell us about the effect that being enrolled in EHS has had on her daughter Kyleigh. Here is what she said:
children in the community, as well as volunteering regularly at the site.”
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT We asked South Philadelphia Advocate Gaynell to tell us about one of her most memorable experiences this year.
“Kyleigh enrolled in Early Head Start last September, Kyleigh
Here is what she said:
has some special needs and I figured her being around
“We held a socialization at the library in Philadelphia, and
typical kids in that setting would prompt her to do some of the things that they do. Before Kyleigh went to EHS she didn’t play with other kids, but when she got used to the center she started to verbalize, to manipulate the toys and I can see the want in her to do the things that other kids are doing and it helps her a whole lot. They have helped us out so much, in a lot of different ways from helping us to get better housing, helping Kyleigh to become a part of the everyday life of the center to giving us a space for her five
took a family who had recently moved to Philly from Nepal. The Family had never been to the library before, didn’t understand what this place was, and that it had so many books in it. Back home they had not had access to a library, and were rarely able to buy books. They were excited to find out that the library was a free resource for everyone, and quickly signed up for library cards for the whole family.”
therapists to come and see her in that environment.”
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
CORPORATE PARTNERS AND FOUNDATION SUPPORT: PNC Foundation Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation Genuardi Family Foundation Hess Foundation William Penn Foundation COMMUNITY PARTNERS: South Philadelphia: School District of Philadelphia, Please Touch Museum – Community Outreach Program Norristown / Pottstown: St. Patrick Church, CADCOM, Catholic Social Services, Cradles to Crayons, Ardmore Presbyterian Church Pottstown Early Access to Kindergarten - PEAK, Pottstown YWCA, The Tri County Community Network. CHILD CARE PARTNER: Montgomery Early Learning Center (MELC) THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE PARTNERS
Non-Federal Share: $1,150,961 Total Early Head Start Program: $4,691,445 Percentage of non-federal share match: 24.53% Percentage of Administration: 14.09% Program Year 2/1/13 – 1/31/14 42% Salaries 12% Benefits 10% Professional Fees / Sub-contractors 2% Training and technical assistance 7% Rent / Utilities 4% Supplies 7% Other 16% Donated services, rent, supplies
FINANCIAL INFORMATION Total public and private funds received for program year 2013- 2014 Federal Share: Total: $3,587,534
Includes CACFP
USDA Adult and Child Care Food Program: $47,050 US Department of Health and Human Services EHS Program Base Program Operations: $3,449,450 Training and technical assistance: $91,034
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
The non-federal share (NFS) of $1,150,961 included cash contributions of $416,950 and noncash contributions of $731,411. Cash contributors i n c l u d e d t h e Wi l l i a m P e n n Foundation, Hess Foundation, Pottstown Health and Wellness Foundation, Hess Foundation, Genuardi Family Foundation, PNC Foundation, United Way and Individual and Corporate Donors. Noncash contributions included donated supplies, rent, volunteer services, professional s erv ices and legal s erv ices provided by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.
2013-14 MCC EHS Annual Report
Thanks to our Board & Committees 2013/2014 EHS Policy Council: Mayra Vasquez, Christine Epps, Heather Reilley, Rebecca Smith, Angela Kearney, Marcus Tuggles, Shirley Parks, LaTonja Simmons, Zakiyyah Boone. Amanda Woodson EHS Board Committee Rita Berger-Morra, Zakiyyah Boone, Quiana Bullock, Stacey Helmers, Mu’min Islam, Malinda Jo Muzi, Mary Posner, Susan Robbins, Soozung Sa Rankin, Mary Pat Sherry, Bonnie Shuman, Nakia Stith, Felice Weiner Photography by Michele Corbman www.michelecorbman.com Design by Sarah Murphy sarahmurphy0@gmail.com
2000 Hamilton Street Suite 205 Philadelphia, PA 19130 (21 5 ) 972-0700 www. mate r n itycare coalition .org