2013 Maternity Care Coalition Annual Report

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Maternity Care Coalition Annual Report

Service + Research = Dear MCC Supporter, MCC’s roots are planted in the understanding that service and advocacy are deeply connected. However, what makes the things we advocate for and the services offered to pregnant women and families successful is research and evaluation. In the beginning, we knew there were things we didn’t know, existing information was limited and didn’t account for the needs of pregnant and parenting women in underserved communities. We also understood that the voices of these women and parents were not only important as we developed our programs and continued to advocate on their behalf, but their voices would be important in indentifying research priorities. For those reasons we’ve built our capacity to conduct research. We address issues related to the needs of diverse groups of parents like the parenting experience of mothers after release from jail. We conduct focus groups with immigrant mothers on their experiences in raising children. We implement comprehensive community assessments to stay at the forefront of emerging trends. We evaluate our programs to learn if education on breastfeeding and HIV Prevention have contributed to improved knowledge and

behavior change. We utilize technology and text messaging as tools for education and support. Families provide feedback that show us our programs are valuable by referring friends and family. However, due to budget cuts exacerbated by sequestration, we continue to have long waiting lists for our programs. Our ability to serve is only limited by our resources to do so. So this year, as you are evaluating your philanthropic contributions, I hope that you too will stand with us by contributing generously. Be assured that you will be making a difference and that MCC has demonstrated impact in strengthening families and in inspiring change. With sincere thanks,

JoAnne Fischer

Demonstrated Impact This year we demonstrated the impact of our programs by conducting a rigorous analysis of the MOMobile program. We have a strong and statistically significant impact on our clients when measuring perinatal depression, breastfeeding, and safe sleep practices. Our analysis, validated by Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University, found:

Reduction in the number of clients at risk for perinatal depression

Breastfeeding initiation by our clients, compared to 43% in comparable programs

Of our clients practice safe sleep by laying their babies to sleep on their back compared to 65% of women across Pennsylvania

55% 70% 90%

Seeing the impact of our program

For example, creating a safe sleep env

ams inspires us to do more!

vironment takes more than just a crib... Serving 90,000 families over three decades is impressive.

The inspiring results of our program study reflect our ability

Having those families make positive behavioral changes that

to effectively support our clients emotional wellbeing.

decrease depression and increase breastfeeding rates and

Our achievements also demonstrate our ability to translate

the numbers of babies sleeping safely, is extraordinary. Since

maternal and child research, along with community, staff,

1980, we’ve honored our commitment to improve the health

and client feedback into programs that have a profound

and wellbeing of mothers and their babies through health

impact on the clients and families served.

education and support. Beyond the statistics, we were able to illustrate something Through extensive and longstanding community partnerships,

even greater. When we focus our efforts on a particular set

research studies, and public-private collaborations, we’ve

of issues and priorities, we achieve positive results.

discovered how to help women and families make significant behavioral changes, particularly in breastfeeding and safe sleep.

Research is more than just numb RESEARCH

Glamarys Acevedo takes blood pressure of new mom Lisa Jones as she holds baby Amara at a postpartum weight management workshop. Women enrolled receive a baby carrier, pedometer, and nutrition education to help them successfully manage their weight after delivery.



bers and labs, it’s people too... Building a bridge between the community and the university is an important part of demonstrating impact. Our scientific studies link our academic partners to the community and empower community members to identify and solve their own problems. Our Research Team collaborates with faculty from over ten local, national and international universities to examine healthy weight management, perinatal depression, motherhood after incarceration, and the parenting needs of immigrant parents. We lead a Maternal and Child Health Research Consortium to bring together researchers from the around the region to network, collaborate and help us identify ways to improve the health and wellbeing of women, babies, and their families. With continued funding from Aetna Foundation and the University of Pennsylvania we were able to increase the number of participants in our Postpartum Weight Management Study. Study participants achieved weight loss, decreased depression risk and increased self-efficacy in our preliminary

analysis. In our first randomized trial, some clients participate in the study intervention while others participate at a later date. By doing this, we are able to compare those joining the “six week challenge” to those who don’t. This study is a community-academic partnership with faculty members at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. What is it like to be a mother after being in jail? Through our Motherhood and Reentry study we will gain better understanding on what it is like for a mother to reunite with her children after being released from jail. We are interviewing mothers who participated in our MOMobile at Riverside program when they’ve returned to tell their stories about mothering, in and after jail. This study is a partnership with the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers University and LaSalle University.

Clients relate to Advocates like SERVICES FOR FAMILIES

Dad Stanley holds son Shawn during a tender moment. Each year through our programs and workshops, we provide moms, dads, and families with the tools, resources, and education they need to give their babies and young children a healthy start.



they’re a trusted family friend. For over two decades, our MOMobile® program has provided home visiting support services and education to vulnerable communities across Southeastern Pennsylvania. Our program uses the Partners for Healthy Babies Curriculum created by Florida State University (FSU). Advocates were trained in best practices on how to use the curriculum to achieve the greatest impact with clients. This year, we partnered with Georgetown University and FSU to conduct a two-year evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum. Creating a safe sleep environment is more than just a crib. When Cribs For Kids provided 2400 families with cribs, we also gave them vital information about safe sleep. Each year, in addition to the City of Philadelphia, many individuals, corporations, and foundations support our program. This year employees at Einstein Healthcare Network and the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania joined the Women’s Auxiliary at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals to raise money to purchase cribs.

The MOMobile is constantly evolving to reflect the changing needs of the families and communities we serve. In October 2012, our Healthy Families America MOMobile, expanded into North Penn and Indian Valley in Montgomery County. Within a few short months, we successfully identified partner organizations, healthcare providers, and individuals who could benefit from the services we offer. The program has reached capacity and has an ever growing waiting list. We are committed to improving the health outcomes of women during pregnancy. Our newest program, Safe Start MOMobile, focuses on reducing maternal mortality and morbidity in North Philadelphia. Advocates will pilot the program in the upcoming year and will offer home visiting and labor support to pregnant women who have risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

A baby’s first food should be the BREASTFEEDING

Kristie Sargent Glazer breastfeeds her baby for a Facebook Photo Contest. We provide breastfeeding support and education for individuals and families to help them meet their nursing goals.



best nature has to offer! We are committed to ensuring that women have the support needed to successfully breastfeed their babies. Hospitals play a major role in this by creating and implementing policies that encourage and support nursing mothers. We lead the Philadelphia Multi-Hospital Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force, helping birthing hospitals in the city become Baby Friendly. To date, five out of the six have registered with Baby-Friendly USA to become designated as a baby-friendly hospital. With continued support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation we implemented an innovative program model to address breastfeeding disparities in North Philadelphia. The North Philadelphia Breastfeeding Program trains members from the community to become Doulas and breastfeeding educators, provides services and support to families, and partners with Temple University Hospital to host breastfeeding support groups.

Integral to our programs success is the ongoing support from the North Philadelphia Breastfeeding Advisory Committee (BAC). Along with staff, members of BAC facilitated a free 20-session Community Doula Training Program to 16 ethnically diverse and multi-generational women. We’ve matched 23 women from North Philadelphia with Community Doulas and all have initiated breastfeeding. Employers play an important role in the success of breastfeeding women. We continue to provide free technical assistance to area businesses interested in establishing a breastfeeding friendly workplace. This year, three organizations agreed to develop lactation support programs for nursing employees. Congratulations Bryn Mawr Birth Center, Mastery Charter Schools, and Women In Transition!

Some of the best lessons are tau EARLY HEAD START

Early Head Start Parents LaTonja Simmons and Marcus Tuggles pose with the official bill recognizing Week of the Young Child in Pennsylvania. Our EHS program served 399 children over the year, providing free home and center-based early education and care.



aught by parents at home. Research confirms it. Early Head Start (EHS) has a positive impact on school success, family self-sufficiency, and child development. As the largest provider of EHS services in Pennsylvania, we strive to maintain an exemplary program that not only influences families now, but in the future. Our School Readiness initiative prepares children for kindergarten by establishing goals across five domains including social, cognitive, emotional and physical development. Through quarterly analysis, we can identify trends and adjust the program to best fit the needs of our families. We continuously seek ways to improve our program and provide children and families with the best resources in early education. We were selected by the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey to participate in “Success by 6,� an initiative with the goal of increasing the number of quality childcare centers in the area. With their help, we will achieve Keystone Stars Level 3 at our South Philadelphia site.

In April, the Pennsylvania State Legislature officially recognized Week of the Young Child. This week honors young children and thanks the adults who play important roles in their lives. To help us celebrate, State Representatives Jordan Harris and Matthew Bradford visited and read to children in our South Philadelphia and Norristown sites. Parents with children enrolled in our program provide great support to our staff and we honor their dedication. During our Driving Fatherhood Awards Dinner, we recognized six outstanding men. Stephen Kearney, Anthony McCall, Antonio Prouty, Syarif Syaifulloh, Hermawan Tanzil and Juan Yanez have shown a deep commitment to EHS by volunteering and serving as role models to their children, other parents and the community.

We are the voice of families and PUBLIC POLICY

MCC intern Kelsey Bogue holds a sign during a Countdown to Coverage rally supporting the Affordable Care Act. Under the law, private insurance now includes eight preventative services for women and must include maternity coverage.



d we empower them to advocate. Access to medical care is a critical factor in improving maternal and child health. We led efforts in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). We defined what the maternal standard should be for the essential health benefits part of the law. In partnership with several organizations, we launched the Cover the Commonwealth Campaign supporting Medicaid Expansion in Pennsylvania. All insurance models are not created equal. This year we examined different insurance models and published and widely distributed reports with our findings. The Price of Being A Woman: Part One and Two found that only 20% of insurance plans available in Pennsylvania offered maternity coverage and a smoking 40 year old male paid less for insurance than a nonsmoking 40 year old woman. Our work monitoring maternal and child health issues position us as experts in the field. In November, John George of the

Philadelphia Business Journal released a series called Labor Pains where he examined the roles hospitals, managed care and community organizations play in improving the quality and access to care for women in Philadelphia. Our work addressing regional hospital closures was featured in the series. Early Learning programs are critical. The impact of sequestration was felt across the Commonwealth. We identified the impact of the cuts on families in our region and produced a video about the importance of Early Head Start services. The video generated attention for the Week of the Young Child. We worked with networks of constituencies to advocate for quality early education services, worked with parents to attend rallies and wrote letters of support for quality early learning programs.

Fundraising determines the numb DEVELOPMENT

Driving Fatherhood Awardees pose with Celebrating Fathers Golf Classic Committee Chairs Bob Schenck and Andy McPhee, David Brown and members of our staff. For eight years, our Golf Classic has supported MCC programs and honored the contributions of dads in maternal and child health and wellbeing.



ber of families we can serve... Despite the challenges we faced this year due to sequestration, with continued support from a range of funders, we were still able to serve more than 5000 families. Kicking-off our annual Celebrating Mothers Campaign in March, Sheinelle Jones of Fox 29 led over 300 MCC supporters on a “Stroll Through Britain.” Guests enjoyed performances by the University of Arts and Morris Dancers, British-inspired dishes and a royalty-themed photo booth. John George of the Philadelphia Business Journal and text4baby were honored with our Spirit of Motherhood Award for advancing our mission in unique and innovative ways. Visit our website to learn more. In May, The MCC Carnival arrived at the Radnor Valley Country Club. Our youngest supporters enjoyed a morning of food, arts and crafts, carnival games, and prizes. Over 150 children and their families attended, making this our largest children’s brunch to date.

More than 1,000 women around the U.S. and the world were honored during this year’s campaign that culminated on Mother’s Day. Raising just over $206,000, this was the most successful Celebrating Mothers Campaign thus far. We honor dads too. Following the 8th annual Celebrating Fathers Golf Classic in June we recognized men in the community who are advancing the role of fatherhood. Former NFL Player Raheem Brock, Philadelphia Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, Rev. Jefty Pietersen of Impacting Your World Ministries, and Larry Woody of Focus on Families were honored for inspiring fatherhood in the lives of others with the Driving Fatherhood Award.

When you give your resources a THANKS TO YOU

Volunteers pose for a picture outside of the Baby Closet at Ardmore Presbyterian Church. When asked about working with MCC, Mary Lou Zwann of Wells Fargo said, “The partnership with MCC has given us the opportunity to provide holistic support to a cause that is important to our members; maternal and child health.”



and time, our impact is greater. Supporting MCC is more than just giving money. Because of donors who generously give their time, resources and connections we are able to maximize our impact and meet the needs of clients. We are grateful to the many volunteers who support us throughout the year. One such volunteer is Helene Van Hoeven, who has coordinated our Family Gift Connection Program for more than four years. Each year, she and her team of elves process gifts from individual donors and corporations that are distributed to nearly 400 children enrolled in our programs for the holiday season. Volunteers help make our events successful year after year. Students from Lower Merion High School’s buildOn program provided staffing support for The MCC Carnival. With over 40 volunteers, buildOn made up a majority of the volunteers for the event. Students facilitated arts and crafts and carnival games for children ages 2 to 10.

Our relationships with our corporate partners are deeper than the dollar. Members of Wells Fargo Womens Team Member Network (WTMN) wanted to share their time, talents and skills to have a greater impact on the community. WTMN adopted our Baby Closet, a donated space that houses in-kind donations of baby and maternity related items at Ardmore Presbyterian Church. They, along with staff and other volunteers, repaired walls, added new flooring, painted, and brought furniture to organize boxes of clothes, including a generous donation from Gymboree. For every federal dollar we receive for our Early Head Start program, we must raise 25 cents in match. This can come in the form of cash, donated services, and supplies. Parents of children enrolled in our EHS program also help us reach our match goals by volunteering in our classrooms. Visit our website to learn about volunteer opportunities.

What do our supporters in the c TESTIMONIALS

State Rep. Matthew Bradford talks with Karen Washington and Maraima Ruiz before reading to children at our Norristown Early Head Start site. Our community partners help strengthen our programs.



community say about MCC? “MCC is at the forefront of maternal health issues and I’m proud to be associated with an organization that is creating positive, meaningful change for new mothers and their families.” – Regine Metellus, Board President, Carnation Club Member “I continue to give, and support MCC in many ways because of the great work it does in providing vulnerable women, young children and families with critical services and hope to move forward in their lives.” – Dr. Nathalie Bartle, Former Board, Carnation Club Member “From helping with breastfeeding positions to formulating public policy positions, MCC efficiently and effectively shows up for families who are pregnant and caring for young children. I know that my support helps MCC continue to show up where it matters most.” – Cathie Harvey, Carnation Club Member

“We continue to support MCC long after I left the Board because I know first-hand that it is a well-run organization, doing essential work to interrupt the cycle of poverty in this city, with effective, innovative strategies and exquisite execution.” – Tobey Dichter, Former Board, Carnation Club Member “I am proud to serve as a member of MCC’s Carnation Club. With less and less funding available from the federal and state government, we all need to step up and make sure all families have access to maternity care. I particularly love the MOMobile program that brings wellness programs where they are needed most, in the homes of new and future mothers.” – Ken Weinstein, Carnation Club Member

Why do you support our mission? Like on us Facebook and share your experience with us.

Our strength in numbers reflects FINANCIALS

Every dollar helps advance our mission to improve maternal and child health. Look at some of the ways we allocate our funds:

50= $ 250=


25= $ 150=


A week’s worth of breakfast, lunch and a snack for an EHS enrolled child.

Two weeks of tokens for an expectant mom to travel to prenatal appointment.





Allows one member from the community to enroll in our 20-Session Community Doula Training Program.

A year’s worth of MOMobile services for a family, which includes home visiting support & health and parenting education,

Supports MCC sustainability fund and helps cover operational costs essential to carrying out our mission.

Assistance to pregnant and parenting teens to help them stay in school.

Provides the support of a Doula to a birthing woman (prenatal, postnatal and birth).


100= $ 500= $

Covers the purchase of a National Safety Council rated crib, delivery and setup at clients home.

Enrollment for a new mom in a postpartum weight management workshop that includes a baby carrier, pedometer and nutrition information.


MCC’s demonstrated impact! 2013 Income by Source


15% Foundations 2% United Way 69% Grants & Contracts

$1,039,269 $169,413 $5,016,641


Property and Equipment


Prepaid Expenses / Deposits Total Assets

4% Individuals


5% Donated Services



5% Other * $332,293 *Corporate, Research, Healthcare & Religious Orgs.

Accounts Payable Debt

2013 Expenses 20% MOMobile 54% Early Head Start




Temporarily Restricted

Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

Cribs for Kids



Other Programs**


9% Management & General





576,720 608,727 77,809 $1,845,454 $203,130 11,419 $214,549




**Policy & Research

Total Liabilities


$1,095,413 535,492 $1,630,905 $1,845,454

Each day our staff strengthens MEET OUR PEOPLE!

In 1989, we had a staff of three and a budget of $116,000. Now, almost 25 years later, we have a budget of $7,500,000 and a staff of over 100.

families and inspires change... Our impact is the result of the passion and dedication of our staff! Glamarys Acevedo Carolyn Adams Dianne Aguilar Kety Alvarez Paul Antony Molly Baird Ashodian Sharmaine Atwood Aleece Beattie Bette Begleiter Naima Black Cynthia Booten Renaye Boozer Jessica Borger Kathrin Brellochs Tabrea Brinson Raejean Bristol Samia Bristow Lufay Butler Dorothy Cam Keila Canete Julia Cannon

Guadalupe Cintron Erin Cusack Teresa D’Antonio Yasmeen Davis Tracy DeBlasis Iliana Dejesus Yarim DeLeon Glendalys Delgado Tameka Deshields Nanci DeVose Althea Elliott Mary Elliott Erin Ernst Quatina Fall Jalesaa Figueroa JoAnne Fischer Anneli Frank Langer Monica Fread Moriama Ruiz Franceschi Kisha Gadsden Tania Ghee

Marie Gervasi Leila Ghaznavi Gaynell Gillespie Keondra Goodie Glenda Gray Kerianne Guth Shannon Guy Barbara Hadley Deria Hill Alexa Hoffman Sherita Hogan Jakasha Johnson Shyeeta Kittrell Stella Krukowski Traci Lawton Julia Lewis Agnes Love Kellie Lupacckino Trish Marchesani Rainesha McCloud Saleemah McNeil

Marjorie Mogul Yvonne Moore Mary Jane Morrison Shauntay Murray LaToya Myers Bernadette Norcone Mazvita Nyamukapa Ileana Ocasio Onumara Opara Joseph Parham Ashley Park Justine Pascal Jullie Patterson Sharon Petroski Katja Pigur Karen Pollack Nakiya Pollard Leticia Powell Katherine Primus Lisbeth Ramos David Richardson

Raquel Rivera Naima Robinson Evelyn Rodriguez Jessica Sanchez Rashonda Saunders Bridget Scott Caitlin Sherman Haley Singer Jessica Smith Joanne Solarz Tamicka Stephens Arnetta Stewart Joyce Sullivan Jessica Sweetman Jacqueline Tarr Mary Texidor Mary Thach Letty Thall Maria Torres Yasmin Townsend Ana Tredicce

Keyonna Tyler Ashanta Walter Karen Washington Cynthia Waters Michael Welsh Colby West Danyell Williams Dorian Williams Jullette Williams Laniece Williams Tierra Williams Virginia Williams Zakia Williams Danielle Worthy Koyuki Yip Telesha Zabie

Through collaborative efforts we are able to strengthen more families. Special thanks to:

Carnation Club Members (annual commitment of $1000 or more) Albert and Susan Pizzica Andrea and Bruce Gilbert Anita Allen and Paul Castellitto Anne Faulkner Schoemaker Anonymous April and Neal Pettinelli Augie Hermann and Julio Kuperman Barbara and Charles Hadley Bette Begleiter and Paul Messing Brady Green Bruce and Cindy Terker Carole Haas Gravagno Carolyn Smith Cathie and Susan Harvey Christine and Larry Smith Colleen and Howard Messing Dale and Jeffrey Garson Daphne Goldman and Jane Hix Dave and Ellen Watson Denise Collins Diane and Pat Croce Drs. Sean and Charmaine Wright Elizabeth Block and Bruce Kuklick Elizabeth Cohen

Elizabeth Lindsey and Jonathan Rothwell Eric Beringause Felice and Tom Wiener Frances Marbury Gail Curtis Morse Gary and Patricia Holloway Gwen and David Keiser Helene and William Van Hoeven Jacqueline Morrill and Michael Donahue Jane Mathisen and Robert Aronowitz Janet Bly and Jim Rosenberg Jay Siegel and Mona Sarfaty JoAnne Fischer and Eric Hoffman Johanna Berger and David Dormont John Dent Jose (Pepe) and Sharon Garcia Judy and Ken Weinstein Judy Faust Jullie and Michael Patterson Katayun Jaffari Kathryn and Peter Kim Ken and Christena Waldman Kirstin and Jeff Engelman Laura Offutt and Steve Fukuchi

Creative Services: Th!nk-Scott Strategy + Design | scott@think-scott.com Photo Credit: Sharon Bonewicz & Sheila Hudson

Leanne Wagner Linda McAleer and Maitlon Russell Liza Nickerson Seltzer and Jonathan Seltzer Mark and Melissa Benevento Mark and Tobey Dichter Mary and Edward Posner Mary and Peter Austen Maura Dollymore Meta and Benjamin Neilson Michael Kamarck Michele and Richard Hunn Nancy Fuchs Kreimer and Seth Kreimer Nancy Hellebrand Blood Nathalie Vanderpool Bartle and Harvey Bartle III Pam and Tony Schneider Patricia J. Williams, MD Randi and Howard Serota Regine Metellus Rosemarie and Jay Halt Saul and Roberta Epstein Stacey and Leo Helmers

Susan and Richard Salkowitz The Solarz Family Thomas and Audrey Schwenger Tobey and Kimberly Oxholm Tracey and Shanin Specter Trish Marchesani and Ed Vilsmeier Valerie Arkoosh Victoria Gorokhovich Victoria Zellers Virginia and John Morris William and Missy Mundy

@mccpolicy 215.972.0700 2000 Hamilton Street / Suite 205 Philadelphia, PA 19130 maternitycarecoalition.org

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