Security Check to Perform on Your Garage Doors, Before the Cold Season
Before the cold hits us hard, and the weather turns rough, there are certain checks that you should perform on your garage doors. All kinds of misalignments, worn parts and cracking noises tend to get worse over colder temperatures, leading to numerous emergency repairs of sorts. To avoid such a situation, you’re better off ticking all boxes and checking your garage door before the cold winds start coming by.
Here are some security checks that you should perform on your garage doors, before the winter season: Test Balance of Door The first thing you need to check is the balance of your garage door. You can do so by disconnecting your garage door from the door opener by pulling on the red release cord. Now, manually lift your door up and hold it by your waist. Keep it steady there, before releasing. If the door comes down on its own, you will need to have it adjusted. If, it goes up, the springs are exerting too much pressure on it. Both of the scenarios can put undue pressure on your door opener and lead towards an emergency repair down the line. You’ll need a garage door replacement in Allen, TX if you feel the damage is beyond repair.
Visual Inspection of all Parts There is nothing more effective and result-oriented than a visual inspection of all parts related to your residential garage door in Allen, TX. Take out some time from your routine and inspect all important parts visually. The visual inspection will give you insights into what repairs you need. Inspect the hinges, sensors, tracks, opener, spring line and rubber seal among many items to ensure that the structure of the door is good to last during the winter season or not.
Check Bottom Seal Your garage door has a seal or astragal located at the bottom of the garage door. This equipment is meant to ensure that the garage door closes softly, and that there is no friction. The bottom seal not only maintains good upkeep of the door, but also keeps out animals like mice, chipmunks, rats and squirrels during winter season. These animals often squeeze in through broken parts of the seal and get inside for the warmth your garage offers. Thus, have a look at the bottom seal and replace it if you feel it wouldn’t hold you safe against an animal invasion. It is best to have your garage door inspected and repaired before the winter season to avoid any extensive repairs down the line. Get in touch with Allen Garage Door Solutions of Allen, TX to get the inspection and repairs done.
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