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MƒA Additional Learning Opportunities
The following meetings and events do not count towards fellowship attendance requirements. They are opportunities for MƒA teachers to expand their professional network, develop leadership skills, and explore their personal and professional passions.
Interest Groups are one-time workshops in which small groups of teachers meet informally around a common interest or identity. They provide opportunities to make connections and begin conversations with MƒA colleagues.
MƒAdventures are offsite events organized by MƒA teachers that allow teachers to explore shared interests. They are a great way to meet MƒA community members outside the MƒA office.
Thursday Thinks are monthly STEM talks open to MƒA teachers and their colleagues from the larger mathematics and science community. This speaker series features engaging and accomplished experts who delve into cutting-edge topics in mathematics, science, computer science, and education.
Equity Webinars Series (formerly Wednesday Webinars) are virtual workshops open to MƒA teachers, other Master Teacher programs, and people interested in learning more about MƒA. Each webinar leads with a talk from a nationally recognized STEM educator, followed by breakout sessions, where small groups of teachers discuss how these powerful ideas can be applied in their classrooms. Teachers are expected to stay for the entire session, including the talk and the small group discussion.
Community Contributions are leadership opportunities for MTII+ (teachers in their second, third, or fourth Master Teacher Fellowship) to deepen their connections within the MƒA community by becoming involved with admissions, recruitment, communications, facilitation, supporting new MƒA teachers, and other leadership activities. Please review each contribution for its unique structure and requirements.
MƒA ƒundamentals
MƒA ƒundamentals is a sequence of virtual workshops that will orient teachers to the frameworks which serve as the basis for the MƒA model. MƒA ƒundamentals Part 1: The Five Dimensions of Powerful Classrooms began in 2019 and continues this fall for teachers in the 2022 cohort. MƒA ƒundamentals are credit-bearing workshops and offered for each cohort at various points in your fellowship. Teachers are required to attend these workshops. MƒA will notify teachers about when and how to register. The goal of these workshops is to help MƒA teachers develop a common language for (1) teaching that supports collaboration across classroom differences, (2) effective professional development, and (3) leadership at MƒA. They do not count towards the two-course limit