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Summary of Core Learning Opportunities
Asian American Affinity Group p (AG) Black, Latinx, and PoC Affinity Group
p (AG) Cultivating Sustainable Careers as Women of Color Affinity Group p (AG) LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group p (AG) White Anti-Racist Educators Affinity Group p (AG)
All About School Makerspaces (PLT) Bring Coding to Your Classroom: Getting Started With CSEdWeek! (SSW) Continuing With Arduinos (MINI) Desmos Activity Builder for Beginners
Emerging Technology: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Essentials (SSW) Escaping Reality With AFrame.io (MINI) High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech: Project-Based Learning and Design Thinking (MINI) Introduction to Python Programming
Let’s Roll: Sphero Robots as an Introduction to Programming (SSW) Let’s Tell a Story: Using Excel to Write Student Narratives (SSW) Making the Most of AP Classroom
Mastery vs. Metacognition in Computer Science (MINI) Three Dimensional Learning With 3D Printers (PLT) Virtual Reality in STEM: An Introduction p (SSW)
Agile Teacher Thinking for Inclusive Classrooms p (MINI) ALL-ED Meets Dura-SEL: All Learners Learning Every Day to Build Durable
The Art of Co-Teaching: Developing Positive and Productive Relationships
p (PLT)
Book Club: Grading for Equity p (PLT) Book Club: Ratchetdemic: Reimagining Academic Success p
Dismantling Segregation in the Most Segregated School System in the Country p (PLT) Equity, Identity, and Restorative Justice: Applications in Our Communities p (PLT) Establishing and Maintaining Cogenerative Dialogues p (PLT) Examining and Revising Our Curriculum Through a CR-SE Lens: Part I p (PLT) Exploring Instructional Routines Through Classroom Visits (PLT) From Research to Reality: Investigating Myths in Educational Psychology (SSW) Game-Based Learning: An Introduction (MINI) Going Gradeless in the STEM Classroom: An Introduction (SSW) How To Design More Meaningful Project-Based Learning Curriculum Implementing and Evaluating Mindfulness Practice in Your STEM Classroom p (MINI) Incorporating Financial Literacy for a More Equitable Classroom Using EVERFI (SSW) Let Them Figure It Out! Strategies to Develop Basic Logic Skills (SSW) Narrating Disability: Considering the Experiences of Others p (SSW) The Notorious MBG: Working Towards Mastery-Based Grading (PLT) Paper Circuit Identity Portraits (SSW) Preparing for Master Teachers on Teaching (MINI) Queer Your Classroom 2.0 p (PLT) Science Teaching Through Scenarios: A Case Studies Approach (PLT) Sharing Best Practice to Support ELLs and Students With IEPs p (SSW) Shifting Instructional Practice to Create Anti-Racist STEM Classrooms
p (MINI)
Staying TRU: Teaching for What Matters (PLT) Talk Less, Smile More: Debate and Discussion in the STEM Classroom
Teacher as Writer (PLT) Teacher Leadership for Impactful School Change (SSW) Universal Design for Learning: Using Neuroscience to Engage All Learners
p (MINI)
Unpacking Your Implicit Bias p (SSW) Working Towards National Board Certification (PLT) “Young Man, Get Out of Here!”: Historical Perspectives on NYC Discipline Policy p (MINI)
Activities and Projects in Algebra II: Building Blocks for Accessible Learning (PLT) Analyzing Errors to Provoke Meaningful Student Discussion in Mathematics (PLT) Analyzing Free, Formative Assessment Lessons Using the TRU Framework
Are Your Students Ready for Calculus? (PLT) Book Club: Mathematics for Human Flourishing p (PLT) Book Club: Rough Draft Math (PLT) Ciphers Through the Ages (MINI) Cultivating Genius in High School Mathematics: Practical Applications
p (PLT)
Culturally Responsive Mathematics: Creating Tools for Teaching p (PLT) Data Exploration With Gapminder
Desmos Activity Builder for Advanced Users (MINI)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Developing a Math Tools Center That Works: Why and How? p (MINI) Electoral College Remix (SSW) Embracing the Mathematical Strengths of ALL Learners p (MINI) Engaging Activities in Statistics (PLT) Exploring Rational Tangles (SSW) Fun With Factorials (MINI) Geometric Construction: Making Dynamic Sculptures (MINI) Geometry for All p (PLT) The Geometry of Linear Algebra (SSW) Get Rhythm: The Mathematics, Art, and History of Humanity’s Oldest Artform p (MINI) Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: An Introduction to Fair Division (SSW) Intermediate Combinatorics: Looking Beyond Basic Permutations and Combinations (SSW) An Introduction to Boolean Algebra
It’s All About That Base! (SSW) Making Algebra Accessible to All (SSW) Mathematics in Government (PLT) The Most Beautiful Mathematical Equation: Euler’s Identity (SSW) Open-Ended Tasks and Non-Routine Problems in Mathematics Grades 2-7
Opening Up Mathematics Tasks for Creativity and Problem-Solving (SSW) Proof Through Play: Using Games, Number Strings, and Debate to Build Proof (MINI)
Rich Learning Tasks for Middle School Mathematics (MINI) Routines to Build Equity and Belonging in Mathematics p (MINI) Sangaku 2.0: Samurai, Kissing Circles, and the Geometry of Shinto Shrines
Street Data: An Invitation to Rehumanize Mathematics p (MINI) String Art: The Use of Straight Lines to Represent Curves (MINI) Student Explorations of The True Origins of Mathematics p (MINI) Thinking Classrooms Under Construction (PLT) To Infinity and Beyond (MINI) The TRU Framework in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom (PLT) Unpacking the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards (PLT) Using Virtual Manipulatives for Mathematics Exploration and Discovery (SSW) Winning at Blackjack Using Markov Chains (SSW)
82 Reasons to Have Hope: Project Drawdown and the Fight Against Climate Change (SSW) Advanced Biology: Analyzing Primary Data to Hone Science Skills (PLT) Analyzing Perspectives in Life Science Data p (PLT) Beyond Bohr: A Quantum Approach to the Atom With Perimeter Institute
A Brief History of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Today (MINI) Building a Culture of Science Reading Through Engaging Classroom Libraries p (SSW) Building an Ethical Framework for Animal Research (SSW) Build Your Own Electric Vehicle!: Renewable Energy With Engineering Tomorrow (MINI) Citizen Science: Measure the Health of the Bronx River With Macroinvertebrates (MINI) Climate Change: An Anchor for Your Energy Unit in Physics p (MINI) Data-Driven Climate Justice With EcoRise (MINI) The Earth at Fault: What Does Seismology Teach Us? (MINI) Engineering Flight, From Birds to Blimps (PLT) Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Middle School Science p (PLT) Evaluating Scientific Claims: An Introduction to Statistics (SSW) Exploring the Geology and Geography of Northern Manhattan and the Bronx (MINI) Fun With Fungi: Growth and Experimentation With Wild Yeast
Getting Kids to Care About Climate Change (PLT) GMOs: The More You Know - Are My Doritos Genetically Modified? (MINI) Great Diseases With Tufts: Understanding Bioethics Through the Lens of History p (MINI) Green Chemistry Classroom: Developing Environmentally Sustainable Labs (PLT) Guided by Wonder: PhenomenaBased Units in AP Chemistry (PLT) Guiding Your Students Through Student-Designed Experiments (MINI) Illustrate to Stimulate: Understanding Earth Science Through Drawings
Imagining a Gender-Liberated Science Classroom p (PLT) Investigating Inheritance, Gene Expression, and Genetic Medicine With HHMI (MINI) Let’s Talk About Sex (Ed): How to Teach Inclusive Sex Education p (PLT) The Little Things That Run the World: The Incredible Universe of Social Insects (SSW) Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future (MINI) Pablo Escobar’s Hippos and Constructing Models in the Science Classroom (MINI) Polymers: More Than Common Consumer Plastics (MINI) The Pursuit of Equity: How to Cultivate Genius in Your Science Classroom p (PLT) Rethinking APES Lab Activities (PLT) Science From the Bottom of the World (SSW)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Teaching Trees: Where Ecology Meets Equity p
This is Not a Test: Creating NGSS-Aligned Formative and Summative Assessments (PLT) Unique Perspectives in Astronomy With Hands-On Investigations (SSW) Unlocking Nature’s Potential: Chinese Herbalism and Modern Medicine (MINI) Using Environmental Justice as a Lens to Promote Scientific Understanding p (SSW) Using Ocean Satellite Data in the Classroom (SSW) Using Portfolios to Authentically Assess Lab Skills
Vogue-istry! Modeling in Chemistry (SSW) Why Do I Need to Know This? Using Storylines to Engage Students in Biology (PLT)