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Single Session Workshops
science organization devoted to helping underrepresented students navigate higher education in the sciences.
Clickbait Science: Let’s Look at the Evidence
Facilitator: MƒA Master Teacher Tracy LaGrassa, Ph.D.
How can we equip our students with the tools to evaluate science news and headlines? In this workshop, we will develop a framework for analyzing newsworthy science by letting students choose headlines and then chasing the claims back to the actual science. First we’ll model a versatile claim, evidence, and reasoning approach, in which students put on their scientist hats to interrogate the news and associated primary source data. We’ll consider multiple questions including, “What is the claim of this headline? How does it make us feel and do we believe it? What evidence do we expect to see in support of the claim? What is the actual evidence, and how can we make sense of it?” Then, we will discuss how to adapt this model for use in our classrooms. We will focus on an exemplar from a high school biology class, but any teacher interested in new strategies to develop media and data literacy is welcome. Dr. Tracy LaGrassa is an MƒA Master Teacher and science teacher at The Bronx High School of Science in the Bronx.
Collaborative Debugging in Computer Science
Facilitators: MƒA Master Teachers Rebecca Caporale-Guarino and Richard Premvaree
Debugging is not just about stomping on those pesky lanternflies! Debugging code requires content knowledge, research skills, effective communication, and critical thinking. Collaborative debugging allows students to engage beyond the computer screen by sharing ideas and problem-solving with peers. In this workshop, we will share and model collaborative debugging techniques for the whole class and small groups. We will also invite teachers to share their own strategies. Prior knowledge of the Beauty and Joy of Computing curriculum and Code.org’s AP Computer Science Principles course is helpful but not required.
Teachers will leave with ready-made assessments and the confidence to apply these strategies in their current or future computer science courses.
Rebecca Caporale-Guarino is an MƒA Master Teacher and mathematics teacher at Manhattan Village Academy in Manhattan.
Richard Premvaree is an MƒA Master Teacher and computer science teacher at Manhattan / Hunter Science High School in Manhattan.
DeltaMath Plus: What Have They Added?
Facilitator: MƒA Master Teacher Andrew Fitts WEDNESDAY, MAR 1 MƒA
DeltaMath is a powerful tool for teachers and students. With recent changes to create DeltaMath Plus, several new features have been added (pun intended). Join us in this workshop to explore some of these features, including how to attach instructional videos, track student progress, make individualized assignments, customize modules, add co-teachers, integrate with Google Classroom, and more. The workshop will follow the group’s interests and is open to all mathematics teachers. DeltaMath will provide a temporary two-week DeltaMath Plus subscription to all participating teachers.
Andrew Fitts is an MƒA Master Teacher and mathematics teacher at NYC iSchool in Manhattan.
Electrify the Grid With Tabletop Games!
Facilitators: MƒA Master Teacher Matthew Sarker and MƒA Emeritus Teacher Rachel Wax
Is it true that nuclear power will solve our energy crisis? Is wind energy really too expensive? How can we power our city and our country with low carbon energy to mitigate climate change? In this workshop, we’ll explore these questions with two tabletop games, Generate: The Game of Energy Choices, a free game developed by the EPA to help students weigh the costs and considerations of energy choices, and Energetic, a game wherein players balance a budget, determine grid stability, and consider public opinion as they build a clean power facility for New York City. We’ll begin by sharing our success and pedagogical rationale for using these games, continue by playing each game, and conclude by debriefing our experiences and discussing classroom integration. This session is best for middle and high school physics teachers or anyone who teaches energy content.
Matthew Sarker is an MƒA Master Teacher and science teacher at The Bronx High School of Science in the Bronx.
Rachel Wax is an MƒA Emeritus Teacher and science teacher at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Manhattan.
Engaging Earth Day Activities
Facilitators: MƒA Master Teachers Shakira Provasoli and Jeanne Salchli
Do you want to celebrate Earth Day with engaging, student-driven activities? Join us in this workshop to explore a variety of activities inspiring activism and appreciation for our planet. We’ll open with a collaborative activity to raise awareness for the natural world, then we’ll discuss some tried and tested projects, including Green Team led workshop ideas, and finally,