MƒA Fall 2021 Professional Development Course Catalog

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Summary of Core Learning Opportunities COMMUNITY

Organizing Your Digital Space (SSW)

Asian American Affinity Group p (AG)

Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Model (SSW)

Black, Latinx, and PoC Affinity Group p (AG) LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group p (AG) White Anti-Racist Educators Affinity Group p (AG)


Unrecognized: Algorithmic Bias in Facial Recognition p (SSW)

Dismantling Segregation in the Most Segregated School System in the Country p (PLT)

People and Place: How We Develop Belonging For Our Students (and Ourselves) p (MINI)

Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom and Beyond (PLT)

The Power of UDL: Providing Meaningful Access for Students With Exceptionalities p (MINI)

Engineering Tomorrow: Vaccine Distribution Demo (SSW)

INQUIRY, PRACTICE, AND LEADERSHIP Academic Mindfulness: Supporting Executive Function Skills in Students p (SSW)

Establishing Classroom Norms for Vital Conversations of Current Events p (SSW) Examining and Revising Our Curriculum Through a CRSE Lens p

Psychosocial Recovery Skills to Support Students p (SSW) Queer Your Classroom! p (SSW) Racial Equity in the Classroom and Beyond p (PLT)


Recognizing and Assessing Risk in Your Students p (SSW)

Book Club: Change Your Feedback to Drive Student Learning (PLT)

Fostering Humanizing and Loving STEM Classrooms p (SSW)

Restructuring Resilience (ELC)


Book Club: Grading for Equity p (PLT)

Code Puzzles in the Classroom (MINI)

Book Club: Teacher Remoralization

Gaining A Deeper Understanding of Students Through Their IEPs p (SSW)

All Hands on Deck: Tech Tools to Get Every Student Involved and Engaged (SSW)

Become a Google Workspace Guru!

Computer Science Strategies for Multilingual Learners p (MINI) Desmos Activity Builder for Beginners (MINI)

Excel Training for Data Specialists and Enthusiasts (SSW) Game Development With JavaScript and p5.js (MINI) Integrating Computer Science Into the STEM Classroom (PLT) Introduction to Python Programming (MINI)

JavaScript and Google’s Firebase Realtime Database (SSW) JavaScript: Let’s Create Responsive Applications (SSW) Learning Google Sheets Functions by Tasks (SSW) MƒA Tech Night (SSW) Open Broadcasting Software: A MiniProduction Studio for Instructional Videos (MINI) 8

The Art of Co-Teaching p (SSW)


Book Club: We Want to Do More Than Survive p (PLT) Building Equity Through Group Work p (PLT) Building Learning Communities in Our Classrooms p (ELC) Caste: Reckoning With Our History and Changing the Future p (ELC)

Grit and Resiliency Skills to Increase Engagement and Prevent Burnout (MINI)

Socratic Seminars in the Mathematics and Science Classrooms (SSW) Spot It! Game Design Workshop (SSW)

Hard Conversations on Race and Equity Continued: Support for Teacher Leaders p (ELC)

STEM Icons in the Classroom p (PLT)

Challenging “Learning Loss” and Designing an Alternative Way Forward (MINI)

Holding Onto the Silver Linings (PLT)

Co-Generative Dialogues: Help Your Students Help You p (PLT)

How to Design Project-Based Learning Curriculum (ELC)

The Construction and Implications of the High School Dropout Rate p (ELC)

Impactful Classroom Management Through Thoughtful Accountability

Creating Belonging Through Transformative Justice Practices p


The Dark Side of Big Data p (MINI)

Self-Care Skills for Teachers and Students (SSW)

Growing Forward: What Have Educators Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic? (MINI)

High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech: Project-Based Learning and Design Thinking (MINI)


Revisiting LEGO Serious Play (SSW)

Lessons from Remote Learning (SSW) Meeting the Moment: Reflecting on Pandemic Innovations to Promote Equity p (PLT)

Standards-Based Grading Collaboration (PLT) Talk Less, Smile More: Debate and Discussion in the STEM Classroom (MINI)

Teacher as Writer (PLT)

KEY Professional Learning Teams (PLT) Mini-Courses (MINI) Extended Length Courses (ELC) Single Session Workshops (SSW) Affinity Groups (AG)


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