7 minute read
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities
Asian American Affinity Group p (AG) Black, Latinx, and PoC Affinity Group
LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group p (AG) White Anti-Racist Educators Affinity Group p (AG)
All Hands on Deck: Tech Tools to Get Every Student Involved and Engaged
Become a Google Workspace Guru!
Code Puzzles in the Classroom (MINI) Computer Science Strategies for Multilingual Learners p (MINI) Desmos Activity Builder for Beginners
Excel Training for Data Specialists and Enthusiasts (SSW) Game Development With JavaScript and p5.js (MINI) Integrating Computer Science Into the STEM Classroom (PLT) Introduction to Python Programming
JavaScript and Google’s Firebase Realtime Database (SSW) JavaScript: Let’s Create Responsive Applications (SSW) Learning Google Sheets Functions by Tasks (SSW) MƒA Tech Night (SSW) Open Broadcasting Software: A MiniProduction Studio for Instructional Videos (MINI) Organizing Your Digital Space (SSW) Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Model (SSW) Unrecognized: Algorithmic Bias in Facial Recognition p (SSW)
Academic Mindfulness: Supporting Executive Function Skills in Students
p (SSW)
The Art of Co-Teaching p (SSW) Book Club: Change Your Feedback to Drive Student Learning (PLT) Book Club: Grading for Equity p (PLT) Book Club: Teacher Remoralization
Book Club: We Want to Do More Than Survive p (PLT) Building Equity Through Group Work
p (PLT)
Building Learning Communities in Our Classrooms p (ELC) Caste: Reckoning With Our History and Changing the Future p (ELC) Challenging “Learning Loss” and Designing an Alternative Way Forward
Co-Generative Dialogues: Help Your Students Help You p (PLT) The Construction and Implications of the High School Dropout Rate p (ELC) Creating Belonging Through Transformative Justice Practices p
The Dark Side of Big Data p (MINI) Dismantling Segregation in the Most Segregated School System in the Country p (PLT) Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom and Beyond (PLT) Engineering Tomorrow: Vaccine Distribution Demo (SSW) Establishing Classroom Norms for Vital Conversations of Current Events
p (SSW)
Examining and Revising Our Curriculum Through a CRSE Lens p
Fostering Humanizing and Loving STEM Classrooms p (SSW) Gaining A Deeper Understanding of Students Through Their IEPs p (SSW) Grit and Resiliency Skills to Increase Engagement and Prevent Burnout
Growing Forward: What Have Educators Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic? (MINI) Hard Conversations on Race and Equity Continued: Support for Teacher Leaders p (ELC) High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech: Project-Based Learning and Design Thinking (MINI) Holding Onto the Silver Linings (PLT) How to Design Project-Based Learning Curriculum (ELC) Impactful Classroom Management Through Thoughtful Accountability
Lessons from Remote Learning (SSW) Meeting the Moment: Reflecting on Pandemic Innovations to Promote Equity p (PLT) People and Place: How We Develop Belonging For Our Students (and Ourselves) p (MINI) The Power of UDL: Providing Meaningful Access for Students With Exceptionalities p (MINI) Psychosocial Recovery Skills to Support Students p (SSW) Queer Your Classroom! p (SSW) Racial Equity in the Classroom and Beyond p (PLT) Recognizing and Assessing Risk in Your Students p (SSW) Restructuring Resilience (ELC) Revisiting LEGO Serious Play (SSW) Self-Care Skills for Teachers and Students (SSW) Socratic Seminars in the Mathematics and Science Classrooms (SSW) Spot It! Game Design Workshop (SSW) Standards-Based Grading Collaboration (PLT) STEM Icons in the Classroom p (PLT) Talk Less, Smile More: Debate and Discussion in the STEM Classroom
Teacher as Writer (PLT)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Teacher, Know Thyself: Upending Racism and Shaping Change p (MINI) Teacher Leadership: Building Learning Communities to Improve Instruction (MINI) Teachers as Tinkerers: Cultivating Daring Risk-Takers in the STEM Classroom (PLT) Unpacking Your Implicit Bias p (SSW) Why Building Community Matters Now More Than Ever p (SSW) Working Towards National Board Certification (PLT) Work Smarter, Not Harder: Assessment and Feedback Techniques (SSW)
Analyzing Free Formative Assessment Lessons in Grades 6 - 12 Mathematics
Are Your Students Ready for Calculus? (PLT) The Astounding Story of Place-Value Throughout the Entire Curriculum
Book Club: Mathematics for Human Flourishing p (PLT) Building a Project-Based Algebra II Curriculum (PLT) Common Content: Transitioning From Middle School to High School Mathematics (MINI) Creating Project-Based Learning Adventures in Mathematics (MINI) Culturally Responsive Mathematics: Creating Tools for Teaching p (PLT) Developing Math Tools Centers That Work: Why and How? (SSW) Discrete Mathematics in the K-8 Classroom (MINI) Engaging Activities in Statistics (PLT) Exploring Blended Learning Models to Differentiate Mathematics Instructions p (PLT) Exploring Cozmo: Learning How to Program a Virtual Robot (SSW) Fibonacci Inspired Geometric Art
Focus on the Process: Opening Up Questions in the Mathematics Classroom (SSW) Fostering the Cultural and Mathematical Strengths of Our Students p (MINI) Geometric Construction: Making Dynamic Sculptures (MINI) Geometry for All: Interactive Tasks to Encourage Deep Learning in Every Student p (PLT) Infusing Narrative and Relevance Into Mathematics Planning (MINI) Interrogating “Common Sense” and Working Toward Anti-Racism in Mathematics p (MINI) Introduction to Egyptian Fractions
It’s All Linear Algebra (SSW) It’s a Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World!
Making Algebra Accessible to All (SSW) Manipulatives in the Mathematics Classroom (SSW) Mathematical Connections Across Grades K-12 (PLT) Maximize Real-Time Feedback Using the Desmos Activity Builder Computation Layer (MINI) Meaningful Sports Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom (SSW) Middle School Mathematics: Strategies for Returning to the Classroom (PLT) Misleading Graphs and the Stories We
Tell (SSW) Performance-Based Assessment in the K-5 Mathematics Classroom (PLT) Putting the Fun Back in Functions
Queer Pedagogy: Disrupting Oppressive Conditions in the Geometry Classroom p (MINI) Questioning Techniques for Deeper Mathematics Learning Using Teaching WalkThrus (SSW) Rubik³s Cube: An Introduction (MINI) Samurai, Kissing Circles, and the Geometry of Shinto Shrines (MINI) Seeing is Believing: A Visualization of the Triangle Congruence Theorems
Shifting Instructional Practice to Create Anti-Racist Mathematics Classrooms p (MINI) Student-Centered Mathematics in the Elementary School Classroom (PLT) Student Supports in Algebra I Illustrative Mathematics p (PLT) Taking Note of Note-Taking in the Mathematics Classroom (SSW) Teaching Calculus (PLT) Teaching for Justice in Mathematics
p (MINI) Trading Spaces: An Introduction to Discrete Math Pre-Collegiate (DMPC)
Uncovering Our Students’ Mathematical Thinking (PLT) Unpacking the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards (PLT) Utilizing Games and Puzzles to Improve Mathematical Habits of Mind
Voting Systems: How Does America
Rank? (SSW) What Is Straight?: Geometry on Many Surfaces (SSW) When Mathematics Rules Expire (SSW) Where Are My Students in the History of Mathematics? p (PLT)
AP/IB Biology: Developing FreeResponse Questions to Improve Science Skills (PLT) Are We Alone? Abiogenesis and Life in the Universe (SSW) Biology Demo Derby (SSW) Birding and Nature: Engaging Students With Place-Based Learning
p (MINI)
Black Hole “Breakout”! Bringing Escape Rooms to Classrooms (SSW) Brain and Behavior: Designing Activities to Cross the Divide (PLT) The Brains Behind Bird Behavior (SSW)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Bridging the Gaps Through Vertical Alignment in Science (PLT) Chemistry Co-Design: Tinkering With Emulsions for Fun Classroom Experiences (MINI) Chemistry Teachers Have Solutions: Teaching AP Chemistry Through Observation (PLT) Citizen Science: Using Macroinvertebrates to Measure Health of the Bronx River (MINI) The City That Never Sleeps: Exploring Sound and Noise in NYC (MINI) Consortium Science Curriculum Designed to Liberate Students p (PLT) COVID-19: An Inquiry Through the Lens of Ethics (SSW) COVID-19: Uncovering Vaccines and Equity Through the 5E Learning Cycle
Creating Classroom Ethos: All Students Are Learners With HHMI BioInteractive p (MINI) Crickets in the Classroom (SSW) Designing Engineering Curriculum to Inspire Innovation (PLT) Desmos: Beautiful, Free Science!
Discovering CHRE: Infusing Historical and Cultural Context Into Science p
Enter the Shark Tank: Project-Based Problem-Solving in Science (MINI) Environmental Justice With EcoRise
p (MINI)
Exploring Human Origins Through Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing (MINI) Exploring Magnetism (SSW) Exploring the Geology and Geography of Northern Manhattan and the Bronx (MINI) Geologic Field Study of Central Park
Getting Kids to Care About Climate Change (PLT) Great Diseases With Tufts: Antibiotic Resistance and the Tragic Case of
Stan (MINI)
Green Chemistry: Elevate Student Engagement and the Environment
The Higgs Mechanism and How It Shaped the Universe (SSW) Illustrate to Stimulate: Understanding Earth Science Through Drawings
Indigenizing Science! Bringing Indigenous Ways of Knowing Into Our Classrooms p (PLT) An Introduction to Statistics for the Hesitant Science Teacher (MINI) Investigating Global Coral Bleaching Using Real Data (MINI) Let’s Talk About Sex (Ed): How to Teach Inclusive Sex Education p
Leveraging Virtual Biology Activities to Enhance In-Person Learning (PLT) Making With Meaning: Bridging Engineering Design With Content
Physics Demo Derby (SSW) Physics Teachers: Check Your Units!
Polymers: More Than Common Consumer Plastics (SSW) Post-Pandemic Brains: Lessons Learned From Brain Plasticity (MINI) Race and Evolutionary Biology: The Legacy of Misuse and Misinterpretation p (SSW) The Return of General Relativity!
Shifting Standards on Science Teaching (PLT) Solving the Mystery: Incorporating Forensic Investigations Into Science Class (SSW) Stem Cells: Let’s Get Specialized!
Storytelling in Science: How MiniDocumentaries Can Engage Students
The Underrepresentation Curriculum: Social Justice & Student Identity in Science p (MINI) Using Biology Class to Promote Racial Justice p (PLT) Using Portfolios to Authentically Assess Lab Skills (SSW)
MƒA ƒundamentals Part 1: The Five Dimentsions of Powerful Classrooms