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Courses Focused on Remote Teaching
”Alexa, Grade My Tests!”: Utilizing Technology to Give Students Feedback (SSW)
Beyond Experiments: Using Primary Literature in Scientific Inquiry (MINI) Breakout!: Effective Collaboration in a Virtual Classroom (MINI)
Bringing Oyster Restoration to Your Remote and Blended Classrooms (MINI)
A Changing Climate in a Resilient NYC (MINI)
Designing Dialogue for Blended Learning (MINI)
Designing Resources for Remote Physics (PLT) Earth Science From Behind a Screen: Best Practices for Remote Instruction (SSW)
Engaging Activities in Statistics in a Distance or Blended Learning Environment (PLT) Engaging Chemistry Students Virtually: Creating Resources for Online Labs (PLT)
Exploring and Enhancing Science Assessments in the Virtual Classroom (PLT)
Exploring Data and Health of the Hudson River Estuary (MINI)
Exploring Routines for Engagement Through Virtual Intervisitation (PLT)
Flipped Instruction 101 (SSW)
Gamification With Google Forms (SSW) Glued into Science: Sustainable Polymers (SSW) Going Viral: Viruses Across the Biology Curriculum With HHMI (MINI)
Great Diseases With Tufts: Vaccines, Epidemics, and Trials for COVID-19 (MINI)
Having Fun With Fungi: Growth and Experimentation With Wild Yeast (MINI)
HyperDoc Hysteria: Engaging Digital Learners (MINI)
Making Algebra Accessible to All Remotely (PLT) MƒA Tech Night (SSW) Middle School Mathematics: Planning for Hybrid and Remote Learning (PLT)
The Mystery of Dark Matter (SSW) New York Botanical Gardens Virtual Tour: History Through Glaciers (SSW) On Zoom and in the Room: Engaging and Assessing Students Online With Nearpod (MINI)
Press Record: Making Your Instruction Work on Video (SSW)
Remote Teaching: Planning for Presence and Curricular Decisions (MINI)
Science Curriculum Reviewer for Remote Learning
The Science of (Remote) Learning (MINI) Student-Centered Mathematics in the Remote Elementary School Classroom (PLT) Teaching Online: Building Community Among Students in a Remote Class (SSW)
Teaching Online: Optimizing Critical Thinking in a Synchronous Classroom (SSW) Teaching Online: Optimizing Critical Thinking in an Asynchronous Classroom (SSW) Teaching Online: Tailoring Standards-Based Grading to Remote Learning (MINI) Teaching Online: Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Remote Classroom (SSW)
Tools for Teaching Science: Blending Intuition and Intention (SSW)
Uniting Science and Mathematics in the Remote Classroom (PLT)
Using Screencastify to Enhance Instruction (SSW) Virtual Biology: Creating Inquiry Activities Using Online Labs and Simulations (PLT)
A (Virtual) Night at the Museum: Designing Science Fieldwork Using AMNH (MINI) Why Routines? Why Now? Developing Strategic Sense-Making in Virtual Spaces (MINI)
Professional Learning Teams (PLT) Mini-Courses (MINI) Extended Length Courses (ELC) Single Session Workshops (SSW)