7 minute read
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities
“Alexa, Grade My Tests!”: Utilizing Technology to Give Students Feedback (SSW)
Building Belonging in the Computer Science Classroom p (SSW)
Code Puzzles in the Classroom (MINI)
Coding for a Cause p (MINI) Designing Meaningful Coding Projects (PLT) Excel Training for Data Specialists and Enthusiasts (SSW)
Flipped Instruction 101 (SSW) Gamification With Google Forms
Getting Started With Arduinos (MINI) Google Sites and Slides for Student Portfolios (SSW)
Introduction to 3D CAD Modeling
Introduction to Carnegie Mellon University’s Computer Science Academy (SSW) Introduction to Coding With p5.js
Introduction to Virtual Robotics (MINI)
MƒA Tech Night (SSW) On Zoom and in the Room: Engaging and Assessing Students Online With Nearpod (MINI) Press Record: Making Your Instruction Work on Video (SSW)
Unlocking the Full Potential of Google Classroom and Meets (SSW) Unlocking the Full Potential of Google Drive (SSW) Using Screencastify to Enhance Instruction (SSW) INQUIRY, PRACTICE, AND LEADERSHIP
Breakout!: Effective Collaboration in a Virtual Classroom (MINI)
Can I GRASP Your Attention?: Creating Authentic Student Assessments (SSW)
Co-Teaching in the Classroom p
Creating a Bigger Tent... Virtually! p
Creating Healing-Centered Classrooms p (MINI)
Culturally and Historically Responsive Education for Equity and Excellence p (SSW)
Designing a Mastery-Based Learning Model in the STEM Classroom (PLT)
Designing Dialogue for Blended Learning (MINI) Designing From the Margins: Universal Design for Learning Meets Design Thinking p (MINI) Engaging Students Through Inquiry, Place, and Action in the Blended Classroom (MINI)
Exploring Routines for Engagement Through Virtual Intervisitation (PLT) Feedback That Grows Student Understanding and Prompts Motivation (MINI)
Giving Effective Feedback (PLT) Grit and Resiliency Skills to Increase Engagement and Prevent Burnout
Human-Centered Problem-Solving in a Virtual World (MINI) HyperDoc Hysteria: Engaging Digital Learners (MINI)
Let Them Speak: Student Discussion (Without You) (SSW)
Planning Book Clubs for Equity p
Projects That Pack a Punch (PLT) Psychosocial Capacity Building With a Racial Justice Lens p (MINI)
Purposeful Collaboration in the Age of Social Distancing (SSW) Queer Your Classroom! p (SSW)
Racial Equity in the Classroom and Beyond p (PLT) Remote Teaching: Planning for Presence and Curricular Decisions
Rethinking Teacher Burnout (PLT) So You Want to Talk About Race? p
Standards-Based Grading Collaboration (SSW)
Storytelling in the STEM Classroom
Taking Culturally Responsive Teaching Back to Our Schools p (PLT) Teacher as Writer (PLT)
Teacher Leadership: Building Learning Communities to Improve Instruction (MINI)
Teaching as a Human Endeavor: A Space to Re-Energize and Redesign
Teaching Online: Building Community Among Students in a Remote Class (SSW)
Teaching Online: Optimizing Critical Thinking in an Asynchronous Classroom (SSW) Teaching Online: Optimizing Critical Thinking in a Synchronous Classroom
Teaching Online: Tailoring StandardsBased Grading to Remote Learning
Teaching Online: Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Remote Classroom
Teaching to the Introverted Student in an Age of Collaboration and Groupwork p (SSW) Technology Tools to Level the Playing Field for Students With Exceptionalities p (MINI) Tools for Teachers: Psychosocial Recovery and Support Skills to Help Students (MINI)
Uncovering Student Thinking Using FACTs (SSW)
Uniting Science and Mathematics in the Remote Classroom (PLT)
We Got This! Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to Be p (PLT)
Working Towards National Board Certification (PLT)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Advanced Desmos Activity Builder
Applied Computer Science: Bringing It Into the Mathematics Classroom
BreakOUT! Escape Rooms in the Mathematics Classroom (SSW) Bringing Modern Mathematics Into the Classroom (SSW) Building a Project-Based Curriculum for Algebra II (PLT) Building Literacy Through Statistics
Common Content: Transitioning From Middle School to High School
Creating Engaging Tasks That Align With the Mathematical Language Routines (PLT)
Creative Projects for Calculus (SSW) Decimal Expansions in Different Bases (SSW) Engaging Activities in Statistics in a Distance or Blended Learning Environment (PLT) An Exploration of Non-European Origins of Mathematics p (MINI) Focus on the Process: Opening Up Questions in the Mathematics Classroom (PLT) Geometry for All: Interactive Tasks to Encourage Access for Every Student
A Glimpse Into the History of Infinite Series (SSW)
Graph Theory (MINI) “Hey, That’s Not Fair!”: The Mathematics of Decision Making (SSW) A Hungarian Approach: Teaching Mathematics Through Guided Discovery (MINI) Infusing Problem-Solving Strategies Into Our Curricula (PLT) Interrogating “Common Sense” in Mathematics Education: Toward AntiRacist Action p (MINI)
Introduction to Category Theory
A Journey Through High School Statistics (MINI)
A KenKen Meditation and Exploration
Let’s Talk About Social Issues in the Mathematics Classroom p (SSW) Making Algebra Accessible to All Remotely (PLT) Mathematics for Human Flourishing: Building Virtues, Not Just Skills p
Mathematics for Human Flourishing: Building Virtues That Help Us All Grow p (PLT) Maximize Real-Time Feedback Using the Desmos Activity Builder Computation Layer (MINI) Middle School Mathematics: Planning for Hybrid and Remote Learning (PLT) Middle School Math Teams (SSW) Modular Origami: Mathematics Through Paper Folding (MINI) Multivariable Calculus: Calculus Beyond the AP Exams (MINI) Numbers: Rational and Irrational
Simple Mathematics for Leadership Decisions (SSW) Slices and Copies: Re-Imagining Fraction Instruction (MINI) Statistics and Calculus: An Elegant Intersection (SSW) Strategies for Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Mathematics Instruction p (SSW) Student-Centered Mathematics in the Remote Elementary School Classroom (PLT) Teaching for Justice in the Mathematics Classroom p (MINI) Teaching for Student Achievement in Algebra II (PLT) Teaching Mathematics Through Literacy (SSW) Think Beyond the Square: Euclidean Geometry From 2D to 3D (SSW) Uncovering Our Students’ Mathematical Thinking (PLT) Understanding Calculus (PLT) Unpacking and Upending Racial Hierarchies in Mathematics p (MINI) Using Technology to Enhance the Geometry Classroom Experience (PLT) Using Virtual Manipulatives as Problem-Solving Tools in Mathematics (SSW) “Wait, What Day of the Week Is It?”: The Doomsday Algorithm (SSW) Why Routines? Why Now? Developing Strategic Sense-Making in Virtual Spaces (MINI) Writing in Mathematics (PLT)
2020: The Pandemic and the Genetics of Trauma and Resilience
The 5Es in Your NGSS Science Classroom: Elevate the Explanation
AP/IB Biology: Improve Critical Thinking Skills With Messy Data (PLT) At the Clinic: Bringing Medicine Into the Classroom (SSW)
Beyond CSI: Forensic DNA Testing Past, Present, and Future (MINI)
Beyond Experiments: Using Primary Literature in Scientific Inquiry (MINI) Big Data: COVID-19, Ethics, and Social Justice p (MINI)
Bringing Oyster Restoration to Your Remote and Blended Classrooms
Building Conceptual Understanding in AP Chemistry (PLT) A Changing Climate in a Resilient NYC
Chemistry Explorers! Projects to Ignite Curiosity in Your Regents Classroom (PLT)
The Chemistry of Hair p (SSW) Chimpanzee Behavior: A Quest for Quantification (MINI)
Consortium Science Curriculum Designed to Liberate Students p (PLT) Designing Resources for Remote Physics (PLT) Downsized Project-Based Learning for the Physical Sciences (PLT)
Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.
Earth Science From Behind a Screen: Best Practices for Remote Instruction (SSW)
Engaging Chemistry Students Virtually: Creating Resources for Online Labs (PLT)
Environmental Justice as Anti-Racist Pedagogy p
Exploring and Enhancing Science Assessments in the Virtual Classroom (PLT)
Exploring Data and Health of the Hudson River Estuary (MINI) From Mummies to Monuments: Chemistry in Art Conservation (SSW)
The Galapagos and Nature Journaling (SSW) Game-Based Discovery in the Biology Classroom
Geologic Field Study of Prospect Park (SSW) Glued into Science: Sustainable Polymers (SSW) Going Viral: Viruses Across the Biology Curriculum With HHMI (MINI)
Great Diseases With Tufts: Vaccines, Epidemics, and Trials for COVID-19 (MINI)
Have You Ever Seen a Crowd Go APES? (PLT)
Having Fun With Fungi: Growth and Experimentation With Wild Yeast (MINI)
Helping ELLs Master Literacy and Content in Living Environment p (SSW)
Indigenous Communities: The Earliest Organic Chemists p (SSW)
March Mammal Madness (SSW)
Matters of the Heart (SSW)
The Molecular Taxonomy of Innocence or Guilt p
Ms. Frizzle-ify Amplify (SSW) The Mystery of Dark Matter (SSW) New York Botanical Gardens Virtual Tour: History Through Glaciers (SSW) Oooh the Colors! Unlocking Light’s Secrets Virtually
Population Biology by Birding the Concrete Jungle
Science and the Opioid Epidemic (MINI) The Science of (Remote) Learning (MINI) Step Into the Light! Spectrophotometry for Biology and Chemistry (SSW) Styles of Scientific Reasoning in Chemistry (MINI) That’s Fake News! How to Decipher Mass Media in the Science Classroom (SSW)
Tools for Teaching Science: Blending Intuition and Intention (SSW)
Using Biology Class to Promote Racial Justice p
Virtual Biology: Creating Inquiry Activities Using Online Labs and Simulations (PLT)
A (Virtual) Night at the Museum: Designing Science Fieldwork Using AMNH (MINI) Where Can Citi Bike Take You? (SSW)