CounterPlay '14 - UK

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CounterPlay - An international festival of play & games

“Referring to ludic or playful vitality in its most transformative expressions, counterplay speaks directly to the disruptive creation of the new through the reiterations of gaming” - Apperley & Dieter

Programme day 1 9.00-9.40

Coffee & registration


welcome by Mathias Poulsen “My playful dreams”


Keynote: Carsten Jessen “Playing is what makes us human”


Break Playful Learning

Playful Business


Zuraida Buter “Things with games, play and global happiness”

Santeri Koivisto “How video games can make the classroom more democratic”

Morten Fryland “Playground Marketing Branding through playful interaction”


Steen Nielsen “The library as a public playground”

Stine Melgaard Lassen & Tore Neergaard Kjellow “How can games help children with special needs cope with school?”

Mikkel Lodahl “Goals. Action. Feedback. - Play and Management or The Perversity of Play”




Stine Liv Johansen “Playing with media: Mediatized play in everyday life”


Pecha Kucha-style talks Inspirational speedruns

Kirsten Campbell-Howes “Playing all over the world: creating an international community of games makers”

Fiddian Warman “Playfully mashing up the physical and digital worlds for culture and learning”

Open Space session


Coffee Break


Open Space session


Keynote: Harald Warmelink “Online Gaming & Playful Organization”


End of day 1

Workshops and playground expo In addition to the talks and open space sessions, the festival conducts a number of creative workshops & an expo/playground. The workshops allow you to get hands-on experience with activities in companies, & organizations and learning environments.

Workshops & the playground expo are open throughout the day

Playful Culture

Programme day 2 9.00-9.45

Keynote: Phil Stuart “Beyond entertainment - Design principles for creating Games with Purpose” Playful Learning

Playful Business


KnapNok Games “Inspired by the playground”

Jean-Baptiste Huynh “The biggest math class ever- experience from the Norway Algebra Challenge”

Mary Carty “The intersection of culture, play & business”


Kim Johansen Østby “Homosexuality and agency in video games”

Alex Moseley “Skeletons in the right closet: using simple contextual games to create authentic learning environments”

Anders Skovgaard-Petersen “Useful games: Beyond

Henrike Lode “Edutainment is dead. Long live educational games!”

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen “Playful branding how companies can strengthen education, increase the fun factor and position themselves for new talent.”


Julie Horup & Jesper Kristiansen “Stop talking about games; start talking about what matters!”

12.00-13.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-14.30


Lunch Open Space session Stine Ejsing-Duun “Location-based games as hybrid intuitive spaces”

More Pecha Kucha! Inspirational speedruns

Tobias Staaby “Making education more meaningful - one zombie at a time” Miguel Sicart “The End of Games”


The End Game Closing remarks & goodbye!

The programme may be subject to changes

At the expo, you can try exciting games & toys, and we will be running a series of games & playful activities during the festival. For more information about the speakers, workshops, expo etc., visit:

Layout: Tine Outrup


Sune Gudiksen “Business model design games”

Workshops & the playground expo are open throughout the day

Playful Culture

CounterPlay is... a tribute to and an exploration of the many ways, in which a more playful approach can help us live better lives.

• Playful Culture • Playful Learning • Playful Business

Let’s focus on the excitement, intense engagement and rich experiences of people involved in all kinds of playing experiences. This sparks an investigation of how play can be transformative, change our thinking, push our boundaries and lead us places, we never imagined.

There will be a wide range of talks, open space sessions, creative workshops and

This pursuit will take us across three different areas:

When: Where: Price: Registration:

listen, to talk, to create, to play.

from adopting games & playful methods in their daily work, be it teachers, librarians, pedagogues, journalists, researchers, private companies and, of course, game developers & play makers.

April 3rd & 4th - 2014 the main library in Aarhus (includes full lunch both days, festival dinner visit before March 10.

For more information ... see or contact Mathias at

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