Sponsors for CounterPlay '14

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Do you want to become a sponsor of


CounterPlay ‘14

What IS CounterPlay?

What’s in it for you?

CounterPlay is an international festival of play & games, that takes place for the first time in Aarhus, Denmark, in April 2014.

We believe we can create real value for the right sponsors.

The aim of the festival is to increase our understanding of play in all areas of society, and to promote a more playful world. We cover three overlapping trakcs: • Playful Culture • Playful Learning • Playful Business Why are we looking for sponsors? CounterPlay is currently being established from scratch, and we are running on a tight budget. Our primary source of income will be participation fees, and it would be extremely helpful to supplement this with a few sponsorships. In the longer run, it is our intention to turn CounterPlay into a not-for-profit entity. We wish to become financially sustainable, but not to accumulate huge profits. We will invest any profit in future festivals and in related activities, that support the spread of playfulness.

First & foremost, we are looking for sponsors, who share our dream of a world, where games & play are more widely understood and accepted. From the outset, our perspective, speaker line-up & network is international, and you will become a part of this community. More specifically, we can offer a spot on our website, in any online & printed material and a stand at the festival. Get in touch: Phone: (+45)25784125 Mail: mathias@counterplay.org Twitter: @mathiaspoulsen Skype: mathias.poulsen.playconsulting Read more about CounterPlay at www.counterplay.org.

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