Portfolio mathieu grosche designer explorer english

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Design (industrial + transportation + service + social innovation) + exploration + photo + graphic design+ video

“A designer explorer explore the world looking for inspiring ideas, ways of living and practices that could bring ecological, social, and economical solutions to satisfy the needs of our societies”

“A designer explorer is a researcher who enjoy exploring isolated places to meet people with differents ways of living. He is a prospector with the look of an ethnologist. Always keeping an eye open to catch an idea that could be adapted to our society and bring sustainable advantages. A special blend made from social, economical, technological and economical solutions.”

Each project is an adventure...

Designer explorer /di.zaj.nœr Ik’splo:.rər/ : Mathieu GROSCHE Designer explorer mathieugrosche@gmail.com Montreal, QC, Canada +1 438 880 1284

+ A designer explorer is polymorph.

His curiosity leads him to different kinds of projects such as industrial design, transportation design, service design, social innovation, video, photography...

+ A designer explorer loves adventures and challenges. He also enjoys to explore and travel through projects and territories.

Education Dynamic, analytical and synthetical, interpersonal skills, curious, conscientious, creative, organized, team spirit, adaptability, , good oral and written communication, autonomous, detail oriented, adventurer, observer, always up for a challenge ...

2012 2009 2007 2006 2005 2002


Post-graduate diploma in Transportation Design, UQAM Design School, Montreal, QC, Canada Master of design/project, University of Strasbourg, France Bachelor in Applied Arts, University of Strasbourg, France

Bachelor in Industrial Design, University of Montpellier, France International Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, University of Dijon, France/ Transilvanian University, Brasov, Romania French high school Scientist diploma, High school Bonaparte, Autun, France

Exhibitions 2012 - ELYKTRA : Graduation exhibition, transportation design degree, UQAM design center, Montreal, QC, Canada 2010 - ISEU : + Red dot design museum, Essen, Allemagne + Biennale Internationale de Design de Saint-Etienne, France 2010 - The youth and the European dentity : photo report, itinerant exhibition in Paris, Marseille, Strasbourg.., France 2009 - Greenwar : + Parcours du design, Strasbourg, France + EUNIQUE, art and design fair, Karlsruhe, Germany

Professional Experiences 2013 - Now - Co-founder of a designers collective’s RUSCH, Paris-Montreal, France-Canada 2013 - Now - Technico-designer in urban decors INVADO urban settings, Montreal, QC, Canada 2014 - Artist assistant Sculptor Michael Jones McKean, Richmond, VA, USA 2013 - Designer/Project owner HopHopHop! : Instant ridesharing system France. 2012 - Consultant designer in transportation design Claude Nadeau Design, Montreal, Qc, Canada 6 months internship. 2011 - Video designer Exeko (Ashoka fellow) 3 month internship, Montréal, Qc, Canada. 2009 - Service Designer /social innovation Strategic Design Scenarios, Brussels, Belgium, 8 months internship. 2008 - Photo/Video Reporter Safar Expéditions Jeunesse, Romania et Turkey. 2007 - Manager assistant for contemporary art events Association Accélérateur de particules, Strasbourg, France,. 2007 - Multimedia Designer PICTURIAL (audiovisual production), Strasbourg, France, 3 months internship. 2006 - Industriel Designer Rossignol, montsûrs, France, 3 months internship.

Volunteer experiences 2013 - Bike mechanic BQAM community bicycle workshop, Montreal, QC, Canada 2012 - Dismantling the festival Futurperfect festival, Conferences festival about sustainability, Waxholm, Sweden 2010 - Painter for a humanitarian mission, Painting a mural to inform the illiterates about the health centre, Cotonou, Benin, Africa 2009 - Public reception in music festivals Dour Festival and Couleurs Café, Belgium 2004 - Mountain bike guide for outdoor sports festival Sunfestival, Morvan, France


+ Methods User centered design, ethnological approach, analysis, research, ideation, creativity, concept development, branding, study travel, sketch, social innovation, photo, video, prototyping, building user scenarios...

+ Technical skils 2D : Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, 3D : Catia, Rhino 3D, NX, Video : premiere, final cut Driving licence

+ languages French: mother tongue English : fluent Romanian : intermediary German, spanish : beginner

Interests Urbanism, architecture, bicycle, travel, bike polo, photo, cinema, writting, adventure, outdoor sports,languages and discovering new cultures,...

My journey


Trixi Shelter Elyktra




Travels/explorations Education Ca Post-graduate diploma in Transportation Design UQAM Design School, Montreal, QC, Canada

Fr Master of design/project

University of Strasbourg, France

Bachelor in Applied Arts

University of Strasbourg, France Bachelor in Industrial Design University of Montpellier, France

Ro International Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering University of Dijon, France/ Transilvanian University, Brasov, Romania

Travels/explorations Yukon



HopHopHop! Iseu

Fr T창nar

Romania Ro

Projects Elyktra




Morocco Golo dangojibe



Golo dangojibe







Yukon : the gold rush

Hitchhiking across Canada from East to West. 11 000 km hitchhiked in 40 days.

As project holder I discovered many inspiring ideas for the project HopHopHop, an instant ridesharing service.

Immersion into a gold prospector lifestyle after having meeting him while hitchhiking.

Morocco : to meet berbers

Aouli is a ghost town. By the past it was a mining city. Now Aouli is abandoned...not totally, some brave miners still digs illegally those old and dangerous galeries to extract some lead.

Immersion into the traditional berberian lifestyle. After 15 days hitchhiking from France and 3 days hiking through the Atlas mountains. The closest village is at one day walking away.

Romania : immersion into a traditional lifestyle

After having lived one year in Romania, I went back there to shot photoreport and a documentary film with the team of Safar expĂŠditions jeunesse.

Breb : a maramures mountains village








Golo dangojibe


From sketch to functionnal prototype... Designer consultant 6 months internship for Claude Nadeau Design Designer/project manager Transportation design Research and Analysis Ideation Sketch Branding Ergonomy User validation 3D anthropometric dummy 3D modeling Packaging Mock up Prototyping Adobe Premiere Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Catia

MontrĂŠal, Canada


Design of a new type of electric urban vehicle

ELYKTRA ELYKTRA is a new method of urban transport that transforms sports as rollerblading, skateboarding and cycling into short and long distance daily urban transportation. How? By adding an electric pushing trailer. Thanks to its pole (patented by Claude Nadeau Design) the vehicle is adaptable to 3 different sports positions : Facial posture (roller and ski, side posture (snowboard, skateboard), attached behind a bicycle. His adaptability is a key point of the concept because withjust one vehicle, you can motorize 3 different sports.

Propelling vehicle

My mission : Starting from the patented pole from Claude Nadeau Design, my mission was to design a propelling vehicle from sketch to a functiunal prototype.

Research and analysis

Formal studies

Branding research

Packaging research

Prototyping for validation with users

1 or 2 wheels vehicle? Test and validation with users

Validation with 3D anthropometric dummy

3D Modeling (NX et Catia)

Logo and branding

relationship between vehicle shape and logo

Scenario of the 3D model (Photoshop)

Packaging and drawings


Molding and sculpting

+ Thermoforming + Painting + Assembly

ELYKTRA, the little urban beetle chose to be electric because he looks ahead and also for a comfort of use (no noise, no odor, easy to load the battery at work or at university or at home). With a 40km capacity and a speed limit at 32 km/h, ELYKTRA is a brand new kind of urban transport that joins environmental awareness and pleasure.

From idea to entrepreneurship ... Designer/Project leader Research/Analysis/Observations Business model/Meeting experts Business design Service design Social Innovation & transportation Design thinking System thinking Building users scenarios Branding Video Study travel Entrepreneurship Nowspective Imagination Explorimentation Collaboration with other project leaders Communication : website, public prĂŠsentation



Instant ridesharing system for short distances

HopHopHop! HopHopHop is an instant ridesharing system for short distances. To attract users and generate incomes, the system use a complementary currency called comon which is an abbreviation for co-money. This currency has 5 major goals : - Reward users for using a collaborative and sustainable way of transportation - Attract users. - Bring customers to commercial partners. - Remunerate HopHopHop. - Offer a free ridesharing service to users.

A project like an avdenture : the story of the project This project shows exactly my method as designer explorer. After having discovered in Romania a smart and sustainable way of transportation, I developed a first concept adapted to the french users. This first concept was my final project during my master degree in design/project. Then through a hitchhiking travel across Canada and a conferences festival in Sweden about sustainability, I discovered interesting elements to improve this first concept. Then came the entrepreneurship process : writing business plan, meeting experts from a wide range of activities, funding researches, ... During this process I met Michael SCHNELL an other project leader with a similar project. We decided to create RUSCH, a designer collective to develop design projects about service design, mobility and social innovation. We presented our projects in various parisians events about innovation and mobility. Without enough founding we decided to stopped our own projects but RUSCH collective grows up and still goes on...


2 5-7


Discovering the solution



1째 concept



Improve the solution when traveling




Finding solutions in conferences


This project shows exactly my method as a designer explorer...



development & entrepreneurship



Creation of collective RUSCH



Communication Strategy


Most of the time a design project start by defining the problem but here it started by discovering a solution : a collaborative and sustainable way of transportation.

I discovered this solution in Romania. As a transporta some Romanians uses a mix between ridesharing and even for short distances without any technologies...ju of trust and collaboration.

This is how came to and sustainable way


Discovering the solution

NOWSPECTIVE = Prospective of NOW IMARGINATION = Imagination + Marginality

ation system, d hitchhiking ust with a bit

o me the question : “how to adapt this collaborative y of transportation to the french market?”

Crédits photo: GoogleStreetView

I designed this first concept as final project during my master degree in design/project.

Connecting different technologies to match users : GPS + digital terminals in public spaces + real-time billboards


1째 concept

System map

Relations between the different elements of the project.

Travelling : a space of tests and discoveries...

Hitchhiking across Canada: 11 000 km in 40 days


Improve the solution when traveling

EXPLORIMENTATION = Exploration + Experimentation

Through this trip I made important discoveries for the project such as : - startegic places - User behaviour

Futureperfect Festival, Waxholm, Suède

Conferences festival with speakers from around the world in various fields: sustainability + design + economy + architecture + anthropology + finance + ...


Finding solutions in conferences

Improving my knowledge about complementary currencies to add them to the project HopHopHop!

CrĂŠdits photo: futureperfect

Improving the concept following the overdraft of new elements




++ Instant (smartphone application)

complementary currency

long distance rides

Short distance rides

+ Enourage + Reward + Social currency + Free service + Business model


Development & entrepreneurship

System map of the business model

Purchase + discount

Business partners accepting comons

Purchase + discount

= comon currency

Scenario building










RUSCH Creation of a designers collective’s about projects of mobility and social innovation with Michael Schnell.


Creation of collective RUSCH

Building a website to communicate projects of RUSCH collectives

Presenting Rusch projects at various parisians events : Moovin The City, La ruche, Futur en seine,...


Communication strategy

Communication of RUSCH projects in several online newspapers about urbanism, prospective, social innovation,..


Ephemeral Architecture...

Designer/Builder member of the team ZATSIT Teamwork Architecture festival Concept Sketch Shelter construction Using recycling materials


Participation to BELLASTOCK : ephemeral architectural festival Montréal, Canada

photocredit : Marc-André CARIGNAN

BELLASTOCK architectural festival : 20 teams to build a village in 4 days + Day 1 : build a house for the 6 persons team + Day 2 : build the village plublics space’s + Day 3 : village open to public (visits, conferences, entertainments...) + Day 4 : dismounting the village photocredit : Nicolas BOUSSEAU

House and Swing made by our team...


Co-design with users...

8 months internship at Strategic Design Scenarios Designer/Project manager ISEU

Co-design process with users Paper-prototyping for co-design sessions Social innovation Mock up Project communication materials : + powerpoint + photo + video

Project exhibition: + Red dot design museum, Germany + Biennale de design de St-ĂŠtienne, France

Brussels, Belgium

ISEU Design a serie of eco-energetic domestic appliances

ISEU ISEU is a co-design project investigating the possibility for households to change their behaviours in terms of energy consumption. The eight ISEU’s domestic appliances have been designed for the purpose of introducing a rational use of energy with four types of electrical devices: lighting, heating, the washing machine and the computer.


My mission was to develop the design of those 8 products (ideation, conception, mock up) and the communication materials (photos, powerpoint, video editing). I was also in charge of designing the paper prototyping to trigger the debate during co-design sessions with users.

This light switch works like tape players buttons. Press one button, one light turns on. Press a second one, the first button jumps and the first light turn of. To turn on two lights, you need to press the buttons simultaneously. To turn on more lights, it is necessary that the user performs a more complicated gesture. Thanks to the extra effort required, the user understands that he uses more energy than for a single light.

Co-design session with users: Designing paper-prototyping to foster the co-design session in order to collect relevant informations from users.

Concept research after co-design sessions

Building mock up.

Testimony of users using the models

Filming users at home using the mock up.

CrĂŠdits photo: Strategic Design Scenarios

Project exhibited at : Red dot design museum Essen, Allemagne, 2010

Project exhibited at : Biennale internationale de design de Saint-Etienne, France, 2010

Users study : Cyclist posture study + travel behaviour...

School project UQAM School of design, MontrĂŠal, QC, Canada

Post-graduate diploma in Transportation Design

Ergonomy Analysis Posture studies Users study Bicycle design 3D anthropometric dummy Interface design Innovative interactive tourist guide


MontrĂŠal, Canada

Design of a bycicle sharing service and its integrated interactive tour guide.

TRIXI 1. Cyclist posture study

2. Design of a self-service tricycle for tourists

In a teamwork we designed an ergonomic tricycle for tourist based on cyclist posture studies.

3D model made by SĂŠbastien GaĂŤtan http://www.sebastiengaetan.com/

3. Design interactive tourist guide integrated to tricycle sharing system

3D model made by SĂŠbastien GaĂŤtan http://www.sebastiengaetan.com/

User studies of tourists and travelers to know their travel habits and how do they prepare their travels.

The Trixi interface has been designed for tourists who likes to wander and get lost in a new city in order to soak up its atmosphere. So this touristic guide doesn’t use a usual GPS. This one shows you where you are on the map but doesn’t tell you where to go. The interface includes an interactif touristic map where you can learn about the history of the city, book an hotel or know more about a specific museum...It also includes a city sound map. It’s up to you know to choose between a quiet place and an effervescent neighborhood to wander. Enjoy the visit!

Inclusive Design...

School project UQAM School of design, Montreal, QC, Canada

Post-graduate diploma in Transportation Design

Vehicle study : + Analysis of existing vehicle + Study of scientific articles Ergonomy Observation/user study 3D anthropometric dummy Activity analysis Vehicle improvment Inclusive design

Montreal, Canada

SHELTER Study of users to find problems and improve the vehicle.

SHELTER Due to an inappropriate price/efficiency ratio for optional roofs of this kind of vehicles, users prefers to use an umbrella to protect themselves from the rain and the sun as an alternative solution. The activity analysis showed also that users holds the umbrella with one hand and drives the scooter with the other hand. But what about people with a disabled arm? How can they hold the ombrella and drive their vehicle at the same time with just one arm? That’s why I decided to focus on this problem and I designed SHELTER. SHELTER is a foldable roof easy to use with just one hand and offering also a better protection against rain.

Study of existing vehicles and scientific articles.

Activity analysis : user study

Finding a panel of users for the study

Studying different problems + Problem to get on and off the vehicle + Problems of indoor using : - Maneuverability - Building Degradation

Choice of the problem to solve

The user study revealed that most of users use an umbrella as rain and sun protection because it’s cheaper and more practical than an optional roof. The problem to solve came out when I met an user with a disabled arm. With just one good arm he couldn’t use the umbrella as alternative solution. This is how came the question : What would be a foldable roof easy to use with just one hand?

Concept/solution :

Roof easily foldable and unfoldable with one hand.

Inclusive design :

If a user with just one good hand can use this solution, that means that a user with two hands can use it as well. This solution is therefore adapted to a wide range of users.

Documentary film and photographic expedition...

Collective project with : Safar expĂŠditions jeunesse Expedition en Romania and Turckey Immersive travel Teamwork Film : + Shooting + Interviews + Find topics Photo report Photo exhibition

Romania, Turkey


Shooting a solo photo report and a teamwork documentary film in romania and Turkey.

TÂNAR “Tânãr. When youth looks at Europe…from Romania“ Participation in the making of a collective documentary film (shootings, interview, find topics…) about “The youth and the European dentity” in Romania.


+ Find topics + Interviews + Shooting

Expedition trip

8 weeks trip through Romania and Turkey to collect point of view of youth about the European Union.

As photographer I made a photo report all along the 8 weeks trip. This photo report has been exhibited during the many documentary projection at various places and film festivals.

More picture on FLICKR http://www.flickr.com/photos/35526069@N04/sets/72157622329019186/

Humanitarian graphic design...

Humanitarian project with the association Bourgogne Nord-Sud

Graphic design for illiterate people Adaptation to local graphiscs Building the painting materials

Golo Dangojibe, Benin


Graphic communication in a field hospital


During a humanitarian project in Benin, my mission was to paint a mural on the outside wall of a field hospital. In this way, the illiterate peoples could understand visually the medical services provided by the hospital.


Theories developped as a designer explorer



People living in marges of society uses differents thoughs, lifestyle and differents practices from the mass population. Those marginals live and thinks differently either naturally or by inventing new ways of doing, new ways of answering a need or even new ways of redefining a need. That’s why marginality is a inexhaustible source of inspiration, inventivity and imagination. As long as they will be people living in marge of the society either by choice or by fatality, there will be alternatives and creatives ways of living to be explored. Those marginals ways of living are a source of exploration and precious inspiration that can bring new solutions and ideas for the rest of the society. Therefore imargination is the exploration and the analysis of the marginals ways of living and to try to adapt the relevant ideas coming from them to the rest of the society.

Companies, designers, politicians, all of them use the prospective to be inspired and to make a better choice now for tomorrow. But what if everything was already here? Around us, more or less far away. What if practices and ideas that could answer the need of different groups of people were already existing, now! I make the assumption of now and I advocate the nowspective. The prospective looks for weak signals existing today that will grow to become a major trend tomorrow. But the nowspectice is interested by what already exist today, somewhere. It may be unknown from the mass of the population or inaccessible, somewhere in the world. The goal of the Nowspective is to collect those hidden or far away ideas or practices that, after being adapted, could bring solution to a bigger scale or to another population than the one where the idea comes from.

= Imagination + Marginality

= Prospective of NOW



3D scanner

3 wheels car sharing system for 3 passengers

BORGES : Book design

Typographic interpretation of the short novel “The library of Babel” by Jorge Luis Borges.

Jorge Luis BORGES describes the library of Babel as a city with its different neighborhood, populations, languages, with its channels of communication and its hexagonal urbanism. To graphically interpret this short novel I choose to take city guides books as references. That’s why each pages represents a specific aspect of the library of Babel as city (inhabitants, geography, languages...) by selecting specific parts of the text and by designing corresponding graphisms.

RAUMLABOR :The fountain house furnitures

Designing and building furnitures for various events held at the Fountain House.

Montreal, Canada

Workshop with the architect Markus Bader from RAUMLABOR collective’s

Montreal, Canada

INVADO : Urban decors

Design, manufacture and installation of themed sets for INVADO.


Movie set for the movie Northpole

Urban decors

Mathieu GROSCHE designer explorer Montreal, Qc, Canada +1 438 880 1284 mathieugrosche@gmail.com

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