Portfolio Mathilde Lo Nielsen Cand.arch MAA Juni 2019
Map of Helsinge (thesis): Integrating social life and nature in the city centre
Master Service 2.0 - Re-envision the trade city Digitalization of shopping - How shopping is changing trade cities in rural Denmark Anchor - Reinventing the public space of the smart city Filtering - Expanding the public space Space for all Copenhageners - Sharing is Caring - A non-profit union for affordable housing Balancing - The processes of gentrification
Praktik og studiejob Helhedsplan for Lundtofte Begrønningsværktøj Lokalplaner
Bachelor Læring og Kulturcenter ved Bellahøj Skole
CurriculumVitae Mathilde Lo Nielsen Cand.Arch MAA
Personlig information Alder Adresse Tel. Mail LinkedIn
25 Rektorparken 16, 6 tv, 2450 København SV 30611116 lomathilde@hotmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/mathilde-lo-nielsen
”I det 3 år lange samarbejde med Mathilde har vi til stadighed mødt en faglig kompetent, nysgerrig og proaktiv person. ... Som person er Mathilde mild, energisk og meget dedikeret til sit fag og sine kollegaer, hvilket har gjort Mathilde til en meget afholdt kollega”. (Udtalelse fra Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og landskab, 19.05.19).
Ambition Jeg er en engageret og nysgerrig arkitekt, der brænder for at skabe byer og byrum med en kvalitet og intensitet, som kan bidrage til et bedre og mere sammenhængende liv for de mennesker der bruger dem til dagligt. Jeg er interesseret i, hvordan vi i spændingsfeltet mellem arkitektur og planlægning kan udvikle fleksible og bæredygtige bysamfund, der både løser morgendagens udfordringer, og bygger ovenpå stedets specifikke kvaliteter og potentialer.
Uddannelse 09/17 - 06/19: Kandidat Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering (KADK) Program: Urbanism and Societal Change. Institut for Bygningskunst, By og Landskab (IBBL). Afgangsprojekt: Service 2.0, Re-envision the trade city, Vejleder: Morten Kjer Jeppesen, Karakter: 12 Mit afgangsprojekt har afsæt i området indenfor Fingerplanen, og analyserer hvilken indflydelse digitaliseringen af handlen samt centraliseringen af services har på mindre handelsbyer. Projektet foreslår en ny stedsspecifik vision for disse byer, samt det potentiale nye digitale teknologier bringer i forhold til servicelevering. Projektet zoomer ind på byen Helsinge i Gribskov Kommune og bruger byens kvaliteter, såsom god adgang til natur og et stærkt forenings- og institutionsliv, som katalysator for en mere levende bymidte. Udbytte: Urbanism and Societal Change er baseret på ambitionerne om at integrere konkrete arkitektoniske og urbane projekter i det moderne samfunds dynamiske processer. Programmet har givet mig et nuanceret billede i forståelsen af forholdet mellem en globaliserede verden, byen og stedet. 09/13 - 07/16: Bachelor Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering (KADK) Program: Arkitekturens anatomi og fabrikation. Institut for Bygningskunst og Teknologi (14-16) (IBT). Afdeling 2: Arkitektur, By og Bygning (13-14) Bachelorprojekt: Et lærings- og kulturcenter ved Bellahøj Skole, Vejleder: Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Karakter: 12 Udbytte: Jeg har under min bacheloruddannelse lært arkitekturens grundlæggende værktøjer og har fået en stor forståelse for dets fænomenologiske, tektoniske og æstetiske virkemidler. 09/14 - 07/16: Repræsentant for min årgang i IBT’s studenterråd. 09/09 - 06/12: STX Gribskov Gymnasium
01 / 03
Erfaring 08/17 - 06/19: Studentermedhjælper
Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og landskab, deltid (10t/uge) Jeg har på ugentlig basis fulgt og udviklet planlægningsrelaterede og byrumsmæssige opgaver. Her har jeg som en fast del af teamet bidraget med min faglige viden og kompetencer. Lokalplan for bevaring og udvikling af Aabenraa Bymidte Lokalplanen for Aabenraa bymidte havde til formål at sikre en vigtig del af byens historiske bymidte. Ansvarsområder: Udarbejdelse af de ialt 11 kortbilag med temaer som: Gadestruktur og anvendelse, Udstykningsmuligheder, Bygningsbevaringsværdier og Stilarter. Gennemlæsning og sparring i forbindelse med tilblivelsen af lokalplanen. Udbytte: Jeg har fået en dybdegående forståelse for vigtigheden af oversættelsen fra bestemmelser til grafisk og rumlig formidling via bilagene. Ligeledes har jeg fået stor forståelse for strukturering og formidlingsform i lokalplanlægning. Planlægning af studietur til Stockholm Ansvarsområder: Planlægning og koordinering af studietur til Stockholm for 30 arkitekter og landskabsarkitekter, herunder udarbejdelse af program og tilhørende kompendium, samt booking af foredragsholdere og møder med relevante tegnestuer. Herudover havde jeg ansvaret for administrative opgaver. Selve studieturen varede 4 dage. Udbytte: Jeg har lært at strukturere en større gruppe mennesker og skabe en dagsorden som tager hensyn til forskellige interesser. Andre opgave Tilblivelse og udvikling af tilbuds- og konkurrence materiale. Opstart, tilretning og afslutning af tegningsmateriale i både planmæssig- og byrumsskala. Udarbejdelse af præsentationsmateriale i form af foldere, plancher, roll-ups og digitale præsentationer. Fotoregistrering, tilretning og udarbejelse af lokalplanbilag. Mindre administrative opgaver. Suppleant til møder både internt og eksternt. Suppleret med tekst og data til detailhandelsanalyser. Administrator for teamets faglige LinkedIn profil UrbanVision. Udbytte: Jeg har fået en bred indsigt i forskelligartede byplanlægningsrelaterede opgaver. Jeg har lært at bidrage og forstå problemstillinger hurtigt og følge dem til dørs.
09/16 - 07/17: Praktikant
Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og landskab, fuldtid (37t/uge) Jeg har fået en dybere forståelse for specifikke opgaver, som jeg har fulgt fra konkurrencefase, opstart og udarbejdelse til aflevering. Jeg har fået bred forståelse af planværktøjerne, herunder relationen mellem planlov og planlægning. Helhedsplan for Lundtofte samt kommuneplantillæg Helhedsplanen omfatter processen fra kortlægning, interessentanalyse og workshops, til vedtagelsen af den færdige helhedsplan med tilhørende kommuneplantillæg. Planen belyser områdets kvaliteter og behov, fastlægger en vision, anviser overordnede principper, samt initiativer og handlinger. Ansvarsområder: Jeg været ansvalig for den grafiske formidling under hele processen. Jeg har været medansvalig i tilrettelæggelse af borgerworkshops, analyse af eksisterende forhold og udarbejdelse af tekst og kommuneplantillæg. Jeg har haft ansvaret for udarbejdelsen af referater. Herudover har jeg deltaget i alle møder både internt og eksternt blandt andet med borgmester, viceborgmester og planchef i Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune. Udbytte: Jeg har fået en robust forståelse for byplanmæssige processer i kommunal sammenhæng i forhold til helhedsplanlægning, borger- og interessentinddragelse og udarbejdelse af kommuneplantillæg. Lokalplan for Haldor Topsøe Lokalplanen for Haldor Topsøe omhandlede et mindre erhvervsområde, som blev affødt af Helhedsplanen for Lundtofte. Lokalplanen berørte temaer som øvrigt stationsnært område, grundet etablering af letbane station (jf. Fingerplan 2013), samt miljøklasse 1-3. Ansvar: Jeg har haft ansvaret for udarbejdelsen af kortbilag, samt bidraget i dialogen om miljøklasser og øvrigt stationsnært område. Jeg har i tilblivelsen af lokalplanen assisteret med udarbejdelsen af tekst. Udbytte: Har fået en bred forståelse af lokalplanens tilblivelse, opbygning og funktion i plansystemet. Begrønningsværktøj for Københavns Kommune Som led i udmøntningen af Københavns Kommunes strategi for bynatur har Niras udviklet et begrønningsværktøj. Værktøjet skal bruges til at fastlægge omfang og kvalitet af bynatur i kommunale bygge- og anlægsprojekter samt lokalplaner. Ansvarsområder: Jeg har haft ansvaret for udvikling af grafiske ikoner og diagrammer. Jeg har testet og evalueret værktøjet i udviklingsfasen via specifikke cases. Jeg har assisteret i udarbejdelsen af tekst. Jeg har været forfatter på abstract til NORDIWA-konferencen. Udbytte: Jeg har under udviklingen af Begrønningsværktøjet fået en stor forståelse for vigtigheden og bredden i bynatur, samt hvordan man via værktøjet kan skabe et belæg for integrering af mere og bedre bynatur, hvorved vision og ambition kan oversættes til konkret handling. 02 / 03
Referencepersoner: Efter nærmere aftale: • • •
Rasmus Dragenberg, Landskabsarkitekt, Afdelingsleder i Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og landskab Morten Størup, Arkitekt, Markedschef i Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og landskab (Afdelingsleder i Niras afdeling for byplanlægning og planskab) Morten Kjer Jeppesen, Arkitekt, Arkitekt og byplanlægger i Tegnestuen Vandkunsten samt timelærer ved KADK, USC (timelærer ved KADK)
Kompetancer IT AutoCAD Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Rhinoceros 5.0 Microsoft Office SketchUp Pro Håndtegning Modelbygning ArcGIS
Professionel Professionel Professionel Professionel Professionel Professionel Godt kendskab Godt kendskab Godt kendskab Mindre kendskab
Sprog Dansk Engelsk Tysk
Modersmål Professionel God forståelse
Personlige Nysgerrig Selvstændig Mild Energisk
Fritid I min fritid går jeg gerne lange ture i de københavnske gader og parker med min kæreste Mikkel, der er ingeniør. Jeg nyder at besøge forskellige museer med mine venner eller familie. Hvis jeg rigtig skal koble af, tager jeg toget ud af byen, hvor jeg ror kajak på Esrum sø eller i Øresund, eller brænder benene af på min racercykel.
03 / 03
My thesis proposes a new vision for the city centres in trade cities, which are experiencing a decline in retail due to changes in society related to a digitalization and centralization of services. A recent report (ICP, 2017) shows, that within the next decade Denmark is expected to lose 80 of its trade cities, thus going from 109 to 29 trade cities by 2030 (Pol., Feb., 2018). This will mean that the cities which are already experiencing a decline in retail will be even more challenged. Historically, city centres have functioned as centres for commercial, cultural and social exchange for its surrounding community, creating a common spatial gathering place. For many decades, retail has been the main function in the city centres. Thus, when retail leaves the city centres, they lose their main function, and therefore many areas are left without a meaningful local/municipal public gathering place. For this reason, we must re-envision the services the city centre is providing, and determine if they should maintain their function as important social nodes on a municipal, regional and national scale. By putting more focus on the city centre in these areas, and their importance in our society, we can maintain a meaningful and coherent everyday life for the people living in the affected areas and counteract the increasing segregation between municipalities. The city centre has the potential to function as a community anchor in the urban fabric.
Service nodes: In the beginning of this year (2019), a new and revised proposal for the Finger Plan, and a new planning directive regarding retail was announced, which points out new services (Regeringen, 2019, Danmark Hovedstad, 2019 & Landplandirektiv for detailhandel). This leaves an image of where the government sees the service cities of the future. An image that seems fragmented and does not consider the iconic Finger Plan.
Alternative proposed service nodes: An alternative strategy proposed that service investments in the metropolitan region could respect more the icon of the Finger Plan by investing both in the core, in the new development project along Ring 3, and the old boroughs.
A vision for former trade cities: The centralized market structure of today makes it clear that a new vision for former trade cities is needed. A vision, which not only focuses on commerce, but also looks at the site-specificity in and around the city, and utilises the potential new digital technologies brings when it comes to service providing.
USC, Thesis project - 06
The proposal zooms in on the metropolitan region, where a regional retail structure already seems to be decided – aiming for a regional service strategy. The strategy provides the basis for an explorative proposal of alternative services for the city centre of Helsinge. Helsinge is one of the cities affected by the decline in retail, and is currently expected to lose its function as a trade city by 2030. The strategy “Service 2.0” focuses on values directly related to the identity of the city by aiming for site-specific services, both when it comes to social, cultural and commercial services, and utilises the potential new digital technologies brings when it comes to service providing. For the city centre of Helsinge, this implies strengthening institutional and union life as well as improving the connection to its surrounding nature and landscape. The proposal builds up new and existing identities of the city centre and uses its empty buildings as catalyst for new life.
Strategy 1 - creating identities: The main street, which is the oldest street in the city, functions as a backbone and connects the different functions characterizing the city centre. From the station as a place for commuting, to the green path, which connects the forest south and north of the city, to the square as a natural gravity point and the pond which frames culture historical part of the city.
Strategy 2 - Activating empty rooms The empty buildings are spread all over the city centre and gives the feeling of the city centre being abandoned. The empty buildings have a potential to function as nodes of social activities and can provide room for a new kind of life and activity within the city centre. There is great potential in having the many institutions and unions use the rooms, as some of them are missing spaces today.
Strategy 3 - Enhance accessibility: Today, the city centre seems cut off from its surroundings, especially for more vulnerable road users. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the accessibility of special points on the city ring. On top of this, the access from the parking areas to the pedestrian street also needs to be simplified. This could be done by blurring the line between the two functions and make the parking areas an active part of the city centre.
Strategy 4 - A green centre: Today the only green area in the city centre, is the area around the pond. Helsinge is a city surrounded by unique nature and landscape, which is characterised by the national park The King’s North Zealand. This identity could be better integrated in the city centre, by connecting it to the two forests north and south of the city but also by making the city centre itself greener through an inner green loop.
Strategy 5 - Develop in stages: The development should be performed in stages, by activating one identity area at a time. Activating one area at a time gives the opportunity to intensify the area the most, and to utilise the special identity of that area as driving force. The further development of the area has countless outcomes. A clever way to initialise this process could have the municipality activate the areas that they own, thereby incentivising private owners to transform the empty rooms.
The pond - culture as identity
The square - community as identity
The green path - nature as identity
The station - commuting as identity
USC, Thesis project - 08
USC, Thesis project - 10
THE PROCESS 0: Activating municipal urban spaces
Money with project
EU-funds: LAG HalsnĂŚs-Gribskov. Have the ambition to increase
business attractiveness, visit attractiveness and settlement attractiveness in the largest cities in the municipality. 1 mio. kr. / year for Girbskov Municipality.
Turning project
1st year: A homework CafĂŠ
Idea to project
Private organizations
Public organizations
Spin-off project
1st year: A garden
Processing project in steering group Primarily responsible Municipality Owner/developer Consultant
Helsinge Business Association
Permament project
1st year: Community space
5th year
4rd year
3rd year
Running club house
Project ends
Rentable offices
A success = becomes permanent
Generates new similar projects, winter garden
Generates new similar projects, plant containers
Generates new releted projects, local food market
Generates new releted projects, local food kitchen
Generates new similar projects, classroom
Generates new similar projects, leisure club
Generates new releted projects, sewing club
Becomes permanent, community house
2nd year
1st year: testing period
Turning project
A homework CafĂŠ
Project ends
A garden
Becomes a success
Community space
Generates new similar project, wood workshop
Spin-off project
Permament project
Local Shops providing services, that digital services cannot provide, such as local products and high customer service. Those can still have a digital connection.
Rented out to institutions, such as schools, kindergartens or elderly house. The space will contain special and flexible programs with multiple users, such as a kitchen or a workshop.
Permanent or temporary art spaces, establishes by the institutions, unions or private people.
Transformed from abandonment to garden or greenhouse.
Package distribution station, as people shop more online. This could be combined with a social, cultural or nature function.
Rented out to unions, such as sports clubs or other hobby clubs. The space will contain special and flexible programs with multiple users.
Spaces facilitating different kinds of cultural performance, such as music concert or theater. Those can both be used by artists visiting the city or by the local institutions and unions.
Transformed into educational space as a part of The King’s North Zealand, used by institutions, unions or public/private organizations.
Food, to-go / to-stay
Food distribution house, as people tend to eat more prefabricated food. To-go or to-stay. Made by local products. The kitchen could also be used by institutions and unions or facilitate other social events.
Rented out to private people or organization, who wants to facilitate social events, such as yoga or painting classes. The space will contain special and flexible programs with multiple users.
Rentable offices
The municipality is a commuting municipality, people live, but work other places. People tend to work more from home. A potential in making flexible rentable offices, which people due to their needs.
To strenghen the use and make the citizens benefit the most from the city centre, the centre will have its own digital social network, through which you can book rooms and join events.
USC, Thesis project - 12
Digitalization of shopping is operating on every scale from local, regional, and national to global, since new flows of network are changing the age-old relationship between both time and space, and production and consumption. As consumers increasingly buy online, digital technologies are changing the shape of our cities, reducing demand of physical retail space, leaving shopping streets, shopping malls and parking lots in the city empty. This shift from services being provided by the city, to services being something you order online, has and will change the way we use and move in the city. The ongoing shift in shopping is visible. A recent report (ICP, 2017) shows that within the next decade Denmark is expected to lose 80 of its trade cities going from 109 to 29 trade cities by 2030. Many of the areas that may lose their trade cities are areas within the LAG-municipalities. The LAG-municipalities are rural municipalities, which according to the Danish Business Authority are having challenges, such as the decline of the retail life in city centres. This development can leave a large area without physical shops and services in the rural part of Denmark. The paper focus on what a change from services being something provided by the city to services becoming something you order online will mean to the use and function of the former trade cities in rural Denmark. Moreover, what kind of services should the city and mainly the former shopping street provide in the future, if it has to maintain its function as an important node in the city fabric.
3. semester, USC - 14
Researching the smart city, we realised that there are always the same technology and efficiency based factors that rule the way our cities are built today. What is missing in the formula, we think, is the human touch as the planning of cities today is generally thought as a top down process. The cities consist of multiple layers and a symbiosis is needed in order to create a great environment for its users. Our aim is to reinvent the public space by introducing a new anchor that will influence and ensure a more diverse flow, transforming Paper Island from a weekend destination into an urban space that is part of the daily life. Taking a look at Paper Island today, and focusing on the ground floor , the island is monofunctional. our intention is to implement a civic anchor that should shift the status of a weekend destination to a socially diverse urban space. The anchor will blur the line between public and private and will engage into the atmosphere of the public space. The intervention is based on the introduction of a built civic anchor and the public space that will be affected by it. The anchor will blur the line between public and private and will engage into the atmosphere of the public space.The intervention is based on the introduction of a built civic anchor and the public space that will be affected by it. The anchor will blur the line between public and private and will engage into the atmosphere of the public space.
Generic city
3. semester, USC - 16
Strategy for how Copenhagen Municipality could implement more civic space in new development areas
Diagram of time use during the day with the implamentation of a new civic anchor institution
3. semester, USC - 18
Through the project ’Filtering, balancing the public reaml’ I studyed the dominant position of the walls and fences in the cityscape of Beijing and what it had ment to the history of planning in the city. The wall and fence are not a new elements, but has been an distinctive part of the development of the chinese unit through times. However, the properties of the wall/fence has changed from focusing on the family unit, to an urban element that hinders urban situations. The 3 main contradictions and situations that the fences are hindering is access, ownership and continuity, which all is related to traffic. Another parameter in project works with is the meaning of regulations related to traffic.
Through looking at thouse two parameters I thougth: Could we learn from Pepsi´s interpretation of the traffic system in Beijing and continue the tradition of the walls / fences and transform them into an urban filter that enhances public life? The aim of the project was to filtering the cars and give the ground floor back to the pedestrians. In the project I worked with the largest magaplot of Beijing, Wangjing. By testing the strategy in a smaller area of Wangjing, which was similar to the pieces Wangjing consists of, the strategy could easily be applied to the rest of the area. By maikng this project I hoped to solve one of the biggest urban problem in Beijing: the cars takeover of the city. Which not only have enviromental impacks but also make it hard for people to move freely.
Strategy for a new traffic hierarchy in Beijing
Fences and gates, current
Traffic hierarehy, current
Fence and gate, new
Traffic hierarehy, new
New pedestrian landscape
The filter
2. semester, USC - 20
The project was exhibited at The Danish Cultur Institute during the Beijing Design Week, September 2018. I participated together with two other students with a model of foam with the size of 1,2x4,6 meters. The drawing at this page was made as a during the development of the design to this project and was also exhibited at Beijing Design Week.
Recreational island
The Switch
New pedestrian landscape
2. semester, USC - 22
Housing prices in Copenhagen are increasing and living in the city have become much more polarized and segregated. Sharing our home with others have become more normal. But sharing is not always nice, but something you have to do of economic reasons. And even though many are forced to shared their home, there are still many free rooms in Copenhagen. The project ‘Space for all Copenhageners’ and is related to the chapter in the Municipality Planning Strategy which is called ‘Space for more Copenhageners’. The project is built upon the idea of ‘Sharing is Caring’, which is ‘A non-profit union for affordable housing’. The sharing happens between host and a guest. In this project I search for a more sustainable solution for a housing typology that could be built upon sharing through a union that carries out the guest and host rights. The union is decentralized to each part of the city and is divided in three levels. The Sharing is Caring board takes care of the main decisions, The Coordination and Service takes care of all the practicalities, and The Neighborhoods is the people living in and around Sharing is Caring. The municipality is represented in all three levels. A host or a guest could be all kind of people but also the municipality or a company providing different kind of architecture such as room, kitchen or workspace or different kind of services such as care, household or identity. Sharing is caring is divided into three different stages. Each stage provide space for Sharing is Caring by renting space from a host in different scales.
Sharing is Caring matrix between the guest and the host
Sharing is Caring strategy
Positive Symbiosis Regulation 1
The benefits the host offers must be equivalent to the guest's services.
20 %
20 %
20 %
? 1 Housing unit
Sustainable Symbiosis 1 50 % 50 %
Sustainable Development 2
Sustainable Future 3 New development areas should include 10 % Sharing is Caring
Stage 3 - Future of Sha Other financing
Sustainable growth
The guest as developer
Sharing is Caring strategy over time
Stage 1 - Sharing is Caring - Vesterbro
Stage 2- Sharing is Normal - Carlsberg
Stage 3 - Future of Sharing - Centralværkstedet
1. semester, USC - 24
The Sharing is Caring Union organization
Copenhagen Municipality
Financial Manager
Financial Manager
1. SHARING IS CARING BOARD meet every half a year
Selection system
Copenhagen Municipality
2. COORDINATION AND SERVICE meet every month / week / day
Construction Manager
Copenhagen Municipality
3. NEIGHBORHOODS meet every day
Sharing is Caring organization
Financing at different stages
Stage 2- Sharing is Normal - Carlsberg, flexible design proposal
1. semester, USC - 26
NIRAS har i samarbejde med Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune og Tegnesten Vandkunsten udarbejdet en helhedsplan for Lundtofte beliggende nord for DTU i Lyngby. Områder rummer en høj grad af erhverv, et større alment boligområde, samt Lundtofte Landsby, der fremstår med samlede landsbykarakter. Områdets overvejende grønne karakter ligger i en dalstrækning i landskabelig sammenhæng med Mølleådalen. Helhedsplanen omfatter processen fra kortlægning, interessentanalyse og workshops, til vedtagelsen af den færdige helhedsplan med tilhørende kommuneplantillæg. Helhedsplanen belyser områdets kvaliteter og behov, fastlægger en vision, anviser overordnede principper, samt initiativer og handlinger, der kan iværksættes for at sikre områdets kvaliteter og en rød tråd i byudviklingen. Målet med helhedsplanen er, at der sker en balanceret byudvikling, der skaber en attraktiv og styrket bydel med endnu mere liv og plads til at leve, arbejde og bo, uden at give køb på Lundtoftes kvaliteter og identitet. Jeg har været med i processen af udvikling af vision samt udvikling af konkrete nedslag. Jeg har haft ansvaret for den grafiske opstilling af formidling gennem hele processen. Jeg har assisteret i tilrettelæggelse af to borgerworkshops, analyse af eksisterende forhold, udarbejdelse af tekst og kommuneplantillæg samt deltaget i alle møder både internt og eksternt.
Lundtofte har byfunktioner
Principsnit for sekundære forbindelse nær bebyggelse
Lundtofte skal forbindes
for sekundære forbindelse nær bolignære områder
Principsnit for sekundære forbindelse ved grønne områder 27
Lundtofte skal vokse
Praktik / Studiejob, NIRAS - 28
Som led i udmøntningen af Københavns Kommunes strategi for bynatur har NIRAS udviklet et begrønningsværktøj. Værktøjet skal bruges til at fastlægge omfang og kvalitet af bynatur i kommunale bygge- og anlægsprojekter og lokalplaner. Det særlige ved begrønningsværktøjet er, at det ikke kun måler det grønne areal i byen, men også kvaliteten af det grønne areal i forhold til klimatilpasning, biodiversitet, rekreation og egenart. Begrønningsværktøjet bidrager derved ikke kun til ”mere” bynatur, men også ”bedre” bynatur gennem udviklingen af en grøn og mangfoldig hovedstad. Jeg har haft ansvaret for udvikling af grafiske ikoner og diagrammer samt at teste, kontrollere og evaluere værktøjet i udviklingsfasen via 15 specifikke cases. Jeg har assisteret i tilblivelsen af tekst og har været forfatter på abstract til NORDIWA-konferencen.
Areal Kvalitet Bynaturkvalitet Bynaturareal
Areal Kvalitet Bynaturkvalitet Bynaturareal
Lokalplanen for Haldor Topsøe omhandler et mindre erhvervsområdet i Lundtofte i Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune. Områdets lokalplan er forældet i forhold til de fremtidige behov i området, og derfor udarbejdes en ny. Lokalplanen bearbejder særlige teamer som øvrigt stationsnært område, grundet etablering af letbane station i nærheden (jf. Fingerplan 2013), samt miljøklasse 1-3, grunden vurdering af eksisterende forhold og fremtige behov. Lokalplanen bearbejder også mulighed for etablering af nye skel, opsætning af støjskærm samt etablering af parkering. Jeg har haft ansvaret for udarbejdelsen af kortbilag samt har bidraget i dialogen og forståelsen af miljøklasser og øvrigt stationsnært område. Har i tilblivelsen af lokalplanen assisteret med tekst.
Lokalplanen for Aabenraa bymidte har til for mål at sikre en vigtig del af Aabenraa historiske bymidte, som indeholder værdifulde bymiljøer. Planområdet udgør et forholdsvist helstøbt miljø med mange arkitektoniske og kulturhistoriske kvaliteter. F.eks. er matrikel-, gade- og stistrukturen velbevaret, og der er mange fredede og bevaringsværdige bygninger med mange historiske bygningsdetaljer. Lokalplanen arbejder derfor både med området som en helhed og med de detaljer, der er vigtige for helheden. Jeg har haft ansvaret for udarbejdelsen af de i alt 11 kortbilag og for bidraget i dialoget om forståelse af bevaring af kulturhistoriske kvaliteter.
Praktik / Studiejob, NIRAS - 30
6. semesteropgave bestod i at tilføje en idrætshal i Bellahøj Skole. Bellahøj Skole er placeret umiddelbart op ad Bellahøj Nord, der er beliggende på Københavns højeste punkt. Skolen har siden 2007 dannet ramme om landets eneste offentlige idrætsskole. Skolen fremstår lukkede om sin egen matrikel og usammenhængende med Bellahøj Parken og C.Th. Sørensens grønne amfiteater syd for skolen. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i et lærings- og kulturcenter, der understøtter skolens aktive læring i dagstimerne, og tilbyder undervisning og aktiviter i eftermiddags- og aftentimerne, og derved binder Bellahøj Husene mod øst sammen med villakvarteret mod vest, og skaber større sammenhæng og tryghed samt nyt liv til parken. Lærings- og kulturhuset ligger sig i parkens grønne landskab og nedbryder grænsen mellem skolegård og park ved at invitere det grønne ind i skolegården og undervisningen via stier, beplantning, LAR og drivhuse, der kobler sig til bygningens funktioner. Bygningens transarente og translucente facader skaber gennemsigtighed ud til landskabet.
6. semester, IBT - 32
6. semester, IBT - 34
Copenhagen 27.05.2019
Letter of recommendation
To whom it may concern Mathilde Lo Nielsen has been a student of mine from jan. 2019 until her diploma in june 2019, at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture - on the master level program USC (Urbanism and Societal Change). She has worked on a number of research-based projects in urban planning and architecture through her entire master program at the USC from the fall of 2017 until summer 2019. Her diploma project ‘Service 2.0 – Reenvisioning the trade city’ was an exemplary project discussing the future of trade cities in the outer regions of the capital region of Denmark. As a student Mathilde has shown outstanding qualities and masters all of the tools an architect needs spanning from idea and concept development towards strategies and planning documents. She has shown in-depth understanding of the different scales within the projects and manages to gather large information and turn complex parameters into remarkable design. Mathilde has an excellent sense of design, composition and drafting. I can highly recommend Mathilde to any architectural / planning practice as a professional young architect, and team player with great personal qualities. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.
Best regards
Morten Kjer Jeppesen teacher, USC KADK 2991 5079 Morten.Jeppesen@kadk.dk
6. semester, IBT - 36