On Computations of THPD Matrices

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Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

ON COMPUTATIONS OF THPD MATRICES Dr. S.V.S. Girija1, A.V. Dattatreya Rao2 and V.J.Devaraaj3 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Hindu College, Guntur -522002 INDIA Professor of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur-522510 INDIA. Department of B S & H, V.K.R, V.N.B and A.G.K. College of Engineering, Gudivada, INDIA.

ABSTRACT Toeplitz Hermitian Positive Definite (THPD) matrices play an important role in signal processing and computer graphics and circular models, related to angular / periodic data, have vide applications in various walks of life. Visualizing a circular model through THPD matrix the required computations on THPD matrices using single bordering and double bordering are discussed. It can be seen that every tridiagonal THPD leads to Cardioid model.

1. INTRODUCTION Every Toeplitz Hermitian Positive Definite matrix (THPD) can be associated to a Circular model through its characteristic function [Mardia (1972)]. The idea of THPD matrix, a special case of Toeplitz matrix has a natural extension to infinite case as well. Here, it is attempted to present certain algorithms for computations on THPD matrices. Section 2 is devoted to explain the association between Circular models and THPD matrices which is the motivation for taking up computations on THPD matrices for possible future applications / extensions. On the lines of Rami Reddy (2005), methods for LU decomposition of a THPD matrix using single bordering algorithms are discussed and are presented in Sections 3.

2. REPRESENTATION OF A CIRCULAR MODEL THROUGH THPD MATRIX In continuous case the probability density function (pdf) g ( θ ) of a circular distribution exists and has the following basic properties

g ( θ ) ≥ 0, ∀θ


2π ∫ g (θ ) dθ = 1 0


g (θ ) = g (θ + 2kπ ) for any integer k (i.e., g is periodic )


Rao and Sengupta (2001). 73

Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

Distribution function G on the circle is uniquely determined by characteristic function [c.f. p. 80 Mardia (1972)]. The characteristic function and cdf of the resultant wrapped circular model are,

φW ( p ) = E (eipθ ) = φ ( p),

p = 0, ± 1, ±2, ± 3,...


and G (θ ) = g (θ ′)dθ ′,θ ∈ [0, 2π ) 0

{ }

Consider the sequence φ p ∞ associated with a characteristic function φ of a circular −∞ ∞

distribution. It is known that if



{ }

is convergent then φ p ∈ l 2 and

p = −∞


convergent iff




p = −∞

{ }


is convergent. Thus the sequence φ p of a circular model satisfies (i)


p =0

φ0 = 1, (ii) φ− p = φ p ,

∞ 2 ∑ φ p < ∞ . Since lim φ p = 0 , one can assume that −∞

φp < 1 ∀ p .

If φ p = α p + iβ p , then the pdf of the corresponding Circular model is given by

g (θ ) =


g (θ ) =


1 2π

1 2π

∞  (α p cos pθ + β p sin pθ ) 1 2 +  ∑ p =1  

g (θ ) ∞














e −ipθ converges [ Jordan’s test ] provided

p = −∞

1. g (θ ) =

1 {g (θ + 0) + g (θ − 0)} or 2

2. g (θ ) has only a finite number of maxima and minima and a finite number of discontinuities




[0, 2π )







φ p = E (e ipθ ) = ∫ e ipθ d (G (θ )). 0

{ }

Thus the characteristic function of a Circular distribution G is represented by the sequence φ p . Let the matrix

A = (ai j )


ai j = φi − j , i , j ≥ 0 and

ai j = a j i . Since

φ− p = φ p and all leading principal minors of A are positive, therefore, A is positive definite. Thus by invoking the Inversion theorem for characteristic functions it follows that for every Circular model there corresponds an infinite matrix through it’s characteristic function. Further, 74

Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

all the leading principal minors are positive, hence the matrix A is THPD matrix. If α p = β p = 0 for p ≥ n , i.e.

g (θ ) =

1 2π

n   1 + 2 ∑ α p cos pθ + β p sin pθ  , then the corresponding matrix becomes finite p =1  



THPD matrix. By definition a matrix A is tridiagonal from Girija (2004) if a i j = 0 whenever i − j ≥ 2 . When A is a tridiagonal THPD, then as shown below A induces a Cardioid distribution for appropriate parameters. In view of the involvement of tridiagonal matrices in Circular distributions particularly in Cardioid distribution we may as well look into the properties preserved by the tridiagonal matrices in general. We briefly present a few computational methods connected with tridiagonal matrices.

2.1Cardioid distribution and tridiagonal matrices The pdf of a Cardioid distribution with parameters µ and ρ is given by

g (θ ) =

1 (1 + 2 ρ cos(θ − µ ) , θ ∈ [0,2π ) , − 1 < ρ < 1 2π 2 2

The trigonometric moments of g are

α 1 = 2 ρ cos µ , β1 = 2 ρ sin µ . The corresponding characteristic function of the Cardioid distribution is

φW ( p ) = α p + iβ p , p = 0, ± 1 . Hence, the THPD matrix induced by the characteristic function of a Cardioid distribution is

 φ φ1   A =  0  φ φ 0  1 Clearly for any n ≥ 2 , the tridiagonal THPD matrix of order n

 φ 0 φ1 0 ... 0     φ1 φ 0 φ1 ... 0  An =  0 φ1 φ0 ... 0     ... ... ... ... ...     ... ... ... φ1 φ0  represents a Cardioid distribution. However the minimum order of such matrix is 2.


Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014




Unless otherwise specified, the matrices mentioned here by default are square matrices of order n. By a LU-decomposition of a matrix A we mean a decomposition of A as A = LU where L and U are lower triangular matrices respectively. This decomposition is possible [Jain and Chawla (1971)] when the leading submatrices of A are nonsingular.

NOTE : 1. A matrix may not have LU – decomposition as is evident from the following.

Example 1 :

 0 2   l1   =   3 0   l2

0  u1 u 2    l3  0 u3 

⇒ l1u1 = 0, l 2 u1 = 3, l1u 2 = 2 which is impossible. 2. Even if LU decomposition exists, it may not be unique.

Example 2.

 − 1 1 − 4   1 0 0  - 1 1 - 4       0  =  - 2 4 0  0 1 - 2   2 2  3 3 2   - 3 6 - 2  0 0 - 1    - 1 0 0  1   =  2 - 4 0  0  3 - 6 2  0  

-1 4   -1 2  0 1 

3. It is known that the LU decomposition is unique when all the entries on the diagonal of L or U are unity. Having established the association between a THPD matrices and Circular models, the following computational aspects on THPD matrix are explored. LU- decomposition of a THPD matrix by single bordering.

Theorem 3.2 Let A be a THPD matrix of order n and have the form


Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

A A =  *n −1  x n −1

x n −1   a 0 

xn* −1 = (a n −1

An −1










... ... a1 ) .

an − 2

Assume that LU-decomposition of An −1 exists and is given by An −1 = Ln −1U n −1 , then A = LU where

O u n −1  L U  and U =  n −1  L =  n −1 1   O  l n−1 ' l nn  u n −1 = Ln −1−1 x n−1 , l n −1 ' = x n*−1U n −1−1 , l nn = a 0 − l n −1 ' u n −1 Proof: Since An −1 is THPD matrix An −1−1 exists, hence Ln −1 ,U n −1 are invertible.

O U n −1 u n −1   Ln −1 U n −1 Ln −1u n −1  L    =  LU =  n −1 1   l n −1 'U n −1 l n −1 ' u n −1 + l nn   l n −1 ' l nn  O

 An −1  xn −1

=  *

xn −1  = A a0 

Ln −1U n −1 = An −1 , Ln −1un −1 = xn −1 , ln −1 'U n −1 = x*n −1 ,

l n −1 ' u n −1 + lnn = a0

⇔ lnn = a0 − xn −1 'U n −1−1Ln −1−1 x− ( n −1) = a0 − xn −1 ' An −1−1x− ( n −1) ⇔ xn* −1 = lnT−1U n−−11 ⇔ xn −1 = (U n −1 )* l n −1 u n −1 = L−n1−1 (U n −1 )* l n −1



u n −1 = L−n1−1 U n* −1 l n −1 For the purpose of computations, the above theorem is arranged in the form of a Recursive algorithm. Given A = (ai,j) Let

a −i = a i 77

Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

Step 1 : A1 = (a0), L1 = (a0), U1 = (1) Step 2 : For i = 2 (1) n we have


x i*−1 = (a i −1 , a i − 2 , ...a1 ) −1


Compute Li −1 , U i −1 T



Write l i −1 = xi −1U i −1 ,

ui −1 = L−i −11 xi −1

T Compute l i −1u i −1


Write l ii = a 0 − l i −1u i −1 Write

0 L u  U , U i =  i −1 i −1  Li =  Ti −1 1   li −1 lii   0

Write L = Ln, U = Un Example

We find the LU decomposition for the following THPD matrix A characteristic function of a Wrapped Weibull distribution.

is associated with the

1.0000 0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i − 0.1012 + 0.2970i     1.0000 0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i   0.5432 − 0.6347i A= 0.0276 − 0.5312i 0.5432 − 0.6347i 1.0000 0.5432 + 0.6347i     − 0.1012 − 0.2970i 0.0276 − 0.5312i 0.5432 − 0.6347i  1 . 0000   Step1 :

A1 = (1), L1 = (1), U1 = (1) Step 2:


= [0.5432 - 0.6347i]

L1−1 = (1), U 1−1 = (1) l1

= 0.5432 - 0.6347i


= 0.5432 + 0.6347i


= 0.3021

0 1.0000  0.5432 - 0.6347i 0.3021

L2 = 

   78

Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

1.0000 0 

U2 = 

0.5432 + 0.6347i   1.0000 

0.5432 + 0.6347i  1.0000   0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000 

L2 U2 = 

Step 3:

x2 = [0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.5432 - 0.6347i]

0  1.0000 - 0.0000i L−21 =   - 1.7981 + 2.1010i 3.3103

 1.0000 U 2−1 =  0 

  

- 0.5432 - 0.6347i   1.0000 

l2 =

( 0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.1911 - 0.3637i)

u2 =

 0.0276 + 0.5312i     0.6324 + 1.2038i 

l33 = ( 0.1584 - 0.0000i )

0 0  1.0000    0 L3 =  0.5432 - 0.6347i 0.3021   0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.1911 - 0.3637i 0.1584 - 0.0000i     1.0000  0 U3 =   0 

0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i   1.0000 0.6324 + 1.2038i   0 1.0000 

0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i   1.0000   0.5432 + 0.6347i  L3U 3 =  0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000  0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000    79

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Step 4:

x3 = [-0.1012 - 0.2970i 0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.5432 - 0.6347i]


0 0  1.0000 - 0.0000i    0 =  - 1.7981 + 2.1010i 3.3103   - 2.8286 - 3.3084i - 3.9920 + 7.5986i 6.3119 + 0.0000i   

U 3−1

1.0000  0 =   0 

- 0.4481 + 0.5241i   - 0.6324 - 1.2038i   1.0000 

- 0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000 0

l3 = [ -0.1012 - 0.2970i -0.1059 - 0.3056i 0.0873 - 0.2519i ]

 - 0.1012 + 0.2970i    u 3 =  - 0.3507 + 1.0117i   0.5509 + 1.5901i   

l 44 = ( 0.1065 - 0.0000i )

   L4 =    




0.5432 - 0.6347i 0.3021


0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.1911 - 0.3637i

0.1584 - 0.0000i

- 0.1012 - 0.2970i - 0.1059 - 0.3056i 0.0873 - 0.2519i

1.0000  0  U4 =  0   0 

0.5432 + 0.6347i 1.0000

0.0276 + 0.5312i 0.6324 + 1.2038i





  0   0  0.1065 - 0.0000i  0

- 0.1012 + 0.2970i   - 0.3507 + 1.0117i  0.5509 + 1.5901i    1.0000 


Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ), Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2014

  L4 U 4 =     

0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i - 0.1012 + 0.2970i   0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000 0.5432 + 0.6347i 0.0276 + 0.5312i  0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000 0.5432 + 0.6347i    - 0.1012 - 0.2970i 0.0276 - 0.5312i 0.5432 - 0.6347i 1.0000  1.0000

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