Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana
Personal information Desired occupation field Work experiance Education and training Language Personal skills and competences
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ PIK II ‘Patching Rijeka’ PIK IV/1 ‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ PIK IV/2 ‘The house of sound’ PIK V/1 ‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 3
Personal information Name and surname Address Mobile phone E-mail address FaceBook Date of birth
Matic Pajnik, u.d.i.a. Pristava 59, 2393 ÄŒrna na KoroĹĄkem +386 (0)41 208 945 17.12.1986 architect
Desired occupation field Architect
Work experiance Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer
Type of business / sector Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and adress of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
June 2011 Member of urbanistic board at Črna municipality Municipality of Črna na Koroškem Center 101, 2393 Črna, SI Architecture and urban design January 2011 Presedent of organisation Student Association from Karnten Čečovje 5, 2390 Ravne, SI Student organisation
June - September 2010 Asistent interior architect, web design Online Architectural Studio Stahovica nad Kamnikom, 1240 Kamnik, SI Architecture - interior design
March 2010 - June 2010 Architect, design engineer (as student) Wingender Hovenier Architecten BV Obiplein 18b, 1094 RB Amsterdam, NL Architecture
May 2008 Architect, cunstruction drawer (as student) IB Techno d.o.o. Vojkova 65, 1000 Ljubljana, SI Architecture
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 5
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
Dates Occupation / position held Name and address of employer Type of business / sector
April 2008 - October 2010 President of student org. at Faculty of Architecture ‘Student organisation at Faculty of Architecture‘ Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana, SI Student organisation
April 2008 - October 2010 Member of student parliament at University of Ljubljana ŠOU - Student Organisation Ljubljana Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, SI Student organisation
July, August 2008 Architect, design engineer (as student) ‘Plot d.o.o.’ - Architectural office, Center 119, 2393 Črna, SI Architecture
July, August 2007 Architect, design engineer (as student) ‘Plot d.o.o.’ - Architectural office, Center 119, 2393 Črna, SI Architecture
August 2006 Architect, design engineer (as student) ‘Plot d.o.o.’ - Architectural office, Center 119, 2393 Črna, SI Architecture
November 2005 - April 2007 Alpine skiing trainer asistent SK Črna TAB Mežica Sport
Education and training formal education Dates Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training Level in national or international classification
Dates Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
October 2005 - June 2011 University graduate engineer of architecture u.d.i.a. architecture, urbanism, statics, mehanics Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana, SI IS CED 7
February 2010 - July 2010 architecture, urbanism, statics, mehanics Academie van Bouwkunst Waterloplein 213, 1011PG Amsterdam, NL
Level in national or international classification Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Dates Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training Level in national or international classification
August 2008 Participated at international workshop on brick building in Netherland architectural, constructional skills Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam. Waterloplein 213, 1011PG Amsterdam, NL
August 2007 Participated at international workshop on wood constructions in Trondheim, Norway. architectural, constructional skills NTNU Trondheim, NOR
September 2001 - June 2005 Gymnasium graduate (Lyceum graduate) General education General gymnasium Ravne Na gradu 4, 2390 Ravne, SI IS CED 3
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 7
Dates Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
September 1993 - June 2001 General education Primary school, Črna Center 142, 2393 Črna IS CED 1
Level in national or international classification
informal education Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
1.May - 7.May 2011 Training for Team-leaders Training for Time-management social skills CNVOS - Center for development of Non-government Organisations Povšetova 37, 1000 Ljubljana, SI
September 2008 - June 2011 Participate at several team-leader and social skills workshops for young people working at NGO (non government organisations) social skills ŠOU-Lj, CNVOS, SAS 5.-7. May 2010 (Riga, LA) 15.-16. October 2010 (Brussels, BE) Help/For a life without tobacco Student network meetings I, II Social skills, environmential skills HELP initiative, An initiative of the European Union
Sailing Skipper 2009 amatere sailing instructor, sports Ministry for transport - Republic of Slovenia and Soling Sailing Club
Dates Type of training taken Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
2007, 2008, 2009 Seminars on global economical markets. Money management skills Faculty for Economy, Ljubljana, SI Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, SI
Title of qualification awarded Occupational skills cowered Name and type of organisation providing education or training
Skiing trainer II 2005 proffesional Alpine skiing, sports Ski Association of Slovenia - ZUTS Podutiška cesta 146, 1000 Ljubljana, SI
Language Slovene English Deutsch Serbian/Croatian
(native language) excelent good good
excelent intermediate good
excelent intermediate good
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 9
Personal skills and competences Achievements
- Best junior single athlete in Črna in years 1998 and 1999. - Was a professional alpine skier from 1992 - 2004. Three times National junior alpine skiing champion and received medals at several international competitions. - Was awarded the Zois scholarship for promising students (2000-2011). - Achiaved the highest result at ‘matura exam’ at the Gymnasium Ravne with a golden medal. - In 2008 project ‘Crex Crex’ was selected for the final among 226 contestants at the Gau:di international student competition and was awarded as 4th place for sensual approach and sustainability. The project was selected for the two years international exhibition across Europe. - Got the highest grade (10) for the diploma at the Faculty of Architecture.
Social skills
- Through my activities I have received good team-work skills. I am adaptable, good in finding weak spots, recommend solutions and help where help is needed. I can also take the lead if necessary. - I am a good motivator and a very positive person.
Organisational skills
- Through my activities I have also gained good time management capeabillity. - I work systematically and organised. - I am self-initiative and independent in my work. - I am a rationalist, look at everything through numbers.
Computer skills
- I work mostly with: Michosoft environment, Autodesk AutoCad, AketchUp, Adobe Prhotoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw, Graphisoft ArchiCad, Excel.
- Never stop learning, always question. - Eat and live healthy and full life. - Respect other people and nature.
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Cerknica Lake, Slovenia PIK II, GAU: DI Sustainable Architecture Competition for a leisure house in 21st century. European student competition was set the task to build a vacation house or a village, which will meet the demands of modern man. ‘Crex crex’ is set in a sensitive environment at Cerknica Lake, where the visitor can have a perfect contact with nature. 1.10.2007, Ljubljana, International Competition dr.Špela Hudnik, prof.mag.Peter Gabrijelčič The project was selected out of 226 competitors for the 4th place received a special mention for a sensitive approach. A two year exhibition of the ten finalists went to major European capitals.
‘Patching Rijeka’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Mlaka - abandoned oil factory INA, Rijeka PIK 1/III Plan of urban development in four phases. Invited student competition, organised by Rijeka municipality. INA (Oil Industry dd) is moving from the center of Rijeka to the suburbs, leaving behind a 50ha ares which is going to give new energy to the city. What to do with existing buildings? What is missing in the city? The team divided the project into four phases to make it more realistic to implement. 20.12.2008, Ljubljana doc.mag.Tadej Glažar
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 11
‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rondo Tomačevo, Ljubljana PIK 2/III, parking garage - Park & Bike Modern cities are fighting with heavy traffic in different ways. One of the solution are P & B parking garage, where commuters leave the car at the edge of the city and sit on the bus or a bike. The objective was to analyze the need for P & R (B) in Ljubljana and make a series of buildings on different locations. 20.6.2009, Ljubljana James Njoo, Associate professor
‘The house of sound’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam Music centreninth semester, Amsterdam erasmus exchange The aim of the project “The House of Sound” was to build three different concert halls for specific songs at a very transient location. Nirvana - Smells like teen’’spirit’’, J. Cage’’and’’4:33’’9 simphony JSBach’’ 10.6.2010, Amsterdam, NL Jarrik Ouburg
‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Lepi pot 4, Ljubljana Housing bloch renovation The number of people living in Europe and the need for new housing is stagnating. At the same time appartments in Slovenia are owercrowded as the old appartments are too small. Project seeks for constructional and spatial solutions for the situation. 30.6.2011, Ljubljana doc.Tadej Glažar Diploma - Perfect grade (10)
Trajnostni razvoj je opredeljen kot način razvoja, ki zadošča današnjim generacija, da zadostijo svojim lastnim potrebam, ne da bi pri tem ogrožal perspektivnost prihodnjih generacij. Z minimalnim negativnim, še raje pa s pozitivnim geološkim odtisom, prihodnjim generacijam zagotavlja trajen obstoj. Le s takšno mislijo o razvoju človeške družbe, se bomo izognili nevarnostim, ki jih povzroča osredotočenje na količinski, materialni razvoj z izčrpavanjem naravnih virov in onesnaževanjem okolja. Vsak dan se vrstijo napovedi o pojemajočih svetovnih zalogah surovin in o našem vplivu na podnebje. Ostaja samo še vprašane časa, kdaj bodo takšni in podobni projekti nuja. Ne le za našo naravo temveč tudi za lasten ekonomski obstoj. S tem projektom delamo korak v pravo smer, v trajnostno smer. Naselje Crex Crex je sestavljeno iz devetih minimalnih hišk za prosti čas, ki so oblikovane za trajnostni razvoj okolja. Postavljene so na presihajoče Cerkniško jezero, ki se pojavlja na Cerkniškem polju. Turistično naselje, ki se popolnoma vključuje v naravno okolje, omogoča kvaliteten oddih od prenasičenega sveta moderne civilizacije ter je namenjeno ljubiteljem narave. Posamezna hiša je oblikovana kot opazovalnica, ki omogoča panoramske poglede na vse strani neba. Preko projekta pa je omogočena ohranitev območja kosca, lat. crex crex. Sistem hiš Crex Crex je energetsko varčen, enote porabljajo manj energijskih virov in ustvarijo manj odpadkov. Imajo pomembno vlogo v oblikovanju naravnega okolja, ker za pridobivanje pitne vode iz okolja ter prečiščevanje odpadne vode uporabljajo Rastlinsko čistilno napravo, ki jih razvija podjetje Limnos ( Uporabljeni materiali so izključno naravni obnovljivi viri iz okolja - les in trstičje, ki omogočajo nizke stroške transporta, regenerativne konstrukcijske komponente, minimalen vpliv konstrukcije na okolje, porabljajo manj energije pri produkciji elementov in se dobro vključujejo v okolje. TOPLOTA IN ENERGIJA Biomasa Kogeneracijska peč pridobiva toploto in elek-
triko iz modificiranega lesa - pelet. Toplota je potrebna za kuho, za pridobivanje tople vode in za centralni toplotni sistem. Trstičje kot naravni toplotni izolator ustvari ustrezno ventilacijsko ugodje in omogoča konstantno cirkulacijo zraka. Poraba energije skupaj s kuhanjem je 3500 kWh na leto. 17% električni izkoristek kogeneracijske peči omogoča 600 kWh elektrike za osnovne električne aparate. Maksimum je dosežen v mrzlih zimah, kjer se nato kombinira z uporabo javnega omrežja. VODNI SISTEM Rastlinska čistilna naprava RČN RČN čisti onesnaženo podtalnico, da postane pitna. RČN posnema naravo in njeno sposobnost samo-očiščevanja, s tem ko teče vodni tok skozi substrat, pesek in korenine, ki absorbirajo in izmenjajo ione. Odpadna voda je nato ponovno prečiščena z RČN in speljana v okolje. To delno rešuje problematiko onesnaževanja pitne vode v predelu Cerkniškega polja. RČN prednosti in lastnosti: -zmanjšuje vrednosti nitratov, fosfatov, težkih kovin in ostalih toksičnih substanc in bakterij; - za enostavno obratovanje nista potrebni električna in strojna oprema; - učinkovitost zmanjševanja bakterij do 90%; - lepo se vključi v okolje. Les in trstičje Konstruktivni materiali so iz lokalnega okolja, kar pomeni zmanjšanje stroškov transporta, manjšo porabo energije, omogoči lažjo zamenjavo posameznih dotrajanih komponent in se estetsko vklaplja v okolje. Primerno obdelan les je obstojen v vodi in tako ustrezen kot primarni konstrukcijski material. Trstičje predstavlja lahko termalno izolacijo, ki zadrži toploto, ustvari ustrezno ventilacijo in izboljša kvaliteto zraka znotraj objekta.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 13
M 1:5000
service 3m2
kitchen 2 9m
living area bedroom 2 14m
open view
dinning room 9m2
bathroom 3m2
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 15
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 17
International Biennale of Architecture of Venice 2008 12. September - 22. september Razstava GAU:DI European Student Competition on Sustainable Architecture:
“A MINIMUM HOUSE FOR LEISURE AT THE XXI CENTURY” Razstavljata: Matic Pajnik in Ajda Primožič Projekt Crex Crex prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič in asist. dr. Špela Hudnik Otvoritev: 12. sept; IUAV Venice, Aula Magna, Tolentini, Santa Croce 191
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 19
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 21
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Cerknica Lake, Slovenia PIK II, GAU: DI Sustainable Architecture Competition for a leisure house in 21st century. European student competition was set the task to build a vacation house or a village, which will meet the demands of modern man. ‘Crex crex’ is set in a sensitive environment at Cerknica Lake, where the visitor can have a perfect contact with nature. 1.10.2007, Ljubljana, International Competition dr.Špela Hudnik, prof.mag.Peter Gabrijelčič The project was selected out of 226 competitors for the 4th place received a special mention for a sensitive approach. A two year exhibition of the ten finalists went to major European capitals.
‘Patching Rijeka’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Mlaka - abandoned oil factory INA, Rijeka PIK 1/III Plan of urban development in four phases. Invited student competition, organised by Rijeka municipality. INA (Oil Industry dd) is moving from the center of Rijeka to the suburbs, leaving behind a 50ha ares which is going to give new energy to the city. What to do with existing buildings? What is missing in the city? The team divided the project into four phases to make it more realistic to implement. 20.12.2008, Ljubljana doc.mag.Tadej Glažar
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 23
‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rondo Tomačevo, Ljubljana PIK 2/III, parking garage - Park & Bike Modern cities are fighting with heavy traffic in different ways. One of the solution are P & B parking garage, where commuters leave the car at the edge of the city and sit on the bus or a bike. The objective was to analyze the need for P & R (B) in Ljubljana and make a series of buildings on different locations. 20.6.2009, Ljubljana James Njoo, Associate professor
‘The house of sound’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam Music centreninth semester, Amsterdam erasmus exchange The aim of the project “The House of Sound” was to build three different concert halls for specific songs at a very transient location. Nirvana - Smells like teen’’spirit’’, J. Cage’’and’’4:33’’9 simphony JSBach’’ 10.6.2010, Amsterdam, NL Jarrik Ouburg
‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Lepi pot 4, Ljubljana Housing bloch renovation The number of people living in Europe and the need for new housing is stagnating. At the same time appartments in Slovenia are owercrowded as the old appartments are too small. Project seeks for constructional and spatial solutions for the situation. 30.6.2011, Ljubljana doc.Tadej Glažar Diploma - Perfect grade (10)
Considering the quality of living in Rijeka, oil refinery INA is just about to finish it’s migration of oil production out of the city, to the southern peninsula Bakar. On account of this Rijeka is gaining a big potential for developing new kind of activities almost in the center of the city. What is the quality of this newly gained area? In a steep, hard-to built land, the 50ha of land and 2km of waterfront, that is being liberated from the industry is priceless. Additional value is in it’s rich industrial heritage and in specific industrial building legacy. What will happen on this piece of land in the near future is therefore a very important question. International student workshop PATCHING RIJEKA was organized by the city council of Rijeka, to get some initial ideas of what Rijeka needs and what would be the most suitable program for the location. First we were introduced to the site and the INA-s role in Rijeka’s everyday life in October 2009. In that time we made analysis, which served us later on, when we were developing our projects. We had a preliminary presentation of our developing ideas in Ljubljana, just to see in which direction different groups are heading and how they are proceeding. The final review was once again in Rijeka in December 2009, where all the projects were publicly compared and critically discussed. There were no winners, only a wide range of different ideas, that the city council can now use for the further managing of the newly gained city area.
The project’s concept is based on the connection between the dense surroundings and the seaside. Mlaka is a program extension of the surroundings and ensures them the necessary open public spaces. They would take their children to the Ground school Mlaka, have their coffee in the Remiza and go to work at the Immigrants. The connecting is being run through four strips which supply the Mlaka with users. The strips carry the programs and the belonging spaces: strip stadium Podmurvica, cultural INA strip, the amphitheatre strip and the Torpedo strip. The strips become a public floor to which various programs and micro ambiences are attached. This creates the colorful happening of the everyday life. The qualitative industrial inheritance is being obtained, defined by new programs and updated. The technological inheritance is included in the space as an open space museum and is integrated into the spaceprogram system. By revitalization of the exsitent space and architecture we obtain the recognition of the space, update thespace’s identity and reduce the expenses. Being flexible and reacting fast to changes is a great advantage nowadays, therefore we have divided the project into three phases. This method enables an easily adaptable project to changes. Within our concept we developed one of many possible program scenarios which would be realized through three phases.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 25 Oslo
London Koln
Stutgart Munchen Graz Zagreb
good connectivity only with Central Europe
ANALYSIS topography
very diverse terrain: flat sealine followed by steap landscape
ANALYSIS traffic lines Road grid follows the terrain raillway cuts off the waterfront.
road railway
ANALYSIS historical buildings
Chimney (1903.)
Ex torpedo factory building workers apartaments (TORPEDO)
Energy plant
Oil tanks after bombardment
Chimney (1883.)
Oil tanks
Cabina A.Volta Parafn production plant
Railway service garage
Ex hotel Emigrant Ex directors villa biulding
INA rafnery headquarters
1680 m
580 m
79.8 m
Mlaka patch is comparebale to the area of 96 A380 Airbuses A380 Airbuses - 853 passange, Mlaka patch 81 888 passangers 2 6,83 m per person
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 27
cliff topography 28
Whitehead palace warehouse area
small port
main port torpedo launch ramp
railway yard
urban street
recycling gostota poselitve FSI- floor space index
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 29
e 4 - year 2 s a 36 h p 9 today
phase 1
phase 2
phase 3
3 fazes of the project
revitalisating the industrial herritage
PHASE I SITE DECONTAMINATING By planting the natural vegetation we enable the renewal of theecological balance in the degraded area Mlaka as well as the renewal of the structure and function of the natural biotope. We turn the old rails green and change them into a green longitudinal strip which extends to Korzo. In the initial phase thick natural vegetation prevails in this area - it depoisons the earth and therefore prepares the area to be re-used. The existent structures are fulfilled or we alternatively preserve the convenient programs. The factory Torpedo becomes a parking garage by performing a minimal intervention. The house of Immigrants and the business building of INA are predicted
to become a business program, and some silos are used for the purpose of temporary storage of waste material. The industrial heritage, which presents an important part of genius loci, is preserved by being gradually re-done for the sake of new needs, and by respecting its characteristic spacial structure and image. By demolition and cleaning of the space we open the waterfront. By doing so we get 2,5 kilometers of accessible coast. This intervention adds the most to the higher quality of the space. 600 new apartments are built intended for the use of the tenants who populate today’s area of Mlaka.This is the only newly built instance in this phase.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 31
PHASE II PROGRAMING THE AREA By preserving the existent structures in the new technological park of INA we get a diverse and dynamic space. Seemingly coincidental intertwining of the programs provides the balance between the old and the new whilst the created ambiances enable numerous possibilities of spending free time and carrying out everyday needs. By acquiring new open public spaces for concerts, shows, plays, exhibitions, football, basketball, running, fairs, open-air museum, etc. we enable the happening throughout the day – so called spaces for culture, education and sports. The factory Torpedo is intended for the fair and public performances, the silos are open for
service activities, and the coaches on the rails represent the dynamic structure of shops and bars. In “remiza” there are sports courts, wellness, and the belonging hotel in the vicinity.The spine of the revival of our area is the new traffic regulation for regional and public transport. The area of Mlaka becomes a pedestrian area, which is only transportable for delivery services and intervention. Parking garages mutually assure 8000 parking spaces. Connecting the parking garage Park+Ride with the tram helps to disburden the city connections. Connecting the more important parts of the city (Korzo-Kantrida and following Opatija) by using the green railway.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 33
The tram would therefore connect the whole city and disburden the roads of daily migrations from the regional area. This means that one can park their car for 1 euro per day and afterwards one rides the tram for free. With the money collected the buildings in this area would be gradually renewed. We established a thickly intertwined infrastructure of cycling lanes and pedestrian zones in the whole municipal environment, which function as separate ambiances. Being fragmented as they are, they suit the pattern of the space and by that they connect various programs between the sea and thickly populated hinterland. A water taxi connects Mlaka with the other parts of
the city as well as with Opatija. We acquire a new residential neighborhood with mixed belonging public program with a kindergarten and a primary school. With these appartments we loosen the satiation of masses in the skyscrapers in the hinterland. The Fine Arts Academy and The Faculty of Naval Architecture are developed as a supplement to Rijeka’s campus and as a basis for creative ship industry. We foresee 2000 new students. We acquire approximately 1800 new jobs/ working places, which are intended for the workers who had been made redundant from the previous industries. A new marine is shaped for the local inhabitants and the belonging littoral “riva”.
PHASE III DENSIFYING THE AREA This phase is exclusively intended for condensing of the area and execution of more sophisticated interventions in the space. The Eastern entrance gate is built with two multifunctional skyscrapers, which with their height mark and represent the entrance to the area. The final ÂťfsiÂŤ of the
housing area is 1.4. On the rooftops of industrial halls appear the so called viruses. This is one or two-floor building for temporary or permanent residence. In the vicinity of the faculty there are apartments for invited professors.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 35
3 4
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 37
from skyscrapers school
library square 4
boulevard 5
from the boat
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Cerknica Lake, Slovenia PIK II, GAU: DI Sustainable Architecture Competition for a leisure house in 21st century. European student competition was set the task to build a vacation house or a village, which will meet the demands of modern man. ‘Crex crex’ is set in a sensitive environment at Cerknica Lake, where the visitor can have a perfect contact with nature. 1.10.2007, Ljubljana, International Competition dr.Špela Hudnik, prof.mag.Peter Gabrijelčič The project was selected out of 226 competitors for the 4th place received a special mention for a sensitive approach. A two year exhibition of the ten finalists went to major European capitals.
‘Patching Rijeka’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Mlaka - abandoned oil factory INA, Rijeka PIK 1/III Plan of urban development in four phases. Invited student competition, organised by Rijeka municipality. INA (Oil Industry dd) is moving from the center of Rijeka to the suburbs, leaving behind a 50ha ares which is going to give new energy to the city. What to do with existing buildings? What is missing in the city? The team divided the project into four phases to make it more realistic to implement. 20.12.2008, Ljubljana doc.mag.Tadej Glažar
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 39
‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rondo Tomačevo, Ljubljana PIK 2/III, parking garage - Park & Bike Modern cities are fighting with heavy traffic in different ways. One of the solution are P & B parking garage, where commuters leave the car at the edge of the city and sit on the bus or a bike. The objective was to analyze the need for P & R (B) in Ljubljana and make a series of buildings on different locations. 20.6.2009, Ljubljana James Njoo, Associate professor
‘The house of sound’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam Music centreninth semester, Amsterdam erasmus exchange The aim of the project “The House of Sound” was to build three different concert halls for specific songs at a very transient location. Nirvana - Smells like teen’’spirit’’, J. Cage’’and’’4:33’’9 simphony JSBach’’ 10.6.2010, Amsterdam, NL Jarrik Ouburg
‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Lepi pot 4, Ljubljana Housing bloch renovation The number of people living in Europe and the need for new housing is stagnating. At the same time appartments in Slovenia are owercrowded as the old appartments are too small. Project seeks for constructional and spatial solutions for the situation. 30.6.2011, Ljubljana doc.Tadej Glažar Diploma - Perfect grade (10)
The increasing mobility of people, goods, information and services is changing our relationship to cities and buildings. The P+ studio investigated this phenomenon by examining how spaces of transit shape our urban environment today, qualifying more and more our everyday lives. We considered how these places or non-places experienced in distraction could be more than simple moments of “passage” in the city. Our reflections were focused on the future of the autoscape of Ljubljana and in particular its P+R (park + ride) network as a potential strategy for urban development and regeneration. Multifunctional hybrid architectures linked to the projected P+R stations. Each proposal combined a multi-storey parking garage with public amenities related to both local and metropolitan conditions. Often ignored as a veritable building type despite their frequent use and ostensible impact on urban tissue, multistorey parking garages remain a largely forgotten architectural heritage. We explored how these car “hotels” might once again embody a certain idea of modernity, as well as become a source of contemporary urbanity and architectural innovation. The title of the studio (P+) was therefore an openended and multivalent question that each student was asked to formulate in his/her own terms, drawing on the urban potential of the commonplace, the ordinary, the everyday.
Tomaèevo Proposal for the new Ljubljana football stadium (commercial centre).
Sequence 1: Zero-Degree Architecture / TypoSociological Analysis of Parking We began to investigate the urban issues of parkProposal for the new Ljubljana ing through a “bottom-up” approach combining football stadium (commercial architectural analysis and on-site observation. centre). Working in small groups, students started by potential site area: 72 000 m2 documenting existing parking garages in Ljubljana, both in terms of use and architectural form. These preliminary local analyses, supplemented progressively by the addition of foreign sources Proposal for the new Ljubljana (i.e.buildings, representations, statistics…), was football stadium (commercial developed essentially through photographic espotential site area: 72 000 m2 says and typological diagrams, Particular attencentre). tion was paid to the (potential) social functions accommodated by these buildings, as well as to their material qualities and spatial organization. Finally as a critical post-script to this initial line of inquiry, students prepared a speculative catalogue of new mix-use parking typologies, hybrid multifunctional architectures which we referred to as urban transferia.
potential site area: 72 000 m2
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 41
Brdo Lj. North
Ljubljana`s ring sistem with all it`s ring exits/enters
Lj. West
Lj. North Brdo very nice surrounded by Very A stressed in alocation traffic jam. a dense forest. Right side of the ring: hotel, congress center Brdo. Lj. North Left side: shopping center Brdo.
Lj. West Ljubljana West is one of the most used exits on the ring. This is the only existing P+R in Ljubljana.
Very A stressed in alocation traffic jam. very nice surrounded by apotential dense forest. Right71side site area: 300of the ring: site hotel, congress potential area: 25 685center m2 Brdo. Left side: shopping center Brdo.
Ljubljana West is one of the most used exits on the ring. This is the only existing in 64 Ljubljana. potential siteP+R area: 000 m2
Very stressed in a traffic jam.
potential site area: 71 300 potential site area: 25 685 m2
potential site area: 25 685 m2
potential site area: 64 000 m2
Architects: VMX Architects Location: Fietsenstalling, Amsterdam, NL Year of completion: 2001 Architects: VMX Architects Parking area: 3.500 m2 Location: Fietsenstalling, NL Number of parking places:Amsterdam, 2.500 Year of completion: 2001m2/bicycle Density of parking: 1,40 Parking area: 3.500 Number of floors: 4 m2 Number of1.260 parking Footprint: m2places: 2.500 Density ofprogram: parking: no 1,40 m2/bicycle Aditional Number of floors: 4 Footprint: 1.260 m2 Aditional program: no
bicycle bicycle ramp ramp
About the bicycle ramp Incredible high density of transportation vehicles enables bicycle garages to be very About thePeople bicyclewho ramp efficient. use this garage come Incredible high density of transportation to Amsterdam by train and than continue vehicles enables bicycle garages toby bebike. very their way to the work or to school efficient. who use this garage come Of course People you have to spend more energy if to Amsterdam by train and than continue you use bike instead of the bus, but on their way to the bikes work or schoolbecause by bike. short distances aretofaster, Of course to spend moreyou energy they don'tyou stophave at every station, don'tif you use bikefor instead theyou bus, on have to wait them,of and canbut leave shortdirectly distances bikesofare them in front yourfaster, home.because they don't stop at every station, you don't have to wait for them, and you can leave them directly in front of your home.
typical floor plan
typical floor plan
ground floor plan
Architect: Miloš Florjanèiè Location: road, Ljubljana Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty ofZaloška Architecture I University of Ljubljana 43 Year of completion: 2006 Architect: Miloš Florjanèiè Parking area: 14.000 m2 Location: Zaloška road, Ljubljana 250 m2 Usable area: 1.500 m2 shopping, Year of completion: 2006 business Parking area: 14.000547 m2 Number of praking: Usable area: 1.500 25,50 m2 shopping, Density of parking: m2/car 250 m2 businessof floors: -2, P+5 Number Number of2.800 praking: Footprint: m2 547 Density ofprogram: parking: shops 25,50 and m2/car Aditional business Number of floors: -2, P+5 Footprint: 2.800 m2 Aditional program: shops and business
garage garage Šentpeter hybrid cube Šentpeter
About the Šentpeter garage This garage house is situated near the hospital complex of Ljubljana, 10 min by About foot tothe theŠentpeter center ofgarage the city. It serves for This garage house is situated near the hospital visitors, and hospital employees. It hospital complex of Ljubljana, 10 min by is open 24/7. But it is too expensive and foot to theusually center not of the It serves for therefore People rather hospitalfor visitors, and hospitalparking employees. search a non-payable spaceIt is open 24/7.out But it iscity too expensive and little further of the therefore usually not full. People rather search for a non-payable parking space little further out of the city
hybrid cube
ground floor plan
isometric view 0
typical floor plan
Idea Main motive is to keep the square as public as possible. Rembrandt square concludes Amsterdam’s main shopping alley and serves as a resting point for tourists. Therefore it needs a lot of open area for people to sit down and relax. Therefore I simply lift up the square carpet and put the program underneath. In east-west direction there is a lifted square area with places to sit and observe the crowds and in north-south direction the building opens up with a transparent glass facade. Location and acess In the centre of Amsterdam Rembrandts plein is a highly crowded place. Daily 230 trams and 40 night busses stop at the square. Mostly it is all pedestrian zone sometimes even forbidden for bicycles. Only one road is dedicated to personal vehicles, but they are forbidden to stop at the square. Among pedestrians, tourists are the most important actors in the traffic. Access from the ring is not good. Coming to the concert with your own car is an option, since you have two parking garages close but inhabitants of Amsterdam are used to use public transport. Program Rembrandt plein is highly frequent but the existing content is por. It need’s more and ‘’House of sound’’ delivers just that. Entertainment, culture and interaction in one place. It includes two performance stages, experimental room that is open to passing public and an outside amphitheatric stairs for outside acts. Support program is simple with music shop, cafeteria and restaurant. But the entrance lobby can be used for many different occasions. 3000m of program facilities is placed under the square while at the same time the public area of the square is exactly the same as it was before the construction.
traffic densitie
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 45
bus connections
P+bike P+bike garage Ring garage park Ring and bike park and bike
Architect: Matic Pajnik Location: city ring, Ljubljana not yet Year of completion: Architect: Matic Pajnik Parking Location:area: city 102.500m2 ring, Ljubljana 8.500m2not recreation, 2250m2 Other yet Year ofarea: completion: businessarea: 102.500m2 Parking cars, 3380 bikes Number of parking: 8.500m23380 recreation, 2250m2 Other area: Density businessof parking: 30,33 m2/car 1,20 m2/bike Number of parking: 3380 cars, 3380 bikes Number ofparking: floors: P-4 30,33 m2/car Density of Footprint: 7.800 m2 1,20 m2/bike Aditional program: bicycle track, shop Number of floors: P-4 Footprint: 7.800 m2 Aditional program: bicycle track, shop About the RINGpark and bike The garage is situated directly on the highway on one and of Ljubljana's most About the RINGpark bike stressed entrance points.directly With 200m in The garage is situated on the diameter this is a building, you can't miss. highway on one of Ljubljana's most Because is so easily accessible, drivers stressed itentrance points. With 200m in would feel the need to stop there. Since it diameter this is a building, you can't miss. is a parkitand ride (bus,accessible, bike or jog) the Because is so easily drivers program is adapted to sport. In the main would feel the need to stop there. Since it core thereand is aride bike(bus, shop, sportswear, is a park bike or jog) thea cycling track on the roof and side program program is adapted to sport. In the main with showers. Visitors of the garage would core there is a bike shop, sportswear, a also be track usingon thethe Sto탑ice sport center that cycling roof and side program is being built. AVisitors new connection withwould river with showers. of the garage Sava will be created, enabling the also be using the Sto탑ice sport center that development of water sports. With it's is being built. A new connection with river content this garage is ready to take some Sava will be created, enabling the stress from Be탑igrad as With well it's as development of water area sports. Ljubljana city center. content this garage is ready to take some stress from Be탑igrad area as well as Ljubljana city center.
ground floor plan
ground floor plan
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 47
drive through
drive through isometric view
isometric view east fasade
east fasade
circulation plan
50 100
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Cerknica Lake, Slovenia PIK II, GAU: DI Sustainable Architecture Competition for a leisure house in 21st century. European student competition was set the task to build a vacation house or a village, which will meet the demands of modern man. ‘Crex crex’ is set in a sensitive environment at Cerknica Lake, where the visitor can have a perfect contact with nature. 1.10.2007, Ljubljana, International Competition dr.Špela Hudnik, prof.mag.Peter Gabrijelčič The project was selected out of 226 competitors for the 4th place received a special mention for a sensitive approach. A two year exhibition of the ten finalists went to major European capitals.
‘Patching Rijeka’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Mlaka - abandoned oil factory INA, Rijeka PIK 1/III Plan of urban development in four phases. Invited student competition, organised by Rijeka municipality. INA (Oil Industry dd) is moving from the center of Rijeka to the suburbs, leaving behind a 50ha ares which is going to give new energy to the city. What to do with existing buildings? What is missing in the city? The team divided the project into four phases to make it more realistic to implement. 20.12.2008, Ljubljana doc.mag.Tadej Glažar
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 49
‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rondo Tomačevo, Ljubljana PIK 2/III, parking garage - Park & Bike Modern cities are fighting with heavy traffic in different ways. One of the solution are P & B parking garage, where commuters leave the car at the edge of the city and sit on the bus or a bike. The objective was to analyze the need for P & R (B) in Ljubljana and make a series of buildings on different locations. 20.6.2009, Ljubljana James Njoo, Associate professor
‘The house of sound’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam Music centreninth semester, Amsterdam erasmus exchange The aim of the project “The House of Sound” was to build three different concert halls for specific songs at a very transient location. Nirvana - Smells like teen’’spirit’’, J. Cage’’and’’4:33’’9 simphony JSBach’’ 10.6.2010, Amsterdam, NL Jarrik Ouburg
‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Lepi pot 4, Ljubljana Housing bloch renovation The number of people living in Europe and the need for new housing is stagnating. At the same time appartments in Slovenia are owercrowded as the old appartments are too small. Project seeks for constructional and spatial solutions for the situation. 30.6.2011, Ljubljana doc.Tadej Glažar Diploma - Perfect grade (10)
Idea Main motive is to keep the square as public as possible. Rembrandt square concludes Amsterdam’s main shopping alley and serves as a resting point for tourists. Therefore it needs a lot of open area for people to sit down and relax. Therefore I simply lift up the square carpet and put the program underneath. In east-west direction there is a lifted square area with places to sit and observe the crowds and in north-south direction the building opens up with a transparent glass facade. Location and acess In the centre of Amsterdam Rembrandts plein is a highly crowded place. Daily 230 trams and 40 night busses stop at the square. Mostly it is all pedestrian zone sometimes even forbidden for bicycles. Only one road is dedicated to personal vehicles, but they are forbidden to stop at the square. Among pedestrians, tourists are the most important actors in the traffic. Access from the ring is not good. Coming to the concert with your own car is an option, since you have two parking garages close but inhabitants of Amsterdam are used to use public transport. Program Rembrandt plein is highly frequent but the existing content is por. It need’s more and ‘’House of sound’’ delivers just that. Entertainment, culture and interaction in one place. It includes two performance stages, experimental room that is open to passing public and an outside amphitheatric stairs for outside acts. Support program is simple with music shop, cafeteria and restaurant. But the entrance lobby can be used for many different occasions. 3000m of program facilities is placed under the square while at the same time the public area of the square is exactly the same as it was before the construction.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 51
Main motive is to keep the square as public a people to sit down and relax. Therefore I simply
The House of Sound
In the centre of Amsterdam Rembrandts plein is one road is dedicated to personal vehicles, bu
Rembrandt plein is highly frequent but the stages, experimental room that is open to passin be used for many different occasions. 300
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 53 Tutor: Jarrik Ouburg Author: Matic Pajnik
Idea as possible. Rembrandt square concludes Amsterdam's main shopping alley and serves as a resting point for tourists. Therefore it needs a lot of open area for y lift up the square carpet and put the program underneath. In east-west direction there is a lifted square area with places to sit and observe the crowds and in north-south direction the building opens up with a transparent glass facade.
Location and acess s a highly crowded place. Daily 230 trams and 40 night busses stop at the square. Mostly it is all pedestrian zone sometimes even forbidden for bicycles. Only ut they are forbidden to stop at the square. Among pedestrians, tourists are the most important actors in the traffic. Access from the ring is not good. Coming to the concert with your own car is an option, since you have two parking garages close but inhabitants of Amsterdam are used to use public transport.
Program existing content is por. It need's more and ''House of sound'' delivers just that. Entertainment, culture and interaction in one place. It includes two performance ng public and an outside amphitheatric stairs for outside acts. Support program is simple with music shop, cafeteria and restaurant. But the entrance lobby can 00m of program facilities is placed under the square while at the same time the public area of the square is exactly the same as it was before the construction.
Concert halls J. Cage 4.33' Public entrance
Administration and service
Bach concert hall
Nirvana rock hall
Support facilities
Meeting room
Toilets and showers
music library
Server room Stock room
music shop storage space
rooms Artists entrance
Author: Matic Pajnik
54 Tutor: Jarrik Ouburg Author: Matic Pajnik
ground floor-1
ground floor
1:400 Tutor: Jarrik Ouburg Author: Matic Pajnik
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 55 Tutor: Jarrik Ouburg Author: Matic Pajnik
sections s1 and s2
+ 6.00m g+1
+ 3.00m
g occasional outer stage
g-1 - 4.00m
+ 4.00m + 3.00m
new bus stations
- 4.00m
sections s3 and s4
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 57 Tutor: Jarrik Ouburg Author: Matic Pajnik
+ 10.00m
+ 6.00m g+1
+ 3.00m
g occasional outer stage
g-1 - 4.00m
+ 4.00m + 3.00m
new bus stations
- 4.00m
sections s3 and s4
Nirvana, ‘’Smells like teen spirit’’ Amplified music is played in a bigger room with flat dancing area and a big stage. A lot of it’s program is carried out at night, therefore it is put under the ground floor level to ensure good acoustic isolation. It has a direct night entrance from outside for late-night parties and a day entrance with adaptable supporting facilities. Huge backstage and back-entrance ensure the best preparation for the artist. The shape of the ceiling forwards the sound to the back of the hall. Floor is covered with the same brick as outside. Available air volume per person is about 3m3.
J.Cage, 4’33’’ or ‘’silent passage’’ Building opens up this space to communicate with the passing pedestrians and cyclists. It makes them aware of the building and invites them to come to listen to a concert. The passage is coated with extremely good sound absorbing material and hits you with a surprise of unexpected acoustic experience. It has a clear beginning and end. It can also act as a performance stage for several experimental sound installations enforcing the passing public its massages.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 59
J.S.Bach, ‘’Six suites for unaccompanied cello’’ Good acoustics is important for classical musical instruments, therefore a high volume (12m3 per person) with curved sealing directs the tones to the audience. Seats are also placed in a curved shape to ensure good eye contact between listeners and the performer. Sealing is hard concrete with deepenings of 20-40cm to ensure quality sound. The seats are wooden and coated soft to prevent the sound to bounce two times. Huge windows at the side can be partially opened so that the spectators and the performer can have a special feeling of playing to
the city. The hall is lifted from the ground level to show off its performances to crowds on the square. Off course the disturbing factors from outside can be prevented by acoustically isolated windows. As a pedestrian you will be able to sometimes see the concert and other times hear the concert.
‘Crex Crex’ - Leisure house of 21st century’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Cerknica Lake, Slovenia PIK II, GAU: DI Sustainable Architecture Competition for a leisure house in 21st century. European student competition was set the task to build a vacation house or a village, which will meet the demands of modern man. ‘Crex crex’ is set in a sensitive environment at Cerknica Lake, where the visitor can have a perfect contact with nature. 1.10.2007, Ljubljana, International Competition dr.Špela Hudnik, prof.mag.Peter Gabrijelčič The project was selected out of 226 competitors for the 4th place received a special mention for a sensitive approach. A two year exhibition of the ten finalists went to major European capitals.
‘Patching Rijeka’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Mlaka - abandoned oil factory INA, Rijeka PIK 1/III Plan of urban development in four phases. Invited student competition, organised by Rijeka municipality. INA (Oil Industry dd) is moving from the center of Rijeka to the suburbs, leaving behind a 50ha ares which is going to give new energy to the city. What to do with existing buildings? What is missing in the city? The team divided the project into four phases to make it more realistic to implement. 20.12.2008, Ljubljana doc.mag.Tadej Glažar
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 61
‘Park and ride Ljubljana’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rondo Tomačevo, Ljubljana PIK 2/III, parking garage - Park & Bike Modern cities are fighting with heavy traffic in different ways. One of the solution are P & B parking garage, where commuters leave the car at the edge of the city and sit on the bus or a bike. The objective was to analyze the need for P & R (B) in Ljubljana and make a series of buildings on different locations. 20.6.2009, Ljubljana James Njoo, Associate professor
‘The house of sound’ Location Type Description
Date Menthor
Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam Music centreninth semester, Amsterdam erasmus exchange The aim of the project “The House of Sound” was to build three different concert halls for specific songs at a very transient location. Nirvana - Smells like teen’’spirit’’, J. Cage’’and’’4:33’’9 simphony JSBach’’ 10.6.2010, Amsterdam, NL Jarrik Ouburg
‘Renovation of housing block at Lepi pot 4’ diploma Location Type Description
Date Menthor Special achievement
Lepi pot 4, Ljubljana Housing bloch renovation The number of people living in Europe and the need for new housing is stagnating. At the same time appartments in Slovenia are owercrowded as the old appartments are too small. Project seeks for constructional and spatial solutions for the situation. 30.6.2011, Ljubljana doc.Tadej Glažar Diploma - Perfect grade (10)
62 Ogrevanje stanovanj predstavlja okoli 30% porabe vse svetovne energije. Večinoma se še vedno ogrevamo s fosilnimi
identiteta prostora, stanovalce je potrebno seliti. Spremembe so nenadne in velike, pozitiven učinek pa ne more biti zagotovljen.
gorivi, ko bi se brez večjega napora lahko direktno, brez pretvarjanja, s sončno energijo.
S prenovo in dograjevanjem
Nove stavbe gradimo z večjo premišljenostjo, vendar kaj
Pri prenovi in revitalizaciji stanovanjskih sosesk dosežemo
narediti z obstoječimi, ki še vedno sestavljajo veliko večino
postopno zgoščevanje mestnega tkiva s povečevanjem bivalnih
površin, ne da bi s tem nujno povečevali število prebivalcev na do-
mestnih struktur? Jih porušiti ali prenoviti? V mislih moramo
ločenem območju. Spremembe so lahko postopne in selitve stano-
imeti tudi, da težnje po dvigu kvalitete bivanja in povečevanju
valcev v času gradnje v nekaterih primerih niti ne bi bile potrebne,
našega bivalnega okolja postajajo vse večje.
ali pa bi bile samo kratkotrajne. Čas potreben za takšno prenovo zato ni tako zelo pomemben. Ob uporabi in predelavi obstoječih
Zakaj prenova stanovanjskega bloka?
nosilnih konstrukcij, pa bi bili stroški posegov v primerjavi z rušitvijo in novo izgradnjo manjši. Identiteta prostora se ohrani, infrastruktu-
Med stavbnimi tipi sem želel najti tistega, ki bo v naslednjih letih
ra pa se izboljša na področjih kjer je potrebno.
verjetno nabolj aktualen in potreben pozornosti. Glede na to, da se število prebivalcev trenutno po večini Evropskih držav ne spremi-
Stroški energije - Lepi pot 4
nja in ker bomo morali tudi izdatke za gradnjo racionalizirati, se mi zdi najprimernejša ravno obnova večstanovanjske stavbe. Nova
Prostorska stiska ni edini razlog za gradnjo večjih stanovanj
stanovanja na srednje dolgi rok ne bodo potrebna, se bodo pa po-
oziroma prenovo in večanje obstoječih. Cena nafte v veliki meri
leg energetskih zahtev zagotovo pojavile nove težnje k dvigovanju
vpliva na vse človeške produkte: transport, hrana, ogrevanje... Kot
standardov bivanja.
rečeno, za ogrevanje stanovanj porabimo 1/3 vse energije z naslo-
Pred leti sem na Beneškem Biennalu zasledil podatek, da je
va nepovratnih virov. Pri tem je zgovoren tudi podatek, da 61% vse
povprečna velikost v Sloveniji zgrajenih stanovanj pod 70m2, kar
porabljene energije v angleškem gospodinjstvu predstavlja ravno
nas uvršča v spodnji konec lestvice med evropskimi državami. Na
ogrevanje. Če je ta potrata z energijo morda danes še sprejemljiva
drugem koncu lestvice sta bili na primer Danska ter Nizozemska,
za naše denarnice, v prihodnje ob dvigovanju cen energentov prav
kjer povprečna velikost zgrajenih stanovanj presega 100m2. Četu-
gotovo ne bo.
di to ni edini pokazatelj standarda države, je zagotovo podatek, ki
Pregled položnic stroškov električne energije in toplote izbra-
ga ne smemo spregledati. Povprečna velikost stanovanj v stano-
nega bloka na Lepem potu 4 nam pove, da celotna stavba porabi
vanjskih blokih je še manjša, saj velik del slovenskega prebivalstva
okoli 10.500 eur za toploto, oziroma ogrevanje. 6.750 eur porabi za
živi v hišah.
električno energijo, od tega je približno polovica za pripravo tople
V Ljubljani je velik del stanovanjskih blokov iz obdobja 1945-
sanitarne vode. Za posamezno gospodinjstvo to predstavlja 1150
1980. Takrat se je število prebivalcev v Ljubljani in ostalih mestih
eur, kar je več kot je povprečna mesečna plača letno v Sloveniji, za
hitro povečevalo. Stanovanjski tlorisi so zato bili skromni, dostikrat
stroške električne energije 50m2 velikega stanovanja.
minimalnih dimenzij. Pojavile so se vgradne omare, ozki hodniki,
Na porabljeno toploto vplivajo predvsem slab toplotni ovoj, ven-
stopnišča so izgubila prostore za srečevanje, svetla višina prostora
tilacijkse izgube zaradi dotrajanih oken in neracionalna poraba, ki
pa je le malo kdaj presegla 2,50m.
je v starejših stanovanjskih blokih predvsem posledica skupnega
V starejših meščanskih stavbah, ki so bile zgrajene še pred drugo svetovno vojno, praviloma vidimo večje tlorisne površine, razkošnejša stopnišča, široke hodnike, svetla višina prostora pa je praviloma višja od 3,00m. Ob stagnaciji števila prebivalstva, se nova stanovanja ne bodo
števca porabljene toplote (od konca leta 2011 nujno po Pravilniku o učinkoviti rabi energije). Na visoko porabo elektrike vplivajo predvsem neprimerna svetila in električni grelci vode, ki so po novem pravilniku prav tako prepovedani. posamezno gospodinjstvo so letni stroški ogrevanja
gradila več tako množično kot so se in, če bomo želeli brez novo-
700eur, stroški elektrike pa 450eur.
gradenj dvigniti kvaliteto stanovanjskega bivanja, bomo morali nuj-
1m2 stanovanja stanovalce Lepega pota letno samo zaradi pora-
no poseči v obstoječe stanovanjske strukture, kar lahko naredimo
bljene energije stane 23eur.
vsaj na dva načina. Zgodovina in čas nastanka Z rušitvami in novogradnjami Zavrnemo stare grajene strukture kot popolnoma neustrezne
INVESTITOR: Zavod za stanovanjsko gradnjo v Ljubljani PROJEKTANTSKI BIRO: Gradis
in jih skušamo na novo zgraditi bolje, kljub temu, da bi sama kon-
strukcija obstoječih stavb lahko preživela morda še stoletja. Gre
za poenostavljen poseg, saj se nam ni treba pretirano odzivati na prejšnje (obstoječe) stanje. Vprašanje je, če je ta način upravičen, saj pri njem porušimo in na novo definiramo morda celo več kot polovico mestnih območij, pojavi pa se kup problemov. Izgubi se
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 63
membe so
m bivalnih
cev na do-
itve stano-
e potrebne,
no prenovo obstoječih
i z rušitvijo
Poraba energije v domovih v Veliki Britaniji
vsota stroškov porabljene energije stanovanj
veliki meri
vanje... Kot
ije z naslo-
a 61% vse
avlja ravno
entov prav
plote izbra-
Prikaz vsote stroškov energije za obdobje naslednjih 80let brez prenove/prenova
vba porabi
Pogled z JV, prihod po cest
r porabi za
pravo tople
avlja 1150
loveniji, za ovoj, ven-
Urbanistične omejitve glede pozidave
poraba, ki
Možen poseg glede na gradbene linije
Gradbena linija na vzhodnem delu ni povsem jasna, vendar prosto
ra tam zaradi ceste ni veliko.
erna sveti-
v tako pre-
Grafi vsote stroškov energije v 80 letih, glede na debelino dodane izolacije ob prenovi
aradi pora-
Povprečna velikost stanovanj v EU (vključno s hišami)
Referenčni objekt za višino je po podatkih PUP za območje, Faku
teta za Gradbeništvo in Geodezijo.(h=28m). Sedanja višina objek je 17m.
Večje stanovanjske zazidave iz obdobja 1945 - 1977 na območju Rožne doline, Viča in Trnovega
Možen poseg glede na FI (faktor izrabe)
Možen poseg glede na potrebo po minimalnih odprtih površinah
FI (Faktor izrabe (FSI) je razmerje med bruto tlorisno površino stav-
Zahteva je podana v Podrobnih prostorskih ureditvenih pogojih
be in celotno površino parcele, namenjene gradnji.
MOL in je za obravnavano območje 30%.
V izračunu FI se ne upoštevajo BTP kleti, balkoni in stopnišča pa se
Sedaj je odstotek odprtih površin na območju 80,80%
upoštevajo po reduciranem faktorju.
Sedanji FI območja je 0,81, zazidalne parcele pa 0,70. Maksimalen dovoljen FI za območje je 1,40.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 65 Izhodišča Kakšen naj bo poseg? Rušitev in nova izgradnja stanovanjskega
Izgubi oziroma popolnoma spremeni se identiteta prostora.
objekta se mi zdi nesprejemljiva iz več razlogov. Neracionalno bi
primeru rušitve bi se namreč morali vprašati kaj s preostalimi ob-
bilo rušiti konstrukcije, ki so v popolnoma dobrem stanju in bodo
močji, ki so v podobnem stanju. Bi morali vse porušiti in zgraditi
preživele še precej desetletij. Poseg je velik in zahteva začasno
na novo? Tako radikalni posegi nimajo pravega smisla, kar pa je
ali stalno selitev, ter mešanje prebivalcev, med tem ko pozitivnega
največji razlog proti rušitvi.
učinka novih zgradb ni mogoče zagotoviti.
Četrtna skupnost Vič Bičevje in Lepi pot 105 stanovanjskih enot, 1960 leto izgradnje 50m2 povprečna velikost
Možen poseg glede na ostale predpise zakonodaje
Izbran obseg posega
Maksimalna globina prostora osvetljenega z ene strani je dve nje-
Upoštevajoč vse pogoje in analize sem se
govi širini.
odločil upoštevati maksimalen FI, ter čim bolj
Globina vsakega prostora namenjenega bivanju (dnevna soba, ku-
zgostiti zazidavo s povečevanjem stanovanj proti zahodu. Proti
hinja, spalnica) je lahko globoka največ tri svetle višine prostora.
vzhodu bom spoštoval gradbene linije in le dodal prenovljeno sti-
čim več odprtih površin se gradi tudi v višino.
pnišče. Da se ohrani čim več odprtih površin se gradi tudi v višino.
enski prikaz omejitev glede obsega gradnje v obravnavanem območju
Prikaz izbranega obsega intervencije za izbrani objekt.
66 Analiza sestave tal s sondiranjem in pogoji temeljenja
nalno armaturo, prav tako je togo armirana celotna klet. Ker stavba nima vertikalnih vogalnih vezi, so dodana naknadno in sidrana v
Pri analizi kvalitete obstoječe konstrukcije, mi je bila na voljo celotna gradbena dokumentacija, tudi z gradbenimi pogoji in raziskavami nosilnosti zemljine.
talne plošče. Streha je odstranjena in na strešno ploščo je postavljena lahka jeklena konstrukcija. Tudi tla nadzidka so iz lahkih materialov. Za-
Poročilo o sestavi tal na podlagi sondiranja pove, da je sesta-
radi premikov inštalacij je debelina večja, kot pri obstoječih etažah.
va tal na območju Lepega pota 4 zelo nehomogena in povprečno
Na ločenih temeljih, ki so postavljeni na pilote, je postavljen še
zelo stiskljiva. Trša plast se nahaja od globine +,-0.00 do globine
prizidek. Piloti imajo globino do trde podlage, ki naj bi po tehnič-
-4.00m, nato ji do globine -13.00m sledi zelo nestabilna plast, ka-
nem poročilu iz leta 1958 bila na globini -13,00m.
tere stiskljivost proti južnemu delu še dodatno hitro narašča. Povprečna dopustna stiskljivost je z meritvami in računi bila določena
na 1,25kg/cm. Ob predpostavljeni širini temelja, pa bi posedki po
izgradnji morali biti med 4,5cm in 8cm.
Konstrukcija naj bo čimbolj pravilna v tlorisu in po višini. Nekonstrukcijski elementi naj bodo pritrjeni na nosilno konstrukcijo.
Zaradi teh podatkov so bili pasovni temelji izvedeni s preč-
Pri zasnovi konstrukcije je potrebno paziti na čim večjo pravilnost
nimi povezavami na vsakih 5m, celotna kletna konstrukcija pa je
višine stavbe, kot tudi v tlorisu posameznih etaž.
armirano-betonska. Dodatno ojačitev predstavlja križno armiranje
Merila za tlorisno pravilnost so:
vseh talnih plošč v vseh nadstropjih. Zaradi posedkov je posebej
- Priblina simetrična razporeditev nosilnih elementov in mase gle-
omenjena zahteva po kontra plošči stopnišča, ki bo preprečevala
de na dve pravokotni smeri (čim bliže dvojni simetriji).
ločitev stopnišča od preostalega dela konstrukcije.
- Zgoščenost tlorisne razporeditve. Dimenzije vdolbin v eni smeri
Armaturne ojačitve vogalov niso bile izvedene, ker takratna zakonodaja tega še ni zapovedovala. Nivo talne vode se na območju giblje med -1.50m in -2.50m zato je nivo kleti na nivoju -1,40.
naj ne bodo večje od 25% celotne tlorisne dimenzije v tej smeri (kompakten tloris, ki ni H, I ali X oblike). - Togost stropov v vodoravni ravnini mora biti dovolj velika glede na horizontalno togost navpičnih elementov konstrukcije, tako da imajo deformacije stropov majhen vpliv na razporeditev sil med
Kasneje iz načrtov temeljev je razvidno, da je širina pasovnih
navpične elemente.
temeljev izredno velika. Izvedeni so na globini -2.05m in so široki
Merila za pravilnost po višini:
na severu 1,95m, na jugu pa kar 3,90m.
- Vsi sistemi za prenos obtežbe v vodoravni smeri kot so jedra, ste-
Kanaizacija je skupaj z deževnico speljana v javno kanalizacijo.
ne ali okvirji, naj potekajo neprekinjeno od temeljev do vrha stavbe.
Relativna kota objekta +,- 0,00 je na absolutni višini +294,20m
- Mase in togosti posameznih etaž se ne smejo naglo spreminjati po višini.
Sanacija nosilnih konstrukcij
(Vir: AR 2003/1 (arhitektura, raziskave), V. Kilar, 2003)
Kot že ugotovljeno je nosilna konstrukcija v dobrem stanju,
Površina zunanjega obrisa stavbe je 202,50m2 Tlorisna
brez vidnih znakov razpok zaradi posedanja ali neprimerne kon-
površina nosilnih zidov je 37,50m2, kar predstavlja 18,50% po-
strukcijske zasnove ali izvedbe. Moja ugotovitev kvalitete gradnje
vršine. Ta delež zidov je v smeri S-J je 11,30%, v smeri V-Z pa
je temeljila na temeljitem pregledu projektne dokumentacije in teh-
ničnega poročila.
Stavba ima volumen konstrukcijskih stenin tal okoli 950m3.
Glede na funkcionalno razporeditev prostorov sem izrezal do-
Približna izračunana teža prazne stavbe je 23,750kN. Če do-
datne odprtine v obstoječo konstrukcijo. Novih odprtin ni veliko, da
damo še koristno obtežbo 1,25kN/m2, dobimo težo stavbe
ne bi preveč ošibil nosilne konstrukcije. Večinoma gre za širitve
parapetov obstoječih okenskih odprtin, ki nimajo nosilne funkcije, vendar stavbi dajejo togost.
Nova konstrukcijska zasnova
Odstranjen je ovoj stopnišča, ki zaradi izbočenosti ni imel posebne funkcije v primeru potresa. Balkoni so odstranjeni, ker so ob novem, debelejšem fasadnem ovoju postali preozki do meje uporabnosti. Zaradi vgradnje dvigala so odstranjene vse talne plošče v kopalnici južnega stanovanja, narejen pa je preboj v pritlični etaži, ki omogoča dostop do dvigala.
Stara nosilna konstrukcija je očiščena nekaterih sten in parapetov. Na zahodni strani je dodan prizidek na ločenih temeljih, ki ležijo na pilotih. Stara in nova konstrukcija sta ločeni z dilatacijsko režo. Predvideti je potrebno posedanje prizidka in zaradi dodatne teže tudi posedanje obstoječega objekta. Nove konstrukcijske osi v veliki meri sledijo obstoječim, saj to omogoče lepše navezovanje prostorov.
Vsako odprtino je zaradi konstrukcijske trdnosti potrebno ojačati s togim okvirjem. Glede na tehnično poročilo so tla konstrukcijsko močna z diago-
Nadzidani del ima konstrukcijske stebre postavljen nad obstoječimi zidovi, kar skupaj z ojačano stropno ploščo zagotavlja dobro razporeditev nove obtežbe.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 67
Označene so konstrukcije, ki jih odstranimo
dodani zidovi
odstranjeni zidovi
Objekt z odstranjenimi zidovi, povečanimi odprtinami
Delež nosilnih sten v vzdolžni in prečni smeri pri obstoječi kon-
Delež nosilnih sten v vzdolžni in prečni smeri po odstranitvi
strukciji (prva etaža)
nekaterih nosilnih sten (prva etaža)
Teža stavbe skupaj s koristno obtežbo je okoli 25.750kN.
Nova teža stavbe, na obstoječe temelje skupaj z nadzidkom bo okoli 27.650kN, kar predstavlja 7,3% povečanje obtežbe.
Dodane vertikalne ojaÄ?itve vogalov in dodani togi okvirji odprtin
Nadzidek zgradimo z lahko okvirno konstrukcijo
Konstrukcijska zasnova prizidka,
Konstrukcijska zasnova nadzid-
nadstropja P,1,2,3,4.
ka, 5 in 6 nadstropje.
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 69
Prenovljeni konstrukciji dodamo nov fasadni ovoj in prenovljen izgled
Prizidek dilatirano postavimo na ločene temelje in pilot zaradi minimaliziranja posedkov a. 120m2 sončnih sprejemnikov toplote
b. Na strehi se odpaden izstopni in svež
c. Za namene hlajenja se dovodne cevi za
SSE poleti zadostuje potrebam po topli sa-
vstopni zrak srečata v rekuperatorju in si
hladno potno vodo ovije okoli cevi za dovod
nitarni vodi.
izmenjata toploto brez mešanja.
zraka. Z ventilom se lahko pretok preko teh cevi vklopi ali izklopi.
Prikaz inštalacijskih napeljav po prenovi.
d. Dovod svežega zraka je urejen direktno
e. V kletnih prostorih je prostor za začasno
f. Odvod izrabljenega zraka iz kopalnic, ku-
preko dvigalnega in stopniščnega jaška.
skladiščenej odvečne tople pridobljene s
hinj in kleti (rdeče cevi). Zaradi nadzidka,
Od tu je nad vhodi stanovanj po ceveh spe-
SSE in za naprave za razvod tople vode z
so v 5. in 6. nadstropju v talni plošči cevi
ljan do dnevnih in spalnih prostorov.
mestnega omrežja daljinskega ogravanja.
včasih preusmerjene.
70 Možni posegi Obstoječe tri stanovanjske enote se ponovijo v vseh petih nadstro-
Gradnja novih balkonov in teras.
pjih. Severno in južno stanovanje sta skoraj zrcalno simetrični s površino 52m2, zahodno orientirano stanovanje pa ima površino 48m2.
Prizidek k stanovanjem.
V naslednjih devetih primerih bom opisal najbolj očitne možne posege za povečanje površine stanovanj s prenovo.
Prizidek k stanovanjem in dodaten balkon.
Rušitev predelnih in nosilnih sten, povečevanje okenskih odprtin.
Združevanje stanovanjskih enot horizontalno.
Prenova vertikalnih in horizontalnih komunikacij.
Združevanje stanovanjskih enot vertikalno.
Dodajanje novih funkcij in servisnih prostorov.
6.8.1 Stanovanje A
6.8.2 Stanovanje B
Stanovanje ima predvideni dve ležišči in je namenjeno starejšim
Stanovanje ima predvidena tri ležišči in je namenjeno majhnim
parom, ki so se jim otroci že odselili. V prizidku se doda dnevni pro-
oziroma mladim družinam. V prizidku se doda dnevni prostor z bal-
stor z balkonom, ki je sedaj povezan s kuhinjo in jedilnico. Kopal-
konom, ki je sedaj povezan s kuhinjo in jedilnico. Kopalnica osta-
nica se zaradi dvigala premakne v prostor kjer je prej bila kuhinja.
ne na istem mestu, bivša kuhinja pa se preuredi v otroško sobo.
Uporabna površina se poveča za 12,40m2, površina oken pa za
Uporabna površina se poveča za 14,70m2, površina oken pa za
B (obst.) 52,10m2
Parkirna hiša 340,10m2
C (obst.) 48,30m2
A (obst.) 52,10m2
Površine in razporeditev pri obstoječi tipični etaži 3
Površine in razporeditev prostorov po prenovi v kgara
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 71
Poseg je enostaven, učinkovit Potrebna bi bila selitev PosegzajeLepi enostaven, učinkovit Potrebna bi bila selitev Primernost posega za Lepi posega in uporaben. dela stanovalcev, in uporaben. dela stanovalcev, pot 4: kar ni zaželjeno. kar ni zaželjeno.
Potrebna bi bila selitev Potrebna bi bila selitev dela stanovalcev, dela kar stanovalcev, kar
ni težave zaželjeno. Velike težav ni zaželjeno. Velike prebojih talnih plošč. pri prebojih talnih pri plošč.
6.7,8.3 Stanovanje C novanje C
6.8.4 Parkirna hiša 6.8.4 Parkirna hiša
6.8.6 Novo sta
stanovanje je najbolj Po novem ima Na predvistranitalseuredi pod manjša nivojemgaraža, tal uredikimanjša garaža,Nosilna ki za kon ovanje je To najbolj spremenjeno. Po spremenjeno. novem ima predvizahodni straniNa se zahodni pod nivojem za
dena tri štiri ležišča majhnim in je namenjeno 12sicer avtomobilov. ni dovolj zavendar vsa stanovanja, vendar štiri ležišča in do je namenjeno oziroma majhnim mladim oziroma 12 mladim avtomobilov. To ni dovolj To za sicer vsa stanovanja, lahko ve, lahko kar delno
družinam. V prizidku se poveča spalnica, dodain dnevni zelo prostor in pripomore k udobju stanovalcev. Garažo se lahko še ustvari dodatnovelik d V prizidku se poveča spalnica, doda dnevni prostor pripomore k zelo udobju stanovalcev. Garažo se lahko še dodatno
otroška soba. seKopalnica doda še balkon. na istem podaljša vendar to že poseg na sosednje zemljišče. a. Vsem se doda šeVsem balkon. ostane Kopalnica na istem ostane podaljša proti jugu, vendarproti je to jugu, že poseg na je sosednje zemljišče. šinski dnevni p
mestu, dodatno pa se uredipovršina WC. Uporabna površina se poveča za atno pa se uredi WC. Uporabna se poveča za
z dveh naspro
oken pa za 17,30m2. ovršina44,10m2, oken pa površina za 17,30m2.
ske projekcije
6.8.5 Kolesarnica6.8.5 Kolesarnica
Obstoječa kolesarnica ne zadosti predpisom, zato sedružine, jo Obstoječa kolesarnica nikakor ne zadostinikakor predpisom, zato se jo večje
uredi pod prizidkom. uredi pod prizidkom.
kleti aži,kolesarnici in kleti
komunikacijekomunikacije 18,00m2
film. Dnevni pr
Površine in razporeditev Površine prostorov in razporeditev po prenovi, prostorov od P do po P+4 prenovi, od
72 Izključujoče s posegom 6.
Izključujoče s posegom 6.
Potreba po dodatnih prostorih in balkonih je velika, zato
ar težave
je prizidek v večjem
obsegu upravičen.
6.8.6 Novo stanovanje D
vhodu se nahaja WC in garderobni prostor.
Nosilna konstrukcija je postavljena direktno nad obstoječe zido-
Dvo-ramne stopnice so iz dvovišinskega prostora speljane v
ve, kar delno vpliva na tlorisno razporeditev. Kljub temu se lahko
zgornje nadstropje, kjer se na zahodni strani nahajajo spalnica in
ustvari velik dnevni prostor, ki zajema kuhinjo, jedilnico in dvo-vi-
dve otroški sobi. Na vzhodni strani je velika kopalnica.
šinski dnevni prostor. Dodatna kvaliteta tega prostora je osvetlitev z dveh nasprotnih strani in velika stena, ki se lahko uporabi za film-
6.8.7 Novo stanovanje E
ske projekcije ali plezalno steno. Stanovanje je torej primerno za
Nosilna konstrukcija je postavljena direktno nad obstoječe zido-
večje družine, ki si rade na velikem platnu ogledajo kakšen dober
ve, kar delno vpliva na tlorisno razporeditev. Kljub temu se lahko
film. Dnevni prostor ima izstop na veliko pokrito teraso. V pritličju ob
ustvari velik dnevni prostor, ki zajema kuhinjo, jedilnico in dvovišin-
vi, od P do P+4
E 144,30m2
D 124,70m2
Površine in razporeditev v nadzidku, P+6
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 73 Zaradi lokacije v mestu je upravičena
Izgradnja dvigala je za stanovanjski
Ugodi se želja po dodatnih parkirnih
zgostitev naselja, kar lahko
objekt takšne višine tudi pri
prostorih, kolesarnici, prenovljenih jav-
dosežemo z nadzidavo z
prenovi nujna.
nih površinah s klopmi
lahko konstrukcijo.
in igrali.
Slika 62: Prostorske sheme možnih posegov ski dnevni prostor. Dodatna kvaliteta tega prostora je osvetlitev z
6.8.8 Klet
dveh nasprotnih strani in velika stena, ki se lahko uporabi za film-
Obstoječa klet je dovolj velika. Zagotovljen je tudi prostor za
ske projekcije ali plezalno steno. Stanovanje je torej primerno za
čistilko, ter za zalogovnik tople sanitarne vode, ogrete s sončnimi
večje družine, ki imajo rade šport. Dnevni prostor ima izstop na
kolektorji in razdelilno postajo za daljinski ogrevalni sistem.
veliko pokrito teraso. Ob vhodu se nahaja kopalnica, garderobni prostor in spalnica. Dvoramne stopnice so iz dvovišinskega prostora speljane v zgornje nadstropje, kjer se nahajata še dve otroški sobi in kopalnica.
6.8.9 Vertikalne komunikacije Skladno s predpisi se doda dvigalo, same stopnice pa ostanejo nespremenjene.
D,E +269,00m2 A,B,C +356,00m2
G +428,10m2
74 Ocena investicije Poleg novih površin nas zanima tudi okviren strošek investicije. Ocena je seveda okvirna, ampak je uporabna predvsem za to, da lahko predvidimo kdo bi pri takšni prenovi bil investitor. Nadzidana stanovanja plača zagotovo novi stanovalec. Streha bloka mu predstavlja novo zazidljivo parcelo v samem mestu, ki je povrhu vsega že komunalno opremljena. Ceno primerljive hiše, bi lahko primerjali s ceno celotne investicije in pri tem videli kolikšen delež bi realno poleg svojega stanovanja ta novi stanovalec še pokril.
A +12,40m2 (2,0%) x5
B +14,70m2 (2,4%) x5
C +44,10m2 (7,0%) x5
D +124,70m2 (20,0%)
E +144,30m2 (23,0%)
Nova stanovanja se prodajajo po 3.000€/m2, preostali stroški se razdelijo med ostala stanovanja glede na pridobljene kvadrature. (Vir1: Cening gradbena dela 2010, Biro Marinko, Vir2: Inženiring Rupena d.o.o.)
S prenovo recikliramo tako prostor, kot v stavbo vgrajene gradbene materiale.
Potrebe sodobnih mestnih stanovalcev se brezpogojno večajo.
Mesto je potrebno zgoščevati, vendar ne na račun majhnih
Ljudje si povprečno želijo večja stanovanja in dodatne prostore kot
stanovanj. Po mojih ugotovitvah so prenove, kot je predstavljena
so terase, balkoni, shrambe, večje dnevne prostore, skupne pro-
v tej nalogi nujne, lotiti pa se jih je treba pravilno. Stanovalski svet
store, ter boljšo javno opremo (klopi, igrišča). Želijo si dvigniti svoj
se glede takšnih zadev večinoma ni sposoben zediniti, niti ni od
stanovanjski standard. Ker je velika večina blokov v Ljubljani sedaj
njih pričakovati, da bo istočasno celotna stanovanjska skupnost
podstandardnih, rušitve tako številnih sosesk pa so nesmiselne, se
(oz. 75%) pripravljena iti v več sto tisoč evrov velike investicije.
nam v prihodnosti obetajo veliki obnovitveni projekti.
Stanovalci nimajo istih potreb, želja, niti finančnih zmožnosti. Če si
Glavne točke obnove so:
danes nekdo želi večjega stanovanja, se bo seveda preselil.
- zmanjšaje porabe energije in preusmeritev k obnovljivim virom
Za dograjevanja bodo morali poskrbeti velika podjetja, sta-
novanjski skladi, občina ali država. Stanovalci sami tega ne bodo
- povečanje površine stanovanj
mogli organizirati, ker takšne dozidave terjajo začasno ali stalno
- zagotovljanje ugodne mikroklime, temperature in osvetlitve
preseljevanje stanovalcev, usklajevanje in mešanje prebivalcev.
- izboljšanje komunalne opreme
Znižati obratovalne stroške in dvigniti stanovanjski standard.
- znižanje ravni hrupa
Predvsem v obdobju po recesiji naš čaka veliko podobnih preure-
- sanacija nosilnih konstrukcij
ditev in manj novo-gradenj, kot smo bili navajeni doslej. Zato upam
- povečanje dostopnosti (invalidi)
in verjamem, da bo moja diplomska naloga prišla prav še komu.
- spoštovanje obstoječih stavbnih struktur - upoštevanje trenutno veljavne zakonodaje - čim manj selitev stanovalcev - spoštovanje obstoječe vegetacije
Prostorski prikaz posega na obravnavanem območju Lepega pota in Bičevja 4
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 75
Pogled na prednjo, vzhodno fasado in vzdolž ulice Bičevje
Ambient dvovišinskega dnevnega rosotra v n
sotra v nadzidanem stanovanju E
Pogled na zadnjo, zahodno fasado z nasprotne strani ulice Bičevje
Pogled na sprednjo fasado vzdolž ul
lice Lepi pot
Matic Pajnik u.d.i.a. I Faculty of Architecture I University of Ljubljana 77
Ambient na terasi nadzidanih stanovanj
Plosk pogled na zadnjo, zahodno fasado s sosednjega bloka Bičevje 1