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Events 2020
For up-to-date information on all SLL events please visit the website: www.sll.org.uk
16-18 SEPTEMBER [d]arc room livestream Conference, workshop and product demonstrations www.darcroom.com
22 SEPTEMBER LuxLive Digital Kicker Conference Online event on UV-C lighting https://luxlive.co.uk
6-11 NOVEMBER Applying Light for Human Health: Lighting Research and Technology Symposium (online event) www.sll.org.uk
11-12 NOVEMBER LuxLive Digital Festival Online event with overall theme of health and wellbeing with four strands: Emergency Lighting, Smart Lighting, Workplace, and Lightspace Festival https://luxlive.co.uk
12 NOVEMBER Lux Awards Online event https://luxawards.co.uk
19 NOVEMBER Lighting Design Awards Venue: Troxy, London E1 https://awards.lighting.co.uk
24-25 NOVEMBER Build2Perform (CIBSE event) Venue: Olympia London www.build2perform.co.uk