Endurance Jan/Feb 2015

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Volume 12 Issue 1 January/February 2015

AGM and Awards Reports RDA Endurance

Futurity Round Up


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Contents 16




Views from the Chair 4 News 6 SERC 8 Ride Previews 10 Sponsorship 12 Saddle Research 14 Feeding the Veteran Horse 16 RDA 18 AGM 20 Awards 21 Futurity 26 Golden Horseshoe 28 Young Riders 30 Volunteering 32 Groups 33 Management 35 Results 36

Front Cover: Miah Allbright riding Pooh Bear, led by Vikki Gordon-Sharman, at the completion of her long distance challenge. Miah is 8 years old and a member of the Hannah Payne RDA Group in Northampton. Photo courtesy of Kerry Miller

Editor’s Comment

First opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and I do hope that 2015 is a successful and enjoyable year for everyone involved in Endurance.

events. There is an excellent article in this issue, about volunteering… it might give you some ideas about getting out there and supporting the rides in a different way!

Lots to comment on and report in this first issue of 2015; not least the EGB AGM and Awards evening. Congratulations to all the Awards winners, what an inspiration they are! Great to have such generous support of the Awards Dinner from the Pure Feed Company too.

I could comment on so many of the features and articles in this issue…but perhaps it is best to let you get on with reading them, and form your own opinions!

But of course, the main focus of the day for most of those attending, was the discussion of the proposed Meydan sponsorship deal. There was a good turnout for the meeting, and a strong discussion about the proposal, although perhaps some felt that their questions were not fully addressed. However, following the meeting and some more on-line discussion, the Board set up a vote that has now been completed. The membership have voted in favour of taking on the sponsorship deal, as long as the Board approve it, so essentially, the membership have said that the Board must do as they see fit.

Looking forward to seeing lots of you out on the trails


Now that this decision has been made, it behoves all the members to work together to ensure that EGB moves forward in a positive manner. I strongly believe that if the majority are in favour of a way forward, then the rest of the membership should do their best to support this. Sadly, I expect some members will leave EGB, and if they feel this is the best way forward for them, then that is their decision. It will be a great loss to a sport that is trying to evolve and go forward. However, now we can look forward to the new season. In this issue we have the Awards report and pictures, to see what we might aspire to, and we have several ride previews, showing us where we might be interested in going to ride. Please support the ride organisers with entries and with help at the Endurance January/February 2015 3

Views from the Chair Dear Members

It was good to see so many of you at the Annual General Meeting last November and then at the hugely successful Masked Ball and Awards Dinner which followed. Once again on behalf of you all, I thank Tricia Hirst and her family for all their hard work and diligence in organising what was a very successful weekend. Congratulations too must go to the trophy and award winners, all of whom worked so hard during the past season to achieve their goals. It was sad to lose Karen Collier and Julie Martin from the Board last year. Obviously both made extremely valuable contributions to the work of the Board and to the smooth-running of Endurance GB during their tenure as Directors – I cannot thank them enough for all their hard work and dedication as volunteers. We also thank Christine Farrow who has stepped down as SERC Representative. I welcome five newly elected Directors, namely Sue Box, Kerry Dawson, David Hirst, Harry Ingram and Jane Tennant. Constance Newbould has joined us on the Board as the SERC Representative. Jo Claridge and I were both re-elected to make up the full complement of fifteen. As we all know, the last few months have seen great debate amongst the membership concerning the proposed sponsorship package from Meydan, arousing strong passions on both sides of the fence. The result of the ballot has given the Board a mandate to proceed with contract negotiations which at the time of writing this article are not yet concluded. Since the result, the Board has received a number of questions of clarification, for example relating to branding and hospitality. We have been able to include the responses to these questions into the negotiated contractual terms. I fully acknowledge that some members are very much against the proposed sponsorship package being offered by Meydan, perhaps as a point of principle, and so may elect to leave Endurance GB. I am absolutely certain that I speak for the whole Board in saying that we do not wish to lose even just one member of the organisation. Instead I wish to make just a final plea to those thinking of leaving to “stay inside the tent” and help to make it work for the benefit of everyone. There is a great deal of work to do yet. Some of you will be coming to the sport as new members, or with a new horse. Some of us who have been at it for longer than we care to remember will be just as excited about the start of a new competitive season. We all have at least one thing in common – the love of the sport of endurance and the unique partnership with an equine that it brings. It only remains for me to wish you a successful and safe endurance year; I hope to see you on the circuit.

ENDURANCE GB BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN John Hudson t: 01398 332089 m: 07779 797170 e: johnhudson@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017

VICE CHAIRMAN Peter Claridge t: 01208 821328 m: 07771 897925 e: peterclaridge@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2015 FINANCE DIRECTOR Peter Claridge t: 01208 821328 m: 07771 897925 e: peterclaridge@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2015 COMPANY SECRETARY Ann Dark t: 01380 818223 e: anndark@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2016 Sue Box t: 07867 512673 e: suebox@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017

Sue Broughton m: 07870 171641 e: suebroughton@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2016

David Hirst m: 07710 475941 e: davidhirst@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017

Jo Claridge t: 01208 821328 m: 07917 161599 e: joclaridge@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017

Harry Ingram m: 07793 813083 e: harryingram@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017

Kerry Dawson t: 07818 283144 e: kerrydawson@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017 Brian Floyd-Davis t: 01293 786253 m: 07771581202 e: brianfloyd-davis@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2016 Jeni Gilbert t: 01484 863506 m: 07845 975612 e: jenigilbert@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2015 Kevin Hawes m: 07704 535 424 e: kevinhawes@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2015

Jane Tennant m: 07858 364344 e: janetennant@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2017 Fiona Videla t: 01949 843 349 m: 07841 143032 e: fionavidela@endurancegb.co.uk RETIRES – at the AGM 2015 SERC REPRESENTATION Constance Newbould t: 07973 726001 e: constancenewbould@endurancegb. co.uk Calls between 9am and 9pm only please. More details of committees and Board Member responsibilities can be found in the EGB Handbook

Credits Office administration Olwen Bryer Endurance GB Office, Abbey Park, Stareton, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2RP t: 02476 697929 f: 02476 418429 Editor Cindy Russell Green Farm Stables, Albyns Lane, Romford, Essex RM4 1RX t: 01708 688075 e: cindy@cynburstud.fsnet.co.uk Publisher Matrix Print Consultants Ltd Unit C, Northfield Point, Cunliffe Drive, Kettering, Northants, NN16 9QJ t: 01536 527297 f: 01536 527294 e: info@matrixprint.com Designer Rick Fraterrigo

Advertising Matrix Print Consultants Ltd. Satisfaction House, Unit C, Northfield Point, Cunliffe Drive, Kettering, Northants, NN16 9QJ t: 01536 527 297 e: andy@matrixprint.com Disclaimer: The views and opinions of the writers are not necessarily those of the editor, Matrix Print Consultants Ltd or Endurance GB. Endurance magazine is fully protected by copyright and nothing may be reproduced wholly or in part without the permission of Endurance GB and/or Matrix Print Consultants Ltd.


Copy Dates to Editor for future issues: Issue Mar/ Apr 2015 by 15th February. Issue May/Jun 2015 by 15th April. If you wish to advertise in the Mar/Apr 2015 issue, copy deadline is 6th March.


EnduranceGB If you are reading this, so are your potential customers!

Contact Andy at Matrix t: 01536 527297 e: andy@matrixprint.com

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KEY DATES 2015 Annual General Meeting 28th November Hinckley Island Hotel Watling St, Hinckley, LE10 3JA 12 noon (unless otherwise advised) Receipt of Members’ Proposals for AGM In writing to Company Secretary at Stoneleigh Office by 5pm on 2nd October Nominations for the Board of Directors In writing to Company Secretary at Stoneleigh Office by 5pm on 2nd October

Board of Directors Meetings 17th/18th January Sunday 8th March 23rd May 18th July 10th October 28th /29th November Volunteers Conference (For Groups, Ride Organisers, Health & Safety South – 1st February Representatives & Technical Stewards) North – 14th February


Nominations for Unsung Hero, John Yeats Bursary & Young Volunteer of the year awards 30th October Receipt of FEI & Major Ride Proposals 17th September Receipt of National Ride Proposal Forms 16th October Claims for Distance Awards 23rd October

Groups Meeting 24th October Ride Fixtures meeting 25th October

Performance Equestrian – The one stop shop for all your Endurance Riding Equipment Whether you are just starting out in the sport or a seasoned rider, Performance Equestrian has everything you need to make your riding both enjoyable and more importantly comfortable! Our Perfeq range of products include padded and non padded water repellent riding tights that can be customised to suit individuals riding colours, Cool, breathable Air Mesh chaps in a variety of colours and easy to clean Biothane bridles, reins and breastplates again in a range of colours to match all your riding kit. For these products and a whole lot more check out our website at www.performance-equestrian.com or contact us on 01933 624624.


NEW UNDERPASS OPENED A group of East Anglian horse riders recently tested a newly constructed underpass beneath the A11 near the Elveden monument. The underpass links rights of way to the north and south of the dual carriageway and will be of immense benefit to all non-motorised users, as well as being a boost to equestrian tourism.

The completion of the underpass marks the successful end to a campaign started in 2006 by Bryan Freemantle, then the British Horse Society County Access and Bridleways Officer. At that time an estimated 20,000 vehicles a day were using the A11, making it dangerous, if not impossible, to cross the road on foot or on horseback. So it was no surprise to be told at a Public Consultation that there was no evidence of usage at the equestrian crossing points. Bryan

enlisted the help of Elizabeth Barrett, Chairman of the Suffolk Federation of Byway and Bridleway Groups and Camino Riders, together with individual riders, local bridleway groups and riding clubs. They contacted the local media, wrote numerous letters, and organized a peaceful protest. Anglia TV filmed horse riders and protestors gathered at the A11 to draw attention to the need for a safe crossing. The resulting press coverage led local MP Richard Spring to engage with the Highways Agency and it was eventually agreed that an underpass would be included in the A11 improvement scheme.

The building of the underpass was made possible by the Elveden Estate and Suffolk County Council who contributed to the cost and diverted existing rights of way where necessary.

Katie Bedwin at the SE Group Awards evening.Photo courtesy LRG Photography

KATIE BEDWIN SECURES SPONSORSHIP Katie was selected from over three hundred applicants for sponsorship by Equestrian Derriere. She is the youngest they have sponsored. One from Para dressage, one from eventing and Katie from Endurance. She has also been chosen for a photo shoot with their products.

Endurance GB statement

Approaching the Underpass. Photo courtesy of Jan Harber

FEI appoints Endurance Independent Governance Advisors The FEI has named three Independent Governance Advisors (IGAs), with the first due to start work this weekend. FEI 4* judge Roderick Fisher (GBR) will be the first IGA to attend an Endurance event in this new role, travelling to the CEI 3* Dubai (UAE) tomorrow, 10 January.

The two other IGAs named by the FEI are Carlos Ponferrada (ESP) and Maurizio Stecco (ITA). The three Advisors have been appointed for a period of two years. In accordance with FEI Endurance Rules, during this period they cannot accept any other FEI officiating positions. The IGAs will be travelling to selected events throughout the year.

The IGAs were created following the recommendations of the Endurance Strategic Planning Group (ESPG). The IGAs will travel to CEIs and provide a detailed report to the FEI on the organisation of the competitions, the venue and the course, and the performance of the on-site officials. The IGA will also suggest areas for improvement if required.

“The FEI is diligently proceeding with the implementation of the recommendations made by the Endurance Strategic Planning Group,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos commented. “All three Independent Governance Advisors are highly experienced officials and I am confident that their input will be extremely valuable and will be beneficial for the entire discipline.”


A majority of Endurance GB’s Members have voted ‘Yes’ in the recent ballot regarding proceeding with a proposed sponsorship agreement with Meydan. The overall turnout was 55.2% with 56.4% votes in favour of accepting the sponsorship, with 40.1% against and 3.5% abstentions. The Board of EGB will therefore proceed to contract discussions with Meydan. The proposed agreement, which offers benefits for all levels of the EGB Membership, will enhance EGB’s ability to realise its long term strategy and vision: to enable more people and horses at all levels to enjoy the sport of endurance to the highest standard of excellence. John Hudson Chairman EGB Endurance GB Board

Official members publication for Endurance GB

WS...NEWS...NEWS....NEWS...NEWS...NEWS.... NEW FORMAT TO ENCOURAGE EVEN MORE DISCUSSION AT NATIONAL EQUINE FORUM The 23rd National Equine Forum, to be held on Thursday 5th March 2015, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, will be presented in a new format to enable even more debate and discussion with panels of speakers and delegates. The programme will encompass three engaging themes: The horse industry: reflections and projections, The horse industry and the government and Further education training opportunities in the UK. The day will also include the presentation of the prestigious Sir Colin Spedding Award. The National Equine Forum is one of the only events in the UK to bring together representatives from all echelons of the equestrian industry, including government, equestrian sport, veterinary science and welfare. The new format for 2015 has been instigated in response to requests from delegates to open up more debate

and discussion opportunities, for which the forum is renowned. The Forum also now has a later start time of 10.15am, with networking from 9.15am, in response to suggestions from delegates travelling from further afield. In addition to the three themed sessions there will a number of five-minute topical slots interspersed throughout the day and the winner of the Sir Colin Spedding Award will be announced and the award presented. This award was established in 2013 in recognition of the late Professor Sir Colin Spedding’s services to the equine sector – most especially for his extraordinary commitment in founding the National Equine Forum and then being Chair of the Forum for 19 years. The National Equine Forum is organised by a committee reflecting various sectors of the equestrian industry and has as its

President HRH The Princess Royal. It is sponsored by the Association of British Riding Schools, Bedmax, British Equine Veterinary Association, the Blue Cross, British Equestrian Federation, British Equestrian Trade Association, British Horse Society, British Horseracing Authority, Bulley Davey, Craig Payne Photography, Darbys Solicitors, Dodson and Horrell, Donkey Sanctuary, Hadlow College, the Horse Trust, Jeffress Scholarship Trust, NFU Mutual Insurance, South Essex Insurance Brokers, Weatherbys and World Horse Welfare. Tickets are available to equestrian trade delegates and equestrian professionals at a cost of £100 per person, which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day. To apply or to find out how you could enjoy the privilege of becoming a Friend of the Forum please contact the Hon Secretary, Ms Tracy Allen, at Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BL email teallen@warkscol.ac.uk. For further information on the NEF visit www.bef.co.uk/National-Equine-Forum/

HM Queen Elizabeth II receives inaugural FEI Lifetime Achievement award Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has become the first recipient of the FEI Lifetime Achievement award in recognition of her leading role as supporter of equestrian sport throughout her reign as British monarch.


AHS Performance Horse Awards cards are now available for 2015, free to members of the Arab Horse Society (memberships starts at £25 a year). Sponsored by Sheer Versatility, the awards include High Points Trophies and rosettes for pure Arabs, part-Arabs and Anglos, in the six major ridden disciplines, and also an individually-named rosette for the 2015 high points Endurance winner with Arab blood. Cards are available from the AHS or from pha@gadebrookstud.com –AHS membership number is needed on application.

The award was presented to Her Majesty by FEI President HRH Princess Haya at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace in the presence of former FEI President the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Phillip, and Keith Taylor, Chairman of the British Equestrian Federation.

It is important also to ensure that changes of ownership are recorded with the AHS Too many seem to change hands without the ownership being notified to the registering authority, as now required by DEFRA within 30 days of change of ownership. We notice it within the Arab horse world as we try to give awards to endurance horses, only to find that they are still in the breeder’s or former owner’s name on the Passport. It is frustrating – and illegal! Photo courtesy of Press Association (PA)

Endurance January/February 2015 7

Scottish Endurance Riding Club

HOOKED ON THE RIDE By Tessa Kilpatrick

At my first endurance ride (at Tentsmuir last year) I grinned, clutching my first rosette as if it was gold and a smiling rider asked “are you hooked yet?” I assumed she was talking about endurance riding but my answer was very non-committal as, although I felt insanely proud with myself, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to repeat the experience. Little did I know what the rest of the year would hold for me! From that first endurance ride, we had high hopes for my trusty endurance steed – Aratahnes Phoebe – whose siblings have shown an interest in the sport and have taken to endurance like ducks to water. So at the tender age of five we were introduced by Francis Bakker (Phoebe’s owner) and bustled off to the first endurance ride either of us had experienced. A 24k pleasure ride at Tentsmuir with Francis. It was a relaxed introduction to the sport even if Phoebe was wary of the vet and a bit intimidated by so many horses, as the route suited us down to the ground and beaches are always welcome. In the rides that followed (a couple of 30ks) we realised that Phoebe felt that she could only cope with one friend at a time. This was made clear to me by some cunningly aimed kicks to the faces

of any horse that was brave enough to come between her and Francis’ horse. Also her ears were very telling when they were plastered to her skull so she took to wearing a green ribbon and a red ribbon in her tail. After that we got some interesting looks from other riders when they led their horses further away from us. Despite this I found myself beginning to enjoy the rides more. Phoebe’s heart rates were slowly getting better and after a while she was less defensive around other horses. I was very happy with this progress and didn’t feel the need to complicate things by extending the distances. My BTQ certificate arrived in the post after one of the rides and I still wasn’t sure what it meant so I asked Francis. The next few minutes were a blur and I found that I had agreed to do a 50k, without Francis, at the champs! Months later I suppressed my nerves and arrived at the event with an excited horse and a very organised crew that consisted of Judith Allan who kept me straight all day. I rode with Ali Ainslie and neither of our horses liked the idea of setting off from the vetgate again as they thought their ride was over. Soon we were faced with the possibility of not finishing in time

which was extremely aggravating as I had considered all the ways I might drop out of the ride…apart from being too slow. However we finally managed to persuade our horses that it was important to us and had an exhilarating flying finish which resulted in a fancy 50k rosette. We proudly presented our mounts with the glossy rosettes but they seemed more interested in their feed buckets at that point. Our BTFs had now been achieved with a very smart bridle clip to show for it. There was no stopping me now. I knew we could have gone faster and my competitive spirit made me want to prove this in our final ride of the year. This time I kind of knew what I was doing and, accompanied by Francis and a competent crew, Phoebe and I proved our worth with a SC1 Gold rosette and as if that wasn’t good enough we managed to scoop Best Condition! What a way to end our first year! So if someone was to ask me if I’m “hooked yet” today, my immediate answer would be a definite YES. I can’t wait to see how next year goes for me and Phoebe, hopefully it will follow the same pattern but we’ll just have to wait and see!



Official members publication for Endurance GB

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Ride previews

Lindum Group’s 2015 will kick off with a flurry of rides

Tugby. Photo courtesy of Joseph Templeman

Wootton takes it’s traditional early slot on March 1st, and will provide good going on flat grassy bridleways and quiet lanes with amazing verges to get folks going... That, along with hardstanding parking for everyone, means this will be an ideal start to the season. Willow Bank on March 15th is a new fixture for 2015. The venue is an equestrian centre providing us with excellent facilities and is situated just off the A46 so also provides good road access. The route will include some new riding as well as some bits and pieces borrowed from Lindum Spirit. Ravendale will be on March 29th, and will include some new routes this year. This ride traditionally offers lots and lots of excellent bridleways in the North East of the Wolds.

Berkshire Downs 2014. Photo courtesy of David Saunders

Silk Willoughby moves to an earlier slot on April 19th. For those who haven’t visited this ride, it is easily reached from the A1 and A52. It offers a lovely grassy venue, with ample camping and corralling, and lovely gentle routes on bridleways, parkland and quiet lanes in the south of the county. Cranwell, on May 2/3/4th, adds another competitive day to make it a 3 day fixture and will include several new multi day class combinations as well as it’s traditional classes. RAF Cranwell makes a spectacular backdrop to the venue field and the route uses much of the Roman road Ermine Street, as well as other bridleways and quiet lanes. There is excellent access from the A1 and the A17.

Poplar Park Sandlings 9th & 10th May 2015.

Cheshire Frolic. Photo courtesy of Chris Taylor

Now embarking on our second year as an EGB venue, we hope you will make the trip out to the east coast to enjoy our hospitality along with the fantastic going and surroundings we have to offer. Situated in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, the Poplar Park Sandlings Ride derives its’ name from the Sandlings area in which the venue lies. The uncluttered coast, estuaries, farmland, sweeping forest and heathland is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. With golden gorse, sandy fields 10 The Long Mynd. Photo courtesy Saunders Photography

Official members publication for Endurance GB

Ride previews and swathes of heathland large enough to support wildlife that can exist nowhere else it certainly makes for a truly memorable riding experience. Come and join us on the 9th and 10th May 2015 for a fantastic and friendly weekend of Endurance riding.

Graffham Down Ride 22nd March 2015 The Graffham area is wonderful riding territory, with a choice of sandy heathland, open downland and pretty beech woods. Our routes this year should provide something to suit everyone, with classes from 16km PR to 61km GER. The 35, 45 and 61km classes include the commons near Midhurst, a little road work on quiet lanes, a water crossing and a steady climb up the steep north side of the Downs, while the 16 and 26km classes stay on the south side and top of the Downs in woods and fields. There are relatively few gates as the area is more wooded than farmed. There are some flinty sections so not ideal for unshod horses. The route includes some stretches on private land and a potentially confusing network of paths on the common so please do not try to ride it beforehand, but come and enjoy it on the day! Hilary Major and Sue Cooper.

Berkshire Downs 24th May 2015 The Berkshire Downs ride is once again planned for the late May Bank Holiday weekend in 2015. Berkshire Downs has always been famous not only for the splendid riding country, but also for stunning views, with the unusual backdrop of the cooling towers at Didcot Power Station dominating much of the scenery. These views are now historic as three of the towers were spectacularly demolished in July 2014. 180kg of explosives were used in the demolition, flattening 36,000 tonnes of material in seconds. Constructed between 1965 and 1974, the towers stood at 114 metres (375ft) and were designed to cool 9m gallons of water per hour. To watch a video of the demolition visit: http://www.theguardian.com/business/ video/2014/jul/27/didcot-power-stationcooling-towers-demolished-video The venue, Alden Equicentre, is situated only a stone’s throw from the ancient Ridgeway Path with its surrounding beautiful rolling chalk downs. Access is easy from both the

M4 and M40 via the A34. With plenty of space for camping and corralling, and a good pub at the bottom of the drive, it is an ideal place to spend the Bank Holiday weekend We will be hosting the Southern Championships, and offering classes from an 82k CER to a 20k pleasure ride, including both Riding Club and Pony Club qualifiers.

Cerne Giant 3rd May 2015 Cerne has a new organiser for 2015, but the same great venue (with camping / coralling for those coming from afar) and the lovely rolling Dorset downland. With routes between 16km and 65km, and vet gate back at the venue, the cantering opportunities and hills could make this a valuable part of a build-up programme to Golden Horseshoe. Gates come with the territory in this beautiful part of Wessex, but by rerouting every attempt will be made to minimise the number of gates, and the gate allowance will be conscientiously applied. Do come and have fun with us, to ensure that this lovely ride will continue into the future.

Cheshire Group Rides 2015 We look forward to welcoming you to one or all of our varied programme of rides. The Cheshire Forest Frolic in May in mid Cheshire offers a two day 80 km and supporting classes over a variety of undulating easy terrain including forest and a beautifully manicured farm ride. There are excellent overnight facilities. Wirral in June uses a flat fast coastal route with a top class of 65km along a disused railway line and includes a short stretch of beach along the Dee Estuary. The lovely new venue has good facilities and easy parking but no overnight option.

with Jenny Bennett, looking for a route and getting so far away from where we had left the car that we had to phone (from a village phone box – didn’t have a mobile phone in those far away days!) for a taxi to get us back to the car before it got dark! The route has had some changes since those days, when we were brave (or silly) enough to cross the A47 twice to access some bridleways! The venue, though not the field, has remained the same – Oxey Farm, Tilton on the Hill, thanks to the kindness of Mr & Mrs Wright. For some reason we have yet to discover, the name of the farm can be found on signposts in all directions from the A47 to surrounding village roads, so no excuse for not finding the venue. This year the ride will be held on the Sunday of the end of May Bank Holiday, May 24th, so there’s an incentive to enter – no work on Monday! You could make a weekend away, by coming on the Saturday and corralling overnight or there is a nearby farm that caters for B&B where some of our riders have stayed in previous years. The start of the route crosses the large venue field, leading onto tracks and a very short stretch of country road which takes the riders into Launde Park, with a pretty pond on the left and the Abbey on the right. It then enters the Wills Estate land, where the bridleways are kept in good order and the views are lovely. Short stretches of roadwork join up bridleways covering a variety of terrain; tracks, fields, hillwork, villages and three easy to cross fords. Most gates are cheerfully manned by helpful members of LREGB, others permitted to be left open by the landowners, a few sometimes have to be opened by riders. This is a lovely part of Leicestershire to ride in, with plenty of variation to keep you and your horse interested, and distances of 16km, 24km, 30km and 40km Pleasure Rides and 30km, 40km and 64km GERs, so put the date in your diary and and we look forward to seeing you in May.

Long Mynd in Shropshire in September is a challenging ride with stunning views not to be missed. It makes an ideal warm-up for the Red Dragon and has good overnight facilities.

Tugby 24th May 2015 This year will be the twenty-fourth year of organising this ride; our first date was in 1991! I can remember walking the bridleways

Endurance January/February 2015 11


Images supplied by Rachael Farley

SEEKING SPONSORSHIP? Sponsorship is vital to the running of the equestrian world, offering riders across multiple disciplines a chance to get ahead of the game and succeed. There are many different types and levels of sponsorship, ranging from discounted product and equipment through to full, professional backing and many companies and athletes are reaping the rewards of sponsorship. We speak to Marketing Manager at Ariat, Melanie Selman, to find out what a brand of such calibre looks for when choosing riders to represent them…


In a nutshell, the riders chosen for sponsorship usually represent a brand’s target market, aimed at producing a positive impact on products and sales. Consumers purchase rider sponsored products due to the positive values that an individual rider represents, so it is vital for a brand to align with a rider that matches their own characteristics and public image. “It is imperative to ensure that the relationship continues to be beneficial and with this in mind, we evaluate our sponsorship on a regular basis,” explains Ariat Marketing Manager, Melanie Selman. “Sponsorship is an important part of our marketing and we are currently sponsoring a number of riders across Europe. Not only is this association beneficial to the riders, it is also creates public awareness and a desire for our brand, which ultimately leads to sales.”


In return for sponsorship, and the public promotion of brand image and products, riders are often required to speak highly and positively about the company, particularly whilst at events in the media 12

spotlight, as well as providing brand exposure by wearing branded clothing, sharing links online, through product placement and showing a genuine passion for the brand’s items. Social media is also a great tool for sponsors, as riders, particularly those at a top level, often reach a wide array of fans and followers across several different platforms, so any positive referral to products is likely to have a beneficial impact on sales. Many dedicated amateur riders looking to carve out a competitive equestrian career will be aiming straight for the top, with all of the benefits of professional sponsorship, but it is often more realistic to gradually work up the ladder, beginning with basic support and there are many ways for a rider to make themselves stand out from the crowd when a sponsorship opportunity is on the horizon. “When contacting a brand for sponsorship, it is best to gain attention by detailing the mutual advantages exclusive to the specific company, rather than generating a template or mass email,” says Melanie. “Contacting a company via Facebook to request sponsorship is not usually looked upon favourably, it is always beneficial to show that you have used initiative and sought out the correct person to contact directly, whether by phone call, email or even letter.”


Social media is a great tool for catching a brand’s eye, particularly if a rider is able to build a strong community of followers that would constitute a similar target audience for a brand. In recent years, social media has affected a change in the relationship between rider and sponsor, as it would previously have been far harder for an

amateur rider to generate support, but a pro-active approach to building social media allows riders to reach a wider audience with engaging content. With this in mind, communication is a vital ingredient when it comes to a mutually beneficial relationship. “The growing importance of social media enables us to give up to date information, which our Facebook and Twitter fans love to hear about and this unique insight helps to ensure that there is always a personal connection between the public and our brand,” explains Melanie.


As a premium brand, Ariat sponsors some of the best equestrian athletes in the world, across a range of different disciplines, which is of mutual benefit to both Ariat and their riders. “Sponsorship has to be a two way relationship,” Melanie explains. “At Ariat we expect riders to be true ambassadors for the brand, which includes actively wearing the product at all times when associated with the sport, as well as promoting our message to their fans and consumers. So, you do need to be realistic in terms of whether you are a viable sponsorship prospect. Unfortunately there are budget limits and this means that many requests are turned down because, from a commercial point of view, they could simply not fulfill the role of becoming a brand ambassador. While it would be easy to simply give away product, we have to ask ourselves if we will benefit from the relationship as a brand.”

Official members publication for Endurance GB

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Even though we have now started a new competition year, we would like all our members to spend a few minutes reflecting just once more on the 2014 season. Obviously we are all very grateful to our ever-patient and hard working volunteers that all contributed to the successful competition season that was enjoyed through our ride programme. None of us would be able to compete in or crew at so many wonderful events without the tireless efforts of the teams that run our rides. However there is also a happy band of people who also contribute greatly to the success of not only our rides but also to our other events, such as national teams competing abroad, Group activities, social evenings and prize givings. Yes you guessed it – our sponsors. So how many sponsors did we have across the whole spectrum of events in 2014? It is surprising to realise that we had nearly 70 individuals, companies and other equestrian-related organisations contributing to the success of EGB’s events all over the country. These contributions were made by direct financial sponsorship through to donation of products as prizes. In many cases the sponsors also supported the events themselves by attending with a trade stand. On behalf of the members, The Board of Endurance GB thanks all the sponsors who have contributed so greatly to the success of EGB in the past year and beyond. In the coming year we hope to find ways of working more pro-actively with you so that the partnership with EGB can grow to be even more effective. In the meantime thank you all once again.

Photograph: Heidi Lewis

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Saddle research

Resounding success Saddle Research Trust There are very real welfare and performance issues that can occur when the horse, saddle and rider interaction goes wrong. As horse owners, we need the practical skill of saddle fitters, the diagnostic ability of vets, the biomechanical knowledge of health practitioners, the expert eye of trainers and the highest standards in construction and design from saddle makers.

The 2nd Saddle Research Trust International Conference, held at the end of last month at Anglia Ruskin University, was declared a resounding success. Presenting to a full house of around 400 delegates from varied quarters of the equestrian industry, the world’s leading veterinary and scientific experts examined, discussed and debated the latest research on saddle-related equine welfare and performance issues. Presenters, delegates and the conference sponsors World Horse Welfare, the British Equestrian Federation, Amerigo Saddles and Horse & Hound, commended the event as “excellent” and “a highly important step in the sharing of knowledge and expertise for the good of the horse.”

The conference saw leading vets, saddlers and equine therapists joining professional riders and trainers as well as leisure owners and riders to hear international experts share their vast experience and debate their cutting edge research. SRT Director, Anne Bondi, began with an entertaining and thought provoking look at horse, rider and saddle interactions which highlighted some current and very relevant findings of health issues experienced by cyclists who spend hours in their saddles. Dr Sue Dyson from the Animal Health Trust discussed the causes of saddle slip and the implications of hind limb lameness as

Annie Pollock, Saddle Research Trust Trustee


Official members publication for Endurance GB

Saddle research

for International Conference well as equine back and rider asymmetry. She went on to present the findings from studies undertaken with her PhD student, Line Greve, investigating changing back dimensions in ridden sports horses after exercise. Evidence suggests that thick pads and numnahs can constrict and interfere with the fit of the saddle and can prevent the changes in back shape that should naturally occur in the horse during exercise. Such under-saddle materials should be seen as an integral part of the rider/saddle equation when calculating fit and considering comfort. Professor Hilary Clayton gave a fascinating overview of the potential to use new

technology in the riding arena to help improve rider position and technique. She explained the potential role of easy to use gadgets for basic kinematic analysis, sensors to buzz reminders at every crooked, out of balance move and an electronic belt to help improve core strength and control by detecting rider pelvic tilt on the horse. A perceptive introduction to the afternoon sessions from British Equine Federation Director of Equine Sports Science and Medicine, John McEwen, was followed by a fascinating insight into the state-of-the-art in knowledge of animal movement science, given by Professor Christian Peham. He demonstrated how a biomechanical simulation method, based on real data, could assist vets as a clinical tool and delegates learned much more about the movement of the equine back and neck, through his 3D model. Professor Lars Roepstorff and Maria Terese Engell explored the influence of the rider, emphasising that the horse is a partner in sport and, as such, needs a rider who prepares himself or herself with thorough appropriate fitness and core strength exercise. Dr Katja Geser-von Peinen then presented the effects of saddle design and function on rider and horse. She shared her fascinating work of pressure mapping and reiterated how the expert interpretation of results is key to success with this technology. The final session saw Professor Renee van Weeren summarise the evolution of the human-horse relationship, drawing comparisons with other sports and emphasising that there is a huge amount of scope for more science to be used to improve standards on all levels. Olympic dressage rider, Richard Davison, ended by pinpointing which areas he specifically believed to have the most practical relevance for him as a rider as well as discussing the benefits of the research on a wider scale, urging equestrian organisations to take note. Saddle Research Trust Trustee, Annie Pollock, summarised the take-home

Saddle Research Trust

message from the conference, saying: “There are very real welfare and performance issues that can occur when the horse, saddle and rider interaction goes wrong. As horse owners, we need the practical skill of saddle fitters, the diagnostic ability of vets, the biomechanical knowledge of health practitioners, the expert eye of trainers and the highest standards in construction and design from saddle makers.” Tony Tyler, Director of Operations at World Horse Welfare, continued: “The work the Saddle Research Trust is doing has the potential to produce considerable benefits to horse welfare and as such World Horse Welfare is keen to be involved in future projects and events.” Delegate Claire Kincaid, a veterinary physiotherapist expressed the sentiment shown by so many who attended: “Thank you for a great conference. I really enjoyed the day and gained so much from your speakers who were so knowledgeable and amusing. Seeing the scientifically proven analysis of subjects with relation to saddles and the horses back has given me the confidence to relate my new found knowledge to my clients.” Lucinda Green MBE concluded: “Well done, magnificent day and beautifully organised.” The full proceedings from the Saddle Research Trust Conference can be downloaded at www.saddleresearchtrust. com, email research@saddleresearchtrust. com or telephone 07775 912202. The Saddle Research Trust was founded in 2009 to promote the welfare of the ridden horse and to raise awareness of the widely underestimated issues surrounding saddles, equine backs and performance. Trust Director, Anne Bondi, is currently undertaking a Doctoral Research Programme at the University of Sunderland, studying the interaction of horses, saddles and riders. The SRT facilitates collaborations between its Research Associates and promotes objective scientific research in order to further its aims.

Endurance January/February 2015 15

Feeding the veteran horse




By Sarah Bee BSc (Hons), Equine Nutritionist at Allen & Page Quality Horse Feeds

Melanie Boggia’s ex-racehorse turned endurance competitor, Alf. Photo courtesy of West End Photography

As horses are staying healthy for longer, it makes sense many ‘veteran’ horses are still leading active, ridden lives. Providing a good fibre base and choosing feeds which supply stamina can offer good energy levels for horses in light to medium work, as well as those at rest. Fibre first Fibre is very important in all horses’ diets, but this is especially true of the older horse. A horse’s natural diet is fibre based, so it follows this must always form the basis of their diet. As trickle feeders, their digestive systems should always have a flow of fibre going through in order to stay healthy. As well as satisfying their natural need to chew, fibre is a good source of calories and provides heat as it is fermented, which helps the horse keep warm. Additionally, fibre is an undervalued energy source - if the horse is receiving adequate fibre, their energy levels will be much better than if they are lacking. Suitable feeds Many feeds aimed at the veteran horse have a medium energy level. When ‘energy’ is talked about, one is also referring to calories, as they are fundamentally one and the same thing – you cannot get one without the other. 16

Most veteran feeds have a medium energy level, though this does not necessarily mean the horse will gain weight, even if they are a good-doer - energy (calories) can be used for energy during work, or calories for weight maintenance, or both. More consideration should be given to the type of energy the feed supplies – slow or quick release. Two feeds can have the same Digestible Energy (DE) value, usually shown in DE (kg), which means on paper they will look very similar, though on closer inspection of ingredients and starch and sugar levels, the two feeds may perform very differently; fibre and oil based feeds give slow release, stamina-type energy, while feeds containing cereals tend to give more instant energy. Do bear in mind that as horses age, their digestive systems become less efficient and find starches and sugars (from cereal grains and molasses) much harder to digest. Feeds high in calories sourced from fibre and oil will help maintain weight, without the use of high starch cereals. These feeds are often kinder on the digestive system and easier for the veteran horse to digest. All horses need protein in their diets, but it is the quality, not quantity that is important. Good quality protein sources, such as

soya and alfalfa, are needed for repair and maintenance of tissues. Do note that in older horses protein digestibility may be reduced. They can be more likely to have liver or kidney problems, requiring a low protein diet (as well as a low oil, calcium and phosphorus intake) so although a good protein source, alfalfa is not suitable in this situation. Essential fatty acids must be supplied in the diet as they cannot be made by the horse. The correct amounts of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are essential for cell membrane integrity and immune response; they may also improve coat condition. Feeds like Veteran Vitality which contain both linseed (a source of Omega 3) and soya (a source of Omega 6) are a good choice. Diets high in Omega 3 are thought to have an antiinflammatory effect on the body – particularly ideal for those older horses who may be starting to get a little creaky! Veteran Vitality From our popular Barley & Molasses Free Range, Veteran Vitality is fibre and oil based, and soaks to form a mid-energy soft mash in less than 3 minutes. Balanced with vitamins and minerals, it provides an easily digestible source of stamina-type Official members publication for Endurance GB


Feeding the veteran horse

Melanie Boggia has owned 20-year-old thoroughbred Asabache (Alf) for the past 9 years and although he modestly trotted in to golden oldie status, more recently he’s been anything but the typical veteran. “I have had Alf for 9 years,” says Mel. “He was bred in Ireland by the uncle of a trainer at a point-to-point yard in Snetterton in Norfolk, where I used to help muck out. I had ridden a pony when I was a child but had never ridden a horse, but I did start to ride Alf. Although he was still racing, he was the steady lead horse of the yard. I would just walk and trot around the block on him with the other new horses that came into the yard.” Alf then started to either fall or pull up when racing, so Mel was asked if she wanted to take him on loan and she jumped at the chance. After having him for just six months, Mel was given him to keep. “We started to do pleasure rides where I met lots of lovely people who then encouraged me to take up graded endurance riding as Alf seemed to love it and have so much stamina for it. This year we’ve completed five graded rides. In the first one we got a grade four but I learnt a lot from it, such as how to manage Alf after the ride in order to get his heart rate down. The next ride we got a grade two, then the following rides were all grade ones.” “I have been feeding Alf on Veteran Vitality for just over a year now,” explained Mel. “I started feeding him this as he was getting older and I was looking for a feed that had a bit more in it for him. He has looked the best he ever has since feeding this. He is relaxed and people regularly comment on how shiny his coat is and how well he looks. I always take a small feed to the endurance rides with me to give Alf just before vetting, as the feed is soaked in water and I think that this helps with his rehydration too.” Mel and Alf are also members of Anglian Distance Riders and this year at the presentation evening the duo managed to win four trophies for their achievements. These included completing 500 miles on various rides, winning the ex-racehorse class, the registered thoroughbred, the veteran horse and long-term partnership class and also being awarded second in the intermediate horse section. A fitting end to a fabulous year!

energy – ideal for horses still out enjoying endurance or pleasure rides. The fact it is low in starch and sugar (compared to cereal based equivalents) also helps to keep your veteran’s behaviour in check, if they are not yet feeling their age!

have many teeth left! Being cereal grain free and forming a soft mash once soaked, there are no lumps or hard cereals for the horse to chew or digest so is ideal for those prone to choke due to poor dentition, or those struggling with poor digestion.

Soaked feeds Feeding a soaked feed has been proven to have many advantages, especially important when feeding veterans. One main issue for owners of older horses is that of poor teeth. Horses’ teeth grow steadily until 15-20 years of age, so it figures the teeth of older horses may not be in tip top order - they can become worn or loose and less effective. Food often passes through the system party undigested in those who are unable to chew their food thoroughly, or whose digestion isn’t as effective as it once was, meaning they will not gain maximum nutrition from the feed. Loose or missing teeth can really affect the horse’s condition, as they are often unable to eat enough forage. Fibre replacers such as Fast Fibre are a huge help in these situations, and can quite literally be life-savers.

Fast Fibre and Veteran Vitality contain pre and/or probiotics, helping to support the digestive system, encouraging it to work as effectively as possible – meaning the horse should be better placed to gain maximum nutrition from its feed.

Quick-soaking feeds like Veteran Vitality help to prevent unnecessary wear on teeth and can be fed extra sloppy for those who do not

Health issues It is vital to look at the wider picture when choosing a feed – are there any health problems needing a specialist diet? Insulin resistance, laminitis and Cushing’s disease all occur more frequently in veterans, so providing a diet low in starch and sugar is advisable. Even feeds which are fibre and oil based may have a combined starch and sugar level above the ideal for Cushingoids or laminitics. Fast Fibre is suitable for those prone to laminitis and although a low-energy feed, the horse can still gain adequate energy and calories, by feeding a larger amount of it, if you are unable to move to a higher calorie feed due to health issues.

Additions Adding chaff is often seen as something simply to promote chewing. While of course this is true, the chaff you choose can have a bearing on the amount of energy fed. Oat straw chaffs tend to have the lowest energy value, while grass and alfalfa based chaffs give more energy. An oil coating raises the energy level further. Choosing unmolassed or oil coated chaffs help keep your horse’s sugar intake low. If a horse has worked hard or has sweated, giving electrolytes is vital to help replace minerals lost during work. Remember, a horse is designed to eat fibre and once their fibre intake is adequate, keeping on top of your veteran’s weight will be much easier, whether they are in work or not.

Endurance January/February 2015 17

Endurance offers benefits for all at RDA

ABOUT RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporating Carriage Driving (RDA) is dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities through the provision of horse riding and carriage driving. Through a network of 500 volunteer groups throughout the UK, RDA provides opportunities for therapy, achievement and enjoyment, improving health, wellbeing and selfconfidence, and benefiting mobility and co-ordination. RDA brings together 500 volunteer groups throughout the UK. More than 28,000 adults and children enjoy the benefits of riding or carriage driving Each year more than 19,000 dedicated volunteers give a total of more than 3.5 million hours of their time RDA is a member of the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) RDA is reliant on voluntary help and voluntary donations to deliver its services. www.rda.org.uk RDA is a charity registered in England and Wales (No: 244108) and Scotland (No: SC039473).

RDA Since its launch at the end of 2012, Endurance has become a hugely popular activity at Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), where 28,000 people with disabilities benefit from the therapeutic effects of riding and carriage driving. With levels to suit all abilities and riding environments, RDA Endurance offers a new and exciting challenge to riders, and a chance for Coaches to get their teeth into something a bit different. 40 RDA Groups have taken up the challenge so far, ranging from those offering short distance rides in the arena, to those who are already hungry for competitive opportunities for their riders. “We have been delighted – but not surprised – by how readily our groups have taken to Endurance,” says Sally Hall, Chairman of the RDA Endurance Committee. “It’s our goal to offer the best possible experience to our riders – whether for therapy, achievement or enjoyment – and it’s only right that we try to deliver as many different equestrian activities as we can.” Distance learning RDA Endurance has been developed to ensure that as many groups as possible feel they can get involved. Two levels have been introduced, with ‘Getting Started’ providing an entry level experience which starts at just 1km, extending to 3km. At this level riders can be accompanied by a leader. ‘Towards Competition’ is more advanced, with distances ranging from 5 to 10km. Assistance and escort riders are permitted, to provide support for those that want it. “First and foremost, Endurance is fun,” says Sally, “but, like many RDA activities, it has an educational element as well.” Coaches are encouraged to use Endurance sessions to pass on greater knowledge of horsemanship to their riders. Elements such as fitness, heart rates, metabolic rates and dehydration can be explored and discussed, even during the shortest of rides. “As well as the elements of horse care, Endurance lends itself to curriculum-based learning – such as counting, measuring distances and understanding speed,” says Marisa BrethertonMackay, Endurance Co-ordinator at RDA UK. “There is even an opportunity to develop valuable life skills such as working as a team, considering others’ needs and taking turns.” Outdoor pursuit The introduction of a new discipline to RDA is proving popular with coaches and volunteers as well as with riders. Even for those Groups who don’t have access to the countryside, Endurance encourages creativity within the session, which can bring new enthusiasm to those involved in a regular weekly session. Helpers erect gates, poles and other ‘obstacles’ in the arena to make the measured ride more interesting and challenging. Of course, since the main focus is on encouraging more riders out of the arena and into the countryside, volunteers and riders alike are enjoying the chance to experience a change of scene. Coaches too are embracing the challenge. While no formal training is delivered, guidance is provided by RDA to ensure that Coaches feel they can deliver sessions safely and with the horse’s welfare as a priority. “There are things that RDA Coaches need to think about that other Endurance specialists may not necessarily consider,” says Sally. “They have to look at rider stability, for example, not just to assess if that individual can manage a distance ride, but if any potential imbalance will be too strenuous for their pony.” On the Horizon Now Endurance is firmly established as a core discipline at RDA, the organising team is looking to the next step: ensuring that participants have enough opportunities both within and outside RDA to take their involvement in the sport to the next level. “Competition is a key part of Endurance,” says Sally “and we are already looking at developing a regional and national event programme for those riders who want to go further.” The charity is currently looking to its own National Championships and exploring how Endurance might be included within the three day event. Additionally, Sally and her team are building links with Endurance GB to see where the opportunities might be to work together more closely. “There is real enthusiasm and energy surrounding Endurance at the moment, and we don’t want to lose that among riders who are already looking to the next stage,” says Sally. “We’d love to engage with EGB Coaches who might be prepared to offer their expertise to RDA to help develop regional opportunities for our riders. I would urge anyone who thinks they could give some time to help developing the sport to get in touch with RDA UK.” For more information on RDA Endurance, please contact Marisa Bretherton-Mackay at RDA UK marisa@rda.org.uk 19

AGM Report

REPORT FROM THE ENDURANCE GB AGM 22ND NOVEMBER 2014 An Overview The AGM had attracted a good turnout of members, probably due to the promised discussion of the proposed Meydan Sponsorship of certain aspects of EGB for the coming years. John Hudson chaired the meeting, and the atmosphere was expectant and open minded, with much discussion of the proposals put forward, as well as a general overview of the state of the organization, and some updates regarding progress through the past year. John Hudson opened the meeting with the first item, elections to the Board. 39.4% of the membership had used their vote to elect the new Board members, which is a great improvement on recent years. The Board members voted on were: John Hudson, Sue Box, Harry Ingram, Jo Claridge, David Hirst, Kerry Dawson and Jane Tennant. In his report, John asked members to remember those stalwart supporters of endurance who we have lost during the past year, including Philip Toothill, Olive Linge, Brenda Campbell and Tracey Walters. He also remembered the horses who have left us. Mention was made of the office move to new accommodation in the British Horse Society Building, and of the retirement of Chris Scott in the office, and of Jill and Don Kent, E-ShopHost, who have run the EGB website for many years. John also put forward the idea of a Plan on a Page, as discussed with the BEF, and spoke abut changes in governance within EGB. More details and information about this will follow in the coming months. Roles on the Board will become more strategic, rather than operational, while the role of the subcommittees will be strengthened. John answered questions from the floor and then moved the meeting on to the Finance report from Peter Claridge. 20

Peter reported that this year Group Treasurers seem to be really up to speed, and much better than in recent years, at getting reports in and keeping him updated; he thanked them for this. There was a large cost involved for moving the office in the past year, but this was a one off, and there would be considerable savings from this move. There would be no change to the membership fees for 2015, although there would be changes to the Associate member fees. Peter also outlined a discount scheme for ride fees for Young Riders and Juniors. Following questions from the floor, the meeting moved on to Rides and Rules report from Jeni Gilbert. Thanking her committee, Jeni reported that there 70 rides held in 2014, with 8000 riders, and only 8 rides were lost, due to varying circumstances. Ride entries were down, but income was up. In 2015 78 rides are planned, and 9 FEI rides are scheduled. 2015 will see the final year of Golden Horseshoe in its current format, and as it is the 50th anniversary, it will also be the National Championships. TS training will be upgraded in 2015, and as always, more helpers are always needed and welcomed! Jo Claridge then delivered the Groups report, starting with a vote of thanks to the Groups. She added that the Pink rides had been extremely successful, raising ÂŁ11,000 so far, with a little more money still to come. The Groups meeting held in October had been very successful, very lively and very informative. What do Groups do? Well, Jo had conducted some research, and of the 18 Groups who completed forms, she found hat 10 held training sessions, 17 held a total of 91

Pleasure Rides, 15 groups organized a total of 58 national rides. Jo Chisholm produces leaflets for new members, but they seem to have been forgotten along the way, and they will be re-instated. The PR report from Fiona Videla updated members on what has been done in the past year. Fiona said that 90% of EGB’s press releases are sent through Facebook and Twitter and she thanked Lynda Croft for all her hard work with FB. Fiona also asked people to come forward to help with the PR committee. She encouraged Groups to set up a Facebook page and keep it updated. Sue Broughton reported on International, acknowledging a difficult year. She welcomed the new Young Rider Chef, and thanked the BEF for their support. Sue stated that there are 182 FEI registered horses and there were 11 160*** overseas placings from British based riders. Nikki Thorne was FEI no 1 ranked rider, and Carri-Ann Dark was at no 44. Discussion then progressed to the Meydan Sponsorship proposal. All details of this have been sent to members in emails, and there have been several updates, as well as a members vote, which accepted the sponsorship deal. There was a long and very open discussion at the AGM, which was of benefit to all. This discussion was followed by the Proposals that had been put forward, and discussion and voting on each took place. Four of the nine proposals were carried; nos. 1, 5, 6, and 9 please see details on the EGB website for further information. The next AGM will be held on Saturday 28th November 2015. Official members publication for Endurance GB


EGB 2014 AWARDS WINNERS Organiser, Tricia Hirst had set up a Masquerade Ball champagne reception, with entertainment from a juggler, as well as ‘human tables” carrying the champagne, which proved a popular diversion! Everyone had made a great effort with masks and costumes; lots of photo opportunities for all. The evening was sponsored by the Pure Feed Company, and the awards were presented by Directors Louise Talintyre and John Calder. Taking the Manar Trophy, the award for the Supreme Champion for the year, was Hannah Maskell,, who lives and trains in Buckinghamshire. At fifteen years old, Hannah now holds the Young Rider Championship for the year as well as having won the Young Rider National Championship at Cirencester earlier in 2014.

Hannah’s horse, Joyce’s Choice, also known as Jimmi, is a 16.1hh Irish Sports Horse.

Hannah started endurance riding seven years ago with the Pony Club. She affiliated with Endurance GB in 2011 as she wanted to increase the distances she could compete in. Pony Club endurance differs very slightly in its distances, rules and grading system with the younger rider in mind, but is an ideal way to get started in endurance. Hannah hopes to repeat her success in 2015 and wants to attempt the iconic Red Dragon ride held at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells. Taking the Veteran Horse Championship was Foxghyll’s Folly, with Kath McGee. Owned by Kath for 16 years, this 22 year old horse, whose breeding is unknown, has been competing in endurance since 2002, having first been a serious Trec competitor. For 2015, Kath hopes to attain her 10,000 km award with Henry.

EGB Senior Champion for 2014 is Ruth Chadwick, and Aragorn, a 10 year old pure bred Arab, who has been competing in endurance for three years. Ruth has been involved in the sport for 12 years, and as yet has no fixed plans for 2015. The Novice Champion Liz Ashmead ,completed her 10 Novice rides with no problems, on her horse Warrens Hill Zhaheen. Zeeny is a six year old pure Arab, owned by Liz for four years. Competitive kms successfully completed: 402km How did you get started in endurance? Liz got started in endurance with her previous horse, a Welsh cob, because she no longer wanted to jump but wanted a competitive challenge.

Liz is going to compete at Open level in 2015 and try some slightly longer distances and just see how they get on. As Zeeny is only 7 Liz is not rush to push him and wants to make sure he’s still enjoying it.

Endurance January/February 2015 21

Photos courtesy of Saunders Photography

The Endurance GB Awards Presentation and Dinner was held at the Daventry Court Hotel in November, and as always was a much anticipated event.


2014 Endurance GB National Awards 400km Distance Award

Diamond Flight

Shaun Walsh


Kim Sinnott

Emira Bint Latifa

Sally Toye

2400km Distance Award


Carol Subocinska


Juliet Martin

Goyallt Shanco

John Illingworth

Rochester Wong

Jennifer Newman

GB Aliaanah Abbery Cornish Messenger Its Me Alfie

Amanda Morriss

Silva Quartz

Emma Martin


Helen Gipson

Heidi Clark


Rachel Rolfe


Tracey walthall

Simeric Solaman

Julia Harman


Linda Herriott

W L A Elektra

Gail Jupp


Richard-Badley Hancock


Sylvia Herriott


Ellie Moxon

Rasikh Killyanchor Magical Jewel El Chenz

Louise Palmer


Trilby Herriott

Red House Shamil

Trilby Herriott

Khalifa BJ

Jackie Lloyd

Simeric Sinnaman

Bridie Lydon-Towle

Magic Powers

Valerie Bradshaw

Aa Talika

Judy Holloway

Keen Pleasure

Janthea Newman

Angies Girl

Angie Williams

Beths Choice

Lynn Harvey

Samsara Kabir

Tony Griffin

HS Parnasse

Gillian Mann


James McIntosh

CS Ibn Fiesta

Debbie Williams

Binley Silver Spark

Rebecca Gant

Desert Thorn

Fiona Faulkner


Yvonne Toms

Bey Dryad

Gillian Hensley

Clover Fire N Ice

Emma Leigh


Ann Harrison

Lindston Kytrina

Emilie Fleming

EAS Boadicea

Janet Kenward

Magic Storm

Nicola Hamilton

Jalaal ibn Krayaan

Karen Corr

William Bonnie Hazelcroft Gosens Tsar Simeric Smooth Criminal Aberllwyd Satra

Carolyn Joesbury

Delfyw Squwiggle

Karen Corr

Becky C

Karen Cadman


Mandy Yarnold

Terminators Dream

Carol Legg


Rebecca Northover

Bright Dawn

Sue Loveridge

Marcus Aurelius

Rowena Bertram


Evelyn Helme

Niaz Al Azhar

Jane Perrett

Distance Oasis

Heather Whiteley

Lady’s Man

Emily Cooke

Ballydoolagh Alfie

Jeni Gilbert

Kazeme El Mystral

Sue Box

Lateral Thinking

Carol Legg

Autumn’s Child

Rowena Bertram

Arranberg Mai

Fiona Valentine

Bey Sahli Meiros Victoria Capella Warrens Hill Farrah Yawl Hill Maverick

Kirsty Wiscombe

Yawl Hill Kyla

Kirsty Wiscombe

Chica Gitano

Alison Knight


Jane Walker

Hell Fire

Carolyn Pacey

Graham Wright

Jo Lethbridge Sandra Ralph

Charlotte Chadwick Thay Stephenson Karen Day

Sue Rich

Oakleaze Farm Cziko Sue Rich


Janet Ivans


Judy Holloway

Bonnie Lass

Barbara Austin

Clinwil Charmaine

Debbie Williams


Annie Joppe

Amber IV

Lynsey Bainbridge

Dorocina Valiant Be

Carol Edmondson


Sue Box

Kates Mate

Carri Ann Dark

Aleys Cognac

Maurice Whiteley

Yawl Hillbilly

Kirsty Wiscombe

Ishtar Spirit

Kirsty Wiscombe

Ibn Al Helal

Anita Gordon

3200km Distance Award Macsen

Susan Scarborough


Hilary Cuming

Diana of Court

Abigail Chisholm


Lesley Nott


Sue Loveridge

Maraday mystaron

Evelyn Helme

More Confusion

Heather Whiteley

Oreci de Tenelles

Jeannette Bennett

Oakleaze farm Czarko Lauren Mills Mister Mylo

Mary Korn

Nicola Davies Helen Newton


Jane James


Diane Hudson

Simply Dennis

Sue Gregg

Carri Ann Dark

Solomons Ikey

Trish Griffin

Richard Lowe


Cheryl Wallace

Meneth Crystal Rose

Carolyn Thomas

Keryel Lotois

Jo Chisholm

Prince Meliodas

Rachael Claridge


Rachael Claridge


Katie Bedwin

Orion’s Firefly

Janet Kenward

Haleys Empress

Abigail Goodrich


Abigail Tennant

Kumara Zayin

Liz Sutton

Joyces Choice

Hannah Maskell


Sally Clay

Foxghyll’s Folly


Pippa Morris


Ruth Chadwick

8800km Distance Award

Zoe’s Flight

Beverley Corrigan

Foxghyll’s Folly

Laura Graham

Darwin Stella II

Nicola Davies

Laity Red Alert

Rosie Marsh


Oakleazefarm Czako

Ley Lader

Martin Voysey Madeline Loten (Alice Loten) Tanya Soutworth

Warrens Hill Kizmet

Sue Rich

Hendrewen Pirate

800km Distance Award Duchy Mimosa

1600km Distance Award

Ground Kontrol

4000km Distance Award Oban Dancer

Julie Dunn


Hannah Lydon

4800km Distance Award Aberllwyd Briar Rose

Alison House

5600km Distance Award Doyenne

Kate Curry

Midnight Star

Rachel Williams


Linda Reeves


Kirsty Wiscombe

8000km Distance Award Kath McGhee

Kath McGhee

Official members publication for Endurance GB


Presented by Anne Brown, President of Arab Horse Society Top ten horses sired by AHS Premium Stallions


PPS LEADING ENDURANCE HORSE Czarus 2014: Oakleaze Farm Czarko Aurontes Aurelian


Silva Quartz

Silva Dollar

Emma Martin


Vlacq Bronze Image

Shah Shadow

Tricia Hirst



Marcus Aurelius


Rowena Bertram




Endurance GB Team Awards to: Seniors for competing at WEG in France: Annie Joppe, Beth Langley, Annette Masterson, Catriona Moon & Anna Williams

Lauren Mills

Young Riders for competing in Verona in Italy: Brett Corcoran & Alice Loten

Judy Holloway


Awarded to the horse / rider combination registered for the competition which gains the most points in Pleasure Rides run by EGB, SERC, BHS and the BHS affiliated Riding Clubs. 1st

Foxhills Double Crown

Kates Mate


Carri-Ann Dark




Carol Jones

3rd None




Chris Wray

Vlacq Melika Kayal

Shah Shadow

Lorraine Flood



Linda Reeves



10th Faleh


Warrens Hill Zaheen

Liz Ashmead


Lady’s Man

Emily Cooke



Ferishal Trophy, It is to be presented to a registered pure bred arab Endurance horse, whose owner is a member of the Arab Horse Society. Elayla

Katie Bedwin

Sheer Versatility AHS EGB Novice Award, is for the highest placed member of either the AHS or EGB, riding an AHS-registered Novice horse aged 6 or older in its first year of endurance. Cf Winter Amadeus

Pat Guerin


Awarded to the best newcomer in Endurance. Part-Bred, Pure Bred and AngloArabs are eligible, but only if they were at Novice Level in 2012. Their best ten results in2012, 2013 and 2014 are totalled to determine the winner. Zorro

Sharon Davison


Awarded to the horse registered at Wetherbys gaining the most points in all types of rides 1st

Lynn Harvey


2nd Duke of Burgandy

Chris Rose


3rd It’s Me Alfie

Graham Wright


Beth’s Choice


Awarded to the most successful horse / pony bred by its current owner who must be an Endurance GB member 1st

Lesley Dunn

Naomi Saunders

2nd None

Ann Harrison


2nd Oakleazefarm Czako

Sue Rich



Pauline Holloway



Déjà vu Ruwais Bolero


Awarded to the registered pure bred British Native Pony gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1st

Jeni Gilbert


2nd Steele Independent

Ballydoolagh Alfie

Anne Anderson


3rd Blaenllain Cardinals Dream

James Dickinson



Awarded to the horse / pony gaining the most points in Graded Rides of 45km or less. Points from longer rides do not count. Novice horses are not eligible. 1st


Elizabeth Whiteley




Kate Curry


3rd Simply Dennis

Sue Gregg




The Welsh Championship Results The Welsh Championship was re-launched in 2014 and was a Competition comprising All Rides held in Wales and based on National points. COED CLASS- HIGH POINT HORSE AND RIDER COMBINATION COUNTING RIDES UP TO 50KM ONLY


Lady’s Man

2nd The Red Viscount

Emily Cooke Lise Cooke


Aberllwydd Holly Blossom

Penny Rawnsley


Lady’s Man

Emily Cooke


Junior Rider: Young Rider: Senior Rider:

Lady’s Man Aberllwydd Holly Blossom Benzuga

Emily Cooke Penny Rawnsley Hilary Cuming



Orion’s Firefly

2nd Lady’s Man

Janet Kenward Emily Cooke

Awarded to the Junior Rider gaining the most points riding more than one horse 1st

Redwings Milky Way & Zaferan


2nd Caitlin Reeves

Madison Pomroy

Irak Ibn Egis & Altin


3rd Alicia Reeves

Georgie Boy & Altin



Awarded to the horse / pony and Junior Rider combination gaining the most points in Graded Rides of 45km or less. 1st

Tiger Lily

Emilia Douglass



Yawl Hill Pollyanna

Saffron Bishop


Tara Barker




Awarded to the Veteran Rider aged 60 or over gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1st

Déjà vu & Shoshana


2nd Judy Holloway

Ann Harrison

Aurontes & Aa Talika


3rd Sharon Davison




Awarded to the horse / pony and Junior Rider combination in their first year of competition, gaining most points in all Graded Rides. 1st

Emilia Douglass


2nd Cownedge Midget Gem

Tiger Lily

Charlotte Dennett


3rd Palmfields Flower Girl

Jessica Head


Endurance January/February 2015 23



Awarded to the horse / pony, 7 years old and over, competing in their first season at Open level, and gaining the most points in Graded Rides of 65km or less.



2nd Nicola Thorne

Kates Mate, HS Drift, Vavavoom, 2500 Deemonstrator & Bey Sahli LR Bold Greyson & ZA Marengo 1660

3rd Abigail Tennant

Eskar & Barik

W L A Elektra

Gail Jupp


2nd Aberllwyd Satra

Karen Day


3rd Simeric Solaman

Julia Harman



Carri-Ann Dark



Awarded to the horse / pony gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides in the current season. Three best scores to count.

Awarded to the pony (14.2hh and under) and Senior Rider combination gaining the most points in all types of rides.


Joyce’s Choice

Hannah Maskell




Oakleaze Farm Czarko

Lauren Mills


3rd Elayla

Katie Bedwin


Foxghyll’s Folly

Kath McGhee


2nd W L A Elektra

Gail Jupp


3rd Emira Bint Letifa

Sally Toye



Awarded to the horse / pony gaining the most points in their three best Graded Rides. Points from all classes at Golden Horseshoe do not count. 1st

Déjà vu

Ann Harrison


2nd Bizout

Hannah Lydon


3rd Moet

Richard-Bradley Hancock



Awarded to the horse / pony ridden by Young Rider(s) gaining the most points in Graded Rides. 1

Simeric Smooth Criminal

Stephanie Brown


2nd Gizmo

Izzy Wilson


3rd Basford Showman

Amber Sole





Awarded to the Young Rider gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides riding more than one horse. 1st

Katie Bedwin


Dace Sainsbury


Elayla & Burfield Red Dragon Lateral Thinking & Terminators Dream Maximillion & Emir

3rd Bethany Stokes

2712 1206 620


Awarded to the horse / pony & rider combination gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides in the current season. 1st

Linda Cowperthwaite


2nd H S Ametista

Maraday Mystaron

Beth Langley


3rd Ruwais Bolero

Victoria Davies



Awarded to the unregistered horse / pony gaining the most points in all types of rides.

Awarded to the horse and Young Rider combination gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides in the Endurance GB Ride Programme. Best three scores to count.



Richard-Bradley Hancock



Joyces Choice

Hannah Maskell



Foxghyll’s Folly

Kath McGhee



Oakleaze Farm Czarko

Lauren Mills


Keighley & Madison Pomroy


3rd Elayla

Katie Bedwin




3rd Redwings Milky Way CAIRO TROPHY

Awarded to the Part Bred Arabian gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1

Sharon Davison


2nd Diana of Court


Abigail Chisholm



Emma Martin




Silva Quartz



Awarded to the team of 4 horses, of which one nominated horse will only count rides of less than 48km, gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1st


Awarded to the Pure Bred Arabian gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1


Ruth Chadwick


2nd Elayla

Katie Bedwin


3rd Oreci De Tenelles

Jeanette Bennett



Millennium Chorus

Annette Masterson


Awarded to the horse / pony gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides in its first CER season. Joyce’s Choice

Hannah Maskell


2nd Aragorn

Ruth Chadwick


3rd Murphy Himself

Bridget Brown



Awarded to the horse and male rider combination gaining the most points in all types of rides. 1st


Richard-Bradley Hancock


2nd Saintwestwell Silvermask

Raymond Davison



Robert Newall



Loti Du Caussanel


Awarded to the Senior Rider gaining the most points in Competitive Endurance Rides in the current season riding more than one horse.


Hannah Lydon

Simeric Sinnaman

Bridie Lydon-Towle

Khalifa BJ

Carolyn Livesey

Zim Nazka

Jackie Lloyd 5644

Ghalib Zafir

Julie Martin

Silva Quartz

Emma Martin

Ballydoolagh Alfri

Jeni Gilbert


Jeni Gilbert

3rd No Name Team





2nd The Other West Riding Team


Awarded to the horse / pony achieving the fastest speed in a 1-day 160km Competitive Endurance Ride in the current season (FEI 3* 160km, Haywood Oaks in April)

Riding Club Rejects


Cardinal Panache

Julia Harman

WLA Elektra

Gail Jupp


Kate Curry


Su Middleton


Presented by Dr & Mrs P Claridge. Awarded to the Endurance GB Member whose horse (foal to 3 year old) receives the highest score in the Endurance Discipline of the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) Futurity Evaluations during the year. 1st

Georgina Hirst


2nd Samba B

Sarah O’Neill



Sam Mowatt



Vlacq Elladora Dream the Way Back


Awarded to the highest placed horse / Young Rider combination, UK based (living and training in the UK) in the FEI World Young Rider rankings. Alice Loten

Warrens Hill Kizmet


Official members publication for Endurance GB



Awarded to the highest placed horse / rider combination, UK based (living and training in the UK) in the FEI World Open Rider rankings. Nicola Thorne

LR Bold Greyson



Awarded by the Board of Directors to the most competent back-up crew or person in the current season Cate & Carl Langley NATIONAL ASSISTANCE AWARD

A perpetual award to the “Unsung Hero”, someone who has given unfailing service to Endurance GB by way of help at rides or assistance in any other way or ways Jane Calvert YOUNG VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR

An award for a Junior or Young Rider aged 21 or under who has given unfailing service to EGB by way of help at rides or assistance in any other way Bella Fricker


Presented by the Worshipful Company of Saddlers. Awarded to the highpoint rider who is under 25 for the whole of the current season. Best 8 rides to count. The winner receives a saddle and the runner up a head collar. Carri Ann Dark Alex Tennant NOVICE CHAMPIONSHIP – MIRA TROPHY (RESERVE MAX SHIELD)

Awarded to the champion novice horse / pony gaining the most points in GERs in their first season entering in rides of no more than 45km. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company. 1st

Warrens Hill Zhaheen

Liz Ashmead



Silver Zaanif

Diana Rundle


3rd Kilbeg Flash

Carole Portlock


4th CF Winter Amadeus

Pat Guerin


5th Blossom

Caroline Le Butt


6th Sheridan

Kay Jones





An award to the “Unsung Hero”, that is someone who has given unfailing service to Endurance GB by way of help at rides or assistance in any other way or ways

Awarded to the champion horse / pony ridden by Junior Rider(s) gaining the most points in Graded Rides. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company. Keighley & Madison Pomroy


2nd Lady’s Man

Emily Cooke


An award to the “Unsung Hero”, that is someone who has given unfailing service to Endurance GB by way of help at rides or assistance in any other way or ways

3rd Georgie Boy

Alicia Reeves


4th Tiger Lily

Emilia Douglass


Helen Gipson

5th Irak Ibn Egis

Caitlin Reeves



Saffron Bishop




A £100 bursary to be presented annually to a Young Rider to have reached 14 years but not to have attained his/her 19th birthday on 1 January in the relevant competition year



Redwings Milky Way

Yawl Hill Polyanna


Izzy Wilson & Ella Bunting

Awarded to the champion horse / pony ridden by Young Rider(s) gaining the most points in all types of rides. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company.



Awarded to the horse registered at Wetherbys and with Retraining of Racehorses gaining the most points in all types of rides. Horses must have raced at least once to be eligible. 1st

Magic Powers

Valerie Bradshaw


2nd Coralkov

Juliet Jacob


3rd Zowington

Elaine Wallbridge



Awarded to the ex-arab racehorse gaining the most points in all types of rides. The horse must have raced at least once to be eligible. 1st

Terminators Dream

Dace Sainsbury


2nd Pigaro

Catherine Woodford


3rd Kumara Zayin

Liz Sutton



Awarded to the horse / pony and rider combination gaining the most points in FEI classes run under the auspices of Endurance GB 1




Shakmari Gold

Lisa Adshead



Chris Wray


Heather Alexander


3rd Senjai


Awarded to the champion veteran horse / pony (18 years and over) gaining the most points in all types of rides. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company. (Winners of Manar & Annual Points Award Shield are ineligible)

2nd 3rd 5

Alice Loten


Stephanie Brown


Warrens Hill Kizmet

6th Simeric Smooth Criminal SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP

Awarded to the champion horse / pony, ridden by senior member(s) gaining the most points in all types of rides. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company. 1st 2

2014 Senior Champion – Aragorn Moet

Ruth Chadwick


Richard-Bradley Hancock


3rd Zorro

Sharon Davison


4th Saintwestwell Silvermask

Raymond Davison


5th Oreci De Tenelles

Jeanette Bennett


6th Déjà vu

Ann Harrison




Awarded to the overall high point horse / pony of the year gaining the most points in all types of rides. Winner receives prizes kindly donated by Pure Feed Company.

2nd Sigmunt

Tracey Walthall


3rd Amber

Lynsey Bainbridge


4th Painted Lady

Susan Russell


5th Ptolemaeus

Carol Jones



Linda Reeves



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Abigail Chisholm


Foxghyll’s Folly


4th Diana of Court

Kath McGhee


Winner of the Nippa Trophy & 2014 Young Rider Hannah Maskell Champion – Joyces Choice Winner of the Pixie Trophy & 2014 Reserve Young Rider Katie Bedwin Champion – Elayla Oakleaze Farm Czarko Lauren Mills

Hannah Maskell


2nd Aragorn

Ruth Chadwick



Katie Bedwin



Joyces Choice


As ever, Endurance GB is extremely grateful to our sponsors, not only for their support throughout the year, but also for their support at the Annual Awards.

Endurance January/February 2015 25


Vlacq Elladora . Photo courtesy of Kevin Sparrow Photography

TOP CLASS YOUNG BRITISH BRED ENDURANCE HORSES AT THE 2014 BEF FUTURITY The 2014 Baileys Horse Feeds/British Breeding/British Equestrian Federation (BEF) Futurity series has seen some outstanding British bred young potential endurance horses. The top scoring potential endurance horse of the 2014 Futurity, across the age groups was the three year old Arab gelding, Sylvan Illusion for Diana Whittome from the Coed-yFoel stud in Prengwyn, Wales. Sylvan Illusion gained an elite premium score of 9.01 at Hartpury College in the endurance section, the only elite premium to be awarded to a potential endurance horse in the 2014 Futurity. An elite premium indicates that the horse has the potential and outlook to perform at international level. Diana, a European Arab Horse judge founded the Coed-y-Foel Stud in 1966 and has been breeding Arab horses ever since. 2014 is the first time she has attended the Futurity. Diana said, “Every one of the horses at Coed-y-Foel stud has bloodlines going back to a very successful mare I bought in 1966, Tarantella. (Except a mare that belongs to my sister that was imported from Australia!) I breed all my horses to be performance horses alongside their showing activities, as a stud we go for performance and beauty”. Diana plans to sell Sylvan Illusion to a competition home where he can hopefully have a successful performance career in endurance. Heading the yearling entry of potential endurance horses in the 2014 Futurity was 26

yearling gelding, AB Hugh Grant for owner Zoe Atkinson from Clehonger, Hereford. AB Hugh Grant attained a higher first premium of 8.89. A higher first premium indicates that the horse has the potential and outlook to perform at national level. AB Hugh Grant was bred by Elizabeth Horstmas, he was bred from ROE Mahbooba and his sire is AH Saluq. Zoe said, “I went to see AB Hugh Grant and liked his fabulous movement, so I bought him. Once he is older and I have broken him in, I hope to go out competing in endurance on him”. Best endurance foal of 2014 was Georgina Hirst’s filly, Vlacq Elladora. Bred by Mrs S Pyke of the Vlacq stud in North Wales, Vlacq Elladora gained a higher first premium of 8.82 at the Southview Futurity. This filly foal is by Vlacq Khazad and out of a Shah Shadow mare, Vlacq Simbelmyne. Vlacq Elladora has an impressive family history. Georgina continued, “To me Elladora’s breeding is the best around. Her dam, Vlacq Simbelmyne is the full sister to both Vlacq Diamond Sparkle and Vlacq Bronze Image, both competed to a high level by my mother Tricia Hirst. Elladora’s sire, Vlacq Khazad also sired my mother’s international horse, Vlacq Khamul who competed at the Aachen WEG and European Championships”. Topping the endurance two year olds at the 2014 Futurity was the gelding, Samba B. He was bred by Anne Brown and is now owned by Sarah O’Neil from Newcastle. Samba B attained a higher first premium of 8.75. The evaluation team at Richmond were particularly impressed with Samba’s balanced and active hind quarters and excellent ground coverage.

Samba was also awarded Higher First Premium in 2013 when he was the highest placed Endurance yearling. Sarah said, “I hope that Samba B will fulfil his potential and fly the flag for British-bred endurance horses. His optimistic, energetic personality should make him a fine endurance horse”. Sarah said, “I am looking forward to riding Samba in the future and I hope that Samba’s bold happy character and tremendous energy will take him far in endurance competitions”. Also scoring higher first premiums at the 2014 BEF Futurity were yearling, Dream the Way Back and foal, LA Rulette. Samantha Mowatt from Bridport bred yearling filly, Dream The Way Back who attained a higher first premium of 8.70 in the endurance section at Bicton Futurity. Samantha said, “I am delighted with Dream The Way Back, she was a bit short of preparation for the day but she behaved brilliantly”. Dream The Way Back’s dam, Flying Dream is owned by Carol Legg who herself trains Arab racehorses. Samantha said, “I put Flying Dream to my own stallion, On The Way Back and Dream The Way Back is the first foal for either of her parents”. Val Lancashire from Newton, Derbyshire attained a higher first premium score of 8.58 with filly foal, LA Rulette. Val has spent many years breeding endurance horses from Littlemoor Farm in Newton. She is a very experienced endurance rider and bred LA Rulette from her mare, Phyllidia. Val said, “Phyllidia has some very good Polish, Official members publication for Endurance GB


Ruben. photo courtesy of Kevin Sparrow Photography


American bloodlines. She is the half-sister to my advanced endurance horse, TA Gdaannsk who in 2004 was the Arab winner of the Arab Marathon”. LA Rulette’s sire, Ruadi was bought several years ago by Val for top competition, sadly however, he injured himself so Val decided to stand him as a stallion. Ruadi now leads the all-time Futurity stallion rankings for endurance. Rulette has several full brothers and sisters, including LA Ruben who won the BEF Futurity yearling endurance award in 2013. Head of Equine Development at the BEF, Jan Rogers said, “The Futurity is now in its ninth year and over this time we have seen it develop to provide real support to British breeders to help achieve their aims. Through their carefully planned breeding decisions, year on year we are seeing an improvement in the horses presented at the Futurity for evaluation”. With entries limited to 60 at each evaluation venue, places are keenly sought after. Entries are categorised by discipline with age groups for foals, yearlings, two and three year olds and each horse is evaluated in hand and loose in a safe indoor environment as well as undergoing a vet’s assessment. The BEF Futurity Evaluations are held at 11 venues over 14 days throughout the UK and young horses go home with a BEF Premium (grade), a stylish rosette and a detailed, informative score sheet. An attractive certificate to keep and frame follows on after the event. All results are published on the fully searchable British Breeding website. www.britishbreeding.org. Endurance January/February 2015

I am not a breeder or show person, I like endurance riding! So what, you may ask, was I doing at the Writtle Futurity Assessment? Well having a bit of a giggle…rather like the fringe comedy at Edinburgh! Just to explain I bought my first ever youngster earlier this year. He had won endurance Futurity as a yearling, and had caught my eye on Arabian Lines. I visited his breeder/owner (Val Lancashire of Littlemoor Arabians “up north”) and fell in love with Ruben. So little horse came home to the sunny south and grew rapidly to big horse (eek!). It seemed a good idea to have a go at Futurity as a 2 year old, as I really don’t like the idea of local shows. So off we went to Essex armed with secret weapon friend Tasha who is munchkin sized but much better than me at handling horses, trusty assistant Sam and chief camera-woman Lorna. SO WHAT’S IT LIKE? Venue: quite daunting, lots of serious looking breeders and professional handlers (some not so good at keeping hold of stallions!). Someone even had the hallowed Richard Maxwell presenting their horse, so I think it’s fair to say we weren’t taking this as seriously as some entrants! Organisers/ stewards: really friendly and helpful VET/ASSESSORS: pretty serious and a bit scary, they probably would have done a better job of chasing Ruben around on the loose bit, rather than us with lunge whips! Vet (who looks at him first) was very encouraging. She could probably spot a mile off that the humans were bumbling along, horse totally knew his job (what’s new?) ME AND TEAM: not bad though I say it myself: we even looked pretty smart, shock horror for endurance crowd! I do confess I had done a fair bit of practice with Ruben, some sessions more successful than others I think it’s fair to say. Tasha did not get run over, to my relief, and did a fab job. We probably smiled too much, it’s a serious business this Futurity thing. My livery yard girls: really helpful, bathed Ruben for me and plaited his mane: I am not very good at such stuff and have an injured hand (that’s my excuse). Last but defo not least, Ruben: well the first professional photo was of him chewing on Tasha’s whip looking coy! The last photo was as you see: at least he waited until the end! In between he behaved brilliantly and looked very beautiful (I am just a tad biased). He did pretty well and overcame the severe obstacle of total novice humans. I figure he may as well get used to the incompetent owner, it doesn’t get any better. His final achievement was in helping my jumping/ eventing instructress; her 2 year old thoroughbred would not come down her lorry ramp for love nor money. However, Ruben stayed at her yard for a month before coming home as there was no spare stable on my livery yard. So I took Ruben off to say hello to the offender, and ping, off the top of the ramp the TB jumped! Ruben just gave him that “you’re an idiot” look…this is why I love sensible endurance horses! Seriously it was a very interesting experience and worth looking at some of the lovely pictures on Kevin Sparrow’s website of a very wide variety of young performance horses. 27

Golden Horseshoe

The Golden Horseshoe Ride 2015

The 50th anniversary of this, the first modern organised endurance ride in Britain takes place on 17th, 18th & 19th May 2015. Not only are we hosting the EGB National and Young Rider Championships, but we are also planning a programme to celebrate the origins of this iconic event. At the moment we are getting our heads around the packed timetable for Sunday 17th, to include, along with the usual Sunday classes, an Opening Ceremony with a parade of all competing horses and riders, some of the competitors from the very first Horseshoe in 1965, celebrity teams, and a special visit from Bryony Lawson (daughter of the late Ronald Duncan) and Nick Ansell (son of the late Col. Sir Michael Ansell). Ronald Duncan & Col. Sir Michael Ansell were the organisers of the original Golden Horseshoe Ride in 1965. Bryony Lawson will open the proceedings by reading her father’s poem ‘The Horse’ The route has been planned and already we have landowners offering to open up private land for us to use. There will be a training ride in March from Wheddon Cross for anyone who would like to ‘try out’ the terrain before May. Watch out for details on the EGB forum under ‘Training Rides’. Further details will be available on our website: www.goldenhorseshoe-ride.co.uk in January, so please check to see what else is on offer at what may quite possibly be the last Golden Horseshoe Ride to be organised on Exmoor.


Angelina Ginny A Golden Horseshoe Record Breaker By Sally Mellor

This is the story of an extraordinary 12.2hh pony who has risen through the Endurance ranks to become a 100 mile record breaker at the prestigious Golden Horseshoe Ride. In 2013 Ginny was one of only two finishers in the top 160km Class at the Golden Horseshoe. She made history by becoming the smallest pony ever to complete the Class. As a result she was listed in the New Year edition of Horse and Hound as an “Unexpected Star” of 2013, alongside the winner of the Grand National! Her rider, Katy, is too modest for me to write about her success, so this story is all about Ginny. Ginny has been tamed, backed, trained and ridden by Katy and no-one else. Their partnership began in 2007 when Ginny was 4 and Katy was 8. In 2013 they were aged 10 and 14 respectively. Ginny is a feisty little mare with a mind of her own. It’s her amazing stamina and surefootedness, combined with her ability to look after herself that have contributed to her success. She has a seriously competitive nature and will never give

Official members publication for Endurance GB

Golden Horseshoe Photos courtesy of Saunders Photography and Ian Wigley

Angelina Ginny

up, even in the most extreme weather conditions, or over the most treacherous terrain. We are lucky to live at the foot of the Long Mynd in Shropshire, so all our endurance training involves hill work. We have short steep climbs, long steady ascents and wonderful cantering tracks across the top of the moor. Ginny has learnt to balance herself and her rider, whilst trotting and cantering both up and down hills. She is nimble and quick and often it’s her downhill pace that boosts her overall speed at competitive Rides. Ginny has an outstanding Log Book Record. She has completed 45 Graded Endurance Rides, covering over 2300 competitive kilometres and has NEVER failed a Ride! This is a remarkable achievement. Her average speed for all her Advanced level Rides is 12.5km/hr, so she will never be a race ride contender, but she is up for the challenge of hilly, technical rides requiring strength and stamina. She is in her element on Exmoor and has competed at the Golden Horseshoe for the last 4 years. In 2010 she won Silver in the Exmoor Experience Class (50 miles). In 2011 she went one better and finished the same Class at Gold speed. In 2012 she completed the Stag Class (75 miles) and won a Silver award. In 2013 she covered an impressive 100 miles at Bronze speed in the flagship Golden Horseshoe Class. A penalty point at the final vetting dropped her result down to a Completion. But to complete the top class in the worst

weather ever recorded, and to be one of only two horses to finish successfully, was a real triumph over adversity. Ginny has risen to the challenge of Exmoor and conquered it on 4 separate occasions. What a star! It’s hard to believe that the scruffy, wild pony that we bought for £300 in 2007, has competed alongside performance bred horses destined for the British Team and the World Equestrian Games! There is no magic formula to Ginny’s success. She lives out in a herd environment all year round. This keeps her happy and healthy. She goes through the winter months with no shoes, no rug and only hay to supplement the diminishing grass. In the spring she’s worked barefoot and only shod prior to the first Competitive Ride of the year. Her shoes last a good 10 weeks, so she only needs 4 sets to complete the endurance season. In six years she has only ever lost one shoe, thanks to our fantastic farrier Jim. Ginny is a “good doer”, so for most of the year she is on restricted grazing and we are monitoring her weight. She has no supplementary feed for Rides below 50km, but for the bigger distance Rides we feed her for one week before the competition. She enjoys sloppy sugar beet with a little endurance mix and salt sprinkled on top. This is all she needs to keep going for mile after mile. One bag of sugar beet shreds and 2 bags of endurance mix last the whole season, so she is very cheap to keep. This low maintenance system works well

for Ginny and she is always fit and heathy. The only time she has given us cause for concern, was when a heart murmur was detected at a final vetting. We have since had this checked out and it is a very low grade murmur which has not affected her performance in any way. Her 100% Pass rate at all 45 Final Ride vettings is proof of this. She is an extraordinary little pony with the heart of a lion. We are very proud of her. In May 2014, Katy had GCSE exams to concentrate on, so she and Ginny missed the Golden Horseshoe Ride. It has been the highlight of their endurance calendar for the past 4 years, so it was very strange not to be competing in 2014. To show our family support for this wonderful Ride, Angelina Ginny featured in a sponsored Check Point along the Golden Horseshoe route. Her record of being the smallest ever pony, with the youngest ever rider, to complete the 100 mile Class, is there to be broken. Perhaps it will inspire other Young Riders to enjoy the challenge of Exmoor. Ginny’s next challenge is to produce her first foal. We hope to breed from her in 2015, so whilst Katy is busy swotting, Ginny will be internet dating! She is looking for a handsome Arab stallion with a quiet, gentle temperament and a proven track record in Endurance. Breeding from Ginny will be a very exciting prospect and we hope she produces a youngster with the same amazing talent for endurance. Maybe our record breaking pony will produce a record breaking horse! Whatever happens she will always be our Unexpected Star.

Endurance January/February 2015 29

Young Riders

YOUNG RIDERS AGM The YR AGM was great this year, we had lots of people attend so thank you all for coming, I hope you got a lot out of it! As I have remained chair for another year it was great to have a discussion on what was good from this year and what we want to carry on or improve upon next year. Lots of new ideas were suggested so I have written up a very long list from the meeting ready to work on your suggestions. This year we also have 2 reps for each area. It was great to have so many volunteers and each rep lives in a different part of the area so we are very spread out. Please do make the most of us and contact us if you have any ideas or questions! We really want to get more YRs involved again this year so bring your friends along to rides and get them involved to! Look forward to seeing you all out and about! Beth So another AGM has passed and it is time to introduce your new YR committee! Chair Beth Stokes North Reps James McIntosh & Charlotte Chadwick Midlands Reps Brett Corcoran & Bella Fricker South Reps James Dickinson & Katie Bedwin Wales Reps Andrew & Caitlin Theodorou

Photo supplied by Beth Stokes

James McIntosh. Photo courtesy of Peter Parker

YR Chair

North Rep

Name: Beth Stokes Age: 18 Group: Leicestershire and Rutland Email: bethanystokes96@gmail.com Facebook: @BethStokesEndurance

Name: James McIntosh Age: 17 Group: Lindum Email: jimmymac970@icloud.com

I am remaining as your young rider chair for another year! I have been competing in endurance since 2008. I am a member of the Leicestershire and Rutland group and I have 2 horses. I am also on the young rider squad with aspirations to represent Team GB at a championship! Max is 17, an Egyptian Arab and an ex racer. In the season that has just gone we completed a 100km 1* at Wordwell which was an amazing experience. Emir is 8, he is also an Egyptian Arab and this year he completed and won his first 1*. This year I was 3rd YR riding more than 1 horse in competitive rides and next season I hope to continue with Emir’s FEI qualifications and do some PF rides with Max. Outside of the sport I am at De Montfort University, living at home and studying Law. I’m really enjoying it and chose to stay at home so I could continue training and competing the horses. My Mum and Dad are my crew along with Sunny the dog so it is a family affair! I am looking forward to being young rider chair again as I am passionate about involving more young riders in the sport as well as increasing membership.

I have only been a part of EGB for five years and only been a rider in our sport for three years. However riding in endurance really started for me when I got my horse Samé. I am a rider that competes at a low level of endurance only competing at a longest distance of 64km. To date my greatest achievement is coming second in the KBIS Pleasure Ride trophy on Samé completing over 850km during a pleasure ride season. I want to be a YR Representative because I want to help promote and get people involved in our sport to help enjoy it as much as everyone else already does. I am a helper at a lot of major Lindum rides and have also helped crew for different riders both young and older throughout the five seasons I have been in the sport.

Ann Dark remains as YR liaison with the support of Harry Ingram. 30

Official members publication for Endurance GB

Young riders

Charlie Chadwick. Photo courtesy of Naomi Cottle-Askew

Brett Cocoran. Photo courtesy of West End Photography

Photo courtesy of Naomi Cottle-Askew

North Rep

Midlands Rep

Midlands Rep

Name: Charlotte (Charlie) Chadwick Age: 14 Group: Derbyshire Email: charlie01231@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: @CharlotteChadwickEndurance

Name: Brett Corcoran Age: 17 Group: Heart of England Email: 1brettcorcoran@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/brettcorcoran97

Name: Bella Fricker Age: 18 Group: Cromwell Email: bella.fricker@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: @BellaFrickerEnduranceRider

I am in year 10 at school, I have been competing since I was 7 years old and have successfully completed 3,942.0km in my life time on several horses. My greatest achievement is winning national junior champion in 2013 on my pure bred Arab, Mostafanother R (Billy). One of my other best achievements is winning the 80km FEI* this summer at Cirencester on my Anglo-Arab, Hazelcroft Gosens Tsar (Taz). In 2013 me, my mum and my dad won the team spirit with 4 of our own home-trained horses. My mum and I rode two horses each and we were crewed by my dad. It was a truly amazing day that just showed how hard work can pay off. Next season I am hoping to get 2 if not 3 horses qualified to compete for my country in 2016. My dad is my main crew if me and my mum are riding together but if my mum isn’t riding then she also crews me! I love endurance being as it’s a family sport and everyone is so friendly! I am a very happy, bubbly person and would be more than happy to answer any questions or help someone out if I can! All the young riders are all friends and always happy to help people so please come along and meet us if you haven’t already!

I am currently studying Sports and Exercise science at Stafford College. I have been riding since I could walk and have been doing endurance since the age of six years old. I am part of Heart of England group and the young rider representative for the group. My greatest achievement is being the youngest rider ever to win The Red Dragon 160km in 2013 and also being ranked up to 2nd in the world in 2011. I am lucky enough to have 4 horses that I am able to compete hopefully in the 2015 season. They are Bashir Shamyr, 12 years old who is one of my main horses that I compete at FEI level. He has been selected for Team GB young rider team in 2012 and 2013 but sadly as I did not feel he was 100% I withdrew him before the competitions. In 2014 he was selected again and went to Verona (Italy) but picked a virus up during transportation so I withdrew again at vet gate 3. He has successfully completed 3 120km 2* competitions and 2 1*s. My other horses are Sirius OS, Shafeeq OS and Aristotle Bay.

I compete internationally but I also really enjoy graded rides and even pleasure rides! I am on the Cromwell group committee and also the national PR committee. I am a full time student at the University of Sheffield and know the difficulties of competing and training whilst balancing school work and also part-time jobs. I’m going to work hard again this year to try to increase young membership. I am also organising the Hanslope Ride, 1st & 2nd August 2015, www.hansloperide.webs. com. I would like to invite all young riders to attend. There will also be a party on the Saturday night so it will be great opportunity to meet lots of other young riders too. If you have any questions or would like any help with anything please just let me know, and do come over and say hello if you see me at a ride!

I want to get more young people involved with the sport and am willing to answer any questions anyone has.

Please like and share the ‘Endurance GB Young Riders’ Facebook page if you haven’t already, lots of updates and photos are posted on there. If you have any photos or stories please message either the page or email your chair Beth with them!

Endurance January/February 2015 31


Marking the route in to the venue

Manning a checkpoint


Marking the route and the local roads.


This society cannot function without its volunteers. Have you volunteered in 2014? If not, why not? This article is not intended to guilt trip you into doing so, but I would like to stress some of the personal benefits of volunteering. Do you want to improve your endurance knowledge? There is no better way to learn about Endurance GB than from the ground. You will meet more people, you will learn more about the rules and regulations, you will get to speak to vets, and farriers, and technical stewards. As a route marker, your map reading skills will improve no end. As a vet writer, you will get to see many trot ups, your eye for soundness will improve, and you will work out how you can improve your own technique. As a gate opener or a road crossing steward, you will get to watch other people ride and see how their horses move on the trail: always an eyeopener. As a ride secretary, you will become very familiar with the paperwork for the various classes meaning that when you next fill in a form you’re more likely to do it right. As a technical steward, you’ll become so familiar with the rule book you’ll be dreaming about it at night. Are you looking to improve your career prospects? Running a ride can provide you with a vast array of transferrable skills. Managing a team, communication and negotiation skills, working to deadlines, project management, event management, sponsorship management, using IT, marketing skills, troubleshooting, health and safety reviews, dealing with the unexpected, innovating and implementing process improvements, complying with legislation, briefing and de-briefing, financial management, tasking others... If you are looking to move from an administrative role into a management

position at work, or if you are a young graduate looking to improve your employment prospects, there are all sorts of examples that you can use from running a ride. ‘But I’m too busy at weekends’... OK so this may be a little bit of a guilt trip. Actually running the ride on ride day is only one part of the work that Endurance GB does. Could you spare a few hours every other month to put together a group newsletter? Could you help with marking or de-marking the day before/after a ride? Could you take the thank you cards/presents round to local landowners? Could you do your local group’s accounts? Could you be the Health and Safety Liaison Officer for your group? Could you write and send articles to local magazines? Could you investigate possible new routes? Can you store the group’s equipment in your garage, or park the group’s caravan at your yard? Could you assist on one of the main society sub committees (such as IT, PR, etc)? Could you design and run a group website? Some employers even allow staff to have time off for volunteering activities, so make use of it. ‘No-one thanks you for it’... No-one said it would be easy. If the society is well run, then things do just seem to ‘happen’ and, just like a swan gliding across the water, other members won’t necessarily notice the frantic paddling that is going on beneath the surface. But trust me, nothing beats the buzz of all the happy riders and horses returning from their ride and thinking ‘I helped make this happen’. Go on. Make 2015 the year that you volunteer. Contact your local group and offer your services. Official members publication for Endurance GB


Cotswold Endurance Group have had a very successful end to the season We fielded 2 teams at the Red Dragon festival for the Equimatter Red Dragon teams. Our team of Chris Wensley, Ella Bunting, Clare Barry and Helen Barrett came second. Janet Kenward won The Dragons Flame with Ella coming second and Chris won The Dragons Days trophy. On Friday the 5th December we held our ABM and trophy presentation at The Rose and Crown, Ashbury. After a short meeting we sat down in an intimate atmosphere to good fare. Then it was down to business with the presentation of the trophies. This was the first year that we presented the Dorralt Queen trophy in memory of our dear friend Tracy Walters named after her horse

with whom she hoped to compete in FEI competitions this season before being cruelly taken from us in a road accident. Laura Graham was the lucky recipient riding her feisty horse Warrens Hill Farrah. Janet Kenward riding her consistent, but known for her attitude, mare Orion’s Firefly was Highpoint Champion adding to her success having collected the Myndd Trophy and her 1,600km Distance Award at the National Awards. Ella Bunting won the Young Rider Achievement Award riding Eas Boedicea. Having received the Young rider Bursary at the National Awards I am sure we will see them building upon this success. This combination were runners up in the

Ella Buntingbeing presented with the Young Rider Trophy by Margo Barry. Photo supplied by Cotswold Group

Highpoint and won the lovely Cotswold Spirit Trophy presented by Jill Kent in memory of her wonderful horse Bitterwell Spirit who she sadly lost late in 2013. The Open winners were Elizabeth Fry and Mahbrooka Bint Shuwaimeh and The Novice Trophy was won by Laura Graham on her mother’s Surplus To Requirements a middleweight cob, proving you can have fun and success on a gypsy cob x of very dubious breeding. The peculiar name is down to the previous owners advert – she certainly is not surplus now. Margo Barry and the ever young 27 year old Rhianne won the Veteran and Pleasure & Social Trophies. Finally, our chair Margo kindly sponsors the clear card rosettes. The criteria is a minimum of 6 rides competed with no fails. This year the deserving winner was Chris Wensley with her Zarzuela having completed nine rides [including a 100km CER at Barbury and three days at Red Dragon] beating the second place horse easily which only had the 6 rides. On the Sunday following the BAM, Cotswold ran their Pink Ride from Chiseldon and are proud to announce that we raised £550 with 37 riders enjoying seasonably good weather. Only half were members and everyone had a great time – hopefully some of these non-members will consider joining EGB next year. Lastly, a quick reminder that our wonderful Cleeve hill ride is to run on Saturday 21st of March under the auspices of Michael Bates who received the Helpers Award for his Trojan work this year reviving this ride.

South East Group News – Lindsay Sparrow December saw South East group members descend on St. Georges School in Weybridge for our Annual Branch Meeting, a lovely dinner, followed by the presentation of our annual awards. These are presented to those members who have competed over the season, plus helped out at 2 rides during the season, including at a National Ride. Thank you to all those members who gave up their time to give something back to the sport and enable us to put on so many rides during the season for the South East. A special mention to Sue Armitage, who helped out 17 times during the season – you would find her at every ride. More especially, she doesn’t compete herself and gives up her time selflessly for others to enjoy the sport of endurance. Thank you Sue! Well done and congratulations to all the winners and everyone who was placed in a trophy. The winners are listed here. For the full results, please go to our web page, www.endurancegb.co.uk/southeast. Endurance January/February 2015 33


Left to right: Carol Portock, Gail Jupp, Ollie Holman and Julia Harman. A selection of the trophy winners at the SE Awards. Photos courtesy of LRG Photography

ENDURANCE GB SOUTH EAST GROUP ANNUAL AWARDS 2014 HIGHPOINT CHAMPIONSHIP kindly sponsored by Cliffe Equine HIGHPOINT CHAMPION HORSE: Elayla GALA GIRL RESERVE CHAMPION HORSE: WLA Elektra 3rd: Emira Bint Letifa 4th: Red House Shamil 5th: Sadhira 6th: Simeric Solaman

Gemma Award for Rides 50k & under kindly presented by Georgie Calcutt & sponsored by Mandy Yarnold 1st: Doyenne Hero Veteran Horse Trophy kindly presented by Christie Passant 1st: Cardinal Panache Pickle Pony Trophy kindly presented by Clare Sadler 1st: WLA Elektra

Highest Kilometre Trophy kindly sponsored by HCD Research: Emira Bint Letifa

Gretton Lady Trophy for South East Rides kindly presented & sponsored by Susan Hawes 1st: Warda Bint Shuwaiman

Ron’s Solo Trophy for CER kindly presented & sponsored by Cindy Russell 1st: Elayla & George Harris CER Crew Award

Sydney Trophy for Highest Kms in Rides 42k & under kindly presented & sponsored by Ann Gresham 1st: Doyenne

CTR Trophy for GER kindly sponsored by Kate Curry 1st: WLA Elektra

Dream Award for 160k at One Ride: Elayla at Yetholm August 2014

Bright Sovereign Trophy for PR kindly presented by Maggie Parker & sponsored by Christine Smyth 1st: Millie

Antoon Awards for Upgrading to Advanced in 2014: Warda Bint Shuwaiman, Al Raad Bin Jesra & Emira Bint Letifa.

Sailing Tartan 1st Season Horse kindly presented & sponsored by Maggie Pattinson 1st: Kilbeg Flash 34

Antoon Awards for Upgrading to Open in 2014: Zahkira, Remynisce, HS Bellini, WLA Elektra, HT Orient, Kal Baishakhi & Farekray.

Pure Bred Arab Trophy kindly presented by SERAHS & sponsored by Louise Palmer 1st: Elayla

Lingfield Equine Vets Junior Trophy kindly presented by Lingfield Equine Vets 1st: Ollie Holman

Part Bred Arab Trophy kindly presented by SERAHS & sponsored by Louise Palmer 1st: Burfield Red Dragon

Leo Male Rider Trophy kindly presented by Paul Saville 1st: David Hawes

Anglo Arab Trophy kindly presented by SERAHS & sponsored by Louise Palmer 1st: Kal Baishakhi Andrew Reilly Native Pony Trophy kindly presented by Andrew Reilly Saddlers 1st: Penhwnllys Samala de Mons Other Registered Breeds Trophy kindly sponsored by Sylvia Herriott 1st: Kilbeg Flash Harmony Unregistered Trophy kindly presented by Mary Darley 1st: Shiduke Anvil Clinic Adult Rider Trophy kindly presented by Anvil Veterinary Clinic 1st: Gail Jupp Mighty Mouse Young Rider Trophy kindly sponsored by Cliffe Equine 1st: Katie Bedwin

Brecon Veteran Rider Trophy kindly presented by Carol McLean 1st: Gail Jupp Bright Spark Novice Rider Trophy kindly sponsored by Mandy Yarnold 1st: Carole Portlock Amadeus South Downs Rider Trophy kindly presented by Gilly Payton & sponsored by Cliffe Equine 1st: Christine Smyth Cobwebb Veteran Horse & Rider Trophy kindly presented by Claudia Christopher 1st: Doyenne & Kate Curry To Finish Is To Win Award kindly presented & sponsored by Sally Toye: Sylvia Herriott Ben Brenin Helpers Award: Sue Armitage Margaret Montgomerie Unsung Hero: Shelley Bates

Official members publication for Endurance GB


Some thoughts about Welfare and Well-Being …

NEW Trophies for 2015

Last season seems a long time ago, and I for one am getting withdrawal symptoms! I am sure, however, that we all have something in common –that we are planning, dreaming, training – for next season!

THE PLEASURE PAIRS TROPHY Awarded to a pair of horse/rider combinations registered for the competition that gains the most points in national Pleasure Rides run by Endurance GB or SERC. A maximum of 6 rides to count and for a ride to be eligible the PR distance must be less than 36km, and both riders must complete successfully with speeds between 8 – 12kph. Please register online.

Part of my preparation for next season has been a review of EGB’s procedures relating to safeguarding those who are under 18. There will be some changes next year, regarding registration and ride entries, for all our riders under 18 years old. The new requirements now involve parents fully in membership and entry processes. All will be clear on the website, and also explained to ride organisers at the volunteers meetings. It was good to be at the AGM and to see the calm, sensible debate that took place about the sponsorship question, and the way everyone rose above discord. Respect and thought for others must always be at the fore, with horses and people alike. We do at times meet exceptions to this riders who argue with vets when their horses fail the vetting; the aggression of some people towards ride organisers or technical stewards; and others not showing respect to stewards. None of this is acceptable, but thankfully it is not the norm. We must all remember to always treat others with the respect they deserve, including the athletes at the top of our sport. The commitment and effort to ride at this level is enormous and should be applauded. Sadly our Board members and other officials can also come under pressure

at rides. They might be organising a ride, being a TS, or hopefully, riding. My plea is, let them concentrate on the task in hand. Remember, when you are riding, organising or stewarding, the phrase ‘horse brain’ would be applicable! To give an informed, relevant reply is very difficult under these circumstances if asked a tricky question! Arrange in advance to meet if it is convenient for them, if not, leave it until another time. Many queries need thought, need to be recorded, and need to be reflected on. Do please bear in mind that our officials give up a great deal of time, and energy for EGB. With regard to safeguarding, it is everyone’s responsibility to report any unsafe or unacceptable behaviour, including bullying, towards our young riders under 18, and to any vulnerable adults. Do not challenge or investigate, but report any concerns to the ride/event Health, Safety and Welfare Officer, who can seek advice from our Group Welfare Officers, or from me. The BEF’s safeguarding procedures are there to help us all. They can be found at: www.bef.co.uk/BEF-SafeguardingSafeguarding/ If you have concerns, do contact your Group Welfare Office. Your Group Liaison contact can help you with this. Failing that, with any urgent concerns, do contact me. Heather Weston, EGB Lead Welfare Officer e: weston772@btinternet.com m: 07917 206166 t: 01787 227329

THE TEAM OF THREE (name to be confirmed!) Open to teams of 3 horse/ rider combinations, teams must be registered by the 1st May. One horse to be limited to distances under 45k, the other two horses to be limited to distances under 66k (single day) or 85k (multiday). Best 5 results to count. Platinum DE Award presented by Dark Endurance Awarded to the senior rider, gaining the most points in UK FEI rides on more than one horse, (horses with same rider combination), UK based i.e. living, and training in the UK. Rides to be of 120km or over. Premier DE Award presented by Dark Endurance Awarded to the young rider, gaining the most points in UK FEI rides on more than one horse, (horses with same rider combination), UK based i.e. living, and training in the UK. Rides to be of 120km or over.

ENDURANCE GB ANNOUNCES NEW BOARD Endurance GB (EGB), the governing body for the sport of endurance riding in Great Britain, has announced its new and returning members of the EGB Board for 2014/15, including the re-election of John Hudson as EGB chairman.

At 22, Harry Ingram is the youngest member of the Board and a vehement supporter of young riders. He served as Chair of the Young Rider committee in 2013 and having been involved in endurance for the past decade is keen to give something back to the sport he loves.

The new Board was announced at the EGB AGM on Saturday 22nd November, with the highest number of EGB members on record participating in the vote for the elected team. The EGB Board for 2014/15 comprises 15 members, including Sue Box, Kerry Dawson, David Hirst, Harry Ingram and Jane Tennant being welcomed to the Board. John Hudson and Jo Claridge have both been re-elected.

Former rider Jane Tennant, mother of international rider Alex Tennant, is a life member of EGB and wants to help drive the expansion of the EGB membership. Re-elected member Jo Claridge has been part of the development of EGB from the outset and returns to the Board as Groups Chairman with a clear vision to further contribute to the growth and success of EGB.

As an accomplished rider, Sue Box has been involved in endurance for 16 years and is keen to encourage new EGB membership at all levels and riding ability. Kerry Dawson, from West Yorkshire, has a wide experience of endurance and wants to help improve the sport for everyone from grass roots to international level. Businessman David Hirst has worked as a TS, FEI Steward and helper in endurance over the past 16 years, and crewed to international level.

Returning chairman John Hudson has been involved in endurance since 1988 and brings with him a wealth of experience in the sport. John recognises the potential for the growth of endurance and will continue to use his expertise to lead EGB and the sport for its members and for Great Britain.

Endurance January/February 2015 35

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... BRENTOR (24/08/2014) 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Aa Talika (Judy Holloway), 10.8kph Grade 3: Mirjana (Gill Plumbley), 11.1kph Completion: Duchy Mimosa (Martin Voysey), 10.1kph 50kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Meneth Crystal Rose (Carolyn Thomas), 11.9kph; Pigaro (Catherine Woodford), 11.8kph; Seadeke Mystif (Valerie Hansen), 11.8kph; Southdown Desert Sharif (Sally Hall), 13.1kph Completion: Evermore Artistic (Carina Kane), 13.4kph 1 elimination 50kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Beewitched (Peta-Jane Field), 11.6kph Grade 2: Killyanchor Magical Jewel (Jessie Lethbridge), 11.7kph 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aden Silver Moonlight (Janthea Newman), 11kph Grade 2: Rowberton Raindance (Joy Savage), 12.7kph Grade 3: Ja Noor (Susan Speed), 12.7kph; Keen Pleasure (Charles Newman), 11kph Grade 4: African Star (Maurice Whiteley), 11.1kph Completion: Distance Oasis (Heather Whiteley), 11.1kph 1 elimination 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Bulbul (Robert Lovell), 11.1kph; Requiem (Will Kittow), 10.9kph; Velucius (Juliet Martin), 11.8kph Grade 2: Shahlisha (Annie Lovell), 11.1kph; Silver Zaanif (Diana Rundle), 11.7kph Grade 4: Sheridan (Kay Jones), 10.9kph 30kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Desert Kudoss (Ginny Gidley), 11.6kph Grade 3: Dubai Valentino (Tristan Bishop), 12kph 30kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ali Shamahl (Rachael Claridge), 11.1kph; Disney (Paula Snell), 10.5kph; Ieschia (Angela Cron), 10.7kph; Minky (George Harding), 11.4kph; Nuralina (Debra Colling), 10.9kph; Tiger Lily I (Emilia Douglass), 13.1kph; Ysta (Emily Colling), 10.9kph Grade 2: Cotswold Amirah (Freya Gallichan), 10.7kph; Darwin (Tanya Southworth), 13.1kph Grade 3: Britvic (Michelle Cockburn), 10.1kph; Dalcotes Radcliffe (Gill Amos), 10.5kph; Hurtstock Special Flame (Pauline Bird), 10.5kph; Ty Shute Golden Savannah (Saffron Bishop), 12kph Grade 4: Azaraell (Wendy Chung), 11.1kph; Black Inca (Simon Brown), 10.7kph; Its Me Alfie (Graham Wright), 11.6kph Completion: The Blue Iris (Julia Wolfendale), 11.4kph; Todhill Trafalgar (Lenice Bell), 9.5kph S.E.R.C. HARESTANES (23/03/2014) 62kms Competitive Ride Grade 3: Cumbria Khafifa (Mary Stockdale), 11.7kph 41kms Competitive Ride Grade 4: Teadies Spirit (Sarah Thompson), 11.6kph 33kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 13kph; Loti Du Caussanel (Robert Newall), 12.9kph; Marcus Ibn Gayet (Jean Gilbert), 12.9kph 33kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 10.3kph; Redebank Jasmine (Sarah Armitt), 11.6kph S.E.R.C. TENTSMUIR (13/04/2014) 60kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Cumbria Khafifa (Mary Stockdale), 14.6kph 50kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ffreya (Judith Piggot), 10.1kph 41kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 12.3kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 12.3kph Grade 2: Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 12.3kph ULLSWATER (13/04/2014) 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Khalifa B J (Carolyn Livesey), 11kph Completion: Meiriogen Mari (Danielle Troy), 10.5kph 1 elimination

40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 11.2kph; Meadowland Mack (Tania Fitton), 11.4kph; Red Ruby (Di Williams), 11.3kph Grade 3: Orelie Griff (Christopher Fitton), 11.4kph Grade 4: Djoval (Rachel Sykes), 10.4kph; Nedja Du Barthas (Colin Sykes), 10.4kph Completion: Gb Aliaanah (Amanda Morriss), 10.1kph 3 eliminations and 1 retired 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Mickey (Cathrine Sandberg), 10kph; Tinkerbell’s Image (Nikki Brown), 10.6kph Grade 2: Jo Mouse (Christine Freear), 9.2kph; Kings Meadowhouse Cairo (Sophie Bell), 9.9kph; Marlak Super Dude (Carol Taylor), 10.3kph; Redebank Jasmine (Sarah Armitt), 11.1kph Grade 4: Wayside Falcon (Helen Ward), 8.8kph Completion: George VI (Freda Crossman), 10.5kph; Peterbrook Sunset Surprise (Elizabeth Dentice), 11.3kph S.E.R.C. FISHWICK (27/04/2014) 33kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 11.5kph; Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 10.9kph; Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 10.9kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 10.9kph 33kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 12.5kph Completion: Redebank Jasmine (Sarah Armitt), 8.1kp S.E.R.C. WEST FENTON (04/05/2014) 34kms Competitive Ride Grade 3: Cumbria Khafifa (Mary Stockdale), 10.7kph S.E.R.C. EILDON (17/05/2014) 80kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Teadies Spirit (Sarah Thompson), 11.3kph Grade 2: Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 11kph; Marcus Ibn Gayet (Jean Gilbert), 11kph 62kms 2 day Competitive Ride Completion: Painted Lady VII (Susan Russell), 10.5kph 31kms Competitive Ride Grade 3: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 11.3kph; Loti Du Caussanel (Robert Newall), 11.4kph 31kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 10.4kph S.E.R.C. DARNAWAY (25/05/2014) 82kms Gated Ride 6th: Cumbria Khafifa (Mary Stockdale), 13.3kph 61kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 12.4kph; Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 12.4kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 12.4kph S.E.R.C. BROUGHTON - DAY 1 (05/06/2014) 82kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Teadies Spirit (Sarah Thompson), 14.1kph Grade 2: Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 13.3kph; Marcus Ibn Gayet (Jean Gilbert), 12.8kph Grade 3: Amber IV (Lynsey Bainbridge), 11.1kph; Painted Lady VII (Susan Russell), 11.1kph 64kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 11.9kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 11.9kph Grade 2: Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 11.9kph 50kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ffreya (Judith Piggot), 15kph 32kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 14.2kph Grade 2: Loti Du Caussanel (Robert Newall), 14kph 32kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 3: Redebank Jasmine (Sarah Armitt), 10.4kph S.E.R.C. HODDAM (07/06/2014) 83kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 13.8kph; Teadies Spirit (Sarah Thompson), 13.8kph 62kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Amber IV (Lynsey Bainbridge),

11.2kphGrade 4: Painted Lady VII (Susan Russell), 11.2kp 31kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 13.5kph; Marcus Ibn Gayet (Jean Gilbert), 10.8kph Grade 3: Peterbrook Sunset Surprise (Carolyn Cummings), 14kph S.E.R.C. SEACLIFF (07/06/2014) 82kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Cumbria Khafifa (Mary Stockdale), 13.7kph 56kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 11.2kph 55kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Ffreya (Judith Piggot), 9.2kph 50kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ffreya (Judith Piggot), 10.5kph 42kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 3: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 11.3kph NUMANA (ITALY) (20/06/2014) F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 4th: Sobek de Riolat (Gemma Parkin), 15.1kph SILFIAC (FRA) (06/07/2014) F.E.I. 1star 90kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride Completion: Morgan de Rouaisse (Nicola Thorne), 13kph CHESTER CA (USA) (12/07/2014) F.E.I. 1star 80kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 3rd: Rising Heat (Dominique Freeman), 11.3kph FEI JUNIOR AND YOUNG RIDER EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS VERONA, ITALY (12/07/2014) F.E.I. 4star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 20th: Warrens Hill Kizmet (Alice Loten), 14.5kph S.E.R.C. NEWCASTLETON (13/07/2014) 34kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Marcus Ibn Gayet (Jean Gilbert), 12.8kph BREDASDORP (RSA) (26/07/2014) F.E.I. 3star 160kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 9th: Karabib (Nicola Thorne), 15.7kph ARGENTAN (FRA) (27/07/2014) F.E.I. 1star 90kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 3rd: Panama Du Caussanel (David Yeoman), 18kph 1 elimination RIDGEWAY BARBURY CASTLE DAY 1 (09/08/2014) 120kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Bolero Phantastik (Charlotte Strang), 13.7kph 2nd: Dubai Valentino (Tristan Bishop), 13.6kph 3rd: Aurontes (Judy Holloway), 13.3kph 2 eliminations 120kms Competitive Endurance Ride Elevator Completion at Completion: Bey Shebaan (Laura Short), 12.2kph F.E.I. 2star 120kms Ridgeway Endurance Ride 1st: Ainhoa Aksom (Hamdan Bin Mohd Al Maktoum), 19.7kph 2nd: Ghanaati (Mohd Matar Rashed Al Mazrooei), 19.7kph 3rd: Lestru (Saeed Addulla Bin Huzaim), 18.6kph 4th: Fenwick Sunset Tryst (M S M Al Faresi), 17kph 5th: Impero Romano (K M Abdul Karim), 15.8kph 6th: L R Bold Greyson (Nicola Thorne), 14.5kph 11 eliminations and 1 retired 101kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Inferno (Alex Tennant), 13.3kph; Perfeq Pacha De Blaziet (Julie Kendall), 16.8kph 2nd: Evermore Artistic (Carina Kane), 16.7kph; Rocheros Qasbah (Nicola Martin), 13.3kph 3rd: Firebird (Lesley Nott), 15.8kph; Treasured Moonbeam (Karen Jones), 12.6kph 4th: Golden Gigolo (Deborah Edmond), 12kph; Oakleaze Farm Cziko (Louise Rich), 15.8kph

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... 5th: Xanthus (Elizabeth Rowland), 13.7kph 6th: Cinnabar Moth (Susannah Rowe), 13.7kph 7th: Zarzuela (Christine Wensley), 12.4kph 2 eliminations 90kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 2: Becky C (Karen Cadman), 12.8kph Grade 3: C.S.Khamsin (Elizabeth Ellesley), 12.5kph 82kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Blanche (Linda Cowperthwaite), 13.5kph; Shoshana (Ann Harrison), 13.5kph Grade 2: Sas I Feel Flirty (Denise Nancarrow), 12.5kph; Warrens Hill Farrah (Laura Graham), 12.9kph Grade 3: Shaikha Bint Krayaan (Hannah Verkerk), 13kph Grade 4: Marbon Malana (Helen Barrett), 10.1kph Completion: Kolinka Of Dragonmead (Karen Greig), 11.1kph; Ryminni (Jane Baldry), 11.1kph 1 elimination 81kms Competitive Endurance Ride Elevator Completion at Completion: Callista (Gillian Hasberry), 12.3kph 80kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Jasper P (Roz Plail), 18.1kph 2nd: Desert Kudoss (Ginny Gidley), 17.7kph 3rd: Burfield Red Dragon (Katie Bedwin), 17.7kph 4th: Sakeena Sky Zayin (Paul Simmons), 17.1kph 5th: Kumara Zayin (Liz Sutton), 17.1kph 6th: Roundhills Harvest Shine (Heather Evans), 16.8kph 7th: Keryel Lotois (Joanna Chisholm), 16.3kp 8th: Medraar (Terence Madden), 15.9kph 9th: Warrens Hill Rubyn (Sarah Rogerson), 15.8kph 10th: Marcus Aurelius (Becky Bertram), 14.5kph 2 eliminations

Sweet Lady (Kim Bradley), 17.7kph; Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 13.4kph Grade 2: Merlyn (Elizabeth Whiteley), 15.4kph; Open All Hours (Olwen Bryer), 13.4kph Grade 3: Radwaan (Lesley List), 13.7kph; Vanquisher (Lindsay Sparrow), 13.8kph Completion: Desert Thorn (Fiona Faulkner), 12.3kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Firyuza (Annette Hansford), 14.1kph; Liquid Desire (Pauline Daley), 12.6kph; Melogy Meg (Nikki Bailey), 12.3kph; Ridgeway Sinatra (Hayley Palmer), 13.4kph; Strong Rebel (Paul Daley), 12.6kph; Thistledown (Nicola Sibley), 12.3kph; Warrens Hill Zhaheen (Liz Ashmead), 13.5kph Grade 3: Crystal Magic Star (Philip Hirst), 11.9kph; Madinah (Carol Jones), 12.5kph Grade 4: Shingle Street Speshal (Antonia Hardwick), 14.3kph 35kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Irshaad (Christopher Baker), 11.6kph; Z T Richshakfy (David Hawes), 11.4kph Grade 3: Aberllwyd Holly Blossom (Penny Rawnsley), 10.9kph; Samsara Kabir (Tony Griffin), 13.1kp Grade 4: Aberllwyds Astoriz (Catherine Rawnsley), 10.9kph; Solomons Ikey (Trish Griffin), 13.1kph Completion: Muziki (Julia Watts), 11.1kph 35kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Grace (Xanthe Smith), 12kph Grade 2: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 12kph; Remynisce (Susan Hawes), 11.4kph; Whifflegig (Nuccia Lipscombe), 12.2kph3 eliminations and 1 retired

F.E.I. 1star 80kms Ridgeway Endurance Ride 1st: Bakst (Alan Brown), 19.3kph; Eas Boadicea (Ella Bunting), 14.5kph 2nd: Ithilien Elentari (Sh H B M T Al Maktou), 19.3kph 3rd: Romeo Des Vignes (Gemma Parkin), 16.9kph 4th: Vlacq Melika Kayal (Lorraine Flood), 16.9kph 5th: Sheer Bliss (Lorna Kidson), 14.9kph 6th: Yawl Hill Maverick (Kirsty Wiscombe), 13.6kph Completion: Verondina Sunny Jim (A Ghanim Obaid A Ali), 19.2kph 9 eliminations 80kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Diamond Destiny (Anna Collins), 13.2kph; Granby Sting (Maureen Langham), 14kph Grade 2: Aleys Cognac (Maurice Whiteley), 14.5kph; Moet (Richard-Bradley Hancock), 11.7kph; Oriole The Gold (Pamela Jordan), 11.9kph; Silver Tariba (Susan Speed), 16.3kph Grade 3: G Elinore (Lauren Mills), 13.2kph Grade 4: Apollos Tara (Caroline Long), 12.2kph 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Bey Dryad (Gillian Hensley), 13.1kph; Bright Dawn (Sue Loveridge), 14.2kph; D’Hab (Kim Sinnott), 13.1kph; Doyenne (Kate Curry), 14.6kph; Ramona (Maddy Mangan), 13.1kph; Red House Shamil (Trilby Herriott), 12.6kph; Simeric Solaman (Julia Harman), 13.1kph; W L A Elektra (Gail Jupp), 12.6kph Grade 2: Diana Of Court (Abigail Chisholm), 13.7kph; Distance Oasis (Heather Whiteley), 12.8kph; Gizmo I (Izzy Wilson), 13.2kph; Quassy De Joyere (Denise Furse), 14.2kph Completion: Al Aasi (Jenny Pierson), 13.7kph; Diamond Flight (John Black), 13.2kph 3 eliminations and 1 retired 50kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Warrens Hill Elanzo (Abigail Taylor), 12.9kph Grade 4: Warrens Hill Franchezka (Jackie Lockett), 12.9kph Completion: Vlacq Ahmar Kayal (Wendy Everson), 12.9kph 50kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Jabalabyad Azir (Valerie Price-West), 13.2kph Completion: Little Bird (Herbie Owen), 11kph; Raffa (Lucy Peacock), 12.9kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Rochester Wong (Caroline Sutherland), 13.8kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 13.4kph;

RIDGEWAY BARBURY CASTLE - DAY 2 (10/08/2014) 80kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Duke Of Burgundy (Christopher Rose), 16kph 2nd: Eighth Spirit (Kate Buck), 16kph 3rd: Indygo (Rachael Cratchley), 16kph 4th: Indian Princess (Karen Jones), 15.9kph 5th: Pstylistic (Gillian Campbell), 14.9kph 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Samarai (Katie Parkin), 13kph; Vlacq Bronze Image (Tricia Hirst), 13kph Grade 2: Bh Supersonic (Fiona Griffiths), 13.5kph; Vlacq Hamra Surri (Georgina Hirst), 13kph Grade 3: Cameron (Fatma Al Marri), 13kph; Henham Michelak (Mohd Juma Mohd Al Mehairi), 13kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Themis Aya (Janice Cockley-Adams), 12.9kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aden Silver Moonlight (Janthea Newman), 14.6kph; Akarem (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 12.3kph; Merlyn (Elizabeth Whiteley), 14.2kph; Oakleaze Farm Czelo (Louise Rich), 13.1kph Grade 2: Bonnie Sonata (Caroline Bennetts), 14.7kph; Ground Kontrol (Susan Rich), 13.1kph; Keen Pleasure (Charles Newman), 14.6kph; Lady’s Man (Emily Cooke), 12.9kph; Lucandi Legend (Humaid Matar Rashid Al Mazrooei), 12.3kph; Majestic Omar (Edward Coombs), 12.5kph; Vanquisher (Lindsay Sparrow), 12.3kph Grade 3: Shiduke (Wendy Miles), 12.8kph Grade 4: B’Sting (Mohd Ahmad Bin Suroor Al Mazrooie), 12.2kph; Tequita (Mohd Ahmad Bin SuroorAlmazrooie), 12.1kph Completion: Akmal (Sheik Rashid Saeed Al Maktoum), 12.2kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Binley Silver Spark (Rebecca Gant), 11.9kph; Blaentawe Swallow (Louise Rowlands), 11.2kph; El Sahra Azlan (Frankie Amatt), 12.2kph; Indian Najmah (Joanna Neyland), 12.1kph; Magners Gold (Jane Wyatt), 13.4kph; Marl Joclyn (Laura Robinson), 11.2kph; Requiem (Will Kittow), 10.3kph; Rochester (Kim Carter), 14.3kph Grade 2: Derry Spirit (Miranda Kavanagh), 10.5kph; Dutch Adventure (Natalie Neal), 11.7kph; Surplus To Requirements (Laura Graham), 10.5kph Grade 3: Black Sand (Nicola Ravensford), 12.6kph; Blossom I (Caroline Le Butt), 13.7kph; Drossi

(Nikola Kelly), 13.1kph; Sheridan (Kay Jones), 10.3kph; Warrens Hill Zhaheen (Liz Ashmead), 12.6kph Grade 4: Jjohara R (Simon Richardson), 14.2kph; The Red Earl (Lise Cooke), 12.9kph Completion: Razzle And Role (Frances Brayford), 11.9kph 1 elimination 31kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Al Raad Bin Jesra (Christine Smyth), 13.7kph; Mahbrooka Bint Shuwaimeh (Elaine Fry), 13.8kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 13.4kph Grade 2: Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 13.4kp Grade 4: Darwin (Tanya Southworth), 14.3kph; Ennis (Susan Thomson), 12.3kph Completion: Seville (Caroline Barnfield), 11.4kph; Shingle Street Speshal (Antonia Hardwick), 14.8kph 2 eliminations 31kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ballinamurra Lucy (Karen Titterington), 10.4kph; Carolina Kidd (Eileen Devenish), 13.4kph; Charlie (John Coldicott), 11.5kph; Copshawholm Roman Emperor (Jean Spearing), 12.3kph; Cwmceffyl Autumn Breeze (Alison Smale), 11kph; El Makheil (Greta Cullen), 10.3kph; G F A Mydass (Pauline Higgs), 10.3kph; Irshaad (Stuart Baker), 11kph; Jan’s Au Lait (Felix Morio), 13.2kph; Jeff (Connie Smale), 11kph; Little Murphy (Maxine Curtis), 13.1kph; Llanidan Lambert (Jennifer Allard), 12.2kph; Luck L II (Millie King), 12.4kph; Lucky Streich (Michael Bates), 12.4kph; Midnight Madness (Tanya Sherwood), 13.1kph; Quarryfarm Aries (Izzie Hale), 10.7kph; Sapphire I (Sarah Wearing), 13.4kph; Southwood (Robert Phillpotts), 11.4kph; Tiger Lily I (Emilia Douglass), 14.3kph Grade 2: Acre (Emma Alberry), 11.8kph; Barnshill Warrior (Khalid Al-Khayat), 11.8kph; Byfleet Nicky (Brenda Henney), 13.1kph; Holyoake Nightingale (Emma Taylor), 9.3kph; Hs Bellini (Caroline Cowley), 11kph; Izzy (Anne Gartside), 13.7kph; Venus (Carol Sobucinska), 10.2kph Grade 3: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 12.3kph; Faraag Al Masaeed (Gemma Al-Khayat), 11.8kph; Ranfurly Tiarnech (Claire Bird), 11.3kph; Trowan Max (Frances Hall), 9.8kph Grade 4: Eternal Deja Vu (Charlotte Robinson), 9.4kph; Joey (Alison Taylor), 9.3kph; Shauna (Rhian Humphreys), 11kph Completion: Hartley (Caroline Johnson), 11.2kph; Lord Albert (Wendy Treble), 13.1kph 1 elimination and 1 retired S.E.R.C. YETHOLM (16/08/2014) 160kms 2 day Gated Ride 2nd: Elayla (Katie Bedwin), 13.3kph 3rd: Aberllwyd Briar Rose (Alison House), 13.1kph 6th: Zakhir (Charlotte Fleming), 11.6kph 80kms Gated Ride 1st: Zim Nazka (Jacqueline Lloyd), 16.6kph 2nd: Ryu (Sue Box), 12.1kph 4th: Mountedgcumbe Maestro (Charis Denham), 15.3kph 5th: Murphy Himself (Bridget Brown), 14.7kph 6th: Ptolemaeus (Carol Jones), 13.5kph 7th: Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 13.1kph 80kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Joyces Choice (Hannah Maskell), 13.1kph Grade 3: Angies Girl (Angie Williams), 12.2kph; Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 12.6kph; Silver Prince Sadik (Carol Chapman), 11.4kph Grade 4: Cariad Charisma (Nicola Smith), 11.6kph; Silvretta Athlete (Catherine Hood), 11.7kph 65kms 2 day Competitive Ride Grade 1: Painted Lady VII (Susan Russell), 11kph Completion: Amber IV (Lynsey Bainbridge), 11kph 50kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 11.7kph Grade 3: Gizmo I (Izzy Wilson), 12kph; Lady’s Man (Emily Cooke), 11.4kph 50kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Sahir Opulence (Katy Mellor), 12kph Grade 2: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 11.4kph 40kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Kilbeg Flash (Carole Portlock), 12.1kph; Tinkerbell’s Image (Nikki Brown), 11.7kp Grade 2: Merlin III (Bethan Lewis), 11.1kph

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... PROVOST LODGE (17/08/2014) 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Belle Etoile Bolero (Amie Grainger), 12kph Grade 4: Bey Dahmask (Carri-Ann Dark), 12.3kph 2 eliminations 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Silva Quartz (Emma Martin), 14.4kph Grade 2: Neverly De Mescam (Lisa Powell), 15.4kph Grade 3: Simeric Smooth Criminal (Stephanie Brown), 11.3kph Grade 4: Ballydoolagh Alfie (Jeni Gilbert), 12.8kph; Same (James McIntosh), 11.3kph 2 eliminations and 1 retired 51kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 4: Alazan (Alexandra Nix), 12.9kph 1 retired 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: C.S.Khamsin (Elizabeth Ellesley), 12kph; Khebir Shahir (Rachel Judson), 14.8kph; Salladin (Heather Alexander), 14.2kph; Storm I (Joannah Parker), 14.6kph Grade 2: Ben Shah (Larissa Whiley), 14.8kph; Bizout (Hannah Lydon), 11.7kph; Ibn Kayeed (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 12.6kph 1 elimination 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Winter Mist (Sarah Jenkins-Brown), 10.4kph Grade 2: Shafeeq Os (Brett Corcoran), 10.3kph; Sirius Os (Gerina Corcoran), 10.3kph Grade 3: Ima-Gine (Stuart Barkway), 13.7kph Grade 4: Angelic Solid Gold (Janine Munt), 11kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Chlione (Susan Middleton), 11kph Grade 2: Malthouse Maiden Ray (Karen Whittington), 11kph; The Exterminator (Celia Przyrembel), 12.7kph Grade 3: Meiros Victoria Capella (Richard Lowe), 11.5kph; Simply Dennis (Sue Gregg), 12.9kph; Wisespares Tempo (Helen Ganney), 10.7kph Grade 4: Sheikh El Badhas (Lesley Caswell), 10.3kph Completion: Laddie (Linda Dod), 10.4kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Breton Boy (Elizabeth Rymer), 10.2kph; Callista (Gillian Hasberry), 11.4kph; Noble Chieftan (Amanda Roche-Kelly), 10.5kph Grade 2: Against The Rules (Elaine Wallbridge), 9.7kph; Cahergal Pat (Grace Hamilton), 11.4kph; Ginger 672 (Joanne Cooper), 9.2kph; Va Milotkha (Kimberleigh Roulston-Bates), 9.2kph Grade 4: Istfamouze (Herbie Owen), 11.5kph S.E.R.C. YETHOLM DAY 2 (17/08/2014) 40kms Competitive Ride Grade 3: Zim Nazka (Jacqueline Lloyd), 12.1kph Grade 4: Ryu (Sue Box), 11.6kph PILGRIMS TRAIL (24/08/2014) 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aberllwyd Satra (Karen Day), 14.1kph; Burfield Red Dragon (Katie Bedwin), 15.4kph; C.S.Khamsin (Elizabeth Ellesley), 14.7kph; Remynisce (Susan Hawes), 13.4kph; Simeric Solaman (Julia Harman), 13.4kph; Simple System Trizeyah (Jane Van Lennep), 13.7kph; W L A Elektra (Gail Jupp), 13.4kph; Z T Richshakfy (David Hawes), 13.4kph Grade 2: Sirius Os (Harry Ingram), 16.5kph Grade 3: Island Elina (Sharon Button), 15.7kph; Polly I (Isobella Fricker), 14.4kph; Senjai (Heather Alexander), 17.4kph; Shafeeq Os (Brett Corcoran), 16.5kph; Simeric Cassini (Bridie Lydon-Towle), 13.6kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 48kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Redwings Milky Way (Madison Pomroy), 13.9kph Grade 2: Silver Prince Sadik (Carol Chapman), 14.1kph Grade 4: Shiduke (Wendy Miles), 14.6kph; Velvet Echo (Lesley-Ann Parker), 15.5kph 2 eliminations 48kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Penhwnllys Samala De Mons (Mandy Yarnold), 14.1kph Completion: Earl Of Killmurray (Jane Girling), 13.9kph

32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Against The Rules (Elaine Wallbridge), 14.5kph; Meiros Victoria Capella (Richard Lowe), 14.5kph; Patjo (Debbie Walker), 14kph; Red House Shamil (Trilby Herriott), 14.5kph; Sheikh El Badhas (Lesley Caswell), 14.4kph; The Exterminator (Celia Przyrembel), 14kph Grade 2: Laity Red Alert (Rosie Marsh), 14.5kph; Zeus (Rebecca Northover), 15.4kph Completion: Maresha (Alex Freaks), 15.4kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Alfimoon (Alice Beet), 11.7kph; Asabache (Melanie Boggia), 12.5kph; Dakaman (Heather Cornick), 14.2kph; Hilltop Hero (Jan Evans), 14.2kph; Minnie I (Catharine Rideout), 11.6kph; Noble Chieftan (Amanda Roche-Kelly), 13.4kph; Prince Caspian III (Isobel Fleming), 11.1kph Grade 2: Cs Clarion (Jane Welcher), 12.1kph; De Ffanaria (Carol Fricker), 14.3kph; Freddy Curtis (Suzie Webb), 14.2kph; Inde 2 (Janice Morton), 13.6kph; Lily’s Legacy (Sarah Bird), 12.5kph; Pernod (Anne Dethlefsen), 14.3kph Grade 3: Av Volcano (Deborah Fyans), 11.1kph; Imagination (Natalie Chandler), 9.2kph Completion: Jigsaw Lad (Anne Muir), 14.3kph 1 elimination and 1 retired S.E.R.C. BALGONE JOLLY (29/08/2014) 50kms Competitive Ride Grade 2: Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 12.9kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 12.9kph Grade 3: Lindston Kytrina (Emilie Fleming), 12.9kph AURIOLS - DAY 1 (30/08/2014) 106kms 2 day Medium 2day Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Silva Quartz (Emma Martin), 13.4kph Grade 2: Moet (Richard-Bradley Hancock), 10.9kph Grade 3: Bizout (Hannah Lydon), 10.9kph Grade 4: Aragorn (Ruth Chadwick), 12.7kph; Khalifa B J (Carolyn Livesey), 13kph Completion: Basford Showman (Amber Sole), 11kph; Daante (Ellie Moxon), 10.5kph 3 eliminations 82kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Rassam (Anne Booth), 12kph 2nd: Delfyw Squwiggle (Karen Corr), 11.8kph 3rd: Amira Zahra (Amie Grainger), 11.5kph 82kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Zaferan (Jane Girling), 11.2kph Grade 4: Redwings Milky Way (Madison Pomroy), 11.2kph Completion: Simeric Smooth Criminal (Stephanie Brown), 10.7kph; Tommy (Diane Hudson), 12.6kph 82kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Sky’s The Limit (Charlotte Chadwick), 12.1kph 66kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 2: Meadowland Mack (Tania Fitton), 13.6kph Grade 4: Ghalib Zafir (Julie Martin), 12.4kph Completion: Cloverleas Huzairan (Francesca Palmer-Hourd), 10.6kph; Same (James McIntosh), 10.6kph 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Cwyrtai Kahil (Tess Wheldon), 13.4kph Grade 3: Taaqib (Emily Ferguson), 11.1kph 41kms Graded Endurance Ride Completion: Seren Rigel (Rebecca Kinnarney), 10.9kph 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Yawl Hill Pollyanna (Saffron Bishop), 11.8kph Grade 2: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 10kph Grade 3: De Ffanaria (Carol Fricker), 10.9kph Grade 4: Orlando (Gaynor Jones), 10kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Salladin (Heather Alexander), 12kph; Wisespares Tempo (Helen Ganney), 11.2kph Completion: Flynn (Lucy Walker), 11.1kph AURIOLS - DAY 2 (31/08/2014) 82kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Blanche (Linda Cowperthwaite), 12.7kph; Tannasg Psyches Realm (Rachael Atkinson), Grade 4: Dns Ronaldo (Kate Atkinson), 12.7kph 41kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Hoofbeats Tour (Allyson Sole), 11.3kph

Grade 4: Diamond Flight (Jill Thorburn), 12.6kph; Faleh (Linda Reeves), 10.9kph Completion: Dulas Total Eclipse (Gillian Hensley), 10.9kph; Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 10.9kph; Seren Rigel (Rebecca Kinnarney), 10.9kph 1 retired 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Altin (Caitlin Reeves), 10.9kph; Yawl Hill Pollyanna (Saffron Bishop), 14kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Salladin (Heather Alexander), 12kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 10.4kph Grade 3: Orlando (Gaynor Jones), 10.4kph BONHAM (31/08/2014) 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Southdown Desert Sharif (Sally Hall), 13.4kph Grade 2: Aberllwyd Solstice Morn (Doug Wilson), 12.4kph Grade 3: Beths Choice (Lynn Harvey), 12.7kph Grade 4: Ht Orient (Shelley Bates), 10.4kph; Warrens Hill Kizmet (Alice Loten), 12.7kph Completion: C S Corinthian (Claire Richards), 11.8kph 51kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Kates Mate (Carri-Ann Dark), 15.2kph Grade 3: Bright Dawn (Sue Loveridge), 11.6kph Grade 4: Sa Sacred Spirit (Ann-Marie Pelc), 10.2kph Completion: Aleys Cognac (Maurice Whiteley), 13kph 2 eliminations 51kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 3: Whifflegig (Nuccia Lipscombe), 12.3kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Zarzuela (Christine Wensley), 12.4kph Grade 2: Desert Thorn (Fiona Faulkner), 11.5kph; Silver Tariba (Susan Speed), 12.8kph; Warrens Hill Troy (Sharon Parr), 11.1kph Grade 3: Oakleaze Farm Czelo (Louise Rich), 12.5kph; Oakleazefarm Czako (Susan Rich), 12.5kph; Thistledown (Judith Baynes), 11.5kph Grade 4: Tullia (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 12kph Completion: Burfield Goodie Two Shoes (Katie Bedwin), 10.8kph; Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 10.8kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Binley Silver Spark (Rebecca Gant), 10.4kph; Peppen’s Gold (Harry De Greeff), 10.2kph; Ridgeway Sinatra (Hayley Palmer), 9.7kph; Warrens Hill Zhaheen (Liz Ashmead), 12.6kph Grade 3: Firyuza (Annette Hansford), 12kph; Perfect Sky (Mark De Greeff), 10.2kph; Razzle And Role (Frances Brayford), 10.4kph Completion: Zafhir (Morag Webb), 12.3kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Orion’s Firefly (Janet Kenward), 12.8kph Grade 2: Broadreed Sebastian (Sarah King), 11.7kph; River Gypsy (Victoria Ham), 11.6kph; Samsara Kabir (Tony Griffin), 12.8kph; Solomons Ikey (Trish Griffin), 12.8kph; Warda Bint Shuwaiman (Pippa Morris), 12.8kph Grade 3: Broadreed Silver Mist (Nicola Berry), 11.7kph; Majestic Omar (Barbara Coombs), 10.9kph; Muna Bint Shuwaimeh (Rosemary Henderson), 12.3kph Completion: Traemar Narnia (Laura Short), 11.4kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Aktor (Maxine Golledge), 9.6kph; Diving Belle (Amanda Tovey), 11kph; Kilbeg Flash (Carole Portlock), 11.4kph; Lady On Top (Jane Parker), 9.2kph; Salsola (Ann Farley), 13.2kph; Sateer (Geraldine White), 10.1kph; Vlacq Itarille (Judy Hallam), 10.1kph Grade 2: Cloonmung Mist (Lisa Franks), 11kph; Dearnebanks Mido (Jim Phillips), 10.1kph; Hs Belita (Hope Mahlich), 13.2kph; Its Me Alfie (Graham Wright), 11.1kph Grade 3: Spellbound Oberon (Della Short), 10.1kph Grade 4: Hs Cicero (Lesley Kennedy), 9.6kph; Luck L II (Millie King), 9.2kph; Venus (Carol

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... Sobucinska), 11.1kph Completion: Razaar (Jacqueline Edwards), 11kph 1 elimination CLIFTON QLD (AUS) (05/09/2014) F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Woomera Thor (Samantha Yates), 15.2kph MONPAZIER (FRA) (05/09/2014) F.E.I. 3star 160kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 8th: Madjin Des Pins (Tricia Hirst), 17.5kph F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 4th: Radja Al Mels (Nikki Malcolm), 19.7kph Completion: Maissa Du Pech (Carol Smith Van Blerk), 16.2kph F.E.I. 1star 90kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride Completion: Vlacq Bronze Image (Georgina Hirst), 18.1kph BOYTON HALL - DAY 1 (06/09/2014) 81kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Laity Red Alert (Rosie Marsh), 12.9kph; Red House Shamil (Trilby Herriott), 12.9kph; Saintwestwell Silvermask (Raymond Davison), 14.5kph; Zaferan (Jane Girling), 12.7kph; Zorro (Sharon Davison), 14.5kph Grade 3: Redwings Milky Way (Keighley Pomroy), 12.7kph 1 elimination 66kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 2: Simeric Solaman (Julia Harman), 11.1kph Grade 4: Zahkira (Linda Herriott), 10.7kph 1 elimination 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Island Elina (Sharon Button), 13.7kph; Island Spirit (Molly Button), 13.7kph; Ramona (Maddy Mangan), 14kph Grade 2: Zeus (Rebecca Northover), 11.9kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Inde 2 (Janice Morton), 12.1kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 4: Velvet Echo (Lesley-Ann Parker), 10.6kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Breton Boy (Elizabeth Rymer), 9.5kph; Marjo (Sue Letch), 9.7kph Grade 3: Ranfurly Tiarnech (Claire Bird), 9.2kph Completion: Whisper Dunno (Hannah Rix), 9.2kph 1 elimination THREE RIVERS (06/09/2014) 162kms 2 day Competitive Endurance Ride Multi Day 1st: Joyces Choice (Hannah Maskell), 13.4kph 2nd: Dubai Valentino (Sarah Bishop), 11.4kph 2 eliminations and 1 retired 81kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: H S Drift (Carri-Ann Dark), 17kph 2nd: Lateral Thinking (Dace Sainsbury), 15.7kph 3rd: Traemar Narnia (Laura Short), 15.5kp 4th: Sakeena Sky Zayin (Paul Simmons), 15.2kph 5th: Duke Of Burgundy (Christopher Rose), 13.4kph 4 eliminations 81kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Suchaking (Malcolm Greenaway), 12.4kph Grade 2: Southdown Desert Sharif (Sally Hall), 12kph Grade 3: Distance Oasis (Heather Whiteley), 11.3kph; Quassy De Joyere (Denise Furse), 11.7kph Grade 4: G Elinore (Linda Brown), 12kph; Jabalabyad Azir (Valerie Price-West), 12.3kph 2 eliminations and 2 retired 68kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Vlacq Hadiyah Kayal (Nicola Pell), 11.6kph Grade 2: W L A Elektra (Gail Jupp), 12.5kph Grade 3: Aurontes (Judy Holloway), 12kph; Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 12.7kph 1 elimination and 3 retired

41kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Ja Noor (Susan Speed), 14.2kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 11.8kph; Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 11.8kph Grade 2: Beths Choice (Lynn Harvey), 13.5kph; Bonnie Sonata (Caroline Bennetts), 14.3kph Grade 3: Rochester Wong (Caroline Sutherland), 12.3kph Grade 4: Ibn Kayeed (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 10kph 1 elimination 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Its Me Alfie (Graham Wright), 11.8kph Completion: Firyuza (Jackie Richardson), 13kph; Hendrewen Pirate (Nicola Davies), 11.3kph 1 retired 33kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Broadreed Sebastian (Sarah King), 12.4kph; Broadreed Silver Mist (Nicola Berry), 12.4kph; Malthouse Maiden Ray (Karen Whittington), 15kph; Shimmering Blue Jasmine (Nicola Sherry), Grade 4: Aussie (Lorraine Brown), 10.5kph Completion: Seville (Caroline Barnfield), 10.8kph 1 retired 33kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Alfimoon (Alice Beet), 9.6kph; Bulbul (Robert Lovell), 10.7kph Grade 2: Jjohara R (Simon Richardson), 12.6kph; Shahlisha (Annie Lovell), 10.7kph; Tylands Kumar (Isabel Lee-Elliott), 10.8kph Completion: The Blue Iris (Julia Wolfendale), 12.6kph BOYTON HALL - DAY 2 (07/09/2014) 81kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Akarem (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 11.5kph; Silver Prince Sadik (Carol Chapman), 12.5kph 66kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 4: Shingle Street Speshal (Antonia Hardwick), 11kph; Simple System Trizeyah (Jane Van Lennep), 10.2kph 1 elimination 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Doyenne (Kate Curry), 13.2kph Grade 2: Meiros Victoria Capella (Richard Lowe), 13.2kph Grade 3: Boolagh Betty (Hilary Carr), 12.8kph; Paramal (Helen Gipson), 10.5kp 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 4: Parker (Yvonne Toms), 8.6kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Espace (Ian Fletcher), 12.3kph 1 retired 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Asabache (Melanie Boggia), 9.7kph; Pernod (Anne Dethlefsen), 9.2kph Grade 2: Legs (Gillian Riviere), 9kph Grade 4: Jigsaw Lad (Anne Muir), 9.2kph; Lily’s Legacy (Sarah Bird), 9.7kph; Snow Hill Leonardo (Charlotte Purkis), 9.1kph Completion: Prince Caspian III (Isobel Fleming), 8.4kph 3 eliminations LONG MYND (07/09/2014) 66kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Arranberg Mai (Fiona Valentine), 11.6kph; Ptolemaeus (Carol Jones), 11.6kph Grade 2: Lady’s Man (Emily Cooke), 11.7kph; The Red Viscount (Lise Cooke), 11.7kph 2 eliminations 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Indian Princess (Karen Jones), 12.5kph; Simply Dennis (Sue Gregg), 11.7kph Grade 2: Granby Sting (Maureen Langham), 11.8kph Grade 4: Aberllwyd Prince Elky (Claire Pilkington), 10.2kph 1 elimination 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Magners Gold (Jane Wyatt), 11.1kph Grade 2: Blossom I (Caroline Le Butt), 10.9kph; Gwel Ycoeds Razil (Julie Mckeown), 8.9kph; Merlin III (Bethan Lewis), 10kph; Psyngari (Piers Geddes), 11kph 1 retired

32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Diamond Destiny (Anna Collins), 13.4kph; Goyallt Shanco (John Illingworth), 13.8kph Grade 2: D’Hab (Kim Sinnott), 14.1kph; Gb Aliaanah (Amanda Morriss), 11.7kph; Medraar (Josie Ratter-Evison), 11.9kph Grade 3: Vlacq Gilfae (Gail Andrews), 13.6kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Angies Girl (Angie Williams), 13.4kph; Bonanza Bin Shuwaimeh (Terence Madden), 11.9kph; Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 11.6kph; Gaelic Clover (Alice Newby), 13.4kph; Liquid Desire (Pauline Daley), 11.5kph; Mickey (Cathrine Sandberg), 10.8kph; Seren Tennessee Babe (Beti Gordon), 11.3kph; Strong Rebel (Paul Daley), 11.5kph Grade 2: Aosta Tequila (Carole Brizuela), 10.5kph; Copshawholm Roman Emperor (Jean Spearing), 11.6kph; Dinmor Damson (Mary Korn), 10kph; Mister Mylo (Charlie Colquhoun), 11.2kph Grade 3: Bashir (Emily Baron), 10.5kph; Marlak Super Dude (Carol Taylor), 11.7kph Completion: Celtic Magic (Jane Stewart), 14.1kph SOUTH YORKSHIRE (MOORHOUSE) (07/09/2014) 66kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Foxghyll’s Folly (Kathleen Mcghee), 12.6kph; Meadowland Mack (Tania Fitton), 12.6kph Grade 2: Déjà Vu (Ann Harrison), 12.2kph Grade 4: Faleh (Linda Reeves), 11.7kp Completion: Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 11.7kph; Solstess Blossom (Melissa Leppard), 12kph 2 eliminations 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Little Boy Blue (Nicole Pink), 11.2kph Completion: Doonfellin Khamsin (Nikki Brown), 11.2kph; Silver Zeph (Bridget Brown), 11.2kph 1 retired 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Angelic Solid Gold (Janine Munt), 13.2kph Grade 4: Miyaz (Karen Robinson), 9.2kph 2 eliminations and 1 retired 33kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Snap Shot (Jackie Mawson), 12.6kph Grade 3: Just Giles (Tracy Thompson), 10.8kph Grade 4: Fks Baarik Ibn Pharook (Lorna Skinner), 11kph; Fks Baarik Ibn Pharook (Lorna Skinner), 11kph; To The Last Man (Christine Myers), 11.1kph Completion: Bally Kelly (Anya Dawson), 10.1kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Bright Star Ruby (Ros Jones), 12kph; Golden Pride (Dave Catchpole), 12.5kph; Hildith Dancing Dream (Alison Scott), 9.8kph; Kernow Sasparilla (Sanguesas) (Tigs Gordon), 9.8kph Grade 2: Ashurst Bunty (Iona Peat), 12.5kph; Hildith Dream Delight (Julie Scott), 9.8kph; Itsy (Aline Peat), 12kph; Wayside Falcon (Helen Ward), 9.7kph Grade 3: William Bonnie (Steven Bates), 8.8kph Grade 4: Beckmeetings Karim (Heidi Lewis), 10.5kph; Harvey V (Lesley Owens), 10.5kph 2 eliminations THREE RIVERS - DAY 2 (07/09/2014) 81kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Panama Du Caussanel (David Yeoman), 16kph 2nd: Terminators Dream (Dace Sainsbury), 16kph 3rd: Csa Grace (Paresh Parmar), 12.6kph 4th: Talek Des Godets (Christine Ryan), 12.6kph 2 eliminations 81kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Al Raad Bin Jesra (Christine Smyth), 11.5kph Grade 2: Bey Shebaan (Laura Short), 13.4kph; Yawl Hill Maverick (Isobella Fricker), 11.6kph Grade 4: Balishla (Samantha Owen), 11.8kph Completion: Penny Clawd (Belinda Stewart), 11.9kph 2 eliminations and 2 retired 80kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: G F A Dainty Dancer (Pauline Higgs), 12.7kph 2nd: Diana Of Court (Abigail Chisholm), 12.1kph

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... 68kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Sadhira (Caroline Cowley), 12.9kph Grade 3: Pstylistic (Gillian Campbell), 12.5kph Completion: Little Bird (Herbie Owen), 10.3kph 2 eliminations and 1 retired 51kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Aden Silver Moonlight (Janthea Newman), 11.8kp Completion: Millie I (Mark Weil), 10.5kph 1 elimination 41kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 11.4kph; Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 11.9kph Grade 2: Ja Noor (Susan Speed), 13.9kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 11.9kph Grade 3: Desert Thorn (Fiona Faulkner), 11.3kph; Rochester Wong (Jennifer Newman), 12kph; Thistledown (Judith Baynes), 11.3kph; Vlasta Weiner (Lynn Harvey), 13.1kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Cloonmung Mist (Lisa Franks), 11kph; Ridgeway Sinatra (Hayley Palmer), 11.8kph; Yawl Hill Pollyanna (Saffron Bishop), 13.2kph Grade 2: Solstice Sunrise (Archie Moffat), 11.5kph; Surplus To Requirements (Laura Graham), 11kph; Warrens Hill Zhaheen (Liz Ashmead), 12.4kph Grade 3: J A Ayesha (Chesca Burrows), 11.4kph; Spirit Of Caryth (Jackie Pascoe), 11.5kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aurontes (Judy Holloway), 12kph; Samsara Kabir (Tony Griffin), 13.2kph; Shimmering Blue Jasmine (Nicola Sherry), 12kph; Solomons Ikey (Trish Griffin), 13.2kph Grade 2: Apollos Tara (Caroline Long), 11.5kph; Tir Na Nog (Catherine Stevens), 12.6kph Grade 3: Majestic Omar (Edward Coombs), 12kph Grade 4: Mahbrooka Bint Shuwaimeh (Elaine Fry), 10.4kph; Showstopper (Timothy Smith), 15.9kph 33kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Binley Silver Spark (Rebecca Gant), 12.1kph; Bulbul (Robert Lovell), 12.7kph; Carsons Legacy (Sherrie Cooper), 11.6kph; Derrys Dream (Dawn Knee), 10.2kph; Good Morgan (Clare Sedgwick), 10.2kph; Izzy (Anne Gartside), 11.5kph; Jester “J” (Judith Jesty), 10.3kph; Midnight Madness (Tanya Sherwood), 13.1kph; Midnight Star (Rachel Williams), 9.9kph; Musical Shares (Michael Doody), 11.6kph; Quarryfarm Aries (Izzie Hale), 11.7kph; Razzle And Role (Frances Brayford), 12.1kph; Saffron El Khamoun (Margaret Hayward), 10.3kph; Southwood (Robert Phillpotts), 11.6kph; Vlacq Itarille (Judy Hallam), 9.6kph Grade 2: Ashdean Ribbon (Faye Mitchell), 10.8kph; Dutch Adventure (Natalie Neal), 13.9kph; Raider (Sandie Heath), 10.8kph; Trowan Max (Frances Hall), 9.9kph Grade 3: Byfleet Nicky (Brenda Henney), 13.1kph; Venus (Carol Sobucinska), 10.3kph Completion: Shahlisha (Annie Lovell), 12.7kph 5 eliminations S.E.R.C. AUCHENCROW (13/09/2014) 64kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Jumanji (Cheryl Wallace), 11.6kph; Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 11.6kph PLOUGONVEN (FRA) (14/09/2014) F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 11th: Open T’ Offers (Rachael Cratchley), 15kph F.E.I. 1star 80kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 10th: Warrens Hill Rubyn (Sarah Rogerson), 14.8kph THE CLENT HILLS (14/09/2014) 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Oakleaze Farm Czarko (Lauren Mills), 13.6kph; Prince Meliodas (Rachael Claridge), 13.2kph; Shoshana (Ann Harrison), 12.6kph; Themis Aya (Janice CockleyAdams), 12.3kph Grade 4: Kates Mate (Carri-Ann Dark), 12.4kp 1 retired

48kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 10.9kph Grade 4: Faleh (Linda Reeves), 10.9kph 1 retired 48kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Blossom I (Caroline Le Butt), 10.6kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Doyenne (Kate Curry), 12.7kph; Sheikh El Badhas (Lesley Caswell), 11kph; Summersplace Sweet Juliet (Heather Caddick), 12kph Grade 3: Fantasia IV (Tricia Hirst), 12.3kph; Polly I (Isobella Fricker), 11.3kph Grade 4: Marcus Aurelius (Becky Bertram), 10.7kph; Radwaan (Lesley List), 10.9kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Lucky Streich (Michael Bates), 10.2kph; Watibou Coutillas (Alex Tennant), 9.7kph Grade 2: Black Sand (Nicola Ravensford), 10.2kph; Gaelic Clover (Alice Newby), 11.4kph; Penhwnllys Seline De Mon (Helen Barrett), 10.7kph; Spola From Old Hills (Janet Fentiman), 9.2kph Grade 4: Flighty Princess Arabella (Patrycja Kiedrowska), 9.8kph 1 retired THE LIONS TAIL - DAY 1 (20/09/2014) 105kms 2 day Medium 2day Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Moet (Richard-Bradley Hancock), 12.4kph; Silva Quartz (Emma Martin), 14.8kph Grade 2: Déjà Vu (Ann Harrison), 14kph 3 eliminations 82kms 2 day 2 Day Graded Endurance Ride ROW Grade 1: Ghalib Zafir (Julie Martin), 13.6kph; Oreci De Tenelles (Jeanette Bennett), 12.6kph; Zaferan (Jane Girling), 12.6kph Grade 2: Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 10.9kph; Red House Shamil (Trilby Herriott), 12kph; Verbnyi (Brigid Fairman), 12.8kph Grade 3: Redwings Milky Way (Madison Pomroy), 12.6kph; Simeric Smooth Criminal (Stephanie Brown), 11.4kph Grade 4: Cs Ibn Fiesta (Debbie Williams), 12kph; Fantasia IV (Tricia Hirst), 11.9kph Completion: Ballydoolagh Alfie (Jeni Gilbert), 13.6kph; Same (Ellie Moxon), 11.4kph 3 eliminations 60kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Mahbrooka Bint Shuwaimeh (Elaine Fry), 11.8kph; Wisespares Tempo (Helen Ganney), 11.3kph Grade 2: Tommy (Diane Hudson), 11.7kph 41kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Salladin (Heather Alexander), 13.8kph Grade 2: Meiros Victoria Capella (Richard Lowe), 12.7kph Grade 3: Ravel’s Bolero (Amie Grainger), 13.8kph 1 retired 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 10.4kph Grade 3: Orlando (Gaynor Jones), 10.4kph 1 elimination 30kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Silver Linnet (Carol Fricker), 12.2kph Completion: Apache (Katy Williams), 13.2kph; Flynn (Lucy Walker), 10.3kph 1 elimination 30kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Kamalie Queen Bee (Hilary Cuming), 11.8kph; Kilbeg Flash (Carole Portlock), 11.8kph Completion: Kaybrook Venus (Felicity Edmeston), 10.2kph CAMELFORD (21/09/2014) 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Meneth Crystal Rose (Carolyn Thomas), 12.1kph Grade 4: Southdown Desert Sharif (Sally Hall), 12kph 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Beths Choice (Lynn Harvey), 11.7kph Grade 3: Seadeke Mystif (Valerie Hansen), 10.5kph Grade 4: Pigaro (Catherine Woodford), 10.5kph

40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Desert Kudoss (Ginny Gidley), 13.3kph; Fantom (Anderijn Peeters), 13.8kph; Rowberton Raindance (Joy Savage), 13.1kph Grade 2: Dubai Valentino (Tristan Bishop), 11.7kph; Mirjana (Gill Plumbley), 12.7kph Grade 3: Orchard Storm (Annie Joppe), 13.8kph Completion: Showstopper (Timothy Smith), 15kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Beewitched (Peta-Jane Field), 12.5kph; Its Me Alfie (Graham Wright), 12.3kph; Silver Zaanif (Diana Rundle), 11.1kph; Warrens Hill Zhaheen (Liz Ashmead), 12.6kph Grade 2: Cotswolds Amirah (Freya Gallichan), 10.8kph; Mhs Matata (Amanda Satchell), 10.3kph; Sheridan (Kay Jones), 10.2kph Grade 4: Todhill Trafalgar (Lenice Bell), 9.8kph; Ty Shute Golden Savannah (Saffron Bishop), 11.6kph Completion: Hurtstock Special Flame (Pauline Bird), 10.8kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aberllwyd Solstice Morn (Christine Nicol), 16kph; Aurontes (Judy Holloway), 11.4kph; Firebird (Lesley Nott), 12.4kph; Killyanchor Magical Jewel (Jessie Lethbridge), 12.3kph; Lustre (Caroline Lloyd), 13.4kph; Shimmering Blue Jasmine (Nicola Sherry), 11.4kph; Silver Tariba (Susan Speed), 12.6kph; Zayin Encantado (Jenny Pierson), 13.1kph Grade 3: Khanspur (Andrew Chisholm), 10.8kph; Master Flash (Philippa Davidson), 12.4kph Grade 4: Bomber (Glenda Smith), 11.5kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ali Shamahl (Rachael Claridge), 11.6kph; Brechfa Dansker (Kim Hicks), 12.3kph; Coille Mor Pearl (Gill Amos), 10.4kph; Cwymtynant William (Nicole Hodge), 12.3kph; Disney (Paula Snell), 10kph; Ley Lader (Helen Newton), 11kph; Minky (Georgia Harding), 10.3kph; Schmeichel (Sheila Penhaligon), 12.3kph; Tiger Lily I (Emilia Douglass), 12kph; Velucius (Juliet Martin), 10.4kph Grade 2: Ac Latifa Amirah (Tanya Southworth), 12kph; Blaize (Rebecca Townsend), 9.9kph; Hs Fayrouz (Joanna Chisholm), 10.8kph; Shylo (Libby Snell), 10kph; Venus (Carol Sobucinska), 9.6kph Grade 3: Azaraell (Wendy Chung), 11.6kph; Grey Faro (John Hudson), 8.8kph; Jack (Tara Brind), 12.2kph Grade 4: Britvic (Michelle Cockburn), 10kph; Summoner (Julie Elvy), 9.2kph; Tigre (Jane Hudson), 8.8kph Completion: The Blue Iris (Julia Wolfendale), 12.1kph 2 eliminations THE LIONS TAIL - DAY 2 (21/09/2014) 82kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Shingle Street Speshal (Antonia Hardwick), 14.7kph Grade 2: Bey Dryad (Gillian Hensley), 14.6kph; Fleur I (Alex Tennant), 15.1kph Grade 3: The Red Viscount (Lise Cooke), 12.4kph Grade 4: Gizmo I (Izzy Wilson), 12.7kph; Sirius Os (Harry Ingram), 14.5kph 4 eliminations 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Ruwais Bolero (Pauline Holloway), 15kph Grade 2: Ben Shah (Larissa Whiley), 12.6kph; Khebir Shahir (Rachel Judson), 12.6kph Grade 3: Tullia (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 12.5kph Grade 4: Jan’s Au Lait (Felix Morio), 12.1kph; Marbon Malana (Helen Barrett), 10.5kph 3 eliminations 50kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Neverly De Mescam (Lisa Powell), 16.9kph; Open All Hours (Carri-Ann Dark), 15.4kph 50kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Lyons Daz (Katherine Lee), 13.7kph 41kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Storm I (Joannah Parker), 14.2kph Grade 2: Almaak (Olwen Bryer), 11.4kph; Salladin (Heather Alexander), 13kph Grade 3: Basil De Mulo (Richard Allen), 11.4kph 3 eliminations 41kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Irshaad (Christopher Baker), 10.9kph;

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... Winter Mist (Sarah Jenkins-Brown), 11.2kph Grade 2: Ginger 672 (Joanne Cooper), 13.2kph; Malaak (Claire Dovey), 10.9kph Grade 3: Breton Boy (Elizabeth Rymer), 10.4kph Grade 4: Hs Bellini (Caroline Cowley), 10.9kph Completion: Parker (Yvonne Toms), 12kph 30kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Amira Zahra (Charlotte Strang), 13.2kph 30kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ashurst Bunty (Iona Peat), 13.3kph; Goldem Pride (David Catchpole), 13.3kph; Jigsaw (Claire Parkinson), 13.3kph; Kilbeg Flash (Carole Portlock), 12.4kph; Sheikh El Badhas (Lesley Caswell), 10.1kph Grade 2: Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 11kph Completion: Beavis (Lara Inglott), 8.2kph; Kamalie Queen Bee (Hilary Cuming), 12.4kph 4 eliminations and 3 retired WHITE HORSE WANDER (21/09/2014) 60kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Badran (Hannah Ormerod), 13.1kph; Rassam (Anne Booth), 13kph Grade 2: Dorocina Valiant Be (Carol Edmondson), 13.1kph Grade 3: Delfyw Squwiggle (Karen Corr), 13kph; Jvl Sergeant C Marshall (Carole Sykes), 11.5kph; Murphy Himself (Bridget Brown), 12.9kph Grade 4: Tuleekah (Rebecca Broughton-Booker), 11.5kph 1 retired 30kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 13.2kph Grade 2: Guisburn Golden Cobweb (Paul Axcell), 12.6kph Grade 3: Ash (Jackie Axcell), 12.6kph; Painted Lady VII (Susan Russell), 11.3kph; Snap Shot (Jackie Mawson), 12.6kph Grade 4: Crystal Topaz (Rebecca Pearson), 11.5kph; Jamyla (Angela Shutt), 11.3kph 30kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Senygal (Emily Mchugh), 10.9kph; Tinkerbell’s Image (Nikki Brown), 13.4kph; Wayside Falcon (Helen Ward), 9.6kph Grade 2: Westfields Lady Grey (Lisa Bainbridge), 11.1kph Grade 3: Ricco Esta Artisan (Caitlin Birkitt), 9kph; Ricco Esta Artisan (Caitlin Birkett), 9kph Completion: Hs Prosper (Kate Atkinson), 10.9kph DEVILS DYKE (28/09/2014) 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Completion: Ramona (Maddy Mangan), 11.3kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Red House Shamil (Trilby Herriott), 11.2kph Grade 3: Dunstan’s Dunnit Again (Christine Smyth), 11.2kph; Lady Ace (Lynda Maples), 12.3kph; Xanthus (Elizabeth Rowland), 11.3kph Grade 4: Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 10kph Completion: Boolagh Betty (Hilary Carr), 10.1kph; Push The Button (Karen Carr), 10.1kph; Storm I (Joannah Parker), 10.9kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Alfimoon (Alice Beet), 10.2kph; Marjo (Sue Letch), 11.2kph; Minnie I (Catharine Rideout), 9.6kph; Rochester (Kim Carter), 12.1kph Grade 2: Archer (Leonie Wheeler), 9.6kph Grade 3: El Chenz (Sandra Ralph), 9.6kph; Whifflegig (Nuccia Lipscombe), 13.3kph Grade 4: Maakedye (Amy Parcell), 8.6kph; North Star (Judi Vidler), 8.5kph RED DRAGON - DAY 1 (03/10/2014) 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Doyenne (Kate Curry), 11.8kph; Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 11.2kph; Zarzuela (Christine Wensley), 12.2kph Grade 2: Balishla (Samantha Owen), 11.1kph; Granby Sting (Maureen Langham), 12.9kph; Ja Noor (Susan Speed), 12.9kph; Seren (Eva Marshall), 13.3kph Grade 3: Aden Silver Moonlight (Janthea Newman), 11.7kph; Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 12.9kph; Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 12.4kph; Keen Pleasure (Charles Newman), 11.7kph; Lady’s

Man (Emily Cooke), 11.4kph Grade 4: Becky C (Karen Cadman), 10.9kph; Faleh (Linda Reeves), 12.4kph; Khatanga (Linda Barnes), 10.7kph; Venturoso Repoula (Jenny Myerscough), 10kph Completion: Serinah (Vivienne Knight), 12.2kph; Silvretta Athlete (Catherine Hood), 10.1kph 1 elimination 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Diving Belle (Amanda Tovey), 9.8kph; Silver Zaanif (Diana Rundle), 11kph Grade 2: Crystal Magic Star (Philip Hirst), 12.7kph; Echo I (Fiona Griffiths), 11.6kph; Hs Emerillon (Sue Box), 10.4kph Grade 3: Deliva Crianza (Lindsey Walters), 11.8kph Grade 4: The Red Earl (Lise Cooke), 11.4kph Completion: Aberllwyd Briar Rose (Susan Higgins), 8.5kph; Mayyasah (Alison House), 8.5kph; Spellbound Oberon (Della Short), 10kp 36kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Simply Dennis (Sue Gregg), 11.6kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 11.2kph; Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 11.2kph Completion: Ballydoolagh Alfie (Jeni Gilbert), 11.6kph 36kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Kamalie Queen Bee (Hilary Cuming), 10.2kph Completion: Merlin III (Bethan Lewis), 8.3kph; Steady Eddie II (Alyson Williams), 8.7kph 3 eliminations MADINE (FRA) DAY 1 (04/10/2014) F.E.I. 3star 160kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: H S Drift (Carri-Ann Dark), 16.6kph 3rd: L R Bold Greyson (Nicola Thorne), 14.7kph 3 eliminations F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 2nd: Terminators Dream (Dace Sainsbury), 18.1kph RED DRAGON - DAY 2 (04/10/2014) 160kms 2 day Red Dragon 2 day 1st: Oakleaze Farm Czarko (Lauren Mills), 14.5kph 2nd: Vlacq Bronze Image (Tricia Hirst), 13kph 3rd: Diana Of Court (Abigail Chisholm), 12.2kph 4 eliminations and 2 retired 80kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Khartoum With A K (Nikki Malcolm), 16.6kph 2nd: Firebird (Tanya Southworth), 15.8kph 3rd: Prince Meliodas (Rachael Claridge), 14.2kph 4th: Cumbria Sameh (Candy Cameron), 13.9kph 5th: Elayla (Katie Bedwin), 13.4kph 6th: Ellanora (Hannah Catterall), 12.2kph Completion: Cloughwood Gold Spangle (Lorna Hogg), 11.9kph; Oriole The Gold (Pamela Jordan), 10.5kph 7 eliminations and 2 retired 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Ptolemaeus (Carol Jones), 10.5kph Grade 4: Arranberg Mai (Fiona Valentine), 10.2kph Completion: Jabalabyad Azir (Valerie Price-West), 10.4kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Orion’s Firefly (Janet Kenward), 11.2kph Grade 3: Khalifa B J (Carolyn Livesey), 11.3kph Grade 4: Eas Boadicea (Ella Bunting), 11.2kph Completion: Shoshana (Ann Harrison), 11.6kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 48kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Beths Choice (Lynn Harvey), 12.1kph; Zarzuela (Christine Wensley), 10.8kph Grade 3: Becky C (Karen Cadman), 10.6kph; Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 12kph; Granby Sting (Maureen Langham), 11.4kp Grade 4: Doyenne (Kate Curry), 11.4kph; Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 11.6kph; Khatanga (Linda Barnes), 11.2kph; Lady’s Man (Emily Cooke), 11.3kph; Oakleazefarm Czako (Susan Rich), 11.9kph; The Red Viscount (Lise Cooke), 11.3kph Completion: Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 11.2kph; Oakleaze Farm Cziko (Louise Rich),

11.9kph;Serinah (Vivienne Knight), 10.7kph; Starlight Of Grangeway (Eileen Hackett), 11.9kph 2 eliminations 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Simply Dennis (Sue Gregg), 11.5kph Grade 3: D’Hab (Kim Sinnott), 11.8kph; Duke Of Burgundy (Christopher Rose), 12.3kph; Jamal (Annette Longland), 11.5kph; Marcus Aurelius (Becky Bertram), 11kph; Sa Sacred Spirit (AnnMarie Pelc), 11.1kph; Samsara Kabir (Tony Griffin), 12.4kph; Sea Emerald (Caitlin Theodorou), 11.5kph Grade 4: Kalach (Claire Barry), 11.4kph; Salimrashid (Jill Thomas), 11.1kph; Solomons Ikey (Trish Griffin), 12.4kph Completion: Ballydoolagh Alfie (Jeni Gilbert), 11.5kph; Puleski (Charlotte Robinson), 10.3kph 2 eliminations 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Strong Rebel (Paul Daley), 9.7kph Grade 2: Blossom I (Caroline Le Butt), 12.2kph; Eternal Deja Vu (Carolyn Robinson), 10.3kph; Quantock Willoughby (Sally Mellor), 12.1kph; Sahir Opulence (Katy Mellor), 12.1kph; Vlacq Flint Accolade (Heather Weston), 11.4kph; Yawl Hill Pollyanna (Saffron Bishop), 11.5kph Grade 4: Cloonmung Mist (Lisa Franks), 9.6kph; Surplus To Requirements (Laura Graham), 9.6kph Completion: Angies Girl (Angie Williams), 12kph; Azaleah (Sarah Rogerson), 9.6kph; Barabaschi (Pauline Daley), 9.7kph MADINE (FRA) DAY 2 (05/10/2014) F.E.I. 1star 90kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 2nd: L.M. 42 (Nicola Thorne), 18.4kph 2 eliminations RED DRAGON - DAY 3 (05/10/2014) 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 3: Cariad Charisma (Nicola Smith), 11.4kph Completion: Bey Shebaan (Laura Short), 11.3kph; Remynisce (Susan Hawes), 10kph; Z T Richshakfy (David Hawes), 10kph 65kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 4: Cs Ibn Fiesta (Debbie Williams), 11.1kph; Orion’s Firefly (Janet Kenward), 10.1kph; Shoshana (Ann Harrison), 11.4kph Completion: Eas Boadicea (Ella Bunting), 10.1kph 1 elimination 42kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Cumbria Sameh (Candy Cameron), 13.1kph; Elayla (Katie Bedwin), 13.4kph; Penny Clawd (Belinda Stewart), 14kph Grade 2: Aberllwyd Prince Elky (Claire Pilkington), 11kph Grade 3: Ground Kontrol (Susan Rich), 11.1kph; Kazeme El Mystral (Stacey Priddle), 10.5kph Grade 4: Cloughwood Gold Spangle (Lorna Hogg), 11.3kph; Oakleaze Farm Czelo (Louise Rich), 11.1kph; Radwaan (Lesley List), 11.3kph Completion: Hs Shaman (Sue Box), 10.5kph; Siiberia (Sue Loveridge), 11.7kph 42kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Completion: Marl Joclyn (Laura Robinson), 8.2kp 2 eliminations 36kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aden Silver Moonlight (Janthea Newman), 11.6kph; Keen Pleasure (Charles Newman), 11.6kph; Mirjana (Gill Plumbley), 13.9kph; Smokey Savannah (Karin Hilton), 12.3kph Grade 2: Becky C (Karen Cadman), 11.6kph; Emira Bint Letifa (Sally Toye), 14kph; Lady’s Man (Emily Cooke), 11kph; Marcus Aurelius (Becky Bertram), 11.4kph; Samsara Kabir (Tony Griffin), 12.3kph; Touch Of Frost (Hilary Kaye), 12.3kph Grade 3: Doyenne (Kate Curry), 11.4kph; Georgie Boy (Alicia Reeves), 11kph; Granby Sting (Maureen Langham), 13.5kph; Khatanga (Linda Barnes), 11kph; Summersplace Sweet Juliet (Heather Caddick), 12.4kph; Zarzuela (Christine Wensley), 11.5kph Grade 4: Kalach (Claire Barry), 11.4kph; Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 10.5kph; Solomons Ikey (Trish Griffin), 12.3kph Completion: Duke Of Burgundy (Christopher Rose), 12kph 2 eliminations

RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... 36kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Ashdean Ribbon (Faye Mitchell), 12.6kph; Blackie (Danielle Glaister), 11.5kph; Brechfa Dansker (Kim Hicks), 11.8kph; Carsons Legacy (Sherrie Cooper), 12.5kph; Cassie (Theresa Nazer), 12.5kph; Cf Winter Amadeus (Pat Guerin), 11.4kph; Copshawholm Roman Emperor (Jean Spearing), 11.4kph; Cwnceffl Autumn Breeze (Alison Smale), 11.9kph; Cwntynant William (Nichola Hodge), 11.8kph; Derrys Dream (Paige Knee), 12.8kph; Foxcourt Tiamarrie (Sharon Jones), 12kph; Good Morgan (Clare Sedgwick), 12.6kph; Good Time Charlie (Jo Bunyan), 13kph; H S Indiana (Janet Machin), 10.4kph; Harry (Shirley Swanson), 12.8kph; Jeff (Constance Smale), 11.9kph; Jupiter (Wendy Brice), 11.5kph; Kilbeg Flash (Carole Portlock), 12.8kph; Kingstown Cove (Ellie Bunyan), 13kph; Lily Langtree (Kate Gillam), 13.3kph; Little Murphy (Maxine Curtis), 11.9kph; Magners Gold (Jane Wyatt), 11.4kph; Midnight Madness (Tanya Sherwood), 11.9kph; Peace Of Mind (Stacey Collins), 10.2kph; Rusheen Blaithin (Annette Hornbuckle), 13kph; Sahir Opulence (Katy Mellor), 11.1kph; Salsola (Ann Farley), 13.5kph; Schmeichel (Sheila Penhaligon), 11.8kph; Spotless (Stephen Blackwell), 13.5kph; Tiger Lily I (Emilia Douglass), 12.6kph; Unbelievable (Gaynor Laverick), 13kph; Vlacq Flint Accolade (Heather Weston), 11kph; Wheedle (Jane Griffiths), 13.3kph; Yawl Hill Pollyanna (Saffron Bishop), 12.8kph Grade 2: Akzent (Elaine Baber), 12.8kph; Angies Girl (Angie Williams), 10.8kph; Byfleet Nicky (Brenda Henney), 11.9kph; Celtic Magic (Jane Stewart), 13.7kph; Dutch Adventure (Natalie Neal),12.8kph; Ervelough Tomas (Joy Toomer), 11.4kph; Gaelic Clover (Alice Newby), 12.2kph; Golden Pride (Dave Catchpole), 12.4kph; Hs Belita (Hope Mahlich), 13.5kph; Keeloges Shamoah (Jenny Kidd), 10.3kph; Lolly May (Kelsey Marriott), 13kph; Lord Albert (Wendy Treble), 11.9kph; Mill Starlight (Julie Banks), 10.4kph; Musical Shares (Michael Doody), 12.5kph; My Moonshadown VII (Natalie Levens), 12.8kph; Rheidol Star (Iola Evans), 13.5kph; Spring Steps (Kerri Costello), 10kph; Swish (Ceri Jones), 13.5kph; The Red Earl (Lise Cooke), 11kph Grade 3: Aktor (Maxine Golledge), 8.7kph; Cape Cobra (Lucy Bensley), 8.8kph; Ianto (Eifion Roberts), 13.5kph; Prince Of Hope (Kerry Carson), 10.7kph; Systemaatic Golden Girl (Abigail Summerfield), 12kph Grade 4: Ashurst Bunty (Iona Peat), 12.4kph; Cotswold Azula (Emma Baggs), 10.7kph; Crofftys Springtime Frost (William Gate), 10.4kph; Fainog Misty Lady (Christine Paine), 11.5kph; Hs Cicero (Lesley Kennedy), 8.7kph; Jigsaw (Claire Parkinson), 12.4kph; Llantrisant Liquorice (Jane Evans), 8.6kph; Miss Bounty (Clair Hood), 8.8kph; Quantock Willoughby (Sally Mellor), 11.1kph; Springfrog (Fenella Lloyd), 10.8kph Completion: Ac Latifa Amirah (Tanya Southworth), 12.6kph; Gafros Minstral (Jacqui Kedward), 12.5kph; Kamalie Queen Bee (Hilary Cuming), 10.5kph; Murthwaite Hardy (Brigit Clacy), 9.4kph; Poppet (Ronald Watt), 14.3kph; Pushkin Ibn Dilmun (Cecilia Lindberg), 9.1kph; Rohyrn (Kay Mahonney), 10.2kph; Springlee Bay (Rhiannon Britton), 10kph; Venus (Carol Sobucinska), 10.8kph; Zafhir (Morag Webb), 11.3kph 5 eliminations ALBERTI, CHIVILCOY (ARG) DAY 1 (10/10/2014) F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 4th: L M Zan Naphl (Nicola Thorne), 15.1kph ROYALTIES - DAY 1 (10/10/2014) 170kms 3 day Competitive Endurance Ride Multi Day 1st: Joyces Choice (Hannah Maskell), 15.5kph 2nd: Déjà Vu (Ann Harrison), 15kph 3rd: Ruwais Bolero (Victoria Davies), 14.1kph 4th: Magica’s Minstrel (Les Spark), 12.5kph 4 eliminations

120kms 3 day Medium 2day Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Magic Powers (Valerie Bradshaw), 13.2kph; Moet (Richard-Bradley Hancock), 12.8kph; Saintwestwell Silvermask (Raymond Davison), 15.1kph; Silver Tariba (Susan Speed), 15.2kph; Zorro (Sharon Davison), 15kph 104kms 3 day Medium 2day Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Amber IV (Lynsey Bainbridge), 13.3kph; Ghalib Zafir (Julie Martin), 13.8kph; Oreci De Tenelles (Jeanette Bennett), 13kph 72kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Sheikh El Badhas (Lesley Caswell), 11.7kph; Verbnyi (Brigid Fairman), 15.2kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Deemonstrator (Rebecca BroughtonBooker), 11.8kph Grade 2: Aragorn (Ruth Chadwick), 13.9kph; Sky’s The Limit (Charlotte Chadwick), 13.9kph; Zeus (Rebecca Northover), 14.7kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Mk Amirat Al Leyle (Carole Sykes), 11.8kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Chlione (Susan Middleton), 11kph Grade 2: Zawadi (Christopher Wray), 12.9kph 1 elimination 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 2: Fifi (Diane Hudson), 10.9kph ALBERTI, CHIVILCOY (ARG) DAY 2 (11/10/2014) F.E.I. 1star 80kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 5th: Ras Darling Ca (Nicola Thorne), 17.6kph ROYALTIES - DAY 2 (11/10/2014) 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Phoebe Rose (Alison Thorburn), 14.9kph Grade 2: Fantasia IV (Tricia Hirst), 14.6kph; Tarick Al Hfifa (Alex Tennant), 13kph Grade 3: Simeric Smooth Criminal (Stephanie Brown), 13.1kph 72kms 2 day Graded Endurance Ride 2 Day Grade 1: Bey Dryad (Gillian Hensley), 16.7kph; Redwings Milky Way (Keighley Pomroy), 12.9kph; Wisespares Tempo (Helen Ganney), 11.2kph Grade 3: Earl Of Killmurray (Jane Girling), 12.7kph 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Aberllwyd Satra (Karen Day), 14.1kph; Khalifa B J (Carolyn Livesey), 13.7kph; Nedja Du Barthas (Colin Sykes), 14.8kph; W L A Elektra (Gail Jupp), 13.6kp 1 elimination 50kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Haleys Empress (Abigail Goodrich), 14.2kph; Storm I (Joannah Parker), 15.7kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Meadowland Mack (Tania Fitton), 15.5kph Grade 2: Gizmo I (Izzy Wilson), 14.2kph; Hoofbeats Tour (Emily Ferguson), 12.8kph; Orelie Griff (Christopher Fitton), 15.5kph; Taaqib (Allyson Sole), 12.8kph Grade 3: Ormsfield Eloise (Julie Payne), 12.6kph Grade 4: Kalish (Olwen Bryer), 10.3kph; Zed (Heidi Clark), 12.8kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Flurrie (Jeni Gilbert), 17.4kph Grade 2: Chlione (Susan Middleton), 10.8kph Grade 4: Apache (Katy Williams), 12.8kph ROYALTIES - DAY 3 (12/10/2014) 80kms Competitive Endurance Ride 1st: Belle Etoile Bolero (Amie Grainger), 14.8kph 2nd: Indygo (Mary Stubbs), 14.2kph 3rd: Djoval (Rachel Sykes), 13.8kph Completion: Neverly De Mescam (Lisa Powell), 16kph 80kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: River Gypsy (Victoria Ham), 15kph; Tannasg Psyria (Rebecca Broughton-Booker), 12.4kph Grade 2: Akarem (Lorna Skinner), 11.7kph Grade 3: Sirius Os (Brett Corcoran), 15kph Grade 4: Jvl Sergeant C Marshall (Carole Sykes),

12.4kph; Tullia (Nicholas Tweedie-Smith), 11.7kph 1 elimination 64kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 2: Apollos Tara (Caroline Long), 11.8kph; Rassam (Anne Booth), 13.9kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 50kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Island Spirit (Sharon Button), 13.4kph; Khalifa B J (Carolyn Livesey), 14.6kph 1 elimination and 1 retired 40kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Watibou Coutillas (Alex Tennant), 13.1kph 40kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Hs Bellini (Caroline Cowley), 12.4kph; Sheridan (Kay Jones), 11.7kph Grade 3: Malaak (Claire Dovey), 12.4kph Grade 4: Westfields Lady Grey (Lisa Bainbridge), 13.7kph Completion: Psyngari (Piers Geddes), 12.7kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride Grade 1: Gizmo I (Izzy Wilson), 14kph; Meadowland Mack (Tania Fitton), 14kph Grade 2: Orelie Griff (Christopher Fitton), 14kph; W L A Elektra (Gail Jupp), 14.2kph 32kms Graded Endurance Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Zawadi (Kimberleigh Roulston-Bates), 10.4kph S.E.R.C. CHARTERHALL (12/10/2014) 80kms Competitive Ride Grade 3: Magic Storm (Nicola Hamilton), 11.1kph 30kms Competitive Ride Grade 1: Bonnie Lass (Barbara Austin), 13kph 30kms Competitive Ride (Novice) Grade 1: Clover Fire N Ice (Emma Leigh), 13.2kph LE PERTRE (FRA) (18/10/2014) F.E.I. 2star 120kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 9th: Themis Aya (Janice Cockley-Adams), 13.8kph EHRHARDT SC (USA) (07/11/2014) F.E.I. 3star 160kms FEI Competitive Endurance Ride 3rd: Hoover The Mover (Paresh Parmar), 11.3kph


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