Portfolio 5

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DS10 // BURNING MAN 2017 Semester 01 - Symbols and Systems

Matthew Chamberlain MArch 160786911 Submitted January 2017


CONTENTS Burning Man 2017



Helicoidal Definitoin Python Advancement Applications in Architecture Studio Intergration Jitter, Random,

04 05 06 07 08

Data Structure Islamic Pattern Phase 01 Islamic Pattern Phase 02 Islamic Pattern Phase 03

10 11 13 15

Understanding Trigonometric Applications Parametric Trigonometry Scripting (GH) Parametric Trigonometry Scripting (GH) Parametric Trigonometry Scripting (diagram)

18 19 20 21 22

Fundamental Understanding Office Application (GH) Office Application (Render)

24 25 26

Basic Processing Commands Processing Functions Processing Application Calculator Script Game

28 29 30 31 32

Trigonometry and Vectors Processing Trigonometry Processing 3D Processing Arrays

34 35 36 37

GHowl Components and functions Understanding Processing to Grasshopper Grasshopper to Processing

40 41 43

Key Definitions Nodes Scripting Nodes Process

45 46 47















Burning Man 2017

01 Matthew Chamberlain


BURNING MAN 2017 Unit DS10 - Toby Burgess / Arthur Mau Manu FORWARD DS10 this year is focussing on using art as a means of creating a society by designing for the annual Burning Man festival. I will explore the history of the Festival in Black Rock City and endevour to understand the philosophy behind this global event. DS10 prides itself on giving students the opportunity to build there own projects in the real world. They value the connection between architectural reality and conceptual bravery. They are also a studio that encourages interaction with external practitioners and professionals to collaborate with. The brief for this term was broken down into two phases. The first is a deep exploration into the ideas of ‘symbols and systems’. I will choose a specific symbol and carry out extensive research into its meaning and origin. This symbol will then form the basis of my pavilion design proposal for the festival in August 2017. By developing the proposal futher I will seek to analyse my design understanding the budget and logistics. Having created a pavilion and understood the Burning Man festival I will look ahead towards next term, in which I will build on the knowedge gained so far inorder to develop a new temple design and master plan.

Burning Man 2017

02 Matthew Chamberlain

1.0 Chapter 1.0 - The Festival A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.





Once year from around the world, tens of thousands of people gather in the Black

show. Burning Man is in fact, the complete opposite. The people who attend are

Rock Desert in Nevada to create ‘Black Rock City’. Dedicated to art, self expression

not there as “attendees,” but rather active participants in every sense of the word:

and community, this temporary metropolis is a creative festival generated by the

they in essence create the metropolis city, the interaction, the art, the performance


and inevitably the “experience.” Participation is the heart and soul of Burning Man,

Burning Man 2017 will take place between August 27 and September 4, in

and there are many ways in which to do so. Even if you are not there to build your

which over 70,000 people will gather for a week of carnival and festival fun. After

own installation, you can volunteer to help build the main infrastructure and temple.

spending a week building hundreds of sculptures, temples, pavilions, and other artistic installations, citizens of the event will gather and interact will everything on show before commencing in the burning ritual of the main statue.

BURNING MAN 2017 THEME Each year the festival carriers with it a theme. This year’s theme is called ‘Radical Ritual’ and is an attempt to reinvent ritual in a post post-modern world. The idea behind it is for people to disregard assertions of belief and in turn concentrate on the immediate experience of play. It is understood that beliefs contain, define, and limit notion of meaning. They can reduce truth to a rational commodity. But play on the other hand can free us to seek truths of which we have no proof or warrant. Such play, as we conceive it, breaks down the invisible wall that separates belief from make-believe. Whole-hearted and creative play induces self-surrender so that we may be able to experience ideas beyond the scope of reasoned thought.

It is not mandatory that anything at burning man has to embody the theme,

but I intend to use the theme as a design tool in order to channel the philosophy of my installation. People unknown to the event often assume that it’s a regular “festival” as they’ve come to know them, a passive experience where everything is planned, orchestrated and pre-packaged by the event producers, and attendees just come and enjoy the La Victoria

Burning Man 2017

04 Matthew Chamberlain


History of the Festival 1996 - 2017



It was in 1986 that the annual celebration of Burning Man’s fir ceremony began.

this is work that stands on its own as physical, sculptural installation, independent

Created by Larry Harvey and Jerry James the original event took place for four years

of performances or activities.

on San Francisco Baker Beach. Not until 1990, when police intervention stopped proceedings on the sand, that a transitional period took place. Burning Man took

They realise the requirements that making artwork for Burning Man is very difficult,

on a new location, new date, and adopted a new meaning for the celebration. The

due to the challenges inherent in creating anything in such a harsh wilderness

viewpoint sparks from events surrounding that year.

setting with highly unpredictable weather. All they ask is that you what you’re

getting into. Last year over 44 projects were funded by the organisers.

The festival moved to the Black Rock desert in Nevada. While the desert

is largely empty with very little on the playa, this emptiness and desolate flatness became a moment of awe-inspiring beauty. At the core of Burning Man is the large statue figure of a man that is burned at the end of proceedings. A spectacle of enormous magnitude that illuminates the entire area. It all originated from Larry Harvey’s original thought, “Let’s build a statue and burn it”

The first themed camp at Burning man arose in 1993, however, it was not

until 1996 that the organisers declared a central concept, known as ‘hell’. From the 100 individuals who attended the festival in 1990 this has now grown to over 60,000 in 2016

But there is much than just the big burn of a figure now at Burning Man. There

are massive and Immersible art installations, dance parties, intricate costumes and just about anything else one can imagine. Over time that creative atmosphere has led to more and more exciting and ambitious projects. Any one is welcome to build there own sculptural piece in the desert while “crowd-funded” constructions provided by the organisers give everyone an opportunity to build and imagine.

Every year Burning Man Arts issues a small number of special grants for the purpose of partially funding specific art projects. For people who have the ideas but not the money this is a wonderful opportunity to display at the event. All they ask is that La Victrola

Burning Man 2017

05 Matthew Chamberlain
































SITE INTRODUCTION Black Rock City, Nevada, USA



The Black Rock Playa in north-western Nevada is one of the largest, flattest,

Within Black Rock City the community is devised around villages. It is the mission

surfaces on Earth. The entire expanse covers an incredible 200 square miles. The

of a village to provide a public home for citizens. The purpose of a village is not

Desert playa’s flatness is largely because the playa represents the former bed

just to be with friends or share domestic arrangements. This is where you work

of Lake Lahontan, an ancient lake that occupied many of the basins in north-

with your fellow villagers on a project that will connect you with hundreds of other

western Nevada approximately 15,000 years ago. Several large mountain ranges

participants. Like a theme camp or an artwork, a village is a special gift that you

and other areas of natural and cultural beauty surround the playa, together forming

contribute to the community. A village is self-expressive, a village helps others,

an expansive area now contained within the Black Rock Desert High Rock Canyon

and a village should be fun. By taking responsibility for a village you enter the

Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area. The playa is extremely dynamic with

ranks of the founders and organizers of the festival. Work hard, play very hard and

harsh ecological systems that are exposed to lengthy aridity and strong winds.

experience an immense satisfaction.

Black Rock Desert

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain



Lat: 40.9 oN, LON: 119.1 OW





















5:00 6:30






2.0 Chapter 2.0 - Symbolism Concept And Origin Choose a symbol and build a rich catalogue of extensive research, understanding the science, philosophy and artistic qualities that are associated.

DNA Discovered in 1869


‘There are as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the galaxy, We are, each of us, a little universe’ DNA stands are the genetic code that determines all the unique characteristics of every living thing. Simply put your DNA is what makes you, you! You inherited your DNA from your parents, known as ‘hereditary material’ (information that is passed on to the next generation). Nobody else in the world will have DNA the same as you, unless you have an identical twin. Deoxyribonucleic acid is the large molecule shaped like a double helix and a ladder that’s been twisted many times. In the early 1950’s two scientists, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, carried out intensive studies into DNA using x-rays. Franklin produced an x-ray photograph that enabled two other researchers, James Watson and Francis Crick to determine the 3D structure of DNA. The structure was found to be a double helix. In 1962 Crick and Watson, along with Wilkins all received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery. Rosalind Franklin had died four years earlier and her pivotal contribution was not fully acknowledged until much later. All living organisms acquire their uniqueness by there carefully defined strands of dna and yet by the very nature that we all possess dna we are in fact one and the same. Through this very fascinating cosmic balance derives my intensive interest into dna and how we might perceive it in the real world. My explorations began with extensive research into how dna has been interpreted over history and the relationships people have made to it. This knowledge will provide the basis for which to design critically.

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DNA Historical Reference


The story of Jacobs Ladder is an ancient allegorical biblical tale, describing the alchemical process of reaching complete Gnosis. A symbolic ladder that we all must climb to reach the spiritual heights of the divine in the heavens while we are encased in physical matter here on earth. As we climb, we must purify ourselves, our thoughts and actions, so that we may reach that seventh and final step of our ascent, in order to activate all of our seven senses and DNA.


Kundalini in the Dharma religions, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of “awakening” kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss. This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Kundalini awakens ones dna and charges it.


Understanding the symbol as a concept and its historical significance is key to designing an installation that connects with traditions, rituals and people’s cultural identities. My early research was suggesting that ‘energy’ and the notion of a ‘higher power’ was very relevant and important in different traditions. From this is was becoming clear that creating an architecture and artist piece that provided a sense of enlightenment for the individual was key

Burning Man 2017

11 Matthew Chamberlain


DNA Patterns

PARAMETRIC MANIPULATION My first investigation involved analysing the patterns of the basic forms of dna.

allowed the 2d pattern to weave around itself. After mirroring this effect I began

This included the A, B, C and Z structures. I analysed there shape in plan and then

experimenting with the overall form. I altered the scale so that it would progressivly

explored them paramterically. I was very interested in spiraling them in the same

get smaller as it reached the top. I folled this by linking each of the platform levels

way that we undersand the dna shape as two intertwined strands of genetics. This

with an almost strucutral consideration.

involved using the sin equation as the basis for my parameteric code. The equation



It is a left-handed double helical structure in which the double helix winds to the left in a zig-zag pattern

It is a right-handed double helix with a shorter more compact helical structure whose base pairs are not perpendicular to the helix-axis as in B-DNA.

Burning Man 2017

12 Matthew Chamberlain

3.0 Chapter 3.0 - DNA - Symbol / System A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.


The Geormetry of dna A Structural Revision



0.5 a 0.5 a





Single prismatic pentagons to illustrate the 3-dimensional helix THE MATHEMATICS


In mathematics there is only one polygonal formation

proposal locates the molecular pentagons that make up

that would create a double helix. Ten regular pentagons

a part of the purines on the outside of the paired bases.

orientated around a decagon. The diameter of the helix

However, it has been demonstrated that a more fluent

(HD) and the height of the helix extension (HE) have a

and natural geometry would require adjacent pentagons

direct and constant proportional ratio to the pentagon

at the heart of the base pairing. This spatial arrangement

length (PL) and pentagon diameter (PD).

of the hydrogen bonds enables the necessary adjacent

In order to establish the precise nature of this ratio we

second pentagon to become viable.

must devise some trigonometrical equations. The pairing of purines and pyrimidines in the Crick and Watson


0 N1





N9 C5

Ad e n i n e



0 N1







Burning Man 2017



Ad e n i n e

14 Matthew Chamberlain

Representative model of the DNA buildup and helix


The Geometry of Dna Mathematical Breakdown

ADOPTING KNOWLEDGE TO SCIENCE: It was now a case of understanding what could be found from my previous understanding. Constructed parametrically, it shows step by step the methodology behind the system. The final proposal form was a simplified expression.

Golden Ratio

Angle Rotation of 36 o

Angle Rotation of 108 o

Angle Rotation of 144 o

Burning Man 2017

15 Matthew Chamberlain

Angle Rotation of 72 o

Angle Rotation of 180 o


The Geometry of Dna A Structural Revision


I began playing around wit the shape of the pentagon, integrating circles to obtain

find out how, given the polygon, I could have drawn the circles. By constructing a

a clear understanding of the geometry. Starting with the end state of a number of

square one circle-radius in width on several of the key points it generated a larger

packed circles I drew a polygon around them. I then trying to work backwards to




Burning Man 2017

16 Matthew Chamberlain


The Geometry of Dna Symbol to System

Ibeganbygeneratingabasicpentagon.Theprocesswillbe tousethegeometricunderstandingIgainedfrommyprevious investigations.

Step1involvedduplicatingthepentagontoestablishaparingof molecularcharacteristics.ThisadoptsthesameforastheDNAbase paring.

Thenumber5isimportantasitdefinestheshapeitself.ThereforeI positioned 5 parings around a central pentagon

InordertoconstantlymaintainorderandunderstandingIwould wrapmydevelopingpatterninapentagon.Iwouldthenbeableto understand the positive and negative space.

AtthispointItookprinciplesofstep1and2frommy‘Pentagon Understanding’time-lineandsplitthepentagonpairings.

Adoptingaslicingmethodfromsteps2and3ofthe‘Pentagon Understanding’IrealisedthatIhadin-factgeneratedanothershape within my own.

ThepatternbelowclearlydefineswhatIperceivedasthepositive space. Represented by the DNA pairings

Incontrasttothepreviousstep,thenegativespacehadgenerated5 proportionallyaccuratestars.Thiswassignificanttothepatterns development so I would develop both shapes.

Aseriesofdiamondshadnowbecomethenegativespaceandproved key to positioning the nex t shapes

AdoptingthesamestrategyIpositioned5newpentagonsaroundthe central cluster of shapes


Thefinalpatterngeneratedcontains40DNApairingsand50Stars. Thisbecametheplanformyinitialproposeddesign.Ide-constructed the pattern, breaking it up into a series of fractal pieces.

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17 Matthew Chamberlain

STAR Symbolism and Cultural Reference


At the time of generating this pattern the American presidential election was taking place. Due to the fact that Burning Man is in the state of Nevada I felt that this powerful and momentous moment should have some significance on my design thought. It was unknown to me at first but as the pattern on the left hand page developed I realised I was producing stars in the negative space around the pentagons. Through a surprising vein of fortune at the point I stopped expanding the shape, I had constructed a pattern that contained exactly 50 stars, the same number that appears on the American flag. I felt this to be highly significant. Therefore, I chose to use the star shape in the continued development of the design. My symbol of DNA characterises every individual but at the same time represents a unifying bond and connection between all living this. The star was almost a symbol for the dna of America, and in a time where opinions and ideas were divided across the country, this seemed an appropriate and strong philosophical move towards the Architecture and meaning of the installation. This same ideology of unity and togetherness is essentially the catalyst behind the success of Burning Man.

Burning Man 2017

18 Matthew Chamberlain


Burning Man Masterplan Symbol and Context Relationship



Whilst the pentagon and star is a familia symbol colalition it has a very powerful

The pentagon line around the site of burning man is actualy known as the trash

cosmic relationship. Every 121.5 years we experience a Venus Transit. At this point

fence. Larry Beed was so impressed when he realised Burning Man’s leave-no-

we see Venus passing directly in front of the sun. Venus appears as a small dot

trace-ethic but realised there was aproblem. Due to the large scale winds created

crossing the face of the Sun. A passage (technically called a transit) can only occur

on the playa, lightweight trash kept escaping into the desert. Therefore, Larry

with the inner planets--Mercury and Venus--because they are the only two that can

proposed a trash fence that stretched a mile around the site. Built from bamboo

lie between the Earth and Sun during their orbits. There are five synodic cycles

poles and plastic netting, the fence was a huge sucess plucking everything out of

between two transits. One of these cycles will take place in 2017.

the sky.

Earth Venus


Earth Venus

Venus Sun







Burning Man 2017

19 Matthew Chamberlain

4.0 Chapter 4.0 - Symbol to System Phase 01 (Waves) A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.

WAVES Principles and Properties


Waves are all around us in everyday life. Light waves are very special because they are constructed from photons that enable us to see. Sound is also a type of wave that moves through matter and then vibrates our eardrums allowing us to hear. Waves are disturbances that propagate energy through a medium. They transfer energy, momentum and information but not mass and can generally be classified as either Mechanical of Electromagnetic waves. Sound is an example of a mechanical wave in which the wave is an oscillation of matter and requires a medium. Contrary to this, electromagnetic waves do not require a medium and are created by the vibration of an electric charge. This means electromagnetic waves can move through a vacuum. Waves can also be described by their amplitude, wavelength and frequency are categorised by there orientation. There are three main specific types of waves: Longitudinal: Movement of particles parallel to the motion of the energy. Transverse: Movement of particles perpendicular to the motion of the energy. Surface: Movement of particles traveling in a circular motion

Many waves cannot be seen such as microwaves and radio waves. The understanding of waves and their principles and behaviour, is an ongoing scientific study that helps us to understand the physical world around us. My interest in waves is related to there kinetic behaviour. Kinetics is a scientific and artistic tool that I intend to use as a representational tool for my dna inspired installation.

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22 Matthew Chamberlain


Wave Anatomy Principles


M ov e m e n t

M ov e m e n t

M ov e m e n t


TRANSVERSE WAVE Particles of the medium move perpendicular to the wave’s direction of travel.



Particles of the medium move parallel to the wave’s direction of travel.

Mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media.






T Tr o u g h


AMPLITUDE Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

FREEQUENCY The frequency, f, of a wave is the number of waves passing a point in a certain time. Normally use a time of one second.

Burning Man 2017

23 Matthew Chamberlain

λ WAVELENGTH The length of one complete wave cycle.


Wave Anatomy Principles






Ψ (x)










Fi r s t




CONSTRUCTIVE WAVE INTERFERENCE When two waves meet in such a way that their crests line up together.


Ψ (x)





Interference that occurs at any location along the medium where the two interfering waves have a displacement in the opposite direction.

Burning Man 2017

24 Matthew Chamberlain


Wave Digitalisation Parametric Simulation LINE



This defines the length of the line that I start with so essentially the string length. The factor determines how large the starting spin is.

The standing wave differs from the previous example as it only features one motor. On the other end the string is fixed. This is now the same effect that I am trying to create in my studio project so I can begin to establish more accurate results.

This converts my radians into degrees




Here I have set out the parameters to correctly input the rpm. However, the functions do not run completely smoothly as Grasshopper cannot process the

I have attached a panel to the reset counter that gives me the rpm result.

Close to Real Life settings for more accurate results

Burning Man 2017

32 Matthew Chamberlain


Wave Digitalisation Parametric Simulation


I decided to create a digital wave model on the computer using Grasshopper in

the linear distance between ends. The script acts in much the same way as the standing

order to simulate the effects of changing certain parameters has on the production

wave experiment I conducted. The string is split into 40 nodes along it so that node number

of the wave. This would produce a close representation of what would happen in

one can rotate, causing the string to move, whilst node 40 can remain fixed.

reality. I altered different variables that included string length, the motor speed and

AMPLITUDE Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

AMPLITUDE Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

Burning Man 2017

31 Matthew Chamberlain

AMPLITUDE Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.


Precedent Daniel Palacios - ‘Waves’



The “Waves” installation created by Spanish artist Daniel Palacios is based on simple scientific

It’s made with two industrial engines which make the rotors spin, which a rope is tied to. The type

principles of sound, kinetic energy, the understanding of how we perceive through our senses, and

of rope used is very important. The system used to hold it onto the rotors, as well as the logic

the application of movement sensors technology. The follwing is an interview with Daniel Palacios

in the principles that control the software, establish the relationship between the public and the

about his instalation waves.

installation’s function. A micro controller picks up the movements of the public through infrared sensors integrated at the base of the piece and uses that information to change the frequency


of the spin in the engines, which alters the sound and waveforms presented.All this technology

“Waves” is made to react to the movement of the people in the room. Their movement changes the

is hidden within the piece, so that it does not distract the public’s attention. They focus on the

settings of the spin, changing in an instant the sound and the waveform created by the rope. This

phenomena created and not analyzing the technology.

way, when one enters the room all you see is a white line floating in the air. As you approach, it begins to make symmetrical waves and you can perceive a continuous hum. The truth is that you are listening to and watching a harmonic note. The installation creates an average to calculate the number of people and their movements around it. It goes through different harmonic states, multiplying the amount of waves relative to the number of people in the room (which increases the intensity of the sound). At the same time, as the movement in the room increases around the piece, it will override the stability of the harmonic notes, creating a different and irregular spin depending on the accumulated inertia on the rope. This creates louder sounds and unstable visual wave forms that bring you out of the initial hypnotic state and instill a feeling of danger.

ART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In my perception, historically art has been a channel for representation, be it religious, theoretical or something other. Its link with science and technology is that science provides the empirical knowledge with which one can experiment and technology the tools one can use to put some concepts into practice. If we apply these arguments to perceptual systems, which are what I work with, science gives me a practical knowledge base to understand how we perceive things and how our senses work. Technology becomes an essential tool to apply this knowledge, altering or amplifying our perceptions, in essence playing with our senses.knowledge, altering or amplifying our perceptions, in essence playing with our senses.


Burning Man 2017

25 Matthew Chamberlain


Wave Principles Experiment


It was critical for me to understand the behaviour of waves and how they vary under difference conditions. The experiment consisted of setting up a stationary wave and analysing its properties as I alter three variables. These variables included the speed of the motor, the leaner distance from each end and the tension in the string. From these results I was able to plot a series of graphs and begin to understand how waves behave. My intention use this knowledge for my pavilion design so that individuals using the installation could interact and control the waves themselves.

AMPLITUDE Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

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Precedent Daniel Palacios - ‘Waves’






07 10 08




Burning Man 2017

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Wave Principles Experiment

Burning Man 2017

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Wave Digitalisation Parametric Simulation

I have attached a panel to the reset counter that gives me the rpm result.

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32 Matthew Chamberlain

5.0 Chapter 5.0 - Symbol to System Phase 02 (Lighting) Burning Man place huge enphasis towards how a proposed design encorporates lighting. The follwing chapter outlines the effect I hope to obtain and the strategies I am working with.

WAVES Principles and Properties


Waves are all around us in everyday life. Light waves are very special because they are constructed from photons that enable us to see. Sound is also a type of wave that moves through matter and then vibrates our eardrums allowing us to hear. Waves are disturbances that propagate energy through a medium. They transfer energy, momentum and information but not mass and can generally be classified as either Mechanical of Electromagnetic waves. Sound is an example of a mechanical wave in which the wave is an oscillation of matter and requires a medium. Contrary to this, electromagnetic waves do not require a medium and are created by the vibration of an electric charge. This means electromagnetic waves can move through a vacuum. Waves can also be described by their amplitude, wavelength and frequency are categorised by there orientation. There are three main specific types of waves: Longitudinal: Movement of particles parallel to the motion of the energy. Transverse: Movement of particles perpendicular to the motion of the energy. Surface: Movement of particles traveling in a circular motion

Many waves cannot be seen such as microwaves and radio waves. The understanding of waves and their principles and behaviour, is an ongoing scientific study that helps us to understand the physical world around us. My interest in waves is related to there kinetic behaviour. Kinetics is a scientific and artistic tool that I intend to use as a representational tool for my dna inspired installation.

Burning Man 2017

22 Matthew Chamberlain

Precedent Paul Freidlander


Paul Fr i e dlander is a B r it ish ar t ist w h o c reate s b eaut i f ully m e sm o r ising k inet ic ar t sc ulpture s. H is wo r k is dire c t ly re late d to my intere st s fo r my pav ili o n de si gn and s o i went to v isit him in Lo ndo n. H e b e c ame fasc inate d by ar t invo lv ing t he use of m ovem ent and li ght in t he late 19 6 0 s. H e was m o st inspire d by t he wo r ks of t he cy b er net ic ar t ist s N ic h o las S c h öf fer (1912) and Wen -Y ing Ts ai (19 28). S inc e t hen he has b e en st r o ngly dr iven to make k inet i c wo r ks. In 19 8 3 he made an imp o r t ant disc over y of t he c haot i c p r o p er t i e s of spinning st r ing and disc overe d c hr o mast r o bic li ght , ‘ li ght t hat c hang e s c o l o r faster t han t he human eye c an se e’.

T he c hr o mast r o bic li ght ing system it se lf was c usto m built by Fr i e dlander as t here were n o ot her li ght s ourc e s t hat c oul d p r o duc e t his ef fe c t . In re c ent year s he deve l o p e d ways of m o di f y ing st andar d LED li ght s. M any of his wo r ks make use of p er sistenc e of v isi o n, a p r o p er t y of how li ght is p erc eive d c o mbine d w it h m ovem ent to c reate a t hre e dimensi o nal k inet ic b o dy of li ght in sc ulptur al fo r m. Fr i e dlander app li e s his sc i ent i f ic k now le dg e to his ar t and is heav ily inf luenc e d by Chao s t he o r y, S t r ing T he o r y and c o sm o l o gy. W hen v isit ing Paul at his wo r ksho p, he de o mst ar te d t he ef fe c t s o n a small sc al e. T he m o st fasc inat ing element was t he c o mbinat i o n of t he li ght ing disp lay and t he s ound of t he st r ing spinning. T hey inter t w ine d to c reate a me sm o r ising sensual dispaly. I was intending to emp l oy a ver y similar ar t ist and sc i ent i f ic approac h to p o r t r ay dna as a physic al 3 - dim ensi o nal fo r m.

Burning Man 2017

35 Matthew Chamberlain


History of the Festival 1996 - 2017

Grasshopper’s graphical interface is designed to have data flow into and out of specific types of components. However, it is the data that define the information flowing in and out of the components. Understanding how to manipulate list data is critical to understanding the Grasshopper plug-in.Adignia ium sus ressus apicaepuda pa arumquia cusam, iducid esciliatum sunt, officae que dolore, sequam quatur aut laboreste quidi dolum harupta testiusandi as as mo ideliquia qui ab il illauta tibus, idelit venis pro cus exerio. Nam laut et labo. Ant molupta nus ipsum deliquibus eos qui num excea que senis reped quiaspe reperit quis et, consendant.

Equo tessuscilis ut qui quaes nonsecepudi consedit laborib ernatem ad

molest libus sametures maios et ommod et, sumquo dolo que ne volut landigende volupta sintiusda dolorehent eos et, comnisi ommolor ra dit, quas ape nulleni dolo ea accum qui intota dollacc aturia dolupic to tem quodi as provitate quo volupta eceatiusa dus voluption reribus eles re estrum re, esequi que pedit, suntion eceaqui busandellor aut inctet inverrorio. Pos restist iandia volum ressimusci repudanti nem conem necersp elique naturi dis reperi sus ma doluptibus ius, consequati nitiori qui int aboreca tureperi architat archit expe net que vit debis aut lam ipsam rem quis ne nam de nobitatur, in ressimin num rerio beribus dolorporem

aspe coritin cillamu sciasperiant mint vel inverferfero blam qui oditiae eati

coreiur, iunt eos volorem cullore ni doluptatis expe laut alibusam quis aut dolorepta volupta is ari consed ex et qui test que porerero con nonsed et rae voluptatio maxim endi cum suntur sendis rercia dis inusant asitio od ex et volenim delestrum inis mos dolectem imus aut ratiurio beaquiantiam qui remquam nienect atquia ditatias aut repra invelit quamus. Omnihitatem vent quam ium volupta turest et dus doloris exerit rem idis dolupis int unt in et voluptas adis am aut latum assed ut quae secaborumTa dis eaquam faceptatia comnihilibea nim volupta tiatur?

Endi dolore quia et utendanderum quamendendi officim ende eosae dolectem

Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain


SITE INTRODUCTION Black Rock City, Nevada, USA

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain


History of the Festival 1996 - 2017

Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain

6.0 Chapter 6.0 - Symbol to System Phase 3 (Materiality) A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.

Infinity Principles and Properties


Waves are all around us in everyday life. Light waves are very special because they are constructed from photons that enable us to see. Sound is also a type of wave that moves through matter and then vibrates our eardrums allowing us to hear. Waves are disturbances that propagate energy through a medium. They transfer energy, momentum and information but not mass and can generally be classified as either Mechanical of Electromagnetic waves. Sound is an example of a mechanical wave in which the wave is an oscillation of matter and requires a medium. Contrary to this, electromagnetic waves do not require a medium and are created by the vibration of an electric charge. This means electromagnetic waves can move through a vacuum. Waves can also be described by their amplitude, wavelength and frequency are categorised by there orientation. There are three main specific types of waves: Longitudinal: Movement of particles parallel to the motion of the energy. Transverse: Movement of particles perpendicular to the motion of the energy. Surface: Movement of particles traveling in a circular motion

Many waves cannot be seen such as microwaves and radio waves. The understanding of waves and their principles and behaviour, is an ongoing scientific study that helps us to understand the physical world around us. My interest in waves is related to there kinetic behaviour. Kinetics is a scientific and artistic tool that I intend to use as a representational tool for my dna inspired installation.

Burning Man 2017

40 Matthew Chamberlain


The Geometry of Dna Symbol to System



Whilst the pentagon and star is a familia symbol colalition it has a very powerful

The pentagon line around the site of burning man is actualy known as the trash

cosmic relationship. Every 121.5 years we experience a Venus Transit. At this point

fence. Larry Beed was so impressed when he realised Burning Man’s leave-no-

we see Venus passing directly in front of the sun. Venus appears as a small dot

trace-ethic but realised there was aproblem. Due to the large scale winds created

crossing the face of the Sun. A passage (technically called a transit) can only occur

on the playa, lightweight trash kept escaping into the desert. Therefore, Larry

with the inner planets--Mercury and Venus--because they are the only two that can

proposed a trash fence that stretched a mile around the site. Built from bamboo

lie between the Earth and Sun during their orbits. There are five synodic cycles

poles and plastic netting, the fence was a huge sucess plucking everything out of

between two transits. One of these cycles will take place in 2017.

the sky.



Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

Burning Man 2017

Amplitude is the distance from the rest position to the crest position which is half the vertical distance from a trough to a crest.

41 Matthew Chamberlain

Infinity Mirrors Symbolism and Cultural Reference


At the time of generating this pattern the American presidential election was taking place. Due to the fact that Burning Man is in the state of Nevada I felt that this powerful and momentous moment should have some significance on my design thought. It was unknown to me at first but as the pattern on the left hand page developed I realised I was producing stars in the negative space around the pentagons. Through a surprising vein of fortune at the point I stopped expanding the shape, I had constructed a pattern that contained exactly 50 stars, the same number that appears on the American flag. I felt this to be highly significant. Therefore, I chose to use the star shape in the continued development of the design.

Burning Man 2017

42 Matthew Chamberlain

7.0 Chapter 7.0 - Proposal A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.



DNA Historical Reference



My first investigation involved analysing the patterns of the basic forms of dna.

The story of Jacobs Ladder is an ancient allegorical biblical tale, describing the

This included the A, B, C and Z structures. I analysed there shape in plan and then

alchemical process of reaching complete Gnosis. A symbolic ladder that we all

explored them paramterically. I was very interested in spiraling them in the same

must climb to reach the spiritual heights of the divine in the heavens while we are

way that we undersand the dna shape as two intertwined strands of genetics. This

encased in physical matter here on earth. As we climb, we must purify ourselves,

involved using the sin equation as

our thoughts and actions, so that we may reach that seventh and final step of our ascent, in order to activate all of our seven senses and DNA.


Kundalini in the Dharma religions, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of “awakening” kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss. This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Kundalini awakens ones dna and charges it.


Understanding the symbol as a concept and its historical significance is key to designing an installation that connects with traditions, rituals and people’s cultural identities. My early research was suggesting that ‘energy’ and the notion of a ‘higher power’ was very relevant and important in different traditions. From this is was becoming clear that creating an architecture and artist piece that provided a sense of enlightenment for the individual was key

Burning Man 2017


Burning Man 2017

11 Matthew Chamberlain



CONDITIONS The section represents the conditions of the space during the day at Burning Man. You can clearly see the effects of the acrylic two way mirror. With more light outside the proposal the acrylic becomes a mirror from the outside, and completely transparent inside. Protecting the user during the day to his/her own thoughts.




People are unaware of how they are changing the waves during the day because they cannot see inside

Two way acrylic creates a private enclosure for people inside the installation during the day.

The material is transparent when the sun is out during the day allowing the ways to seamlessly fall into the backdrop.

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain


The stage encloses all of the electrical and delicate hardware to protect them from people and weather.

Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain


SECTION Detail Section through proposal

Gear Lever. Wooden handle connected to a central axial

Motor and Spinning plate connected to a local metal tube

Rope to Spindel connection 12m




12m 12m

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain

DMX lights mounted into the wooden decking

Pulley system connectors mounted on top of the wooden corner joists.


Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain



MOTORS / LIGHTS I experimented with a variety of different motors to find the most efficient rpm for the motor to spin. The faster the motor spun the more perefect the wave became, but became harder to control at the top. It was also a case of finding the motor that fitted the spinning plate best. I also experimented

waves. My final investigation was looking at DMX lights. These are lights that can be controlled using either a DMX controller or an arduino. I began playing with various effects including colour, fade, brightness, strobe.

the size of the spinning plate. This determins the starting diameter size and therefore the resulting wave. I also experimented with various size disks made from plywood, to produce different size

Perspec transparent screen

Plywood Spinning Plate with attatched rope connector

DMX LED Lights DMX Lighting Bracket

Motor Base Plate Alluminium tube - Feeing cables through

DMX Lighting connectors

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain


Detail Section Motor and Lighting Fixture


12m 12m



Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain


Detail Plan Motor and Lighting Fixture


12m 12m 12m



Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain


Detail Section Motor and Lighting Fixture

Burning Man 2017

08 Matthew Chamberlain


Costing Analysis Materials and Labour

MOTORS / LIGHTS The spreadsheet below represents a complete breakdown of the costs associated with the pavilion. This includes materials, components and processes

Construction Unit Description

Unit Dimension


Price Per unit

Total cost

100 x 100mm x 2.4M





Easi 15 incised timber post


See Thru Two Way acrylic mirror

1220 x 2440mm





Acrylic mirror - Silver

1220 x 2440mm





Timber Sheets - Decking

1220 x 2440mm





Metal Rod

100 x 100mm x 2.4M





DMX Lights





Additional Cables





DMX Controller






Screws, Nuts, Bolts



Timber Joists



String - EL wireG



009 010

Aditinal Components

Burning Man 2017

07 Matthew Chamberlain


WORK SCHEDULE Construction Phasing Plan

Burning Man 2017


8.0 Chapter 8.0 - Future Development A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space.

DNA Historical Reference

JACOBS LADDER I am currently developing the code and design to be used as an application on both android and apple devices. The application encourages the understanding of sin and cosin waves and how they respond to changing certain parameters. I also hope to be able to develop the code further to consolidate the link between the waves and dna, which is at the heart of my studio project. It’s exciting for me that I have been able to develop the principle behaviour of sin waves, which we began looking at within the first few weeks of the module. I have thoroughly enjoyed this module. I have learnt an immense amount in only one term which has enabled me to progress and develop other areas of my study. I will look to develop my skills in as many of the areas as possible from this report for both my studies and work in practice. The module was very fast paced but that encouraged me to speed up my own work and as a result I feel I am far more productive with both rhino, grasshopper and processing.

Burning Man 2017

11 Matthew Chamberlain

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