A strong lack of aspects for decent housing leaves a great part of the population of São Paulo in precarious or without housing conditions. By mobilizing, organizing and supporting occupations, urban movements provide shelter for those excluded from formal housing.
These insurgent practices in the interstices of the ‘formal’ city enforce peculiar urbanization processes, forming a city within. However, despite determined self-organisation, these occupied spaces remain subject to precarious living circumstances, segregation, ecological decline and limited spatial quality in general.
Through photography, map-making and participatory observation, this thesis documents six case studies, in several stages organised by urban movement FLM, Frontline in the Struggle for Housing. Every case singles out a sample how the urban movement is re-composing a decaying urban fabric and aims to imagine how design can play a role.
By Ken Vervaet and Matthias Lamberts (Guidance Jeroen Stevens (PhD) and prof. De Meulder, KU Leuven)