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Feed Safety



Vegetative awakening is a crucial moment for fruit crops: this phase will in fact affect all the stages of the plant’s development, ultimately determining the quantity and quality of production. This is why it is essential to start off on the right foot.

The issues

Due to physiological, climatic and environmental factors, bud burst often occurs irregularly. This can occur even if the chilling need of the crop has been met and also in plants on which a dormancy breaking agent has been applied.

On crops such as wine grapes, table grapes and kiwifruit, the phenomenon of

apical dominance is very frequent and leads to the faster development of the shoots located at the tip of the branches.

These phenomena have negative effects on the uniformity of flowering, resulting in non-fruiting (loss of production) and uneven ripening of the fruits (prolongation of harvest times).

For stone fruit and pome fruit, it is not uncommon to observe an uneven development of the floral buttons and inflorescences. Uneven flowering, especially in the self-sterile varieties, causes reduced or lack of fruit set which is followed by substantial productive loss. For an adequate cross-pollination it is necessary a synchronous flowering of the pollinating plants with the producing ones.

The solution to improve bud burst and flowering

FOLICIST is an innovative biostimulant based on folic acid, glycin betaine, proline, cysteine and plant extracts, which naturally uniforms bud breaking, flowering and fruit setting. FOLICIST favours the balanced development of the plant, reducing apical dominance and preparing the fruits to a uniform enlargement.

During bud breaking, flowering and fruit setting, the plant requires high amounts of energy, proteins, sugars and nucleic acids to support intense cell division. Folic acid stimulates the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, while cysteine and proline are necessary for the production of energy in the cells. Plant extracts provide anti-stress compounds and natural growth promoters.

With FOLICIST, shoots grow quicker and simultaneously, and flowering is more homogeneous, setting optimal conditions for a uniform ripening of the fruits. Folicist: • reduces apical dominance, even on varieties prone to the problem; • synchronizes flowering, which is essential in varieties that require crosspollination; • improves fruit set; • favors the balance in plant development, improving its architecture and photosynthetic capacity; • favors uniform ripening of the fruits (concentration of the harvest) and high quality of the harvest.

For more information, visit www.biolchim.it

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