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and sustainable model, centered on people and based on the cooperative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity and on the ethical values of honesty, transparency, social responsibility, and attention to others; all this goes hand in hand with our own principles and values, where we mainly seek to improve the livelihood of people through cooperative entrepreneurship, innovating and developing effective services and products with high quality standards, which contribute to the creation of an integral, sustainable and profitable route for associated cooperatives. to FEDECOVERA, in the constant search for cooperative excellence. We are the 1st Organic Cardamom and Allspice producer, processor, and exporter in the world, exporting to the 5 continents; most definitely, a Cooperative Enterprise with the capacity to do business in a globalized world, allowing us short and medium-term profitability and long-term sustainability, taking our comparative advantages to improve our competitiveness in the most demanding markets, without losing sight of our sense of existence, which is to achieve social and economic sustainable development of our people to improve their livelihood conditions, and the integral care of our natural resources to be an active actor in the fight against climate change.
Our model is successful, since we integrate men, women, and young people, into a system of production value-chains with a sustainable agroforestry approach, responsibly taking advantage of the natural resources at our disposal.
This is what we call Mayan Traceability!
For more information, visit www.fedecovera.com