Animal Nutrition
THE EXPERT’S CHOICE IN MINERAL NUTRITION M INTREX® is the only worldwide commercially available bis-chelate on the market for use in animal feed that contains HMTBa as the ligand, providing additional benefit. MINTREX® is the most bioavailable trace mineral option, meaning it delivers the most product to the site of absorption. This allows for those lower inclusion levels to be met without sacrificing performance of the animal. The simplest way to explain the differences is by understanding the bonds surrounding the mineral: in the case of inorganic trace minerals
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(ITMs), it is an ionic bond that creates the mineral salt through opposite charge attraction. In an organic trace mineral (OTM), a much stronger covalent bond is what binds the mineral to a ligand, improving its bond strength through electron sharing. But even within OTMs, it is important to understand that there are significant differences. What sets MINTREX® apart is two things: 1) the mineral is chelated, meaning there are four coordinate covalent bonds surrounding each mineral; 2) the ligand is HMTBa, which provides benefits in and of itself once it separates from the
mineral in the small intestine and is absorbed. The neutral charge achieved with the structure of the MINTREX® molecule makes it less reactive to antagonisms ensuring that the mineral reaches the site of absorption. Due to its properties, MINTREX® bis-chelate provides more bioavailable zinc, copper or manganese for superior animal performance: reproduction, tissue integrity, immunity, meat quality and environmental footprint.
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November-December 2021