UPGRADED CHORE-TRONICS® 3 CONTROLLER IMPROVES BIRD COMFORT AND HEALTH Chore-Time has updated its CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Controller with features to help poultry producers optimize productivity. The most significant upgrades focus on automatically adjusting the environment of poultry houses to enhance bird comfort and health. These features are standard in new installations and can be added to existing CHORE-TRONICS 3 Systems through a simple software update. The updated CHORETRONICS 3 System continuously calculates the minimum ventilation time for removing heat and moisture from the house. The system works by keeping track of the actual amount of water going into a house and also taking
measurements of temperature and humidity both inside and outside the house. By using the data to modify the minimumventilation run time, the system is able to automatically achieve a desired range of relative humidity to help keep birds more comfortable and floors drier. Larger birds need higher ventilation rates to stay comfortable. The CHORETRONICS 3 Controller is preloaded with how much air each Chore-Time fan can move and provides automatic control to accurately maintain maximum CFM curves based on bird age. As static pressure changes in the house, the control calculates the required CFM for each fan based on the conditions.
The PDS system automatically adjusts water supply based on bird age and demand. While PDS isn’t new to the CHORETRONICS 3 Controller, the ability to flush the system at any time using a “Flush Now” button is an additional feature. It gives poultry producers another way to stimulate birds to eat and drink beyond the ability to flush automatically based on water temperature and/or time of day. Like most CHORE-TRONICS 3 Controls, these new features can be monitored and activated with the CHORE-TRONICS® Mobile App. The App gives poultry producers more options for managing poultry houses by giving them instant access to current conditions and remote control of critical systems.
SOOS EGG SEX DETERMINATION - AN EMKA PARTNER For many years now EMKA Hatchery Equipment has been helping with the building and designing of commercial sex determination incubators for SOOS, an Israeli start-up active in the poultry sector. Imagine a factory that throws away half of its production. This is how the egg-production industry works. Every year, commercial hatcheries around the world produce 15 billion chicks: 7.5 billion are females that can lay eggs, and 7.5 billion are males
that have no commercial use and are therefore exterminated after they hatch. This practice involves major animal suffering and abuse, and a huge waste of energy, water, incubation space, and production capacity that could be used to ensure better nutritional security globally. SOOS developed an incubation system that affect the sex development process in poultry embryo and turn genetic males into functional female chicks. Their system operates an
incubation protocol that controls a combination of: Temperature, Humidity, CO2 levels, Sound Vibrations. SOOS has won a 1.000.000 USD first prize from Grow NY and Cornell University to further their research. SOOS sex determination means that you can determine, not detect the sex of the embryo. Whereas some companies are detecting the sex of the embryo and then aborting the foetus, SOOS is able to induce a specific sex, whether it be male or female.