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ISSN 1751-8407


2013 TM

















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Cover photo courtesy: Fertikal, Belgium



















32 Editor in Chief Mohammed Nasser Editor Marie Matthew Associate Editor Andrew Thomas Graphic Designer Elizabeth John Marketing Manager Megha Mary Matt Production Manager Abdul Shareef Contributors Neville J. Chandler, P.K. James, Douglas Bott, Shakeeb Kolakadan, Dr. Terry Mabbett Head Office Matt Media International Ltd, Woodgreen, London N22 5AR, UK. E-mail:, Web site: Middle East Office Al Saad Advertising & Publishing L.L.C., P O Box 25694, Sharjah, UAE, Tel:+971 6 5639494, Fax:+971 6 5639449. Gulf Agriculture is read by agri professionals, farm managers & owners, landscape consultants, contractors, agri-equipment suppliers, horticultural engineers, greenhouse managers, agronomists, veterinary surgeons, ministries, poultry & dairy breeders, importers, distributors, manufacturers and whole salers of food and agri inputs. Printed and published by Matt Media© Intl. Ltd.(U.K.) 2013 All rights reserved. The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are requested to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader’s particular circumstance. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for any error or omissions contained in this publication.





International Ornamental Grower Award At the annual congress of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) in Canada, the Belgian horticultural company Romberama won the Bronze Rose in the 'International Grower of the Year' category. The professional jury praised the innovative and environmentally-friendly entrepreneurial spirit of the amaryllis nursery and market expansion by, among other initiatives, home sales. The Golden Rose went to Sheridan Nurseries in Georgetown, which supplies its nine garden centres from its own nursery. This was the second time in a row that the company gained the award. The Silver Rose was awarded to the Dutch nursery Sion Orchids. As customary every year, the best ornamental grower was elected during the annual meeting of the AIPH. This year Belgium was represented by Raf and Ben Rombouts of the Romberama amaryllis nursery in Loenhout. The brothers were awarded the Bronze Rose. The jury also praised the environmental efforts of the company and its pursuit of maximum energy efficiency. Furthermore, the jury liked the market expansion through home sales and the combination of cut flowers and soft fruit.

New biennial trade fair for horticultural sector to be called GreenTech After extensive industry consultation, the name for the biennial trade fair for the agricultural chain, focused on product technology for food and ornamental horticulture, has been decided. The definitive 4


title is GreenTech Amsterdam, the international trade fair for Horticulture Technology to be held June 2014. Over the past two months the horticultural sector has been invited via crowd-sourcing to help decide the name of the exhibition, the working title of which was HortiTech. The long list of suggestions was reduced to a shortlist by a renowned brand agency based on various criteria. A committee of exhibitors and other stakeholders, including AVAG and Fedecom, finally chose the name GreenTech. “It is the first time that Amsterdam RAI has used crowd-sourcing to choose a title,” says Ids Boersma Managing Director of RAI Exhibitions. “We think it is wonderful that the sector came up with an even better name than our working title.” The name GreenTech was suggested by Dutch and international parties. Moreover, the title is in line with the full scope of the exhibition programme, and leaves space for the future plans of the organisers. The exhibition name GreenTech Amsterdam comprises all aspects important to positioning the event. 'Green' symbolises growth, crops, agriculture, horticulture, nature and sustainability. 'Tech' directly indicates a core element of the exhibition - the product technology that results from innovations and provides opportunities for the long-term future. And Amsterdam reminds us that the event will be held in one of the world's most dynamic cities, one which is ideally suited for major exhibitions. 'The international trade fair

for Horticulture Technology' immediately indicates the essence of the exhibition, namely horticulture and technology. “Over 100 exhibitors have already booked and new partnerships have been formed,” adds Mariska Dreschler, GreenTech Product Manager. “The relationships with existing partners have been strengthened and with the name GreenTech we are building a broad international platform where the Dutch sector can present itself as the forerunner it is.” The name GreenTech was launched on 22 October. Four VIP parking tickets were awarded among the title contributors and the winners of these tickets have been informed. The first edition of GreenTech will take place from 10 to 12 June 2014 in Amsterdam RAI.

Yields of new varieties of agricultural crops continue to increase Research into varieties of winter wheat, spring barley, potatoes grown for starch and sugar beet which have been introduced in the Netherlands by plant breeding companies between 1980 and 2010 shows that new varieties continue to yield more than their predecessors. Despite recent concerns that important crops in high-yielding regions have reached their production maximum, the rise in yield potential of new cultivars does not yet level off in the Netherlands. The fact that plant breeding can still lead to increases in production has therefore been shown by this research at Wageningen University. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013


Businesses, consultants and scientists sometimes ask themselves whether plant breeders are still able to raise the yield of crops such as winter wheat and potatoes today. More and more articles published in international reviews imply that production is barely increasing in countries where it is already high. The idea prevails as trees cannot continue to grow until they reach the sky, there must obviously be a yield ceiling. Scientists at Wageningen University decided to study this deeper. The yield of a crop depends on the genetic characteristics of the variety, soil, climate, and crop management. The scientists analysed official tests on varieties that were carried out between 1980 and 2010. A statistical technique allowed them to separate the influence of weather, CO2 levels and crop management from the effect of the introduction of new varieties. This showed that new varieties introduced between 1980 and 2010 on average all had a higher yield than previous breeds. This applied to winter wheat, spring barley, potatoes grown for starch, and sugar beets, as well as, to a lesser extent, to ware potatoes. Over the period under review, the yield of the breeds of winter wheat and spring barley appearing in the market for the first time increased by around one per cent per year. Bert Rijk, researcher at the chair group “Plant Production Systems” at Wageningen University, coordinated the study. “The most striking finding was that the yield increase by breeding does not yet level off,” Rijk states. “New varieties are better than 6


their predecessors to the same extent today as they were in the early Eighties.” In other words, plant breeding still ensures an increase in maximum yield. But actual yields of farmers do in some cases seem to grow less fast or even stagnate. In other words, it is becoming more difficult to exploit the full potential of new varieties. This means that the so-called yield gap between the potential and actual yield is growing. The question remains as to whether this is due to changing climate, soil quality, modified crop management, or a combination of these factors.

Components: Italian industry holding out well in 2013 Estimates by the manufacturers in Comacomp (Confindustria) compiled on the basis of internal surveys conducted by the association point to a yearend balance sheet in line with the previous year's or slight progress. Exports are driving the sector, President Alessandro Malavolti explained, whereas the domestic market is still negative. Important initiatives for promoting the sector in emerging markets. The Italian industry manufacturing components for agricultural and earthmoving machinery expects a 2013 balance sheet in line with the results for 2012 when overall sales came to some 1.7 billion euro to show exports up by around 5% flanked by a 7% downturn on the domestic market. A sight increase of a few percentage points for the current year is not being ruled out due to signs of recovery on the markets in the second half following negative indications

in the first half. This is the outlook surfacing in estimates arrived at through surveys conducted by Comacomp, the association which represents the components sector within FederUnacoma, in the National Manufacturers Federation Confindustria. The surveys of these member manufacturers covered a majority of the sector, 80 industries, and all types of products, from axles and cabs to pneumatic components, accessories, CPUs and on to the most minute parts for mechanical gears. A constant over the past few years in this mechanics sector, the Comacomp surveys found, is the difference between the trend of the domestic market on the decline and the growth of export markets. Though the brakes have been applied to the home market, the overall trend for the sector has been positive in that exports account for 80% of sales and work as the decisive factor for these balance sheets. The analyses under study took up the two segments the market is divided into, OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturers, which involve direct supplies to these industries, and AM, the After Market accounting for spare parts and accessories. For exports, after increase of about 4-5% reported for the first half of the year, the OEM segment should hold steady through to the end of the year to confirm the percentage gains achieved in the first half. For the AM segment, the outlook is that in the wake of a first half which showed a decline of between 5% and 10% the full year balance should match that of last year thanks to the combination of a stable trend on the Central and NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013


Northern European markets and downturns reported for those in Southern and Eastern Europe. For the domestic market, the outlook is for ending the year with the same volumes as those in 2012 in the OEM segment and a gain of something like 5% in the AM segment. Comacomp President Alessandro Malavolti commented, “The strong showing on foreign markets is the factor

sustaining our industries which are, however, paying a price for the overall weakness of the country-system. For this reason, since the beginning of the year our association, in concert with the federation, has been stepping up work on internationalization with other Italian entities joining in through trade fairs and missions to such countries as the United States, Brazil, India, Algeria, Argentina, Japan and China.” Malavolti concluded his remarks by saying, “The next appointments on the calendar are for an Italian group taking part in the Golden Autumn Russian Agricultural Exhibit in Moscow, a group attending the CIAME International Expo in Qingdao, China, both in October, and especially the EIMA Agrimach exposition FederUnacoma is organizing in New Delhi for December, the main bridge for our products for the great Indian market.”

Winning FREE Organic Fertilizers with the largest apple? Join the contest now!

Meeting nearly 50 countries in two days

Ferm O Feed, world leader in the production of organic fertilizers and part of Den Ouden Group from Schijndel, in cooperation with Guinness World Records organizes an attempt to break the world record of the largest apple. The largest apple weighs 1,849 kilo and this record is held by Chisato Iwasaki from Japan since October 2005. We challenge each grower to post a photograph of the largest home-grown apple on Facebook ( and) before for 15-11-2013, specifying the weight. The competitor who posts the largest apple will win a FREE pallet Organic fertilizers. Together with you we hope to find the biggest apple in the world, bigger than the current record of 2005, naturally... For more information:

GB's seed potato community was out in force at last week's Potato Europe event in The Netherlands. Participating in the industry's leading international potato event paid dividends for seed breeders, growers and exporters with over 15,000 trade visitors from nearly 50 countries coming to Emmeloord to 'talk tatties'. With the GB stand constantly busy, at times it felt as though most of the 15,000 visitors stopped by at some point over the two-day event. “The Potato Council stand at Potato Europe provides a highly visible platform for our seed industry and this year's event has



provided an exceptionally high level of international meetings and networking on the stand” says Robert Burns, Potato Council's head of seed and export. “Our exporters and related seed science community have all reported a good show this year and we know that the networking from the event will keep them busy for the coming export season and beyond”. James Thorburn, Variety Development Manager at Greenvale AP Ltd, which exports over 10,000 tonnes of Scottish-grown seed around the world each year, commented on this year's event saying “The timing of the event is ideal for us. Having our export team on Potato Council's GB stand enables us to hold multiple meetings over a fast-moving two days and to communicate our understanding of the quality and quantity of our Scottish seed crops to our customers. This export season is expected to be strong for GB, with seed tuber quality looking good.” With plenty of GB industry visiting the event too, the firsttime UKTI-supported Industry Reception hosted by Potato Council was a hit,with excellent British produce and hospitality on offer, and attendees reporting increased networking opportunities. Potato Council's seed and export promotional campaign will continue, first with the new Seed Expo, part of the forthcoming 'potato pilgrimage' to BP 2013 event in Harrogate (27-28 November) and continues early in 2014 at Fruit Logistica, when Potato Council will be joined by their AHDB horticultural colleagues, Horticultural Development Company (HDC), in Berlin (5-7 February). NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013


Guttridge supplies grain handling equipment to Georgian chicken producer Working alongside main contractor Chief Industries UK Ltd, Guttridge Ltd has supplied all the materials handling equipment for a new chicken feed unit in Georgia (Russia). The new unit lies at the heart of Chirina Ltd's fully integrated chicken production business, the largest in this region. Seeking turnkey solutions with a strong focus on efficiency, Chirina turned to Chief to supply a fully integrated system for the provision of its poultry feed plant for maize, wheat and soya bean handling. The facility used a selection of equipment from the Guttridge Carier range for transportation of material, managing the bulk intake and


bulk outloading. For more information on Guttridge equipment, please visit: “Guttridge has a good reputation and offers excellent service,” said Mark Temple, Global Sales Manager, Chief industries UK Ltd. “It is a solid, established company, an important factor in the current economic climate, and easy to deal with. It's great to be able to offer a fully UK engineered project that showcases what we, as a country, are capable of.”

AEF Fall Plugfest in Germany attracts new record attendance With a total of 209 engineers from 62 companies and 77 ISOBUS devices to be tested against each other the Fall Plugfest of the Agricultural

Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) reached new heights of participation. AEF chairman Peter van der Vlugt commented: “The increase of about one third since the spring Plugfest in the USA clearly shows how rapidly the acceptance of ISOBUS is growing throughout the world and underlines the significant role that AEF plays in Ag electronics“. The event attracted attendees from 11 countries and as far away as Australia. Their testing added up to almost 1.300 different ISOBUS terminal/ implement combinations. Plugfests take place every spring and fall, alternately in the USA and Europe. They provide the industry with the opportunity to test their own ISOBUS product developments




in combination with those from other manufacturers using the test protocol defined in the standards. Real-time adjustments are often made by the Plugfest participants to ensure compatibility, while other situations require more work back at the company to complete the necessary changes. The recent Fall Plugfest also marked the date from which the newly designed AEF ISOBUS Certified Label may be used to label products and be published in promotional material. The label states that the product is ISOBUS certified by an independent test laboratory using the new AEF ISOBUS Conformance Test Tool. In conjunction with the AEF ISOBUS Database users will know exactly which



functionalities are supported by a product or a combination e.g. tractor and implement. The European AEF Plugfest was hosted by ISOBUS Test Center (ITC), one of the three test laboratories accredited by the foundation so far. The event took place at the Caprivi Campus, which is part of Osnabr端ck University, from September 10. to 13. The next AEF Plugfest is scheduled for May 2014 at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, USA.

MF Antarctica 2014 The Birth of a New Generation of Explorer Preparations for Antarctica 2014 from Massey Ferguson are progressing well. The MF 5600 tractor that 'Tractor Lady' Manon Ossevoort will drive to the South Pole in 2014 is built

and currently being prepared for its arduous journey. Staff at Massey Ferguson are also assembling a team of top specialists to support Manon and the MF 5600 tractor. These include top polar explorers, experienced expedition leaders, a highly trained tractor technician along with back up from other specialists. "Massey Ferguson is very proud to be involved in this great adventure," says Campbell Scott, Massey Ferguson's Brand Development Manager. "The project is part of our heritage and follows in the tractor tracks of Sir Edmund Hillary, who completed the same journey on a Ferguson Tractor 55 years ago. It will be the 56th anniversary of that significant event when Manon's MF 5600 reaches the South Pole in 2014."



'Tractor Lady' Manon has undertaken polar training in Northern Canada as well as initial tractor testing on a glacier in Iceland, along with members of the MF team. Manon said, "I am very excited about what we have achieved so far and how the project is proceeding. In recent months I have managed to keep quite a big secret - that is Tractor Lady is soon to become Tractor Mama! The birth of my baby is another whole new adventure for me personally. But I am really determined to complete the journey and finish the story I have been creating for the past nine years." Massey Ferguson is delighted with Manon's special news, adds Mr Scott. "Naturally we share the joy of Manon and her partner, Rogier and send them every best wishes for the future and look forward to our continued progress towards the South Pole together," he adds.

Macfrut: Record of exhibitors at the 2013 edition The international exhibition dedicated to the fruit and vegetable supply chain was inaugurated on the 25th of September with a conference on the relations between the USA and Europe The inauguration of the 2013 edition of Macfrut focused on internationalisation and was attended by a record number of participants. The 30th edition of the international exhibition dedicated to the fruit and vegetable supply chain achieved a new record number of exhibitors: this year 817 exhibitors attended, compared to 800 exhibitors at the previous edition. Macfrut 2013 began on NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

September 25 with a conference entitled “New Relationships between the US and the EU: Opportunities for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry”, aimed at analysing the main points of the new EUUS Free Trade Agreement. At the opening of the event, the Italian authorities present highlighted the international atmosphere of Macfrut, which, this year, hosts delegations from 5 continents, as well as 10 international ambassadors, with a marked increase in participants from the Mediterranean basin, the Balkan region, China and Brazil. On the preview day, a summit entitled “The Kiwi Sector in between Emergency and Market” was held, during which forecasts of world production for 2013/2014 were provided by Elisa Macchi, Manager of the CSO the Italian Fruit and Vegetable Service Centre. The production of actinidia will see a 5% increase in Italy and a 7% increase in Spain, whereas a decrease in production is forecasted for California (-23%), Greece and South Korea (-15%), and France (-13%).

ICBA undertakes a study on the reuse of biosolids in the Emirate of Ajman International Center for Agriculture (ICBA) and Ajman Sewerage have signed an agreement to implement a feasibility study on the reuse of biosolids produced at Ajman Wastewater Treatment Plant on Wednesday, 28 August 2013. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharif, Deputy Director General of ICBA, and Mr. Peter Lembrechts, General Manager of Ajman Sewerage,


signed the agreement, which sets the expected delivery date of the final report of this study on the 31 January 2014. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharif praised the objectives of this study, which seeks to determine the market for practical reuse of biosolids in Ajman in the near term and the related procedures. This study will learn about the status of sewage sludge in Ajman and its capacity to be reused as biosolids. It will determine the appropriate markets for the use of biosolids and the restrictions relating to quality, quantity, and the need for more laws and legislative policies. In addition, this study will identify the obligations of producer and users. Implementing the results of the study will be highlighted in a roadmap plan, which will be part of the outcome. Dr. Al Sharif added, “This agreement will support the partnerships between the center and the private sector. This project supports the vision of the UAE in general and the Emirate of Ajman in particular in reducing waste and achieving sustainability; where, the overall strategy of the UAE seeks to achieve a zero waste environment and to dispose of the need for landfills. ICBA's team for this project consists of Dr. Abdullah Shankiti (Senior Soil Management Scientist), Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ammar (Water Resources Management Scientist), Dr. Nurul Akhand (Irrigation Management Scientist), and Dr. Berhanu Degefa (Socio - Economic Scientist). This team amasses extensive experience in the field of water, land, irrigation, the reuse of treated 12


Dr. Ahmed Al Sharif, Deputy Director General of ICBA, and Mr. Peter Lembrechts, General Manager of Ajman Sewerage, signing the agreement at ICBA headquarter in Dubai.

wastewater, and the economic and social implications of such project. The center has already conducted a number of studies that have had a direct impact on the development of policies concerning water, agriculture, and the reuse of sewage water in many countries. Mr. Peter Lembrechts stated that Ajman Sewerage highly appreciates everything that has to do with reuse whether for treated effluent or for biosolids. Reuse represents a very important element in achieving sustainable development. He also pointed out that collaborating with ICBA on the reuse of biosolids came as a natural step, since ICBA has an extensive experience in this field. Ajman Sewerage was established by H.H. Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Ruler of Ajman in 2002. Ajman Sewerage is the perfect example of a successful partnership between the Government of Ajman and two leading international experts from the

private sector, Besix and Veolia. Ajman Sewerage is chaired by H.H. Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid al Nuaimi. Under his leadership and with the knowhow and expertise of its private partners Besix and Veolia, Ajman Sewerage has financed and implemented a wastewater collection network with a wastewater treatment plant to treat all the wastewater from Ajman Emirate and to deliver treated effluent to the City of Ajman. Ajman Sewerage is striving continuously to provide the highest standard of professional and customers services that ensure a healthy and comfortable standard of living for the people of Ajman. The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) work addresses the closely linked challenges of water, environment, income, and food security. The Center's applied research for development aims to address the agricultural challenges in marginal environments including assessment of natural resources, NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013


climate change adaptation, crop productivity and diversification, aquaculture and bio-energy and policy analysis. ICBA is working on a number of technology developments including the use of conventional and nonconventional water (such as saline, treated wastewater, industrial water and seawater); water and land management technologies and remote sensing and modeling for climate change adaptation. Building capacity and sharing knowledge is an important part of all ICBA does. ICBA's work reaches countries, including least developed countries, in Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South and


South East Asia, sub Saharan Africa and Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Seminis Brassica conference focuses on 'Harvest a bright future' For the first time, Seminis organized a Brassica Conference during the annual Seminis Open Days. Over 80 people attended this conference, which was hosted by six professionals in brassica, both from Seminis as well as other organisations such as international universities. Special topics during the conference were vegetable market trends and the benefits of soil control. The attending growers were especially interested in the live

presentations in the field on this last subject. Dr Hans-Christoph Behr performed the kick off. Dr Behr is the managing Director of AMI (Agrarmarkt Informations-GmbH). The AMI supplies the agricultural sector with independent market intelligence for all relevant products, among others fruits and vegetables. Dr Behr shared his in-depth knowledge on vegetable market trends and updated the visitors on his future expectations. Seminis invited three specialists on soil and soil structure: Dr Paula Misiewicz from Harper Adams University, Dr Lynda Deeks who is a Soil Physicist/Hydrologist and Dr Rob Simmons, who is a Senior




Lecturer in soil erosion and conservation. They each covered a specific area of expertise on this topic. Dr Misiewicz lectured on soil compaction, an ever present risk. It is important to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of compaction so that appropriate action can be taken. Dr Lynda Deeks has an expertise in soil structural determination, analysis and interpretation. Dr Deeks explained the effects of compaction on the soil ability to handle (the lack of) water. Dr Simmons talked to the visitors through soil erosion control and the benefits of break crops. In the field he proved the effects of a Luzern: the roots of this crop go as deep as 1.2 metres, thus restructuring the soil and allowing the microbiology to work effectively. Kevin Walsh is one of the Seminis specialists sharing his knowledge during the Brassica Conference. He is Technical Development Crop Lead Brassica (and leafy) at Seminis. Kevin Walsh demonstrated the effects of density in brassica versus harvesting return per 14


hectare and benefits of reduced head size in quality and logistics. His performance was supported by 8 large demo fields of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Hans Schepers is the Chain Quality lead EMEA in Vegetable Technology Development at Seminis. He told the guest guests all about brassica vegetable quality in the eyes of the consumer and traders. He explained - among others - the difference in taste a texture experiences and the gap between demands of retail an consumers.

Heavy investment, research and a clear path ahead More than 2.5 million euro invested in research and development in the three years 2009-2012 and almost 10 million to increase the productive capacity of the company with innovative technology that is unique in its field. Investing in people and in the capacity for teamwork, these are the cornerstones of Sante Faresin, with a focus on capturing the strong foreign demand for mechanisation in the primary sector The industrial premises of

Faresin Industries, a company run by the Faresin family with its headquarters and production facilities in Breganze (Vicenza) is a business that has achieved rapid expansion in recent years in global markets with demand offset by a parallel growth in the production facilities. Concentrated in Breganze, Faresin Industries today consists of 5 plants containing 3 production lines giving a total of over 24,000 square meters of indoor premises. Approximately 150 employees with a very low average age and a high level of education. A turnover that is more than double the level recorded in 2009, when the effects of the global crisis of 2008 began to be felt and that, with reference to the targets of the company, should approach 40 million euro in 2013, with an increase over the previous year of approximately 20%. An economic result of the group that, according to the forecasts, should further double over the next 5 years with a doubling of the production units by 2017. These were the numbers presented today to the business convention international audience by Sante Faresin, president of the group of the same name and co-founder together with his brother Guido of the first welding workshop, a seed that has developed into the current industrial success. A short speech in which the Veneto Region extended a warm welcome and expressed to the Faresin family its congratulations for the results achieved was also accompanied by a speech from the regional councillor for education, Elena Donazzan. Significant aspects, to NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013


illustrate the operating scenario worldwide with which to compare the industrial group over the coming years, were provided by two important speeches by authoritative scholars. Stefano Baldi to Nomisma, in his speech of contextualisation of global evolution in the agricultural sector, highlighted that an absolute increase of the population to approximately 9.3 billion by 2050 is forecast by the Italian economic studies centre. In parallel, an increase in the welfare of growing segments of the population with spending capacity aligned with that of western countries is fuelling a growing demand for


noble foods such as milk, its derivatives or meat in addition to other foodstuffs. To achieve such agricultural production by optimising resources, it is essential to implement developed farming techniques with a focus on mechanisation. In the same vein are indicators linked to manufacturing and to the movement of each type of product. Prof. Igino Andrighetto, from the Univerisity of Padua and director of the Zooprophylactic Institute of Padua, instead stressed the benefits of feeding ruminants using the unifeed or single plate technique, i.e. with all of the contents of the meal mixed so that the animal cannot

"choose". The effect is an increase in the productivity and welfare of animals.The mixing of the portion is obtained with mixer trucks and those produced by Faresin are characterised by a high mixing quality. We have great opportunities to seize represented by the growth in demand for food and homes supported by the growth of the world's population, declared Sante Faresin. The field of animal husbandry must evolve through a process of mechanisation as well as through the movement of products. Everything will be driven by the need for greater efficiency, by the use of raw materials and resources.






wing to its strategic location adjacent to Europe, Asia and Africa, the UAE has steadily emerged as a major hub for the flowers and plants trade. Dubai in particular has blossomed into a bustling trading hub for flowers, live trees, seedlings, roots and bulbs. The emirate's flowers and plants business is estimated at over AED 140 million and continues to amass a sizeable chunk of a GCC flower market estimated to be worth around AED 970 million. Moreover, according to experts, the UAE's plant and flower market is expected to achieve an annual growth of 20 per cent, driven by factors such as strong economic growth and the country's resurgent real estate sector which is on track for a 15-20 per cent average annual growth over the next two years. Flowers entering into Dubai mostly come from Africa, Asia and South America, while re-export destinations include GCC states, Russia, AsiaPacific countries and Europe. The

Ingo Klover Managing Director, Planetfair 16




Dubai Flower Centre at the Dubai International Airport is currently considered the most modern logistics center for the Middle East's flowers and plants industry. Growth opportunities, industry trends, and the best technologies and practices surrounding the thriving flowers and plants trade of Dubai and the entire Arab World will be revealed during the 2013 International Plants Expo Middle East (IPM), the only international horticultural trade show in the Middle East. Running from November 17 to 19, 2013 at Halls 2 and 3 of the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, the 8th edition of IPM will cover the entire chain for the horticultural industry, from greenhouse and nursery growers to landscape designers, architects and contractors. The show will be held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and Chairman of Dubai Airports. More than 5,000 visitors and industry professionals from all over the world are expected to gather at the upcoming edition of IPM. Like the previous edition, this year too the highly-awaited event is expected to see exhibitors from Europe dominating the show, followed by local exhibitors from U.A.E, Africa, Asia, GCC, and the Americas. “Flowers and plants have become big business here in Dubai and across the Middle East. The sector has also been a good fit to the sustainability focus of Dubai and the rest of the UAE. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013




With the entire region going through a steady recovery mode, we can expect even more opportunities to arise. IPM Dubai 2013 is a vital platform for gauging where the horticultural business stands, where it is headed, and what needs to be done to secure a bright, lucrative future for this trade,” said Ingo Klover (Managing Director) - planetfair. IPM Dubai 2013 will feature displays and on Plants, Technology, Floristry, Garden Features, Ornamental Gardening, Plants Maintenance, and Plants Logistics. This year's edition brings in a new feature in terms of a floral competition and an award titled “UAE Champion of Wedding Table Display-2013”. Visitors can attend this free of charge and get an opportunity to see and witness floral specialists showcase their unique talents in creating world class displays. IPM 2013 is strongly supported by the UAE Ministry of Environment & Water and will be mobilized through close cooperation among Dubai Airports Cargo & Logistics, Dubai Flower Centre and Sharjah Environment and Protected Areas Authority. The event is an offshoot of Germany's IPM ESSEN, the world's leading plant industry trade show.This year's edition is being organized by leading German events and exhibitions organizers Planetfair and Messe Essen. More information on 2013 International Plants Expo Middle East is available at 18








ord na Móna Irish peat moss can benefit the region's local conditions. Bord na Móna Irish peat is the choice of thousands of growers all across the world who want the best for their plants whether that's fruit and vegetable production, ornamental plant production, landscaping projects, golf courses or sports pitches.



BORD NA Mร NA IRISH PEAT IS THE CHOICE OF THOUSANDS OF GROWERS ALL ACROSS THE WORLD WHO WANT THE BEST FOR THEIR PLANTS WHETHER THAT'S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTION, ORNAMENTAL PLANT PRODUCTION, LANDSCAPING PROJECTS, GOLF COURSES OR SPORTS PITCHES Comprehensive studies by our R&D division and renowned scientists around Europe have shown that Bord na Mona Irish peat moss is superior to other peats on structural stability, air content and resistance to shrinkage and slumping. In particular, research has shown that Irish peat moss can assist plant performance in regions where salinity and extreme temperature conditions exist. These unique properties can provide significant advantage and application in the Gulf Regions.


The Meydan race track in Dubai and the Saadiyat beach golf club in Abu Dhabi are projects that used Bord na Mรณna Irish peat moss with great success. The process of incorporating Bord na Mรณna Irish peat moss to the Meydan sand base ensured superior rooting conditions for the grass and in addition, the excellent structural stability of our peat ensured it would withstand the rigours of both racing and climate conditions into the region. The contractors and Meydan Management

recognised the outstanding benefit that Irish peat would contribute long term to this prestigious project. Our Bord na Mรณna professional horticulture team will be exhibiting for the first time at this year's IPM Dubai show in the Dubai World Trade Centre, from the 17th to the 19th of November. To learn more about Bord na Mรณna's renowned Irish peat moss and avail of our special offers, visit us at the stand D30 in the Word Trade Centre.










rowtech Eurasia 13th International Greenhouse, Agricultural Equipment and Technologies Fair, the most


important meeting platform of Turkish agriculture sector of Eurasia, will be organized in Antalya Expo Center on December 04-07, 2013. The strongest and leader national and international companies of Agriculture industry take place in Growtech Eurasia. In 2012, Growtech Eurasia welcomed 156 international and total 630 foreign and national participants, hosted 69.726 visitors. Over 30 international country representatives participated to the fair and Holland, Germany, France, China and Spain participated with country pavilions to the fair where international agreements were executed. This year Growtech Eurasia will host over 650 national and international exhibitors from 30 countries on an area of 40.000 m2 and offer valuable business opportunities. Germany, France, Holland, England and Spain will participate with country pavilions. Ready to host over 70.000 national and international professional visitors, Growtech Eurasia will bring together latest product and services of the agriculture sector with an exhibitor profile from seed growing, seedling growing, greenhouse vegetable growing, modern fruit growing, greenhouse technologies, irrigation systems, plant nutrition, project planning, project designing and packing. With increasing demand this year Growtech Eurasia included Animal Husbandry & Livestock breeding companies in the exhibiton.

Growtech aims to be the meeting point of Livestock breeding as well by providing companies a platform to meet with investors. At the fair, procurement committee organization supported by the Ministry of Economy will be made with Antalya Exporters' Union, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Hungary, Egypt, Poland, Romania, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Jordan. These committees will have bilateral discussions with Turkish companies during the Growtech fair for exploring cooperation opportunities in


Turkey and seeing the opportunities at source. International Seminars to take place at Growtech Eurasia 2013‌ In parallel to Growtech Eurasia Fair, seminars with the Main topic of "Seed" will be organised with the support of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. For more information and free entrance ticket please visit our web site and register online‌ GULF AGRICULTURE





ver 1,500 exhibitors from 45 nations will come to Messe Essen on January 28 - 31, 2014 in order to present their innovative products and services from the Plants, Technology, Floristry and Equipment sections at IPM ESSEN. All the renowned market leaders have promised to take part in the world's premier horticultural fair. Not only the complete diversity of



plants and flowers, the floristry highlights and the newest trends from technology, equipment and services but also a comprehensive and high-quality supporting programme will await the trade visitors. In this respect, IPM ESSEN will be an international ordering fair as well as an ideal network platform for maintaining and extending business contacts and a pioneering sectoral event for

innovations and market opportunities. Internationality will be the Advertising Sign of IPM ESSEN 2014 What significance IPM ESSEN has for the worldwide green sector will be highlighted by the strong and constantly growing international participation: In the Technology section alone, 24 nations will introduce their



products; for the first time, India will be represented in this sector. Guatemala will be represented at IPM ESSEN again. Turkey will be involved with cooperative participation once more after a break; Taiwan, Hungary, Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands are planning to enlarge their cooperative booths. Green City: Meeting Place for Associations and Experts The trade visitors will find topical and relevant sectoral subjects in a concentrated form in Hall 1A in the Green


City. In the Info Centre, associations and organisations such as Zentralverband Gartenbau e. V. (ZVG "Central Horticultural Association"), Landesverband Gartenbau Rheinland e. V. ("Rhineland Federal State Horticultural Association") and Landesverband Gartenbau Westfalen-Lippe e. V. ("Westphalia-Lippe Federal State Horticultural Association") will provide information about services and available ranges. The ZVG Teaching Show will offer massed expert knowledge about "Zukunftsinitiative Niedrigenergie-Gew채chshaus" (ZINEG - "Future Initiative on Low-Energy Greenhouses"). The objective of the joint project is to keep the consumption of fossil energy and the CO2 output as low as possible by utilising innovative technologies. The Innovation Showcase in Hall 1A will focus on new and unknown breeds - since 2008, a permanent constituent of IPM ESSEN. On the day before the opening of the fair, a knowledgeable jury will choose the best innovations from international plant breeders in the following categories, "Flowering and Green House Plants", "Spring-Flowering Plants", "Bedding and Balcony Plants", "Cut Flowers", "Perennial Plants", "Woody Plants" as well as "Tub Plants". All the innovations will be exhibited throughout the period of the fair. The special show in the G&V Creative Centre will provide new creative stimuli. And BLOOM's appearance will offer not only the accustomed diversity of subjects but also, this time on the occasion of the

20th anniversary of "profil floral d e s i g n", particular highlights. Another anniversary: For the tenth time already, international teacher personalities will present themselves under the auspices of the International Teachers of Floristry. International Floristry on the Highest Level It will be the meeting place of the top-class florists from all over the world: The FDF Event Centre will stand for thrilling live demonstrations and floristic design to get to grips with. Fachverband Deutscher Floristen Bundesverband e. V. (FDF "Trade Association of German Florists - Federal Association") will present itself here with its federal state associations and partners. Attention will centre not only on information and advice about training and ongoing and further education but also on various exhibition specials and marketing presentations. The "House Plants Calendar" will demonstrate how floral refinement can turn the potted plant into a genuine sales hit. The new collection called "just chrys 2013/2014" will offer creative ideas for a customeroriented display of the top seller chrysanthemum in the specialised flower business. The unique stage shows in the FDF Arena will be veritable crowd-pullers. For the first time, the stars in the sector (Jurgen Herold, the reigning German Florist Champion, Thomas Grohbuhl, Germany's Florist Champion in 2010, and Nicolaus Peters, the winner of the German Florist Championship in Berlin in 2008) will be in the limelight GULF AGRICULTURE



together. They will present trendy spring floristry and flowery ideas for an urban public from the hands of masters. Extra Value Due to Networks IPM ESSEN is far from being just the most important ordering platform in the sector. The wide diversity of the presented plant world, the high internationality of the exhibitors and the visitors, the meeting-up of all the participants in the value added

chain in horticulture as well as the high proportion of decision takers coming together in Essen make IPM ESSEN the global network platform. Amongst others, umbrella associations and international organisations such as EDRA (European DIY-Retail Association), ENA (European Nurserystock Association), AIPH (International Association of Horticultural Producers) and Union Fleurs (International Flower Trade Association) are therefore using the trade fair as

their meeting place to an increasing extent. First-Class Accompanying Programme IPM ESSEN is well-known not only for its widespread exhibition range on offer but also for its informative supporting programme: In 2014, the international Horticultural Forum will be dedicated to the horticultural and plant industries in Turkey. Experts will portray the current economic situation and will provide information about new market opportunities. As is tradition, the "green associations" will, together with Messe Essen. once more invite people to the Training Day in 2014 as well. With the motto of "I LOVE GREEN - Experience Green Occupations Live", pupils from Classes 9 and 10 at general schools will be provided with comprehensive information about the occupations of gardeners and florists. The competition highlights at IPM ESSEN 2014 will include the international "Color Your Life Award" which will be conferred by Messe Essen and Blumenb端ro Holland ("Holland Flower Office"). Woody plants and perennial plants with significant extra value will be sought. During the fair, all the nominated plants will be presented in a common exhibition area. The trade visitors will be able to cast their votes on three days before the expert jury makes its judgment on Thursday, January 30, 2014. Opening Times IPM ESSEN 2014 will be open exclusively to trade visitors every day from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on January 28 - 31, 2014.







audi Agriculture 2013, the 32nd International Agriculture, Water and Agro-Industry Show, concluded on September 18, 2013, which was organized by Riyadh Exhibitions Company at the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 20,000 visitors attended the premier trade show that also saw the participation of over 300 exhibitors from more than 13 countries, including China, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE and USA, across a 15000 m2 exhibition space.The fourday event, which was inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Fahd



bin Abdulrahman Balghunaim, Saudi Minister of Agriculture, served as the perfect platform to shed light on the numerous investment opportunities in Saudi Arabia's agricultural sector. The event also highlighted the strong support that the Kingdom's government was extending to this sector, which has been a key factor for attracting regional and international investments. This edition of Saudi Agriculture generated overwhelming feedback from exhibitors. S.S. Nayyar, representing the Indian contingent at the show, said, “This was the fourth consecutive year that India was participating at the event. In the first year there were 22 Indian companies and this year saw 42 companies from India present at the event, looking to capitalize on the vast trade opportunities between KSA and India, especially considering that we are Saudi Arabia's fourth largest trading partner. General trade between the two countries was valued at USD 43 billion in 20122013 and Indian exports of food and agro products to KSA reached USD 1.2 billion during the same period. Saudi Agriculture was a very important platform for Indian companies to connect with Saudi partners and investors, and the significance of this show to us is evident by the increasing growth in the size of our participation in this premier event every year.”

J. Guna Sekaran, also representing the Indian pavilion, added, “The Saudi market holds a lot of potential because of the population growth and the overall prosperity of the Kingdom. Moreover, India is facilitating Saudi Arabia's move towards food and water security by investing in lands outside the country to fulfill the local demand, especially for wheat, and India is very cooperative in this field.” Saudi Agriculture 2013 provided the ideal business-tobusiness platform for exhibitors and trade visitors to capitalise on the growth of the Saudi agriculture and food market that has been achieving the largest growth levels in the region and holds major potential for new businesses. Saudi Agriculture 2013 showcased the latest in Animal Health & Production, Agricultural Finance & Banking, Agricultural Products & Services, Chemicals & Fertilizers, Cold Storage & Crop Production, Dairy Farming Products & Equipment, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Greenhouses, Handling & Transport Systems, Irrigation & Landscaping Equipment, Machinery & Spare Parts, Organic Farming, Packaging Systems & Products, Pesticides, Pumps & Pipe Systems, Seeds & Soil Nutrition Products, Spraying Machinery, Water Treatment, Water Management Systems and Warehousing. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013




ODDER-ROOTSTOCKS was founded in 1958 as a nursery with a wide-rangeproduction of rootstocks for fruit-trees, roses and ornamentals. Until now the specialization came more and more only to ROOTSTOCKS FOR FRUIT-TREES. QUALITY-ROOTSTOCKS – MADE IN GERMANY - are becoming more and more interesting/popular and well known also outside of Germany. The root-system of German FRUIT-TREEROOTSTOCKS is different, means better branched, to that of other countries. That makes regrowth in the fruit-tree-nursery easier even under not optimal conditions. ROOTSTOCKS for APPLES, PEARS, PLUMS, CHERRIES, PEACHES, APRICOTS and NECTARINES are the range of our production by tissueculture/in-vitro, stool-beds, hardwood-cuttings and seedlings. For special needs also transplanted – to have an additional better rooting-system. Now LODDERROOTSTOCKS is in a better situation, since STEFFEN LODDER is managing the production; so ERHARD LODDER (managing director) can take even more attention to the over worldwide customers and their needs. Storage from end of October until May or later for the Southern hemisphere is no problem in special temperature-controlledfacilities! NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

The most important variety is during the last 25 years the Prunus GiSelA®-ROOTSTOCKseries – for half-size trees, early cropping, large fruit-size and good productivity.






lfarroxo Trading is a family company founded back in 1991 whose main activity was the valorisation of formerly considered forest waste - this was the first step of a strategy dedicated to environmental awareness and valorisation of natural resources. Over the years the company evolved but never lost sight of its origins and always took a path considering the environmental implications of its activity and also adjusting to the new challenges it embraced.



Being a natural and renewable resource, pine bark has seen its demand and usage increased over time - followed by coir and wood fibers which are other valued resources ALFARROXO began working recently. Both these products have a widely known use in substrates and in landscaping and are part of our expansion strategy. ALFARROXO has now broadened its activity and is involved in the energy and logistic area while keeping its core business in pine bark processing.

Nevertheless ALFARROXO was able to maintain its functional structure and working sustainability. ALFARROXO operate in markets all over the world namely Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Middle East and a residual fraction in Portugal. ALFARROXO currently employs 12 people and also resorts considerably to out-sourcing services. The annual turnover rounds 5.5 million EUR. In pursuit of quality, excellence and competitiveness



we will remain faithful to this strategy. We are aware that the Middle East market is expanding as well as the consumption of this type of soil covering which has great advantages. ALFARROXO is certified by the RHP. This certification means that the whole process is controlled since the suppliers until reaches our clients. The chemical and physical characteristics of our bark are also controlled by an independent laboratory which certifies it to be an excellent product for: Soil covering Landscaping and decoration very popular in hobby market Substrate production horticulture and floriculture market Pine Bark Advantages: The pine bark is 100%

natural and it's ideal for soil covering. In addition of being a good fertilizer and decorative, its major advantage is the fact that the consumption of water is significant less. The bark prevents the water to evaporate so the moisture stays in the soil for longer periods of time which means that the irrigation can be less frequent. In the summer the consumption of water can be reduced up to 80%. Another advantage is the fact that the maintenance can be less frequent because this layer of bark avoid the sun to reach the soil and thus prevents the development of weeds. This means less costs in maintenance. On the other hand, this layer of bark preserves the temperature close to the plant roots which is a key factor to NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

ALFARROXO OPERATE IN MARKETS ALL OVER THE WORLD NAMELY GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM, ITALY, MIDDLE EAST AND A RESIDUAL FRACTION IN PORTUGAL. ALFARROXO CURRENTLY EMPLOYS 12 PEOPLE AND ALSO RESORTS CONSIDERABLY TO OUT-SOURCING SERVICES. THE ANNUAL TURNOVER ROUNDS 5.5 MILLION EUR. its regular and healthy growth. Another advantage that we would like to highlight is when the bark is used on the base of trees, bushes, and ornamental plants the distribution of water over the

all area of the roots is more even during the irrigation process. This prevents the high concentration of water close to the bole and haulm which helps the roots to develop in depth. We also have to focus on the decorative aspect of bark in gardens and green spaces. It helps to highlight the green of the grass and the colours of the plants. This contrast transmits a constant beauty of the gardens. There are several projects under way such as buildings, road infrastructures, hotel, commercial and sport units, that demands great amounts of pine bark. For this reason, ALFARROXO TRADING is trying to establish a commercial partnership with a local company to provide a larger involvement near the projects promoters and consumers in the use of pine bark.� GULF AGRICULTURE





large group of rose growers and specialized crop advisors accepted the invitation extended by Biobest and Arend-Sosef to attend a presentation on “Dyna-Mite®, a revolutionary predatory mite strategy for rose”. With this event, which took place in the facilities of Olij Rozen in De Kwakel in the Netherlands, Biobest put the commercial launch of a new predatory mite under the name DynaMite® G-System in the spotlight. The scientific name of the new predatory mite is Euseius gallicus. The potential of Euseius species as very efficient natural enemies to control thrips and whitefly was already known from earlier research. Now, for the first time, an Euseius species is being commercially produced at large scale. This breakthrough is based on a patented rearing method developed by Biobest.



Marc Mertens, the company's commercial director, says: “The power of the new Dyna-Mite® strategy for rose growers is based on the combination of the new predatory mite Dyna-Mite® G-System with our Nutrimite™ food supplement. The combination of both allows the establishment of a strong population of predatory mites in the crop, and hence a better control of thrips, whitefly and other pests. The new strategy is more efficient, faster and a lot more reliable than the continuous release of new mites, which is the current standard approach.” The Dutch ornamentals sector is technologically very advanced. The level of interest in biological control and in the reduction of chemical residues is growing rapidly. Rose growers responded with great enthusiasm to the presentations by Sam Gui, sustainable crop management

specialist and Juliette Pijnakker, senior researcher at Biobest. Juliette Pijnakker concludes: “Existing commercial species of predatory mites such as A. swirskii are essentially unable to establish a stable population in rose. During years of research at Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw I became strongly convinced of the unique potential of Euseius. That's why I am really pleased that I have been able to work with Biobest and Arend-Sosef to take the next steps: large scale demonstration trials and now the actual launch of a commercial product.” Dyna-Mite® G-System will be commercially available as of January 2014 in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Opportunities in other countries and other crops are being assessed. For more information NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013




Dr. Yasser Dergham Humintech Company, Germany

umintech is one of the worldwide largest organic fertilizer and humic substance producers, based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Humintech takes the best German oxidized Lignite resources' (Leonardite) with high humic /fulvic acids quantity and uses the high technical production methods to get the high humic acid quality. Furthermore Humintech is active in research, development and industrial production of humic matter and humic acids for agriculture, animal feed, pharmaceutical and construction industries, veterinary medicine and environmental applications such as water purification and soil remediations. Humintech produces a large quantity of granulate humic acid as Perlhumus, water soluble humic acid as

Powhumus and liquid humic acid as Liqhumus and 6% Fehumate as Humiron. Humitech started the production of humic acid with various microorganisms as antagonist of several soils born disease. BioHealth is one successful antagonist to soil born fungi. BioHealth® TH/BS WSG

Trichoderma harzianum

DESCRIPTION BioHealth® TH/BS WSG is a blend of selected Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis strains, humic acids and

Application*: Crop In all crops Vegetables in green houses (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini) Horticultural trees (kiwi, citrus groves, banana, wine grapes stone fruit) Open field vegetables Cereal (wheat, potatoes, all kind of beans, barley, peanut etc.) Ornamental plants and forest nursery landscaping, turf grass (in general) Foliar application Only in green houses with high humidity


Recommended application

inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner

3-4 kg/ha divided to several doses (1-2kg/ha)

Inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner

4-5 kg/ha divided to several doses (1-2kg/ha) during the season or submerge the seedling before the transplantation

Inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner Inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner Inoculation of sterile soil, prophylactic mixing before the infection, soil conditioner Prophylactic Prevent from leaves fungi and bacteria

seaweed extract. Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis are antagonist to soil borne pathogens like e.g. Phythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia or Fusarium, whose hyphens and organs can be disposed by Trichoderma's comprehensive enzyme tools. Thus Trichoderma suppresses the spreading of these pathogens. Bacillus subtilis have evolved numerous mechanisms for both attack of other fungi or bacteria and for enhancing plant and root growth. During a culture Bacillus subtilis nourishes on the root exudates in the rhizosphere and thus builds a biological protective barrier against soil borne pathogens. In latent affected plant material BioHealth TH/ BS ®WSG remains ineffective, due to the reason that the antagonist cannot follow the parasite into the inside of the plant. Therefore BioHealth® TH/BS WSG has to be regarded as a soil conditioner or rather a plant intensifier and under no circumstances as a fungicide against soil pathological fungi.

4-5 kg/ha divided to several doses (1-2kg/ha) during the season, or submerge the seedling before the transplantation 4-6 kg/ha divided to several doses (1-2kg/ha) during the season or submerge the seedling before the transplantation 3-4 kg/ha divided to several doses (1-2kg/ha)before and during the season 3-4 kg/ha or 1 kg/m during the preparation of substrates

300-500 g/1000 L water every two weeks during the season

Prevent the seed, early inoculation, Stimulate the 1-2 kg/100 Kg seeds seed germination and root growth * This recommendation could be varied according to the soil characteristics and farm conditions Seed treatment



BioHealth® TH/BS WSG (Humic acid, Trichoderma, Bacillus and sea weed mixture)




BioHealth速 TH/BS WSG is 100% soluble

ORIGIN BioHealth速 TH/BS WSG is obtained through alkaline extraction from German Leonardite (highly oxidized lignite), high quality isolated and selected Trichoderma harzanium fungus, high quality isolated and selected Bacillus subtilis strains and extracted from Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed.

pH-value in the soil and thus enhances the uptake of fertilizers Binds salt in the soil and thus decreases salinization Enhances the soil quality and increases the soil aeration in compact soils and compacts light sandy soils Resource for natural

vitamins and growth hormones like cytokinine, which promotes the root growth BioHealth速 TH/BS WSG is already used in several countries worldwide and we have very good results with its application on plants roots to prevent the roots from harmful soil born Fungi and Bacteria.

BENEFITS Destroys the hyphens of most

soil born pathogens like e.g. Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia or Fusarium Increases the resistance of plant roots against water, disease, temperature and salt stress Promotes the growth of root and regenerates the damaged root Stimulates the growth of useful microorganisms in the root area Enhances the germination and increases their growth Aerates compact soils and binds loose sandy soils Increases the water holding capacity of the soil. Improves the soil aeration and the gas exchange of the soil Increases the soil buffering capacity and neutralizes the







ertikal focuses on the production of organic N-P-K fertilizers and offers sustainable solutions with a wide range of wellcompressed, homogeneous products with an N-P-K-

composition which fully meets the customer's needs. The necessity for global sustainable soil management demands an approach based on organic fertilizers. They are very popular because they do

not only provide N-P-K, but also humus to improve poor soils and as such restore its biodiversity significantly. Thanks to its modern production plant, Fertikal's organic manure granules meet all current fertilization standards with respect to homogeneity, spreading accuracy, performance, hygienization and traceability. And this traceability is guaranteed from source to end-user. Their fertilizers consist of a well-balanced nutritional composition. Their fertilizers are made from natural vegetable- and/or animal-based ingredients, are free from chemical additives and pure in composition, and in conformity with the strict Belgian standards in this field. These products find their way to professional fruit, vegetable, wine growers and to agriculture in its broadest sense. They can also count horticulture and





arboriculture companies to their customer base. Fertikal is situated in the heart of the Antwerp port area, with its transportation and accessibility benefits. Fertikal strives to deliver the best quality on a permanent basis. That is why Fertikal has invested in a quality system that guarantees stringent production control, which is equipped with an analysis protocol at batch level. The production process and distribution of organic fertilizers meets the European standards with respect to pasteurization in Regulation (EC) 1069/2009. The final product has gone through heat treatment (=hygienization) for at least 60 minutes with a minimum temperature of 70째 Celsius. This treatment suppresses spore formations (clostridium perfringens), toxin formation (salmonella) and weed germination and as such results in a fertilizer which is free from bacteria, germs and weed seeds. Fertikal's organic fertilizers have a lot to offer. The benefits of these organic fertilizers are : no leaching, environmentally friendly gradual release of nutrients, long-lasting effect no scorching balanced plant growth, without stress organic particles are converted into humus and as such improve and preserve the soil structure stimulates soil life no additives, no harmful effects on humans, animals or the environment easy-to-use NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

homogeneous and stable

product Organic fertilizers effect from their main nutritional constituents and influence a healthy crop growth: nitrogen (N) = stimulates cell division (growth) phosphorus (P2O5) = stimulates root formation potassium (K2O) = improves firmness and the flowering and fructification process magnesium (Mg) = the main constituent for chlorophyll trace elements Fe, B, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo = prevent deficiency diseases Fertikal offers a standard range (see below), but can make customized fertilizers too: NPK : 2-4-3 4-3-3 2-3-6 2-6-3 8-3-3 4-2-10 4-10-2 Fertikal has upgraded its facilities and is currently looking for more export opportunities. In order to keep up with the increasing worldwide demand, Fertikal has invested over the past few months in more storage area and an triplication of its production capacity. Fertikal wants to expand their customer base in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world. That's why they are looking for new partners, importers, agents and distributors in diverse countries. Fertikal is participating at the IPM fair in Essen (Germany) from 28 till 31 January 2014. You will find them in Hall 8.0 stand 8B15. A unique occasion to meet them.


FARMERS GET MORE DONE IN THE FIELDS AND DO IT BETTER WITH CASE IH Patriot sprayers which widens the tight application window






frican farming is increasingly looking to new technologies and applications to maximize yields and profitability. Innovative farmers who are investing to increase their productivity and grow their business need look no further than Case IH. With its full line ranging from tractors to combine harvesters and specialist application equipment such as its market leading Patriot line of selfpropelled sprayers, supported by a network of professional dealers and service technicians, Case IH is the ideal partner. Timely chemical application is critical In farming, timely application is critical and application windows are short. That is why having the right sprayer that works efficiently and makes the most of the short


time available is key. Case IH's full line of self-propelled sprayers use the best technologies available to enable timely, consistent coverage - at the right rate and droplet size. A sprayer for every need Case IH currently offers three models, ranging from 220 hp to 325 hp, from 3,000 litres to 4,500 litres, and boom widths from 90 to 120 feet. With this offering Case IH meets the needs of mid to large commercial farmers producing a wide variety of crops, from corn to wheat, from cotton to sugarcane and soybean. A new, smaller model ideal for owner-operators with specialty crops or smaller fields will soon be added to the offering. This lighter model offers a narrower track spacing than the bigger models and boast more ground clearance than any competitive sprayer in its class.

Case IH sprayers get farmers in the field earlier The unique cab-forward, rearengine design of Case IH sprayers distributes weight evenly across the machine, even with a full product tank, minimizing soil compaction so that farmers can get into the field earlier lengthening the tight operating window in which to complete the application. Cover more ground with quality application Crop protectants are only as good as the quality of the application. The AIM Command spray system速 is designed to maintain a constant rate and pressure under a range of speeds and conditions. Spray pressure control is independent of application rate and ground speed, so the operator can adjust to the ever-changing conditions in applying chemicals. The new AIM Command PRO速 system provides the capability of turning on and off nozzles one at a time, rather than entire boom sections. The AccuBoom automatic boom section control automatically turns off boom sections when the sprayer enters an area that has already been sprayed, then turns them back on leaving the area, preventing overlaps and over-application. The boom height control detects changes in ground height and adjusts the boom accordingly, so that application is always optimized for accuracy and coverage. These features minimize skips, overspray and overlaps, preventing over-application and the resulting crop damage, delivering optimized application rates in difficult field conditions together with maximum GULF AGRICULTURE



spraying speed. All this with the added advantage of cost savings due to the use of less chemicals. All terrain application The aircraft-style trailing-link suspension absorbs vertical and lateral shock loads better than any other suspension package, even on the most challenging terrain. This provides a smooth ride for the operator and the machine. In addition, with the optional active suspension, a Patriot sprayer becomes an aggressive hill climber even with a full load. Superior comfort The longest days don't seem long in the exceptionally comfortable workspace. The



spacious Surveyor™ cab and well-thought-out layout, the vast glazed surfaces providing unrivalled all round visibility, the seat-mounted control console which moves with the seat for near-effortless operation of the sprayer controls everything in the cab is designed to maximize the operator's productivity and minimize fatigue. A long life of more time in the field The booms are engineered for toughness and rigidity. The large, rectangular tube structure and truss-style design give the booms their exceptional strength and durability. The heavy-duty frames constructed

of welded, one-piece rectangular steel tubing, are engineered for a long life. A market leading sprayer Case IH Patriot sprayers have been marketed with great success in South Africa since 2008. In this short time Case IH has reached the second position in this country's sprayer market, as South African farmers have been attracted by the most advanced spray technology available on the market featured in the Patriot sprayers. “The Iron on the farm, Sir……. Must be RED” Mr Jaap van der Westhuizen Case IH customer, Mr Jaap van der Westhuizen, runs



mostly Case IH equipment on his farm near Koppiesin the Northern Free state, South Africa. He bought his first Case IH sprayer in 2008 and now runs two Patriot sprayers with 36 meter boom for his 11,000 ha, of which 1,200 ha farmed with maize, 4,800 ha with sorghum and 5,000 soya beans. Cost effective spraying He sprays his crops four times a year, which adds up to 55,000 ha a year with just two sprayers. “I find that using the Case IH sprayers works out cheaper than aerial crop spraying and it gives me the flexibility to spray when I want to,” commented Mr van der Westhuizen. The superior sprayer I did look at other manufacturers' products but what stood out for me was the AIM Command spraying system that is unique to Case IH, as it gives me full control of my spraying program,” commented Mr van der Westhuizen. “After buying the Case IH sprayer I have never had to weld or patch the booms. All these factors, and the suspension system, make it the superior sprayer for me.”

Case IH Patriot line-up Rated Power

Solution Tank Size

Patriot 3230

220 hp

3,000 liters

Patriot 3330

250 hp

3,750 liters

Patriot 4430

325 hp

4,500 liters

Boom width from 90 to 120ft Coming soon: Patriot 2240

Outstanding service Mr van der Westhuizen is also very impressed with the service he receives from his Case IH dealer, in South Africa. So much so, that now 95% of his equipment fleet is Case IH. “My Sales Representative is a part of my business,” he explains. “He understands my needs and comes up with solutions; this is what makes the difference on my farm.” NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

165 hp

Support that cuts running costs When Mr van der Westhuizen purchases a new machine, his Case IH dealer, has a dedicated trainer to make sure all the farm's drivers know how to carry out correctly daily checks and give them operator training: “This saves me money in the long term, because I know my drivers are

2,500 liters

using the equipment correctly, which causes fewer major breakdowns.” “I don't buy Case IH because it is red, I buy Case IH because of service, parts quality and because my dealer understands my needs. I also like working with people that have a passion for agriculture,” concluded Mr van der Westhuizen. GULF AGRICULTURE


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stablished in 1985, AlShaheen Nurseries has been ever since developing itself as one of the leaders in the field of agriculture retail and landscaping. AlShaheen Nurseries provides a complete set of agriculture and gardening services. The team is run by well qualified engineers and experienced supervisors, with a long and successful track record in agriculture projects execution. The company is located in Shuwaikh, 4th Ring Road, Nurseries Area. It’s our pleasure to introduce our wide range of services we offer the following: Landscaping and planting division for indoor and outdoor gardens. Wholesale division (For Agricultural Companies only). Maintenance team for agricultural projects and house gardens. Designing and implementing irrigation systems. Wide range of indoor and outdoor plants. Wide rang of flower and vegetable seeds. Different sizes and colors of plastic net shades. All kinds of natural and chemical fertilizers. Peat Moss, potting soil, hydroton. Agent and distributor of indoor and outdoor pots of different shapes and sizes AlShaheen Nurseries showroom is considered as a garden center for selling indoor and outdoor plants – Grass – Peat Moss – Potting Soil – Plastic Net Shades – Pots – Rocks –Seeds – Natural and Chemical Fertilizers – Agrilite – Irrigation Sys. – Water pumps – Insect killer – Hydroton – Palm bags. The Company aims to provide many items to serve different customer’s tastes, in addition to provide the best quality and less prices under one roof. AlShaheen Nurseries owns a farm in Wafra area specialized in growing plants, flowers, and paspalum grass, runs by well qualified engineers to provide the market and the Agricultural companies with the best varieties and quality. The farm is considered one of leading farms in Wafra in growing plants, flowers, and pasplam grass. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2013

The Project Division is run by well qualified team of engineers and supervisors to design landscape and maintain gardens. There is a team for designing & implementing irrigation systems. The whole sale division was established in 2000 to provide the Ministries and the agricultural companies with plants, garden tools and irrigation systems. Since then, the division has been supplying some of the leading government and private projects.

Shaheen M. AlRubaie General Manager



Nutriplus Commodities FZCO


utriplus commodities FZCO is one of the leading international commodities trading companies for feed ingredients and raw materials in the Middle East. Based in Dubai, Nutriplus is involved in trading, indenting and representing for international exporters and reputed producers of feed commodities in the USA and Europe. “Our major customers are the end users in livestock farms, Poultry farms - Feed mills in the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan etc since last several years. Year 2013 we already start moving to Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, India etc recent our trade show in these countries made us proper ground work for market entry. Managing Director Mohammed Haneef says that “Respecting our commitment and dedication, our buyers and sellers always trust and confidence on us which make us regularity and consistency in business”. This is due to our past performance which we have achieved through our long term supply chain relationship with suppliers in international commodity market and buyers in Middle East feed industry. “The major feed raw materials and ingredients

Specialist in Feed Raw Materials & Ingredients


EXPANSION in innovative additives & Supplements, Farm Equipments & Tools and concept of unique Dairy & Poultry breeder Genetics.

indenting by us are Yellow corn - Soyabean meal, Feed barley in bulk vessel through MNC commodity originator. From USA we trade and indenting in Soy By Pass protein - Amino Plus, DDGS Distillery Dried Grains, Corn Glutten Meal, Cotton Seed, Fish meal etc regularly for the Middle East Livestock farms and feed mills. Our raw materials supplied occupy the major portion of Total Mix ration for high yield milking cows since several years. Our suppliers like Fornazor International Inc USA etc occupy major share of export in their destination since several years we together “Bringing the right crop with right season quality from the traditional farmers in Spain or Italy is our one of the

regular business of Alfalfa Fodder grass supply. Nutriplus Commodities is growing year by year and adding new innovations in its business practice. The company is under expansion on entering different new products and sectors of market related to Dairy /Poultry and feed industry. The recent developments are under progress to launch USA sexed semen for probability of more on female Calf for farmers and importing pregnant heifers in specialized sea containers in association with Sexing Technologies USA. Sexing Technology provides a full range of solutions for farmers and ranchers globally enabling them to maximize their herds' production significantly improve their operating efficiency and enhance profitability. Farmers use sexed semen to produce calves of the desired gender which significantly increase their productivity. Sexing Technology is one of the leaders in In Vitro fertilization allowing farmers and ranchers to produce superior calves. The company's leading edge export program is sending highly productive livestock around the world. Another sector in association with SASSO

France for new market experimentation of coloured breeder genetics for poultry broiler to perform high quality meat and parent stock. These coloured breeder of various dominant phenotypes of males and recessive females able to fit different markets such as organic and premium segments. As per our plan 2013 & 2014 is the year for innovations and expansions for new products and markets. A few pharmaceutical manufactures are under progress with us to launch veterinary medicines and vaccine/injections etc and we are studying the possibility of registering these vaccines with authorities concerned in the country. Feed additives such as Toxin binder, Omega supplements, Toasted full fat soya, Soy Protein concentrates, Udder and hoof hygiene products and different functional livestock and poultry equipments such as Fiber glass silos, Poultry nest / cages, Calf Hutch, Milking accessories, Rotary cow comfort brush, hoof trimming chute, mini feeder cum sweeping wagon etc. A lot of work for the coming years and lot opportunities, says Managing Director Mohammed Haneef with confidence.

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