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Matt Cable

Oxford, United States

Always attempting to passionately pursue the future while mindfully stewarding the present. A difficult and at times seemingly impossible task fraught with challenges. Generally: I desperately labor to avoid being situational, abstract, obtuse, uninvolved, numb, and disconnected. I desire and strive to be real--present--engaged--concrete--intentional--and above all else caring. I stand today as an accumulation of decisions--of choices. I love talking about life choices and going after these things because these are the things that determine the people we are continually becoming. There's an energy in these things--I must be a part of it. Currently: I married Amber, an incredible & Godly woman, in September of 2008. I am truly enjoying the journey of building and creating life together. I have never been so well complimented and challenged in personality and character as I have been by this woman. I am regularly in awe of and thankful for her beauty and strength. Only dea
