DESCRIPTION Hochmiester Gerath vin Greth Ultigen on Ares is a single model. He is armed with the Sword of the Hochmiesters and carries the Holy Shield. He rides Ares the Black Griffon who uses his Deadly beak and Razor Claws to fight. FLY Hochmiester Gerath Von Greth Ultigen on Ares can fly
ABILITIES THE HOLY SHIELD every time Gerath suffers a mortal wound roll a D6. On a 5 or a 6 he ignores the wound. In addition, the first time Gerath is reduced to 0 wounds from any source the shield breaks and returns him to life with a single wound. He may not take wounds for the remainder of the combat phase in which this occurs.
SLAYER OF THE DEAD Gerath may re-roll any to hit and to wound rolls with the “Sword of the Hochmiesters” if the target unit has the keyword DEATH.
COMMAND ABILITY Lord Commander: If Gearth uses this ability, all units with the ORDER OF SOLLAND trait that are within 15” do not need to take battle shock tests.
DESCRIPTION Darak-kal the Dark is a single model. He is armed with the Terralith and wears his Horrifying Helm. He rides Abyss the Black Dragon who uses his Claws and Fearsome Jaws to fight. FLY Darak-kal the Dark can fly
Fallen Crusader: If you field Darak-kal the Dark, all units in your army lose the ORDER trait and gain the CHAOS trait.
Corrupted Legion: In your next combat phase, all units with the keyword RITTRERBRUDDER may re-roll rolls of 1 to hit and to wound
Horrifying Helm: all enemy units within 3” of Darak-kal the Dark must always take battleshock tests even if they do not lose any models during the combat phase. In addition enemies within 3” have a -3 to their bravery when they take battleshock tests.
Order Soldiers
DESCRIPTION A unit of Order Soldiers has 10 or more models. Units of Order Soldiers wield either sturdy Halberds or Bretonnian Maces. Some units of Soldiers may also carry shields. SERGEANT The leader of this unit is a Sergeant. He makes 2 attacks rather than 1. STANDARD BEARER Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. If you roll a 1 when taking a battleshock test for a unit that includes any Standard Bearers none of its models flee.
MUSICIANS Models in this unit may be Musicians. Any unit of Order Soldiers with a Musician may roll 2 dice and choose the highest when running.
Shields: Units carrying Shields have a Save of 4+ rather than 5+.
ABILITIES Ordered Formation: Models in the unit may gain +1 to their hit rolls as long as they have 20 or more models in their unit. This is increased to +2 to hit if they have 30 or more models, and +3 if they have 40 or more models.
Macemen of El'Doro: Any unit armed with Bretonnian Maces may re-roll rolls of 1 to wound against models with a save of 3+
Pikemen of Tyra
DESCRIPTION A unit of Pikemen of Tyra has 10 or more models. All models use a Long Estalian Pike. Some units of Pikemen may also carry shields. SERGEANT The leader of this unit is a Sergeant. He makes 2 attacks rather than 1. STANDARD BEARER Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. If you roll a 1 when taking a battleshock test for a unit that includes any Standard Bearers none of its models flee.
MUSICIANS Models in this unit may be Musicians. Any unit of Pikemen with a Musician may roll 2 dice and choose the highest when running.
ABILITIES Shields: Units carrying Shields have a Save of 4+ rather than 5+. Pike Wall: If the unit of Pikemen does not move at all during it's turn (excluding pile ins) it may use the “Entrenched Pike� profile above until it moves again. In addition the Pikemen get to make a free attack against any unit that charges them.
Ordered Formation: Models in the unit may gain +1 to their hit rolls as long as they have 20 or more models in their unit. This is increased to +2 to hit if they have 30 or more models, and +3 if they have 40 or more models.
Demontiert RitterBrüder
DESCRIPTION A unit of Demontiert RitterBrüder has 5 or more models. All models use a Fearsome Flail. Some units of Demontiert RitterBrüder may also carry Tower Shields. SERGEANT The leader of this unit is a Dark Captain. He makes 3 attacks rather than 2 with his Feasome Flail STANDARD BEARER Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. If you roll a 1 when taking a battleshock test for a unit that includes any Standard Bearers none of its models flee.
MUSICIANS Models in this unit may be Musicians. If the unit includes any Musicians, add 1 to it's run and charge rolls.
Dark Helms: any enemy unit within 3” of a unit of Demontiert RitterBrüder have a -1 modifier when they take battleshock tests.
Fallen Warriors of light: Any unit of Tower Shields: Roll a dice each time this Demontiert RitterBrüder may chose to lose unit suffers a mortal wound. On a 5 or a 6 their ORDER keyword and gain the CHAOS keyword. that mortal wound is ignored.
Iron Tide: after completing a successful To The Last Man: The unit never takes charge. The unit may immediately attack battleshock tests for losing models in close with it's iron tide attacks for free. These combat automatically hit and wound on a 6+. the unit gets +1 to wound for this attack for every 5 models in the unit.
Mounted RitterBrüder
DESCRIPTION A unit of Mounted RitterBrüder has 5 or more models. All models use a Lance and Heavy Mace. Some units of Mounted RitterBrüder may also carry Tower Shields. SERGEANT The leader of this unit is a Dark Rider. He makes 3 attacks rather than 2 with his Lance and Heavy Mace STANDARD BEARER Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. If you roll a 1 when taking a battleshock test for a unit that includes any Standard Bearers none of its models flee.
MUSICIANS Models in this unit can be Musicians. If a unit includes any Musicians, roll three dice instead of two when it charges and use the two highest scores to determine how far each model can move.
Dark Helms: any enemy unit within 3” of a unit of Mounted RitterBrüder have a -1 to their bravery when they take battleshock tests.
Fallen Warriors of light: Any unit of Mounted RitterBrüder may chose to lose their ORDER keyword and gain the CHAOS ABILITIES Tower Shields: Roll a dice each time this keyword. unit suffers a mortal wound. On a 5 or a 6 To The Last Man: The unit never takes that mortal wound is ignored. battleshock tests for losing models in close Lances: Add 1 to the wound rolls and combat. Damage of this unit’s Lance and Heavy Mace if it charged in the same turn.
Huhn-Reiten RitterBrüder
DESCRIPTION A unit of Huhn-Reiten RitterBrüder has 3 or more models. All models use a Lance and Heavy Mace. Some units of HuhnReiten RitterBrüder may also carry Tower Shields. SERGEANT The leader of this unit is a Dark Captain. He makes 3 attacks rather than 2 with his Lance and Heavy Mace STANDARD BEARER Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. If you roll a 1 when taking a battleshock test for a unit that includes any Standard Bearers none of its models flee.
MUSICIANS Models in this unit can be Musicians. If a unit includes any Musicians, roll three dice instead of two when it charges and use the two highest scores to determine how far each model can move.
Fallen Warriors of light: Any unit of HuhnReiten RitterBrüder may chose to lose their ORDER keyword and gain the CHAOS keyword.
Savage Ferocity: If the wound roll for a Demigryph’s Razor-sharp Talons is a 6 or Tower Shields: Roll a dice each time this more, then that attack inflicts D3 damage unit suffers a mortal wound. On a 5 or a 6 instead of 1. that mortal wound is ignored. To The Last Man: The unit never takes Lances: Add 1 to the wound rolls and battleshock tests for losing models in close Damage of this unit’s Lance and Heavy combat. Mace if it charged in the same turn.
Dark Helms: any enemy unit within 3” of a unit of Huhn-Reiten RitterBrüder have a -1 to their bravery stat when they take battleshock tests.