Chi Fai Chan Works Collection 2015-18

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Wor k s C oll e c tio n

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Architecture Portfolio: Academic . Professional 建築設計作品集 2015-18

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'If the perception of space is an interpretation, architecture is the structure of our scripts of which imperfection will be accepted, and for those who practice it are the directors of our life fantasy. '

Matt / Chi Fai Chan . 陳 志輝

Works C olle ction 2 015-18 Architecture Portfolio: Academic . Professional 建築設計作品集 2015-18



Email: Contact: +44 7391029982

DipArch . BArch(Hons) . RIBA Part II Chinese . Hong Kong . 11/02/1985


The current study of philosophical aspects in architecture has inspired the interests of spatial meaning which beyond the physical settings. Architectural context redirects our gazes back to ourselves and the transients, that provokes the meaningful information from spaces and objects. If the perception of space is an interpretation, architecture is the structure of our scripts of which imperfection will be accepted, and for those who practice it are the directors of our life fantasy.

2017 . 2016 . 2015 ... 2011

ODU . SUMMER INTERNSHIP Hong Kong . June - August, 2017 The experience consists of assisting in retail massing and facade design from concept to schematic stage of a mixed-use project in Hangzhou, China. Participated as a leading role in an internship urban research project and responsible for the research development.

LEAD 8 . ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT Hong Kong . February - August, 2016 Contributed to varying projects in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Haikou of China. The duty concludes a throughout experience from early stages of concept design to detail design in a selection of retail facade design and layout planning developments. The experience also consists of the participation in client meetings in both Beijing and Shanghai.

BENOY . ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT Hong Kong . August - February, 2015-16 Participated in the development of tower design in a mixed-use project in Shanghai from the early stage of concept design to the completion of tower facade detail design package. The effort has gained the opportunity of giving a presentation in one of the client meetings. The experience strengthens the facade design technique and the knowledge of practical project development.

HE-ART STUDIO . INTERIOR DESIGN ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) January - June, 2011 Assisted in producing coordination drawings to the contractor in a residential interior project under the instruction of the project designer. Participated in client meetings and preparation of presentation materials.


POSTGRADURATE DIPLOMA IN ARCHITECTURE Mackintosh School of Architecture The Glasgow School of Art Glasgow . September 2016 - June, 2018

UNDERGRADURATE BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE (Hons) Mackintosh School of Architecture The Glasgow School of Art Glasgow . September 2012 - June, 2015


Newcastle University Newcastle . September 2011 - June, 2012

PRE-DEGREE CERTICIFICATE IN INTERIOR DESIGN Hong Kong School of Design Hong Kong . December 2010 - June, 2011

Good architecture is always more than a good drawing of it. A decent idea may not from a moment of sudden inspiration but is accumulated through the development and curiosity.

CAD SKILLS Rhino . Sketchup . 3Ds max . Revit . AutoCAD . Premeier Pro . Illustrator . Photoshop . Indesign . Mental Ray . Vray . Lumion . Keyshot . SU Podium

LANGUAGES Cantonese . Mandarin . English . Japanese (Basic) . Korean (Beginner)

Latest Update: 22 MAY 2018


P. 12 - 49 Translating the meaning of space into architectural settings to reveals the characters of a society.

Stage 5 . Final Design Thesis


Engineering Museum - As the over accelerated city growth is questioned that will brutally disconnect the area with its old images. The project examine the connections between modern architectural approaches and the temporal fragments of the area,

PROJECTS HIGHLIGHTS a selection of works academic . Glasgow Scho ol of Art

P. 50 - 61 Regenerating a temporal fragment of Glasgow industry and to address the communities' needs.

Stage 4 . Culture and Heritage


P. 62 - 65 Refurbishment of the existing context with modern architectural language to regenerate a set of affordable housing for the local community.


Architectural script - The thesis examines the philosophical meanings of architecture that defines architecture as the monument of the present which amplifies the current conditions of the neighbourhoods to address interacting social activities.





P. 68 - 71 Urban Research of postindustrial area of Hong Kong, Mixed-use porject in Hangzhou, China.

SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2017 . Research . Retail


Kwun Tong Urban Intervention - The project examines a swift lightweight intervention to address the characters and civil needs of different streets in the area. to inhabits varying social interacting programmes with a purpose to encourage informal social encounters.

PROJECTS HIGHLIGHTS a selection of works professional . Hong Kong . China

Lead 8

8 P. 72 - 77 Retail facade design and masterplanning in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Haikou of China.

2016 . Retail . Mixed-Use




P. 78 - 81 Tower design of a mixed-use retail project in Shanghai from concept to detail design.

2015 . Commerical . Retail



LCM Plaza (Tower design) The form of facade challenges the box shape of tower massing with a diagonal roof crown to reduce the viusal weight. The body is designed with two types of features including facade fins and inward rotated units to contrasts with the conventional curtain wall. Financial Street Retail Mall The task in retail facade design development suggests an aesthetic style that connects to the tower design. The participation throughout the schematic and early detail design stage. The effort had gained the participation in the client meetings in both Beijing and Shanghai.

72 Professional

architecture. We chase our dreams, hope that something good will come along tomorrow. Yet we offen forget that we are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second.


Postgraduate works . GSA 2016 - 2018




'Script of Memory' (Left) Concept Image . Self-consciousness

Mackintosh School of Architecture The Glasgow School of Art Stage 5 . Final Design Thesis

'Recognition' (Right) Concept Image . Self-consciousness

Architecture answers the basic needs of people and manifests the characters of society. It connects our consciousness to the reality settings that interplays with the presence and the transience. The image of it suggests the daily matters that evidences the passage of time. It is the background of our narratives of life. To most extent, practising architecture is a journey of self-recognition.

'Yet architecture is inhabited: sequences of events, use, activities, incidents are always superimposed on those fixed spatial sequences. These are the programmatic sequences that suggest secret maps and impossible fictions, rambling collections of events all strung along a collection of spaces, frame after frame room after room, episode after episode.' Tschumi (2012), P.61


40°23’N . 3°43’W Population: 3.1 millions Density: 5,390/km 2 Elevation: 667 m Capital of Spain Area: 604.3 km 2

MADRID . SPAIN Project Site: Puerta del Sol

The thesis study follows the line of enquiry and starts with examining the architectural elements within different neighbourhoods of the Madrid City. The development focuses on the semantics of space that leads to the understanding of spatial identities.

Arquitecto Ribera Garden

Puerta del Sol (Project site)

Plaza de Cascorro

Landmarks Spatial Elements Project Site Line of Enquiry

Project Location Plan N 0




The Image of The Action

Line of Enquiry . Daily Matters

The thesis examines the philosophical meanings of architecture. It explores the translation of perception and experience to spatial settings, through design and curation, to reveal the meaning of the space. It defines architecture as the monument of the present which amplifies the current conditions of the neighbourhoods to address interacting social activities.

The study explores a narrative technique, parallel narrative, into spatial design theory. It transforms the background of daily matters: incidents, encounters, and the transiences that define our memories and identities as the foreground to reveal the notion of presence and self-awareness.

'The Notion of Familiarity' (Left) Concept Image . Self-awareness 'Semantics of Space' (Right) Concept Image . Perception of space 17





3 3

4 4 5



The Image of The Action Elements Within The Neighbourhoods of Sol


Elements Within The Neighbourhoods of MalasaĂąa

Space embodies happening of that it means more than the physical form. Architectural elements suggest the possibilities of confrontations. The happenings become stories which slowly become the background of a place.

Elements Within The Neighbourhoods of La Latina

With that in mind, Architecture is a mean that transforms the viewer's relationship to his or her environment, which elaborate the notion of nostalgia. The elements of it suggest the possibilities of confrontations which imply the past.

When the happenings become stories to the place, and define the characteristic of a place, Every social encounter reveals the identity of our neighbourhoods which will redirect us to the nature of programs within a place.


Layers of Puerta del Sol Perception and Superimposition














Perception Drawing of Puerta del Sol

The drawings presents our perception of a place. It is the non-physical context that suggests the events, uses, characteristics and our understandings of space. It is a secret map that reveals the semantics of space from our mind.

Movement and event define and refine space and our perception of it. The superimposition of all the temporal layers of a space will allow the encounter of reality and fiction.


Carrion Building

Addressing the Visual Connection



Forum - conversation

Live Broadcast

Street Performance

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Semantics of Space Amplify the current conditions of space

Metro Entrance Elevated Parklet

The Fountain:

The Landmark signs:

The Busiest Metro Entrance:

The structure introduces an interpretation of current spatial geometry to amplify the current spatial conditions. The development starts with following the form of the existing fountain to address the interacting social activities.

The settings reveal the invisible links between the city and adjacent areas. It responds to the festive nature of the site and introduces an installationliked structure as part of its main theme.

The translation of movement into a circulation complex amplifies spatial character of Sol. The architecture suggests the sequence of encounters that was the background to be the foreground of the place.




Urban Viewing

Urban Forum

Urban Vertex

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The landmark, 'TIOPEPE' neon sign. Visual connection with another landmark - the 'Schweppes Building'.

The place where street performers rest

The busiest corner of Sol filled with vendors, performance audience and pedestrians.

A fountain where people rest and have conversations.

Puerta del Sol

The centre point of Sol.

Decoding The Cipher The Esteem and Actualization of The Invisibles





Live Broadcast

Sociable Parklet


Urban Forum

City Viewing

Visual Art Feed

Gathering Perform

Urban Viewing

Street Vending

Meeting Point

Chance Meeting

Urban Vertex

Secret Maps

Volumetric Settings


The spatial study has developed a set of architectural language which is then used to translate the secret map into volumetric settings. The forms follow the perception, events and programs.


1 : 1000 MDF Model The Neighbourhood of Sol

1 : 50 MDF, FoamMix and Card model 'Journey Within the Frames' Partial Model of Urban Viewing

200 x 200mm Massing Model The First Draft of Spatial Translation of Drawings

1 : 50 MDF, FoamMix and Card model 'Spaces Beneath The Bridge' Partial Model of Urban Forum

Physical Modeling Experiment of The Findings From Drawings To Objects The abstract massing and partial models are importnat in communicating architectural ideas. It is instead a process of design than a display of the design. The experiment allows the reader, and myself, to follow the rationale of the development for discussion and critical reflection.


Architectural Anthology Series The Parallel Narratives . Perception of Space

Urban Vertex . Urban Viewing . Urban Forum 29

"At the busiest corner of the city, people bump into someone who has never met before, or perhaps, hundred times before but never gets to remember it."


In the contemporary society, the image of the city has slowly become a product of consumerism and materialism that increasingly distinct from the daily and living context. Study development questions the necessity of reestablishing authentic Madrid identity. Since the millennium, the city has undergone gentrification due to the intensive immigration flow. The new population changes the local culture that contrasts with the city's given character. The scenario suggests an architectural response to Madrid's city identity, which further inspires a discussion of the meaning of space and architecture.

ARCHITECTURAL ANTHOLOGY The loosely interlinked stories The Architectural Scripts

"Preview, question, analyses, conclude and socialise. The viewing activity frames both landmarks, 'TIO PEPE' and 'Schweppes' signs, in one picture."

"People sit around the fountain, gossip about the city, meanwhile watching the street shows."




Urban Vertex

is a complex of circulations which explores the sequence of encounters in Puerta del Sol. The main entrance of the structure connects to the metro entrance that leads to the street vending and performance platform. The ramp manipulates the movement of people. It directs the journey to the upper level of the structure which consists elevated parklet and audience balcony of the street performance.

Urban Viewing

is a city viewing and visual art display complex. The structure consists a city previewing platform on the ground floor, while the upper levels accommodate city viewing activities. Through development, the episode explores a distinct perspective on communications between people and connections of places.

Film scene study 'La La Land' (2016) Objects and level difference create focal point and barrier

Film scene study 'In the Mood for Love' (2000) Change of materials and volume create threshold affects walking speed.

Urban Forum

Programmatic Sequence Storyboards of Architectural Anthology

embodies a range of social interactions within a selection of public seating spaces and forum area. The upper levels of the structure consist the linked bridge and audience balcony to allow vertical communications. Through the sequence of space, the journey reveals the levels of interaction and isolation. It suggests the connections and distance between people.

Urban Vertex

Urban Viewing

Urban Forum



Unfolded Spatial Drawing Scripts of The Episode and Reference

The architectural element settles on the crowd of people like a spotlight. It suggests a frame that seeing the group of people as individuals and their interlinked daily lives. Following (1998)

The elongated pathway ends the journey back to the starting point. The extended travel brings our awareness to the context and the people we walk past every day. Lost in Translation (2003) My Blueberry Nights (2007)

Architectural settings determine the 'Be-seen' or 'Hidden' context that stimulates curiosity. Experience accumulates the sense of familiarity. However, memory can deceive us. It is just interpretation. We always choose to remember.

Urban Vertex amplifies the encounters of spatial identity from everyday incidents. The spatial setting is inspired by the movement of people and social interactions in Sol. It is a translation of our perception into a complex of circulations. The experience redirects our consciousness to the people and incidents that we encounter every day. As a part of the architectural anthology series, Urban Vertex suggests the identity of Puerta Del Sol thought movements and confrontations.


Sectional Perspective

Urban Vertex Episodes Within The ‘Script’ Section . Isometric . Plan

Urban Vertex reveals the memories and stories within an isolated society, that provokes the meaningful information from objects, in an attempt to bridge social relationships through a mutual aid of commonly shared memories and the realisation that imperfection is accepted.


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Balcony/ Sociable Space

Spiral Staircase to Elevated Walkway

Viewing Deck

Roof Terrace Ramp Metro Entrance

Public Meeting Points

Balcony/ Sociable Space

Spiral Staircase to Elevated Walkway

Street Vending Perform

Metro Entrance Public Meeting Points

Social Gathering Space Stre et Vending Platform Connect to the city infrastructure

N 0






Unfolded Spatial Drawing Scripts of The Episode and Reference The Truman Show (1998)

The staircase implies exploration. It is an escape from the existing settings that connects to the destination of curiosity. Memento (2000)

The absence of light flattens the sense of time. It encourages imagination and isolates the space from the lively context.

Being John Malkovich (1999)

The highlighted scene of the context suggests a portal that shortens the distance between Sol and Plaza de Callao. It suggests a distinct perspective of the relationship between mind and body, the nature of consciousness and the place's identity.

Urban Viewing is an architectural episode that consists a sequence of incidents which is inspired by the temporal and spatial characters of Sol and converts the perception of space into an episodic architectural setting. The spatial design explores and studies a selection of screenplays that amplifies the narrative quality of this project. As a part of the architectural anthology series, Urban Viewing suggests a narrow perspective as a still of the complete picture of Puerta Del Sol.


Sectional Perspective

Urban Viewing Episodes Within The ‘Script’ Section . Isometric . Plan

The study develops a sequence of city viewing activities from 'Preview', 'Question' and 'Socialise'. The changing stages inform different levels of interactions with the surrounding context to amplify the meaning of space to us.

Viewing Deck

Roof Terrace/ Sociable Space





City Viewing Tower

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Link Bridge

City Previewing installation

Staircase to the Roof and City Viewing Deck

Public Parklet Ramp

Existing Fountain

Visual Art Projection Room

Link Bridge

G/F Experiencial Chamber (Acoustically Connects to the Viewing Deck) Staircase to the Roof and City Viewing Deck

1/F Viewing Deck City Previewing installation


Viewing Platform Visual Art Fe ed View Sharing Chamber








Unfolded Spatial Drawing Scripts of The Episode and Reference La La Land (2016)

The spatial setting employs a high contrast of brightness to simulate a notion of selfexistence and suggests isolation with the surrounding context.

HER (2013)

Levels of architecture suggest the layers of privacy. A sufficient height from the daily surface would allow the activity of self-reflection which contracts with the other programs in this structure. In The Mood For Love (2000)

Linear space elongates the journey between spaces. It dims the sharpness of spatial differences. The journey also reduces our soberness to encourage imagination.

Urban Forum is an architectural episode that consists a sequence of incidents which is inspired by the temporal and spatial characters of Sol. The spatial design reveals the background of the space - the daily conversations and street performances, that happens around the existing fountain. As a part of the architectural anthology series, Urban Forum suggests a narrow perspective as a still of the complete picture of Puerta Del Sol.


Sectional Perspective

URBAN FORUM Episodes and Architecture Section . Isometric . Plan

The structure addresses the events of street performance and other kinds of informal social interactions. It highlights the elements within the space and accommodates the characteristics of Sol.

Audience Balcony

Street Performance Stage

Link Bridge


Live Broadcast Stage/ Public Parklet (Originally The Plaza Fountain)

Street Performance Stage



Lightwell t rip sc


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Street Performance Backstage

Link Bridge


Live Broadcast Stage/ Public Parklet (Originally The Plaza Fountain)

Elevated Audiance Balcony Broadcasting Stage Stre et Performance Backstage

N 0





Urban Vertex

Urban Viewing

The project explores the meaning of space and architecture that it argues incidents within the daily matters associates to our lives narratives which fosters the notion of familiarity. These social encounters are the identity of a city; where architecture is the 'script' that able the access to these hidden episodes lie beneath the visual context.

Daily Matters Addressing the factions of the very tiny or invisible elements within spaces

Urban Forum


Using Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2010 as the reference, a decking frame structure is employed to support the column to achieve height. The system is based on a set of screw pile to allow rapid construction and reduce the impact to the site.

1 2



6 7 8 9



12 9

1:10 0 1 Aluminium Cladding Panel with Acoustic Foam Lining 2 Steel Column 3 Column Base Plate 4 30mm Dense Mineral Wool Board 5 Precast Plate Flooring 6 Universal Beam Decking Frame

7 Fin-plate Connector 8 Mineral Wool infill 9 Beam Stiffener 10 Pile Cap 11 Screw1:15 Pile




Foundation Detail

Decking Frame and Screw Pile Foundation Connection




Scale Bar 1:15



The backstage of Urban Forum is designed to be a semienclosed space to allow the street performers a place to rest and be ready for performance. The area is designed with acoustic control to enhance the experience of isolation.



45 67


1:10 0





10 11

1:15 456





1:20 1 2 3 4 5 6

15.9 mm Exterior Gypsum Sheathing Prefabricated Metal Framing Light Steel Frame Stubs Precast Plate Flooring Dense Mineral Wool Board Universal Beam (Secondary Structure)

7 Suspended Acoustic Ceiling 8 Universal Beam (Primary Structure) 9 Fin-plate Connector 10 Pile Cap 1:50 11 Screw Pile

0 Urban 2 Forum 5




Backstage Lightwell Sectional Detail 0.5

5 0Scale Bar 1:50





Mackintosh School of Architecture The Glasgow School of Art Stage 4 . Institutional Project Design



The Glasgow Engineering Museum

Modern city regeneration of Pollokshields area of Southern Glasgow has prompted a discussion between preservation and cultivation. As the over accelerated city growth is questioned that will brutally disconnect the area with its old images. The topic inspires an indepth study of connecting modern architectural approaches with the temporal fragments of the area, The development focuses on 200 Scotland Street as the case for further study.

The redevelopment of Pollokshields area raises the need for a positive response for the historical context, and yet to provide architectural solutions to the social problems within the neighbourhoods. The work seeks to celebrate and amplify the golden age of the area, meanwhile to answer the communities' needs which will further facilitate the wider settings without losing the character of the site.


Inspiration Interaction

Current facade of Scotland Street (Above) Site Image . Temporal Context Sectional perspective of design proposl (Bottom) Cultivation . Regeneration


N 50


Under-employment Under-employment

Grade Grade B Listed B Listed Buildings Buildings


Single-Parent Single-Parent Families Families 50 0


Context Context

Grade B Listed Grade B Listed Buildings Buildings

Grade B Listed Buildings

Grade B Listed Buildings

Under-employment Single-Parent Families Social BenefitPopulation Population Engineering population population Social Benefit Engineering Under-employment Single-Parent Families Under-employment Single-Parent inFamilies Under-employment Single-Parent Families inlabour labourmarket market

Inner ring-roads Inner ring-roads Inner ring-roads

Context Context Context


Paid Paid Below Below Living Living Wage Wage

60 60 40 40

Manufacturing Manufacturing Hotel, Hotel, F&B F&B and and Retail Retail

Engineering population population 0 0 Engineering Engineering population inlabour labour market Low Higherpaid paidininEngineering Engineering LowQualification Qualification Higher in market in labour market -relatedcarriers carriers Social Benefit Population Engineering -related population

SocialBenefit BenefitPopulation Population Social Social Benefit Population

100 80 80

Site and adjacent area (Above) Site plan . Pollokshields

60 40 40

LowQualification Qualification Low Low Qualification


Paid Above Living Wage

Pollokshields and Glasgow Current conditions of the neighbourhoods and the wider settings

the former n Howden’s fact


Paid Below Living Wage Paid Above Living Wage


Social Socialdata data ofofGovan GovanArea Area

Hotel, F&B and Retail

Manufacturing Higherpaid paidininEngineering Engineering Higher 20

Higher paid in Engineering -related carriers -related carriers -related carriers 0

Low Qualification

Administration Administration block of former block of former Administration Howden’s factory Howden’s factory block of former BacB Howden’s factory Open space Open space cancan be be useu used new design used for for new design Bac Open space can be Main entrance Main entrance of of use used for new design former thethe former Main entrance of Howden’s factory. E Howden’s factory. the former H Main entrance Howden’s factory. (P

Paid Below Living Wage Paid Above Living Wage Paid Above Living Wage


Manufacturing Manufacturing Social data of Pollokshields area 40 (Bottom) 60 20 20 Manufacturing Hotel, Hotel, F&B Retail F&B andand Retail Social-care . Wider settings 20 0 0

Maintraffic traffic Main Main traffic

Paid Below Living Wage in labour market Paid Below Living Wage


80 60 60


Paid Paid Above Above Living Living Wage Wage

80 80

20 20

Main Main entran ent thethe former forme Howden’s Howdenf

Hotel, F&B and Retail

Higher paid in Engineering -related carriers The site is Social located at late 1980s due to the decline Social data data Social data the Pollokshields area of of Glasgow marine industry. of Govan Area of Govan Area southern Glasgow. Except Area the of Govan Mackintosh designed Scotland Social Problem is highlighted Street School Museum, the among the neighbourhoods. data of single-parent area is a vast abandoned Social The numbers shed which is formerly an offamilies Govan have Area brought to engineering factory until the concerns, while the area has

Entrance of the former Entrance of the former Howden’s factory Howden’s factory Entrance of the former (Potential entrance (Potential entrance of of Howden’s factory new design) new design) (Potential entrance of new design) Street Facade shaded Street Facade areare shaded in shadow, different spatial in shadow, different spatial Street Facademay are shaded arrangement may bring arrangement bring outout in shadow, different spatial the new structure. the new structure. arrangement may bring out the new structure.

one of the highest population of underemployment. A large portion of the population is living on social benefit, and more than half of the labour in the area are considered less competitive with the rest of the market in Glasgow.

Entr How (Pot new

Entrance of the existing shed Entrance of the existing shed (Potential entrance of new de (Potential entrance of new desig Entrance of the existing shed (Potential entrance of new desig

Glasgow Queen Street Station

Glasgow Central

Glasgow inner ring-road Shields Road SPT Station


1.25 km


Location plan of GEEC (former name of project) and Glasgow City plan . Southern Glasgow


Under-employment Families Under-employment Single-Parent Single-Parent Families

Social Benefit Population

Social Benefit Population

Engineering population in labour market

Engineering population in labour market 100

Paid Below Living Wage Paid Above Living Wage



Paid Below Living Wage 60

Paid Above Living Wage

80 40

60 20



'Objects within the box' (Centre top) Concept Image . Design Intention


Low Qualification

Hotel, F&B and Retail


20 Low Qualification

'Layers of space' (Left) Concept Image . Photo Montage


Higher paid in Engineering -related carriers

Hotel, F&B and Retail

Higher paid in Engineering -related carriers

Types of driven voids (Centre bottom) Development . Self-consciousness

Social data of Govan Area

Site Analysis (Right) Lens of Criteria . Site Conditions

Social data of Govan Area

HOWDEN'S ENGINEERING WORK Connecting the presence with the temporal fragments

Scotland Street was the home of the marine industry in Glasgow. The historical value of the site is as important as it was where the assembling place of the boiling machine of channel tunnel and navel engines of Great Britain battleship in WWI. The unique looking of the street facade is a collection of

time and heritage which consists of mostly Grade-B Listed Buildings, yet the current condition gives the site a nostalgic atmosphere.

view of reinstalling informal social interactions in the communities and respond to the heritage context of the site. The criteria inspire a set of architectural languages and the The development explores spatial superimposition to enrich architectural as a compendium the layers within the volume, to to inhabit exhibition and encourage multi-spatial interactions. inspirational activities, with a focal

Grade B Listed Grade B Listed Buildings Buildings

Cycling Cycling trialtrial

Inner ring-roads Inner ring-roads

Scotland Scotland Street



Main traffic



Main traffic


Administration block of former

Administration Howden’s factory block of former Open space can be Howden’s factory Main entrance of the former Howden’s factory.

Main entrance of the former Howden’s factory.

used for new design

Open space can be used for new design

Back of the shed can be used for temporary activites.

Back of the shed can be used for temporary activites.

School Museum, mixed programme activities can be introduced to theSchool new design. Museum, mixed

programme activities can be introduced to the new design.

Shields Road SPT Station, one of the main traffic connects the site to the rest of the city.

Shields Road SPT Station, one of the main traffic connects the site to the rest of the city.

Entrance of the former Howden’s factory (Potential entrance of new design)

Entrance of the former Howden’s factory Street Facade are shaded (Potentialinentrance of shadow, different spatial arrangement may bring out new design) the new structure.

Street Facade are shaded Entrance of the existing shed in shadow, different(Potential spatial entrance of new design) arrangement may bring out the new structure.

Entrance of the existing shed (Potential entrance of new design)


Site Analysis Diagrams N

Site Analysis Diagrams Scotland Street Elevation of Design Proposal (Bottom) Glasgow Engineering Museum


5 /f


4 /f

Model Room

3 /f


2 /f 1 /f g /f

Library Gallery of Glasgow Engineering History

Shop / Cafe


Collections Display


Gallery of Modern Engineering

Talks / Presentation

Lecture Theatre

Howden’s Exhibitions

Mechanic Workshop





The development employs driven voids to provide natural lighting for the galleries and spaces within the tower. The interesting way to share natural lighting and the vertical spatial design connect different programmes and social activities from different levels of the building to allow unexpected social encounters.


Spatial Interactions The layers of space that inspires the characters of the settings

Link bridges are the key factors of the journey within the structure. It allows vertical visual connections between floors and maximises the spatial capacity for the flexible use of the atrium area. The layers of height naturally create a focal point for the key space which also delivers a lively engaging ambience to the interior.

The former Howden's factory shed is regenerated and inhabits exhibition and educational activities. An elevated walkway is introduced to the journey of the visit with different layers of spatial experience of the exhibition.

Observatory Balcony

Rooflight (Addressing the key spaces of the atrium)

Refining the existing rooflight

Rooflight (Addressing the key spaces of the atrium)

Driven Void (Allow visual connections between the viewing deck and the library)

Link Bridge Atrium

The existing crane restored as installation Flying walkway for educational tours

Main exhibition space (The shed of the former Howden Factory) The existing facade of the former Howden Factory (Grade B listed)

Exploded Diagram

Spaces and Connections


Interaction The vertical development of the project aims to establish a visual connection to the wider surrounding context, where visitors can examine the urban changes of the region.

Heritage The former Howden factory is preserved and regenerated into a interactive exhibitional space. The combination of spaces creates a timeline of Glasgow engineering industry which amplifes the historial value of the area.

Inspiration Open plan design of the main assembly hall allows flexible use of space which aims to inhabit inspirational temporary events. The arrangement allows different forms of informal social interactions that benefit the surrounding neighbourhoods.


Spaces and Events Addressing the incidents that architecture inhabits

Garden space for cafeteria/ private events

Entrance Parklet/ Social garthering space


Open plan Book store

Stairs to the upper floors and observatory

Arrival (With roof-light above)

Atrium for temporary events and talks

Link bridge

Doorway to the reat of the main exhibition space (Former Howden Factory) Stairs to upper floors and galleries Box office Theatre and presentation space

Flying walkway for educational tours

Main exhibition space (Former Howden Factory) Workshop space for educational events

N 0

Ground Floor Plan 2




The model reveals the concept of preserving the heritage context by separating two parts of the model with the difference of colours. It presents the core thinking of the project meanwhile unveils the interesting connections between spaces in this proposal.

1 : 100 Proposal model with structural and internal details (Top) 1 : 500 Site Context Model with the suggestion of project location (Bottom left) 1 : 200 Lightwells and driven void experiment models (Bottom right)


8 9 10 11 12

1 2 3 6 4 5 6 13


7 15 16 17

18 32 2 3 31 30

19 15 16 1 11

20 21

Tower Facade Design Detail 1. Steel I Beam 2. Shallow Steel Decking 3. Concrete Slab 4. Screed 5. Roof Insulation 6. Roofing Membrane 7. Wooden Block Work 8. Brushed Aluminium Roof Capping 9. Metal Railing 10. Pre-cast Concrete Facade Panel 11. Vapour Control Membrane 12. Rigid Insulation on the external cavity 13. Sheathing Board 14. Steel I Beam Column 15. Rusted Copper Sheet Folding 16. Steel Angle 17. Window Frame with Dark Busted Finish 18. Insulated Glass Unit 19. Tie Back 20. Fiberglass Batt Insulation 21. Plasterboard 22. Window Frame with Rusted Copper Finish 23. Silicon Joint Weather Sealant 24. Rain Cap 25. Steel Channel 26. Gravel-filled Trench 27. Drainage 28. Perimeter Insulation 29. Weather Control Layer 30. Platform Floor Treatment 31. Floor Insulation 32. Ceiling Panel 33. Concrete Column Footing 34. Screed Flooring 35. Rigid Insulation 36. In-situ Concrete Slab 37. Damp Proof Membrane 38. Hardcore 39. Structural Glass System 40. Window Upstand with Brushed Metal Finish

22 24

37 36 35 34



24 25 26 27

Tower Facade Elevation

28 29 38 28 11 12 13


Tower Facade Wall Types Section

Drawing Scale 1 : 50 0




39 40


Tower Facade Detail (On Plan)


Proposal collage image of communal space, perspective (Top) Tower regeneration concept images, isometric and plan (Left)

A Walk In A Park

URBAN HOUSING Mackintosh School of Architecture The Glasgow School of Art Stage 4 . Urban Planning Project

A Walk In A Park is a social regeneration project of a public housing site into a new kind of mixed-used programme with affordable housing to the neighbourhoods. The Project consists of the spaces for retails, commercial, communal, leisure, residential and educational sectors. Refurbishment of the existing context was also designed to regeneration the fragment of the existing area. The new design layout responds

to the previous housing grids to provide a series of mid-low rise housing to the community. To promote a green lifestyle, allotments along the green walkway are introduced to the layout to encourage communal social activities. The retail sector is newly designed connects to the communal space and the site surroundings to create a new focal point among the neighbourhoods.


Proposal Site Plan . Overview


Housing Units Module system for flexible and affordable living environment

Module system divides living space in according to the number of inhabitants. It is a box system with a range of 6x6 sqm studio flat for an individual to a maximum 4 x (6x6) sqm three bedrooms flat for family. The development allows the flexibility in units combinations to address the varying needs of different age groups in the community. Module housing and small community development diagrams (Top) 1 : 50 Proposal model made by FoamMix, plastic cards and Balsa wood (Left and bottom)


life narratives. The Policeman: Why did you do it? The Young Man: How can I explain? Your eyes go over, drift a cross the crowd of people... and they slowly stop and fix on one person, then that person becomes an individual. [snaps fingers]. Movie quotes 'Following' by Christopher Nolan

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mixed use . Retail . Commercial . Urban Research 2015 - 2017


Overcrowded living and working environment are arguably one of the causes of the stressing city life in Hong Kong. The conditions are highlighted especially in post-industrial areas which have been brought to concerns. Regarding the situation, the research project focuses on Kwun Tong as an example to investigates a swift architectural response to improve the living/ working quality in these areas.




ODU Photos of Kwun Tong area and Proposal overview in isometric drawing

The project is developed by a team of internships including 4 undergraduate students and myself in a duration of 2 months. Being the leading role in the research team, I was responsible for directing the analysis to report to the directors, organising the teamwork and providing support and reviews to the other members' works. As a team, we conducted a series of site visits and street interviews for study in depth which was finally curated into a short film for presentation. The site study experience inspires a focus of the skyline of Kwun Tong post-industrial area. It highlights the enormous in number and the poor conditions of back alleys between buildings due to the overpopulated environment and lack of maintenance; yet are currently used by pedestrians to escape from the heavy traffic on the main roads. In-house proposal collage images (Left) Development drawing from Sketchup (Top)

Cross sections of back alleys in Kwun Tong (Left) Concept images comparing the negative spaces and building massing (Above)

The development leads to the idea of swift lightweight intervention to address the characters and civil needs of different streets in the area. It targets on recycling the leftover materials, which are mostly found in back alleys spaces, like bamboo scaffolds and chipboards for the construction. The concept introduces a series of semi-open public spaces to inhabits varying social interacting programmes with a purpose to encourage informal social encounters. The flexibility of the temporary structure allows quick responses to accommodate different scales of events from pavilion to exhibition space.

Current condition of back alleys in Kwun Tong (Above)


In-house rendering presentations . Isometric overview (Above)



HANGZHOU EAST RAILWAY STATION MIXED-USE . RETAIL . COMMERCIAL Hangzhou . China The project is an urban development project located in the new commercial region of Hangzhou. It is a mixed-use project consists of multi-stories retail space, recreational area, commercial centre and loft residential units. The development essentially associates with the new city infrastructure to bridges the district to the wider settings.

Facade Design The facade design reveals the water and wood elements in Chinese traditional manner and is presented by the dark and warm colour features. This draft of schematic design was conducted under the guidance of a senior architect in a duration of two months with other projects running in parallel.

In-house rendering . Feature store close-up view (Above)

Facade detail study . Materials, texture, and lighting (Above)

Details and Shop Fronts The development led to a series of facade design studies which was carried out by two architectural assistants including myself under the instruction of a senior architect. The study also informed the layout of shop fronts to contribute a better balance between aesthetics and commercial experience. Shop front study and comparison . Layout design development (Above)

Massing study at early stage . Roofing and massing overview (Above)

Massing and Planning In the early stage of concept design, the task was to examine the possible massing strategies for the layout draft, to report to the project architect. Working alongside with project architect in developing project layout and massing was a valuable experience. Selected floor plans of G/F, and B1/F (Above)


Presentation image of feature store in Plot D by external renderer (Above)

plot D

Planning and Massing The early of schematic design in planning and facade, the task was to introduce a series of open space and feature stores massing studies which also consists of facade design. The development process includes coordination with the Goettsch Partners architects, retail and traffic consultants. Development images of planning and courtyard spaces studies (Left)



8 Lead 8

MIXED-USE . RETAIL . COMMERCIAL Shanghai . China This project is a cooperation between Goettsch Partners and Lead 8, which are responsible for towers and retail podiums in responsively. It is a mixed-use retail project with mainly commercial and hospitality elements on Plot C1 and service apartment residential on Plot D. My participation in the Plot C1 involves the early stage of schematic design in planning and facade, while throughout the schematic stage and early stage of detail design in Plot D.

Plot C1

Plot D Master layout plan of the project with Plot C1 on the left and Plot D on the right (Above)

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1 : 100 Proposal facade models of feature store (Left) and podium retail (Right)


plot D 1/F

Facade Development

1900 3010 6640

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gained me the opportunity of participating in the client meetings in both Beijing and Shanghai. The development also consists of coordination with external renderers for presentations and local design institute regarding the fire regulations of openings and facade materials.


The task in facade design development was to suggest a responding facade aesthetic style that connects to the tower design. The study was under a direct instruction from the project director throughout the schematic and early detail design stage. The effort had

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Early draft of facade detail design of Plot D podium and feature store (Above)




Presentation image of courtyard space by external renderer (Above)

Planning and Massing In the development studies of courtyard space, the task was to associate the design architect to introduce a set of courtyard analysis and suggestions. The processes include coordination with planning design colleagues, local design institute and the clients. Courtyard and entrance void studies diagrams (Left)


8 Lead 8

QIANHAI DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MIXED-USE . RETAIL . COMMERCIAL Shenzhen . China The project locates at the Qianhai new business district of Shenzhen, China, which is consists of mixed-use programmes, including retail, commercial and service residential elements. The participation in this project mainly was in the early stage of schematic design of planning, massing studies and terrace feature stores design. Terrace feature stores massing development image (Above)

Dining Terrace Design The task in this development focus on the massing layout on the terrace floor of which the effort had benefited me with the opportunity of designing the responding feature stores. Under that direct instruction of the project director, the further study was able to examine

a slow-paced dining terrace area on the top level of the podium with a varying pavilion-scale massing to address the characters of space. The design was then studied in depth with the suggestion of facade and materials.

Dining Terrace Area proposal image at early design stage (above) F&B feature stores development and facade proposals (Right)

Facade Detail The design development then focused on the detail studies of the terrace stores with the suggestion of texture and materials. The experience has benefited me with confidence in the upcoming facade and massing designs in the other projects.

Feature stores facade and roofing details studies from SketchUp (Right)


In-house facade development diagrams, options A and B (Left) Concept sketches of facade massing and texture drafts (Above)

Facade and Shop Front The project was the first experience in designing the entire image for a project from feasibility to facade massing study and early schematic design. Under the direct instruction from the senior associate director, with a duration of 3 weeks, two facade options were introduced, based on the first draft of the proposal which was introduced in the first week.

8 Lead 8

In-house facade development diagrams, options A and B (Above)


上次設計 分量比例

RENOVATION . RETAILS . PLANNING HaiKou . China Yi-Long Plaza is a renovation project from an existing shopping centre in Haikou, Southern China. The working team consists of two interior designers for the interior mall refurbishment and two from the architectural department including a senior associate director and myself for the layout and facade design. The participation involves from the feasibility to early stage of schematic design.






Initial facade massing concept diagram (Above)

F&B in open planning

F&B and semi outdoor circulation

F&B, Retail and pocket terrace

Spatial combinations and analysis for early layout planning study (Above)



三期拟建提案 万象城一期

3. 一期与三期的平行相邻关系


Retail Spaces Layout The study follows the form of the existing car park and introduces a new interpretation of space to inhabit retail activities. It is further supported by a set of spatial analysis with different layouts and programmes combinations.

Concept diagrams of massing development and planning layouts (left)


SHENZHEN PHASE III DEVELOPMENT EXTENSION . RETAILS . PLANNING ShenZhen . China The proposal is a new phase extension of MixC Shenzhen. It is a renovation project of the existing car park into a new retail podium to address the further development of the area. The participation consists of feasibility and concept design which includes spaces study, layout planning and facade massing. The experience is valuable in particularly that which has strengthened the understanding varying retail spaces layouts and their relationships.

Proposal image by external renderer (left) and site existing condition (Above)


Proposal image in perspective view by external renderer (Top) Tower Elevation drawings in detail design presentation (Above)

B Benoy

LCM PLAZA MIXED-USE . RETAILS . COMMERCIALS Shanghai . China The development is located in Pudong new district of Shanghai. It is a mixed-use project, including retail, commercial and residential elements; while Benoy is responsible for both retail and office towers design, and two different teams were assigned correspondingly. The tasks, in the duration of my duty, were from the early stage of concept design to the completion of tower facade detail design package. Construction image on site . estimated completion by the end of 2018 (Above)

Tower facade partial elevation

Section A

Section B

Section C

Tower facade: partial elevation, plan and sections (Above) Section D

Service Louvre Dark Silver Smith TMC

Initial concept diagram of tower facade massing development (Above)

Facade Fins SB Bright Silver TMC

Form and Texture

Typical Curtain Wall Unit Low-E Triple Glazing

A team of two, a senior architect and myself were involved in tower design; while under the clear instruction, I was given chance to explore facade design. The form of facade challenges the box shape of original massing with a diagonal roof crown, while the body is designed with two types of features including facade fins and inward rotated units to contrasts with the conventional curtain wall.

Spandrel Back Panel SB Bright Silver TMC Shadow Gap Wall Unit Dark Grey Low-E Triple Glazing

Spandrel Back Panel Dark Silver Smith TMC

Sectional perspection of facade wall types, roof crown and service louvre (Above)

Sectional perspection of shadow gap and facade unit connection (Above)


Roof Crown, service louvre and BMU system proposal diagrams (Above)

Roof Crown and Service The diagonal form of facade inspires the need for service louvre on the roof level of the tower of which a set of studies was carried out to examine the connections between two elements. The development also examined the use of BMU system in the scenario and building logo installation of which involved a good amount of coordination with consultants from varying institute.

BMU system proposal development in section drawing (Top) Signage proposal image by external renderer in perspective view (Above)

Section drawing of signage proposal for coordination with lighting consultants (Bottom)

Tower facade partial elevation

Section A Tower facade (Lobby): partial elevation, plan and sections (Above)

In-house produced lobby facade proposal image (Above)

Canopy and Lobby Design The task of lobby facade and canopy design involves coordination with interior design department and local design institute, which is in response to the curtain wall type and the connection between canopies and tower structure respectively. The development proposes the selection of glass fins facade and mounting canopy type with cables and stanchions to provide a crystalline appearance for the building entrance.

In-house produced facade proposal images of lobby and canopy (Above)


mattcf_chan Matt Chan 陳志輝/ 4Lee

In memory of the Mackintosh building, the Glasgow School of Art, where I spent my years exploring art and architecture that, the fire will never take away from us.


mattcf_chan Matt Chan 陳志輝/ 4Lee

Produced and Edited by Chi Fai Chan @ 2018

Chi Fai Chan: Works Collection 2015-18

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