Works Barcodes
Exhibition in unreal time 2016 2017
Matteo Fieni
Table of Contents 5 Barcodes
38 Exhibition in unreal time
65-68 Captions by images
Presentation Presentazione
Presentation Presentazione
69 Captions by tributes
6 Titles Titoli Reading 1 Lettura 1 Reading 2 Lettura 2
39-61 In Paris
7-22 Architecture and urbanism
62-64 Out of Paris
70 Critical bibliography
71 About Biography Biografia Principal researches
72 Book Collector edition Exemplare n° Text Editing Layout Translation Bindery Credits Copyrights
23-30 Icons/Symbols/Sturctures 31-35 Movement of luminous bodies 36-37 Movement of human bodies
Presentation This research is based on the formal analogy between the graphic patterns, employed by the barcode system and the photographic motifs that can be obtained through mechanical processes. Presentazione Questa ricerca si basa sull’analogia formale tra i motivi grafici (pattern) adottati dal sistema del codice a barre (barcode) e i motivi fotografici che si possono ottenere attraverso un processo meccanico. Titles The series is currently made of about fifty images and since 2017 the experimented language has been partially exalted in the series “Exhibition in unreal time”. The name pays homage to Franco Vaccari, by playing with the title of one of his installations called “Esposizione in tempo reale” (Exhibition in real time) (Biennale Venezia 1972). The title of the series “Barcodes”, also used by Vaccari “Bar Code – Code Bar” (Biennale Venezia, 1993), is instead to be considered as pure coincidence. Titoli La serie è attualmente composta da una cinquantina di immagini ed il linguaggio sperimentato è stato parzialmente sublimato nella serie “Exposition en temps irréel” a partire dal 2017. Il nome rende omaggio a Franco Vaccari giocando sul titolo di una sua installazione denominata “Esposizione in tempo reale” (Biennale Venezia 1972). Consderato pura coincidenza il titolo della serie “Barcodes” anch’esso usato dal Vaccari con “Bar Code - Code Bar” (Biennale Venezia, 1993).
Reading 1 Traceability, control and critical evaluation of the data are correlated to the reactions they produce on human thought, the so-called noosphere. The industrial systems, included in what we nowadays define “market” ; the industrial landscape, to be intended as urban architecture, and the exchange of knowledge sum up in the ‘demand and supply’metaphor and are reduced to their own use. The mixing of genres is thus translated into a sociographic approach, influenced by the superstructures created by the overlap between thought and image. A mirroring that is nothing but the phenomenological sum of content and container. This contemporary imaginary is comparable to the constant remodelling between demand and supply and by the deeply-rooted automatisms of the system we live in, thus producing a faster and more dynamic data flow. Like a liquid, the thought becomes more and more shared and unitary, still responding to the logic of a present almost impossible to stop and bring into focus. The images, so called Barcodes, are hence to be intended as the reflection of this sensory and perceptual alteration’s process advanced through the combination of photo manipulation, social conventions and simulated reality. Lettura 1 La tracciabilità, il controllo e la valutazione critica dei dati informatici sono correlati alle reazioni che producono sul pensiero degli uomini, la cosiddetta noosfera. I sistemi industriali, compresi in quello che oggi definiamo “mercato”; il paesaggio industriale, da intendersi come architettura urbana, e lo scambio del sapere si condensano nella metafora della domanda e dell’offerta e vengono ridotti alla loro stessa fruizione. La miscela dei generi si traduce così in un approccio sociografico, influenzato dalle sovrastrutture create dall’accavallamento del pensiero con l’immagine. Un rispecchiarsi che potrebbe essere la somma fenomenologica di contenuto e contenitore. Questo immaginario contemporaneo è sostenuto dal costante rimodellarsi tra domanda
e offerta e degli automatismi consolidati del sistema in cui viviamo, che producono un flusso di dati sempre più veloce e dinamico. Liquido. Il pensiero diventa così sempre più condiviso e unitario, ma risponde comunque a un presente soggettivo impossibile da fermare e mettere a fuoco. Le immagini, definite Barcodes, ossia codici a barre, sono quindi da intendersi come il riflesso di questo processo di alterazione fisico-percettiva proposto attraverso combinazioni di manipolazione ottica, convenzioni sociali e simulazioni della realtà Reading 2 The author addresses from an aesthetic-technical point of view the transition process which essentially turns the mimesis from “iconodule”, that is generative and venerable, to “iconoclastic”. There is thus a shift to a conceptual level by focusing on the thought of an image more than on the subjects tout court. The process starts by filtering the idea of an objective reality through a purely optical manipulation, thus allowing the fleeting present to test itself in metamemory. The reproduction of information is spread in the reality, and appears in patterns. The original drawing or landscape thus turns into luminous structures. It is an “iconoclastic”operation, in the very etymological sense of the term that is “destroying images” which could remind of a mosaic. The implemented process could be defined “pure documentary uchronia”, as it produces an hypothetical subject, simulated on the basis of realistic data. These kinetic appearances obtained in just one and precise shot, exquisitely without the aid of either post-production photo manipulation, or multiple exposure, are the outcome of an analysis which brings to light that optical unconscious which many theorists, such as Rosalind Krauss, Walter Benjamin and Franco Vaccari refer to. This research consciously compares the photographic language by verifying it in the range of the features pertinent to photography. The addressed genres are, in no particular
order: documentary, landscape, urbanism and nude. The research also includes other factors, such as the movement of luminous objects in the space. The study of the metalanguage results in a new direct visual experience. Lettura 2 L’autore affronta da un punto di vista estetico-percettivo il processo di transizione che porta essenzialmente la mimèsi da “iconodula”, vale a dire generativa e venerabile, a “iconoclasta”. Ci si sposta così sul piano concettuale concentrandosi sul pensiero di un’immagine più che sui soggetti tout court. Il processo inizia filtrando l’idea di una realtà oggettiva attraverso una manipolazione puramente ottica, permettendo all’innafferabile presente di sperimentarsi in metamemoria. La riproduzione dell’informazione si riverbera nel reale manifestandosi in patterns. Il disegno o paesaggio originario si trasforma così in strutture di natura luminosa. Si tratta di un’operazione “iconoclasta”, nel senso etimologico del termine di “rottura di un’immagine”, che fa pensare a un mosaico estremamente estetico. Il processo messo in atto si potrebbe definire “pura ucronia documentaristica”, poiché produce un’ipotetica materia, simulata sulla base di dati realistici. Questi simulacri cinetici ottenuti in una sola e precisa ripresa, senza l’ausilio di ulteriori lavorazioni, ne di multi scatti, sono il risultato dell’assorbimento di quell’inconscio ottico-tecnico a cui molti teorici fanno riferimento, basti citare Rosalind Krauss, Walter Benjamin e Franco Vaccari. Questa ricerca propone una nuova interpretazione del linguaggio fotografico partendo da una verifica sui rispettivi generi fotografici.
Architecture and urbanism
Petrol station City Carburoil Monte Ceneri (CH) 2016
Architect: Rino Tami
Architecture and urbanism
Tram stop Bellevue ZĂźrich (CH) 2016
Tribute to Philip K. Dick
Science fiction Uchronia 8
Architecture and urbanism
Train station City Center Oerlikon-ZĂźrich (CH) 2016 9
Architecture and urbanism
Television station Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR) Oerlikon-ZĂźrich (CH) 2016
Architecture and urbanism
Metro station Haupbanhof ZĂźrich (CH) 2016 11
Architecture and urbanism
“Der kreuzung” Oerlikon-Zürich 2016
Precursor Exhibition in unreal time
Architecture and urbanism
“Airgate” Credit Suisse Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016 13
Architecture and urbanism
“China Town” Raiffeisen Bank Zürich (CH) 2016 14
Architecture and urbanism
Old district Oerlikon-ZĂźrich (CH) 2016 15
Architecture and urbanism
District / Station Oerlikon-ZĂźrich (CH) 2016 16
Architecture and urbanism
“Facade” Credit Suisse Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016 17
Architecture and urbanism
Credit Suisse district Hallenstadion Parking Oerlikon-ZĂźrich (CH) 2016 18
Architecture and urbanism
Cty lights Rooftop race and test track Fiat Lingotto factory Torino (I) 2016
Architecture and urbanism Industrial archaeology
La pinacoteca Rooftop race and test track Fiat Lingotto factory Torino (I) 2016
Architecture and urbanism Industrial archaeology
Gaswerk Schlieren (CH) 2016
Tribute to Bernd and Hilla Becher
DĂźsseldorf School
Barcodes Exhibition in unrial time (day hybrid)
Architecture and urbanism Industrial archaeology
“The cross� Rail station (on demolition) Chiasso (CH) 2017 22
Icons, symbols, sturctures
“Simulacrum” Underground Bahnhof Zürich (CH) 2016
Tribute to Titus Lucretius Carus
Icons, symbols, sturctures
“Falling rocks� Sentiero di Gandria Lugano (CH) 2017 24
Icons, symbols, sturctures
“Erotik Kino “ Langstrasse Zürich (CH) 2016 25
Icons, symbols, sturctures
Brè Sign Monte Brè Lugano (CH) 2017 26
Icons, symbols, sturctures
Colorado Hotel Colorado Lugano (CH) 2017
Grayscale Hotel Colorad Lugano (CH) 2017 27
Icons, symbols, sturctures
Snack Bar “Le Charly” Port de Plaisance Binic (FR) 2016 28
Icons, symbols, sturctures
“Gotic Eiffel� Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Roland Barthes
Icons, symbols, sturctures
“Pop Eiffel” Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Andy Warhol
Pop Art
Movement of luminous bodies
“Feux d’artifice” Fête d’Arvoir, Vannes (FR) 2016 31
Movement of luminous bodies
“Bumper Cars� Luna Park Lugano (CH) 2016 32
Movement of luminous bodies
“An incomming Taxi� Zona Garibaldi Milano (I) 2016 33
Movement of luminous bodies
Ferris Wheel Marseille (FR) 2016 34
Movement of luminous bodies
“Vortex” Carousel San Gilles Corix De Vie (FR) 2016 35
Movement of human bodies
“The Threepenny Opera” Dimitri Theater Accademy - LAC Lugano (CH) 2016
Tribute to Eadweard Muybridge Étienne-Jules Marey
Movement of human bodies
Nue Descendant un escalier nr. 1 (Triptyque) Lausanne (CH) 2017
Tribute to Marcel Duchamp
Exhibition in unreal time
Presentation The research is a process of poetical perception, which follows the sociographic analysis conducted in 2016 (“Barcodes”), where the graphic elements (pattern), sprung from the optical manipulation technique, resembled the motifs adopted by the barcode system. From the image to the inquiry. Then (here) from the inquiry to the immersion, through some snaps taken in that short spatio-temporal framework that occurs between the light fading out and the dark beginning / and vice versa. When (and where) the environmental contrast decreases, the city awakens ( or falls asleep), and the depth of the image intensifies. The mechanical manipulation allows to expand the perceptual moment, thus making visible the process of the “optical and technological unconscious” (ref. Benjamin and Vaccari). It is a more figurative and “gentler” photographic action, in comparison to the linear style sought after in Barcodes. The expansion of an ephemeral vision, like the luminous transition which divides the day from the night, and the night from the day, makes the time (and space) less real.
rispetto allo stile lineare ricercato in Barcodes. La dilatazione di una visione effimera, come la transizione luminosa che separa il giorno dalla notte e la notte dal giorno, rende il tempo meno reale.
Presentazione Questa ricerca è un processo di percezione poetica, che segue l’analisi sociografica condotta nel 2016 (“Barcodes”), in cui gli elementi grafici (pattern), scaturiti dal processo di manipolazione ottica, ricordavano i motivi adottatti dal sistema del codice a barre. Dall’immagine all’indagine. E poi (qui) dall’indagine all’immersione, attraverso degli scatti realizzati nel breve spazio-temporale che si trova tra la fine della luce e l’inizio del buio / e viceversa. Quando (e dove) il contrasto ambientale diminuisce, la città si risveglia (o si addormenta), e la profondità dell’immagine si amplifica. La manipolazione meccanica consente di dilatare il momento percettivo, rendendo visibile il processo di “inconscio ottico e tecnologico” (rif. Benjamin e Vaccari). Si tratta di un’azione fotografica più figurativa e “gentile”,
Exhibition in unreal time
“Derive” Rue inconnue Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Guy de Maupassant
Exhibition in unreal time
“Un pont en-fer” Gare du Nord Paris (FR) 2017 40
Exhibition in unreal time
“Bloc intérior” Rue inconnue Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Carl Gustav Jung
Exhibition in unreal time
“Don de sang” Hôpital St. Louis Paris (FR) 2017 42
Exhibition in unreal time
Temple de la Sibylle Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Victor Hugo
Exhibition in unreal time Nature fiilter
“De Rerum Natura� Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017 44
Exhibition in unreal time
“Ricorda una palma, era un pino� Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017 45
Exhibition in unreal time
“La Défence de dimanche” Paris (FR) 2017 46
Exhibition in unreal time
Arc de Triomphe Paris (FR) 2017 47
Exhibition in unreal time
Basilique du SacrĂŠ-Coeur Montmartre Paris (FR) 2017 48
Exhibition in unreal time
Pantheon Paris (FR) 2017 49
Exhibition in unreal time
Hôpital Saint Louis Paris (FR) 2017 50
Exhibition in unreal time
“Hybridization” Hôpital Saint Louis Paris (FR) 2017 51
Exhibition in unreal time
Moulin Rouge Paris (FR) 2017 52
Exhibition in unreal time
“Cinetic Paris” Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017 53
Exhibition in unreal time
Eiffel distortion Paris (FR) 2017 54
Exhibition in unreal time
Rue George Lardennois Paris (FR) 201 55
Exhibition in unreal time
“Barcodes” Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017 56
Exhibition in unreal time
*L’aube de février” Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017 57
Exhibition in unreal time
Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017 58
Exhibition in unreal time
“La maison fromage� X Arrondissement Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 59
Exhibition in unreal time
“Avant Carl Andre” Musée d’Art moderne Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Carl Andre
Primary Structures
Exhibition in unreal time
“Les Deux Plateaux” Palais Royal Paris (FR) 2017
Tribute to Daniel Buren
Exhibition in unreal time
Out of Paris
“Sighignola en pleine lune� Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017
Environment without artificial lights
Exhibition in unreal time
Out of Paris
“Lignum flammae” Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017 63
Exhibition in unreal time
Out of Paris
“Aliquid stat pro aliquo” Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017 64
Captions by images 7
Petrol station City Carburoil Monte Ceneri (CH) 2016
Television station Swiss Broadcasting Corporation Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
“Airgate” Suisse Tertiary District Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
District / Station Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
“City lights” Rooftop race and test track Fiat Lingotto factory Torino (I) 2016
“The cross” Rail station Chiasso (CH) 2017
Tram stop Bellevue Zürich (CH) 2016
Metro station Haupbanhof Zürich (CH) 2016
“China Town” Raiffeisen Bank Zürich (CH) 2016
“Facade” Credit Suisse Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
La pinacoteca Rooftop race and test track Fiat Lingotto factory Torino (I) 2016
Underground Bahnhof Zürich (CH) 2016
“Der kreuzung” Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
Old district Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
Credit Suisse district Hallenstadion Parking Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
Gaswerk Schlieren (CH) 2016
“Falling rocks” Sentiero di Gandria Lugano (CH) 2017
Train station City center Oerlikon-Zürich (CH) 2016
“Erotik Kino” Langstrasse Zürich (CH) 2016
Snack Bar “Le Charly” Port de Plaisance Binic (FR) 2016
“Feux d’artifice” Fête d’Arvoir Vannes (FR) 2016
Ferris Wheel Marseille (FR) 2016
Nue Descendant un escalier nr. 1 Lausanne (CH) 2017
“Bloc intérior” Rue inconnue Paris (FR) 2017
“The Brè Sign” Monte Brè Lugano (CH) 2017
“Gotic Eiffel” Paris (FR) 2017
“Bumper Cars” Luna Park Lugano (CH) 2016
“Vortex” Carousel San Gilles Corix De Vie (FR) 2016
“Derive” Rue inconnue Paris (FR) 2017
“Don de sang” Hôpital St. Louis Paris (FR) 2017
“The Brè Sign” Monte Brè Lugano (CH) 2017
“Dark Eiffel” Paris (FR) 2017
“An incomming Taxi” Garibaldi Milano (I) 2016
“The Threepenny Opera” Dimitri Theater Accademy Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Lugano (CH) 2016
“Un pont en-fer” Gare du Nord Paris (FR) 2017
Temple de la Sibylle Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017
“De Rerum Natura” Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017
Arc de Triomphe Paris (FR) 2017
Hôpital Saint Louis Paris (FR) 2017
“Cinetic Paris” Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017
“Barcodes” Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017
“La maison fromage” X Arrondissement Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017
“Ricorda una palma, era un pino” Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Paris (FR) 2017
Basilique du Sacré-Coeur Montmartre Paris (FR) 2017
“Hybridization” Hôpital Saint Louis Paris (FR) 2017
Rue George Lardennois Paris (FR) 2017
*L’aube de février” Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017
“Avant Carl Andre” Musée d’Art moderne Paris (FR) 2017
“La Défence de dimanche” Paris (FR) 2017
Pantheon Paris (FR) 2017
Moulin Rouge Paris (FR) 2017
Rue George Lardennois Paris (FR) 2017
Canal St. Martin Paris (FR) 2017
“Les Deux Plateaux” Palais Royal Paris (FR) 2017
“Sighignola en pleine lune” Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017 63
“Lignum flammae” Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017 64
“Aliquid stat pro aliquo” Sentiero di Gandria Ceresio Lake (CH) 2017
Caption by tributes 5
Philip K. Dick Science fiction, uchronia
Roland Barthes Critics
Marcel Duchamp Kinetic
Victor Hugo Drawings
Bernd and Hilla Becher DĂźsseldorf School
Andy Warhol Pop Art
Guy de Maupassant Poetry
Carl Andre Primary Structures
Titus Lucretius Carus Materialism
Eadweard Muybridge and Étienne-Jules Marey Chronophotography
Carl Gustav Jung Psychoanalysis
Daniel Buren Minimalism
Critical bibliography Agamben, Giorgio L’uomo senza contenuto, 1994 Quodlibet Barthes, Roland La camera chiara, Nota sulla fotografia 1980 Gli Struzzi 230, Einaudi Barthes, Roland La Tour Eiffel 2011 Sevil Editeur
1966-1991 Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi Chardin, Pierre Teilhard Il fenomeno umano 2010 Editore Queriniana Cheéroux, Clément L’errore fotografico Una breve storia 2003 Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi
Bauman, Zygmunt Modernità liquida 2011 Editore Laterza
Clair, Jean Critica della modernità Considerazione sullo stato delle belle arti 1983 Umberto Allemandi & C
Baudrillard, Jean Simulacra and Simulation 2016 Michigan
Dick, K. Philip I simulacri 1998 Fanucci Editore
Belting, Hans Antropologia delle immagini 2013 Carocci Editore
Debord, Guy Société du spectacle 1992 Edition Gallimard, Paris
Benjamin, Walter L’opera d’arte nell’epoca delle sua riproducibilità tecnica Arte e società di massa
Flusser, Vilém Per una filosofia della fotografia 2006 Bruno Mondadori
Foucault, Michel Surveiller et punir 1975 Edition Gallimard, Paris Freund, Gisèle Photographie et societé 1974 Editions du Seuil Frigeni, Veronica L’incoscio ottico delal storia: per una retorica della visione perturbante in Antonio Tabucchi 2014 Between, IV.7
mondo 1989 Bollati Boringhieri Leonardi, Nicoletta Fotografia e materialità in Italia Franco Vaccari Mario Cresi Guido Guidi Luigi Ghirri 2013 Postmediabooks Krauss, Rosalind L’inconscio ottico 2008 Bruno Mondadori
Gimpel, Jean Contro l’arte e gli artisti, Nascita di una religione 2000 Bollati Borighieri
Mohnoly-Nagy, Lazlo Pittura, Fotografia e Film 1987 Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi
Jung, Carl Gustav Risposta a Giobbe 1992 Biblioteca Bollati Boringhieri
Rovelli, Carlo Sette brevi lezioni di fisica 2014 Adephi
La Cecla, Franco Contro l’urbanistica 2014 Einaudi
Rovelli, Carlo L’ordine del tempo 2017 Piccola Biblioteca 705
Latouche, Serge L’occidentalizzazione del
Salingrados, A., Nikos Antiarchitettura e
demolizione La fine dell’architettura modernista 2005 Libreria Editirce Fiorentina Sontag, Susan Sur la photographie 1993 Christian Burgois Editeur Vaccari, Franco Fotografia e inconscio tecnologico 1994 Agorà Editrice
About Biography Matteo Fieni (CH, 1976)
Principal researches
His artistic research is characterized by an intuitive approach, an experimental spirit and a pragmatic method. Matteo investigates both the effects of the photographic medium on human perceptions and its subconscious characteristics, by combining various types of discourse into formal projects to create new visual experiences.
Exhibition in unreal time
2017 (- in progress)
Pedestrian Flow Wrong Side (- in progress) Printer Damage Barcodes (- in progress) PrivcyFreeZone 2015
Interpositions 2011-2012
Good morning, Lugano
Biografia Matteo Fieni (CH, 1976)
2010-2015 (-2017)
La sua ricerca artistica è contraddistinta da approccio intuitivo, spirito sperimentale e metodo pragmatico. Matteo indaga sia gli effetti del medium fotografico sulla percezione umana, sia le sue caratterische inconsce, combinandone i discorsi di svariata natura in progetti formali, volte a realizzare nuove esperienze visive.
Ritratti Metropolitani Virgin times
Book Collector edition First autoproducted edition limited at 23 copies. The exemplaries are numbered from 1 to 23 with three-color process on 120 gr/m2 on brillant paper. December 2017 Exemplare n°
Editing / text Matteo Fieni Chiara Zocchi Cristian Bubola Translation Alessandra Marelli Layout Matteo Fieni Bindery Legatoria Auguadri Como (I) Copyrights All images and materials shown in this book are copyright protected. Prolitteris Š Matteo Fieni, 2016-2017